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The Benefits of Water Therapy

Advantages of Drinking Water in

the Morning
By Danica Collins October 12, 2011

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Did You Knowthat drinking water in the morning immediately upon

waking up can have amazing therapeutic effects for a multitude of health
conditionsranging from pain toasthma to cancer?
This remarkable water therapy originates from ancient Ayurvedic medicine. In
Sanskrit, the name for the practice is Usha Paana Chikitsa, which roughly
translates to early morning water treatment.

Can Water Wash Away Disease?

It has long been known that drinking water first thing in the morning on an
empty stomach purifies the bodys internal system. An especially important
result of this treatment is that it cleanses the colon, which makes the body
much more able to absorb nutrients from
This is achieved through the production
of new blood, or haematopaises. This

fresh blood has animmense restorative effect in the body and can even cure
existing ailments.

An Unlikely Prison DiscoveryWater as Potent Medicine

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj discovered the healing powers of water and the
link between dehydration and chronic illness 17 years ago. He was then serving
a jail sentence as a political prisoner in Iran.
During his imprisonment, Dr. Batmanghelidj used the only medicine available to
himwhich was waterto successfully treat 3,000 fellow prisoners who were
suffering from stress-induced peptic ulcers.
After his release from prison, Dr. Batmanghelidjwho trained in medicine at St.
Marys Hospital Medical School of Londonturned his full-time attention to the
study of dehydration and its negative health effects. His subsequent discoveries
have restored health for hundreds of thousands of individuals who were
suffering from unidentified dehydration-related diseases.
In addition to presenting at international and world conferences, Dr.
Batmanghelidj has published his findings in a number of scientific journals. He
has compiled his research for the general public in two books, Your Bodys Many
Cries for Water, and How to Deal with Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain.
He has even produced a video on back pain and audiotapes of his lecturesall
of which have been peer and media reviewed and acclaimed both nationally and

Dehydrations Many Disguises

According to Batmanghelidj, the bodys biological thirst signals can be mistaken
for signs and symptoms of other illnesses. If we treat the root cause of these

dehydrationwe can avoid costly and unnecessary medical interventions and

enjoy long-term wellbeing.
Humans seem to lose their thirst sensation and the critical perception of
needing water, wrote Batmanghelidj in one of his two books on chronic
dehydration and water therapy. Not recognizing their need for water, he
continued, they gradually become increasingly andchronically dehydrated with
the progress of age.
Further confusion results when the body produces complicated secondary
symptoms of dehydration. Many doctors misinterpret those secondary
symptoms as unrelated diseases.
These conditions include, but are not limited to:
o Dyspepsia
o Rheumatoid arthritis
o Angina
o Migraine and headaches
o Colitis
o Constipation
o Hypertension
o Anemia
o Obesity
o Sinusitis
o Pulmonary tuberculosis
o Asthma
o Kidney stones
o Diabetes
o Irregular menstruation
o Leukemia
o Uterine cancer
o Breast cancer

A Japanese medical society has also found water therapy to be a 100%

cure for arthritisepilepsybronchitisuberculosismeningitisdiarrheathroat
diseasesand many other ailments.
Research proves that water therapy can cure these conditions very rapidly on its
ownwith no other medical treatments! According to the research, water
therapy alleviates constipation within a single day, diabetes within one week,
and hypertension and even cancer within a month.

How to Maximize the Benefits of Water Therapy

Drinking water in the morning is simple to put into practice, and virtually free!
However, there are some important rules to remember. The basic protocol
recommend by experts is as follows:
1. Immediately upon waking in the morning, drink 1.50 liters of water,
which is equivalent to 5-6 glasses of water.
2. Do not eat or drink anything else for 1 hour prior to and after drinking
the water.
3. Do not consume any alcoholic beverages the night before.
At first, it may be difficult to drink 1.50 liters of water at one time; however,
your body will gradually get accustomed to the protocol.
When starting out, you may want to make it easier by modifying the protocol
slightly, as follows: Drink 4 glasses, then pause for 2 minutes, then drink the
last 2 glasses.
It goes without saying that the better the quality of water you consume, the
better the results youll experience from water therapy.

5 Benefits of
Drinking Water In The Morning

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