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Learning Stories



Student is reading at grade

level. Student is able to
read a passage then
verbally response to
questions. The students
can write long detailed
pieces of text which full in
a logical sequence but
struggles with the
mechanics of how to form
a full sentence.

Student is able to read text

in English at a grade 5
level but often needs help
defining words. Student
will advocate for their
selves and get a dictionary
to check a word or ask an
adult in the room. Students
written out put in clear and
concise. Student
demonstrates the use of
conventions when writing
but struggles with
paragraph structure. This
student is often able to
write a clear explanation


Social Responsibility


Extra Needs/ Other

Student is able to perform Student is often
Student is full of joy
This student can be
addition with regrouping
disruptive to peers in
and loves to be silly.
hard to assess due to
using metal math
class and need one on one They are a prolific
how distracted they
strategies. This student can re-directing to stop
reader and drawer.
become and the lack of
also subtract with double
unexpected behaviour.
This student is often
commended work
digits. They are currently
This student is caring and able to explain their
done in class.
working towards building willing to work with other selves through writing Alternative
their multiplication skills. peers; enjoys interacting
an elaborate story to
assignments are a great
The student is able to use
with peers on the
me. This student lights way to motivate this
tools (multiplication chart) playground. Student
up the classroom every student to work as well
to assess in completing
needs assistance to retime they walk it
as fit their induvial
math work. This student
direct their body when
which their big smile
needs and talents.
can often give answer to
they are in an unsafe
on their face.
Parents are hard to get
questions but is unable to
situation or at risk of
in touch with. Has a
explain how they came to
hurting a peer.
new sibling on the
the conclusion or answer.
Student is able to multiply
single digital numbers
with confidences. This
student is struggling with
multiplying 2 and 3 digit
numbers at this time.
Student is use math time
wisely and reviewing
strategies to multiply 2
and 3 digit numbers. The
next step for this students
is to work towards
building their knowledge
on long division.

This student is always a

great role model for peers
in the class because they
are on task, engaged in
their learning and ready
for the next activity when
it starts. The student is
respectful to adults and
peers in the room. They
are inclusive of other
around them and work
well with others.

Student is a happy
young person; who is
always open to trying
new things. This
student is focused to
improving their work
and skills. This
students show their
determination during
P.E as they focused on
improving their
volleyball skills. This
student is extreme
friendly and
approachable which
makes them a favorite

Receives support from

the schools ESL
teacher to support their
growth in learning the
English language.
Student was born in
the Philippines and
moved to Canada
around Sept. 2014.
Highly interested in
outdoor activity and
sports. Student often
hands in incomplete
work and needs to
double check work is
completed before

of what they have read but

struggles to verbally
explain their answer

of their classmates to
do work with or play
with. Hands in
assignments on time
and completed.

handing it in.

Student is able to execute

reading response tasks
which involve
comprehension and
formulating a written
answer. Student enjoys
reading graphic novels.
Uses picture clues to gain
understanding; student
may have to re-read if they
are no picture clues.

Student is able to multiple

with single digit numbers.
They are working towards
being able to multiply with
2 and 3 digit numbers.
Student is confident in
their adding and
subtracting skills of
multiple digit numbers.

This student is inclusive

of most other students in
the classroom. Student is
kind to others and cares
for their class mates.
Student does well with
group work. The student
often needs a reminder to
not blurt out in class as
well as to use their filter
when talking in the class.

This student is a head

strong and a
determined student
when they choose to
be. Student is
inclusive of others in
the classroom. Student
is full of jokes, enjoys
laughing and having a
fun time.

Student often misses

class which impacts
their completion of
work and academic
growth. Student needs
support to set goal to
finish and complain
school work. Can be
supported with Jupiter
grades. Student is
often tired in class.

Student is able to read and

write at grade level. This
student is confident in
their reading abilities.
They are able to articulate
through both written and
verbal responses to convey
their understanding of

Student is confident with

single digit multiplication.
This student is working
towards building their
understanding of double
and triple digit
multiplication. The next
step for this student is to
work towards
strengthening their
division skills.

This student is willing to

take part in any and all
class activities. Student is
able to use their critical
thinking skills to solve
their own problems.
Student is able get along
with peers in class.
Student is respectful of
adults and follows school
rules and expectations.

Student is a joyful
child; who loves
playing sports in class.
Student is able to
express their selves
well verbally. This
student is quiet,
determined to finish
school work on time,
and to the best of their

Student is artistic and

enjoys drawing. This
student is active and
enjoys spending time
outside riding bikes.

Student is able to read and

write at grade level. This
student is confident in
their reading abilities.
They are able to articulate
through both written and
verbal responses to convey

Student is confident with

all basic math skills for
grade level. Student is
confidently able to
multiple and divides with
double digit numbers.
Student has shown

This student is willing to

take part in any and all
class activities. Student is
able to use their critical
thinking skills know they
need to seek an adult out
to assist in problem

Student is athletic and

enjoys engaging in
physical activity.
Student has a high
energy level. This
student always has
something to

Student is youngest of
three boys. Student has
a paper route which is
done with another
student in the class
after school.

their understanding of

dedication to complete
math work during class
time but does become
distracted by others at

solving. The student is

respectful to adults and
peers in the room. They
are inclusive of other
around them and work
well with others.

contribute during class

discussions and uses
class time wisely.
Hands in assignments
on time and

Student is a fluent reader.

Student enjoys reading
graphic novels. Student is
able to execute reading
response tasks which
involve comprehension
and formulating a written
answer. This students
written expression is often
messy and unclear. This is
due to the student rushing
and not taking their time
when writing. Student is
working towards
improving this skill.

Student is able to perform

addition and subtraction
with regrouping. This
student often does not
show their work when
doing regrouping which
can cause errors. Student
needs reminders to slow
down and show work. The
student is fully capable of
the regrouping concept
though. Student is working
towards building their
understanding of
multiplication. Student
uses multiplication chart
as a tool.

Student is inclusive of
others when working in
our classroom setting
(Struggles in P.E to be
inclusive of others).
Student does well with
group work and can
problem solve
independently. The
student does often needs a
reminder to not blurt out
in class and to be mindful
of their body going into
other space.

Student is self-aware.
This student was able
to communicate that
they needed to sit
alone because they
were distracting others
and their selves from
completing work.
Student is aware when
they need a break from
work to support in

Student at times can

have explosive
behaviour. This has not
been witnessed at
school but has been
reported by the
students parent to
myself and classroom
teacher. Parent has
asked that we be aware
of this behaviour and
to call home if it
happens in class.
Student is involved in
extracurricular sports
such as hockey and

Student is struggling with

literacy skills. Student has
assessed at a grade two
reading early immerging
reader. Student is working
with support staff to
increase their literacy
skills. Student is able to
use picture clues to assist
in finding the meaning in a
piece of text. Student is
able to write clearly with
direction to complete their

Student is able to add with

regrouping. Student can
answer addition with
regrouping question using
mental math skills.
Student can subtract with
single digit numbers.
Student often needs a EA
or teacher to go over
instruction verbally to
review with the student
what they need to do.
Student is able to advocate

Student is respectful to
peers and adults. Student
follows school rules and
class expectations.
Student is kind and cares
for others.

Student is kind and

sweet. They are
concerned with
making sure others are
happy. This student is
has an infectious smile
which lights up the

This student is often

absent for long periods
of time. The child and
youth care worker is
involved with this
child and their family.
Student is very soft
spoken and
withdrawals from class
if touched someone
touches his body
(whether it be a
teacher, support staff


for their selves and ask for

manipulatives to assist in
answering a question.

or a peer). Student will

withdrawal from class
work when they feel
challenged. Student
spends recess inside
because they are
vulnerably and feel
uncomfortable with
peers. Student
struggles to be a selfstarter and needs an
adult to assist.

Student receives extra

support from the BEARs
program to assist in the
student improving their
literacy skills. Student
struggles to form complete
written sentences. Student
is a reluctant reader. The
student is able to form
sentences and paragraphs
with peer or adult

Student is determined
when working on math
concepts. Student
struggles with math
concept such as addition
and subtraction with
regrouping along with
multiplication. Student
does advocate for their
selves and seek out tools
to assist in understanding

Student is kind to others

and cares for their class
mates. Student does well
with group work. This
student is willing to take
part in any and all class
activities. The student is
respectful to adults and
peers in the room. They
are inclusive of other
around them and work
well with others.

Student is determined
and stubborn. These
traits will assist in
them being able to
overcome their
struggles. This student
is joyful and positive
despite the obstacles
they face academically
and emotional.

Student is being
supported by school
counselor. Student is
often unprepared to
start work and does not
have their learning
tools out. Student is
extremely artist;
enjoys painting and

Student receives extra

support from the BEARs
program to assist in the
student improving their
literacy skills. Student
enjoys reading graphic
novels. Student is able to
use picture clues to assist
in understanding the text.
Student struggles with
written output but can
verbally express their self

Student has shown they

understand how to add and
subtract with regrouping.
Student has revealed on a
unit test that they have
mastered these skills.
Students next step is to
build their multiplication
skills. Student does
successfully use tools to
assist gaining a strong
grasp on multiplication

Student gets along well

with others, inclusive,
kind and shares equally. .
Student does well with
group work. This student
is willing to take part in
any and all class
activities. This student is
respectful to teachers,
peers and follows school

Student has an
energetic, playful and
personality. This
student has a bright
and joyful smile. They
are willing to try new
tasks. This student is a
social butterfly who
honestly gets along
with all other students.

Student often says they

cannot do their work
because they cant
read. Student will easy
avoid doing classwork
and often does not
hand in work on time
or ever. Student is
being supported by
school based team to
assist in improving
literacy skills. Student




Student is able to read and

write at grade level. This
student is confident in
their reading abilities.
Student is able to
confidently complete tasks
through written
expression. They are able
to articulate through both
written and verbal
responses to convey their
understanding of material.

(need reminder to use

tools doesnt
independently always use
them). Student struggles
with word problems due to
low the struggle with
literacy skills.

Student has shown they

understand how to add and
subtract with regrouping.
Student has revealed on a
unit test that they have
mastered these skills.
Student does forget to
show work but is capable.
Students next step is to
build their multiplication
skills. Student does
successfully use tools to
assist gaining a strong
grasp on multiplication
Student is confident in
Student is able to execute
their literacy skills.
appropriate numeracy
Student is able to clearly
skills for grade level.
complete reading
Student is progressing
comprehension task which through class material
are assigned. Student was
such as graphing, division,
able to quickly develop
and multiplication. This
ideas for their pen pal
student has not been able
letter. Student is able to
to show on a formal test
clearly read text and
that they understand these
develop a understanding of math concepts but can
the key take away(s) from execute in class work

is in need to
developing confidence
in their own abilities to
assist in their own
motivation to complete
work on their own.
Student has been in
French immersion and
was moved back into a
regular classroom
Student is kind to others
and cares for their class
mates. Student does well
with group work. This
student is willing to take
part in any and all class
activities. The student is
respectful to adults and
peers in the room. They
are inclusive of other
around them and work
well with others.

Student is a joyful and

fun loving. This
student is always
positive and willing to
try new things.
Student is empathetic
to others and cares for
anyone around them.
Hands in assignments
on time and

Student has minimal

time at home for
support from parents
due to the families
situation. Student
appears to have facial
paralysis on one side
of her mouth. I have
inquired as to why but
the small has no
information about it.
This causes the student
to have slurred speech.

Student is aware of their

peers at all times. This
student has developed
great empathy for peers
around them. The student
is a role model for others
in class; they also are
prepared for our next
class activity and prompt
peers to get ready. This
student is able to follow
class routes and rules.

Student is self-aware
and knows when to
take a break to
regulate their
behaviour. Student to
athletic and enjoys
physical activity.
Student is lively and
enthusiastic about new

Student was
considered for an
behaviour IEP last
year. This student has
come a long way from
last year. Student is
emotional and can
have outburst at times.
Student will at times
try to get other in
trouble to avoid blame.
They also need at

the article.

independently and
correctly. Further
observations will be made
(possible test anxiety).

times coaching to
make the right choices
but this student is able
to make the right
choice to self-regulate
it is rare that you have
to intervene but must
at times.


Student is able to read text

in English at a grade 4
level but often needs help
defining words. Student
often needs confirmation
of cultural terms or slang.
Student will advocate for
their selves and get a
dictionary to check a word
or ask an adult in the
room. Students written out
put in clear and concise.
This student is often able
to write a clear explanation
of what they have read but
struggles to verbally
explain their answer

Student is able execute

basic math skills. This
student is working towards
building an understanding
to multiplication concepts.
This student shows
determination and a drive
to complete numeracy

Student works will with

peers in the class and on
the playground. Student is
inclusive of all other
during group activities
and exercises. This
student follows class and
school rules; as well as
respects adults.

Student is a cheery and

enjoys to laugh. This
student smile can
bring a smile to
anyones faces.
Student advocate for
their selves by asking
questions when they
need things clarified.
This student is
determined and willing
to work towards a goal
they may have. Hands
in assignments on time
and completed.

Receives support from

the schools ESL
teacher to support their
growth in learning the
English language.
Student was born in
Bolivia has recently
moved to Canada with
family. Student enjoys
art and physical


Student is able to read text

in English at a grade 5
level. Student will
advocate for their selves
and get a dictionary to
check a word from
understanding if they are
unclear. Students written
out put in clear and
concise. Student

Student has a strong grasp

of math concepts such as
multiplication, divisions
and graphing. This student
is able to focus on
numeracy tasks at. This
student is able to
demonstrate their
understanding of a concept
by mentoring peers in the

This student is a
wonderful role model for
their peers. They are on
task at all time and
prepared for the next
thing happening in class.
Student does well with
group work. This student
is willing to take part in
any and all class

Student is head strong

and determined to
complete task or goal
they set. Student has a
positive attitude
towards life and is
optimistic when
looking at situations.
This student is just so
willing to help others

Student has a twin the

school. Student has
moved to Canada as a
child from Hungrier.

demonstrates the use of

conventions when writing
but struggles with
paragraph structure.
Students can clearly
promote reading
comprehension tasks.


activities. This student is

respectful to teachers,
peers and follows school

as well as watch them

succeed instead of


Student demonstrates the

ability to read fluently and
comprehend what they
have read. Student enjoys
reading graphic novels.
Student could benefit from
working on their written
output. Sentence structure
and writing conventions
are often a struggle during
the writing process.

Student has demonstrated

their understanding on
basic math concepts just as
addition and subtraction
with regrouping. Student
is working towards
understanding their
multiplication skills. This
student would benefit from
practice at home. This
student is able to create
legible graphs with
properly labels parts.

Student is respectful to
peers and adults. Student
struggles to confidently
work with all peers in the
classroom (due to fear of
being bullied by others).

Student is an
empathetic person;
who is the first to
check in with a peer if
they are upset of hurt.
This student has
assignments on time
which is a change for
this student. The
student has shown
great pride in the work
that have
accomplished on their

This student struggles

with their emotions at
times and will have
outbursts. The student
will take their
frustration out on their
selves such as hitting
or kicking walls or will
negatively put their
selves down. It is key
that this student has
adult support to talk
through these
situations. Students
brother passed away
from a spinal cord
injury. Student is
sensitive to the topic of


Student is confident in
their literacy skills.
Student is able to complete
reading comprehension
task which are assigned
with assistance to build
sentence stems. Student
was able to quickly
develop ideas for their pen
pal letter. Student written

Student is struggling with

the basic math concepts.
Student is being supported
in class but is struggling to
grasp concepts such as
multiplication, graphing
and addition/subtraction
with regrouping. Student
need constant one on one
support when available to

Student often aggressive

when interacting with
peers both with their body
language and physical
contact. Student will push
others and body checks
others during P.E class to
ensure they win or have
the upper hand. Student is
working towards building

Student is head strong

and determined. This
student will be able to
accomplish goal if
they set them due to
their determination.
Student is able to give
inquisitive answers
when a question is
asked in class.

Student is in cadets
(navy division) this
may assist in student
the building
appropriate behaviour
and well as the skill to
follow rule and

expression often lacks

conventions and clarity.

ensure they are following

along with the concept
being covered that day.

appropriate behaviour and

action at school when
interacting with peers and


Student is able to read text

in English at a grade 5
level but often needs help
defining words. Student
can to build connections
after reading a passage.
Student benefits from
having sentence stems
created with them. Student
is able to read fluently and
enjoys reading graphic

Student is able to multiply

single digital numbers
with confidences. This
student is struggling with
multiplying 2 and 3 digit
numbers at this time.
Student is use math time
wisely and reviewing
strategies to multiply 2
and 3 digit numbers. The
next step for this students
is to work towards
building their knowledge
on long division.

Student needs reminders

to move from one activity
to the next. Often it is
helpful to remind the
student to look at the
visual schedule or to look
at what peers are doing.
This student is aware of
their peers and will
remind peers to stay on
task during a class
activity. Student is always
willing to take part in any
class activities and will
contribute if possible.
Student is works well in
group work and get along
with peers.

Student will advocate

for their selves and use
tools available in the
classroom to assist in
accomplishing tasks.
Student will seek out a
dictionary when they
are unclear of a word
instead of asking an
adult which shows
their ability to problem
solve and think
critically. Student has
a gift for artistic
expression and can
often express their
thoughts through
detailed pictures they

This student has a

younger sister in the
school. Enjoys creating
comic with great


Student is able to read

fluently and build
connections to text.
Student will be continuing
to work on building their
compression skills through
weekly reading response
tasks. Although the
student does lose focus
due to being distracting by
others. Students written
expression is clear and

Student has shown they

are able to add and
subtract with regrouping
on a unit test. The student
needs reminders to
remember to show work
but does have a deep
understanding of the
concept. The nest step for
this student is to work on
their multiplication skills.

Student is kind to others

and cares for their class
mates. Student does well
with group work. This
student is willing to take
part in any and all class
activities. The student is
respectful to adults and
peers in the room. They
are inclusive of others
both in the classroom and
on the playground.

Student is fun loving

and joyful. This
student is always
making other laugh
with their funny faces
they make. The
student has a positive
attitude and outlook in

Student has a brother

in the school; who can
be very aggressive
both at school and
home. It is important
to know then because
this affects the student
emotional at times.


Student is struggling with

their literacy skills. This
student knows basic sight
words. This student reads
word by word and will reread if they need to.
Student is being supported
by student support worker
in the school and receives
help 3 times a week.

Student has demonstrated

their ability to add and
subtract with regrouping.
Student has shown
promise in their
understanding of
multiplication skills.
Student advocates for their
selves by using tools
available to assist in
numeracy work.

Student is very aware of

their peers. This student is
the first to help another
out in the class and is
always doing extra like
putting others chairs out
for them. Student follows
class routes, school rules
and in respectful. This
student is able to work
with peers well.

Student is kind and

calm. This student
maintains a calm
demeanor even when
frustrated due to
academic struggles.
Student is aware when
they need help from an
adult and will kindly
ask for assistance to
get work done.

Student receives
support for support
teachers and EA in
school. This student
has no formal
diagnoses but presents
signs of being L.D.
Student struggle to
keep up with class
work pace and often
needs extra time to
complete tasks.
Recently parent has
taken great interest in
assisting the student to
complete work at


Student is able to read and

write at grade level. This
student is confident in
their reading abilities.
Student often shows great
insight when giving a
response in class. They are
able to articulate through
both written and verbal
responses to convey their
understanding of material.
Students written work is
often hard to read. The
next step for this student is
to concentrate in slowing
down when writing to
improve legibility.

Student has a strong grasp

of math concepts taught
this year; such as
multiplication, divisions
and graphing. This student
is able to demonstrate their
understanding of a concept
by having clear written or
verbal explanation to how
they achieved a solution.

Student follow school

routes, class rules and is
respectful to all others.
This student is able to
work in a group with
anyone is the class. They
get along well with peers
both in class and on the
playground. Student does
lack focus at times due to
being distracted by
others. Student is selfaware that others can take
them off task.

Student is friendly and

inclusive of others.
This student will take
the time to put in the
extra effort into work
at time which often
leads to a wonderful
outcome. Student is
responsible this is
shown in class as well
as out of class by them
having a paper route
they do daily.

Younger brother in the

school. The student has
a daily paper route.


Student is able to fluently

Student is confident in

Student is kind to others

Student is not afraid to

Student has a 20

read. Student has shown

that they can read a
passage then explain what
it is they have read.
Student is able to form
complete sentences. The
next step for this student is
to work on building
paragraph writing skills.

their ability to add and

subtract with regrouping.
Student needs reminder to
show work to explain their
understanding and work.
Student is working
towards building an
understanding of the time
tables facts. Student is
able to use tools in the
classroom to assist in this.

and cares for their class

mates. This student is
willing to take part in any
and all class activities.
The student is respectful
to adults and peers in the
room. They are inclusive
of other around them and
work well with others.
Student is aware of peers
and will check in or help
a peer if they are under

be their selves. It is not month old brother.

uncommon to find this
student dancing or
singing along with
something while the
rest of the class is
hesitant to take part.
Student is aware of
their own needs and
has expressed that they
need to not sit by some
peers because they
will start to talk and
get distracted.


Student is able to read

with a good pass and
canter. Student is
struggling to form
complete sentence and
often lacks detail in
written work. The next
step for this student is to
look a sentence structures.
Student reading
comprehension is often
unclear misses
explanation and

Student is able to regroup

with subtraction and
addition but often does not
show written work.
Student struggles to
explain answer if asked
how they achieve the
answer. The next step for
this student is to start on
multiplication while
revisiting addition and

Student is inclusive of
other and works well in
groups. Student is often
distracting to peers and
off task during classroom
time. This student is
caring for others and
shows great empathy for

Student is artistic and

can create art to
express their
understanding. Student
is kind and enjoys to
be social with peers.
This student is friendly
willing to play with all

Student is often absent

for long periods of
time. This has greatly
taken an impact on
their learning this year.
Student was away for
7 of the 9 days of my


Student is confident in
their literacy skills.
Student is able to complete
reading comprehension
task which are assigned
with assistance to build
sentence stems. Student
was able to quickly

Student has shown they

are able to add and
subtract with regrouping
on a unit test. The student
needs reminders to
remember to show work
but does have a deep
understanding of the

Student is inclusive of
others and enjoys
working with peers.
Student is struggling to
stay on task in class as
well as not take others off
task. Student often has
toys in their desk which

Student has a great

imagination. They are
able to create
wonderful detailed
comics of situations.
Student has a real
artistic side to them.

Student is often tried

and looks as if they
may fall asleep on
their desk.

develop ideas for their pen

pal letter. Student written
expression often lacks
conventions and clarity.
Student need to focus on
placing capitals on letters
where needed. Capitals
were missing or in the
wrong spot through their
pen pal letter.

concept. Student is
capable of being strong in
numeracy but struggles
with other distraction
around. The nest step for
this student is to work on
their multiplication skills.

are very distracting to

their learning. Student
uses respectful language
with others and adults in
the room. Student is
willing to correct
behaviour when it is
address by an adult.


Student is able to read text

in English at a grade 5
level but often needs help
defining words. Student
can to build connections
after reading a passage.
Student benefits from
having sentence stems
created with them as well
as having explain of
sentence to build off of.
Student is able to read

Student has shown great

promise with their
numeracy skills. Student
has shown they are
capable of the following
skills addition and
subtraction with
regrouping, graphing and
multiplication. Student
often lacks focus which
has greatly impacted their

Student is struggling to
problem solve and
regulating their emotions.
This student is often
affected by outside
situations which greatly
impact their mood and
motivation. Student will
shut down, refuse to talk
or take part in class
situations. When the
student is in a good place
they are able to work with
peers and be respectful to

Student has wonderful

agility skills. Student
is able to move
quickly when taking
part in sports and
physical activity.
Student is witty.
Student is head strong
which I believe could
work as an asset in the
future is they get a
hand on their

Student`s parents are

transient; they are
often in and out of the
student`s life. The
student is often with
their grandparent for
long amounts of time.


Student is able to read text

in English at a grade 5
level. Students written out
put in clear and concise.
Student demonstrates the
use of conventions when
writing but struggles with
paragraph structure.
Students can clearly
promote reading
comprehension tasks but

Student`s numeracy skills

as above grade level. This
student is attending grade
6 math classes to support
them in their numeracy
growth. Student is on task
with math and enjoys
doing it. They are
currently working on
building an understanding
of percentages and

Student is inclusive of all

others in the class. This
student is often a role
model for others in the
class because they are on
task and prepared for the
next activity in class. This
student is kind and
respectful of both class
and school rules. Student
is a wonderful mentor to

Student is willing to
try anything and be
involved in class
activities. This student
puts their heart and
soul into their class
work and relationships
with others.

Numeracy above grade


needs reminder to put in

their full effort because
they will slack at times.


other students while

doing work.


Student is struggling with

their literacy skills.
Student has been working
on their reading
comprehension skills.
Student benefits from
having sentence stems cocreated with the class to
start response tasks.

Student is struggling with

the basic math concepts.
Student is being supported
in class but is struggling to
grasp concepts such as
multiplication, graphing
and long division. Student
need constant one on one
support when available to
ensure they are following
along with the concept
being covered that day.
Student is often off task
during math period
because of socializing with
others. It is key for this
student to be in a spot
where peers are not close.

Student is kind to others

and cares for their class
mates. This student is
willing to take part in any
and all class activities.
The student is respectful
to adults and peers in the
room. They are inclusive
of other around them and
work well with others.
Student is aware of peers
and will check in or help
a peer if they are under

Student`s great
strength is their ability
to be positive. This
student is excited to
take part in school
activities. Student is
empathic to others and
spends a great amount
of time getting to
know others.

Student is highly
venerable to being led
by others. Student is
sensitive to tone of
voice that is used with
them. It is key to keep
this in mind when
talking to them; they
often think adults are
upset or mad at them.


Student is able to execute

reading response tasks
which involve
comprehension and
formulating a written
answer. Student benefits
from sentence stems to
assist in start reading
response tasks. Uses
picture clues to gain
understanding; student
may have to re-read if they
are no picture clues.

Students math skills have

been hard to assess due to
absents and their
reluctance to do work.
This student has been
presented with
opportunities to show their
math skills but has not put
any effort in their work.
Student has shown through
their work book that they
are able to add and
subtract with regrouping.
The next spend for this
student is to work on their

Student is inclusive of
others and enjoys
interacting with peers.
This student is often not a
self-starter and need
someone to remind them
what is accepted of them
at this time. Student is
respectful to peers and

Student has a playful

and enthusiastic
personality. They are
willing to try new
tasks. This student is a
social butterfly who
honestly gets along
with all other students.
Student is willing to
be partners with any
other student in the

Student often does not

have a large lunch and
is late almost every
day to school. This
student at time will
wear inappropriate
clothing to school and
needs a reminder that
their clothes is not

multiplication facts.

Student is struggling with

their literacy skills. This
student knows basic sight
words. This student reads
word by word and will reread if they need to.
Student is being supported
by student support worker
in the school and receives
help 3 times a week.

Student has demonstrated

their ability to add and
subtract with regrouping.
Student has shown
promise in their
understanding of
multiplication skills.
Student advocates for their
selves by using tools
available to assist in
numeracy work.

Student is inclusive of
others and enjoys
working with peers.
Student is struggling to
stay on task in class as
well as not take others off
task. Student often has
toys in their desk which
are very distracting to
their learning. Student
uses respectful language
with others and adults in
the room. Student is
willing to correct
behaviour when it is
address by an adult.

Student has a artist gift

and is able to express
their selves through
art. Student is joyful
and loves to be with
friends. Student is
positive and can be
determined when they

Student receives
support for support
teachers and EA in
school. This student
has no formal
diagnoses with
anything. Student
struggle to keep up
with class work pace
and often needs extra
time to complete tasks.
Student`s father passed
away. Death is a
sensitive subject for
this student.


Student is hard to assess

with verbal reading skills
because they are hesitant
to verbal communicate.
Student would benefits
from having sentence
stems created with them as
well as having explained
of sentence to build off of.
Student written work often
lacks details and
explanations. Students
written work is often
messy and unclear. Student
could benefit from slowing
down when producing

This has been reported

from the math teacher
which this student has
Because of their lack of
communication, I struggle
to support them with their
work. They are well below
grade level in most areas
of math this term. Basic
computation of
multiplication and division
facts is certainly
Student needs gentle
reminders that they need
to show clear work when
completing written work
so we can assess from this

Student is kind to others

and cares for their class
mates. Student does not
talk during group work
and is often over powered
by other classmates.
Student is often hesitate
to join in with class
activities due to how shy
they are. The student is
respectful to adults and
peers in the room. They
are inclusive of other
around them and work
well with others.

Student is athletic and

enjoys taking part in
individualist physical
activity. This student
has developed into a
wonderful runner; who
takes pride in their
runner. Student is able
to work independently
and stay on task
during class time. This
students does not take
others off task.

Student is very quiet

almost mute at times.
Student is shy and
needs to be
encouragement to join
in with the class.
Important to coax
student into talking
aloud. The next step
for this student is to
support them in gained
more age appropriate
social skills with peers.


Student is able to read text

in English at a grade 4
level. Student can to build
connections after reading a
passage through written
expression. Student would
benefits from having
sentence stems created
with them as well as
having explained of
sentence to build off of.
Student written work often
lacks details and

Student is confident in
their numeracy skills.
Student has demonstrated
that they are confident in
their basic skills such
addition and subtraction
with regrouping. Student
has shown great promise
with their multiplication
skills and has a strong
grasp on these skills.

This student is inclusive

of most other students in
the classroom. Student is
kind to others and cares
for their class mates.
Student works well in
groups. The student often
needs a reminder to not
blurt out in class as well.
Student can be often
distracting to other in the
class as well as being
invasive with others

Student is extremely
outgoing, friend and
chatty. Student is
always positive and
welling to take part in
any class activity. This
student has an
infectious personality
which makes others
feel welcome and
encourages laughter.
This student has
wonderful public
speaking skills.

This student is actually

grade 3 age but in
grade 4. Student has
moved to Canada with
their family recently.
Student is lacking
physical coordination
skills which could be
due to their biological


Student demonstrates the

ability to read fluently and
comprehend. Student has
shown great depth and
insight when writing
written responses. Student
could benefit from
working on their written
output. Sentence structure
and writing conventions
are often a struggle during
the writing process.
Student can be reluctant to
start work if now strongly
engaged or interested in
the topic.

Student is struggling with

the basic math concepts.
Student is being supported
in class but is struggling to
grasp concepts such as
addition, subtraction,
multiplication, graphing
and long division. Student
is often off task during
math period because of
socializing with others.
This student is often
removed from math class
by the math teacher due to
being disruptive and disrespectful to the teacher. It
is key for this student to be
in a spot where they have
their own learning space.

Student is inclusive of
other and works well in
groups. This student is
able to follow routes and
rules of the classroom.
Student often needs
reminders to not call out
as well as to use a filter
when talking because
language can often be
inappropriate. Student
can be disruptive to
others and often needs
adult intervention to
assist in student
correcting behaviour(s).

Student has a strong

personality and enjoys
being involved in
social activities with
peers. Student is an
outgoing and a social

Student has just moved

recently to the school
in Jan.

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