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Moral Reasoning Values Paper

SW 3410


Human beings are faced with moral issues on a daily basis, and the situation
determines if the consequences are right or wrong. This process can be viewed as
influencing societal, cultural, or moral reasoning. From a professional viewpoint, ethics are the
principles that guide one's decision-making. Therefore, people's moral decision-making is a
justification for moral beliefs, and the influence of human decision-making on ethical
behavior should be considered. It is crucial for humanitarian social workers to be aware of both
moral decision-making and ethical decision. According to Barsky, it is important for social
workers to understand moral development theories so that they can attempt to understand the
moral reasoning behind their clients decisions. The process of making a moral decision includes
several factors, such as biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors, and these affect
the outcome.
Biological factors, such as food and shelter, are also important needs to consider; they are
part of the ethical decision-making process and play a big role in making moral decisions. For
example, a person who suffers from hunger may feel that stealing food is morally reprehensible
yet necessary for his or her survival. In this situation, biological factors influence the person's
moral development and determines his or her decision to steal. Therefore, a social worker ethical
decision may be clouded by biological needs such as hunger. Also, it is crucial in social work to
use what is necessary for health, welfare, and maintenance to protect oneself. I will need to work
on making sure that I am physically healthy to ensure that I will make the best ethical decisions
for my clients (Barsky, 2010). Psychological factors explain a social worker in moral dilemmas
while working with customers using moral reasoning.
According to Kohlbergs theory, there are three levels of moral reasoning: preconventional, conventional, and post-conventional. Pre-conventional is considered as Level I
sub-stage reasoning feelings and thoughts are broader societal needs by decision makers.


Therefore, it relates to adults whose morals exhibit the stage of pre-adolescence. At this point in
the child's life, he or she has no sense of morality and is learning the consequences of actions
based on a non-obedient decision opposed to the structural rules being taught. The Level II substage is called conventional reasoning, the source for decisions about moral rightness or
wrongness. Therefore, at the intermediate level, the adolescent or child views moral standards as
a way of maintaining the approval of authority figures. To internalize morality and group
norms, we must begin analyze how they want to be viewed by others with acceptance, how
others perceive them, and by considering the decisions they make. Post-conventional is
considered as a Level III sub-stage reasoning.
During this phase, feelings, thoughts, principles, and morals are considered.
Because these are self-chosen personal beliefs and ideas, there are broad societal needs for
decision-makers during their adult years to develop their own moral rules. Social learning is
based on identity development early in life. When someone is socially connected,
his or her behaviors are socially connected with the social environment and sociocultural
context where people live. Therefore, a combination of all social factors that come into play at

any one time can result in a social situation that can change the effect of moral decision-making.
Due to this, social context is another factor to consider as a human moral decision where the
person is raised to see their action as moral, but to someone else's social context, it may be
immoral. A spiritual moral decision is based upon how a person's beliefs may be influenced by
a connection with a source that one can not see, feel, or smell.
Therefore, an individual trust that this power that is greater than oneself will restore him
or her to sanity or keep a personal belief. A spiritual relationship inspires people by making the
right decision, even if one is faced with an ethical or moral dilemma. This is when a person has
to determine the difference between morals and ethics. Therefore, a person's belief of what is


right or wrong is considered as his or her morals, and the society's judgement of right or wrong is
considered as ethical. Personal feelings come from real experiences taught by moral decisions
while an ethical decision is a set of principles, standards or codes of behavior established for
individuals within a group. According to the NASW Code of Ethics, a social worker's priority is
the client. Therefore, as a social worker, I have becomes even more aware of my personal
decisions and morals, preparing me for any ethical dilemma or situation, involving a client I
understand, at this point, why WSU programs took me and my peers through particular
assignments for my opinions of moral and ethical decisions have changed since January.
However, I remain open to the changes that are coming.
My education and knowledge will prepare me for any ethical dilemma that would require
a good and ethical decision. Due to these reasons, the knowledge I take from this education will
help me approach clients and focus on the positive outcome. As a social worker, part of my
duties is to be knowledgeable of the NASW code of ethics and the principles. However,
I will also need to do what's best for the client by separating my personal beliefs from the
decision that needs to be made. There may be a client who has been molested as a child and
seeks counseling to determine how to tell her fianc about the issue. The social worker may feel
the husband does not need to know about the issue, and she may also feel the same about the
molested. Due to this reason, the social worker's primary responsibility is to practice the NASW
code of ethics and remove any personal beliefs from the situation, focusing on the best interests
of the client.
As a result of which, being a social worker, I can support clients with who's decision I
do not morally agree, as long as it does not cause harm or danger to anyone. According to
NASW Code of Ethics 1.02 self-determination, social workers respect and promote the right of
clients to self-determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals.


According to NASW Code of Ethics 1.05, a worker must remain culturally competent. As a
result, the social worker should be able to work with other culture or diversity by understanding
their background. Learning to understand their ethics and morals will put a social worker in the
position to have a successful treatment plan to deliver a valid outcome and to comply with
continued education. As a humanitarian client, confidentiality, privacy and HIPPA laws in the
medical field is part of my daily life, where I am comfortable with the concept of practicing
NASW code 1.07 Privacy and Confidentiality.
I have a solid foundation with other professionals and friends, maintaining the privacy
and confidentiality by respecting my clients' information and identity. NASW Code 2.10
provides guidelines on how to appropriately handle impairment of colleagues. I believe one of
the most difficult challenges a social worker can face is proceeding when a member appears to
be impaired by drugs, alcohol, or another condition and acting in an unethical manner. While
NASW Code 2.11 covers the unethical conduct of colleagues, social workers should take
adequate measures to discourage, prevent, expose, and correct the unethical conduct of
colleagues. I would have no problem with intervening, and would have the proper support stating
this claim in the ethical standards. My dream the role of social worker will involve other team
members from different backgrounds. I will have to learn the criteria that are expected of me
in order to perform the role. I will also have to be competent to perform the duties required of
me, and will take advantage of the proper on job training and ask plenty of questions.
I must know the company guidelines and rules, so there are no violations. According to
the NASW Code of Ethics, 1.12, Derogatory Language, "Social workers should not use
derogatory language in their written or verbal communications to or about clients. Social workers
should use accurate and respectful language in all communications to and from clients." This
code means that if a coworker is using inappropriate language, I have an obligation to remind


him or her of this code of ethic. Also, I should report the person to their supervisor. As a person
that loves the social work profession, I will do everything that is required of me
to maintain the integrity of the social work profession and prevent it from being harmed as part
of my commitment.

Works Cited
Barsky, A. E. (2010). Theory, moral decision-making, and ethics-micro perspectives. Ethics and
values in social work an integrated approach for a comprehensive curriculum (pp. 44-68).
Oxford: Oxford university press.


National association of social workers code of ethics (english and spanish). (2008). Code of
Ethics (english and spanish). Retrieved August 8, 2014, from
(Barsky, 2010).

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