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& Question Bank 2016-2017

The French Revolution

Circumstances leading to the outbreak of Revolutionary protest in France-

1. Economic Causes

Increased taxes
Greater demand for food grains

2. Political Causes
- Declaration of National assembly
- Luxurious lifestyle of the monarchy
- Corrupt administration
3. Social Causes
- Feudal System and the three states
- Third estate was paying the taxes
4. Increase in population
- From 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789.
- Non availability of food grains.
-No increase in the wages of the workers.
5. Role of Philosophers
- Ideas of equality and freedom proposed by the English and French philosophers
- rejected the doctrine of the Divine kingship
THE PHILOSOPHERSJean Jacques Rousseau spread the idea of a society based on freedom, equal laws and
opportunities for all, proposed a form of government based on a social contract between
people and their representatives.
John Locke wrote - The Treatises of Government

Monresquieu, in The Spirit of the Laws proposed a division of power within the
government between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.

Consequences of Revolution
1 France abolished monarchy and became a republic
2. War against Prussia and Austria
3. Formation of Jacobin clubs
4. The Reign of Terror
5. Fall of Jacobin government and the Rise of napoleon Bonaparte
6. Women as active participants ( given the right for education , political rights, right to vote,
compulsory schooling, divorce made legal, struggle for equal rights, etc)


- gave the ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
-an end to the arbitrary rule and developed the ideas of Peoples Republic.
- equal Rights for all men.
- abolished the ideas of divine right, feudal privileges, slavery and censorship.
- influenced the Indian leaders to get rid of the British rule.

Rise of Napoleon

The rise came after the fall of Directors.

In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself as emperor.
Introduced lawsprotection of private property, uniform system of weights and
measures provided by the Decimal system
People saw him as a liberator- to bring peace
Finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Very Short Answers- 1 mark each


When did the French Revolution take place?

What form of government was in practice in France in 1789?
Who was the king of France at the time of Revolution?
Who came under the first Estate?
Who came under the third estate?

6. Who wrote the social Contract?

7. What do you know about Marseillaise?
8. What was guillotine?
9. What happened during the reign of terror?
10. Write the name of some prominent revolutionary women of France?

Short Answers- 3 marks each


Give a brief description of King Louis XVI?

The French society was divided into two classes? Write in brief about them.
How did the American War of Independence inspire the French revolution?
What do you know about the Declaration of the Rights of man and citizen?
What was the contribution of Rousseau, Montesquieu and Voltaire to the French

Long Answer Questions- 5 marks each

1. Discuss the political causes of the French Revolution of 1789. Do you think that
Bourbon Monarchy was mainly responsible for it?
2. Which group of French society benefitted from the Revolution and which were forced
to relinquish power?
3. The disturbed economic condition of France pushed it to the edge of the revolution>
How far do you agree with the statement?
4. Give a brief account of the course of the French Revolution.
5. Explain the significance of French Revolution in the history of France.
6. Despite various reforms introduced by Robespierre, why was his reign termed as
reign of terror?

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