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Biology 20 Unit B Test

Ecosystems and Population Change

Multiple Choice (20 marks)
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Everything an organism does to survive and reproduce in its ecosystem
determines its
a. Niche
b. Trophic level
c. Reproductive success
d. Competitive advantage
2. Which of the following is not considered a Kingdom in the six-kingdom system?
a. Archaebacteria
b. Viruses
c. Fungi
d. Plantae
Table 1 Canadian Birds
Common name
Canada Goose
Common Loon
Blue-winged Teal
Grey Jay

Scientific name
Anas platyrhynchos
Branta canadensis
Gavia immer
Anas discors
Perisoreus canadensis


Use Table 1 to answer the following questions.

3. Which two birds are the most closely related?
a. Mallard & Common Loon
b. Canada Goose & Grey Jay
c. Mallard & Blue-winged Teal
d. Canada Goose & Blue-winged Teal
4. Exotic species disturb an ecosystem because they
a. Occupy a niche that has not been filled before
b. Always cause extinction of the local populations
c. Are better adapted to local conditions than the native species
d. Often have no natural predators or other control mechanisms

5. What

abiotic factor limits the vertical distribution of plants in a body of water?

Surface area of the body of water
Depth to which light can penetrate
Distribution of animals in water
Dissolved oxygen in the water

6. Divergent evolution can produce anatomical features with similar structure but
different functions. These features are said to be:
a. homologous
b. analogous
c. vestigial
d. embryonic
7. Which of the following would be considered a vestigial feature in humans?
a. Eyebrows
b. Opposable thumbs
c. The appendix
d. Taste buds
8. Although food webs exist in all parts of a lake, there are no producers in the
a. littoral zone
b. limnetic zone
c. profundal zone
d. none of the above; all zones have producers
9. Which of the following statements about soil is true?
a. Soil is completely inorganic
b. As you go deeper into soil, the amount of organic matter decreases
c. The amount of organic matter in soil is independent of soil depth
d. As you go deeper into soil, the amount of organic matter increases
10.Beneficial mutations:
a. occur frequently and are selected against
b. are neutral and are neither selected for or against
c. are rare and are selected for
d. do not occur in humans

11.Which of the following best explains the fact that a particular organism can
resemble members of one species in some ways, and another species in other
a. The species did not evolve or change
b. The environment created species especially to fit it
c. Organisms have evolved over long periods of time
d. Organisms with a common ancestor have changed in different directions,
producing new species
12.The role of natural selection is diminishing in the human population primarily as
a result of todays increase in:
a. population
b. mutation rate in humans

c. medical and biological knowledge

d. chemical usage
13.Which statement best summarizes the solubility of oxygen gas in water?
a. Solubility increases as temperature increases
b. Solubility increases as temperature decreases
c. Solubility is independent of temperature
d. Oxygen is a gas and cannot dissolve in water
14.Which of the following statements correctly describes homologous structures?
a. Homologous structures are present in marine animals only
b. Homologous structures have the similar structure but do different jobs
c. Homologous structures are found on organisms that are not related
d. Homologous structures perform different functions in organisms of the
same species
15.Which of the following would be considered a density-dependent factor?
a. Fire
b. Flood
c. Habitat destruction
d. Increased predation
16.Changes in lake ecosystems are due to water pollution. There are five categories
of water pollution. Which one of the following is not one of these five
a. Organic solid waste
b. Disease causing organisms
c. Thermal energy
d. Dissolved oxygen

Scenario 5 List of Statements

1. Populations tend to produce adaptations in response to environmental stimuli
2. Poorly adapted individuals do not have offspring
3. Since only a fraction of offspring survive, there is competition for limited
4. Individuals whose inherited characteristics best fit them to the environment will
produce more offspring
17.The statements which describe features of Darwins natural selection theory are:
a. 1, 2, and 3
b. 1, 2, and 4
c. 2, 3, and 4
d. 1, 2, 3, and 4
18.The scientific classification of living things is called
a. biodiversity
b. binomial nomenclature

c. taxidermy
d. taxonomy
19.Which one of the following is not evidence of evolution?
a. Evidence from fossils
b. Evidence from biogeography
c. Evidence from mutations
d. Evidence from biochemistry
20.Evolution predicts that because female animals usually have a greater
investment in offspring, they are more choosy in deciding their mate. Evidence
of this is:
a. Male peacocks elaborately coloured feathers
b. Aerial courtship by male hummingbirds
c. Females are not colourful and are more able to camouflage
d. All of the above is evidence

Matching (4 marks)
Match the following examples to the appropriate definition by filling in the correct
answer on your answer sheet. Each choice can only be used once. One will not be used
(1 mark each)

Analogous structure
Homologous structure
Natural selection
Vestigial structure
Allopatric speciation

21. The bones of a human arm and the wing of a bat
22. Whales have remains of femurs and pelvic bones
23. Two species of kolas become different after being separated by
a landslide
24. The spine of a sea urchin and the quill of a porcupine


Fill in the Blank (6 marks)

25. Remote islands are often home to ______________________ species suggesting that
they evolved in isolation after an ancestor colonized.
26. The upper warm layer of a lake is known as the
27. The scientific name for a grey wolf is Canis lupus. Canis refers to the
28. A flood is an example of a _____________________________ factor.
29. __________________________ refers to changes occurring at a slow and steady rate.
30. The process of natural deciding which organisms survive and reproduce is
known as _____________.

Short Answer (7 marks)

31. Using your knowledge about the theory of evolution and how traits are passed on
to either defend or refute the following statement. (2 marks)
A light colored fish originally lived in clear water; his light color offered him great
camouflage from predators. An earthquake occurred near his lake which permanently
colored the water a much darker color. In order to blend in with the darker water the
fishes skin gradually darkened allowing the fish to blend in.

32. Compare and contrast the evolutionist theories of Darwin and Lamarck. List two
main points of each theory and one thing their theories have in common. (5 marks)

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