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(Linking with Vowels)

- Have a seat. Hava seat.

- Take it easy. Takit easy.
take k it /k/ /g/


1. We need a ride.

We nee-da ride.

2. Let's move out.

Lets mo-vout.

3. It's over now.

I' dzo-ver now.

4. We are going to make a change.

We gon-na ma-ga change.

5. Get up.


6. Oh, my God. She made you lunch.

Oh, my God. She made-you lunch.

7. It's getting out of hand

It's gettin' ou-da hand.

8. What day of the week it is?

Wa' day of the week it is?

9. Man, stop it!

Man, stop it!

10. Read it.

Read it.

(Linking Identical Consonants)

- I've got a bad day. I've got a baday.

- I'll see you at two. I'll see you atwo.
- space shuttle spashuttle

1. Take care.


2. That's simple.


3. Look at the black car.

Loo-gat the bla-car.

4. You didn't say it's night time.

You din' say it's nigh-time.

5. Fight to the death.

Figh-to the death.

6. I have the six senses.

I have the sik-senses.

7. Next time.


8. Start to float up.

Star-to floa-dup.

9. This sounds lousy!

Thi-sounds lousy!

10. Bus stop.


3. of
of I'm ouda (out of) money. Money of f

1. One cup of coffee, please.

One cup coffee, please.

2. Let's get out of here.

Let's ge-oud here.

3. I can't wait until the end of the show.

I can' wai'-til the end d show.

4. A lot of my friends are here.

A lod my friends-er here.

5. That was the end of Western civilization.

That was the en-d Western civiliaztion.

6. One of my clients seems to be quite upset

about it.

One- my clients seems d-be qui'


7. A bottle of beer, please.

A bott-l beer, please.

8. Bring me two cartons of milk.

Bring me two carton-z milk.

9. I want to take a vacation instead of wasting

my time here.

I wan-na ta-g vacation instea-d wasting

my time here.

10.You're my lady of star light.

You're my lady- star light.

4. of
of Mosda vas (Most of us) are students. f v

1. I'm sick of it.

I'm si-g vit.

2. Take good care of yourself.

Tei' good care--vyourself.

3. This is a work of art.

Thi-si-z wor-g-vart.

4. He won't come out of it.

He won' come ou-d-vit.

5. It'll take a couple of hours.

It'll ta-g coup-l-hours.

6. This part of oxygen goes into the container.

This par-d voxygen go-zin-d d container.

7. Some of our friends are here.

Some--vour frien-dser here.

8. Two pieces of your spinal bones are broken.

Two piece-s-vyour spinal bones-er bro-gen.

9. I'll take care of him.

I'll ta' care--vim.

10. She's out of her environment.

She's ou-d-ver environment.

1. Wanna/gonna/hafda/hasda/oughda
want to/ going to/ have to/ has to/ ought to wanna/ gonna/ hafda/ hasda/

1. I'm going to go shopping this afternoon.

I'm gon-na go shopping this-afternoon.

2. I'm going to take it with me.

I'm gon-na ta-git wi' me.

3. I want to do it quick.

I wan-na do-it qui'.

4. I want to make sure everything goes right.

I wan-da ma' sure everything goes-right.

5. You have to try it yourself.

You haf-da try-i' yourself.

6. You have to wait and see.

You haf-da wai-d'n see.

7. He has to give it up.

He has-da give-it up.

8. He has to check again.

He has-da che-ga-gain.

9. You ought to know it's wrong.

You ough-da know it's wrong.

10. He need to think about it.

He needa thin-gabou d-it.

2. And/or/for
And/ or/ for n/er/fer/f

1. People come and go.

People come'n go.

2. Cream and sugar?

Cream'n sugar?

3. Trust me and you can make it.

Trust me'n you can ma-gi'.

4. Why don't you and Mary try it?

Why don' you'n Mary try-i?

5. Which one do you want, A or B?

Which one do-you-wan, A er B?

6. Can you help me or I'll try someone else.

Can you hel' me er I'll try someone-else.

7. I need to buy a birthday present for my


I nee-da buy-a birthday present fer my


8. Don't take it for granted.

Don't ta-git fer granted.

9. It's not easy for me.

It's na' easy fer me.

10. Don't do it for someone you don't love.

Don't do-it fer someone you don' love.


1. Would you come back there with me?

Would you come ba(ck) there wi(th) me?

2. You're nothing like my father.

You're nothing li(ke) my father.

3. Forgive me, I lied.

Forgi(ve) me, I lie(d).

4. You broke the record.

You bro(ke) the recor(d).

5. He's got a black tie.

He's go-da blac(k) tie.

6. You can't beat that.

You can'(t) bea(t) tha(t).

7. They all want him dead!

They all wan(t) him dea(d)!

8. You may now loosen your seatbelt.

You may now loosen your sea(t)bel(t).

9. Have a pleasant flight!

Ha-va pleasan(t) fligh(t).

10. Hold it right there.

Hol-di(t) right there.

he/her/him/her has/have/had h
What does-e (does he) want?


1. Tell him I'm busy.

Tell-im I'm busy.

2. Get him out of here.

Get-im ou-da here.

3. I'll take care of him.

I'll ta' care av-im.

4. That's why I like him.

Tha-t'swhy I li-gim.

5. Come here.


6. Let me ask her.

Let me as-ger.

7. Check her out.

Che-ger out.

8. Get her.


9. I'll never talk to her.

I'll never talk to-er.

10. Let her go.

Le-er go.

rceivemistake msdake


1. Do you still believe in him?

Do you still blieve n him?

2. Have you received my letter?

Ha-vyou rceived my letter?

3. They charge heavily on fees.

They charge heavly on fees.

4. It's a mistake

It's a msdake.

5. She is getting a divorce.

She's gettn a dvorce.

6. I have confidence.

I have confdence.

7. Welcome back to civilization.

Welcome back to civlzation.

8. He will be right here in a minute.

He will be right here in a minte.

9. You discovered the reality.

You discovered the realty.

10. It's my responsibility.

It's my rsponsbilty.

( )

1. You're probably right.

You're pro(ba)bly right.

2. That's my favourite suit!

That's my fav(o)rite suit!

3. You got a temperature.

You go-da temp(e)rature.

4. Finally, I learned the lesson.

Fin(a)lly, I learned the lesson.

5. He's delivering an oration.

He's deliv(e)ring an oration.

6. Definitely he'll have to leave.

Def(i)nitely he'll have-da leave.

7. That's absolutely incredible!

That's abs(o)lutely incredible!

8. The student's above average.

The student's above av(e)rage.

9. I got my memories.

I got my mem(o)ries.

10. I was wondering what exactly happened

to her.

I was wond(e)ring what exactly happened

to her.

-es /Iz/ / z/

1. I got your messages.

I got your messagz.

2. Mary has had two divorces.

Mary has had two divorcz.

3. Those cases were left unresolved.

Those casz were left unresolved.

4. The prices are higher this year.

The pricz are higher this year.

5. There are still chances I have to take. There're still chancz I have to take.
6. He uses the color here.

He usz the color here.

7. She watches the sky.

She watchz the sky.

8. God blesses everyone.

God blessz everyone.

9. He wishes to see you.

He wishz to see you.

10. You've got three choices.

You've got three choicz.

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