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Grade 12:


Term 1 Strand 4 pg 1

Strand 4: Diversity, Change and Continuity (continued):

It is necessary to have a firm grasp on the work done earlier in the year on DNA, genetics and heredity in order to understand the concept of change, natural selection
and evolution. This knowledge strand is expanded on by exploring the mechanisms of evolution and specifically human evolution in Africa.
2 weeks
(8 hours)

Origin of ideas about origins
Different kinds of evidence: fossil record (link to Grade 10), modification by descent,
biogeography (link to Grade 10), genetics (Grade 12) and other forms of evidence:
- difference between hypothesis and theory; and
- brief overview of history of different theories of development: Lamarckism,
Darwinism, and Punctuated Equilibrium.
Artificial selection: ONE example of a domesticated animal and ONE example of a
crop species.

Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection

Evolution (change) through natural selection (link to Genetics): depends on
variation/gene pool of inherited characteristics, and the production of more
offspring than is required. Changes in the environment. Pressure leads to extinction
or successful adaption. Continuous and discontinuous variation.
Formation/emergence of new species Speciation; biological species concept.
Interbreeding produces viable offspring in a species.
ONE example of speciation due to geographic isolation (Galapagos finches,
Galapagos tortoises, mammals or plants on different landmasses, e.g., baobabs in
Africa and Madagascar, proteas in South Africa and Australia).

Mechanisms for reproductive isolation:

Introduction to some examples:
- breeding at different times of the year;
- species-specific courtship behaviour;
- adaptation to different pollinators (plants);
- prevention of fertilisation;
- infertile offspring in cross-species hybrids.
Evolution in present times Examples of natural selection and evolution, e.g.,
resistance to insecticides in insects, bill and body size ofGalapagos finches, resistance
to antibiotics in various bacteria (TB), HIV resistance to antiretrovirals.



Class debate and discussion. Textbooks

Demonstrate natural
Reference books.
selection through games, e.g., Biography of Darwin (if
possible and if learner
Research one example of
shows interest)
artificial selection. Present
findings in a report

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