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Junior Project Artifact Reflection (Know, Do, Reflect)

Complete the KDR graphic organizer below with comprehensive thoughts. Each section should consist of
1-2 detailed, thorough paragraphs that showcase what you KNOW, what you can DO, and your
REFLECTION on your project. The boxes will grow as you type.
Explain the goal or
objective of the course,
what your project was,
and how your project
met that goal/objective
Discuss what you needed
to know in order to
complete the project
effectively and
proficiently, as well as
discussing what you
completing the

Discuss the process of
what you actually did
in order to complete
your project and what
you can do as a result

o Think - because I
know (this) I can
now do (this)
Discuss new
technologies used,
new subject matter
encountered, new
skills learned or skills
that were improved,
etc. as you worked
through your project.
REFLECT: Reflect on
the process of
completing the project
(both steps taken and
knowledge and
experience gained).
What went well? Why?
What could have gone
better? How could you
have improved it?
How have you
demonstrated growth
in your knowledge and
skills as an artist, a
storyteller, and a
student as a result of

The goal of the junior project was to tell a story. Each

student could choose to tell a story of any kind they wanted to
express, such as a specific activism cause. This made me ask
myself many questions, like What story am I going to tell? and
What does this mean to me as a student? I decided to make this
project important to me because of future students. My little sister
Allison will be going to Clayton Valley one day. I want to share with
her everything Ive learned from high school.
My grandma has told me about everything she
learned from when she went to Clayton Valley. I had the story to
tell of what you learn and what you give to others. I decided to
express this through a movable art piece. The goal of my art piece
was to prompt people to think about how impactful high school/
Clayton Valley has been. On who they are and share how
generations have gone through Clayton Valley and shared all
theyve learned. I named this art piece Generations Better.
The second goal of my junior project was to improve
the environment of the arts academy art room with the positive art
piece, as well as anything else I could do to make it a more positive

working through the

Reflect on your
process of creating
memory, legacy,
and/or tradition, and
how using your art
has helped you tell an
untold story.
Did you meet your
Yes/No, Explain.
Did your project
produce the intended
impact on those who
engaged with it? How

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