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Skill - Reading Comprehension


The Weather is Dry

Story By: Andrew Frinkle

How is the weather today?

The weather is dry.
It is warm.
It is dry.
There is no rain.
The grass is brown.
The ground is dusty.
The leaves are yellow.
Plants need rain.
It is too dry!
It is like a desert.
I hope it rains soon.
How is the weather today?
The weather is dry.

Skill - Reading Comprehension


The Weather is Dry

Story By: Andrew Frinkle
Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.
1. FILL IN THE BLANK: The weather is __________.
A. Hot
B. Cold
C. Wet
D. Dry
2. What color is the grass?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Brown
D. Pink
3. What color are the leaves?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Brown
D. Pink
4. FILL IN THE BLANK: It is like a __________.
A. Desert
B. Forest
C. Ocean
D. Sea
5. YES OR NO: Do the plants need rain?
A. Yes
B. No

Skill - Reading Comprehension


The Weather is Dry

Story By: Andrew Frinkle
Use the information in the story to answer the questions below.
1. FILL IN THE BLANK: The weather is __________.
A. Hot
B. Cold
C. Wet
D. Dry
2. What color is the grass?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Brown
D. Pink
3. What color are the leaves?
A. Yellow
B. Green
C. Brown
D. Pink
4. FILL IN THE BLANK: It is like a __________.
A. Desert
B. Forest
C. Ocean
D. Sea
5. YES OR NO: Do the plants need rain?
A. Yes
B. No

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