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Mute Swan ‘By Barbara Anderson MATERIALS: 4-ply yam—6¥ ozs white, sinell amounts black and orn polyester fibesil; wo 10mm. anima tyes: 2 pieces 2" wooden dowol 3% ag, 12" chenille steras—11_ white, 8 blacks glue: tap hooks or sizes needer GAUGE: G honk, 4s¢ = 1° 48 tor T" Phookand 2 sirands held tog. 3hde 1 2 hée rows = 1 FINISHED SIZE: 10%" tall NOE: Do net join ends untoss other ‘wie slated. Mave tne st cf each rnd. HEAD & BODY Rnd 1: With hacksind 2 ctrand black held toy, h2, 6 3¢ in 2nd ch from hook (6), Rnd 2 Soin each of noxt2sis,2 dein ‘each of noxt 2 as, sein gach cf next 2 ts &. ‘Rnd 2: Scin each of next2sts, (next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sc in each of next 2 sts 6. Rnd 4: Sein each of next Z ts, 2 sein each of next ss, join with! stin fis. sc (10). Fasten of 5: Jim 2 stranels white held tox with sein 2nd stof ead 4, sein each of next 23s, 2c neath of next 4 sts sc in feud of ment 3 at (132 Rnd 6: Se in each st around, Twist 3 white chenille stems tog te form thick stem, Place stem inaide hoad. Stuff found ster as you work, ‘ads 7-8: Se in oach of next 3 sts, he fn ann 8 ea, ce in each of nove 3 sts Rad: Slatin ext 5 ots sc in nox! hide in nox 6s, se in rine ste stn nes ra Rnd 10: Sst in nexs sts, hele each of next sis, he next 2 ts tog) 2 times, hae in each of next 3 si (12). nds 11-13: S| st in nei sts, de in ext 7 sts ‘Rad J4:Sc ln nextst,slstin nex! 5s, se In next si hde in next st ade next 2 sts tog) 2 tines (10) Rods 15-24: Sc in each st exoune. Red 25:8) st in next ss, ade in next Oats. Rood 26: S]st in next 5 ss, nde in next Bats. Red 27: Hide in uextst, sl stin each of ext $ sts, hde Ln next 6 ss Ronis 20-29 Fee in each of next 2st, lst im each of ext 3 sts, bide in nex! 5 nd 30:2 hdcin nests hic ineschof hoxt 2 ts, s st in each of next 18, nde imoach of not 2 ste, 2hdein noxt st nde in each of next 2 ste (12) Rnd 31: Hide in next 4 sts, 51st in next ste, hdc in naxt 4 sts. Rnd 22; Hc in next 4 ot, aein next 5 sts, hde in each of nowt 2 sts, 2 hde in ox a (19 Rnd 3%: Slat an next st, cha 2, he in each of next 3sts, sein next 5 sis, hde-in fox! soln with 813 top of eh 2 3) Ri $8: Ch 2, hc in each st around, Join as bore Rand $8:Ch 2, (2helc in next st,hde-in each of neat 9 sts) around, jin (16) Rnd $6:Ch2, (Zhe in next st lndein each of next 2 sts) around, join (21) Rud 37: SI stineach of next 2sts,cle2 Bled ia eae uf nex! Osta ac in ont @ sis, 2 hdc in each of next 6 st, join (39) Stull Rnd 8: Ch 2, hde in noxt 12 sts, 90 in next 8 ta, hde in noxt 12st, Rnd 39: Ch 2, (hde next 2 sts tog) 6 tims scin nest ats, (hee nest ets tog) 6 times, join (23) Rd 40: Ropoat mad 34. Rnd a1:Ch', (Zhele in next st, hdcin hhext s} around, jin (31) Rnd 42: Repeat md 34. Rnd a3:Ch2, (Zhelc in next st, hdecin next sts) around, join (37). Rud #8: Ci 2, (hoc neat 2 sts tow, Ice in neat 4 sis) around, join (81), Rud 49: Repeat nad 34.

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