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Husein Saleh
English 113B
Professor Spitler-Lawson
May 2, 2016
Project Text Rough Draft
Fantastic Language in The Giver
There are approximately 6,500 different languages spoken world wide and in each one of
these languages there is a certain way of approaching different expressions in order to deceive
and misinform the other side. Such language can be used easily to manipulate not only
government but also any group of people and force them to be unemotional and carless. Thid
type of language called euphemism in The Giver we can notice how when some characters try to
use a different type of language to express their feelings they were ordered to to replace their
words and use an another softer language and force them to use euphemism. This kind of
fantastic language we can see it existence in our daily life as well as in famous fictional novels
such as The Giver which also uses such language for many purposes in order to create an ideal
utopia, although reasons of why and when euphemism are used could varies they are still used in
both the real and fictional life in order to deceive the fragile.
Language is a fundamental element to all humans in order for them to communicate
between one another since their existence, but it not always used to tell the truth. There are many
conflicts between humans and we can listen about these conflict mostly from the news, for
example if there is a war between two sides and we heard that there are deaths from on side
because of a bomb strike the news refer to these dead people as losses as they were senseless
objects. Most of these innocent people are cold bloodedly murdered in such conflicts but the

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governments always hide their true intentions by using a softer language. Some people use this
kind of softer language to achieve their personal intentions as well. The news as wells as the
media plays a big role in using euphemism to deceive the listeners, for instance in the article
Euphemism and Media Framing by (Marina Ryabova) the author explains how the mass media
uses euphemism to change the understanding of a certain event or issue. The goal of using such
language is mostly used to attract those who are receiving the information away from the true
critical situation which in that case is the reason of the war of conflict. Dan Stien mentioned in
his article about how the usage of euphemism against illegal immigrants in the United State, he
mentioned that Euphemism and near gobbledygook are precisely the objectives of those trying
to create the impression that taking up residence in the United States illegally is on par with
forgetting to put a quarter in the parking meter. Which he clearly stated how some people use
different language and it could be softer or stronger to achieve their true intentions which in the
article case is to consider these illegal immigrant dangerous criminals. Euphemism are used for
many purposes in our daily life, and they are also used in famous novels such as The Giver for
many purposes as well.
In The Giver there are many usage of different kind of speech and language and
euphemism is one of them. The author illustrates how in order to create the perfect utopian
society the language has to be limited to certain softer words, for example when Jonas used the
word terrified to describe the ceremony of twelve he was immediately requested from his
mother to use a softer language by saying precision of language to Jonas. In the novel there are
many euphemisms used in that society in order to create peace as the community elders refer to,
for instance when there is an old person or a weak baby or anyone who disagree with the chief
elders and the community rules they will be cold bloodedly killed for just being who they are and

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the community uses the word release referring to these kills. No one knows what release to
else where really means except the chief elder and The giver, which means the community thinks
that they are just going to other wicked community. In order to achieve the perfect community
there has to be dishonesties in people fates by using euphemisms, therefor Anyone who reject the
community strict orders get releases which means they get murdered otherwise if anyone got
weak enough they will get released as well. Any strong words that shows stronger emotional
meaning or affection in to them are also banned in that community, for example after knowing
what the real world look like Jonas asked his father do you love me his mother immediately
responded to Jonas again by saying precision of language and when Lilys askes what love
mean his mother explains to Lily by telling her that the word he uses no longer has any
application, his father replied to him by telling him yes I enjoy you which is a much softer word
in comparison to the word love. In the novel and in our real life softer languages such as
euphemisms are used to deceive individuals into believing certain ideology even though if it
actually corrupts.
The core and main idea of rewording particular words is to choose a suitable language
which could manipulate others into believing a specific idea. Languages are used to share ideas
and thought and without a doubt they can easily be a tool to deceive some one even in some very
old cultures euphemism were also used back then, in the article Taboo and Euphemism in Tamil
by Geetha Geetha explains how this ancient culture uses euphemism in their language as a way
of speech. Although there are many reasons of why and when to use euphemism in our daily life
as well as in fictional novels such as The Giver but in reality they are mostly used to support
corruption. Softer language has always been the best tool for falsifier in order for them to
accomplish their horrible objectives, even though many might believe them or follow them they

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are still going to be wicked lairs. Who knows one-day humanity might live without euphemism
and everything going to be clear and honest as the blue sky tell then the world will continue to
struggle dreadfully.

Work Cited/Annotated Bibliography

Geetha, V. "Taboo and Euphemism in Tamil."Language in India, 11.12 (2011): 231-236.
This article shows how a very old culture uses euphemism in their language as a way for making
peace. I found this article using the Oviatt Library one search engine by searching for
euphemism. This article is peer-reviewed and it is an under scholar articles. It is useful
to my essay because it supports my main idea which says that euphemism is used daily

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since the beginning of humanity and the first language, it also explains how important
euphemism sometimes be.
LOWRY, LOIS. "The Giver." Barnes & Noble. WEEKLY STARRED, n.d. Web. 08 May 2016.
Publishers Weekly, Starred
Ryabova, Marina. "Euphemisms and Media Framing."European Scientific Journal, 9.32 (2013):
This article explains how the mass media such as everyday news uses euphemism to make a
particular news article more exacting to get more views even if it means not reporting the
full truth of what really happened. I found this article using Oviatt Library on search
engine thorough CSUN website. I searched for euphemism in news and found this
article in the result. It is peer-reviewed article from a respected journal and it was
academic. This article will be useful to my essay because it shows the relation ship
between the usage of euphemism and in our daily life such as the news and how the news
use such language to change some themes and make them sound different from what they
really are.
Stein, Dan. "Needless Euphemisms." Foreign Policy, 209 (2014): 10.
I have chosen this article which talks about how some people use Euphemisms differently
to unjustly accuse illegal immigrant and refer to them as criminals who could
affect the safety of US citizens. I found this article using one search engine
through oviatt library. I search for bad usage of euphemism language and found
this article using my search. This article was peer reviewed and it was under
scholar articles. This article going to be useful to my essay because it explains
how the usage of language can make a particular word real meaning hide be hide

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it real meaning, for example in the article illegal alien was used to describe
illegible immigrant but when anyone read it the first thing will come in their mind
that all the immigrant are bad people.

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