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Prior to printed publication: Result from 14th International Passive House Conference

From: Profl. Arch. DI Martin Treberspurg, DI Roman Smutny et al, 2010

Energy Monitoring in Existing Passive House

Housing Estates in Austria
To date, more than 5,000 Passive Houses have been built in Austria. The share of
new buildings that comply with the Passive House standard is to increase further.

The main questions were whether current passive houses reach the goals, how much
energy is actually saved compared to conventional residential complexes, and what
the most effective approaches are to lower overall energy consumption.

For low-energy homes and Passive Houses, the share of the costly building envelope
in the useful area plays a major role in overall construction costs. The analysis of 24
residential complexes in Vienna (completed between 2003 and 2008) clearly shows
that shape factor and construction costs are closely related. More compact residential
complexes are far cheaper. A shape factor of 0.2, 0.3, or 0.4 m/m results in costs of
around 1,300, 1,400 or 1,500 /m. Passive Houses cost roughly the same as
low-energy homes. 1 (see figure)

Figure: Effect of shape factor on construction costs per useful living area (ULA)

Remark by the editor: But Passive Houses (PH) consume only some 33% of the heating energy of the low
energy houses (NEH).
Comparison Calculation (grey)
and Measurements (green)
very good coincidence with
Passive Houses

LEH average

PH average

Figure: The savings are real, measured consumption only 1/3 compared toVienna standard
The paper is published in the

Proceedings of the 14th International Passive House Conference,

held in Dresden 2010, May 28th to 29th, Passive House Institut, 1st edition, Darmstadt 2010

(523 pages, 73 papers). The Proceedings can be ordered online at this address:

The Authors:

Univ. Prof. Arch. DI Dr. Martin Treberspurg

DI Roman Smutny

Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexander Keul

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