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Classroom Technology and Collaboration

What do we mean by Collaboration?

The word collaboration could be described as 'the action of working with
someone to produce something' ('The Free Dictionary,'n.d.). To a certain extent
anyway, we expect our ICT systems and software to collaborate with our
students as they learn. Our own teaching could be defined as interactive
teaching, that works in conjunction with the interactive technology in the
classroom. This definition could be extended into the action of working with
someone or something, to produce an item.
We need collaboration because most of our lives we work collaboratively with
other people. Whether they are co-workers, friends or family, it could be argued
that collaboration is at the heart of our social structures. So it makes sense to
include this type of work within our classrooms, if given the choice most students
would rather work collaboratively then alone, I sure do. So why not take
advantage of this with collaborative classroom technologies (Roblyer & Doering,

Collaborative Classroom Technologies

I believe technology if used correctly and appropriately, presents great
opportunities for students to work collaboratively in the classroom. However, I
still firmly believe that 'within the classroom, the teacher is the key to successful
learning' (Beauchamp, & Kennewell, 2010, p. 766). To be clear, the teacher and
students should drive their learning and use technology as a means to work
collaboratively to accomplish their learning goals. There are a number of apps,
software programs and even hardware that is designed for multiple users for this
I will help my students to work collaboratively as seen in the 'Digital Youth'
videos. These include, encouraging students to explore and discuss various
topics using programs such as padlet. Communicating in this way may also
encourage shy students to participate in discussion as they may find it less
intimidating to comment and/or share information and ideas in a virtual world,

rather than in person (Laurillard, 2009). All students learn differently, as stated
in the Digital Youth Portrait, Dylan was really able to engage with classroom
technologies and working collaboratively he was able to vastly improve his
grades. I am more than happy to provide collaborative classroom technologies
for students if it improves their learning experiences.

Reference list
Beauchamp, G., & Kennewell, S. (2010). Interactivity in the classroom and its
impact on learning.
Computers & Education, 54(3), 759-766.

Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

Laurillard, D. (2009). The pedagogical challenges to collaborative technologies.

International Journal
Of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning,4(1), 520.

Roblyer, M., & Doering, A. (2014). Integrating Educational Technology into

Teaching: International
Edition, 6th Edition, Pearson.

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