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Different Types of Sexuality

Homosexual - People who are attracted to the same sex

Heterosexual - People who are attracted to the opposite sex
Gay - Someone who is attracted to the same sex, can apply to men and women
Lesbian - A woman who is sexually attracted to other women
Bisexual - People who are attracted to people of both sexes
Sexual Orientation - Describes who we are attracted to (sexuality)
Transgender - Someone who feels the sex they were born into does not match how
they feel on the inside
Discrimination - Treating a group of people less favourably than others because of a
certain characteristic
Homophobia - A fear, hatred or dislike of people who are attracted to the same sex
LGBT - An abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Coming out - The process of telling others their sexuality
Asexual - A person who has no sexual feelings or desires

Sexual choices and their consequences

Influences in Sexual Decision Making

making good decisions and responsible choices about sexual activity during the

teenage years can have immediate and lasting implication for overall health outcomes
Influences may include, peers, media, friends, values, drugs and alcohol

Social factors influencing sexual decision making

Teenagers are most likely to seek sexual information from their friends and least likely

from parents
80% of teenagers say that what their parents have told them and what their parents
think influence their decisions about sex and relationships
The role of the media, 56% of all television shows contain sexual content
Greater involvement in schools leads to lowered rates of sexual risk taking
25% of sexually active high school youths reported using alcohol or drugs in their most
recent sexual encounter

Power, Gender and Risk Taking

Respecting your partners rights means not pressuring them to do things they are not

ready for
In an ideal relationship there is a balance of power



Abuse of power can occur through physical or sexual violence, emotional abuse or

Adolescence is associated with risk-taking activity and a belief that nothing will happen
to me
Most teen sexual activity occurs in a party atmosphere under the influence of alcohol
and drugs

The media and sexuality

The media believes that Sex Sells

This kind of advertising teaches young men that women are objects not people and

that al they need is a product to win a woman. An unrealistic expectation is made,

teaches them to be overly confident and they can then become dominant in a
It also teaches young women that is okay to have a domineering relationship

Sexual Assault

1 in 5 women in Australia will experience sexual assault

1 in 3 will experience some form of assault
Three types, sexual assault, indecent assault, aggravated sexual assault
70% of the people who commit sexual assault the victim knows
less than 1 in 5 report sexual assaults to the police

Sexually Transmitted Infections

What is a sexually transmitted infection?

STIs are infections that are passed on through close body contact or the exchange of

bodily fluids
Many STIs do not have symptoms, they can only be diagnosed through testing
Most common STI in Australia is Chlamydia
The best way to prevent STIs is to use a condom



Methods of Contraception (check book for more detail)

Hormonal IUD
Copper IUD
Depo Provera Injection
Combined Pill
Mini Pill (POP)
Male Condom
Female Condom
Tubal Ligation

Teen Pregnancy In Australia

The rate of teenage pregnancies in Australia has declined significantly over a number

of years
5% of children are now born to women aged 19 and under
Sex education and access to effective contraception are essential in preventing
unplanned pregnancy in the teenage population
Teenage women generally encounter more problems during pregnancy and childbirth
than older women
In nearly 25% of cases the partner is never told about the pregnancy.

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