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From: Hand, Bob [bob hand@turner.

Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:18 PM
To: Mc Carthy, Garry F.
Subject: Erin Burnett OutFront Interview Tonight
Superintendent McCarthy,
saw the news about your firing and wanted to offer you a chance to talk to Erin Burnett
on air or off air to explain your side of the story.
My number is 6463572666 I can talk at any time today and we are very interested in
hearing your side of the story behind the Laquan McDonald video.


Bob Hand
CNN Sr. Editorial Producer
Cell: 646-357-2666
Alt. Cell: 917-573-5566
Office: 212-275-7513

From: Mc Carthy, Garry F.[]

Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2015 11:53 AM
To: Roussell; James M.; Tracy; Robert; Guglielmi; Anthony; Adam Collins
Subject: Fwd: CPD Statement Regarding Release of LaQuan McDonald Case File
Good time to put this out!
Oh, wait. IYs a week too late.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: News Affairs <>
Date: December 6,2015 at 8:58:17 AM CST
To: News Affairs <>
Subject: CPD Statement Regarding Release of LaQuan McDonald Case File
By City law, the Independent Police Review Authority(IPRA)conducts all
investigations of the conduct of Chicago police officers when they are involved in an
officer-involved shooting. That is not handled internally at CPD.IPRA's administrative
investigations to determine whether officers should be disciplined are always
suspended pending criminal investigations so as not to interfere with those
proceedings. CPD's case report and all videos were turned over to IPRA and state
and federal prosecutors days after the shooting. The Justice Department is currently
investigating any actions and statements of CPD officers in connection with this
shooting. If the criminal investigation concludes that any officer participated in any
wrongdoing, we will take swift action.
On background: The Justice Department is currently reviewing the videos, including
the Burger King video, and the statements made by CPD officers as part of their
criminal investigation. Once they complete their investigation, IPRA will resume its
administrative investigation to consider whether discipline, including termination,
would be appropriate for any officers who responded to the incident or participated in
preparing the case report. In the meantime, IPRA cannot interview the officers
involved in this incident while the federal and state criminal matters are pending.
Chicago Police Department
Office of News Affairs
(312) 745-6110.
Fax (312) 745-6999

From: Mc Carthy, Garry F.[]

Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2015 2:11 PM
To: Kristin
Subject: Fwd: CPD Statement Regarding Release of LaQuan McDonald Case File

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:
From: News Affairs <>
Date: December 6,2015 at 8:58:17 AM CST
To: News Affairs <nwsaffrla~chicagot~olice.orq>
Subject: CPD Statement Regarding Release of LaQuan McDonald Case File
By City law,the Independent Police Review Authority(IPRA)conducts all
investigations of the conduct of Chicago police officers when they are involved in an
officer-involved shooting. That is not handled internally at CPD.IPRA's administrative
investigations to determine whether officers should be disciplined are always
suspended pending criminal investigations so as not to interfere with those
proceedings. CPD's case report and all videos were turned over to IPRA and state
and federal prosecutors days after the shooting. The Justice Department is currently
investigating any actions and statements of CPD officers in connection with this
shooting. If the criminal investigation concludes that any officer participated in any
wrongdoing, we will take swift action.
On background: The Justice Department is currently reviewing the videos, including
the Burger King video, and the statements made by CPD officers as part of their
criminal investigation. Once they complete their investigation, IPRA will resume its
administrative investigation to consider whether discipline, including termination,
would be appropriate for any officers who responded to the incident or participated in
preparing the case report. In the meantime, IPRA cannot interview the officers
involved in this incidentwhile the federal and state criminal matters are pending.
Chicago Police Department
Office of News Affairs
(312) 745-6110
Fax (312) 745-6999

~?~~t>!of 1.

~+ut~ ~ct>

~:~fns ~sacz ~;"Dennis f*." <d~:n~~~s' ui~,~dr~>

~t ~~tt~y. Marra ,' ~~~rry.t
rl~y ct~~ca t~c~ii .~t~>
~~~Urs~a~, dee~mt~r Q~, 2~1'S t~,~~i ~'f1~

1 ~xt~ ~c~r~;~ ~t~~~r~ ~'+:~txx te~ur~ ~~re ~~~~.ti n~rl Z~~~l~~r. L[ bus be~ii ~ ~least~a~~
w~~rlu~~~ ~~~t~Y ~~uu ~r~d ~~u~hitY~, itiiYo~v~ti ~~~, ~t~zc1 I ~~' :~l~ ~rc~u the vc~~r bc~~.
Pty-~~~~; ~C~~;~~ icy re~~a~.~~l~.

~'~~~~ir~ I)i~i~ k,~t c,t f'c~l c a = ~ttzer~c;~t ~~;ic>ty cif ~ri~ztu~l~s~~#

~x~~eut~~~; ~~ea~~,~cx~,l~a~is~rz~~ P~ixc~r~ Rr:~;~~~c~r~~ ~'l~~c~'c~cnz
t'rr~f~~~~~~Y c~~' ~~rir~~ir~~iic~~~, I.~w axl~l Jt~;~t~~
17~'~s~t~r, Cw~~~tcr t'c~~~ Rcse:~r~;l~ in T.~~~ti~ ~x}c~ ,tu~~+~Yc1~~': l~1
~~i~r~r~1~y a~" Tl~itxa~:4 ~t ~'liicag~
:t0~~ ~~~. ~~~~r~i~r~~'t ~1:.
"~ 121:~~~.,~~~C


<tUl~ (~au~htan~; ~~[~auit~ !~." ~clacid,m~naut~hi~r7t~vh~cagapoiic~,a~g~

~i4~~ C~~if~y>; "harry F." ~~r~rry.mcc~thy~ct~iG~~~~olic~,arg~
Tuesday,(~scemb~r 01, ~i~15 17:DS Pert
Subject: 1 Deg 1 ~
S~~perin[~n~#et~t h~c~~rty~
1 jug! r1r+p[~ yttu a +~ui~;k lit~~ t+a roicG rtty sup~rt try yt~u at~d }~r~u~ I~~t~nly. Yc~u lyav~ b~~t~
t~~at:t~ii1~ but n tl~~ ~ ttct, a~lcl ~1~,va;,~~ I~~r~~c4t ~vilh X11 ref tzv~ Yc~ 5t~c~~i u~ fi~~~ th~~ ~3~parlmrait ut ~tl
t.i~~~s, ~z~d t~l~ww~yt~ la~tci it~5 best. it~tt~~~t~ wlteti making d~~~i~i~n4. Our l~e~~~~~t~t~ent is hel.te~r l~~c~a~~ac
a~ }you, an4i it ~itl be better ft~r a lui~~ tune 1}ccc,~usc*. ul' yUu. I don't ~gr~~ tvitl~ the decision Iha~
~~~~ nY,~c~ here, lout w~ will ~c~ld er a~~. The
Uru~~l lh~~t yc~u rt~~~tve but itt ~~~c,: witl +cc~ni nte
yvcir [~g~c;y het'. tt~i we w~11 rt tit yt~u cio~vr~. My vuy
t wi~hc.~ to ytu :wc~ yaur t~n~ily.[
~~~~e you c~~i: ~i~,~~.~~r ~
~ful ~olacfa~, a~~j al t the l~ew Y+~~ir~a~s yr~~ ~~cn~ ~r~s~erit~i. t~'
t}t~re is ~nyrtlyrr~~ ilSat I c;a~~ ever dry 1 wc~~~ci c~ltii~ler yt ~~n ht~nor iii yc~u e+alJcc~ c:~i> >t~,c.

n ~ a ,.~ ~~. v~~t,

~'3av~: h'~c'-~tact~;lyte~ri

d~avi~l R. M~~Jau~hton
C3~~uty Ctti~f
A~~a ~~ntral, ~us+~a ~t P~o1
31 ~-745-1583
F~A~C: 0336


Si t:

G~:nti(e 1t
~iCee3ru~scia~. C~eC+~rrb~r 0 , ~t315 7_Q1 ~#~vt

C~i71~cl~~lt ~~i' I.tic: C~i~.ntile 1'~ainily~ i v~~ill ~i.55 yvc~rki~t~ I't~r ;~~t}ti. ~C~~).L) L.l~l~t~l~
~~~ L~Yr,1. t~~ I~r~t~nlnnt
~A.dt~hc !~ill;es

'.~:zae ~ntn~ rs~y ~~r,~~ta 1rV~rele~s~ l:i'3'_ scnurE~l~,n~;

sca t.

~eu~s ~f~airs ~nvr ltr~ch~tagopr,~ic~.o~ ~

Sa~urcf~}~, t~c~ember 26.~~15 $:39 P(~
Up~at~d iafa - +~~'tk~ ~la~k ~~ ~.~r

in r~~~r~r~c~ to the i~crd~ttt tt~~t c~~~urr~d in the 4~6}{~ L~Ec~ck af'~tY. Erie r~1, 1 y tl~ Clistri~fi (I~arrisan)
prifi~~rs r~~{~~~d~d tca ~ d~nrnest~~ ~i~urf~~nc~ Ott a, resid~n~e, lJpan ~rr~rr~l, ~fti~~~r~ v~~r~ ~t~nfron~~ed by
a comk~~ti~e~ ~u~~~~t resulting ire the tii.~~h~rgi~~ ~~ tt~~ officer's weapon vvlli~l~ falaliy ~c~t,r~~ed two
ir~c~iuit~u~l~, TI~~ 5~ ~~ar c~id fem~f~ vic:tir~ w~~ ~c~icl~n~aily skruck end tra~~c~l ~r Ftill~~.
Thy d~partm~nt emends it's d~~p~si ~c~n~d~l~n~es k~ tt~~ ~rictirn's ~~m~(y~ arrd firl~r~ds.
+~~trr~~ttly, the spec f ~s cif ttris i~~cid~r~~, in~F~~dir~t~ the ~rnpr~h~nsiv~ use ~ ~t~r e r~~t~stic~,atior~ are
b~inc~ inv+~~ti~~ie~i by the ~nc3~pender~~ ~c~l~~e ~~~~+r~ ~t~f
ter t6~~ fufl r.~t ~~~~i~r~ Q t{~e ~PCt,.
~` e vff 3r~s~ rt~t~ rred ~+ritl
~ia~s~ ~t~u~1r ,~t~m~ ~str~~i~~ t~cat~es fvr ~ per ~ ~f 3~ gays. T ip
n~ p~c~liCy ~~ was ~rn~le~ent~ ~iy av~~ri~t~~?~td~~1i ~,~ ~~~,~vI#I ~t'~ tip s`~t~~n firm ~k~
~~~~~~t ~i t~~~r L~i~~~~~~ (~i ~ I~~Gt~7~J i~~ LJ~ ~~~~~~~i_~}Q~~~~ ~~ ~~r

st~r~d~r~ ~rptacol fallowing a1! c~~Bic~r-invr~~u~ci ~hooting~.

Ghi~ca~~ Palic~ Q~p~rtmenfi
C1ffiC~ ~f Nt~t~~ ~ff~irs
~~1~) 7~f5-b1~Cl
Fix (31~~ ~'~!5-~'~99


17~~~~ ~~{~~C~~~y Lf~~.~7 ~~~) i.~~


~ilr~s~ .1r
Tu~sda'y, ~~C~ntt~l,~~.a ,2:14 F

t ~m ~r~suk~le~ by your r~signati~n. t~l0hile i w~~ c~r~tx of ~I~~ ~aa~ guard caf this De~artrrient wht~ dId nab agree with many rat
the ch~r~~e~ f'hat y~~u bmu,~t~t, I haue always res~a,~~;ft~d you .as ~a Fader. I am in my ihit`ti~th year- can ~h~ Chicago Police
D~p~rcm~:n~ k~~~, (t F~a~ nr~ly teen during ya~ar I,~rr~nc~ th~~ I fi~lt we hid samet~n~ truly in ~It~r~~, ~~m~or~e with ~r~
und~rs~andin of where ~e stooclr WI1G'1'E' WL' I"IIC?f;41r~~~ to ~o, end had a plan ~s tc~ hr~nr t~ get Ch~t~, I~ was shortly after
yr~u t~crk ch~rg~ that l was stru,~k by ttie simil~ri~y cif ~~t~r irnpressi~ar~ anti th~~t of many ~r~h~rs ~p~an your arrival ~ntt what
~h~ ~lnfgn saMdie~s said upon arrir~a~ of U.S. grant '~ca k~ke ~har~e of X11 t1i~ armies af` tk~~ ltn)on; "there was ~ f~el'ing
~rr~c~ttg tt~~ min ttt~t the bass h~c1 finally arrived".
You have ~~d ~s thrc~ugF seine I gnat c~~li~np cs these past ~nre y~ar~ Or d hsu~ held ~o sh~aw tl~~ ~wsr{c3 t~~e nabt
character a~ ~h~ Chi gr~ Pttl~ ~~rf e~i. A(~ t~'s~5+~ with any sense ~s Chic~gt3 re~l~xe th~t t~ti~ rr~st rcc~~t
c~~t~z~v rs+~ wax not c asirsnec~ b~ a ~k ~~ #~ac~es'~~~ i~~u~, rather, t ~x ~cii~nci~s oaf ~hica r~ ~ol~t~;:~. Tt n~C yr~u for
your ~+ervic~. Y'+~u ~h~1(fr3~e~r~r be a r~ ~~ t~t~r st~~yr. ~~otl lick ~~ yoga in the (~atx~r+~,


~ilr~r .lr
Tu~sciay, D~c++~mrn

r t~~t ~0 ~ ,2:~ Pi+~

tam traubte~ by y~c~ur r~s gnati~n. V'~thile I was a~~ t~F tl~~ ~~d ~u~rd cif this D~~artr~ent why did nab a~re~ vtiti~ rr}any a1
the ~c1~~ng~S tl~~t yQu bro~,,~f~t, 1 have always resp ~:tcd you ~s a leader. I am in m~ thirtieth y~ar~ ors the ~:hi~cago ~viice
IJep~r~m,~r~t beat, Cl F~~~s r~r~ly teen during ya~r t~nur~ tl~a~ I felt we had som~ttr~~ trul~r In ~~tar~c, ~c~m~one with an
ur~d~rst~nciin v~ vvh~re vuc stood, wt~er~ w~ n~~~~d tta ~t~, and had a plan ~s ~a I~tSw tC~ ~~t thet'~, It vas ~h~rtly after
y~ra t~ncrk char~r~ that f was struck i~~ tt7e sinnil~rity a my ikn~iressi~n anti that of many u~fxers r~pon your arrival anti v~rhat
~h~ Ut~4on sa{d~+ers sa ri upon arrival ~f IJ~S. grant ~a k~k~ ~har~ge of III tki~ arm~~s off' th~~: tJn~c~n; "~her~ was a f~elin~.
~rr~os~~ the min t~t~t the bass h~ci finaPly arrlv~d".
r{ ~ ~ r~~l
You have ~~d u~ ~hrc~ugh s~v~r~l ~r~e~t c~~l~~s es tF~~s~ past fire ye~r~ ar~d have k~l~ tc~ sl~wv ~h+~
ch~rac~er csf tt~ chic ra Pcxii ~~r ent. A!1 t~r~se ~~t any sense ~~ Ehic~ a realize that t~~s nom# e~c~ni
t~nir~~~rs~t wax not c~a~a~ner~ b}~ a Eck ~s~ I~a~l~t'~ ~(~ t~~tt, ratl~~r, the e~p~r~i~~ac~s ref ~hicag~s Pt~lif .ink ~~a~ fs~r
yt~ur s~nuC~~. You sh~li fearea~er h~ a art of ~u~ t~istc~~y. ~~sd lank x~ y~~ in the tutt~r~:
LE.'V1r'. K1LRt'~5"




Tu~s~l~y, pe~~mb~r 01, ~U15 7,1A ~M

~1 ~ ~aass...t~~,g day cieari~, dint ~v,~ant ~~ sad that ~ a~~ irvra~ Q~3 ~ ~rigin~lly a w met at a 4i2 ais~ ~~r~~trr~as party
M aui ~ yrs a~r~, ~ia~ a c~tetc_ !see yti~u arc~~n~ 35th and ~ whys spy hElia in ~axsln tl~~s~ ~Ia~rs. lust wa~t~t# t~ s~~+

ghat n~ys~lf and many of my ~a wort~ers I~ad your ~ia~k! a~ w~ felt yc~u I~ad flurx. I went ~vmm~ni on inc~d~r~t that led t
phis lout i carp ~~sure ~+t~u f see 4t the way yr~u do, I khink yours the b~~si SUPT in my 9.5 yrs acid ~+ant~~ ~~ x~y thanks.
Th~~k~ fir F,niding EV~~i'~C?NE of all yanks ~ IEtt(e mnr~ accountable raverall. ~!c~u ~r~ a p4Pi~emar~s ~a~s, w~ aft knaur
v+rh~t that mews, Iris sure.~eith ~rv~r cre~~~tlals ~a~ r~ gQ an~rwhere and i~ad a ~~#~t, bc~t i kuape y~siu ~l+~~fi, end ~rsjo~r
ys~ur r~tiremenc..~Yo~ ct+ rv~ ~e~ter ~laan tdct~r~ rent III ~t~, t wish ~resu w~e61 pit ~i~d t~ar~k~ again, tf y~rt are eves o~
the NV~J side I ~ntcu~ld Ir~ve tc~ btry ytru a "sc~~i~". h1ly into ~.s t~3as~vr, #3e~t +aF luck F3Q~5.

P.t~.,~~5~n Ctrwin #~.~~~q

S~re~iaP Fun~ticrns I~ir+6si~n
Traubied ~s~ICdar~~s knit
3s~.~3 S. ~rli~higan Ave

P:~,~~ ~ r~l' 1

"Chas Stony" <Chris.stane~;>

"fttJc Cartt~~, Gerry ~." ~~~cy.M~C~t~lhy~?
Wednesday. Cf~r:~mber t~2. ~U1& ~:~2 AN!
Subject: fib: Available
ifyou het thls; G~rry~ I~1 ~l1C~ I~I1t~W I1biht 1:t~ 1"~~}~Il g/~U. Yi3U'V1.' ~t7~ i] ~7F~, LCQYJ~ f,7f ~fFC11(~5 ~7Ut I'iPiPI

F~tesirinni., t)~n SaciGfy ~our.~~(iw15

Frarn: tvic ~~rthy, parry ~, C~rna~ir~,Garr,M~C~rklty!~acchicat~+r~pr~i(u:.ar91

Sent Tuc~tl~y, [?ecemb~c Ui, 20f 5 7:~5 iaM
l'~st ~tt~is 5Go~
Sufiijectt ~.r~: Av~ila~~~
T1~~~~k:~ Ch~i~, 1 l~~d ncyt tie~~~i ii, it~yc~u lt~v~ rt stt~~c:~ti~~i to ~rc:l~~, I dti=Ut~E~I tii(~~}`!'tc:1~ll~ i~,
'!'!Yank ~t~~~ r~4~a trz~~~1.
~~ntfmm my e~`~vue
{J~~ Dec 1, 2~}1~T at Ei:2~1 f~J~7, Chris Stojtc rc~l~ris.yluAt~f~~>rt7t~r.~~sc~~ietyC{.~ ~~,I,,~ ~~rc.atN:
l~c~~ ~trey,

1 ~eiu .j tc~ti ~ti1+~i' tir~~ ~af~ss c~at7t'caa~r~cc l~i~~ w~~k,Gut d~i~'~. ~.i~c~~r if Kati
gt~w it. 1 tl~c~tj~l~t'~~Qu ~i~l it ~fcll. ~'xr~ fl~~ili~; tri I_.~ tY~i~ rn~~'~tiric, lain.
hc~P~} to talk ~l~~cr '1 ~~~~ ~'~tic~u~c~ tin~c t+x~ay anci hrt~P}'[c~ }~~:1~a ii~ ~ c.iii.


C`ht`i~;tc~phcr SEcxrtc
1'r~:~ici~n~, C?pen Sc~icty ~'aut~clz,~ is+s~~

31 S12~!'1 f~

k'~t~,c 1 c3I` 1'

~UU~st~, "~3~rbdra ~!. <b~r1~~r~,west@lchfc~~cap~Ji~+~.c~rq>
efwio ~~rtf~ya~;,Garry ~."}
Thursday, C~acemb$r ~i3r ~(~15 ~.Q4!~M
9ubJect: 7~t~rtM~ Yc~ta
i~t~s~, ttt~nk }ray foC ~i(qf tl~+~ things ytat~ taught rr~e abr~ut t~~der~hip. rt ~ta~ ~e~~rt art ttonctr t~ ~!rv~ 4titFt
you r~r~ t~~ Chic~~a P~~'tc~ ~ artrr,~r~i. ~ I~~ 1~~rnet~ rt~or~t 1rc~~~i o in tta+~s~ d tears it~an in y ~~t(re
p~r~viou~ carer. I pan 1st it~~ many of u~ ~l~o ~o~a1~ n~v~r ~~c gotten ~ c~~nt~ ~za Cc~rnrtanci hid It
rtr i t~cxen fc~r yau, VV~e~ u~,ouir! have i~s~n a~eri~aakec~ and disr~~~~d~c#, Ih+e we~~ ttpt perfect arts! }~~u
;aW k~eyc~nd r~~at` fl~YvS ~r~c~ lacked at ~~ur' It~art~- It tc~+~k rrt~ a few gays tc} vwrit~ ~hls k~~tause I ft~d tt~
Ie~eF~ "Thy ~~ce" ly~il r~c~v~` ENi~tt 1 am ~Ct~~t~ G Urn shed rt~~ t~~r~ anei say f wiEl r~f~s yr~t,.""

:~~~ ~t~t? t f~


"~t~p~h~r~ McAifist~r" ~
`t~rTc C.~rtt~y, ~a~rgr ~.' ~C~i~~~'y.f~UcC~slhy~c~ic~s~capr~ce.r~r~>;
Friday: I~~cemb~r ~~, ~~115 ~_49l~~I
su~~~ct: ~w~~ r-v~: f-lu~~and ~tt~r~ P~tc~nday's ~huc;kle
______W _._ ~:~yru~~~~~lect rnessa~c _._~___r__
Sul~jut~i: F~'. l~lu~la~tta~l ~'rt~,-~ 1~+1a1~+~~t,~~'s cl~~~t'lt'.
"U~tii 1~~1~C"+~~~nel~"
r~itl~" ~
~."u~~r~ R~~xt~c" ~
i~>. "':~i.a~L~e 1~"l~:.~ll~lcif" ~~

>; "p~tel~t~1`

l~~ "T3e{a~ic
~`, "~~t~ ~a~nc~~r:;"

A ~~a~r~ ~l~ait ~~~~ r~~w hr~c~b~~i~s

ha: cap~~~d in t~lk~c~un+~ ~ t~vh~r
~ ra n rr~~~ +~ ter eht~~s~
hu~~~~~, ~rr~~i~ ~tf~~ r~~~ru~t~c~ns
tie +er~t a~ ~ ~ +d+~s~cr~pt +~~ ~~
haw tie stc~r~ +~}~~r~t~s~

Yc~~s may vi~~~ this ~t~o~~ l~l~~`

~r ~~e cif ~~~ ~a~+~~~c~s ir~~~~~~~ a~

~~~ sh~app~r ~~~ends tl~ f~~~~~.
1"~e ~h~~~~r ~~y ~~c~+~s~ ar~~ `rt+~rr~
fr~orr~ a ~~rti~ular f~oQr~, car m~~

~~~ ~r~~~

~c~r~ ~c~ ~i~~d ~ ht~sb~ndw C}~ ~h+e dir t

~~~~~ i~ ~~~~~

~~ ~~~~

I~~ i~ n~riu~d, but ctan~anu~ ~~ ~h~

~e~+~~~ f ~~~E rh~~~ the ~i~~ ~~~c

~lo~~ . - Th~~~ mere Hain ,it~~~ are

"Th~t`5 InG~,` ~t3~ ~~l~t~~~ "b~Ut I ~t~~


a~ ~~~ ~c~~fi r~+u~~ ward.``I~~ ~h~rc

~(a~ar sign rea+~~:

~!t ~I2'~l~s

~1'~~~~ :; t~~ 5


~r~~ r+e Ex~r~mely +food L+ookir~g.

~ ovv,` ~h t~ink~~ but fe~e~~ cc~~pe l+~t~

#o keep goir~~.

~h~ go~~ ~+a the ~+~ur~~h f~c~ar ~n~ t~~

sign r+~ads

F~oc~r ~- These min Hain ,1~bs~ L+~ve

bids, are trop-~~~a+~ +acrd L~aaking ~r~d
Help 1!1!#th H~ausewr~~~.

~C}~, tTtf~CG~ iTlEs~' S~"1'. ~t'XC~~117f~~ '~ Cs~11

~a~'~~~' S~~!'1~ Itl'

s~~n r'c~a~

~~aor~ 5~ These m+en Dave lobs, Loge

~i~is, ire [~r~p~d~~~ ~c,rg~au~, N~~p
~i~h H~us~~ur~rk, ~n~! Hive ~ ~tr~ng
~c~rnr~nt~~ streak.
~~~~ ~~.~r~k~~

~'~ r ~ cat' S

Shy i~ sc~ ter~n~t+~d to s~~Y~ but s~~e r~~s

~~ the~~~cth ~ ~~r~ ~~r ~~~ i n r +~s~:

F~c~t~r 6- Y~~u ~r~ ~isi~~r ~.,~5i~,~1~.~ t~

flc~crr. Th~~ ~I~~r~ e~Nst~ ~~lely ~s pr~c~~
`Ch~r~~ you ~c~r ~h~~p;r~~ ~~ fih+
~u~k~an ~+~r~

~'e ~rvc~i~d +~r~~d~r ~i~~ ~~r~+~~ ti

~t~r~~ just ~~~r~~~ fide ~tr~~et.
T~+~ first ~(~c~r ~~s~r~~~~ th~i~ ~ ~r~ ~ .
Th+~ ~+~~+~~~~d ~~~~~- ~~~~ r~v~s fiat Ic~v
~~~ ~~ ~~~r~ ~c~~~~~ ~~~ k ~r~~r
~` ~ ~kh~~d~ f~~rt~~

k~uge 5 ui'S

3I15!?f)I t

.L'1~~ 1 ~t' 1


'~Jeffrcy l3r~~rr~" ~


"A~+; ~arthiyr t~~~ry ~=." ~~arry.[~IcC~rth~+~~hl~,~~~s~,oiice.~argy


Tu~sdtp, C~~~t~rCt~~rQ`I, X4115 9~:~~ F'I~1

frs~rn Rev. J~ifi k~rca~ran

J4ybtr l~~~icl - T ~1or~'~~ ~;;ar~ eilxrt~l il~~; p~~fil.i~:~, ~fa~s ~~~t~vt~'~ G~i~l~t< I~'1 ~:tzi~ ~~ ~~hJ~"~I"11~~1~' foc y~o~t r~~a~~~
~~~ rn1.3~i~i~* t~rtvac~t l~;I rrr~ knc~v~~q ~C~"? 'lac: net~.cE yt~~~r le~cfcixhi~a i~~ i.~z 5 ~:~stt~ztr. +
~iit t'r~~n~ R~v':5 Pl~~~i~

~W~ile~r~; "Fred ~..` <free.wall~tr+ ~hi~a~opailr:~.arg~
~N]c Carthyy;"~~rry F." oparty.rr~e~art~~~chi~E~t~police.arg~
'VVedr~est~~~.!~t'~umt'~t'132, 2115 'i2:6~ ~~f
Sui~jecf: 1~E:'~fi~~tt~tAtr t~Al~lA~a`E TC? F~I'~R"~7

Uo~s ~ irr~~ti~aIty nit n~~ u~ ~~ ~t~t. hank ~'rrr~~~ ~ ~Ck~-tlx tli~tri~i ~ut~~ call ~t~~l just' w~fiaai~r~ ter lit yc~u
lcnb~ 17c w n,~~~c~lz rrc~u R~r~ ~~~l~x~cciat~~l ~it~.+~ t~~~ect~d ar~cl t~t~cl~~crvirl~ u~ tl~~ way ~rc~u"v~ l~~cn
rcate~3. '~"1`t~ deP~rtr~ekti ~t tl l peesor~~~ll~r wild tuis~ your I~a~l~r~hip. ~'~tac~x r~n~ takc t;~tr~e.

,~r~a ;Sc~utl~ll~c~uty ~~~iut'1~~~1~r


~rc~~r~: "A~1< t'cr~~tl~y. Gat~y l'.9i ~Gair~.IVI~t"'thyCchi~~ac~~t~Ic~.or~~

Tc~, "1~V~itxt~~~..1_.~rir~ 1V~."'t~.'~a1.s~z~t~t~~:~~c~~+~~~c11ic:~.r~~'~~
~~:: "lc~tzz~~ar~. ~l~ii~.'l~," <1~1~,3uhnn~c:~~~~a~e~~l~~.,~~,~~ "~;utl~~c~rrt,'~hfi~yne ."
~'~yn~.~;~~1~~vrd~rl~it;;~~,+~~~irc.c, "~~1ca:,.~r~c~ ." ~Freri.~~s~1~rchita~g~li~c.t~,~
c~~je~t: t~~cl: ~'2:Cfi~iii~~1. ~,Advf~Cl-;~ ~'RLj~'ERT'~ t?~l7
Ivlake st~rc; that v~a~ call' nc~ s~t~tcr~nan ~1~~~~~.
~~n~. ~rvi~ ~~~y~ i~hc~~~e
8~:~in far~v~rd~~i ~ne~;;~~~~:
+'rat; ~.'~' ~'~c~:~l<;C~cltica~cas~i~t ~.~.c,,,?,~>
Ll~~t~x; ~Ic~tixei~~Licr 2i3~ 2{l1;~ ~! 1 :1~:~ ~~w[ ~~`~'
Tt~: "~~~t~r~~.~~~, C`w~a~,~t~u~~i +~1." ~~"r~r~.w~.tin~ie.Ancli~w~~c~3ic~~r.~c~ca~,r.~.~~r~>, ~~13~t~*,
L~nv~~i !~," ~~~.rci ~~t~r~c~ica~~~ra[ic~.rc~g~~ "~ult~ris, ~t~;~rc~n ~~,"
~c~rw _..~lttri~~}c~tiic:~~a,~~~l.i~r.~'~~'g~~, ""~,s~al~tk~. ,T~~tt ,1.'.
~.~~.~4c~~~:~r~tc~t~ c~~i~c,

~.~1~\'j Fil~43

/Wi~4+L nlJ/t~/"y i,4A~V~g~Sf i3l~iMt i.w~

~~r~~c. je-car asC.~~~~~`~.a~ ca x~lic~.rr~ ~,""Gc~~lifc~rc!, ifi~~yiie h1."

~1'~~ ~~e,G~c2la~t,~~l~~,e~,~~icvn~.o, ~, " i~c~,~
~c~1'rtue~ntc~~t~ 1iac:~~c.} it~~ic~.c~. ~,"Riccio,.~nt.~ony J.,,
~~,r~~1x~n ~.Ri~rc5.t~~ n,.~c~kic~.,;K~,"R~t~~,~It,.~~r~t~s.."
~~~c~e~i~, ~~rk'C."
C~~t~t~c~.lta~~~rll~~~ii+~a r~. ~i
<,irk.Sx1e~~~,t~~1~ a~sr~o;~~ii~e.c~r~,~, "Tr~c~=, lt~tu
~Rc1)a~cx:"1`racycl~ic~ ~ c~Iic.e,~~,"~e~~~Y Iri. 1 ~~Icli~ L,"
~I ciclie.'~~rel~ch~n~ 1~1.4'~4.~.~~i~li~e.r,~j~~;;. "Willi~iiYs l.y;t~~~~n~ ~,~~
<~at =rig Vy'~13iarris , lam t~c~~o~nl,~~,~>
C~ "'utu,.E.:K-ar~'~'~'," ~LYrrgv."r~t.lcfn~~chi~t~*~~e~~a,c~~;"l~~tx~~~, F~~~c~~rlt
~r~LL~.~~~ht, C~cl~i~.a ~acc_~~>~ ~''~+~a~~er, ~'~~l
~`rct~.V~'`itit~r~~cl~i ~ ~ ~r~ ~e-ilic~ r~r , "'l~tc:~er, C_`"l~t~i~xc~~s~ T~,"

~'~t~c ~- c~#~ ~

~t'hr~tt~i:~~.~~~Ctc.#c:rcta~r~~~:~~~;;~',~!~.l~~. ar~~~
~~xhj~~c:f. ~;l~il~"11'~~'~L I]ft~.1~IA~w~a ~i'f:F ;;~""1~~I'.~:lt'I"lr' ~1p7
PR~LI~4111~lA#~Y ~14TiFt~~TIIDhI pia BEAT 7~4

CR'[l+~I~}1[. C7ACE TC~ F'RC~F~~3~'Y

C}5T {~LEFi'!1~ ~.C}'~`


BETI~IEEI~J C3~f~-g8t~{l t-IR


~E~T ~74 I H~ShIf~LEfUG A C~tIMIN~hI. I~I~tut1~GE ~`(~ f~~t,~P~F~TY WH~~t~ ~

~1Rl~K W~4a TI~Fi~VilN TH(~C)UCH THE ~1i.dEFit~1~N's C7i=FJ~E ~LA~~ ~'AC?t~1T DC}Ql~. TAI
I~ICI't)k~T ~~GEJRaE[~ ~J'P+IC~~Fi ~tf~ ~Hl''-5i7~~i: CP C M1IC'~TIFIEC~ A~' 1t)(}~i MRS

This ~nfc;~t'~t'M~' r~rt 1~ bases! ~t~t ~rlft ~sl t`~pa~inc~ tt~ is b~t~tg ~rr~av ci~t~ }#~~ y~ur s~tu~sti~nt~
awarenr~~~. initial reporting 1~ c~t~er~ rnlsle z3fn~ csr iroa~c~rat~ t~u~!~ r~~~dly tievelo~as'ng
~ituatio~ and i~ ~u~ject in cCn~n~~.

Sgt P~tcf~ssict
Chi~Itc~e p~~~r~s t
~rin~c. ~-e~rent~rrrt a[~d Ini'~r~rt C~^n~~r {C~'~C~
31Z-745-5C~~, F~~c 312-7~~~~x9~"7
'I`HE CC3k~1"PVT {~F ThII~ D~~UC~I~h~[1' ~~~AY ~~ LAVV F~~i1=i7R~EM~NT SC~i~IT[VE (LES) &fC7a ~C~~
~fFI~I}~L 4~ JNI.Y (F~U~'?~, Arty Pur!"h~r discl~~ur`~ r~r Glissetninat~nn q~ th, dc,~ccum~}nt or the
infnr~n~t~~an e~n~aineci' h~r~ic~ 6s strlcfi(y pnahibitccS rrsri~t~+ut the a~r~xo+r~! of ~1~ ~ttEca~~ Palie~
t'tR'1~'1~~'~ ~C~ttt~ F~EVt~i~fl ~t ((i~Ut`[T~31 C~'i~~C~fw ~Cl~II~ O~ ~1~ i~gClitl'i~'t~~ Et'~+ ~',~t~b

~~ C~12 art 23, If1t~t~is ~L ter t~ imp are ~nl~ f~t~ ~ as at~~zed try f~ ILCS 5~'~-1 it7,1 aid
~~i21. At~rt9, ~rsd~ ~~3~.1.~l~}. 7hi~ inivr~natic~n :;Iti~1i ~r~t ~e sci~as~d tb tlt+~ media ar ~lt~ gert~ral
public. ~AILEJ~t~ TC? AdF~ICR~ "ice TN~SE P{~L_tCIE$ I~~Y RESULT IN ~It~~i, CI~If~lIt~IAL ba.
I~ sljQtic bc~ rx)t~cf tM~t same ~ ~hts 1n1Fo~n~tian cicribr~: Flrst Arr~endr~t p~~te~ted ~ctivlttes,
Thy Gf~ir.~~ ~rlice C
Rm~r~t's t~r~m~ Pre~~r~ its end i~zf~irrru~tic~rr nt~r(CF'~C} r~cc~ r~~es that
~.r r~rr~ ham ~rsrs u~~orw1~ prvC~te r~6~ts 4~r ~s n ie, plc,~~+tf gr lt~n t~ gfi~v~mme~nt.
~~tivi~s for..
T~ C~lC sa~`+~u~tt~s tt~s~ rigi~ts a~~d ar~iy reps n~~ i~st ~~~e~rne~rr~ pantt~c.
rap~r~tir~n~~ ~~I~r~n~nr~ in ih~a nt~rt erf assurif3~ lii~ f~+ ~i~d security r~~ t~~ denar~~tratc~rs 2nd t#~~
~utili~. Thy PIG uviN cc~ntinu~ t~ cnnimc~niea~t~ ~h~ c-~r~~cs with otf~er law ~nf~r~me~fi ~a~tn~rs In
an eft'brl t~ f~Clli~.~~ke tlt~ Cie#~r'lm~nt'~ r~issicrn cif ~~surin~ the saf~ky end s~curlty of kh~
c1er~~c~nslr~t~rs ar~d the. ~~I~IIc.


I'~~~ [ c~!` l


<B~u~ra; "`Paul R." <waul.~~tie3l'~chic~~opc~li~~*.~r~r

~hAc Ciar~hy~, ~~~~r~ry F." ~c~~rry.mccarthy~cl~iC~l~dp~lice:~org~
TUescl:~y~ December p1, 2015 1:3(} PM

I just vaanbed to let you ~cnaw you did a gr~,t Ion rlur~ng your t~r~ure. I h~p~ t~ see you arou~~c~ In
~fje ~+18tti Dlstrirl!
G~ptain Paul R. ~~u~r
~xe~wtive officer
018th DiStric~

all ~12+~i ~

Page, 1. of 1

"Sup~rintendgntsBri~efingCraup" ~~u~erint~ndentsbrietin~grcau~~chicagr~p~alice.arg~
"~uperint~ndentsBrie~ing~ro~p" ~;su#a~rir~Ton~tlentsbriefinggraup~chic~~c~p~~lic~,arg~
Tuesday+, D~c~mbsr 01,2015 ~6.1~ AM
Subject; Murders ~ Shootings Since ~1i~ir~ight on 3~3 Nr~v 1 S
Su~~~ri~xt~e~xcl~l:xt M~~:ar~t~y~
~urder~ 20I~ ~,~'+~eek is 5. V+}'I'La Tc~tail iR (} wit. [7 an 3t) N~nv '1 ~. Y'TT~ T+~t,~~ is ~~9 vs.
377. 13,79`'
Shc~c,ixx~~s 2t?1.~4 ~'V~.ek ~I`t~tal is 2~. W'TI~ Total. is ~ ~vit~Y ~ ~~ra~ 3fi .Nc.~~v 1.5. Y"Tl7 Tcxt~~l is 222 v~,
].~~~. 17.f32'u
Tlxcrc has becn l

[11L!]'(ILI~ ~inc~

mic~tiiglYt Fyn [}1 I)~c 2i~1 S.

~1 Deg 15 C t~~07 ~s
~~[~ Ira. ~;icd ~~
~e~zt 631
d ~ I+~I~rylzu~d f~r~in ~~aci~ Mack
~lxin~nury: t~fficers ~~r~ivec~ can scene & di5cc~vered the victim lyiiY~ aiY t~Yc_ stair~a~~~ with multipl~c
~,unshcrt ~~ucac~nds. t1~ gerni-uutc~matic handgun ~ra~ rie~ar the ti~ie~im on the witzr~c~k~r si1~ ixx ~.hc;
vestxbui~ ~~ sevea-al s~.~ll c~aszz~~s. u~~~z~e rect~~er~ci xit the t~ck entrance of ~.he builciin~, Vietui~ vas
pronou~ccd at L1152 hrs at ~liri:~t Hospital. jlictim is 1i~t~c1 in f1~e SSL v~ritti a sc~,r~ c51` 2,~3b & hafi
9 ~irrest;~ for Burg,~C'~~nal~is, I'cs, Age bAtt.Pt;~. I~Iigh t~re~t level G~I~ v~ i~I~ cai~flict.
S~gk. ~'I~e~u~.
~hic~~c~ Pc~li~e D~~~rtrn~7tit
D~ployrncrit[~~cr.~ti~ns Gent~r
35YU ~. I++'Iichig~.n Ave
3i~-745-~i19U, f'~gx [?~U~
T~rc, ~rtc.~cdiri~ c-r~iail rrtcssa~~ {;~tieludiii~ anr~ ~uavhmeiit~} ~t~nt~u~.~ i~~1'vrtnstiai~ l~l~at. ~r~y b~
w~~'iacizti~l, prc~t~cl~c~ Yr~' pri~til~g~~, c~~' ~r~rt;;li~ui~ neon-~ub1i~ i.n~t~r~n~ti~r~.1t ~~
inte~idcd far Qnl~ tl~e c~~sig~~t~+~ i~~~i~ie~t~~~. If yvu are nc~t. guy int~ncieci recipient of this rnews~ge,
~~ea;~~ t~c~lil'~r fhe s~t~cler day r~pryi7~~;[o this ~~sag~e anci tX~~n ci~lcte it ~rt~rtt your sy~t~~n. Use,
dis;~~rt~in~tian, ciistril~ution, ar r~~irduc~t~c~~z of ~.hi~ ~xessa~e ~~~ unintencl~d r~eci~ient~ i~ s~~t
authviirec~ ~at~~ ~x~~y lie ui~lawCt~r.

3f 1 Sl~?'() I(i

1'a~;e l t,7 f 1

~;arry --

~~ailt~~s `Nl3Gt"r~g1 ." ~r~~ar..t~ael.dillc~~?C~etl~~l5iysit~ms~us_curra~"Mc G~rth~r, t;~rr~+ ~`,~ ~~arry.NfcC~arth~rchicagop~ilice.arg>

'f`uesday, C?~~c~r~t~r~~ ~~, 2t~~5 ~~:191'M
UnhapPY Naws 1'od~y

E rubs ~r~u the ~e:ry best in ~t~~ #t~tr~t~. Letr~i knc~wvs yr~~~ wc~rk~d t~ ~t CPt~ i~t th,~ ~i~~ C~~+tury. ~Vh~rever
the ttt~tre. ~I~ces ycsv, f hcrp~ to ~t~y~ i~ to~a~'t.
~C3t re~,arrl~,

hlli~:h~el C~illcn
~J1r+~Ct~+r, Business Ueveltr~arxt~ttt
c~~t~w~r~c! S~~t~rity ~ Fut~tic ~af~ty
Cibit Sysc~r~ of Amerir:~
~7D3~ 2~~-~~~t h~lc~bii~
(7ti3~ Ea53-~fi18 ~- flf~ic~
~1~, ~,1~~I.tlt~tc~n[~~IL~itsystr~~ri~syt~s~, coin
Tfrc~ infprr~ta#I~r~ cantsEn~cl !rt iltla ~m~a l transmission may r..c~r7tai~~ ~~raFari~tary ~n~i bu~ir~~as~ ea~`~sltive infor~rr~~tiory_ if
yrsu ~trra nest the intended reaipl~3nt, ~r+~u acre E,crek,y natifi~~a tl,~t any revie~a~, dixseminatinn, di~iributinn or du~li~~tic~n cif
tt~i~ ~~r~rntinicatio~n is stri~tl+j pt~hiE~it~~_ Un~:~thorizc~c! {rtttir~~tlgn r~[ lt~is ~-rnail is R~ v~cslatlan of Jeti~u. Ifi ~rc~u are not
~~~ intcm~k~d rocipier;t, p~~ ~rrst~ct tt7~ ~:nde~ by r~pk~ ~niai ~nc1 imm~l~~tety d~S(KE~ Ei~ Gt7~31FlS t!f ~i 9 C3t(t~tt1~~
~y 14d~i~ai +eta ~nd~t+r o3l~mr~aaticm prcraid~ Keith ~s ~n iii ~ ~s~~ait ma.+j ~ acct t+~ t~.~. expa~r~ cut~aar~s ~a~v
n~a! ~rat~t fit' la~tr~rm~ti~n as nay t~z tx:
~xpan. d rsiart ~ ~frs~+;wsuf~ t,~ntc:~ry to ~#..~. Czsi~ ~~ ~~~tt~t~rl. S~c}~ t
c~xpc~r~#r~~3 t~om t~ t~.~. or ~iv~~~ ire ~~i~ far~iyn meson in thr~ ~,~, va ii~otsi ~r~rar var~ttrn z~~thc~rix,~ildt~ of ~it~it ~~rste~~~~
cat Amari~a end filie appra~~iat~ 11.x. ~~u~rnrr~~r,t ~ga~~cy.
_ w.:.~..
T}ia iniQrrna#i~r~ cc~r+tain~fi fn tYti~ ~~lt~il transmission ~~iay ~csnta~n {~r~anrietary ar~ci t~usi~~a~ r~an~ititi~r; inform~tian: ff
you #~r~ nvt the ntrncJ~d rr~~k~~l'~rtt. y~~U 1r~ her'E~,y rtutif ed thnf any ~oviQ~,v, ~issemin~tlon, t31~lrlliutit~n or d~.i~lic~n;ivn t~f
thi6 Carttr+~~rni~atic~n is ~irir:ily pt~hibit~d. tJnauthoriz~zl ~r7terc~~tir~n of this a-mai( is a vi~stEttftu~ oaf 1~aw_ IE y~,u ary n~f
~l1~ ir~tasncicei icei~iicr~~t, ~itc~-~e~ cc~t~ct th+a s~r~det iry~ reply c~~nn~! end Cr ~ii~tely cles~ray ~I[ ~~s csf the ~,r~~inal
Ar~y ~ ,:i~nicaE dal~a ar~ciir~t irttc~amat~on pro~id~:c1 r~is3~ ~ ira this cm~ll mRry ts~ sist~jecl to t1~.5. s~~art
ru intvrrntat'sctn i:, nr~i its b~
~x~catt, ~vc~rsion t~s' ~iisri~tf~t~ CC~r~tat~+' ~c~ .i_~. ~as~ ;s far it~txl, t+G1h 1e~tt~ical z1
u~csr~cd tern its U.S. nr ~iv~~ tai any iereign person 1n thCt I~ ,t~houk ~ri~r ~~rrtiten ~uit~nti*~i~cuj ~1 ~1~1t ~ystein~
cat hrnc~~ica ~rjci ti7e a~~~rc~rl~tct U.~ {3~iverrtr~ieni ~ge~cj+.

~~f I ~i!'~()1 f

F':~~c 1 raC 1.


~G~c31S~1~; "~Ht11L"s~' ~." +~8t1185.Wc"~1Sfl~GF'1~~"~l~UjiOI~Kr@.CNC~'.~

Sgttt; Tuesday, De~~oti~bt~i 4~, 2f~'15 1.63 PP~rt
~~~~ic Suk~erii~tcn~ieixt:1t~1~;~C'tartliy~,
Thr~~~~ ~~ci~i foi' ~OLIi'.",~T~'14b' ~~) I~1C CI1IC~~t) P~}~ECC L~~(~ill'III~GCkC.
1 ~nY sorry ~t~ yt~u fc~v~.
~cbt of tuct~ i~ the f~t~~i~.
St'I`.1an~~.~ ~:. ~'~'alsh #~5~5
~' icc~+~o `olio i~~~natmcnt
~cu~ Sr~utl~ S~~t~u~atinai(Uni~~l~)

[?~~ ~ of 1


.:,Jc~hn;~~n~; "Eddie t," ~c+ddia~Jvhnson~~~;i1~~~tig~c~~olire.arg~


<M~: ~:~rthy>; ~~G~arry F."

tu~scl~ay. G~~em~er ~1, 2tY15 ~:~~ ("i41

I' kncsw t~ai~~~;~ ~r ~~~it~~ r~~ ri~}~t z~t~w. but 1 just ~~~t#~c~ tc~ ~ rc~p ~=c~~z ~ ~ n~ ~:x~r~~rin~ nY~
~~~~~~~ucie attd ~J~~t~;~i~uun fc~r X11 that you 1~;~~e d~n~ fc~r ~~~ ~u~c~ t~u~~t ~~~~ ~~lcmg t~~c w~.}~, 'a~+ut~
l~s~vc ~onc ~~writ~ ~~~~ti~r ~i~cat t}~~a,~s ~~~' ih~ ~dvan~.c;irii~nt ~~ ~hc x~~~x~~y. l w:~tli ~~u ~~a~l~iiY~ btt~ t~~;
1~~;~t a~~d h~r~ci'ti~11~r ~~v~ ~.~n lic~ist ~ ~1~~~;, ~+aad.Luc;it ~t~rl ~c~~~i He~itt~ 1 ~

~C~1~E ~'..~O~Iil~,Ct~t
~~~ilit~ C'~11~~'

tx~cutivc C~~i~er ~~ur~aii of i'~~t~~csl

ficagu ~c~icc t~prt~~x,~~~t
:'t~i(~ ~.l4~ictti~t~
i3c1t ~3~?.~ ~~S-~i'~ltl
fax {31~~ 7=~~-~a~I83


E'ttg~ I ~~f 1


~~iAfdliars~s:~ `F:u~{eE~e C." ~e~ne_w~ril~k~tr-n~+$~c~tic~c~pafioe,orq>>
Yuesclay, Ugtxamt~r- qt, 2U15 12:26 ('~JI

N~}~ tE~~~~gi~ts anct ~cayc~ acs ~vit~t }~~~a ~turit~~ this i t ~li~#`~cult ~im~c.'~'~ ~tk yc~c~ ~`s~r yr~u :~~~~~t~
~nci x~lt~d~nce in it1C. ThiITIIC }~C1'~t ~~i` ~i~Lfl`~3ltj)j)f4T'~ ~t?rl}]C II~Ctl ~Y'ILI ~~43t3~dY O~ ~It~ tl~j?~~rilCttl il21lJ

S~r~t fix~itY ma ~'`~rircu~ '4~r'iiel~~s ~1Ci 1,'l~- aat~~x~~ic

3/l ~12t}Ifi

~'a~,c [cif2


etUlr, earthy>;"Garry F'. cgarry.mGcarthy~tcl~i~ag~apaliae.~r~~

"Joy UVickl~nder" ~cJvt+l~kland~r~i'lhepriv~t~b~t~k_cpm>
Tuesday, ~'3~cetr~~r 08,2#735 ~l~~7 PNl
f~t~: ~anfirrnatian ~ Bi~ttkers Club cat ~hi~~ga Dir7nar 1~/9f

1 ~j)f31"t~t~L~` 11l~ ~:4IlCEtttte1111iCCC5l, ~Ut Ott t~I~!~ 11[t1G~ i[ i~ tli~ tt S~ IUT l~t~ Ltt i~~ OCI~' ~ts~i tC

i ~trr~ ~c~ur~ tc~ ~.~y Ir~~> li~~r ;~~ ~71~i1~ f~cJ r~kc ~ ciee~~ E~~cs~~l,.
~1~~~ctul}y we c~t~i r~t~vtZyc~,E xn ~t ~c~;- ~rrvr~llis anc~ T c:an acc:c>r~utl~d~te y~v.
(''tr~uc ~cr+~~t ni~r ~~x~1~~~ics.
~~ei~t ~rca~~ rriy i;['~ic~nc:
+~7~t i?uc #i. 2f~t~, ~L ~.1;~ ~~q,~c+c ~'~'icl~lc,axder<,tV1C~I~llt'I4C~fiLI1CjT~'1,1gYtlG~ftll,> ~{r~ri~:
~`i!C ~BP~,.

+fin k~~halt v~ ~~,r memh~rs, 1 wouiti I(k~; to th~t~k ~lou faw yCur lead~rsfy~E~ ire di111cu1t ti~r~~s;
We ~ppteciat~ yt~Ur serviC~:
~?ur exeet~tive cc~rn~ni#teC v~~ulci sfiil like yc~u t0 spea k ac ~ Civilian ~k our dinrt~r on
L~1Je~n~~day, b~~~mber l~i4l~ ~t thQ Urrlpn L~a$u~ Club. Thtas fir, w~ haV~ "'15b RS~1Ps, with
many FS~:i~ arlr~ed'each clr~Y. t?ur ~evPr~ts ,~t'e Flo. to the rnetlia.
CackC~ils are frvrta 5,3Q t~ G.3t~pm wilh the di~ttce pro~r~m to follow, Your spee~f~ wo~Id

start ~t "s:~spEt~, ~~~th 3U minutes ~Ilotted fc~r your remarks ancf a~ addition~Y 15 minutes
for Q&A.
PE~c~SC CC7nflrF~i +~~JtJr ~ttP.rlf.~$ftGe anfl ~'t?1; t1lG' krlpV~f I~ ~bLt ~1d+1~ ~1?~ 4~U'~~iLXfIS.

Last, nn ~ perst~nai note, f liaue met y~nu on a fie~v occasir~t~s with Tarn Anderson on thri A'h
flq~I' t~f the LlE.~:. Perl~a{~5 tA~hc1n tl~ingS s~tt{e dtwn, ti~~ three of u5 c~r~ grab ~ drink.
Thank yau,

Jbse~h T. Wi~klander ~ f~~ ira~~~~ia) ~r~~tlt~tlt~n
f~l~~i~~tn~ L~is~~ct~ir
i2t} ~. ~aSate Streot
Ct~ic~g4, llfin~i~ BQ~~Q3
p: (312j 564-~~3~6





"tic Carthy, Garry 1=." R.Gaery.~ulcGarth}~~?Ghi~ngopc~lice:arg~

Tu~S~a~r~ Dc~cQmbsr Ot, ~t~t5 1:2i PNf

Cx~,ryr, yc~~~ ~t~t a fi~tCi)CI t~tl ri1t~ i75 fil4sr'~1~rS:!'.(

~icr~~ E~~um n~~ iPtrarc




supt~drnin" ~su~tadmit~ t~ch~~g~ap~a4ica.occ~>

may, C7e tt~t~er t32, 2(?i5 2:~7" Phi
~1N: l~ - ~~a~t ~ume~t~rnnt

~rvam: 1~~, NliS+~arr [ma~tr~;h1[S~~xt.L`ttt~m~r.c;om~

S~t:Tub,t~'cernb~~ t?l, ~0~5 1:13 ~M
TaE ~u~r~in
Subject: tfd1V -Britt Burnr~t~; C3utfront
Irnp~rtartr,~~ N~~t~
C?~#ic~r Am~;z~~a 1 hc,}~e tltt5 ~cnail finds yt~u w~It,
t kn~s~r t(~is his ~s~en a turn4tlkut~tts dime fc~r 5t~~3~. Mt~C-~rthyr as welE ~s the city of ~l~ica~~. C ~i~ans Itav~:
been raacar~~s~g i~~~ fr~r everyone wttta has 3~ee+e~r~ fall ring this str~ry. ~V'atl~ C9~ t said we't~ like #~ give apt.
tv~tCartf~y ~ ~, att~rr~ to shire this ihflugl~ts and ~i~ws an ttt~ incident_ tt ~ unfartun~te eta heir Ma+fc~r
l:'m~n~~el's ~r~Maunr.~m~r~t t~~it ~erha}xs that n~a~r be an ev~r~ b~1:tr~r reason fc~r hitt~ to addr~~~ hls
c;c~nc~rns ~, prcrvid~ c~rnrraen~ary Qr~ ~ natiar,~l iev~l.
~h~hi tuts dc~cElt~#~d ~c~ntinut~tss coverage tt t st~c~otin~, arty 1 L r~lc you wall f~ t~ vur re:pncti~~ ~~ b~ fair.
1fi th~rP !s ~ v~~ty f~xr ~~s tai Wb#~t s~ame~hin~ ~~C ~t~d ha~+e~th~ sups. 4141 Eti~1 T3tl~it~tti ~Xt c~fil Iltt~tvi~V~ ~ f
tvoufd tike fi~ ~t'~`~n~; ft.
PIe~Sc iet nip know if this is pass3bte and ~ +n+t~uld be more tft~t I~appY to tii~~Ws~ this in ~l~etefi5 ~t1d
answFer ar~y ~u~s~ioc~s ~~u may have.
T#~~nk.}you sr~

~c~t ft~r y~~r time anti c~t~sld~rat~ar~ and ~ look (~rrrr~r~f trs

;rfia~ t~~ck for m yt~va

Mi Seon Lie
ANN ~ Erin i~ur~~tt C~utFrc~nt
~:~~.Z-27~-78~i~ 9Vl~ 347-3~i6~~~I58 J T: Yt~~'N~wsC~irl

~~ ~t2~t~

"~;hria ~tc~nr~ ~~hrlt~.skane~op~ns4Ci~tyfound~tia~~~ qrc~~
~1~+lc ~art17y, harry ~." <Garryr.McGarthy~lclzicr~iop~l~ce.c~r~>
TukrS~tay~ [3~~ti nxi~` 4~1 ~ 2Q 5 7:2$ At4i
ui~j~f: l~va#I:~t~le
a~tit ~~ta-r'v,

i ;s~i~t ~i t.~:xt. Kif~~~ lt~~ ~~tr~~.s c~~nf~~rt~+.~~ ]~ti~ ~~e.~k, but ~1i7~~'t 14s~~.v if y~~rat ~a~~l it,!
tl~t~c~~ttt you c~ici i! w~{~. I'~~~ f~}~i~~~ t~. I..~ ttt~s ~t r~~i~~, but hag~~~y ~~,~ talk after t ~~~t~
~.;tai~.~~t~~~ t~~nc c~cla~ ~racl 1~;~~-+p~ c~ t~ct~~ ~4~T ~~.

C:hr7stca~la~~ i~ai~
l~r~~it~~.t~~ ~~X7i~'a ~~c:i~:ty l`~('?l.11'~i~iil:t{A1~J

~~EI ~1~~J~{Y


Tuesday, G~eember 0~, ~f}15 A_52 PM

1 Just w~rtt~d to say thank you f~pt' ~+~~tything that yQu ditf fay' ~'t~, fc~r rr~y family, aid fi r tl~+~ ~hica~c~ ~oii~ce b~~artm~~~tt.
Yt7u truly ~~'~e tt7issed.
t've men a policeman for 3~3 years ~r~c! with tEe Chic.agc~ ~nti~e p~p~rtrnent for ~~i and witht~ut h+~itation t carp say it ~+ras

an tenor to work far ~~u anct you are the one of the best basses 1'v~ ever ~nrot~c~sf For. AE tip time yc~u gQt here the
C~ica~o Pvlice i~~parit ni had teen derailed aid you tamp ~n with perii~ie~ ~nci practices that r~,a~~ a ~!iere~tce tt~r
ev~ryaned not j~+st tie ec~mrntanity but the p~l~~e. Ail i cari say is that you'~~ are a Mass aet and are c~utstandin~ I~ad~r.
i don`t ktt[r4v If yt~u rememf~er the fitst time 1 met you f~ut it w~S at tie C~m~5tat cc~nf~rcn~e t~~t PERF had h~5t~d in
Pf~INac~~lphi~ ~~fore you wire ~up~rint~ndent. Yt~u were there witfa the New York ~rQu~ and 1 c~orrrt~ented that I wa.s ~
fan r~~J~ck Maple and his policing concepts. At the break yc~u came over wi#ft tl~e ~raup end ~t~r,~k my hand and said
that any Fan ofaa+ck Maple was a friend, I'rrt nvt sure if yuu guys were carving raver to rrress with me car to talk but 1 ~m
sure that nn~r I can say that t'm a fin of ~a~ry McC.~rthy, 1 w~~h yc~c~ nth rig but the Est.


Vyt~c#nne~d~y, t~~+~mber23, 2(1.~ ~:3? PI~~f

t~~ytiny ~,2,~

C~pta~n kiaat~n t~ahmandeji ~t9,~

~h~ra+~+~ P~Ifr,~ ~~p~rtrrrent
C?15ttict 16, Jet~~rs~n ~drk
5t5I ~. t~iilwauk~e Ave.
tcag~ kl.
~12-7~5-8~1~i ~~x}
Wrivii~eq~ed~~~nflcferitial infarrnalic~r~ may be cc~r~t~~nec1 in this rri~

ge> If you aye rrat Ckye adcires~~ end ~t~c! in thhs

r~ae~sag~ (crr re~~ansibie fvr ~e~vv~rgr ~

~~es~ t~ s~eh persan), Yoe mad rat copy 4r ~e~ver tl~i~ ~~c,~ t~,
~~ynt~e.I~ ~ use a ~cx c strop this rnc~ ~ and kindly t~ti~ the s~ad~~ icy rq~iy ~-rr~~ii.


Y~edt~cstlay~ L~ec~rr~be~` ~3+ 2fli5 5 ~7 P~!

tr~ir~g Is7~~

~ap~a~~ ~a~~ &-~hr~anji #9i.

taicag~, Pt~i~ ~rt~era~.
~.~ sl.rick 7.C~, Jefferson ~~rk
~Z51 hl. N1~Iv~aukee A+ve~
~#tiCBc~Or ll, F~{)t53{l
3~2-~~5-8~2~ ~~
C~rEvilegecl~Cortfiic~enti~a! iriPr~rniation may l~c~ ecar~taEn~d In this m~ss~~~. If y+~u ~r~ neat the ~~tdr~s e indicated ~n khis
tmess~ge (tar res~n~ibi~ far delivery t~f ~h~ m~ss~g~ to such per~tat~), Yr~u may ~t copy car ti~l v~r this rrn;~~g~ ko
~+nyor~. Tn sa~cl~ arse yew st~k~ c~struy this message a~d ~ind~y ra~t~y the s~nd~r key rely ~-t~~Cl.

~a~~t+e~~. ~Csa~ea~ T.


~V~dnesday, t~'iarct~ 1b, ~t?l~i ~',~~. Pfvt

~:1~ldwetl, Galen T.
i3art~orst. Heatf~~r
R~; Fields D~b~srah ~art~i~;Ft 1r1t~e tigative File ~1,x,~~~~

~r~mc ~afd~rei~f Galin 7,[m~911'~:~~Ien,~~idw~IlC~~hie~~op~lic~,~r~~

$i~gqIC1~A MC71~idr3y,, Marsh lqf ;~~}~,6 l elf PM

'r`t~ N~I~ttd, f~~ani~l f+~l.

~"iC.r ~,Icll'~J1SC,~ I~G'~~f'IL~f
;~`i4lt3;~@G~: ~~: ~1~'~
- I~('.~ldt`~{'t

ri~Cj? ~1!''1~3~I~~IVE' ~fri~' ~~ ~~$


neesi ire acs hc~~~e. I ~uv~l! handt~ ii ~tedr~esday_

tr~lt~~'~', Cald~ve~l
~+nt t ~~oarty sl~;t su#~ervi~in~ ~tt~rrra~y
~#oC teyal At#ais~s j ~h#cast Po[t~~e L~~~rirnc~t
p.~1A.7d~a.~115 1 q; ~~et~<~~trtur~vl}r~3st#ufi~3dtt7fa4~li~
~i+i~rrrr~t~T~u~~c~@ko:~ is crrvem;~ b}r t1~~ iir~cltiS.alc~ {:,cut7rrurgi~a'iorti Priv~ry ~ic:t, h~cNt:t ~t. t~ E1;;C`:?.5ip ct seq anal is Int~1~9t~ z~ ~ey~tiail~ c~r~rit~~<,ti~1 ~iit~ is ~ub~~cG

to npiatical~kc aunin<~y jc:lif:r~k ar~ci~ar work {~rc~Cv~l pnNil~g~+s, If you are +ant t~sn i~~t~~~ide~f r~celvcr uC this nyuss~~j~:, ar i~ #I~i~ i~~
c has txcn ad~:r~~r;~d ttr y~av Iii
~~'rt~r', ~s%e~ns~ irrntrediatei+y~ alert' itiwyyiy[!(i~ ~>y i`e,~aEy e-rrx~il and thcM ri~cltl~c thl;~ ~v~~~,*;;~,.: ~n~ a;i attaclsrrsit~ [7u 1~~t`elrlivp~, dirhii:u:~, ar cT~py tins inos%ar~r~
~n~~cr.iny ~tt~s;li~Tiertts arsd it' ygLt AtC I1~tI tl'~ ill~t'tSC,IAA 1~?ti~7i+;rlt. tia not ~Jis[It t1~r t'~ritt~~s cr takK ~riY ~~~tiat~ i~t i~Clipt~cti u~~n lac Int~mdllC+h ~r~zttytir~~sd jar
ftkis ~r~tninurd~~tior~ or :~sjy ati;~~hrrr~nts,

Ott ~tanday, Marrh i~, ~U~ 9~:~5

T+~.. ~ldweil, Ga1~ra T.
~C: ~~nc~~t, Eieath~r
~ul~~e~Ct~ Fields - G~bor~h 5rr~lkh ~nv~5tig~tave File Giy ~~~

from: H. Canda~~ Gom,~n ~~~,;J

:aunt: FrirJay, 1~~r~h X1, 2016 ~,1:~C)
'~`~. ~'olandr [7~~lel Vii.
C~: G~n~fao~ Orman
Scut:~E: i~t~e~
fan,C~l1 ~fl~ pl~a$~ U~?c3~t~ ~~~ C3t~ ~'ffi~ ar'('an~,~fY'M~f1~S'~Of erne tt~ 5~~ the Crfigin3) ~~~M'3 ~nl~ith If~tr~5k ~~tive file
~rr~ t-I. {~ttdt~ Corrjan [t.~.~
u~,fect: Rat I~

Tti~~rk you.
-~~ rt~lac~

Sent; Friday, February 2~i, ~tll~ 5~

`~'~at ~4. ~andar.~ Gcu`act.
Est: R~: t er
t#c~ r~t~# ur~c~erxt~ftd iwl~y y,~w t+~~r~ surprised tt~ ~1nt~ ~ Gary ~f CFte file as o~apt~s~d i:U the arig nil f~l~. Y~~c dicF nq~t ~~~u~st
tea gee th:E origln~f and i be~i~ve said in m.y letter yc~u c~s~l~ lock ~t the tapy of the f4i~ w~ ~ad frort~ the[Mara ~r~ith.
case tt~~t yQu preu e~tt~~y It~ok~d ~t.
E~~garr~l~~, we have react~~ci vet t~ t ae CPt~ tt~ r~~ke ar~~ngem~~ts frar iota t~ t~~i~ the ~ri~ r~e~~ fi3e xher~, t~~ w it lit
yat~ h:rti~aw.

pa~tte~ [s~. Nt~t~nc~

,p(~I~~ared tiy~;~1i~,;com

ti~?7`-~1t~'t ~;ite~:2 ~~? ~nr#h VYrkz~t ~:}r~v~; ttit~ ~t.~C~

~'1~o-#37i~-~7f~t~ t~t~iti Ci~i~ag~. lE~i~i~i~ i~O~G'~
yvww t~~H~m ~rt~l
E3C~Csr'~.~Q=3~i~E3 Fax

from: H. ~r~iaca~ Borman r(,~~I

S~entc T~ury, et~rua ~5, ~t1~6 4:3~ F'
'~a: ad~r~ti~ C~~s~~l rig#.
C~. ~ar~r#ace Gorman
~ub,~+~~cit: ~t~: lel~r
14s ~s~u knc~~v t~sl rr~~x~th 6 as~C~t~ tc~ view ire Srrt tlt file t~~t 1 ~~a pr+~riou~iy r~v~wc~ at yt~t~r uffic+~ tack in torte 2~}'~~.
1~41~1FR i Car1~~ i.C~ ~Jt~t t7f~iC~ ~dt~~k!T ~hiS m~nih ~ Lit~S 5~ta'(~~isei~ tLi ~3ttd a rt~~~ p~ t~t~ ~4IC! ~s ~{~jai~Stf LU 1I1~ nK1~tllal ~~If~. i
x~~ress+~d my cc~nc~rn with H~atl~t~r anc~ told t~~r ~t~~t I,~uas ex~eetl~7~ to ui~w tl~~ ~sri~Rr~al fiil~- ~~,~~in si~7ce I lia4e l~~~n
under the +~v~htE7~r r am n~u~ s~*r~~Cfr~g to sec ~ new date to ul~~ that t'i~~-this time I would like try i~nak~ sure th~l the
c~ri$ina[ file will had made avall~k~l~ fear my review.
Cast yc~~u pf~~s~ fit r~~ know; ~t Y~~r ~arii~st ~p~v~~ier~e~, s~r~t~~a ~ t~t~ vi~e~ tM~ aril ~~a3 E~#~r~t~ ~ +tl~ free?'
'4"~k ~.
E3~~t re~~rds,
~a nct~ac~

Fes:ii, C~nda
~:fir~d~y, ~~na~~~ 29, ZG1
T~ Nvlan~tl, 13aniel ,
Cc: Candace ~c+n7tian
~uta~e~, I~tt~r

x;19 PM

Rl~~se Ind ~ttacM~~~l.

""'~* 1~~ti~ i'r~r~n T.)yi eru~ Ga~,~eit PLT~`. This Intc;ri~~~ ct>c~~~e; n i~~ c;c~af~i~i ~tt~`~rrt~t~:t ~3n tia~~t i~ pri~tlr~~;~cl,
e~~tlicY~nt~l, ~n~ cxcnt~t ~`r~m d~scl4sure.:lt is ntcrtdcd Ct~r t~s~ uul~ ~y chc ~Cr:~ar~ tc~ whc~ ~t .~ ~circ,~c~l, E
YS~19 ~124YG 1:~L'GI~C~ l~ f~ SCI ~rXt~~~ ~i~

~I~ C~[! [1f!( ~E~l44`elfC~ L1D" ~}SG ~1L5 IF1~Cf1`S33'1~~~C1t1 Elkk AI1~P t?V~~; c~Il~ ~~~ {rt761~1t~~ !'It~'i

n~rnecl ~t~1~, Ititeit r 1h~!. i~~fnr~r~nl nr~ 1~~~~: ,t~~e t~~~+c nas~~~ cif'the ~rrc~er, r ~n~Ri~ing ~l~ is~ ihi:~ a ~~~~;~
~iai~t~rt3 t~ z:~a~iitut~ ~n ~~~trt~nic~ ~i~,n~tu~ unc;c:~ ~ ~~i~t ~~,it~r~~nt t~ 1h~ r~1r~r~ ~s in~luet~d in ti;~


~ C7~ar~rt~l~
V,ltYcin~s~lny, Ueeember 0~, ~4~.~ ~.:~5 PArt

I ~m qta to sure you ire t~v~rut+h~~rr~ed at tl~e nnr~me~nt. l~dfien yrai~ ltav~ tl~~ ~appo~-t~un~y in the near f~tu~e I wo~Fld like just
~ f~v~r rrtvments of your dime for ~ pf~~n~ ~~nuet~~atior~. I lefit you ~ vaicereiall y~st~rd~y IauC was u~~sur~ if the pt~ane
nurnt~er was correct'PM~ank~
~~trl~5 ~, ~'1tteli
t~7~i F~(strt
~It~r~g~o ~atie,~ pe~artm~;rjt

viz-~~~-s~~r~ t+~~ ~~~

~~~w7a1-~il5t~ ~f~l~+~~lac~rry~

~~i5 r~ c,~. I ~a~c, a~r,~ rat t a~iresRs~~ it c~atrWc# in tt~s

rrflec}~t~cz~fl+~k~~[ i~f~t t tray ~ c~ntafr
cry r~r d~l~ver phis rnc*;~~age tai
~{~r ~sibi~ fit~r ~fdi3r~ry s~f
rtx~~ ~ sue3~ t~r~an}. ~ may
~ttyt~t~~. In ~u~~~ cam: y~~t ~hauld ~iesuvy the m~ss~~~ and kindly r~otif~ fi3~~ ser~d~r ley Ply e-maid.


~c att~ty
T~ ~y, fle~erti



t ~}l, ~QI,S 3:~9 Pfd

~UrL~ ~EtII

~~~~t Cr~~~~ my i~'1Y~a~nc

t?n ~~~c `l, 1~,~, ~~t 2:~4 Yf~i, C~odsel, T~~~r~e~ 1.
~~c yttu ~v~i1~l~D~ ~`c~r ~

~t~ic~~,.Cr~e~scl(i~~.l,i~:a,~.~~~~~lEc:c,~~,~~ ~vrcat~:


.~~.fte~tn rray l~c~i~:an 1'~iir~;9~~5 ~t3 I;'P snr~~y~~~,~~


tin ~Cen~
t~pat~ t~ faltvart
~t~dt~eyt ~lisset
~h~ago Pc~1i~e i~e~artr~ient
I~istri~t C~t~~a

Tuesday,[~ec~tnt~er(~1. Q~~ ?:48 pf~i
~.6~5 W.79


Tu~sd~y, December t}1, 215 10;13 A~t~

bela~r is a~ drafC. i tried to capture the I~n~u~~e as yQu want it. GIs let me know if you have edits.

c:~awiri sple~f~gef
C7fft~e of the kt~ytar

"hip ~-mil,aa~ ~~ y at~ac;tu~~nLs i r~t,~~ i~ int~:ndcc~ r~~~ty ter u 1~~ t~~e adc~ ~c ~ r~ar~~cd l~crc,s`n ar~t~ ~~ay
~i~~~~ain l~~a~ty~ ~rivilegcci any fc~r ~c~aii~d~nti~~! nfarmati~n. if }~~u are ~~e~l; lla~ iitc~y~~~1 ner: ~~ici~t pit` i~~is ~-n~~l ~~r
11t~ ~rers~~i t`~:~J~ n;~ilrl~ fog ~I~~.~w~rir~~ lY~is dcat~irii~c~~ t~ th+~ iaa[r~7lc~ec~ ~t~~:i~i~;~C~, ~'~u are h~r~1~y ~nt~t~'ied ~~z~t ~~ny
~~i.~rr~inatit~r~, di~trihuti~in, prrrtY~t~; ~r ~pyiri t~~' this e-~rt~il, ~nei an;, att~~hnt~nt tlicrctr~ is stri~.ily ~rrnhi~lt~c~.
[~' yc~u have ~~c~~uivec~ this ~-m~i~ try ~rr~t, p~ zt~ xes~nd ~c~ t~i~ indiv ~~~ des u~~ ih~ s~~;~,ro~~~, ~a~d ~e ~tu~a~r~tt~
c~+e~~;te 1 ~ cari itt~3 ~t~zcf any ~~~py of any ~-mz~il ~a~d x~~tc~t t3~ctcr~~.

~r~ m:

Tuesday, p~cemlaer 01, Z~15 1.07 PM
Gaol Luck

am 5[3 sorry t0 Sep yOl~ g0. YGu

have done sc~ much far our ciepa~rt~~nt and have led us froRn the fr-~nt_ ~ am proud to

have served on yflur team and will always be grateful to you. I wish you the very best in all your future endeavors.

~r~ m;

MoncJay, Decemb~~ 7.4; 2015 ~.:U~ PM
F1N_ GM Cflntacts
G~~9 ~ontacts.CSV

Mere is ~ sprea1sf~e~t of all the ~or~t~cts yc~u Dave ~55r~~i~t~[i with ynur~ dep~rtrner3t errt~iL

(7fficerAr7fihor~y Isla
Rt~oject rViana~er
Unit 125 lnfarmatiQn Se~uices f~i~vi~ion
~h. ~72.5053t~i8

35105. Michigar7Ave

~hicaga, t~ ~;0~5~

This P-mail, and ar~y attactunents thereto, is intended only far use by Lire addr~sse~{a} n~rned trerc;n anti rn~y cor~ram Icgall~; F~rPlil~acd and,1or tofidentiai
infrmation. If you arp nor the intNnded reCipie[rt o(lh~s e-mall;ar the pcisort res~acrnslblc far' ~leliyerin~ tl~is d~cunient to the intended r~cipi~:nt}, you area herby
natlflcd shat any disscrn;natl~n, dlstrlbutian, pflYttlng of rpRYlnq ~f ~hi5 ~e-mai9, and any atiachme~nt ther~ta, is strirtlti~ ~rrohibited. t[ you leave recclwcr~ this c mull En
error, nlease ms~rcnd t~ the individual sen:lin~ the m~ssa~e, and parn-~dnently deiEte the oCiginal and atty~ copy of any c m,~ll and prl~~ta~rt thereof,

Fram: Isle, An~hany [3.

SMent: Monday, Qdce~nber Y4, ~~~.5 1 :34 ISM
'err; Isle, ~tnthc~ny [~.
~uf~je~: ~M Can~icts


Kathryn 5t~~lhran ~Ar~r

Tue.c~y, ~ecetnber t~l, . )1,~ 12: 2 Pd~i
Tl~+~f~ YC}t1 ~RC}Cvi A ~RAIEFEIL ~iT~f

~ti~t~r ~t~~`t'~~;
I ~r~~ .c~arr~ t~~ hour th~e~ ynii wilt rao ~r~r~~er t~~ 1ct~r~a~t~ tfi~c~ ~.~xir~u,~~y Yr~l~c:e L~~,~~3r~rlrxtc~x~t. ~ b~~~it~t~a~, ulc rii~ ~vrth
~~rurt,~ ~"fai~ct;~tr~r~5, t,~u,t yr~u ~u~~~e ~l~,aa~: ~r~ c~rttaxt~~,~,Jctb lr~ ~1Ei~ t~r~tcr..tVc~viK~ti,~~ thi.~ rr~~c} ttt r~ +~lt~ t,~t~a t~~~ hi.~~xr>ry
ihr~t 1,t l~~a.~ 1~rtd ~a~tlr~ zz+~t ~tt~vc! b~c~rt rrr,~}, ,y~:t,~~ttc ~rrrtrllzd tt w 1~t .rtr~rr,~xtla, ~~'a~crg unrlerr>fi~s~, ~ tiv~as~
crlr+~uy~.~r~~r,t tre ltcx~~~}~rr~ ~ck~r~s~nti~.~ us c,~ ~ ~ ctrl 4tcr f~ u~a~t,~E=lr t~ru~ tfzc r ~~ wtt,~ a sr~~i~r plu~:~: M+~at~r,}~~u ~~
~lt~ 1 ~~t1~"t~~~u~'trzt~rtt.
rx~ #~c~~ e rrs ~~rer t~f:.rt~r~n~e:~sF~ar~t ~rit~r~tt~r~. ,ttx,, ~rxr~ ~~r nc~~ ~~ra~,~~t, Iiu~~i~t~ ;~e~t~i ~~ ~rtc~esti~
~'ftC3SEl'"~~J to m~ trtrr~.r~ are ~rr#~ ~~trin~. ~ r~~rt o,~xc~ttt~e~ ~ r~~u r~i-treur~r 1 ut S.~3r .N'> i~F'~lta in fir* ~fr~ ~:rn~~r's
s~~~z~~,.f wlstt i~ w~'ts c~~ ~:c~~- I ~cur~t~f ir~~str ,yr~u ~rrcf ~~rxtr I~rvct} ~vi~e i~ ~an~~r~ tr~r~~~~tt, !rc[ it ~~c~rc`~ b~: r~~t}.
:er~ta~ ;~j~rit~.
K~~e,~~~tcr ~i~u~'t~~a, ~.arr}~., vvx4't~~ ~a c;u.~~r~c~~tya ~f ~at~~n~,kr ~.~err thur. yv~s haurl ~p:r~ rn~t~: trr ~re~at~r~~;.. I ctrrr
~'~s~u~j~r~~l~re~ rte ~l~ct Mc~~or~'~r c~zv.ra~; ~1~ tc~ pr~st~t~~^r~ xe7 c~~kfrat~y~ttr r~si~;raut~t~~~, h~tt ~' kr~rrv~ ,~~r~.'l[ cr~~t~i~rtt~ try
~r~~~~ u cli,~,~e:r~:rtr:~ art. l aw ettforce~ne~~t u~tl t~ 1tuJ~~~,~rxtt~ ~tc~y in +(,ltieagn, lE,s P~c~~rt r~,~~~tx,wur~r bra knr~~r~~c~u ara~' t
tux,s~~t y~vr~ t~c~~~t~r~~ hxxt t~f~ hEt~~ in flxefr~ture~

c~r~r~ R~,~t~rt~`t,

~ ~


~+Ac Carthy


Saturday, C~ecemb~r 12, 2415 ~:~5 AM

Fv,+d: Na~emb~r grime 5umm~ry

~cnt frnrn my i~'l~c~nc

li,e~n f~rwarcled me~s~~;e:
Frame: Ne~~r:~ ~"s,.ffa z~ ~:nwsi~tfr~~c~hi~~ ~c~~otice.rr~r
~3at~ L~~ccinl~cr 1,2(l~~ st 1:5:58 AI~I "I`
Sut~ject: l~c~vem~cr Crirr~t Summery
~c~r the n~onkl~ t~l' 1~Tc~vem}~er, c~ecrall ~rim~ its ~hica~n - inclt~ciing :k~r<~v~4lecl ays~~ulis, k>urglaryc~,
rol~bcrics, ~ii~l thefts - r:,~n~inu~cl ~t~ ~iecliri~ 37y ir~rrrc t~7an 7"l~ com}7arc~l tc~ this tuns 1~~~ ye~~r.
'4~+tri1c the ~acc cif gait criinc appears tt~ be ~lr~wiTtg ire the l~tt~r purl ni'this year, gun violence ~i
our city sill rern~.i~~s at unaccc~#~b1~ levels.
in re~~~ise, t1~e ~hi~a~o ~'alice Deparla~.~ni r~i~~c1e Se~+er~.l ~tr~tcgi~c ari~c~ts of notable ~<ui~;
Tr~~~,nb~rs ~Ttd iniNatc:cl a~ St~~tcgic p~rtnei~hip with sl~~l.~ acid I'e~~l~rs~l ~~uGhoriticq t~ further t~r~ct
nr,~aniz~d ~an,~ ~~~~3vil.~~ ~,vhi~h uriil Ii~vo an in~pac,-t ~n incic~enta oaf reta~xrktot~r dun wiolc~i~:c. ~t~
far this yc~r, nfic:er~ have t~~l~en 6,~2Y illegal ~uiis affcity~ ~t~-~cct:~ -that's ilearl~ one xil.e~~~l ~~tn
every haur at~d a half.(7~ffic:~r~ continue to .~~cus ~t~fc~rc.~tn~nt ef'f`orts ground ~Fiolcnti r~ffei~ders
~nritt~ ~,~.n ~rres!~ t~eijig u~ ley 7norc than 22~10 uair~pared to iE~si. v~axr ane~ tat~~l arrests dc~cvia l7}~
CPD has also rnsdc ~ro~ress <~n its ~~~~~nunii~~ ~c~Nci~ig ~gen.~a ~vitlt all palicc ~affic~rs nc~w
be~it~ning fh~ ~ecnntl-~liasc of 1'roc~dur~il .~~xstic~ ~n~l Pc~li~:e i.~~il.irnac~ tcai~~iu~ ~vhic;la ai~n~ tc~
stren~ then the k~on~3 t~etw~en afficcr,~ and the neighl~c~nc~}c~ds tl~~~ serve. A~ a result of this
in~restincnt, citizen win~l~i~nl~ a~~iiz~st ~~~~icc ~nnti~u~ to rleclule - d~~vii 18~c~ c4ti~n~~~~t~d ~c~ laGt
year end l~~v rnarc Ihaii 45~o c~~Fer the l~l 4 ~e~ir~.
Lastl}f, CYII ann~un~e~i ~h~ expar~5it~n of its br~dy-warn c~u~,er~r prc~~r~~m azt~ pl~.n~ tt~ cc~uip ~~r~
than 1,~{~() officers ~,vith bt~dy c~~nl~ra.~ in sih districts thi~au~inut the ~;it~. C~atr~rilly the.
cl~p~~ri.rneitt is evaltt~tii~~ next-den c:~uneat~x i~chi~aln~;y~ and will ~c aiinc~unc~in~ a venciar ~inc1
t~'fect~d pt~li+:~ disl.ricis iiY the coming uTe~k~.
for mrrr~e ini~orm~tiar~, p1~Hse c~c~n~~icl. C.'PD I~1e~vs ~'iffairs at 31:x-'7~,~~f~1~~ ter b~~ entail at
n~w~.~ ff~~s~.~~.hica~~,~Iiccv~~
C rime data ~~ ~s Uf ~.1:S~1p~n[x tin Nrrvetnl~~r 3f}, ZC~1~5.
M~7R17~RS ~ Jan ~i) ~t~lV
2~1I1: 4(}C!
2f}1~: 4?G
2(}13: 3~2

2i}'14: 377
x(115: 429
SfI~~J'11NC,~ ..Ian - 3fJ NC~~~.
~~11 I: 2{l4S
?~i}12: ~~94
2(}13: 1714
~(}1 A: l ~i~5
SASS: ~22'~+D
SH(ICJT[N~T VI~:S 1 ,i~tn - 3{1 IBC}V
2~J~ 1: 2335
2,D.I2: 2~1Ei
?(}]3: 2i1~8
2(114: ~.3b9
~C}15: 2695
P~IU~tUER~ -1ti1t~~Mt3FR
20.1: 37
2{)12: 3~
~Q1~: 1.7
20Y~: ~S

~c~l~: ~i
SHUO'I'II`*1C.r"~ - I~IC)~EivT1~T''R
2c~~~1: 12~
'2{~~12: 193
2Q13: 112
2014: 1~7
2(1:15: 16~

~H~~Trx~ ~1es ~c~v~n~~~r

zosi: ~4~
zc~~.~: ~c~~
2(}1:~: 13~
2(}14; x.57
2415: ~f~(~
CIVILtAI~i C.:fJMPLI~IIwiT~ AG.AINS'1 ~'~1L1~~
~?U15: 3~J57
20114: ~B~G~
2tl~:2, fi84~
~U1:1: ~3Sb
PUL[C~E 11`~VC~LVLD SI-iC1(J~i'iI`~t~G~
2:fa YS: l9{7 fatal}
20.1.4; 34 ~(~4 i't~l~zl}
20113: ~4 X14 f~~t~~~
2U12: 42{11 f~.~z~l)
2fl1~.: 5~ ~~1 fatal]

C:hica~*t~ Po~~~e T.~~patt~x~anl

(~ffi~ cif I~ewe Affair
(31~~ X45-fi11()
rax (:~12) ~74~-699c.~


Tues~la~. C3~cesst~t~r U8, 2015 8;1~ Ah~#



Hi Garr}r,
Did ~~'t know 1;h~ last time I was going tc~ see ynu wes lake week, IUot sure ifi y~c~t~~ 2~r~ still getting mails ~t this address bc~t
I t~uant~d t~ I~t yQu know ttt~t I e~joyerl warktng with yau. I knew you will land an your fait. N can only imagine you
need time to decompress, b~+t pl ease know that if yc~u decide io ~i~e an interview, I hope yt~e~ u~r~ulsi tcrntact me. I will

Great you fairly as I think QW

My p~r~an~i c~li i
AIC the ~~st to you,

5~~tt ft+atxa ray it~ht~~~


tvlc ~a~h
Tu~sdaYr D~c~mber ~8, ~~15 5;~~ Pfvl

Tea nks 5~eve. You.. are a gootf math end'~ hard +~+~ricec.
~' ~~k~ fir your sr~~po~t ~u~r r~ny t~nur~.
~+~nt t~

y iE~csr~e

tan floc ~, x[115, at ~:5z t~h+~, ~alurts, SteWc~r~ M.<Saeuer~Y~'~!~r.i~t~~~lc~a a~~~ic~.or~~ wrote;
~wsi wanfied try spy t~rank you fir everytl~ir~g that you did fic~r me,for mti~ fi~amil~, ,and fir ~Ghe Chica~a
Pcalice aepartn~~n~. Y~er krul~ are nnissed.
i"we been a ~~I'i~em~t~ fr~r ~~ years and with the ~Ci'ti~~~p Police Qepart~t~ent ~~~' ~(~tttl wl#haut.
t~~sit~ti~n 1 cart say it t+v~5 ~~a Jtt~n~r to work ~`~t'y~u ~ti~cl you ~c~ the c~r~e c~F the be~St ~~'s!'ve Q~er

s~t~rk~cl fir. A ~h~ tines yr~er ant Ft~r~ t[te CF~ic~ p iic~ pepartnrtent hac! Viers derai[,~d and you carry in
with palic~~s ~r~r practices that rnacie a differ~encr liar ~ueryr~ne, wit jest the ~c~rnmun ~ beet tt~ p~~~ce.
}~11 ~ c~ sad is Shat you're are a cl~~s act and ara t~uC~t~t~c~in~ lead~a~,
I t1c~r~'t kr~aw if y~~u r~m~rnk~~r the first ~im~ 1 mgt you k~u~ it was at tfte Cr~m~~~~t: canf~r~n~e tt7ax P`C~C~
t~~d fic~~fied ire PIiil~~d~l~tl7i~ k~~for~ you wire S~p~rir~t~nd~nt. You wire t~l7~r~ with kh~ ~1ew York gaup

and I evmm~nt~~l that I was ~ fan flfJack tVl~~1e ant! hip }~alicing concepts. At thr~ karEak ~~c~u came.~u~r
w'Ith the grr~vp anti sht~Ak tt~y hand a~td s~a`rd ~h,~t 8ny f~~ t~Jack Ma~r~e was a frt~r~~l, I'~11 not: sure if ydra
buys were ~orti'sr~g avet'to miss v~ti~ tie tar c~ talk but C arr~ sire That rt~+~r t t arp say that t'rn a fain ~f
t~a~ry ~Vtc~art[~~r~ wish you rtr~thing but the best..


tW~ ~~rttty
Thursday,[7~ec~r~t~~` ~?~, 2a15 33? f'~v1
mod: Thank'~c~u

Sent from +ny iP~hcan~

Begirt ~~~~rr~r~~d m~~sage:.
~~`GTT1 r'V4''t~St. B~rhara J." <E3a~b~r~a ~1l~st~t i~~tlApt~MiGe o~>
gate:~3e~ laer 3, 2E}~5 at 1. 1.15 ~M C:S"C
`Ca: "her ~rtMy, ~arr~r F:`<Garrv.A~~Carthw t~t~~c lic~.arg>
~uE~c~:fit~ar~k 1'c~u
css. th~~sk yt~u ~~r alt ~ftie t i~g~ Yut~ t~i~~~t ~s~~ ~ out ~a~3~rship. ~ teas b~e~ a~ o~resr t~ s~
you pn the ~~a9~gr~ Pr~lice ~epartrn~nt. ~ ~S~ve I~art'~t1 rn~re ~'~rr~ ~rc~u i~ ~h~s~ ~ years that ~#~ rv~~ entire
previous career. i c.~n list the many of t~s w~r~ +au~uld n+~~er Dave ~ratt~r~ a chance to Gamm,~nd had ~t
r~~at ~eera ~~r ~+c~u. Vve wQulci I~a~+~ 6ae~n crverlc~c~k~d and d~sr~garded. i~,re Mere nit p~r~e~t and ~r~
5~tnt ~~yC~r~t~ Maur maws end Ivok~d al` C~u~ Nt~t~t~5. It tt~~k m~ a few days fiv writs this b~~G~us~ I hail tc~
~Ce~~ "Thy F~c~e" ta~~t now that I ~arn ~i~ne I can sl~~cl my ears anc3 say ,I +mill rni~s you,"


C3~clan Cc~t~~te
do ~1oY resign

Pt~~s~ d~ not. 'esi~n.

I~~~neh t~f cic~p~5 in the media a~~d other places.

YQu f~~v+~ nc~ ~usir~ess re!s g+~ing . Ke~~ vp the goad wank.
C.r~~k f~rw~rd tt~ seeing you and the nex! tristt ~e#lau~tsl~ip ar othef Ireland meetings.
~ecian Cr~ancaY

~ n ~r~om my


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