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Discuss Lines, Angles, and rays- types of triangles

Send Page 313 home with students for parents.

Start with page 315 in Fat Regular Math book and complete the art project as we learn the
different vocabulary.

Then talk about how these angles, lines, and segments make up shapes. Start with triangles.
Discuss how there are different types of triangles and how they can have multiple length
o In Fat Regular Math book, page 316. Talk about how they are organized by their angles.
o In Fat Regular Math book, Page 317 and 318. Talk about how triangles lengths of sides
can also be different and how triangles can have different types of angles in them.
o Have students create triangles with Dry Erase markers and rulers on their desk.
Challenge them to make a triangle with a right angle, with an obtuse angle, and with
an acute angle. Then have them make a triangle with 2 equal sides, with 3 equal sides,
and with all 3 lengths different sizes.

Have as a reference in the room but use different

vocabulary that is at their level. Ex: 0 equal sides, 2 equal sides, 3 equal sides.
Classify shapes by angles. Discuss how students see angles in shapes and in everyday items.
Review what a Polygon is before diving into shapes.

Use Fat Regular Math Book, P. 320 as a review with

o Use foam shapes in cupboard and white board markers to have students categorize
shapes by the angles they have in them. (Make 3 categories on desk- one for right
angle, one for obtuse, one for acute)
o Provide students an example of everyday things we use that have angles in them:
Right Angle: Clock, Arm/elbow, Gift boxes, building blocks, desks,
Obtuse angle: Clock, airplane tail, measuring scale, roads
Acute angle: mountains, swing set, ice cream cone, scissors, sharpened pencil
****HOMEWORK P 235-236****

Review quadrilaterals, parallelograms, rectangles, etc.

Have students complete the following art project using construction paper instead of using
this as an anchor chart. Start with one large sheet of construction paper and write
Quadrilaterals on it and that it has 4 sides and 4 angles. Then have them take another
sheet of paper and create the parallelogram shape. Write the rule on that and glue it on to
the quadrilateral paper until we have all shapes classified and their rules named. All
papers will be different colors and will have examples of the shape drawn using a ruler.
**Draw and Label Trapezoid examples in quadrilaterals section*** SEE PAGE 332 in Fat Reg
Math Book for another Example.

Review how some shapes are in more than one category.

o Use Fat Regular Math book, P. 321-324.
o Use pages 325-328 and then 329-331 as a practice test on that section. Let students
work in groups of 5. This is to act as a review/extra practice. Let kids get more
exposure to the different shapes and how they are classified. Provide them incentive
for scoring at a 90% or higher.
****HOMEWORK P. 237-238****


Send home Page 333 to families

Talk about what a perimeter is and how you can find it.


Discuss with students the unit of perimeters and how we might use them in real life:
to build things like a garden, a pool, a house, a fence, a door, a roof, etc.

Explain that you can find missing pieces if you have sides with the same length. Provide
examples for them on the white board or with the document camera by drawing shapes
and asking them to help find the perimeter given only some of the numbers.
o Tape the carpet with different shapes. Ask students to find the perimeter of the
shapes. (leave the shapes on the carpet for when we get to area).

****HOMEWORK p. 241-242**** (because cant do area and perimeter one yet)


Talk about what an area is and how it is different than the perimeter. **Make sure to talk
about how you can use multiplication to find the answer, but you can also count the
squares and use addition if you need to.

o Fat regular Math book, p. 335 and 336.
o Find the area of the shapes on the carpet.
Use Geoboards and rubber bands to practice finding area and perimeter of shapes. Guide
students with Geoboards first helping them to create shapes and finding the length and
width and the area/perimeter of each. Make sure students are practicing writing the
equations for area and perimeter (using white board markers). Work with partners- each
designs their own shape and then the other solves for area and perimeter.

****HOMEWORK P. 243-244****

Talk about making equations from rectangles by splitting the shape up into multiple parts.
o Ex: (3X3) + (3X5) = 3X8
o Fat Regular Math book p. 339 and 340
o Partner work on Fat Regular Math book pages 345-348

****HOMEWORK P. 245-246****

Practice quiz with partner: Page 341-342 in Fat Regular Math book.
Comparing shapes with same areas and different perimeters/ same perimeters but
different areas.
o On graph paper, have students draw 3 shapes with same perimeter. Have them
solve for Area. Discuss how the perimeters are the same but the areas are different.
What do they notice about the shapes?
o On graph paper, have students draw 3 shapes with same area. Have them solve for
perimeter. Discuss how areas are the same but perimeters are different. What do
they notice about the shapes?
o Fat Regular Math book, P. 343-344

****HOMEWORK p. 247-248****

Practice Area and Perimeter Word Problems. Page 349-352 in Fat Regular Math book.
o Design Area and Perimeter Robots- Ms. Murphy will read a story about a robot and
the kids have to listen and draw what they hear on graph paper. At the end,
students will find the total area and perimeter of their robot.


Have students draw a picture of something they like using graph paper. Each shape
must use squares (kind of like Minecraft objects). Then find the area and perimeter
of the picture.

***HOMEWORK p. 249-250****

Students complete the review on Page 361-366.

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