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PROIECT partea 1

Tudor George
Vasile Mihai Madalin
Grupa 2406 ISE
Se seteaza Sampling Period la 0.0001 s
Se incarca proces.c la Data file Management;
Din meniul Filter se elimina componenta continua si se
Din meniul Parametric Identification se alege structura, modelul si
algoritmul, conform printscreen urmatoare:

Se salveaza modelul generat sub numele de P1.mod;

In meniul Model Validation se verifica stabilitatea conform

Din meniul Time/Frec. Domain Analysis se verifica raspunsul

sistemului la semnal treapta.

Partea a 2-a.
In winreg se incarca modelul validat anterior.
Se seteaza regulation performances si tracking performances.

Prin comanda compute a controller se obtine:

Date : 19/ 4/2016 , 12 h 48

Method :Poles Placement.
Sampling Period (Ts): 0.0001 s
MODEL Delay: 1
Degree of A : 2 -- Degree of B : 3
* A(1) = -1.89243 * B(1) = 3.80300 * C(1) = 0.00168
* A(2) = 0.98800 * B(2) = 0.01360 * C(2) = 0.00654
* B(3) = -0.02346 * C(3) = 0.01747
==>w0 :395 rad/s , xi :0.9
Degree of Am: 2 -- Degree of Bm: 1
* Am(1) = -1.929863 * Bm(0) = 7.619E-04
* Am(2) = 0.931369 * Bm(1) = 7.440E-04
==>w0 :1500 rad/s , xi :0.9
Degree of P : 2
* P(1) = -1.743698
* P(2) = 0.763379
Degree of HR: 0 -- Degree of HS: 1 WITH Integrator
Degree of R: 2 -- Degree of S: 4 -- Degree of T: 2
===== Coefficients of Polynomial R(q-1) =====
* R(0) = 0.317548
* R(1) = -0.611102
* R(2) = 0.298743
===== Coefficients of Polynomial S(q-1) =====
* S(0) = 1.000000
* S(1) = 0.148732
* S(2) = -1.150790
* S(3) = -0.005036
* S(4) = 0.007094
===== Coefficients of Polynomial T(q-1) =====
* T(0) = 0.263634
* T(1) = -0.459698
* T(2) = 0.201253

In meniul Time Domain Simulation se observa ca semnalul se

stabilizeaza la 160 de secunde.

Dupa ce semnalul se stabilizeaza se aplica perturbatia cu o

magnitudine de 0.1;

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