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How Toyota Changed the World

Author: K. Dennis Chambers

Today Toyota is one such company whose practices are followed in any of the pioneer industries,
even for non-automobile sector companies. This reputation of this company did not come in a single
day rather it was a very evolving and very much challenging journey. During the days of World War II
nobody in Japan could even think of making cars; just let go the thoughts of competing with the
Westeners. But with proper strategy and practices Toyota grew up to become one of the present day
dominating automakers in the world. This can be justified by the facts that Toyotass famous Prius
hybrid won a shelf full of awards, including Car of the Year in Japan (1988), North American Car of
the year (2004), and European Car of the year (2005).
The writer K. Dennis Chambers in the book How Toyota Changed the World has very beautifully
described how Toyata, crazy like a fox, had a long-term plan to become a top-tier player in the auto
industry. Through patience, persistence, and a willingness to dream of a different future as well as to
look back to the past for ideas, Toyota has succeeded step by step.
The author has very nicely illustrated how this company learned from its own mistakes and used that
for improvement, a term commonly coined as kaizen. It is really surprising to know that the origin of
Toyota group was never from automobiles, rather it stayed from weaving industry. The gradual
evolution of the Toyota group has been laid through rough times of economic disturbances and amidst
war and peace. It was the effort of Toyoda people who even in heart-breaking and difficult
circumstances, never lost hope and gradually worked harder and harder to touch the current level.
This book thus explains the importance of the company and the essential disruptions that changed
their business forever. It also presents the detailed Toyota's origins and history alongside the
biographies of the founders and the historical context in which they launched the company. Almost
everywhere if possible Toyotas strategies and innovations have been properly laid out.
The story of this group of people, the Toyoda family is all about an extraordinary group of
entrepreneurs and engineers who in literal sense performed miracles every day and even had the long
term vision. Toyota is thus a company that changed, and is changing, the world.

Submitted by:
Tushar Kumar Chandra
P.No.- 162796

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