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Lamker 1

Lauren Lamker
Geist Block 7
17 February 2016
Divinely Created
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth, along with everything in it. The
way the earth was created and made into what it is today has been heavily debated throughout
time, through religion and science. Creationism and Evolution are the only possible explanations
for this complex and amazing world, although even scientific evidences tends to support
Creationism. God created the world and everything in it based on history, and scientific
The current belief of how the world became into existence is the Big Bang Theory, where
all of a sudden something was created from nothing. Creationism and Evolution both believe
something came from nothing, the only difference is that in creationism the world was made by a
creator who was not limited to our time and space, who created the world for a purpose. The
ultimate evidence is that God himself said he created the world in the Bible. The Bible has been
proven historically accurate by many historians and previously found documents from that time
period, like the Dead Sea Scrolls (Evidence for Creationism).
Evolution debates that the first cell was created on accident, meaning life and humans
were never meant to exist. Professor Harold Morowitz did some calculation to determine the
probability of spontaneous generation, the formation of the smallest, simplest form of living
organism, to be one times 10340,000,000. This is crazy considering scientist calculated that there were
only supposed to be approximately 1080 electrons in the whole universe (White 33). Dr. Emile

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Borel explains that no matter how much time there is, if something has a chance of less than 1 in
1050, it will never happen (Probabilities and Life). Dr. John Grebe further explains how slim the
possibility of functional DNA or a functioning cell could randomly come together on its own. If
the 15,000 or more atoms of the individual subassemblies of a single DNA molecule were left to
chance like evolution describes they could go together in 1087 different combinations and only
one way would lead to a functional DNA molecule (White 33). Evolutionists have calculated the
world to be around 5 billion years old. There are less than 1017 seconds in 20 billion years.
Therefore, even if one trial and error combination occurred every second from the beginning of
time until today, the odds still appear hopelessly high against the natural assembly this single
molecule. Take 1070 combinations minus 1017 seconds that a single DNA molecule could be
formed by mere chance, and the remaining odds are one in
,000 (White 34). The chances of something like this are nearly impossible. Edward P. Tryon, a
professor of physics at the University of New York, explains the scientific theory of creation ex
nihilo, which means nonlife produces only nonlife, zero times zero equals zero even if you give
it forever.
Even if a cell was spontaneously created, there are two things evolution describes would
happen, random mutation and natural selection. Mutations are small errors in the genetic code
and you would need many positive ones to make a significantly, beneficial change. Most of the
time a mutation is a harmful thing and causes sickness and disease. Natural selection is survival
of the fittest. A mutated creature or organism wont survive natural selection. What good is half a
wing or leg? Organisms in transitional stages would not survive because they wouldnt be
functioning at their full potential. For example, the human eye, which has automatic aiming

Lamker 3
mechanism, automatic focusing and automatic aperture adjustment, formed on its own. Evolution
explains that the eye started as a hole in the head and developed into the intricate organ more
complicated than a camera lens. If even one part was wrong, the whole thing wouldnt work
properly (White 43). By the 6th edition of his own book, Darwin abandoned his own theory
saying, Natural selection is incompetent to account for the incipient stages of useful structures.
Humans and monkeys have about four percent difference in their genetic code, which is about 12
million genes. Evolutionist state that it took ten million years for apes to transform into humans.
However, population genetics calculations show that animals with 20 years between each
generation could pass on no more than about 1700 mutations in these ten million years (White
39). If evolution actually occurred, there would be millions of fossils depicting transitional
creatures, which would be preserved in museums. However, all the ones found have been fake.
For example, Java Man discovered by Eugene Dubois in 1893, was bad science he also found
two human skulls at nearby Wadjak at about the same level and had kept them secret for 30
years, before admitting the lie (Creationist Arguments: Java Man). Another example is Peking
Man. Fossils were discovered in Beijing in the 1920s and 1930s, and examined by Dr. Davidson
Black, a professor of anatomy at Union Medical College. He examined a tooth, thought it to be
human like, and declared a new ape-man creature had been discovered. However, Marcellin
Boule and H.V. Vallois, other scientist in the field, also examined all the fossils and said it was a
baboons tooth.
Creation is one of two possible origin explanations. Both life and everything we see was
either created or it evolved by a random process. Consequently, any evidence against evolution is
very good evidence for creationism (Evidence For Creationism). Spontaneous generation is
nearly impossible as proven by the calculations of many scientist. There is no fossil evidence for

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transitional organism, which would be needed to verify evolution. Creationism is proven in the
Bibles account, and historical accuracy. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth,
along with everything in it.

Lamker 5
Work Cited
Borel, Emile. Probabilities and Life. New York: Dover Publications, 1962. Print.
"Creationism." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 12 Feb. 2016.
"Creationist Arguments: Java Man." Talk Origins. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
REVOLUTION AGAINST EVOLUTION. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2016.
Darwin, Charles. "The Origin of Species." The Online Literature Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 13
Feb. 2016.
"Evidence For Creationism." N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
White, Joe, and Nicholas Comninellis. Darwin's Demise. Green Forest: Master, 2001. Print.

Lamker 6

and Ideas


Clear argument about social issue
Support uses
- ethos
- logos
- pathos
4 or more credible sources used
Antithesis addressed and refuted



Effective introduction and

conclusion include hook, thesis, and
final statement
3 organized paragraphs include
claims, explanations, and transitions
Sequence is logical

Writing is all in 3rd person

Quotations are embedded and
properly cited within the essay
0-3 Errors in grammatical structure

Creative title/rough draft ready on

editing day 2/16-17
Proper MLA formatting; heading
that includes student name,
instructors name, class, and date
Works cited page is appended.

0 10




40/40 PEER 1 Josh Miller Good info but

maybe try to narrow it down to one
/40 PEER 2 NAME - Emily Krotz very
clear argument, good logos sourcing,
credible sources
35/40 Self grade
0 10 20
29/30 PEER 1 Josh Miller good claims
and statements about how you feel about
the topic
/30 PEER 2 NAME - Emily Krotz- Intro
and conclusion are well formed and
25/30 Self grade
0 5 10
15/15 PEER 1 Josh Miller good examples
of evidence
/15 PEER 2 NAME - Emily KrotzWritten in third person, no grammatical
15/15 Self grade



15/15PEER 1 Josh Miller nicely

organized and great conclusion
/15 PEER 2 NAME - Emily Krotz- Good
MLA format
15/15 Self grade

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