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"UNIT FIVE In this Unit, the student will be exposed to the following: ¢ The Gerund > Concept > Forms >» Uses Department of Foreign Laraiages(COSTAATT) Advance Spanish Sys [SPAN 120) 2 PRESENT PARTICIPLE: FORMATION In English, the present participle ends in -ing: singing, writing. The Spanish present participle (participio presente) ends in -ando: cantando, escribiendo. The Spanish present participle has two main uses: to form the progressive, and as an adverb, The present participle of -ar verbs ends in -ando; that of -er and -ir verbs ends in -iendo. cantar -» cantando correr - corriendo vivir > viviendo If the stem of an -er or ~ir verb ends in a vowel, the i of the participle ending changes toy. caer cayendo oir oyendo leer > leyendo construir > construyendo Class II (-ir) stem-changing verbs show the second stem change in the participle: e>i,o>u. pedir — pidiendo dormir + durmiendo PROGRESSIVE FORMS: INDICATIVE A. Formation of the Progressive The progressive consists of a conjugated form of the auxiliary verb estar plus the present participle. As with the perfect forms, only the auxiliary verbs shows tense, mood, and person; the form of the present participle never changes. EL PROGRESIVO: INDICATIVO PRESENTE PRETERITO IMPERFECTO estoy bailando estuve bebiendo ‘estaba riendo estas ballando estuviste bebiendo estabas riendo esta bailando | estuvo bebiendo estaba riendo estamos bailando estuvimos bebiendo estabamos riendo estais bailando estuvisteis bebiendo estabais riendo estan bailando estuvieron bebiendo cestaban riendo am dancing Iwas drinking Iwas laughing Deparment of Foren Lannwages(COSTAKTT) Advanced Spans Stites (SPAN 120) EL PROGRESIVO: INDICATIVO FUTURO. CONDICIONAL, ‘staré diciendo estaria viendo estarés diciendo estatias viendo estaré diciendo estaria viendo estaremos diciendo cestariamos viendo estaréis diciendo estariais viendo estardn diciendo estarian viendo Iwill be saying I would be seeing B. Uses of the Progressive Forms The perfect forms describe actions that are completed at same point in the past. The progressive forms describe actions that are ongoing or in progress. Because both the simple present tense and the simple imperfect tense can also describe actions in progress, it is important to learn the difference between those two simple tenses and the progressive forms. The progressive Is used in Spanish: 1. to indicate an action in progress at the moment of speaking No puede hablar con Ud. porque He can't speak with you because esta durmiendo. he’s sleeping. Qué estaré haciendo? What can she be doing? 2. to describe an action that is different from what is normal or customary, whether or not it is in progress at the moment of speaking. Este semestre estoy tomando cinco Tim taking five classes this semester. cursos. Estaba pasando las vacaciones en ‘He was speaking his vaction at casa. home. (He usually took a trip.) 3. to. add emotional impact to the narration of an ongoing action. iQué diablos estaria pensando! What in the world could he be thinking! iPor fin estamos terminando este libro! We are finally finishing this book! Department oF Foren Languages (COSTAATT) Advanced Spanish Sts [SPAN 120] 85 DE PASO “The preterite progressive conveys both a completed action (implicit in the preterite auxiliary) and the sense of an action in progress (indicated by the use of the present participle), For this reason, the use of the preterite progressive is limited to contexts where the end of the action is Clearly indicated. It is rarely used in spoken Spanish. Estuvimos hablando hasta la madrugaga. We were talking until morning. C. Spanish Versus English Progressive The progressive forms are used less frequently in Spanish than in English. They can never be used to indicate a future or anticipated action. Only simple forms are used for that purpose. Nos casamos (casaremos) el préximo verano, We are getting married next summer. Dijo que venia con su hermana. He said he was coming with his sister ‘The future progressive indicates an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. Esta noche, a las siete, estaremos mirando Tonight at seven o'clock weil be las noticias. watching the news. D. Progressive with Other Auxiliary Verbs Other verbs that can be used as auxiliaries with the progressive are seguir/continuar, ir, venir and andar. The use of each changes the meaning of the progressive slightly. seguir/continuar + participle: to continue in progress, to keep on (doing something) La semana que viene seguiremos hablando de Next week wwe will continue taking la violencia en la sociedad actual about violence in contemporary society. ir + participle: to focus on progress toward a goal Vamos avanzando en la construccién de We are making progress in the la casa. construction of the house. Deparanne of Foreign Languagss (COSTAKTT) Avancea Spank Sts [SPAN $20] % venir + participle. emphasises the repeated or uninterrupted nature of an action over a period of time Siempre vienen diciendo lo mismo. They always keep on saying the same thing. andar + participle: implies that the action in progress is disorganised or unfocused. ‘Anda pidiéndoles ayuda a todos. He's going around asking everyone for help. E. Placement of Object Pronouns Object pronouns may precede the auxiliary verb or follow, and be attached to, the participle. Se esta bafiando. s Esta bafiéndose, He's taking 2 bath. Prdctica A. Decida si se debe usar un tiempo simple o una forma progresiva para expresar los verbos en /etras cursivas. Luego dé la forma apropiada. They are having problems with crime in that area. What are you doing? Stop that! Don't talk so loud; your father /s sleeping. He is going to get a new trial. The defence attorney is presenting his case tomorrow. Will you be arriving by plane or by boat? They're feaving at nine o'clock. It was time for reforms the inmates were causing lots of problems. pee uane eer B. Exprese en espafiol. 1. Why are you smoking? Don’t you see the sign? 2. He's going around asking for money. 3. They continue to be our best friends. 4. They came looking for the thief. Department of Forign Languages (COSTAATT) Advanced Spanish Sys [SPAN 120) a PRESENT VERSUS PAST PARTICIPLE || The progressive forms of certain English verbs can describe both an action in progress and the condition or posture that results from that action. Compare these sentences: ‘ACTION IN PROGRESS: As they were sitting down, the ceremony began. RESULTING POSTURE: We couldn't see them because they were sitting down, In Spanish, only the action in progress can be described with progressive forms. The resulting posture is described with estar + past participle. ACTION IN PROGRESS: Mientras estaban sentandose, empez6 la ceremonia, || RESULTING POSTURE: No los podiamos ver porque estaban sentados. In addition to sentarse, other frequently used verbs of this type include. acostarse (ue) to lie down esconderse to hide arrodillarse to kneel down incorporarse to sit up colgar (ue) to hang (up) pararse to stand up THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE AS ADJECTIVE || In English, the present participle can be used as an adjective. The Spanish present participle can modify a noun only after verbs of perception such as ver or oir, The use of the infinitive is equally frequent. Teoi { a je laducha, heard you singing in the shower. Vieron el ladron ea oe fs ventana. They saw the thief breaking the window. In all other cases where the English present participle functions as an adjective, the idea is expressed in Spanish in one of these ways: 1. with estar plus the verb past participle 2. with an adjectival clause introduced by que La mujer que canta es una contralto. The woman singing is a contralto. ‘Tuvieron una carta que describia el delito. ‘They get a letter describing the crime, Department cf Forcion Lanqvaoes (COSTAATT) Adbanced Spanish Sis [SPAN 120] a | DE PASO 1@ Spanish verbs have a special adjectival form that is created by adding -ante, -ente, or -iente to the stem: interesante, creciente. Ese niio sonriente es mi hijo. That smiling child is my son. Tienen muchas plantas colgantes. They have 3 lot of hanging plants. Since not all verbs have this special form, it is best to consult a dictionary. Pract A. Decida si se debe usar el participio presente 0 pasado para expresar las. palabras en /etras cursivas. Luego dé la forma apropiada. I was just lying down when the phone rang. The policeman didn’t know that the thief was hiding behind the door. ‘The man standing over there is my cousin. They were hanging up the decorations when we arrived. When the doctor walked in, the patient was sitting up in bed. We were standing up to go when the accident happened. She was kneeling in front of the shrine, absorbed in her own thoughts. Noyawne B. Exprese en espafiol las palabras indicadas entre paréntesis, segin el contexto. El hombre (kneeling) alli es un consejero (working) con los delicuentes. Via muchos estudiantes (reading) en la biblioteca. El texto (dealing) de este problema no esta en ningun sitio. El perro ya estaba (Iving down) cuando vio un gato (crossing) la calle. La mujer (entering) con el policia tenia un enorme pajaro (sitting) en el hombro. Habia varios nifios (hiding) debajo de la mesa Los criminales (receiving) la pena de muerte son los peores. yawn No Department of Foreign Languages (COSTAATT) Advanced Spanh Slistics [SPAN 120] » PRESENT PARTICIPLE VERSUS INFINITIVE In English, the present participle can function as a noun: it can be the subject or direct object of a sentence, or the object of a preposition. In Spanish, the present participle can never function as a noun. The only Spanish verb form that can do so is the infinitive. Compare these sentences: SUBJECT (El) Leer es mi pasatiempo favorito. Reading is my favourite pastime. DIRECT Prefieren nadar en una piscina. They prefer swimming in a pool. OBJECT ‘OBJECT OF A Después de comer la fruta, se After eating the fruit, he felt sick. PREPOSITION sintié mal. The use of the article el with the infinitive when it functions as a subject or direct object is optional. THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE AS ADVERB In English and in Spanish, the present participle can function as an adverb, modifying the main vergal action of a sentences In English, this use of the present participle is sometimes introduced by the preposition by; no preposition is used in Spanish. Se aprenden nuevas lenguas ‘New languages are learned by practising practicande con diligencia, diligently. Llegando tarde, apenas tuvo tiempo para Arriving late, he had just enough time to buy ‘comprar un billete. a ticket. Entrando silenciosamente, el ladrén pudo Entering silently, the thief took everything llevarse todos los objetos de valor. of value. Préctica A. Decida si se debe usar el participio presente o el infinitivo para expresar las palabras indicadas entre paréntesis. Luego dé la forma apropiada. Antes de (moving) nos despedimos de todos los amigos. (Leaving) por la puerta de atrés, pudo escaparse. No me gusta (speaking) de la violencia que hay en ese pais. Sin (saying) nada a sus padres, Luis ahorré mucho dinero (working) horas extras. (Beginning) mafiana, hay que entregar la tarea a tiempo. (By practising) con mis amigos cubanos, aprendo muchisimo. (Sleeping) es bueno para la salud. Tratamos de convencerle, (showing him) los resultados del experimento. eae ena Denariment of FarelonLanguanes (COSTAATT) Avance Spanish tis [594N 120) » B. éQué actividades preceden y siguen a las siguientes acciones? Siga el modelo. MODELO Me lavo los dientes. = Me lavo los dientes después de comer y antes de hablar con alguien por la mafiana. 1. Me pongo el pijama. 2. Lo compro flores a mi novio (novia). 3. Voy a la biblioteca. 4, Me pongo muy contento. 5. Le hablé a mi profesor de espafiol en espafiol. Desartmantf FerlanLanauanes (COSTAATT) Advanced Spanish tise (SPAN 120) a

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