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D:\Codigo Fuente\Windows Scripting Hosting\Terminado\set_system_time_to_us_naval_observatory.


'~~Author~~. Bill James MS-MVP

'~~Script_Type~~. vbscript
'~~Sub_Type~~. SystemAdministration
'~~Keywords~~. microsoft.xmlhttp, ActiveTimeBias, getResponseHeader, time
'zone, set time
'An End-User VBScript tool to adjust local system time if off by 1 second
'or more compared to US Naval Observatory web server. Minimum system
'requirements Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 5.
'SetTime2.vbs - Adjusts system time if off by 1 second or more.
' Bill James - - rev 28 Apr 2000
'Credit to Michael Harris for original concept.
Option Explicit
Dim ws, strTitle
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strTitle = "SetTime.vbs Bill James"
'Check system compatibility.
Dim http
Call ChkCompat
'Read time zone offset hex value from Registry.
Dim TimeOffset, HexVal
TimeOffset = ws.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\" & _
'Reg value format varies between Win9x and NT
If IsArray(TimeOffset) Then
'Win9x uses a reversed 4 element array of Hex values.
HexVal = Hex(TimeOffset(3)) & Hex(TimeOffset(2)) & _
Hex(TimeOffset(1)) & Hex(TimeOffset(0))
Else 'Must be NT system.
HexVal = Hex(TimeOffset)
End If
'Convert to hours of time zone offset.
TimeOffset = - CLng("&H" & HexVal) / 60
'Get time from server. Recheck up to 5 times if lagged.
Dim n, timechk, localdate, lag, gmttime
For n = 0 to 4
'Fetch time page from US Naval Observatory web page.
'We don't actually need or use the page contents. "GET","" & _
"/cgi-bin/"& now(),false
'Check response time to avoid invalid errors.

mircoles, 15 de junio de 2016 01:41 p.m.

D:\Codigo Fuente\Windows Scripting Hosting\Terminado\set_system_time_to_us_naval_observatory.vbs

timechk = Now
localdate = Now
lag = DateDiff("s", timechk, localdate)
'Key concept for script is reading header date.
gmttime = http.getResponseHeader("Date")
'Trim results to valid date format.
gmttime = right(gmttime, len(gmttime) - 5)
gmttime = left(gmttime, len(gmttime) - 3)
'If less than 2 seconds lag we can use the results.
If lag < 2 Then Exit For
'If still too much lag after 5 attemps, quit.
If n = 4 then
ws.Popup "Unable to establish a reliable connection " & _
"with time server. This could be due to the " & _
"time server being too busy, your connection " & _
"already in use, or a poor connection." & vbcrlf & _
vbcrlf & "Please try again later.", 5, strTitle
End If
'Time and date error calculations.
Dim remotedate, diff, newnow, newdate, newtime, ddiff, sdiff
'Add local time zone offset to GMT returned from USNO server.
remotedate = DateAdd("h", timeoffset, gmttime)
'Calculate seconds difference betweed remote and local.
diff = DateDiff("s",localdate,remotedate)
'Adjust for difference and lag to get actual time.
newnow = DateAdd("s", diff + lag, now)
'Split out date and calculate any difference.
newdate = DateValue(newnow)
ddiff = DateDiff("d", Date, newdate)
'Split out time.
newtime = TimeValue(newnow)
'Convert time to 24 hr format required for OS compatibility.
newtime = Right(0 & Hour(newtime), 2) & ":" & _
Right(0 & Minute(newtime), 2) & ":" & _
Right(0 & Second(newtime), 2)
'Calculate time difference.
sdiff = DateDiff("s", time, newtime)
'If off by 1 or more seconds, adjust local time
Dim tmsg
If sdiff < 2 and sdiff > -2 Then
tmsg = "System is accurate to within " & _
"1 second. System time not changed."
'Run DOS Time command in hidden window.

mircoles, 15 de junio de 2016 01:41 p.m.

D:\Codigo Fuente\Windows Scripting Hosting\Terminado\set_system_time_to_us_naval_observatory.vbs

ws.Run "%comspec% /c time " & newtime,

tmsg = "System time off by " & sdiff &
" seconds. System time changed
End If
'If date off, change it.
Dim dmsg
If ddiff <> 0 Then
ws.Run "%comspec% /c date " & newdate,
dmsg = "Date off by " & ddiff & _
" days. System date changed to
newdate & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
End If

to " & _

" & _

'Show the changes

ws.Popup dmsg & tmsg, 5, strTitle
Call Cleanup
Sub ChkCompat
On Error Resume Next
Set http = CreateObject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ws.Popup "Process Aborted!" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"Minimum system requirements to run this " & _
"script are Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 " & _
"with Internet Explorer 5.", , strTitle
End If
End Sub
Sub Cleanup
Set ws = Nothing
Set http = Nothing
End Sub


mircoles, 15 de junio de 2016 01:41 p.m.

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