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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858) 642-8724

Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Science/History Grade: Kindergarten

Lesson Topic:

Farm Animals/Farming as a job

Candidates Name: Kelli Murphy

ID #


Site Supervisor: Les Delos Santos NU Supervisor: Cathi Dow

Date: ____3-15-2016___________________________
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner,
create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
Content Standards:
The following standards are from the Common Core
Standards as well as the Content Standards set for
Kindergartners in California:
CCSS.Writing.2. Use a combination of drawing,
dictating, and writing to compose
informative/explanatory texts in which they name
what they are writing about and supply some
information about the topic.
CCSS.Writing.8. With guidance and support from
adults, recall information from experiences or
gather information from provided sources to answer
a question.
CA Content Standard k.3. Students match simple
descriptions of work that people do and the names
of related jobs at the school, in the local community,
and from historical accounts.
CA Content Standard K.6.3. Understand how people
lived in earlier times and how their lives would be
different today (e.g. getting water from a well,
growing food, making clothing, having fun, forming
organizations, living by the rules and laws).
Students are going to learn what it is like to be a farmer such
as their duties and a day in their life. In addition, they will
learn about the different animals on the farm and how
farmers have to care for them.

This lesson plan is intended to help
students to connect with the job and roll of
being a farmer in our community. Students
will be learning this hands on activities that
I have planned for them so they will learn
by doing. I believe that students will
remember the roles since they will have
performed each of them.
Students are also learning about
informational/explanatory texts. I have
designed the lesson plan to include
informational text about their experiences
as a reflection and will have them describe
what a farmers day includes.
We also have been working on subtraction
skills. I have found a way to include
subtraction in the lesson as a way to use
cross-curricular lessons.

Students will use this hands on experience

to collect knowledge and observe what it is
like in the farm industry. The will learn
about feeding animals and planting crops.
They will also get a glimpse of what it
takes to grow plants since their next unit is
on plants.

Prior Learning:
Students have knowledge of farm animals. They also know
what a farm is and that it is operated by a farmer. They have
studied pigs and mud, cows, sheep, hens and chickens, geese,
and more through stories read in the class and through videos
and assignments in the prior week. I mentioned this is a
cross-curricular lesson, so students have also been introduced
to subtraction and know that it means to take away, and have
practiced many forms of writing. They know what
informational text is and have practiced writing facts.

So far in the class, students have been

introduced to farm animals and their
different roles on a farm. They know
background information on each of the
individual animals and how sometimes
they have more than one use. For example:
they know that cows can be used for milk
on one farm and can be used for meat on

Focus Learner/Behavioral Expectations:

Students work in table groups daily and will work in these
same groups for the entire experiment. They understand what
is expected of them since it is already over half way through
the year, but I will go over expectations during our
exploration of what a farmers day is like. Students are
expected to take turns, encourage learning and
experimentation, and follow directions.

In regards to focus learners and behavioral

expectations, the goal with this classroom
is cooperative learning which allows for
student interaction. Students will be
working in table groups which they are
familiar with. This will limit the number of
students at each learning station so that
each student gets a relevant amount of time
to perform the activities. It also allows for
students to discuss and compare their
experiences with their groupmates along
their journey around the farm.
They are expected to work as a team and
take turns. Students earn points for
behaving well and staying on task so we
will remind them of this prior to the
activity beginning.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)
Learner Outcomes/Objectives:
Students will demonstrate their understanding of what a
Farmers role on the farm is by successfully completing each
hands-on activity station. At the end of the activity, they will
write about what a farmers duties are on the farm based on
their first-hand experience on our Stone Ranch Farm.
Formative assessment:
Mastery of the Stone Ranch Farm activity will be measured
by teacher observation as well as by written submission at
the end of the assignment.

The goal for this activity is that by
performing 7 different farmers duties,
students will learn what it takes to run a
farm and will learn what the animals go
through daily. They will be able to describe
through informational text what duties the
farmer has on the Stone Ranch Farm.
Formative assessments will be done by
both teachers throughout the lessons
entirety through observations and through
working with students and interacting with
them as they complete their activities. Prior
to the lesson we will review what they
know about farmers and then at the end of
the activity they will be expected to write

about farmers. This will show their prior

skills in writing, especially what we have
been working on lately which is
informational writing. Assessments on the
writing will be done individually where the
hands-on activities will be observed only.
3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the learner outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development.)
Linguistic background:
The class is very multicultural and there are a few ELL
students in class, but they are all very comfortable speaking
English vocabulary words that associate with lesson.
1 student goes to Speech 2 times a week.
Academic Language Abilities:
There are very diverse levels for reading and math in our
class. About 6 of 26 students require more teacher interaction
and assistance on math and reading/writing activities and are
below grade level.
Content knowledge:
Students are expected to do well in this lesson supported by
prior experience and through teacher guidance. Students
have been guided on learning multiple strategies to solve
problems so they can pick a strategy that works for them.
Cultural and health considerations:
We have a mixed class with Spanish students, Middle
Eastern students, European, and White students.
1 student has a peanut allergy.
Physical, social, and emotional:
Students are active, social and mostly cooperative. Most of
them are involved in afterschool activities or go to ESS.
Socioeconomic Considerations:
Most of the students are from upper-middle class and upper
class socioeconomic neighborhoods. Parents are very
involved in the campus both financially and physically.
A few students are from a lower class socioeconomic
neighborhoods and do not have as much help at home.
Interests, Motivations, and Extra Curricular
Developmentally appropriate interests. Average motivation to

Students have been assessed over the past 5
weeks that I have been in the class. Most of
the students can read and follow directions.
At each station there will be a description
about where they are on the farm and what
they are expected to do. For students who
may not be able to read, they are paired
with teammates that can read it aloud to
them, and both teachers will be around to
assist and model expectations.
All of the students will be able to
understand the content through practicing
the activities.
The students who speak multiple languages
have been prepped with unit vocabulary
prior to the lesson and will be reminded as
the activities are being discussed.

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)
Modifications for ELL students:
Students have been prepped with unit vocabulary words
prior to the activities
Teachers will be modeling the expectations at each
Paired with a buddy to complete each activity if needed
Modification for Learning Disabled Students:
Time allotted was to allow for all student levels to
complete the activity.
Work completion chart.
Assistance with activities where they are struggling or
partnered with a buddy if desired
Modeling expectations at each station
Modification for High Achieving Students:
Allow them to work on an additional activity such as
designing their own farm once they have completed the
Modification for Low Achieving Students:

Students have been prepped with unit vocabulary words

prior to the activities
Teachers will be modeling the expectations at each
Paired with a buddy to complete each activity if needed
Math manipulatives

Because this activity is taking place outside
of the classroom, all the students as a
whole will be on the Stone Ranch Farm
tour with me as I walk around and model
each activity for them. I will make sure that
I check for understanding at each station by
asking for a thumbs up to ensure the
Learning Disables, ELL and Low
achieving students understand what is
expected and address anyone who doesnt.
I will also make sure to prompt them
specifically with questions to make sure
they are following along. I also will have
math counters out by the chicken station
for any students that feel like they need
manipulatives to solve the math problems.
High achieving students will have the
opportunity to work on designing their own
farm with crayons and markers if they
finish all their stations and their writing
early. They will have a better
understanding of the chores required on the
farm so I would like them to show me what
they would still want on their farm and

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)

Corral the Pigs

o Pink balloons
o Sharpie
o Pink pipe cleaners
o Tool to round them up
o Pig pen materials
Milk the cow
o Thin rubber gloves filled with water
o String
o Cow structure
o Buckets
Shear the sheep
o Tongue depressors
o Shaving cream
o Gloves
o Tub
o Sheep body- white boards

Corral the pigs is an activity where there
will be pink balloons with sharpie eyes and
nose and pipe cleaner tails that are free in
the area and need to be corralled into their
pen. The pen will be a small area with a
door and students will use a rake like tool
to corral them back.
Milk the cow is a station with a fake cow
that has utters (rubber gloves) hanging
from it full of water. The kids will milk the
cow and collect it in the bucket.
Shear the sheep is a sheep body covered in
shaving cream. They will use tongue
depressors to shear the sheep fur into a tub
below. They will wear gloves since this is a
little messy.

Chicken eggs
o Baskets
o Plastic eggs
o Sharpie
Horse stable
o Hay
o Milk duds
o Shovels
o bucket
o Seeds
o Soil
o Watering can
o Cups
Mend the fence
o Popsicles
o Playdough
o Twist ties/pipe cleaners
Informational writing worksheet
Farmers brainstorming: Have, Can, Are
Farmers jobs: poster

There will be a couple baskets with little

hens in it and plastic eggs. The eggs will
have a number marked on it which will be
the answer they are looking for from their
math problems. They will each collect 3
Horse stable. A small area with hay and
milk duds scattered. They will use shovels
to fund the horse poop and put it in the
Planting will be with soil and seeds. They
will plant their seeds and water them then
add a label with what it is.
Mend the fence is an activity where they
will try to build a fence with the given
Informational writing worksheet is just one
of our journal writing pages that has a
picture box on top and the lines on the
bottom so they can complete a few
The farmer brainstorming and farmer jobs
are just going to be done on the whiteboard
and remain up there so they can use it for
their writing at the end of the activity.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, model, demonstrate, check for
I will welcome students to the Stone Ranch Farm and explain
that today they are Stone Ranch Farmers. We will talk about
farmers jobs to see what they already know, and then I will
assist them by naming any that they didnt already discuss.
We will also discuss what farmers can do, what they have,
and what they are. We will discuss any questions they have
and review important vocabulary terms.

By going over what students think are
farmers duties, it will tie in the knowledge
that we have been doing over the prior
week to todays activity. It will also prepare
them for their upcoming duties in the hands
on activity. Examples: Farmers milk cows,
plow the fields, brush the animals, water
the crops, collect eggs from hens, etc.
Students will also discuss what farmers can
do, what farmers have, and what farmers
are. Examples: Farmers can take care of
animals, farmers can milk cows, farmers
have a tractor, farmers have a barn, farmers
are hard workers, farmers are early risers,

We will be sitting as a class brainstorming the farmer

By working as a class, students who dont

activities listed above. This is done as a class discussion so

that many students can participate.

Check for Understanding:

Students will raise their hands and be called on in order to
contribute to the conversation. This way I can hear them
speak one at a time and assess their understanding of the

have answers can listen to their classmates

and learn through their explanations. I will
make sure to write down all the
information so that they hear it and they
see it. I will repeat the words as I write
them down so students can follow along
even if they cannot read on their own.
Having these displayed around the room
will allow them to access them later on
when they are doing their writing activity.
I will check for understanding by listening
to their answers and prompting them when
they need assistance.

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)
Students will be asked to get into their farmer mode and get
ready to work on the Stone Ranch Farm. Students will follow
me out to the farm.

Once students are ready to be farmers and
agree to learn through experience and
getting along with their group, I will take
them outside on a tour of the farm where
they will learn about their duties for the

Guided Practice/Collaborative Practice:

Once students join me on the farm (outside the classroom
where the stations are set up), I will provide them with
demonstrations at each station.

I will demonstrate and describe each task. I

will read what it says at each station so that
they understand what is going on. As I
demonstrate, I will check for understanding
by prompting them with questions about
what is expected of them at that duty or
why they think it is being done.

At the pig station I will explain how the pigs need to be

corralled into their pen. They will use the tools provided to
accomplish this task.
At the cow station I will explain that cows provide milk and
these cows need to be milked. I will show them how we grab
their utters and begin milking into the bucket.
At the sheep station I will demonstrate how we need to shear
the sheep. These sheep dont have actual fur, so I will explain
how the shaving cream is pretend fur and the tongue
depressors are pretend shears. I will show them how I neatly
shear my sheep into the bin below because the wool will
be used to make clothes later.
Hens will be sitting in a basket with eggs and the students
will need to collect the eggs. Because I wanted math to be
involved, I will have each student solve 3 subtraction math
problems and they will have to go find the eggs that have
those 3 answers. I will demonstrate this for them.
Fence mending will be demonstrated for them. There will be
popsicle sticks, playdough, and pipe cleaners and I will

demonstrate what a fence looks like and how I would mend

my fence.
Horse stable clean-up will take place with a shovel, some
hay, and some milk duds. I will explain that it is not real
horse poop, but it should be treated as so. I will demonstrate
how to scoop the poop into the bucket.
Planting will be demonstrated for the students also. I will
take my cup and add soil. I will add in my seeds and give a
little water. I will also demonstrate how we will label our
crops with a stick.
Check for Understanding:
During this time, students will be prompted with questions
about the duties and why they are being done. I will assess
their understanding through these mini discussions at the

I will observe during the questions to check

for understanding of expectations and
duties. I will ask for a thumbs up if they
understand so that I can have a clear visual
of those who dont.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent
activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their
Independent Practice:
Now that we have reviewed how to complete each station,
students will be divided into their groups and assigned a
station. They will be at each station for 8 to 10 minutes at a
time. They will rotate through each station so that each group
goes through all 7 stations.
After completing each station, students will write about the
farm chores they had while working at Stone Ranch Farm.
Students that finish early can design a barn for me on a piece
of paper using crayons and markers. They can explain why
they picked what to have on their farm.
Check for Understanding:
Teacher observation will occur while activity is happening. I
will do my best to get around to each station during the 8-10
minutes, but will also have help from my master teacher as

Students will now break off into their
groups and begin completing each station.
They will have about 8-10 minutes at each
station. Since there are only 4 students in
each group, this should be plenty of time
for them to complete their task.
At the end of their duties at the Stone
Ranch Farm, they will write about what the
role of a farmer is on the Stone Ranch
Farm. They can write what duties they had
and then will draw a picture.
To check for understanding, I will be
observing during the different activities.
Some of the activities require more teacher
preparation so I will observe at each
chance I have as well as my master teacher
and any other volunteers we have for the
activity. I will assess their writing about the
duties on Stone Ranch Farm to see if our
prior learning on informational writing has
transferred over on this activity.

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly
achieving students and low achieving students.)

Teacher observation throughout entire activity. Assignment
submission at the end of the lesson.

I will be observing throughout the
activities. I want to make sure students are
completing each station appropriately.
After the hands-on portion, students will
write an informational text about what the
farmers at Stone Ranch Farm do each day.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)
At the end of the lesson, I will invite all students to the carpet
to reflect on the activity. I appreciate the feedback on my
lessons so I will ask them what part was their favorite. I will
also have them give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down if
they would like to participate in other activities similar to this
Once they finish with the review, I will ask students what
challenges they had during this activity or what they felt they
did really well on during the lesson.

I want to check on the students unit
vocabulary and knowledge and by asking
them to provide me feedback on the
activity I should be able to prompt them to
using this vocabulary. I also want to get
feedback on my own lessons so just asking
them what they liked or if they want to
participate in similar activities will help me
with future lesson plans.
At the end, I like to give them a chance to
reflect on the activity. It is here that I can
get some feedback by allowing them to
share what they did well on or challenges
they felt they had during the activity so that
I can address these challenges or adjust
future lessons to accommodate their needs.

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