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Emily Lile

Mrs. Gardner
English 10H/Period 4
8 November 2015
Jane Austens Mark in the Arts
Aguirre, Manuel. Thrilled with chilly horror: a formulaic pattern in gothic fiction.
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: International Review of English Studies 49.2 (2014):
105+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.

In this report, Aguirre analyzes the structure of a typical Gothic novel. He

establishes a formula to be followed that identifies the horror in the ideas presented
in Gothic text. Aguirre also makes a quick analyzation on Northanger Abbey stating
that it has a different format than that of a true Gothic novel. He states that a
proper Gothic creation incorporates unspeakable horror in different forms as the
main Gothic genre for all novels.

Aguirres well-organized report offers a useful representation of a classic Gothic

novel. He appeals to the reader and their understanding of the components which
produce the gothic aspect by describing each section of a developed Gothic novel
and the types of horrors an author may use in his or her novel.

Austen, Jane. Merriam Websters Encyclopedia of Literature. Springfield, MA:

Merriam-Webster, 1995. Literature Resource Center. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.

This biography, produced by Merriam Websters Encyclopedia of Literature, provides

insight on Jane Austens life as she began to write her novels. It explains how Austen was
the seventh child in what we consider now to be a large family consisting of eight
children. This biography signifies how she based her novels off of the life that was
occurring around her, such as Northanger Abbey with Catherine as one of several
children looking for a lifelong companion who will bring advantages with the marriage.

Merriam Websters biography shows Jane Austens readers some of her inspiration in
writing her novels. It describes how her character development was closely related to
those people who surrounded her in her small world.

Bander, Elaine. "Reading mysteries at bath and Northanger." Persuasions: The Jane
Austen Journal 32 (2010): 46+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
Elaine Bander presents intelligent insight on Jane Austens use of criticism on other
novels through the characters thoughts. With a penetrating tone, Banders writings
offer an analytical opinion on the usage of the criticism and its placement alongside
the plot, as well as the importance of having a heroine instead of a hero. Bander also
provides summaries of the books mentioned by Austen to display the abundance of
similarities of each book to Northanger Abbey.

Bander offers useful insight on the relationships of other novels to Jane Austens.
She mainly seems to be focused on offering the reader an understanding of the

importance of having a heroine as the main character along with an opinion that is
cleverly devoured in the text.

Kelly, Gary. Jane Austen. British Romantic Novelists, 1789-1832. Ed. Bradford Keyes
Mudge. Detroit: Gale, 1992. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 116. Literature
Resource Center. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

In this biography, Gary Kelly creates a timeline of many major events which occurred in
Jane Austens life. He also explains how these events influenced Austen to write her
novels. For example, he describes Austens own experience in Bath, the place in which
much of Northanger Abbey takes place, and illustrates how her decisions there are
reflected in the narrator of that novel.

Throughout this biography Kelly provides much detail of Austins life with his precise
use of diction. He also encourages the audience to follow in Janes footsteps and write a
novel relating to their own experience for its an emotional appeal.

Niebuhr, Tiffany. The ethos of humor: a study of the narrator in Northanger Abbey.
Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal 34 (2012): 150+. Literature Resource Center.
Web. 25 Oct. 2015. Oct. 2015.

Tiffany Niebuhr suggests the use of ethos to be of comedic display for the narrator of
Jane Austens novel. She interprets to humor to be a sign of intelligence for the narrator,
Catherine, who was thought to be a horror amongst her family for not being the classic

English lady who loved the arts. Niebuhr explains the playfulness of the narrator shows
that she is not only strong but also light-hearted with a childish appearance in some cases.

Niebuhr provides a precise description to the readers how Jane Austen was able to
capture the reader's trust by using humor in her ethos. Niebuhr also developed a clear
analyzation of why the comedic ethos appealed to the audience, helping them understand
the narrator even more.

Wyatt, Neal. Dark and stormy reads: The pleasures of Gothic novels. Library Journal 15 Mar.
2007: 105. Literature Resource Center. Web. 5 Nov. 2015.

Neal Wyatt proposes the Gothic writing to be often of heroines instead of heroes. He goes
on to list many books and their descriptions all of which include a heroine. Wyatt writes
how Gothic novels are composed of hatred because they do not follow the proper
etiquette of a novel.

Wyatt wrote his review in a way that was pleasing to the eye. He constructed it so that the
main idea stood out and created a shadow over the Gothic shames in the novels he
mentioned. Overall, Wyatt considers Gothic novels to be a piece of art, but more of a
humiliation to the characters of such a writing.

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