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Unit 1: Small Business

Area of Study 1: Introducing Business

Original unit outline Author: Sherie Hanna



Lesson Focus




and Key


Being the first lesson of both the

Pre-lesson definition


KS2, KS3,

unit and the Area of Study, it will

match up quiz. This

s Basics


focus on the basic definition and

quiz will help the

characteristics of an organisation,

teacher a better

and the differences between profit

understand of how

and not-profit (both charitable

much the students

organisation and Government

know prior to


beginning the unit.

This lesson will focus on the

Appendix 1):


KS1, KS2


characteristics that determine the

size of an organisation.

Classify different


Students will be


given a list of
organisations with a
little bit of
information about
them and they will


be asked to classify
them into the
different size
categories as well
as profit vs not-forprofit organisations.


KK1, KK3
Key Skills:



This lesson will focus on the

teachings of business
objectives, and all the
different factors that would
contribute to establishing the
purpose of an organisation.
This website provides some
information about objectives
and stakeholders.

Objective write up:

Have students read
out objectives from
large companies;
McDonalds, Vision
Australia. Then
have the rest of the
class guess which
company these
objectives belong



Key Skills:

This lesson will focus on the

As a class, brain

difference between the

storm stakeholders


Business Management


KS1, KS3, KS5

This lesson will focus on the

As a class,

difference between the internal

brain storm

and external environments

stakeholders of

focusing on that of a school.

a school and


them as part of
either the
operating or
Debate on
parents are
internal or

KK4, KK6
Key Skills: KS3

The focus will be about

Work on

teaching ethical and


social responsibility that


all businesses have, they

will also learn about how
small businesses
contribute to our
economy. With the
assessment task due a
week after this lesson,
more time will be
allocated for students to
work independently or to
seek help if required.


Revised unit outline

Anything changed or added is in blue
Lesson 1: Business Basics
Key Knowledge: KK1
Key Skills: KS2, KS3, KS4
Lesson Focus:
Being the first lesson of both the unit and the Area of Study, it will
focus on the basic definition and characteristics of the different
organisations and sizes of each.
Activity: Pre-lesson definition match up quiz. This quiz will help the
teacher have a better understand how much their students know prior
to beginning the unit.
Kahoot Quiz
There is an option on the quiz where the students can play in groups and
they register one device. In doing this they can discuss their thoughts

and then decide on an answer as a group.

Prior to discussing all the answers from the quiz, students will be
required to work in pairs or groups depending on the size of the class
to research information on one of the three different size organisations.
They will then need to provide two different definitions of their findings.
The first definition will be their understanding of the chosen business
type/size, and the second definition needs to be simplistic so that
someone of year 6 or 7 level may understand what it means. The
second definition also means no complicated terminology, which will
force them to research every aspect of the criteria so they can
completely understand it so they attempt to explain it better to their
peers. They must also decide on five important and relevant details
and provide examples in places they work, family businesses, work
experience etc. Afterwards, the groups will share their discussions with
the class.

Lesson 2: Small, Medium and Large

Key Knowledge: KK3
Key Skills: KS1, KS2
Lesson Focus:

In this lesson, students will play a logo quiz where they will guess
each of the logos and the companies names as well as whether or not
they organisations whose main aim is to make a profit.
Main activity:

(Appendix 1): Classify different organisations:

Students will be given a list of organisations with a little bit of information
about them and they will be asked to classify them into the different size

categories as well as profit vs not-for-profit organisations.

1. Logo quiz: This logo quiz can be done in pairs, as they have to discuss the
different characteristics that make that company that type and size
organisation and whether they are for profit or not-for-profit.
2. Each pair must pick a small business and a large business and compare the
differences then report back to the class on.
(Show students a few examples of small local businesses on Facebook.)
a. Students must discuss:
b. The differences they found
c. Similarities
d. Was it easy to find information about both businesses?
e. And any other relevant information
3. Link to their lives- Discuss the jobs the students work at or their parents own.
What size is it?
Main Resource:
Change resource: Have students find their own resources and find their
own information for both activities.

Lesson 3: Different Objectives

Key Knowledge: KK1, KK3
Key Skills: KS2, KS5, KS6
Lesson Focus:
This lesson will focus on the teachings of business objectives, and all
the different factors that would contribute to establishing the purpose
of an organisation. This website provides some information about
objectives and stakeholders.
Main Activity:
Objective write up
a) Have students read out objectives from large companies like
McDonalds and not-for-profit organisations like Vision Australia and

then have the rest of the class guess which company these
objectives belong to and to justify their answers.
b) In small groups, the students will write up an objective for an
organisation that the teacher will tell them. The students will then
read out their objective to the class. The rest of the class need to
guess the type of organisation it is as each group will not know
what organisation type the other groups wrote about. This will help
demonstrate to the students the different type of objectives.
(Small retail business to a large not-for-profit organisation.)
Main Resource:
This resource helps brake down the requirements needed in objectives.
Lesson 4: Environments & Stakeholders
Key Knowledge: KK5
Key Skills: KS1, KS3, KS5
Lesson Focus:
This lesson will focus on the difference between the internal and
external environments focusing on that of a school.
Main Activity:
Discuss different stakeholders within an organisation.
The stakeholders of schools vs the stakeholders of a business.
In groups, students need to create presentations where they will be
given an organisation and they will need to share with the class the
different stakeholders in that organisation and whether or not they
are part of the internal or external environment of the school.
Different organisations:
The school they are in (teachers, parents, local council, support
staff, principals, students, community, local residents,
Government, local businesses, etc.
McDonalds: customers, employees, managing employees,
competitors, suppliers, unions, pressure groups etc.
Local Council: local residents, other councils, local Government, State
government, Federal Government, local community etc.
Not-for-profit organisation: community, people affected by the
cause/illness, family members, businesses who support them etc.

Main Resource:
Students will research the organisation they were given.
Lesson 5: Stakeholders
Key Knowledge: KK4, KK6
Key Skills: KS3
Lesson Focus:
Students to research into who will be effected if changes were made
within the school.
Students will learn more about stakeholders.
Main activity:
The schools principals and assistant principals have decided to make
school run from 8am-4pm, which is two hours longer than normal.
Team 1: only the people in the internal environment of the school will
be effected. Why?
Team 2: This change affects all the stakeholders of the school. Why?
Main Resource:
Lesson 6: Economy
Key Knowledge: KK4, KK6
Key Skills: KS3
Lesson Focus:
The focus will be about teaching ethical and social responsibility that
all businesses have, they will also learn about how small businesses
contribute to our economy.
Discussion about social and ethical responsibility. Teacher is to explain the
importance of both and how they affect the stakeholders involved in the
organisation. Share newspaper articles or news reports that question and
discuss organisations ethical responsibility.
Main activity: Students will research ethical and social responsibility and
we will discuss it as a class.
Brief discussion about social and ethical responsibility. Students will then
be creating their own PowToon or movie presentation about social
responsibility and ethical responsibility. This will take majority of the
lesson as they will need to research ethical and social responsibilities
PowToon or movie:

What is ethical and social responsibility?

Are they the same?
Why is it important?
Examples from organisations who value the environment or
companies who have been defamed because of the little emphasis

they place on the environment.

- Photos
Main Resource:
Show my example as a guide and show students by demonstrating the
different functions available:

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