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A mistreated community


In the United States the LGBT community has been ignored, abused, and criticized for
many years. As the the fight for equal rights for homosexual people move forward it is constantly
taking the United States by surprise. Currently as of the year of 2015 there are 36 states including
North Carolina and the District of Columbia are acknowledging same sex marriage and rights.
All people regardless of sexual orientation deserve the same rights as heterosexual people
because gay marriage is protected by the U. S. Constitution, denying some people the
option to marry is discriminatory, and same sex marriage is a civil right.

Gay marriage is protected by the U. S. Constitution. In the article, Gay marriage now
legal in North Carolina, the author quotes, This is a historic day for freedom and equality in
N.C. Thousands of North Carolinians are now able to marry the person they love and receive
dignity and legal security that comes marriage.This victory is nothing short of life-changing
(Blythe). History in North Carolina has taken a dramatic turn for a better brighter day. The
Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is now legal in the United States.
People in North Carolina are trying to maneuver around the constitution. In the article,
North Carolina Senate Votes To Allow Officials To Refuse To Marry Same-Sex Couples
Reuters bill does not mention gay marriage explicitly, it allows employees to recuse themselves
from performing marriages by citing a "sincerely held religious objection" (Maguire). This
discriminatory bill treats gay and lesbian couples as second-class citizens and distorts the true
meaning of religious freedom (Maguire). The state of North Carolina is still trying to

discriminate people on their sexual orientation or same sex. In the constitution the first
Amendment states that the people of the United States of America have a right to religious
freedom. The bill that North Carolina is taking away that privilege.
Everyday history is being made about gay marriage but not all in a good way. In April of
2014 when gay marriages were banned, Mark Stern wrote an article called Religious Liberty
Hypocrisy: North Carolina Forbids Churches From Performing Gay Weddings. The article says
that The threat of a minister going to jail simply for celebrating a gay marriage is a real, and
terrifying, affront to the very premise of free exercise of religion (Stern). It is frightening that
minister are getting thrown in jail because they feel that they should have their right to marry
who they want and practice they freedom of religion.

Denying some people the option to marry is discriminatory. Marriage allows a couple that
is sexually committed to have a social category that encompasses more than their sexual
intimacy. LGBT individuals are denied this right, and are forced to categorize their de facto
spouse as a mere "partner (unknown). This shows that people of LGBT have the right to marry
as well because it is more than a physical attraction but mental and emotional attraction just like
heterosexual couples.
America trying to move forward but reforms are pushing America back. In the article
Organized Labor, Gay Liberation and the Battle Against the Religious Right, 1977-1994. In
1972, dozens of cities and towns across the United States enacted or expanded civil rights codes
with sexual orientation as a protected class. Five years later, religious conservatives introduced

voters initiatives to repeal those reforms, and, at the state level, to enact new laws directed at the
sexual morality of school and social service employees. They put an rights to protect people
sexual orientation so that they can not be discriminated but later on people found away they right
and reformed it.
It isnt political or moral issue it is a matter rights that one deserve.It is a legal issue and it
is clear as a matter of what is now settled law in the Fourth Circuit that North Carolina laws
prohibiting same-sex marriage, refusing to recognize same-sex marriages originating elsewhere,
and/or threatening to penalize those who would solemnize such marriages, are unconstitutional
(Blythe). This same sex marriage in North Carolina isnt a political issue but a religious and state
of mind issue because North Carolina denying the right to marry in unconstitutional. As Figure 1
shows the number of people who believe in same sex marriage is it morally right and or civil.


Same sex marriage is a civil right. The past and present of America, in the article The gay
rights movement has made enormous strides over the past few decades, and the recent surge in
public support for the once unthinkable concept of same-sex marriage reflects this quite radical
shift in American culture (Lampo). America has came an extremely long way but it is not where
it need to be. The support has been greatly appreciated and has helped many centuries and
All citizens of America are entitled to civil rights. In this article it states that since gay
marriage is illegal in North Carolina, that means any minister who dares celebrate a gay union in

his church may face jail time(Stern). Taking people to jail because of their own freedom or
confiding their own free will that is taking away their civil right away to practice their own
Great steps have been made but still ways to go. In this article it states that The gay
rights movement has made enormous strides over the past few decades, and the recent surge in
public support for the once unthinkable concept of same-sex marriage reflects this quite radical
shift in American culture (Lampo). America has came a long way but it still have a long way to
go as far as acknowledging civil rights even more.

A gay lifestyle undermines traditional values and institutions in the country. In this
article States Weigh Legislation to Let Businesses Refuse to Serve Gay Couples they use the
statement non discrimination law" They don't have a right to be served in every single store,"
said Mr. Silk, the Oklahoma state senator, referring to gay people. "People need to have the
ability to refuse service if it violates their religious convictions" (Fausset & Blinder). What this
article fails to consider is that refusing service from a person based on race gender or sexuality is
discriminatory. In the United states there is a law that is called nondiscrimination law. The
nondiscrimination law is fairness in treating people without prejudice.
Truth be told, there are scouts and leaders who are gay. But they have to be appropriately
private and discreet about their sexuality and not "loud and proud." Imagine openly gay men
kissing and snuggling around the campfire in front of young boys. This policy would produce
utterly inappropriate and dangerous results (Stemberger). Although the core of this claim is
valid, it is flawed because it is not allowing a person to be openly honest about it versus it
coming out later.

In the following article States Weigh Legislation to Let Businesses Refuse to Serve Gay
Couples they use the statement non discrimination law. An evangelical business owner could
sue, claiming his faith compels him to refuse to hire "Jews, divorcees, or L.G.B.T. people."
Landlords could refuse to rent apartments to Muslims (Fausset & Blinder). This view seems
persuasive at first, but what is going to happen when the courts become overfield witch
discrimination lawsuits, do you go back on your bill and start to deny the cases? As Figure 1
All people regardless of sexual orientation deserve the same rights as heterosexual
because gay marriage is protected by the U.S. constitution, denying some people right the option
to marry is discriminatory, and same sex marriage is a civil right. In the past we have ignored
LGBT and left a battered generation. But today we have a strong and developing equal rights for
homosexuals. In the future what is going to happen when people are still refusing to marry
homosexual people rights.

Works Cited
"Gay Marriage" ProConorg Headlines. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
"Gay Marriage" ProConorg Headlines. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
"Gay Marriage" ProConorg Headlines. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
Lampo, David. "Http://" Dissent Magazine. American Ideas Institute, JulyAug. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
Nussbuam, Martha. "A Right to Marry? Same-sex Marriage and Constitutional Law |
Dissent Magazine." Dissent Magazine. 2009. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
Reilly, Mollie. "North Carolina Senate Votes To Allow Officials To Refuse To Marry
Same-Sex Couples." The Huffington Post., 25 Feb. 2015.
Web. 17 Apr. 2015.

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