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The Anti-Sicilian:


Yuri Razuvayev
Alexander Matsukevitch


Series Edited by R.D.Keene

The Anti-Sicilian:
3 b5(+)
Translated by Eric Schil/er

B.T.Batsford Ltd, London

First published 1984

Yuri Razuvayev, AleksanderMatsukevitch 1984

ISBN 0 7134 4 1 13 5 (limp)

Photoset by Andek Printing, London

and printed in Great Britain by
Biddies Ltd, Guildford, Surrey
for the publishers
B.T.Batsford Ltd, 4 Fitzhardinge Street,
London W 1H OAH


Adviser: R.D.Keene
Technical Editor: P.A.Lamford



Part One: 3 i.b5

3 ... a6

3 ... 'ifb6

3 ... 'f!/c7

3 ... lbd4


3 , .. lbf6


3 ... e6


3 ... g6


Part Two: 3 i.b5+


3 ... lbc6


3 ... lbd7



3 ... i.d7


Index of Variations








Slight advantage
Clear advantage
Winning advantage
Level position
Unclear position
Good move
Outstanding move
Interesting move
Dubious move
Weak move

Part One: 3 b5


i.bS (1)


The move 3 i.b5 was first

encountered in official competitions
more than lOO years ago in the
game Winawer-Steinitz, Paris 1 867.
Ever since that time many well
known chessplayers have turned
their attention to the move. It
became especially popular in the
Fifties. Leaving behind the over
analysed lines of the contemporary
Sicilian Defence, practitiOners
turned with pleasure to this
apparently abstract bishop move.
Depending upon the reaction of
his opponent White wiH either
attempt to break up the black
pawn structure with i.xc6 and
then adopt a blockading strategy,

or sieze the centre with c3 and d4.

Tournament praxis has shown
that in either case Black must play
quite carefully in order not to fall
into a dangerous situation.
There is some similarity between
3 i.b5 in the Sicilian Defence and
the Spanish Game with 1 e4 e5 2
ltJf3 ltJc6 3 i.b5. There is also
much in common with the attack
on the centre found in one of the
basic variations of the English:
1 c4 e5 2 lDc3 lDf6 with 3 . . . i.b4,
which is only logical since this is
the same position except for the
extra tempo held by White.
In the material presented below
there are a large number of"blank
spots", where it is not possible to
give a precise evaluation of the
position or variation. There is one
prescription for all cases: develop
pieces rapidly! By increasing the
number of your forces in a goal
oriented manner, it is always
possible to fulfil the aims of your
chosen plans.
The usual replies to 3 i.b5 are
3 . . . e6 and 3 . . . g6. The other
continuations are less popular,
but each has its own ideas and



I e4 c5 2 llJf3 llJc6 3 .ib5


a6 (2)



a) 5 d4!? cd 6 xd4 d6 7 c4 .ig4 8

llJc3 e5 9 'ftd3 .ie7 1 0 h3 .ih5 I I
0-0 h6 12 c5! .ixf3 1 3 '8'xf3 de 14
'it'g3 i.f6 15 .ie3 l!'a5 16 llad i
llJe7 I 7 lld6 Okladnikov
Zaitsev, Krasnoyarsk I 960.
b) 5 d3 d5 6 ltlbd2 and now:
b i )6
e6 7 0-0 llJf6 8 c3 i.e7 9
'ira4 't!t'c7 I 0 llel 0-0 I I llJfl a5 I2
.ig5 h6 I3 .ih4 t N ezhmetdinov
Tatarintsev, Kazan I 964.
b2) 6 . .ig4 7 0-0 e6 8 't!t'e l (8 b3!?
8 ... de? 9 llJxe4 ) 8 . . . .id6 9 b3
ltle7 10 h3 .ixf3 I I llJxf3 llJg6 I 2
.ib2 0-0 1 3 e 5 .ie7 14 \te3 'fWc7 I 5
llae 1 ;!; Christiansen-Baiio Helsinki 1 975.

The proof of the pudding is in

the eating. It is obvious that if this
logical move is good, then 3 .ib5
is nothing but a bluff, and there is
no point in writing a whole book
about it.
B 4 . . . de

4 .ixc6
A 4 . . . be

be (3)


a) 5 ... d5 6 1!re i !? e6 7 d3 llJf6 8 b3

a5 9 lbc3 a4? (9 ... .ie7 :t) I 0 e5
llJd7 I I llJxa4 c4 I2 de de I 3 'it'e4 .
b) 5 ... e6?! 6 e5! 'it'c7 7 b3 llJe7 8
lite1 llJg6 9 .ib2 i.b7 10 c4 .ie7 1 1
llJc3 0-0 I 2 llJe4 Tragsdorff
Michel, Dresden 1 970.


a) 6 net i.g4 7 h3 i.h5 8 c3 e5 9 d4

i.e7 10 de .ixf3 l l 'ffxf3 de 12
"!Vg3 i.f6 I3 .ie3 'ffe 7 I 4 llJd2
Kuzmin-Rigo, Nice 01 1974.
b) 6 d3 "!Vc7 7 llJc3 ltlf6 8 'it'e2 e5 9
llJh4 g6 10 f4 ef 1 1 e5! de I 2 i.xf4

3 ... a6 3

li:ld7 1 3 li:ae I g7 14 lt::lf3 f6 1 5

ltJe4 0-0 16 e3 Vasyukov
Velimirovic, Sukhumi 1 975.



H iibner-Sypers, Athens 1969:

8 . . . 'i!Vc7 9 lt::la3 ! lt::le7 10 lt::lc4 lt::lg6
1 1 d2 a5 1 2 'i!t'a4 a6 1 3 li:fc l
b5 14 1!fc2 e7 1 5 lt::lxa5! l::txa5
16 xa5 xa5 17 a4 a6 1 8

e5 or 5 ... g4. White avoids one

of these possibilities.
B l 5 d3
B2 5 h3

de (4)


What differentiates this position

from that of the Spanish Game
( 1 e4 e5 2 lt::lf3 lt::lc6 3 b5 a6 4
xc6 de) is that here the pawn on
c7 has already advanced to c5.
This means that Black cannot
castle long, because the flank is
too exposed. On the other hand,
the pawn on c5 participates in the
attack on the centre, ancrit will be
difficult to achieve the d4 thrust.
In the diagrammed position
Black intends to continue with 5 ...



If 5 . . . 'fi'c7
a) 6 0-0 lt::lf6 7 a4 a5 8 g5 .ig4 9
lt::lbd2 lt::ld7 10 c3 h6 1 1 h4 g5 1 2
.ig3 d8 13 1!t'b3 c8 14 d4
Karner-Heuer, Tallinn 1 977.
b) 6 eS g4 7 f4 e6 8 li:lbd2 lt::le7
9 h3 h5 10 h2 h6 1 1 a4 a5 12
lt::lc4 lt::l c8 1 3 \lfe2 j.e7 1 4 g4 j.g6
15lt::lfd2::!: Lutikov-Haag, Polanica
Zdroj 1972.
Or 6 0-0:
a) 6 ... 1!Vc7 7 a4 e5 (7 ... a5!?) 8 a5
lt::lf6 9 li:lbd2 d6 10 ltJc4 h6 1 1
.id2 lt::ld7 1 2 lt::le3 e6 1 3 c3 g6
14lt::ld2 Koskinen-Keto, Helsinki
b) 6 ... lt::lf6 7 lt::lbd2 and now:
b l ) 7 . g6 8 lt::lc4 .ig7 9 h3 .ixf3
10 1!fxf3 0-0 1 1 1!fe2 li:ld7 12 f4 b6
13 lt::le3 e5 14 f5 ::!: Zvorikina
Golui, Minsk 1956.
b2) 7 . e6 8 lt::lc41!Vc7 9 g5 b5 10
lt:le3 h5 1 1 .ih4 .id6 12 g3::!:
Rossolimo-Lundin, Bad Gastein
6 ... .ih5?! 7 lt::lbd2 e6 8 a4 b5 9
't!Ve2 lt::lf6 (9 . . . .ixf3!? ::!:) 10 g4!
.ig6 1 1 ltle5 Nezhmetdinov
Shamkovich, Kiev 1 954.
7 1Wxf3

4 3 .. a6

a) 8 .td2!? .tg7 9 .tc3 .td4?! 10

0-0 l!lc7 1 1 a4 b6 1 2 lDd2 lild8 13
a5 b5 14 b3 e5, Kaikamdzhozov
Prakhov, Sofia 1957. 1 5 .td2!
( 1 5 ... .txb2 1 6 lila2 .td4 1 7 c3 ).
b) 8 a4 f6 9 a5 .tg7 10 lDd2 0-0
1 1 c4 ;!.; Dvoretsky-Shutov,
Moscow 1966.



5 . . . g6 6 d3 .tg7 7 0-0 h6 8 a4 a5
9 a3 e5 10 lDc4 "@c7 1 1 .td2
lDe7 12 .tc3 f6 13 't!fd2 ;!;
Mechkarov-Milev, Sofia 19S2. 1 1
.te3!? b6 12 lDh2 - 1 3 f4.
a)6 xeS?! l!ld4 =
b) 6 d3 and now:
b 1 ) 6 .td6 7 a4 aS 8 bd2 e7 9
c4 f6 10 h4 0-0 1 1 g4 .tc7 1 2
.te3 b6 1 3 l!le2 .ie6 14 b 3 'ifd7 1 5
lilg 1 h8 1 6 0-0-0 ;!; Vasyukov
Zhelyandinov, Havana 1967.
b2) 6 f6 7 a4 lDe7 8 h4 .te6 9
.te3 lDc8 1 0 't!i'h5+ g6 1 1 't!ff3
( 1 1 't!fe2!?) 1 1 ... b6 12 d2
lDd7 13 0-0 .te7 14 'ii'e2 0-0 1S f4
ef 16 lilxf4 g5 1 7 f5 gf 1 8 't!fg4+
19 't!i'h5+ Y2-Y2 Tompa-Haag,


Budapest 1973.
6 ... .td6 7 d3 lDe7 8 bd2 (8
a4!? aS 9 bd2 ;!;) 8 .. 0-0 9 c4
lDg6 10 a4 b5 1 1 lDxd6 1Wxd6 1 2
.te3 f6 1 3 1We2 ( 1 3 lDd2) 1 3 . . . lld8
14 d2 .te6
Sveshnikov, Kharkov 1967.
Simagin-Benko, Moscow 1 949:
8 a4 't!Vd7 (8 . . . aS) 9 a5 0-0-0 1 0 b3
g5 1 1 a3 ( 1 1 c3 !? - 12 a4
$>b8 13 .te3 ) 1 1 . . . hS ( 1 1 ...
e7!? 1 2 lDc4 'ft'e8 oo) 1 2 lDc4
't!fg7 1 3 J.e3 g4 1 4 lDh4 gh 15 g3 .


3 ... a6 is playable, if somewhat

passive. Its primary drawback is
that the opponent gets an extra
tempo for the mobilisation of his
forces, while the pawn structure
which has arisen as a result of the
exchange on c6 allows White to
keep his opening advantage without
yielding anything special and
enabling White to carry out his
clear strategic plans.



I e4 c5 2 lLlf3 lLlc6 3 .ib5

't!Vb6 (5)
3 ... 11t'a5?! 4 lLlc3 e6 5 0-0 (5
.i.xc6!?) 5 ... lLlge7 6 b3?! (6 lil:ei
lLld4 7 .ifl oo) 6 . . . lLld4 7 .ic4
lLlec6 8 .ib2 .ie7 9 lle I 0-0 10 .ifl
d6 = Sigurjonsson-Miles, London
I975; 4 lLla3 !? t, 4 a4!?- 5 lLla3,
6 lLlc4 t.

case it gives the opponent important

time for the realisation of his
A 4 .ixc6
B 4 a4
C 4 'tt'e2
D 4 .ia4
E 4 lLlc3



5 0-0!? e6 6 d4 cd 7 lLlxd4 11t'c7

8 ltJc3 a6 9 .ig5 .ie7 1 0 .ixe7
li:Jxe7 1 1 't!t'h5 d6 1 2 litadi .id7 1 3
f4 't!t'c5 14 e 5 t Gurgenidze-Osnos,
Tbilisi 1 967.

This is an attempt to avoid the
doubling of pawns after the
exchange at c6. The play which
arises in this system is too abstract
and strategically oriented to deal
with in terms of bare variations. It
pays to know the general laws of
chess developed from tournament
experience. One of these teaches
us that the early development of
the queen is undesirable. In this



.i f4! t


Short-Fuller, London 1 977 con

tinued 9 ... .ixc3 10 be 'ti'xe4 I 1
't!t'c1 .if5 1 2 lle 1 't!Va4 ( 1 2 ...
1!fxc2? 1 3 1!ra3 b6 14 lladi ;
13 ... lLlf6 14 litxe7+!) 13 't!t'e3 'ifc6
1 4 ltJe5 1!t'c8 1 5 ltJc4 .



4 ... a6?! 5 i.c4 e6 6 0-0 .ie7 7 c3

lLla5 8 li:la3! li:Jxc4 9 li:Jxc4 't!t'c6 10

6 3 . .. 'flb6

lii e 1 b5 1 1 lDceS 't!fb7 1 2 lL!xf7! ,

Adler-Frank, Hastings 1974. On
12 ... xf7 there follows 13 lL!e5+
<MS 1 4 '@h5.
a) 5 ... lL!ge7 6 c3 t.
b) 5 ... a6 6 i.xc6 't!Vxc6 7 lL!c3 ::!:.
c) 5 ... i.e7 6 t.Ua3 t.Uf6 7 d3 0-0 8

i.xc6 't!Vxc6 9 iDeS 't!Vc7 10 i.f4 d6

1 1 lDb5 't!fd8 12 l.Uc4 t Gaprindashvili-Nicolau, Belgrade
196 1 .




8 li:'lxd5?! ed 9 d4 cd 10 i.g5
i.xg5 1 1 tt:'lxg5 h6 12 ll:Jf3 0-0 +.

a) 9 ... lDxd4 1 0 t.Uxd4 '@xd4 l l

lidl '4!t'b6 12 lDc4 or 1 2 i.e3 and

13 Ilac l t.
b) 9 ... 0-0 10ll:Jc2 d5 1 1 i.d3 Ile8
12 e5::!: Georgiev Kr.-Inkiov, Sofia

7 c4?! ll:Jc7 8 i.xc6 'i!i'xc6 9 ll:Jc3

b6 1 0 d3 i.b7 1 1 li'le4 d5 12 ed
i.xd6 1 3 LDfg5 i.e7 14 't!fh5 g6 1 5
't!fh6 i.f8 1 6 't!Vh4 i.g7 + Kramer
Lombardy, Zurich 196 1 .

i.e3 ( 1 0 d5!?) 10 ... d5 l l ed ed 12

de i.xc5 l3 i.xc5 'ifxc5 14ll:Jbd2
Gufeld-Radev, Tbilisi 197 1 .


Boleslavsky gives 9 ... 0-0 10 d4

cd 1 1 cd d6 12 ed i.xd6 1 3 c3 !fa5
14 l::tb l ! a6 1 5 li'lg5 h6 16ll:Je4 .





4 ... ll:Jd4 5 lDxd4 cd 6 0-0 e5 7

i.c4 lDf6 8 d3 d6 9 f4 t Idelchik
Todorova, Sofia 1965.



6 c3 !? a6 7 i.a4 ll:Jg6 8 :!id 1 (8 d4

cd 9 cd LDxd4 1 0 li'lxd4 'ifxd4 1 1
tt:'lc3 b5 oo) 8 . . . J..e7 9 d4 0-0 10



a) 4 ... d6?! 5 0-0 i.d7 6 c3 lLlf6 7

lie I e5 8 d4! cd 9 i.xc6 i.xc6 I 0cd
ll:Jxe4 ( 10 ... ed 1 1 e5) 1 1 ll:Jc3!
t.Uxc3 ( 1 1 . . . f5 12 lLlxe4 fe 13 ll:Jg5
'ifxd4 14 '@h5+ g6 15 't!Vh3 i.d7 16
!fb3 ) 12 be Sax-Sanz, Nice
01 1974.
b) 4 ... g6 5 0-0 i.g7 6 c3 e6 7 lle l
lDge7 8 e5?! 0-09 d4 cd 10 cd f6! l l
lLla3 fe 1 2 ll:Jc4 !t'b4! 13 b3? ( 1 1
lLlcxe5 =) 1 1 ... llxf3! + Sax
Miles, London 1975; 8 ll:Ja3!? ::!:.


a) 7 d3 i.d7 8 lil:e I g6 9 edll:Jxd5 1 0

d4 cd 1 1 lDxd4 i.g7 ( 1 1 . . . i.c5!?)
12 ll:Jxe6 i.xe6 ( 1 2 ... fe 13 !fxd5
0-0 14 '@d2! ) 13 'i!i'xd5 0-0,
Torre-Miles, Amsterdam 1977.
b) 7 ed lLlxd5 8 d4 cd 9 c4! ll:Jf6 10
ll:Jxd4 i.c5 l l i.e3 ::!:.


3 . . . 1!t'b6 7

If 4 a3!?
a) 4 ... a6?! S .i.xc6 1!t'xc6 6 0-0
"ti'xe4 7 d4 cd 8 ll:lc4 "ti'c6 (8 ...
ll:lf6? 9 ll:ld6+! ed 1 0 liel ) 9 1!1xd4
d6 10 llJb6 llb8 1 1 llel ll:lf6 1 2
.i.gS .i.e6 1 3 liadl Lenchiner
Bersutsky, Dnepropetrovsk 1962
(13 ... h6 1 4 .i.f4 gS I S ll:leS!).
b) 4 ... g6 (4 ... ll:lf6!?) s 0-0
transposing to note b2 to 6 ... a6
on page 40.

0-0 (6)

S .i.xc6!? ti'xc6 (S ... be?! 6 0-0

dS 7 d4 cd 8 ll:lxd4 cS 9 ll:lxe6!? fe
10 ed ll:lf6 l l lie I .i.e7 12 de 0-0 13
.i.gS .i.b7 14 .i.xf6 liad8 I S
.i.xe7! Vaskela-Katilyavichus,
Vilnius 1977) 6 d4 cd 7 "ti'xd4 d6 8
.i.gS !.

a) 5 . . . a6?! 6 .i.xc6 1!t'xc6 7 d4
cd 8 1!t'xd4 bS 9 lle I .i.b7 and
a l )IO .i.f4?! ll:l f6 l l llad l .i.cS l 2
t!t'd3 0-0 13 e S ll:lg4 14 .i.g3 fS I S

h3 Ilf7! 1 6 ll:le2 gS =t= Kapengut

Kupreichik, Minsk 1978.
a2) 10 a4!? b4 l l li:ldS ;!:.
b) 5 ... g6?! 6 llel .i.g7 7 .i.xc6 be?!
8 eS fS 9 d4 c4 l O l2Ja4 t!t'bS l l llJcS
aS 12 a4 !t'b4 13 .i.d2 "ti'b6 14
.i.e3 ll:le7 IS dS! Skatselikova
Lemachko, Moscow 1979.
c) 5 .. . ll:ld4 6 .i.c4 (6 .i.a4 'ikaS 7
a3! bS 8 b4 1i'b6 9 be .i.xcS
10 Ilbl Tai-Ciric, Sarajevo
1966) 6 ... ll:le7 7 lie I l2Jec6 (7 . . .
l2Jg6 8 d 3 .i.e7 9 ll:lxe4 c d l O l2Je2
0-0 l l c3 ) 8 ll:lxd4 cd 9 l2Je2 .i.e7
10 d3 0-0 l l a3 d6 12 ll:lg3 .i.d7 1 3
f4::!; Dueball-Dontsyevich, USSR
d) 5 ... llJf6 6 Ile1 and now:
d l ) 6 ... ll:ld4 7 a4 a6 8 .i.d3 ll:lxf3+
9 ti'xf3 d6 10 b3 .i.e7 11 .i.b2 0-0
12 eS de 1 3 lheS ::!;; 7 .i.a4!? ::!;.
d2) 6 . . . .i.e7 7 .i.xc6 'ikxc6 8 d4 d6
(8 . . . 0-0?! 9 dS "ti'a6 10 d6! .i.d8 1 1
.i.gS h6 12 .i.h4 gS 13 ll:lxgS!
Vasyukov-Chikovani, USSR 1963)
9 dS "it'c7 l O 1!t'd3 0-0 ( 1 0 ... eS?! 1 1
ll:ld2 0-0 1 2 ll:lc4 a6 Jj a4 .i.d7 14
aS Jasek-Khrastek, Prague
1970) 1 1 l2Jd2 eS 1 2 l2Jc4 ll:lhS 1 3 f4
ef 1 4 eS Janata-Jacoby, Solingen
1 96S.
d3) 6 ... d6 7 eS de 8 ll:lxeS ,;!:.
a) 6 b3?! l2Jd4 7 .i.c4 ll:lec6 8 .i.b2
J..e7 9 lle1 0-0 10 J..f l d6 1 1 d3
.i.d7 12 ll:ld2 "ti'c7 13 ll:le2 .i.f6 +
( 1 4 c3 ll:lxei+ 1 S "it'xe2 liac8 16 f4
dS ! =F).

8 3 ... 'ikb6

b) 6 d3!? l'ild4 7 .tc4l'ilec6 8l'ilxd4

cd 9l'ile2 .te7 1 0 f4 t 0-0 1 1 f5l'ila5
12 'it>h 1 f6 1 3 li'Jf4 'ffc 6 14 'ffe2 b6
15 l'ilg6! Arnold-Natsis, USA
1979: 15 ... lil.n 16 l:l.f4 l'ilxc4 17
l:l.h4 h6 18 .txh6! gh 19 l:l.xh6 1-0.
l'ild4 (7)
6 ... a6 7 .txc6 (7 .tc4!?) 7 . . .
l'ilxc6 8 d3 d 6 9 'ffe2 'ikc7 10 i.f4 f6
1 1 i.e3 .te7 12 d4 cd 1 3 l'ilxd4
l'ilxd4 14 .txd4 0-0 = Inkiov
Padevsky, Sofia 1 974.


Or 7 i.c4 l'ilec6 8 d3 and now:

a) 8 d6 9 l'ilxd4 cd (9 ... li'Jxd4 10
l:tbi .te7 1 i b4! cb 12 i.e3
Boleslavsky) 10 li'Je2 l'ila5 ( 10 ...
i.e7!?; 10 . . . g6!?) 11 c3 l'ilxc4 12
de de 13 l'ilxc3 i.e7 14 b3 0-0 15
e3 \!t'c6 16 'ffd 3 b6 1 7 1 ,!.

b) 8 i.e7 9 l'ilxd4 cd 10 l'ile2 0-0

1 1 c3 i.f6 1 2 cd l'ilxd4 1 3 i.e3 d5
14 i.b3 l'ilxe2+ 15 'ffxe2 d4 16
.td2 i.d7 17 l lUe S = Bohm
Miles, Amsterdam 1977.


a) 7 l'ilxb5 8 ab d6 9 d4 t.
b) 7 l'ilec6? 8 lt:\d5! ed 9 ed+l'ile7
10 l'ile5 lt:\xb5 1 1 l'ilc4 'fff6 12 ab
'it>d8 13 d4 l'ilxd5 1 4 lieS l'ile7
15 \!t'e I ! Men te lis- Rabinovitz,
Jurmala 1978.
8 .tc4
10 'ffxf3
Inkiov-Helmers, Lodz 1978 con
tinued 10 . . . i.d6!? 1 1 'i!Vh5 'ffc 7 12
.te3 ( 1 2 g3 !?; 12 a5!? - 13 i.d2)
12 ... 0-0 1 3 a5 l'ilf4 14 .txf4!?
( 14 'fff3 oo) 14 . . . i.xf4 1 5 e5 ! f6 16
ef gf 17 l'ild5! ed 1 8 lie? .
The analysis presented above
does not amount to a final verdict
on the value of the queen sortie on
move three, but it is obvious that
there is a tactical (and chronic)
drawback: after the exchange
.txc6 'ffxc6 the queen often falls
under attack from the opponent's
pieces, and this gives White
additional impetus and the possi
bility of developing an initiative.





e4 c5 2 lt:lf3 ll:lc6 3 .tb5


'it'c7 (8)


The point of this move, as of

3 ... 'it'b6, is to avoid doubled
pawns after the exchange on c6.
Black retains the possibility of
counterplay involving . . . a6 and
... b5.
The queen move here is more in
keeping with the spirit of the
Sicilian Defence than in the last
chapter. Nevertheless, there is a
hidden drawback which inescapably
surfaces after a few moves. As
play develops, Black becomes
quite restrained in his choice of
plans. The early development of
the queen limits his possibilities
A 4 c3
B 4 0-0

li:lf6 5 'ike2 e5 6 0-0 .te7 7
a) 4
ll:e l ?! (7 d4!? ;!) 7 ... 0-0 8 d3 a6 9
.ia4 b5 10 .tb3 d6 l l ltlbd2 lt:la5
12 .tc2, Damsky-Lapiridi, Rostov
on-Don 196 1 .
b) 4 ... e6 5 0-0lt:lf6 6lii:e l .ie7 7 d4
cd 8 cd a6 9 .ifl 0-0 10 lt:lc3 d5 1 1
e5 li:ld7 12 .ig5! 'i!Vd8 1 3 .ixe7
't!t"xe7 14 lii:c l ;t Maslov-Adashev,
Bukhara 1979.
5 .ia4
5 .ixc6 !? 1i'xc6 6 0-0 'it'xe4
7 ll:e I oo.
6 \i'e2 (9)
6 d3?! g6 7 0-0 .ig7 8 llel 0-0 9
li:lbd2 b5 10 .ib3 d6 l l li:l f l .tb7
Nezhmetdinov-Strekalovsky, Kazan

10 3



a) 6 ... e5 7 0-0 and now:

a 1) 7 d6 8 d4 bS 9 i.c2 i.e7 OOo
a2) 7 ... i.e7?! 8 d4 cd (8 0 0 0-0?! 9
i.xc6 t!t'xc6 lO de lbxe4 1 1 lii:e 1 fS
1 2 ef lbxf6 13 "t!Vxe7 :S:e8 1 4
'it'xe8+ lbxe8 1 S :S:xe8+ f7
1 6 lbeS+ Nimzowitsch) 9 cd lbxd4
lO xd4 ed 1 1 eS d3 1 2 t!t'e3 lbdS
13 "t!Vg3 g6 14 i.b3 lbb4 1S i.xf7+!
Nimzowitsch-Gilg, Kecskemet
b) 6 ... e6 7 0-0 i.e 7 8 d4 cd 9 cd bS
l O i.b3 aS 1 1 i.c2 i.b7 12 i.gS
h6 13 i.h4 :S:c8 14 i.d3 dS 1 S eS
lbe4 16 i.xe7 'it'xe7 17 lbbd2
lbxd2 18 "t!i'xd2 lbc4 19 "t!Ve2 ;!;
Krasnov-Lomaya, Kishenev 1 9660
c) 6 ... g6 7 0-0 i.g7 8 h3?! 0-0 9 d3
d6 10 lbbd2 bS 1 1 i.c2 lbhS 1 2
b3 a S 1 3 g4 a4 + Cioca1tea
Franklin, Hastings 197 1 -2; 8 eS!?
lbdS 9 d4 ;!;0



lbf6 (10)

i.b7 1 1 i.f4 1t'c4 1 2 :S:ad 1 lbf6 1 3

ll fe 1 i.e7 1 4 lbb3 0-0 1 S i.d6 t
Nezhmetdinov-Bastrikov, Kazan
19S8) 9 0 0 lbe7? (9 0 0 0 !fxeS?! 10
:S:e1 ; 9 000 d6 ;!; ) 10 lbdbS! ab 1 1
lbxbS 'it'aS 1 2 lbd6+ 'ii?d8 1 3
lbxf7+ 'ii?e 8 14 lbd6+ 'ii?d8 1S i.d2
Lutikov-Romanishin, Gomel
5 lbc3
S :S:e l !? e6 (S
a6?! 6 i.xc6
"t!i'xc6 7 d4 cd 8 lbxd4 1Wc7 9 eS
lbdS 10 c4! t!t'xc4 1 1 lba3 'it'cS 1 2
i.gS e 6 13 llc l 'it'a7 1 4 'it'c2 'it'b8
1S lbc4
Holland 1973) 6 c3 dS 7 eS lbd7 8
d4 t Westerinen-Larsen, Copen
hagen 1 9790

oo o

0 00



S lbd4?! 6 i.c4 d6 7 h3 e6 8 d3
i.e7 9 lbxd4 cd l O lbbS 1!'b6 1 1 a4
eS 1 2 c3 a6 1 3 a3 de 14 be i.e6 oo
Kuzmin-Holstein, USSR 1979; 10
lbe2 eS 1 1 f4 ;!;0
:S:el (11)


a6 S i.xc6 1!fxc6 6 d4 cd 7
lbxd4 fkc7 (7 0 0 0 1Wxe4?! 8 lbc3 )
8 lbc3 e6 9 eS! (9 a4!? b6 lO 'it'f3
0 00

a) 6 ... d6 7 d4 cd 8 lbdS! t!t'd8 (8 000

ed?! 9 ed+ i.e7 10 lbxd4 lbxdS 1 1

3 . . . ''c7 1 1

ltlxc6 be 1 2 'it'xd5 Simagin

Florian, Moscow 1 949) 9 li:lxd4
(9 li:lxf6+!? gf 10 li:lxd4 .id7 1 1
'Lle2 a6 1 2 .ia4 'it'a5 13 c4 li:le5 14
.ixd7+ ltlxd7 1 5 .id2 'W/c7
16 lite! Gurevich-Frolov,
Sverdlovsk 1967) 9 . . . .id7 1 0
.ig5! .ie7 ( 1 0 . . . ed 1 1 .ixc6 be 1 2
ed+ .ie7 1 3 de ) 1 1 li:lxe7 li:lxd4
12 .ixd7+ 'tlt'xd7 1 3 .ixf6 gf
1 4 li:ld5! Richter-Grehmann,
Berlin 1950.

b) 6 . . . b 6 7 i.xc6 'ti'xc6 8 d4 cd 9
li:lxd4 't!t'c4 10 e5 li:ld5 1 1 li:le4
Tseshkovsky-Mnatsakanian, Yere
van 1977: 1 1 ... i.c5 1 2 c3 f5? 1 3 ef
lt:lxf6 14 li:lxf6+ gf 15 't!t'f3 .
In this example we again see the
drawback of an early queen
deployment: after the exchange on
c6 White will have additional time
for the development of his pieces
and the building of an initiative.



I e4 c5 2 lbf3 lbc6 3 .ib5

ltJd4 (12)

( 14 h3!? .ixf3 1 5 1!rxf3 0-0 1 6 f5)

14 . . . de 1 5 cb .ixf3 ( 1 5 . . . ab 16
.ixf7+) 16 'irxf3 ab 1 7 'iVg3
Garcia-Kafur, Argentina 1974.
b) 5 0-0 g6 6 d3 i.g7 7 .ic4 (7 f4!?)
7 ... e6 8 f4 lbe7 9 f5! , Glik
Shiryayev, Moscow 1978: 9 ... gf
10 1!rh5 d5 1 1 i.b3 h6 12 i.d2 de
13 de i.d7 14 ltJa3 't!Vc7 15 ef 't!Vc5
16 .ib4! 'irxb4 17 fe .

It is not necessary for chess

maxims to be proven by variations
alone; one can apply the common
sense and logic of general rules: it
is a crime to move the same piece
twice in the opening. Black
inevitably lags in development,
and as a result 3 ... ltJd4 has never
achieved popularity.
4 ltJc3!? t.
c3 (13)
a) 5 c4!? a6 6 .ia4 e5 7 0-0 1!t'a5

(7 . . . ltJf6 8 d3 .ie7 9 f4 ) 8 d3 b5
9 .ib3 ltJf6 10 f4 d6 1 1 ltJd2 .ig4
1 2 ltJf3 .ie7 13 i.d2 1!t'd8 ( 1 3 ...
1!Vc7?! 14 cb ab 1 5 ll c l ) 14 fe


5 . . . a6?! 6 .ie2 d5 7 1!Va4+ i.d7

8 1Wxd4 de 9 'irxe4 .ic6 10 1Wg4 h5
1 1 'irh3 e5 12 0-0! t!f6 13 d4 ed 14
cd .id6 15 ltJc3 -.xd4 1 6 lile l liJe7
17 i.g5 Gipslis-Koblenc, Riga


Asmundsson-Ulrichsen, Nice 01
1974, continued: 6 . . . e6 7 0-0 a6 8

.ie2 lfJe7 9 d4 b5 10 f4 .
The difference in the degree of
development of the white and
black sides is obvious. Once again
concrete practical examples confirm
a well know chess maxim: Time is

. ..

!i:Jd4 13

precious in the opening! Use it to

get your pieces into the game
quickly! Therefore moving a piece

twice in the opening unavoidably

loses time and consequently cedes
an initiative to your opponent.



I e4 c5 2 lL!f3 lbc6 3 .ib5

lbf6 (14)
This leads to an English with
colours reversed. But if in the
English opening the advantage of
the first move allows White to
count on an edge in the opening,
here the move of the king's knight
gives Black good chances of
equality. The play is complicated
with many strategic possibilities.
Black's extra tempo makes his
defensive task easier, but he must
play very carefully and keep an
eye on the activities of his
opponent while carrying out his





5 . . . .ig4!?
Or 6 0-0 .ig7 7 lie 1 0-0 8 .id2
.ig4 9 .ic3 c4 (9 ... lbe8!?) 10 e5
lbd5 1 1 de lbxc3 12 1!xd8 llaxd8
13 lbxc3 .ixf3 14 gf lld4 =
Peresipkin-Chekhov, Moscow 1976.
7 lbc3
8 .ie3
Popa-Dolmatov, Moscow l 977,
continued 10 h4 .ig4 1 1 lbh2!?
.ie6 12 h5 .






lbd4 (1 5)

a) 4 a6 5 .ixc6 de 6 h3 (6 0-0!?)
6 ... g6 7 0-0 .ig7 8 d3 0-0 9 .ie3
lbd7 10 'it'd2 e5 1 1 .ih6 1!re7 ( 1 1 . . .
f5 i2 ef g f 1 3 .ixg7 <&>xg7 14 'it'g5+
;!;) 1 2 lbh2!;!; Gips1is-Wirthensohn,
b) 4 d6 5 e5 de (5 ... lbg4 6 ed ed
7 'it'e2+ .ie7 8 lbd5 ;!; or 5 ... lbd7
6 ed ed 7 0-0 .ie7 8 lbd5 0-0 9 d4
cd 10 lL!xe7+ 'it'xe7 1 1 lL!xd4
Troianescu-Kolarov, Budapest 1956)
6 ltJxe5 .id7 7 .ixc6 .i.xc6 8 lt:lxc6



3 . . . lt:\f6 15

be 9 d3 e6 10 0-0 i.e7 l l b3 lt:ld5

12 i.b2 i.f6 l 3 lt:la4 i.xb2 14
xb2 Ambroz-Chekhov, Mos
cow 1978.
c) 4 . g6 5 h3 (5 i.xc6!? de 6 h3 e6
7 d3 i.g7 8 a4 b6 9 0-0 .ib7 lO a5
b5 11 1!t'e2 "f!/c7 I2 e5 lt:ld7
l 3 i.f4 ;! Schweber-Agdamus,
Austria 1977) and now:
c l ) 5 ... i.g7 6 e5 lt:lg8 (6 ... lt:lh5?!
7 i.xc6 de 8 d3;!;: - 9 g4) 7 .ixc6 de
8 d3 lt:lh6 9 g4! : 9 ... f5 lOef ef 1 I
'it'e2+ 1!t'e7 I 2 'fi'xe7+ Wxe7 13
i.e3 b6 I4 0-0-0 lidS 15 d4
Kuzmin-Timoshenko, Baku 1978.
c2) 5
lt:ld4!? 6 e5 lt:lxb5 7 lt:lxb5
d5 8 'fi'e2 c7 9 d4 lt:\xb5 l O
xb5 c d 1I i.g5 h 6 12 i.f4 ( I 2
.ih4!?) 1 2 ... i.g7 1 3 0-0-0 0-0 I 4
lt:lxd4 a 6 I 5 "f!/b4? ( I 5 1i'd5 !?) 1 5 . . .
d5! (16 e d e5) I 6 1!t'd2 <J;;h 7, Yegin
Tukmakov, Moscow 1979.


li:Jxd4 0-0 1I e5 lt:ld7 I2 f4

Gufeid-Stein, Kiev 1960) 7 . . . lt:\d7
8 0-0 d4 9 li:Je4 "t!Vb6 lO l!Ve2 e6 1 1
c4 Zavada-Lysenko, USSR



7 c4?! lt:lc7 (7 . . . lt:lb4?! 8 d4 a6 9

lbc3 cd l O lt:le4! 'fi'c7 I I b3 b5 I 2
0-0 .ib7 I 3 lie1 e6 I 4 a3 lt:lc6 I 5 c5
d8 I6 b4 Kaikamdzhozov
Popov, Sofia I955) 8 li:Jxc7+ 1!t'xc7
9 d4 cd l O 'it'xd4 g6 =.


Fuchs-Mnatsakanian, Yerevan
I965: 7 . . . c7 8 lt:\xc7+ 't!fxc7 9 d4
cd I 0 't!fxd4 g6 (10 ... 't!fxc2? I I
i.g5 - 1 2 liac l 't!Vf5 l 3 1!t'xa7!) I I
lie I (l i e6 f6 =) I 1 . .. i.g7
12 i.g5 (12 ... d6 l 3 i.xe7! )
c4 (16)
8 lt:lc3 lt:lxc3 9 de d5 I Oed xd6
11 xd6 ed I2 lie l + i.e6 13 lt:lg5
d7 I4 li:Jxe6 fe = Parma
Taimanov, Tbi1isi I973.


5 a4!? (5 i.a4?! 'fi'a5 6 e5 e4! +

Wazer-Euwe, Utrecht 1952) 5 ...
lt:lxb5 (5 . . . a6!?) 6 ab d5 7 e5 (7
1We2!? e6 8 0-0 i.e7 9 d4 cd l O


16 3 . . !Df6

8 ... lDb6 (8 . . . ab 9 ed d6
10 'it'e2 ;!;; 8 ... lDe7 9 iDxe7+ 1!Vxe7
10 d4 ;!;) 9 lDe3
a) 9 d6 (9 ... !Dxe4?! 10 d4 ed 1 1
'it'xd4 b5 1 2 a4) 1 0 d4 i.g4 1 1 ed ed
12 llel+ .te7 1 3 .tg5 f6 14 .tf4
Kapengut-Moehalov, Minsk 1979.
b) 9 . dS 10 d4! and now:
b l ) 10 . . de 1 1 de 'ilxd l 12 llxd l
lDd7 1 3 iDd5 .
b2) 10 iDxc4 1 1 de e6 12 b3 iDa5
13 lDa4 .
b3) 10 . cd 1 1 'ilxd4 .te6 12 e5
lDd7 13 lldl lDb8 14 lDg5 lDe6 15
'it'f4 'ild7 16 .i.e3 0-0-0 17 iDa4
Wittman-Nun, Holland 1979.
b4) 10
e6 1 1 .tg5 it'd7 ( 1 1 ...
.te7 12 .txe7 't!Vxe7 13 ed iDxd5 14
lDe4 ) 12 ed iDxd5 13 iDxd5
'ilxd5 ( 1 3 ... ed 14 e6!) 14 de .txe5
15 'ire2 0-0 I6 llfd I 'it'e6 I7 llae I
.ta 7 1 8 'it'd2 'ilb6 19 .tf6! Sax
Sveshnikov, Hastings 1978.
9 lDc3
9 ... e6?! 10 d4 ed 1 1 iDxd4 '4!t'c7
12 b3 d6 ( 1 2 . . . '4!t'xe5? 1 3 I!.e1it'c7
14 a3 lt:lc6 1 5 iDd5 it'd8 16 .te3 !)
13 a3 lDc6 I4 lDdb5! ab 15 lDxb5
1i'd8 16 ed lla5 17 .te3 f6 18 f4
I!.xb5 19 cb iDa5 20 I!.c l !
Ozsvath-Liptay, Budapest 1978.










cd =
Tukmakov-Sveshnikov, Ashkhabad

'4i'e2 (17)


a)4 ... a6 5 .txc6 de and now:

a l ) 6 d3 i.g4 (6 . . . g6 7 .td2 .i.g7 8
.tc3 i.g4 9 lDbd2 ;t: Bronstein
Bannik, Kiev I957) 7 h3 i.h5 8 a4!
b5 9 g4 i.g6 10 iDe5 lDd7 1 1
iDxd7! ( I l iD xe6?! '4!t'e8 eo) 1 1 ...
1Wxd7 1 2 f4 f6 1 3 h4 e6 14 f5 .tf7
1 5 iDd2 Nezhmetdinov-Luik,
Kharkov 1958 .
a2) 6 h3 g6 7 0-0 .tg7 8 a4 a5 9 d3
0-0 10 lDc3 ( 10 i.d2!? 1 1 .te3 ;!;)
10 ... iDeS ! 1 1 .te3 b6 12 iDe I e5 13
f4 ef 14 .txf4 !Dc7 1 5lt:lf3 iDe6 16
.te3, Ciocaltea-Birescu, Bucharest
1979. 1 6 . . . lbd4 =.
b) 4 ... e6 with the following
b l ) S c3 d5 (5 . . . .te7 6 0-0 a6 7
.ta4 b5 8 .tc2 .tb7 9 d3 d6 10
iDbd2 'ilb6 eo, Levin-Sakharov,
Kharkov 1959; 7 .txc6!?) 6 ed
'it'xd5 7 0-0 .td7 8 d4 cd 9 lld l
i.e7 10 ed 0-0 1 1 iDc3 '4!t'h5
12 d5! Lutikov-Ustinov, Moscow
b2) S .txc6 be (5 ... de 6 e5 ) 6 0-0

3 . . . /6 1 7

i.e7 7 d3 0-0 8 l:l:e l lLle8 9 lLlbd2 f6

1 0 e5 fe l l lLJxe5lLJc7 1 2 lLlb3 'ire8
1 3 f4 d6 1 4 lDc4 ;!; Vasyukov
Gufeld, Tbilisi 1 973.
5 lbc3 is also possible, and now:
a) 5 lDd4?! 6 lDxd4 cd 7 e5! de 8 ef
e6 9 de a6 10 J.d3 't!Vxf6 1 1 h4 i.g7
12 i.e3 'ire5 1 3 0-0-0 d6 1 4 'tlrf3 .
b) 5 ... i.g7 6 e5 lDg4 7 i.xc6 de 8
h3 lDh6 9 g4 (9 lDe4?! b6 10 lDf6+
f8 l l lLJe4 lLJf5, intending . . .
h6, ... h7 - Dvoretsky) 9 ... 0-0
10 d3 f5 ( 10 . . . f6 1 1 i.f4 ) l l g5
lLJf7 1 2 i.f4 and now:
b 1 ) 12 . 1!ra5 1 3 'ire3 lDd8 ( 1 3 ...
J.e6!? 1 4 h4 i.d5 1 5 lith3 i.xf3 ;!;)
14 h4 ( 1 4 fl ! lLJe6 1 5 lLJe2 )
14 ... lDe6 1 5 0-0-0 b5 1 6 h5 lii:d8
17 hg hg 1 8 lLJh4 Dvoretsky
Simic, Tallinn 1977.
b2) 12 ... i.e6 13 0-0-0 ( 13 h4!?)
13 ... 't!t'a5 14 \!t'e3 .txa2 15 lLJ xa2
't!t'xa2 1 6 't!t'xc5 litfd8 1 7 lihe 1 ( 1 7
\!Vxe7? i.f8 1 8 'irf6 lieS! + Tukmakov) 17 ... e6 1 8 'irc4! ;!;
Ermenkov-Tukmakov, Vrnjacka
Banja 1979.

. .


After 6 e5 lDd5, White can

choose between:
a) 7 1!rc4 lLlc7 (7 ... 'irb6 8 't!t'xd5
'irxb5 9 lLJa3 ;!;; 8 d4 d6 9 ed ed 1 0
'ire2+! ;t:) 8 i.xc6 ( 8 1!rxc5 b6) 8 . . .
de 9 't!t'xc5 'ird3 ! 1 0 1i'e3 i.f5 1 1
't!t'xd3 i.xd3 + Fischer-Matulovic,
Palma de Mallorca 1970.

b) 7 0-0 when Black has tried:

b l ) 7 ... lLJc7 8 i.a4 0-0 9 d4 cd 10
lid1 ( 10 cd d6 1 1 h3 de 1 2 de d4
+) 1 1 ... J.,g4 12 lLlc3 ( 1 2 h3 .txf3
13 1i'xf3 lLle6 = Bim-Karasev, USSR
1 975) 1 2 ... e6 1 3 J..e3 de 14 de
1i'c8 1 5 lLld5 ;t: Bim-Steiner, USSR
b2) 7 ... 0-0 8 'irc4 lbc7 (8 ... 't!t'b6 9
.Wxd5 1!rxb5 1 0 lDa3 1!rb6 It lDc4
't!t'b5 1 2 d4 ;!;; 8 ... lDb6 9 'irxc5
lDxe5 I 0 lDxe5 d6 1 1 lLJxf7 ;!;) 9
i.xc6 de 10 1!fxc5 i.g4 1 1 lDg5 ( 1 1
d4!?) 1 1 . . . 'ird3 1 2 lie I lLld5 1 3 f3
i.f5 l4lLJe4tBim-Klovsky, USSR
1 975.

0-0 (18)


7 d4
a) 7 h3?! and now:
a l ) 7 ... lLJe8 8 litd l e5 9 d4
(9 lDa3!? ) 9 ... cd 1 0 i.g5 f6 1 1
i.h4 \!Vb6 1 2 cd lDxd4 1 3 lLlxd4 ed
14 lDa3 d5! 1 5 ed lLJd6 1 6 J.. g3
f5 + V elikov-Grigorov, Sofia
a2) 7 .. 1!rb6 8 lDa3 d5 9 d3 h6 10
e5 lDe8 1 1 i.e3 d4 12 cd lLlxd4 13

18 3 .. . li::Jf6

.ixd4 cd 14 .ixe8 llxe8 1 5 llfe l

lld8 = Kuzmin-Timoshenko, Thilisi
b) 7 e5 lt:le8 (7 ... li::Jg4 8 d4 cd 9 cd
d6 lO h3 lt:lh6 l l lid I t) 8 d4 lt:lc7 9
.ia4 (9 .ixc6 be lO de .ia6 l l c4
d5 1 2 ed ed l 3 lld l Ii:e8 14 .ie3 d5
oo) 9 . . . cd I0 cd d5 ( lO . . . d 6 I I
lid i ) l i h3 lib8 I2 .ic2 b6 1 3
.id2 = Nezhmetdinov-Spassky,
Moscow I957.
c) 7 lld1 !? and now:
c l ) 7 ... d6 8 d4 cd 9 cd .ig4 l O li::Jc 3
a6 l l .ixc6 be 12 h3 .txf3 ( 1 2 . . .
.ic8?! 1 3 .tf4 "t!t'a5 14 \!Ve3 lib8 1 5
lld2 lt:lh5 16 .ih6 Gufeld
Csom, Kecskemet I968) 1 3 "i!Yxf3
"t!Yb6 I4 1!t'e2 llab8 1 5 ll b l lt:ld7 16
.ie3 "ti'b7 1 7 f4 ;!; Teschner
Stahlberg, Helsinki I952.
c2) 7 . .. e5 8 lt:la3 lle8 9 d3 a6 l O
.txc6 b e l l .ie3 d6 1 2 b4 ( 1 2
lt:lc4!?) 1 2 ... cb 1 3 cb d 5 14 llac l
.id7 = Tseshkovsky-Sveshikov,
USSR I976.
Or 8 lt:lxd4 "t!Yc7
Boleslavsky, Bucharest 1953.


8 ... a6!? 9 .ta4 (9 .txc6 de = )

and now:
a) 9 .. . d5 10 e5 lt:le4 1 1 .te3 ( 1 1
lt:lc3!?) II . . . .id7! (threatening
1 2 ... lt:lxe5) 1 2 .td l f6 13 ef ef 14
.ib3 lt:le7 + Westerinen-Timman,
Nice 01 1974.
b) 9 . .. d6 lO h3 ( 1 0 lt:lc3!? .ig4 1 1

lld 1 1!t'a5 1 2 h3 .txf3 1 3 1!t'xf3 b5

14 .ib3 ;!; - Aleksandrovich
Samoilov, USSR 1 962) lO . . . b5 1 1
.ic2 li::Jb4 I2 .ib3 .ib7 I3 li::Jc 3
lt:lc6 14 e5 t Westerinen-Aijala,
Helsinki I970.
If 9 . . . lt:le8 :
a) 10 h3 lt:lc7 1 1 .ia4 a6 l2 lt:lc3 b5
1 3 .ic2 ;!; Simonovich-Shvidenko,
Kiev I970.
b) 10 .ie3 lt:lc7 II .ixc6 ( 1 1
.ta4!?) 1 1 ... be I2 llcl .ib7 1 3
li:lbd2 f6 1 4 lt:lb3 lt:le6 1 5 ef ef 1 6
'd2 a5 1 7 .ih6 .ixh6 1 8 1Wxh6
Bilek-Larsen, Amsterdam
c) 10 lt:lc3 .ig4 l l .ie3 f6 12 ef
lt:lxf6 13 h3 .ixf3 1 4 "t!Yxf3 liic 8 1 5
"t!Ye2 e6 1 6 llad I a6 1 7 .id3 lt:lh5 =
Prins-Matulovic, Tel Aviv 01
10 .ie3
a) 10 ... 't!fb6?! 1 1 lt:lc3 lt:lxc3 1 2 be
_ig4 13 llfbl "t!t'c7 14 h3 .ixf3 1 5
1!t'xf3 e 6 I 6 h4 t Bilek-Szilagy,
Budapest 1 964.
b) 10 . .. f6 II ef .ixf6 1 2 h3 .id 7 1 3
lbc3 lt:lxc3 1 4 be lt:la5 I 5 .id3 lieS
Westerinen-Perez, Natanya I97 1 .
c) 1 0 ... .id7 l l ll c 1 a6 I2 .id3 f6
13 ef ef 14 lt:lc3 &i::Jxc3 I5 be llc8
Westerinen-Balashov, Tallinn 1973.
d) 10 . . . _ig4?! l l h3 .id7 (Il ...
.ixf3? 1 2 gf) 12 .td3 lt:lb4 ( I 2 ...
f6!? 13 ef ef ;!;) 1 3 .ixe4 de 1 4 lt:lg5
liic8 15 lt:lc3 Westerinen-Hug,
Berlin 197 1 .

3 . . . liJf6 19

ll:ld5 (19)
4 . . . ll:lg4?! 5 .txc6 (5 't!e2!? g6 6
h3 ll:lh6 7 0-0 .tg7 8 c3 0-0 9 d4 cd
lO cd ll:lf5 1 1 lld1 t Gurgenidze
Lutikov, USSR 1959) 5 . . . de 6 0-0
g6 7 lle 1 .tg7 8 h 3 ll:lh6 9 ll:lc3 b6
(9 ... 0-0!?t) 1 0 d4 cd 1 1 ll:lxd4 c5?!
( 1 1 ... .tb7!? 12 .txh6! .txh6 1 3
g4 0-0 14 llad1 t - Euwe) 1 2
ll:lc6! it'd7 l 3 ll:lxe7! xe7 1 4
.txh6 .txh6 1 5 'irf3 Holmov
Keres, Tbi1isi 1959.

Leningrad 1973.
b) 5
e6 and now:
b 1) 6 .txc6 be 7 c4 ll:lb4? (7 . . .
ll:le7!? intending 8 . . ll:lf5 oo) 8 d4
cd 9 a3 ll:la6 lO 't!xd4 c5 1 1 'i!Vf4
.i.e7 1 2 'fi'g4 Wf8 1 3 liJc3 .tb7 14
h4 liJc7 15 lld1 Bronstein
Sakharov, Kiev 1 959.
b2) 6 b3 .te7 7 .tb2 0-0 8 .txc6 de
9 d3 b5 l O liJbd2 a5 l l liJe4 :!
Matu1ovic-Schoneberg, Skopje 01
c) 5
d6?! 6 d4 cd 7 ll:lxd4 .i.d7 8
c4! de (8 . . lDc7 9 ed ed 1 0 el +
) 9 .txc6 be lO ll:lf3 ll:lb6 1 1
lbxe5 g6 12 't!f3 ! Do1matov
Kishnyev, Moscow 1977.
d) 5
g6 !? and now:
d 1 ) 6 it'e2 ll:lc7 7 .txc6 de 8 h3 (8
'fi'c4 b6 9 d3 liJe6 10 .te3 'fi'c7 1 1
e 1 a5 1 2 1t'e4 oo Sanguinetti
Pe1ikan, Argentina 1955) 8 . . . .i.g7
9 d3 0-0 lO lle1 liJe6 = Petrosian
Jansa, Oberhausen 196 1 .
d2) 6 llel .tg7 7 c 3 0-0 8 d4 cd 9 cd
d6 l O h3 .i.e6!? ( lO . . . ll:lc7?! 1 1
.txc6 be 1 2 ll:lc3 .te6 1 3 .i.g5 'fi'd7
14 'i!Vd2 t Yefimov-Csom, Treshov




0 1 5 0 -0
02 5 ll:lc3
Gipslis-Suetin, Minsk 1957: 5 c3
liJc7 6 .ta4 b5 7 .tc2 d6 8 ed 1!Vxd6
9 0-0 .i.g4 1 0 .te4 f5 1 1 .txc6+
1!Vxc6 12 liJe5 .txd1 1 3 ll:lxc6 .tc2
14 ll:la3 .te4 1 5 liJe5 oo.

liJc7 (20)
a} 5
't!c7 6 lle1 e6 7 b3?! (7
ll:lc3 !? - Larsen) 7 . . . b6 8 .tfl (8
.tc4!? intending 9 .txd5 and lO
liJc3 :;!; ) 8 ... .i.b7 9 .tb2 a6 l O liJa3
Ji.e7 1 1 ll:lc4 0-0+ Kuzmin-Larsen,


20 3 . .. li:Jf6

1976) 1 1 ..i.xe6 ( 1 1 lLlbd2!? =) 1 1 ...

be 12 lLlbd2 h6 13 lLle4 1td7 1 4
..i.d2 ltab8 1 5 ...e 2 l:lfe8 + Bui1ov
Zavada, USSR 1975.
6 .txc6
6 a4! g6 and now:
a) 7 lte1
.i.g7 8 .be6 de 9 d3 J.g4
10 llJbd2 'tlfd5 1 1 lte4 h5 12 h3
J.xf3 1 3 lLlxf3 0-0-0 oo BannikCherepkov, Rostov-on-Don 1965.
b) 7 c3 J.g7 8 d4 0-0 9 de lLlxe5 10
Ei:Jxe5 J.xe5 1 1 J.h6 J.g7 12 J.xg7
<l;>xg7 13 lLla3 ! - Bronstein
Velimirovic, Tallinn 1977.
7 d3 J.g4 8 h3 J.h5 9 ..i.e3 e6 10
lLlbd2 J.e7 1 1 Ei:Je4 b6 1 2 Ei:Jg3
J.g6 Marsalek-Malieh, Leningrad
7 . . . h6!? 8 d3 g5 9 lLlh2 J.e6 1 0
lLld2 1!t'd7 1 1 :S:e 1 0-0-0 1 2 't!Vh5
..i.g7 13 a4 lLld5 oo Makariehev
Janosevic, Belgrade 1977.
8 :S:e1
8 b3 ..i.g7 9 J.b2 0-0 10 d3 lLle6
1 1 lLlbd2 b6 12 a4 lLld4 13 lte 1
.te6 1 4 a5 1td7
Kosevieh, Minsk 1975.
a) 10 a4 lLle6 1 1 b3 't!t'e7 12 lLlbd2
ltd8 13 't!t'e2 lLld4 14 lLlxd4 ed 1 5
lLlf3 c5 16 J.f4 J.e6
( 1 7 lLlg5
ltd5!), Ermenkov-Simic, Vrnjacka
Banja 1977.
b) 10 lLlc3 ( 1 0 't!Ve2!? intending

't!Ve4-h4, lLle3-e4) 10 ... lLle6 1 1 a4

a5 12 lLle4 b6 1 3 b3 h6 14 J.b2 lLlf4
15 'ttd2 g5 m Podgayets-Sveshnikov,
Kharkov 1977.

lLlc3 (21)


a) 5 ... lLlxc3 6 de d5 7 ed (7 e4 a6 8
J.a4 b 5 9 ed lLlb8 10 e4! ::!;
Adorjan-Horvath, Hungary 1977)
7 ... 1!fxd6 8 J.e3 !.
b) 5 ... e6 6 0-0 J.e7 (6 . . . lLle7?! 7
J.xe6 be 8 d3 J.e7 9 lLle4 f5 10 ef
J.xf6 1 1 lLlxe5 "ffe7 12 d4 d6
13 ltJe4 t - Kristensen-Muir,
Groningen 1976). White now has:
b 1) 7 d4 lLlxe3 8 be 0-0 9 t!Ve2 d5 10
ed (10 J.a3!?t) 10 ... 't!t'xd6 1 1 lld 1
ed 12 ed b6 1 3 a4 1!t'e7 1 4 't!t'e4 J.b7
15 J.f4 lLlb4! + Rosetto-Panno,
Buenos Aires 1954.
b2) 7 lLlxd5 ed 8 d4 a6 9 ..i.e2 e4
(9 . . . d6 10 ed 't!t'xd6 1.1 de "it'xe5 1 2
.te3 !) 1 0 b3 b 5 1 1 a4 :S:b8 1 2 a b ab
13 J.f4 d6 1 4 ed J.xd6 1 5 lLle5 lLle7
16 J.g5! ::!; - Tseitlin-Osnos,
Leningrad 1972.

3 . . /6 21


Or 6 a4, with the following

possi hilities:
a) 6 dS?! 7 ed ed 8 d4 J;..e7 9 de de
lO 't!VxdS+ .ixd8 1 1 Jixe6+ be 1 2
.ie3 Haag-Pachman, Havana
b) 6
lbxbS?! 7 ab lbd4 8 lla4!?
e6 (S ... llJxf3+? 9 't!fxf3 ) 9 d4
cd lO xd4 c5 1 1 l:i:e4 d6 12 0-0
de 1 3 f3 "irxd1 1 4 l:i:xd 1 e6 1 5
llJxe5 Haag-Fiesch, Budapest
196 1 .
c) 6 ... g6 7 0-0 (7 lbe4 b6 8 "ire2?!
.ig7! 9 f6+ fS 10 llJe4 e6 1 1
eg5 .i.b7 + Do1madsian-Popov,
Bulgaria 1978) 7 ... J;..g7 S l:i:e1 0-0
9 d3 d4 10 J;..f4 ( 10 Jic4 d5! 1 1 ed
't!fxd6 1 2 xd4 cd 1 3 llJe4 1!t'c6 14
llJg5 h6 15 h3 J;..e6 = Haag
Padevsky, Sofia 195S) 10 . . . ce6
l l J;..g3 li::lf5 1 2 J;..c4 llJxg3 1 3 hg
d6 14 ed ed 1 5 lib 1 Jid7 16 't!d2
a6 17 b4 ;t Tseitlin-Legkii, Lenin
grad 1977.




1 2 a4 a5
1 5 li::led2
fd2 t

eg5 (22)

1 3 b3 d4 14 J;..f4 lla7
h6 16 lbc4 .ie6 1 7


7 lie 1 llJxb5 S xb5 J;..g7 9 d4

cd l O .if4 0-0 1 1 bxd4 1!t'b6 1 2
b3 f6 l3 ef .i.xf6 1 4 .i.h6 l:i:f7
1 5 e3 d6! = Zapata-Sveshnikov,
Groningen 1976: 1 6 \i'xd6?! J;..g4
( 1 6 ... ed? 1 7 lieS+) 17 't!fg3
J;..xf3 1 S gf J;..g7 19 J;..e 3 1!t'b5 20
l:i:ad 1 l:i:af8 2 1 f4 J;..h6 +.

10 d3 J;..g7 1 1 eg5?! h6 12 xe6

.i.xe6 l 3 .if4 1!Vd7 1 4 a4 g5 1 5 J;..c l
a 5 + Biyiasas-Balshan, Hastings
1977 -S) 9 d3 (9 b4?! cb 1 0 a3 ba l l
J;..x a3 J;..g7 1 2 d4 0-0 1 3 c4 llJ'C7! 1 4
lbh4 J;..e6 1 5 llcl b 5 +
Oppenrider-Mohrlok, corres 1956)
9 ... J;..g 7 lO l:i:e 1 0-0 ( 1 0 ... 1Wc7?!
1 1 b3 .ixe5 12 xe5 1!t'xe5 1 3
.i.a3 t) 1 1 .i.e3 b6 ( l l .. d4 1 2
it:lxc5 llJxf3+ 1 3 \i'xf3 .ixe5 1 4
.ig5 ! t) 1 2 1!t'd2 d4 1 3 lbxd4 cd
14 .ih6 f5?! (14 . . . c5=) 1 5 ef ef 1 6
J;..xg7 xg7 17 't!f4 t Gurgenidze
Nun, Hradec-Kralove 1979 .


S lbe4 e6 (S . . . b6 9 l:i:e 1 e6

a) 12 . lbd4 l3 xd4 cd 14 e6!? f6

1 5 f7 1!Vd5 1 6 1i'e2 ( 1 6 h6+!?
h8 17 1Ve2) 1 6 . . . lieS ( 1 6 . . .
. .

22 3 .



.txe6? 17 li:Jh6+ .txh6 1 8 .txh6 )

17 li:Jh6+ f8 1 8 i_d2 c5 19 'ti'g4 oo
Adorjan-Sveshnikov, Sochi 1976.
b) 12
h6 1 3 li:Jxe6 .txe6 14 b3
'ti'd7 1 5 'ti'e2 .td5 16 .tb2 'ti'f5?!
( 1 6 . . . a5; 16 . . . ll:ad8 oo) 17 li:Jh4
'iVd7 18 c4 .te6 19 ll:ad1 t
Adorjan-Horvath, Budapest 1976.
c) 12 li:Jxg5 13 .txg5 h6 14 .tf4
i_e6 1 5 'ti'd2 h716 h4 ( 1 6 a4!? a5
17 b3 oo) 1 6 . . . .td5 17 li:Jh2


.te6 Tseshkovsky-Po1ugayevsky,
Moscow 1976.
Generally, play in this line
borders on equality. But it is not
inappropriate to repeat the advice
presented earlier: in order to
maintain the balance Black must
keep to a dear plan and keep a
keen eye on his opponent's move
ments, taking appropriate counter
measures where necessary.



1 e4 c5 2 liJf3 liJc6 3 i.b5


e6 (23)

This is a playable, if somewhat

passive plan. Black will put his
king's knight on e7 and, having
supported the knight on c6, play
.. . a6. But in return for the
somewhat abstract advantage of
the bishop pair, Black will lose a
number of concrete tempi. Play
usually turns in White's favour.

liJe7 8 de i.xc5 9 liJbd2 0-0 10

lbb3 i.b6 1 1 liJbd4 i.g4 12 "t!ra4
i.d7 1 3 i.e3 a6 Maric-Gligoric,
Belgrade 1953.



With 3 .. . e6 Black puts one

more pawn in the way of the
bishop on c8. Therefore the
exchange is the appropriate reaction.

be (24)

4 . . . de?! 5 0-0 (5 d3 liJe7 6 a4

liJg6 7 llJa3?! e5 8 liJc4 f6 Haag
Kurajica, Yugoslavia 1973; 7 e5!
f6 8 1We2 "i!t'c7 9 i.d2 t) 5 ... liJf6 6
d3 i.e7 7 b3 (7 liJc3 0-0 8 h3 't!Vc7 9
e5 liJd5 1 0 llJe4 b6 1 1 c4 liJb4 1 2 a3
llJa6 13 i.f4;!:: Kakabadze-Bykova,
Moscow 1955) 7 . . . 0-0 8 i.b2 liJe8
9 lbbd2 f6 10 lbe l ;!:: Hutchings
Toran, Nice 01 I 974.


A 4 i.xc6
B 4 liJc3
c 4 0-0
4 c3 can also be played:
a) 4 g6?! 5 d4 cd 6 cd i.g7 7 0-0
'8'b6 8 liJa3 lbxd4?! (8 . . . d5 t)
9 liJc4! liJxf3+ 10 "i!t'xf3 'f!lc7 1 1
.t4 e5, Rossolimo-O'Kelly, Olden
burg 1949; 1 2 lUd 1 ! ef 1 3 lbd6+.
b) 4 dS!? 5 ed ed 6 d4 i.d6 7 0-0



24 3 .. . e6


a) 5 e5!? is untested.
b) 5 c4 "@c7 (5 ... d5 6"tra4; 5 ... d6
6 d4 cd 7 't!xd4 c5 8 "@d3 ;!;) 6 d4 cd
7 't!Vxd4 c5 8 'i!rd3 and now:
b 1 ) 8 .. i.b7 9 lLlc3 a6 10 0-0
liJe7 1 1 Ile l liJg6 1 2 lLld5! i.xd5?
( 1 2 ... "trd6!? 13 e5 'i!rc6 14lilc3 !;
13 b4!?) 1 3 ed i.e7 14 .ig5!
Vasyukov-Haag, Polanica Zdroj
b2) 8 . liJe7 9 liJc3 a6 10 0-0 liJg6
1 1 i.e3 i.e7 12 a3 i.b7 13 litfd 1
Ii:d8 1 4 litab 1 0-0 1 5 b4 cb 1 6 ab
Hungary 1 977.
c) 5 d3 li:Je7 (5 . . . d5 6 c4!?; 6 b3!)
and now:
c l ) 6 li:Jbd2 'i!rc7 7 b3 e5 8 li:Jc4 f6
(8 . . . d6 9 c3 ;!;) 9 0-0 d5 1 0 li:Je3 !,
Benko-Rogoff, USA 1 974.
c2) 6 li:Jg5 f6 7 li:Jh3 g6 8 f4 i.g7 9
li:Jf2 d6 1 0 c4 f5 1 1 li:Jd2 e5 1 2 fe
i.xe5 1 3 li:Jf3 i.g7
Panchenko, Moscow 1979.

Platonov-Lukin, Daugavpils 1974.

a2) 7 .. .i.a6 8 Ile l i.e7 9 b3Q-O 10
't!Vd2 ( 10 e5 !? lbd7 1 1 liJa4 and
later c4, i.a3) 10 ... c4!? 1 1 e5 li:Jd7
12 de 't!Vc7! 13 cd cd oo.
b) 5 ... 't!Vc7 6 b3?! e5 7 i.b2 d6 8 c3
f5 9 ef liJf6 10 d4 cd 1 1 cd e4! 1 2
lbh4 d 5 oo Padevsky-Martinovic,
Vrnjacka Banja 1975.



li:Je7 (25)

a) 5
d5 6 d3 (6 'i!re2 c4!? 7 li:Je5
't!Vc7 8 ed cd 9 liJc3 lLlf6 10 b3 cb 1 1
ab .te7 1 2 i.a3 i.xa3 13 Ii:xa3
Q-0 Peresipkin-Taimanov, Mos
cow 1 977) 6 ... li:Jf6 (6 ... li:Je7 7
li:Jc3 li:Jg6 8 Ile 1 .te7 9 li:Ja4 o-o,
Hecht-Krnic, Vrsac 1973. Now
White should play 10 b3 intending
1 1 .i.a3 !) 7 liJc3 with the
al)7 ... i.e78 .i.g5Q-0 9 e5 li:Jd7 10
.i.xe 7 't!Vxe 7 1 1 lite 1 i.a6 1 2 b3 t


a) 6 d4 cd 7 1!rxd4 lbg6 8 c4 c5 9
'i!rc3 i.b7 10 liJbd2 f6! 1 1 b3 .i.e7
12 .ib2 0-0 1 3 Ii:fe l a5
b) 6 b3 lbg6 7 i.b2 f6 (7 ... 'i!rc7 8
Ile l a5 9 a4 e5 10 c3! .i.e7 1 1 d4 cd
12 cd d6 13 "it'c2 o-o 14 lbbd2 Ile8
15 Ii:ac 1 :!: Chekhov-Panchenko,
Vilnius 1978). Now White has:
b l) 8 d4 cd 9 liJd4 i.c5?! (9 ...
.i.e7!?) 10 c4 0-0 11 lbc3 'i!rc7 12
h l .i.e7 1 3 Ii:c l .i.b7 14 Ii:c2 a6
15 f3 li[ad8 16 .ic 1 c5 17 lbde2
i.c6 18 i.e3 'i!?h8 19 Ii:d2
Timman-Vaiser, Las Palmas 1977.
b2) 8 llel i.e7 9 c3 0-0 10 d4 d5 1 1
lbbd2 lbf4 1 2 't!Vc2 1We8 1 3 lbfl
i.a6 14 ed ed 15 .i.a3 "it'd7

3 . . . e6 25

1 6 .!Llg3;!; Velimirovic-Sax, Yugo

slavia 1978.
b3) 8 e5 i.e7 9 ef (9 ll:la3?! fe 10
ll:lxe5 ll:lxe5 1 1 J..x e5 0-0 12 f4 d6
13 i.c3 d5 + Matulovic-Adorjan,
Bath 1 973; 9 d3!?) 9 ... J..xf6 (9 ...
gfl?) 10 J..xf6 t!fxf6 1 1 ll:lc3 0-0 12
ll:le4 'f!/e7 1 3 ll:lfg5! h6 1 4 ll:lh3 d5
15 't!fh5! 't!ff7 ( 1 5 ... ll:lh4 16 ll:leg5
ll:lf5 17 'tfg6 ) 16 ll:lxc5 e5 17
llae 1 ! Uusi-Gulko, USSR 1 977.

7 ll:lc3 J..e 7 8 ll:le2 0-0 9 b3 d6 1 0
c4 f5 1 1 ef e f 1 2 ll:lf4 ( 1 2 d4! J..f6 1 3
l:Ib1 !) 1 2 . . . ll:lxf4 1 3 J..xf4 g5 1 4
J..c l g4 1 5 ll:le l f4 ! Winawer
Steinitz, Paris 1 867.
After 7 e5:
a) 7 J..e7 8 .!Llbd2 0-0 9 lle1 'f/c7
10 c3 J..a 6 1 1 c4 i.c8 1 2 ll:lb3 f6
1 3 ef ( 1 3 J..e 3 !?) 1 3 ... gf oo Csom
Portisch, Budapest 1 969.
b) 7
f6 8 ef "t!t'xf6 9 ll:lc3 h6 10
ll:le4 tiffS 1 1 ll:lg3 1!Vf7 12 d4 cd 1 3
llJxd4 J..a6 14 l:Ie 1 J..e 7 1 5 ll:lb3
.tc8 16 c4 0-0 17 .te3 d5, Kim
Panchenko, Moscow 1978.
Since it will be some time before
the pieces become co-ordinated in
this variation, it is not easy to
achieve results quickly. It is
obvious, however, that White will
be able to carry out his intentions
without special difficulty and
obtain a desirable game.
.!Lld4 (26)
4 .!Llc3




Here too the repetitious move

of the knight cannot bring full
equality, even when one does not
take into consideration tactical
possibilities. White pays no attention
to this knight but simply and
quietly develops his pieces, one
move at a time. In the face of such
a solid continuation Black's fourth
move turns out to be a waste of
a) 4 a6?! 5 i.xc6 be 6 e5 (6 d3!?)
6 ... f6 7 d3 fe 8 ll:lxe5 ll:lf6 9 i.gS
i.e7 lO .txf6 .txf6 1 1 ll:le4 0-0
( 1 1 ... i.xe5 1 2 'f!/hS+) 1 2 ll:lxf6+
gf ( 1 2 . . . 't!fxf6 1 3 'it'e2 d6
14 ll:lc4 !) 1 3 ll:lc4 d5 1 4 ll:ld2 llb8
1 5 b3 eS 16 f4! ! Balashov
Reshevsky, Skopje 1970.
b) 4
ll:lf6 5 0-0 i.e7 6 i.xc6 be 7
d3 d5 8 i.gS 0-0 (8 ... h6 9 i.h4
ll:lxe4 l O J..xe7 ll:lxc3 1 1 .txd8
.!Llxd 1 1 2 .tc7 .!Llxb2 1 3 a4 J..a 6 14
llfb1 llJxd3 1 5 cd i.xd3 1 6 l:Ib2 !)
9 e5 ll:ld7 1 0 .txe7 1!t'xe7,
Lein-Lengyel, Cienfuegos 1972,
1 1 "t!fd2 !.


26 3 . .. e6

c) 4 ... 'i!Yc7 (the same position is

reached after 3 ... 1!fc7 4 ltlc3 e6) 5
.ixc6 'i!Yxc6 6 d4 cd 7 't!rxd4
(7 lt:lxd4!?) 7 . . . lt:lf6 8 .ig5 ;t
Chistakov-P1atonov, USSR 1964.


a) a4 lt:le7 6 lt:lxd4 cd 7 lt:le2 a6 8

.ic4 d5 9 ed lt:lxd5 (9 ... ed 1 0 .ib3
d3 oo) 10 0-0 ( 1 0 lt:lxd4!? lt:lb6 )
with a choice between:
a 1 ) 10 .. .ie7 1 1 d3 .if6 1 2 lt:lg3
0-0 13 lt:lh5 lle8 ( 1 3 ... .ie5 14 f4
.ic7 1 5 'irg4 g6 1 6 .ixd5 ed
17 f5 ) 14 ll e 1 .id7?! ( 1 4 ... .ie7
15 't!fg4 !) 1 5 .ixd5 ed 1 6 l:he8+
.ixe8 17 'irg4 Dorfman
Taimanov, Leningrad 1976.
a2) 10 ... .ic5 1 1 d3 0-0 1 2 lt:lg3 b6
13 lt:lh5 ltlf6!? 14 'fff3 lla7 15 .ig5
( 1 5 lt:lxf6+!? 'ffxf6 1 6 'ffg 3) 15 . . .
J..e 7 1 6 .ixf6 .ixf6 1 7 'ffg3 wh8 1 8
lt:lxf6 gf
Sochi 1978.
b) 5 .ic4 lt:le7 6 lt:lxd4 cd 7 lt:le2
lt:lc6 8 0-0 .ic5 9 d3 0-0 I0 a3 a6 1 1
lt:lf4 .ie7 1 2 lie 1 d6 1 3 b4 b5
14 .ib3 1: Boydman-Sinyavsky,
Tallinn 1976.
c) 5 .id3 lt:lxf3+ (5 ... lt:le7!? )
6 xf3 .id6?! 7 'ffe3 e5 8 lt:lb5
'ire7 9 b4! cb 10 'irg3 .ib8 ( 10 ...
wf8 1 1 a3! ) 1 1 'irxg7 'irf6 12
'i!t'xf6 lt:lxf6 13 a3 ;!; Bronstein
A.Zaitsev, Berlin 1968.
d) 5 lt:lxd4 cd 6 ltle2 nd now:
d I) 6 ... ltlf6 7 .id3 d5 8 .ib5+
.id7 9 .ixd7+ 'i!Vxd7 10 e5 ltlg4 1 1
f4 't!rd8 12 h3 lt:lh6 1 3 c3 cd 14 cd

.i.c5 +.
d2) 6 ... 1!fgS! 7 a4 (7 ltlxd4 'i!Ve5 8
c3 'i!t'xe4+ 9 'lt'fl .ic5 ) 7 ... 1!Vxg2
8 lt:lg3 'ti'h3 (9 .i.fl was threatened)
9 c3 de 10 be lt:lf6 1 1 d4 .i.e7 1 2
.ifl 'i!rh4 13 .i.g2 0-0 + Bukhtin
Ka1inichev, Moscow 1978.


a) 5 ... lt:lxf3+?! 6 'tfxf3 a6 7 .ie2

1Wc7 8 d3 lt:le7 9 'tt'h5 lt:lc6
10 f4 ;t Gurevich-Bannik, Kiev
b) 5 .. ltlxb5 6 lt:lxb5 d6 7 d4 and
b l ) 7 .. .id7 8 c4 a6 9 lt:lc3 'tt'c7 1 0
a4 lt:le7 1 1 b 3 c d 1 2 lt:lxd4 lt:lc6 =
Ostrauskas-Med1er, Riga 1 962.
b2) 7 ... a6 8 ltlc3 cd 9 'i!t'xd4 ltlf6
10 lid 1 .i.e7 1 1 e5 de 1 2 'i!Yxe5 .id7
13 1!fg3! Gurgenidze-Poh1a,
Parnu 1967.
c) 5 ... lt:le7 6 lt:lxd4 cd 7 lt:le2 a6 8
.ia4 b5 9 .ib3 lt:lc6 10 d3 ( 1 0 c3?!
d3 1 1 lt:lf4 lt:le5) 10 ... .ic5 ( 1 0 . . .
.ie7!?) 1 1 f4 ;t Gurgenidze
Furman, Gori 197 1 .
6 .id3 (27)


a) 6


d6 7 ltlxd4 cd 8 ltle2 e5 9

3 .. . e6 27

i.c4 .lt:\f6 10 f4 i.e6?! ( 10 . . .

i.e7!? ) 1 1 i.xe6 fe 1 2 d3 i.e7 1 3
c3 de 1 4 'fi'b3 Tseitlin-Furster,
USSR 1973.
b) 6 ... .lt:\e7 when White can
choose between:
b l ) 7 b3 g6 8 .lt:\xd4 cd 9 .lt:\e2 i.g7
10 i.b2 .lt:\c6 1 1 c3 d5 1 2 ed 'fi'xd5
13 i.a3 i.f8 1 4 i.xf8 xf8 1 5
'fi'c2 g7 1 6 i.e4 'fi'd6 1 7 'fi'b2 .
b2) 7 .lt:\xd4 cd 8 .lt:\e2 .lt:\c6 9 c3
i.c5 (9 . . . d5!? 10 cd de 1 1 ..txe4
J.e7 ) 10 b4 i.a7 1 1 a4 0-0
12 i.a3 ;!;.
In conclusion, the early place
ment of the knight in the centre
does not solve Black's opening
problems. White ignores the threat
to exchange his light-squared
bishop and, continuing with natural
moves, enlarges his lead in develop
ment. Moreover, White himself
often exploits the exchange of
knights on the neutral square, as a
starting point for his tactical

9 .lt:\xc6, Rossolimo-Kottnauer,
Bad Gastein 1948; 9 ... 0-0! oo) 7 ...
'i!Vb6 (7 . . .. i.e7!?) 8 c4 .lt:\c7 9
i.xc6+ be 1 0 .lt:\e5 i.e 7 1 1 'fi'f3

.lt:\ge7 (28)
If 4 ... .lt:\f6 5 lle l (5 e5 .lt:\d5 6 b3
i.e7 7 i.b2 0-0 8 i.xc6 de 9 d3 b5
10 .lt:\bd2 a5 1 1 lile4 'fi'b6
12 c4! ;!; Matulovic-Schoneberg,
Skopje 01 1972) 5 ... d5 (5 ... i.e7?!
6 e5 .lt:\d5 7 .lt:\c3 .lt:\xc3 8 de 0-0 9
i.f4 'fi'b6 1 0 i.xc6 'fi'xc6 1 1 i.g5
i.xg5 1 2 lilxg5 Portisch-Short,
simultaneous 1 975) 6 ed .lt:\xd5 7
d4 (7 .lt:\e5 'ikc7 . 8 'i!Vf3 i.d6

So, Black comes up with his

own plans involving support for
the knight on c6, with the
intention of recapturing with the
knight if White captures on c6.
But the solution of other parts of
his opening strategy takes too
much time from the general plan
of developing pieces. White can
choose from among a large range
of good plans - he can keep his
light-squared bishop or exchange
it for the knight at c6. White has
good chances of maintaining an
C l 5 b3
C2 5 c3
C3 5 .lt:\c3
C4 5 0-0
a) 5 c4 a6 6 i.a4 (6 i.xc6!? .lt:\xc6 7
d4 cd 8 .lt:\xd4 d6 9 .lt:\c3 i.e7 10
i.e3 ;!;) 6 ... .lt:\g6 7 .lt:\c3 and now:

28 3 . . . e6

a l ) 7 ... 1!Pc7 8 .i.xc6 be 9 d4 cd 10

Wxd4 c5 1 1 1!Pd3 .i.e7 1 2 litd l 0-0
13 .i.e3 litd8 = Ackerman-Flesch,
Dortmund 1976.
a2) 7 ... J.e7 8 d4 cd 9 lDxd4 0-0 1 0
J.e3 lL!xd4 1 1 1!fxd4 ;l; Westerinen
Beni, Helsinki 1 979.
b) 5 d4 cd 6 lL!xd4 lDxd4 (6 . . . a6?!
7 lL!xc6 lL!xc6 8 J.d3 J.e7 9 c4 1!t'c7
10 lL!c3 d6 1 1 .i.e3 J.d7 1 2 litcl ;l;
Kaushilaitye-Akopian, Moscow
1979) 7 '@xd
: 4 a6 8 .i.d3 lDc6 9 '1Ve3
.i.e7 10 lDd2 1!Pc7 1 1 lDc4 b5 1 2
lL!b6 l:i:b8 1 3 lL!xc8 l:i:xc8 14 a4 ;l;
Fuchs-Andersen, Havana 01 1966.

b3 (29)


This is a rarely adopted, but

fully playable plan. The bishop
will find itself very well placed
along the long diagonal.


a) 5 . .. d6 6 d4 cd 7 lL!xd4 a6 8
J.xc6+ be 9 .i.b2 .ib7 10 lL!d2 lDg6
1 1 f4 c5 1 2 lDe2 'ird7 1 3 lL!g3 0-0-0
14 lL!c4 b8 1 5 f5 I.Zaitsev
Kupreichik, Rostov-on-Don 1980.
b) 5 . . . lL!d4 6 llJ.xd4 cd and now:

b 1 ) 7 J.b2 (7 f4!? a6 8 .i.d3) 7 ... a6

8 J.e2 lL!c6 9 c3?! (9 c4!?) 9 . . . J.c5
10 b4 J.b6 1 1 a4 d5 1 2 ed ed 1 3
lL!a3 0-0 1 4 b5 de 1 5 de lL!a5 =
Rogoff-Adorjan, Graz Student
01 1 972.
b2) 7 net a6 8 J.fl lL!c6 9 c4 g6 1 0
g3 d 6 1 1 lL!a3 J.g7 1 2 l:i:b 1 0-0
1 3 b4 oo Skrobek-Georgadze,
Zhilina 1976.
6 J.xc6
6 J.e2 d5 7 ed ed 8 d4 lL!f5 (8 ...
cd!? 9 lDxd4 lDxd4 1 0 'fi'xd4 lDc6
and 1 1 ... .i.e7 =) 9 de J.xc5 1 0
.i.b2 0-0 1 1 lL!c3 lL!fd4 1 2 lDxd4
J.xd4 13 lDa4 ;t Hiibner-Maric,
Sombor 1 970.
6 ... be?! 7 e5 lDg6 8 J.a3!? f6 9
d4 cd 10 'fi'xd4 J.b7 1 1 J.xf8 lhf8
1 2 lL!bd2 ;l; Nicevski-Kurajica,
Stip 1 978.
7 .i.b2
a) 7 ... 1!fc7 8 d4 cd 9 lL!xd4 J.d6?!
(9 ... d6) 10 lDxc6 de 1 1 'fi'b5 and
a 1 ) 11 . .. 0-0 12 e5 J.e7 13 lL!d2 f5
( 1 4 lL!e4 was threatened) 14 ef
J.xf6 1 5 .i.xf6 gf 1 6 llae 1
Jansa-Stankov, Primorsko 1973.
a2) 1 1 ... e5 12 f4 g6 1 3 1Wh4 'W/e7
14 'fi'xe7+ xe7 1 5 .i.xe5! ( 1 5 fe
.i.c5+ 1 6 h 1 lld8 ;!;) Jansa
Lanc, Czechoslovakia 1973.
b) 7 ... dS?! 8 ed 'fi'xd5 9 lDc3 'tt'd8
10 lL!e4! lL!d4 1 1 lL!xd4 cd 1 2
'Wh5 b 5 1 3 9e5 Kupreichik
Sveshnikov, Ashkhabad 1 978.

3 . .. e6 29
9 ll:'lxd4
lt:lxd4 10 1!1xd4 e5 1 1 \!Vd3

a) 9
j.e7 1 2 c4 .
b) 9 ... j.d7 10 c4 j.e7 and now:
b 1 ) 11 lt:lxc6?! j.xc6 12 j.xg7 llg8
13 .i.d4 j.xe 14 f3 .i.c6 15 lLlc3
'it'a5 16 Iilb 1 . 1lg5 + Lukin
Rumyantsev, Moscow 1975.
b2) 11 lLl c3 0-0 12 'it'd2 'it'b8 1 3
lLld 1 lLlxd4 1 4 \i'xd4 .i.f6 1 5 1!fe3
j.xb2 16 lLlxb2 .i.c6 1 7 J:[fd1 :!
Karaklajic-Cvetkovic, Yugoslavia
c) 9 . 'it'f6 10 c4 .i.e7 1 1 1!fd2 'irg6
12 lLlc3 0-0 1 3 llfd 1 ( 1 3 llad 1 ? !
lLlxd4 1 4 \!Vxd4 b 5 ! ) :! Ristic
Andrijevic, Yugoslavia 1 977.



c3 (30)


The pawn storm in the centre is

fully in keeping with the spirit of
the entire opening system. Besides,
he liberates the c2 square where he
can hide his light-squared bishop
should he choose not to exchange


a) S ... dS 6 ed ll:'lxd5 7 d4 cd 8 cd
j.e7 9 lt'lc3 0-0 1 0 lle 1 .i.d7 1 1
lLlxd5 ed 1 2 'it'b3 :! Vasyukov
Timoshenko, Kishniev 1975.
b) S ... lLlg6 6 d4 cd 7 cd d5 8 e5
j.e7 9 lLlc3 0-0 10 J:[e 1 .i.d7 1 1 g3
f6 1 2 ef j.xf6 1 3 j_fl J:[f7
14 .i.g2 ! Vasyukov-Lebredo,
Cienfuegos 1 975.


Or 6 j.xc6 lLlxc6 7 d4 d5 8 e5 (8
'it'e2?! de 9 'it'xe4 f6!? 10 lld 1 cd 1 1
cd tJe7 12 tt:Jc3 lLld5 + Georgiev
Kr.-Kurajica, Skara 1980) 8 ...
j.e7 9 de .i.xc5, with the following
a) 10 tt:Jbd2 f5?! ( 1 1 . .. 0-0 ) 1 1 ef
'it'xf6 12 lLlb3 :! - Ruban
Liavdansky, Leningrad 1 970.
b) 10 .i.gS 'irc7 ( 1 0 ... .i.e7? 1 1
j.xe7 'irxe7 12 ll:'lbd2 :!) 1 1 'it'e2 h6
12 j.h4 0-0 1 3 lLlbd2 j.d7 14 ll:'lb3
j.a7 15 llfe1 lilacS 16 llad 1 !
Jokic-Paoli, Rovigo 1976.
a) 6 ... dS 7 ed 'irxd5 8 d4 j.d7 9
lle 1 J:[d8 10 c4! 'it'xc4 ( 1 0 . . . \i'h5
1 1 d5 ) 1 1 lLlbd2 'ird5 1 2 j.b3
'irh5 1 3 ll:'le4 ll:'lf5 14 de
Spassky-Timman, Amsterdam 1977.
b) 6 ... d6 7 d4 cd 8 cd d5 9 ll:'lc3 ! de
10 lLlxe4 lLld5? ( 10 . . . lLlg6 !) 1 1
lLle5 1!Vc7 1 2 .i.d2 j.d6 13 j.a5!
Koz1ov-Peshina, USSR 1979.
c) 6 c4 7 j.c2?! (7 d4!? cd 8 c4!
lLlg6 9 \!Vxd3 !) 7 ... d5 8 b3 lLlg6 9
'it'e2 cb 10 ab d4 + Ciocaltea
Calvo, Zagreb 1979.


30 3 . .. e6
7 J.c2
Or 7 ... d5 and now:
a) 8 e5 h5 (8 ... d4 9 J.e4 ) 9 d4
't!lc7, Timman-Damjanovic, Banja
Luka 1974; 10 li:lbd2 .
b) 8 ed lbxd5 9 d4 i.b7 10 de i.xc5
1 1 li:lbd2 lbf6 1 2 1!re2 't!Yc7 1 3 li:le4
J.e7 = Damjanovic-Chiburdanidze,
Sarajevo 1 978.
8 a4 li:lg6 9 ab ab 10 lha8 .i.xa8
1 1 d4 cd 12 cd li:lb4 + Fuchs
Gu1ko, East Germany 1969.
Or 8 . . . d5 9 't!Ye2 (9 li:lg5!? h6?
10 t!t'h5 lbg6 1 1 lbxe6) 9 . . . lbg6 10
li:lg5 J.e7 1 1 't!lh5 e5 oo Cioca1tea
Kurajica, Banja Luka 1974.


The game Ciocaltea-Padevski,

A1bena 1977, continued 9 ... f6
(9 ... .i.e7 1 0 't!lh5 h6? 1 1 li:lxf7
<t>xf7 12 f4 ) 10 li:lh3 .i.d6 1 1 f4
0-0 1 2 .i.e3 lbce7 1 3 li:ld2 liteS
14 a4 .

lbc3 (31)

a) 5 d6?! 6 d4 cd 7 li:lxd4 a6 8
.i.xc6+ (8 .i.a4 b5 9 J.b3 ) 8 ...
li:lxc6 9 li:lxc6 be 1 0 'it'g4 g6 1 1
lild1 e5 12 'i!t'e2 'i!t'c7 1 3 .i.g5 i.g7
14 't!ld3 Lechtynsky-Vooremaa,
Tallinn 1979.
b) 5 ... li:lg6 and now:
b 1) 6 d3 .i.e7 7 .i.xc6 be 8 e5 0-0 = 9
li:le4 t!t'c7 + Biyiasas-Byrne, Nice
01 1 974.
b2) 6 n et .i.e7 7 b3 0-0 8 .i.b2 \!t'c7
9 .i.fl a6 1 0 li:le2 = Biyiasas-Rind,
Las Palmas 1979.
b3) 6 d4 cd 1 li:lxd4 j.e7 8 J.e3 (8
<t>h 1 0-0 9 f4 a6 10 f5? li:lxd4! 1 1
1Wxd4 .i.f6 1 2 'ii'd 6 J.e5 1 3 't!Vd3
li:le7 1 4 J.c4 1!fc7 1 5 h3 d5 =F
A1apin-Chigorin, St. Petersburg
1879; 10 i.e2 ) 8 ... 0-0 9 f4 a6 10
i.xc6 be 1 1 1!fh5 Tai-Ornstein,
Tallinn 1977.




a) 7 d3 i.e7 8 i.e3 d6 9 d4 cd 1 0
li:lxd4 0-0 1 1 1We2 li:lxd4 1 2 i.xd4
b5 = Aronin-Kwiatkowski, Kharkov
196 1 .
b) 7 b3 i.e7 8 i.b2 0-0 9 d4 (9 ne1
b5 1 0 e5 f5 1 1 d3 i.b7 12 a4 't!Vb6 =
Csom-Haag, Budapest 1966) 9 ...
cd 1 0 li:lxd4 d5 1 1 ed ed 1 2 ne 1
i.f6? ( 1 2 ... li:lxd4 13 1!fxd4 i.f6 1 4
1!rd3 i.e6 oo ) 1 3 li:la4! t Ciocaltea
Darga, West Germany 1972.



8 li:lxd4
a)8 ... 1Wf6 9 li:lxc6 be 1 0 li:la4 d5 1 1
lile1 J.e7 1 2 't!Vd3 0-0 1 3 i.e3 a5

3 ... e6 31

1 4 lhb6 ltbS 1 5 b3 :!" Alexandria

Bilunova, Ashkhabad 1 96S.
b) 8
'it'e7 and now:
b 1 ) 9 $>hi ?! J.e7 1 0 f4 b5 1 1 lt:lxc6
'irxc6 12 'it'e2 b4 1 3 lhd 1 J.b7 14
lle1 0-0 1 5 t!t'fl f5 + Sobol
Schwartz, Moscow 1 966.
b2) 9 liel J.e7 (9 ... d6?! 10 i.g5
i.d7 1 1 li:ld5! ed 1 2 lhxc6 be 1 3
ed+ i.e6 1 4 de Steinberg
Suetin, Kharkov 1972) 1 0 lt:lxc6
'irxc6 1 1 't!fg4 <$>f8 (1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2
i.h6 i.f6 1 3 e5 ) 12 1Wh5 b5 1 3
a3 J.b7 14 i.e3 li eS 1 5 i.d4 f6 oo
Krnic-Cobo, Reggio Emilia 1972.
b3) 9 J.e3 i.e7 10 a4 0-0 1 1 a5?!
lt:lxa5 12 lhf5 .if6 ( 1 2 ... ef
1 3 lt:ld5 ) 13 lt:lh6+ c.t>hS ( 1 3 ... gh
14 .ixh6 ) 1 4 'it'h5 lt:lc4 =t= Barle
Matulovic, Belgrade 1977.
b4) 9 lt:lxe6 1!fxc6 1 0 1!fg4 b5 1 1 a3
( 1 1 i.f4 i.b7 1 2 a4?! b4 1 3 lhd5 ed
14 ed 'irg6 15 'ire2+ c.t>dS 16 lUd 1
i.c5 17 c3 lieS 1 S 'irf3 a 5 1 9 .ig3
d6 =t= A1exandria-Zatulovskaya,
Belgrade 1969) 1 1 ... .ib7 12 i.e3
h5 1 3 'it'g5 h4 14 llfe1 h3 15 g3
lth7 1 6 lhd5! d6 17 .id4 "tlfd7 1 S
ltad1 Arapovic-Marjanovic,
Sarajevo 1 9SO.
c) 8 i.e7 9 lhxc6 (9 .ie3 d5?! 10
lt:lb3! de 1 1 't!fxd8+ .ixdS 1 2 lt:lxe4
0-0 1 3 lifd 1 t
Semenov, Kaluga 1 976; 9 . . . d6!?)
and now:
cl) 9
de 10 't!fg4 ( 10 e5 0-0 1 1
't!fe2 t!t'c7 1 2 i.f4 c5 1 3 lt:le4 'it'c6?!
14 llad1 b6 1 5 .ig5 .ixg5 1 6 lid6



'it'c7 17 lhxg5 Biyiasas-Hug,

Petropolis IZ 1 973) 10 . . . i.f6 1 1
't!fg3 e5 1 2 ltd1 't!rc7 1 3 i.e3 b6 14
a4 0-0 1 5 a5 ba 16 lt:la4 t
Kimelfeld-Ilivitsky, Bryansk 1975.
c2) 9
be 10 e5 0-0 ( 10 . .. 't!fc7
1 1 lle1 0-0 1 2 i.f4 c5 1 3 11fg4 c.t>hS
14 lle3 d5 1 5 1!fh5 g6 1 6 1fh6
1-0 Schuste:rman-Popov, Kishayev
1976) 1 1 lt:le4 f6 1 2 ef i.xf6 1 3
lhxf6+ ( 13 11fd6 .ie7 1 4 11fg3 d5 1 5
J.h6 lt f7 16 lt:lg5 i.xg5 1 7 J.xg5
't!fc7 1 8 't!fxc7 llxc7 1 9 .if4 llb7 20
.ie5 t Gufeld-Furman, Moscow
1970) 1 3 ... 11xf6 1 4 f4 c5 1 5 J.e3
'ffe7 1 6 1!fd2 .ib7 17 ltad1 !
Dorfman-Gofshtein, USSR 1976.
9 lt:lxe6
a) 9 .te3 .te7 10 'ffe2 0-0 1 1 f4
i.d7 1 2 a4 't!fc7 1 3 ltad 1 ltacS 14
't!ff2 lhxd4 1 5 J.xd4 b5 1 6 ab ab 1 7
1lg3 f6! + Kozlov-Sveshnikov,
Moscow 197S.
b) 9 llel J.d7 1 0 lt:lxc6 be?! 1 1
't!fg4 e5 1 2 't!fg3 f6 1 3 i.e3 <$>f7 14
ltad1 .ie7 1 5 lt:la4 ltbS 1 6 b3 lte8
17 c4 :!" Tal-Rantanen, Tallinn
10 't!fg4 (32)
1 0 't!fh5 has also passed the test:
10 ... g6?! (10 ... .ie7) 1 1 1i'h3
llbS? ( 1 1 . . . i.g7; 1 1 ... e5 t) 1 2
ltd1 i.g7 1 3 1lrg3 i.e5 ( 1 3 . . . e 5 14
1lrd3 ) 14 'it'xe5! de 1 5 llxd8+
c.t>xdS 16 i.g5+ c.t>eS ( 1 6 ... <$>c7 1 7
.if6 lte8 1 S .txe5+ ) 1 7 J.f6
ltgS 1 8 lld1 .id7 19 lha4 llb4 20

32 3 ... e6

lbc5 Ubilava-Tirnoshenko, USSR

1 974.

not only is well placed for the

battle in the centre; it also frees a
place for a bishop, where it can
temporarily hide after ... a6.
a) 5 ... 1!t'a5 6 i.fl ?! d5 7 ed lbxd5 8
lbc3 lbxc3 9 de i.e7 10 i.f4 0-0
Hecht-Kurajica, Belgrade 1969.
6 lbc3 !? !.
b) 5 g6?! 6 i.xc6 de (6 ... lbxc6 7
d4 cd 8 lbxd4 i.g7? 9 lbb5 ) 7 e5
i.g7 8 lbc3 't!Vc7 9 lbe4! i.xe5 10
lbxe5 1!Vxe5 1 1 d4 cd 1 2 i.g5
Adorjan-Reuben, England 1973.
c) 5 . lbg6 6 c3 i.e7 7 d4 cd 8 cd
d5 9 ed ed 10 i.g5 f6 1 1 i.h4 ll:lxh4
1 2 lbxh4 0-0 13 lbc3 g5?! 1 4 lbf3
g4 15 lbd2 lbxd4 1 6 lbxd5!
Pfleger-Byrne, Wijk aan Zee 1972.


a) 10 ... 1!t'f6 1 1 i.e3 i.e7 1 2 f4 lilb8

( 1 2 . . . 0-0 1 3 1i'e2?! lilb8 14 lilad 1
e5 1 5 fe 1!Vxe5 1 6 i.d4 1!Ve6
Gurgenidze-Polugayevsky, USSR
1 969; 13 e5!? !) 13 llab I 0-0 1 4
1!Vh5?! ( 1 4 e5!?) 1 4 ... d 5 1 5 e5 1!t'g6
1 6 1!t'xg6 hg 1 7 lba4 a5 1 8 llf3
lilb5! Tseitlin-Bukhman, Moscow
1 976.
b) 10 ... h5 1 1 1i'e2 a5 1 2 lld1 i.a6
13 1!f'f3 ( 13 't!ke3 i.e7 14 1i'g3 g6 1 5
i.f4 !) 1 3 . . . 1!Vf6 14 1!t'e3 i.e7
1 5 b3 :t Tseitlin-Vasyukov, USSR
c) 10 ... f6?! 1 1 i.e3 1!t'c7 12 llad l
r!Jfl ( 1 2 ... @fl +) 1 3 f4 llb8 14 b3
a5 15 f5 e5 16 1!t'e2 r!Je8 17 lba4 h5
18 c4 g6 19 c5! Balashov
Tseshkovsky, Minsk 1 979.



C4 1 6 i.fl
C42 6 i.xc6


a6 (33)
This is the most strategic
continuation. White solves his
main problem - the correct
placement of his pieces. The rook

6 i.fl
a) 6 . d6 7 c3 e5 (7 ... d5? 8 ed
lbxd5 9 p4 cd 10 lbxd4 i.c5 1 1
lbxc6 be 12 lbd2 lbf6 13 't!Va4 .id7
14 lbe4 Alexandria-Tseitlin,

3 .. . e6 33

Moscow 1976) 8 h3 lL!g6 9 d4

lL!h4 10 de lL!xf3+ 1 1 't!rxf3 de 12
.i.c4 .ie6 1 3 .ixe6 fe 14 'it'h5+
g6 1 5 't!rg4 ;!; Stean-Velimirovic,
Bath 1973.
b) 6 ... bS?! 7 a4 b4 8 d3 (8 d4! )
8 ... ltlg6 9 ltlbd2 .i.e7 10 ltlc4 0-0
1 1 g3 d5 1 2 ed ed 1 3 ltle3 .if6 14
.i.g2 .ie6 15 lib1 a7 1 6 .id2
.i.d7 1 7 h4 h6 1 8 ltlh2 ct>h7
19 1!t'h5 ;!; Ozhvat-Pao1i, Debrecen
c) 6 ... lL!d4?! 7 c3 ltlxf3+ 8 't!t'xf3
ltlc6 9 ltla3 'f!/c7 10 ltlc2 .id6 1 1
'f!lh3 ?! ( 1 1 'f!/h5! ;!;) l l ... lL!e5 12
d3 b6 1 3 ltle3 .i.b7 = Savon
Vasyukov, Moscow 1975.
d) 6 ... ltlg6 7 c3 (7 d4 cd 8 ltlxd4
't!t'b6 9 ltlb3 d6 10 a4 .id7 1 1 .i.e3
't!fc7 1 2 lLJ 1 d2 .i.e7 13 lL!c4 0-0
Lutikov-Paoli, Odessa 1976) 7 ...
.i.e7 8 d4 cd 9 cd d5 and now:
d 1 ) 10 ed ed 1 1 ltlc3 0-0 1 2 g3 ;!;.
d2) 10 lL!c3 0-0 ( 10 . . . de) 1 1 a3?! de
12 lL!xe4 b6 13 .ic4 .ib7
Barczay-Gegyocz, Hungary 1974.
d3) 10 eS 0-0 ( 10 . . . .i.d7 l l b3 lic8
12 .ib2 0-0 13 ltlc3 ltla5?! 14 g3
't!t'b6 15 e3 llc7 16 h4 ;!; Diez del
Corral-Byrne, Skopje 01 1972;
13 . . . f6! ) 1 1 ltlc3 f6 12 ef .i.xf6
13 .ie3 ;!; Christiansen-Molian,
Canada 1974.
lL! xdS (34)
If 7 . . . 'f!/xd5:
a) 8 b3 ltlf5 9 .i.b2 .ie7 10 ltla3 0-0
1 1 lL!c4 'tWd8 1 2 c3 h6 13 ltle3
lL!h4 Filguth-Panchenko, Mexico

b) 8 lL!a3 'tWd8 9 ltlc4 ltlf5 10 a4
.id6 1 1 d3 .i.c7 1 2 g3 0-0 1 3 .i.g2
lit.b8 1 4 ltlg5 ltla5 1 5 'tWh5 h6 1 6
ltle4 ltlxc4 17 d e b 6 oo Hulak-Sax,
Hungary 1978.
c) 8 ltlc3 'tWd8 9 d3 (9 b3 ltlf5
10 ltle4 .ie7 1 1 .ib2 0-0
Miagmarsuren-Lhagva, Ulan Bator
1976) 9 ... ltlf5 10 g3 .i.e7 1 1 .i.g2
0-0 1 2 lL!e4 b6 1 3 .if4 .i.b7 14 c3
lit.c8 ( 14 ... lia7!? intending 1 5 ...
.i.a8 and 1 6 ... lid7 - Keres)
1 5 'ifc2 oo Biyiasas-Browne, USA




8 . . . cd?! 9 ltlxd4 .i.e7 10 ltlxc6

be 1 1 c4 lL!b6 12 'trf3 .i.d7 13 lL!c3
0-0 14 .i.f4 f6 15 liadl
Nicevski-Schinzel, Budapest 1978.



9 . . . cd 10 ltlxd4 lL!xd4 1 1 .ixd4

.i.e7 1 2 c4 0-0 1 3 ltlc3 .i.d7 14 1fd2
.i.c6 15 ad 1 t Hulak-Kurajica,
Yugoslavia 1976.


1 0 ltlc3 cd 1 1 lL!xd4 .i.d7 1 2

34 3 . . e6

lbb3 'ifc7 1 3 i.g5?! ( 1 3 lbc5) 1 3 ...

0-0 1 4 'tlff3 l:lac8 1 5 l:lad l litfd8,
Mosionzhik-Suetin, Moscow 1966.


The game Horvath-Haag, Hun

gary 1979, continued 1 1 h3 cd 12
lbxd4 i.d7 1 3 lbc3 't!rb8 14 a3
lil:d8 15 lbf3 .i.e8 16 't!rc2 ;!;.



Tal-Byrne, Moscow 197 1 saw

6 . . . be?! 7 e5 ! ltlg6 8 b3 i.e7 9 i.a3
0-0 10 d4 cd 1 1 'ti'xd4 f6 12 i.xe7
ti'xe7 13 lbbd2 fe 14 lbxe5
lbxe5 1 5 't!Yxe5 d6 16 't!re4 i.d7 17
llad l .


Damjanovic-Tatai, Beersheva
1976: 7 c3 d5 8 cd 't!rxd5 9 d4 b5 10
c4!? 1!fxc4 1 1 b3 1!fd5 12 lbc3 't!Yh5
1 3 de .lxc5 1 4 ltle4 .tb4.

lbxd4 (35)

1 5 d6 ) 1 1 't!Yd4 .txc3 12 be f6
( 1 2 ... 0-0 1 3 .ta3 lil:e8 14 .i.d6 b5
15 lie3 ) 13 .ta3 b5 14 1Vb4 d6
1 5 llad l Andersson-Forintos,
Wij k aan Zee 1 970.
b) 8 1Wc7 9 ltlc3 i..e7 (9 . . . b5 10
lbd5! 'ti'b8 1 1 .i.g5 .td6 12 lbf5!
Mosionzhik-Listengarten, Moscow
1963) 10 lbxc6 (It might be
interesting to try 10 lbd5!? The
game Kim-Orekhov, USSR 1972
saw 10 \i'g4 .i.f6 1 1 i..f4 lbe5 12
\i'g3 0-0 1 3 llad l b5? 14 lbf5! b4
1 5 lbd5 ! ) 10 . . . be? ( 10 ... de) 1 1
e5 0-0 1 2 i.f4 c5 l 3 \i'g4 h8 14
lle3 llg8 .1 5 lbe4 Fedoruk
Salov, Moscow 1 978.
c) 8 lbxd4?! 9 'ifxd4 b5 10 lbc3
i.. b7 1 1 i..f4 f6 ( 1 1 ... d6 - 12 l:Iad1
e5 l 3 i.. xe5 ! de 14 't!rxe5+ 't!Ve7 1 5
't!Vg3 threatening 1 6 ltld5) 1 2 i..d6
i..xd6 1 3 1t'xd6 1t'b8 (or l 3 ... 't!re7
14 1t'c7 .tc6 15 lbd5! ) 14 't!Vc5
't!Ve5 1 5 lbd5! Ermenkov
Spassov, Zolotiye Pyeski 1973.
d) 8 .te7 9 ltlxc6 (9 lbc3 0-0 10
lbxc6 be l l e5 d5 12 ed .txd6 l 3
lbe4 i.e7 14 i..f4 'ilrb6 1 5 b3
Bulgaria 1975) 9 ... be 10 'tlrg4 g6
1 1 i.. h6 d6 1 2 e5 d5 1 3 lbd2 lil:b8
14 b3 t Kadaner-Chukayev, USSR



'trb6 9 ltlxc6 \i'xc6 10 lbc3

a) 8
.tb4 ( 1 0 . . . i..e7 1 1 lbd5! ed 12 ed
'ild6 13 i..g5! f6 14 i.f4 \i'xf4


9 lbxc6 be 10 \i'g4 '@'f6 ( 1 0 ... e5

1 1 'it'g3 'it'f6 1 2 ltlc3 'it'g6 13 't!rd3
.te7 14 ltla4 lil:b8 1 5 f4 oo
Botterili-Pritchett, England 1977)

3 ... e6 35

1 1 e5 de 1 2 ltJc3 i.e7 1 3 e3 0-0 14

't!fe2 g6 1 5 llxe5 Wg7 16 i.d2
Georgaclze-Sveshnikov, Minsk 1979.
J..e 7
9 ... i.d7?! 10 ltJxc6 i.xc6 1 1
't!Vg4 h5 1 2 't!t'g3 h4 1 3 't!Vg4 h3 14
i.g5 Wa5 1 5 llad 1 hg 1 6 lle3 J..e7
17 liJd5 ! Gusev-Filipenko,
Kazan 1980.
10 xc6
10 J..e3 0-0 1 1 We2 't!t'c7 12
't!fc4?! i.d7 1 3 d5 ed 14 ed i.f6
15 de be 16 c3 c5 + Cafferty
Kurajica, Mantilla 1 972.



't!t'g4 (36)

b) 11 ... i.f6 12 e5! i.xe5 13 llxe5

de 14 Wxg7 .
c) 11
g5 12 e5! h5 13 't!t'c4 d5
( 1 3 ... "t!t'd7 14 ed ) 14 't!t'xc6+
i.d7 1 5 't!t'b7 0-0 16 i.e3
"Christiansen-Bellon, Torremolinos
d) 11 . g6 12 .i.h6 lii b 8 13 b3 t!la5
1 4 t!lg3 't!t'h5 1 5 e5! d5 ( 1 5 ... "t!f'xh6
1 6 ed j.f6 17 d7+) 16 .i.g7 lii g8
17 J..f6 Lukovinkov-Korensky,
USSR 1979.






1 2 i.d2 e5 1 3 "t!t'g3 J..e6 14 llad1

h5 15 h3?! g5 16 a4 g4 17 hg hg
18 i.b4 'it;g7 + Law-Torre,
England 1 977.

Psakhis-Filipenko, Volgograd
1 977; 1 3 ... g5?! 14 .i.a3 e5 15 ltJa4
i.e6 16 't!t'd3 f6 17 c4 lii a7 1 8 1i'e3
llb7 19 llad l "t!t'a5 20 lii d 2 'it;f7
21 lled 1 .

a) 11 ... 0-0 1 2 i.h6 i.f6 1 3 e5! de
14 e4 'it;h8 15 llad l 't!t'e7 1 6 i.e3
llg8 17 J..c 5 't!Vb7 1 8 lle3

One can conclude that the

decidedly passive move 3 ... e6
involves some degree of slowness
which gives White too much
freedom in his choice of plans and
allows him to command an
opening advantage.

. . .


I e4 c5 2 .!Df3 lDc6 3 .i.b5

g6 (3 7)

The most contemporary and

flexible method of coping with the
deployment of the white bishop.
Black attacks the centre without
delay. The battle becomes more
dynamic and concrete as plans

Kemazhitsky, Sumi 1979.


c3 (38)



White strives to create a pawn

centre without hesitation.
a) 4 a6 5 J..x c6 (5 .ta4 b5 6 .tc2
.ig7 7 d4 cd 8 cd d6 9 h3 lDf6 10
0-0 0-0 1 1 lDbd2 lDd7 1 2 lDb3 lDb6
13 d5 lDb8 14 .!Dbd4 ;!; Lutikov
Gurgenidze, Moscow 1 956) 5 ... de
6 d3 lDf6 7 0-0 .ig7 8 'tre2 0-0 9
lil:d1 \i'c7 (9 ... .!De8; 9 ... .tg4) 10
e5 ( 10 a4 a5 1 1 lDbd2 lil:d8
Averbakh-Taimanov, Moscow 1956)
10 ... .!De8 ( 10 ... lDd5 1 1 c4 .!Db6 1 2
h3 i) 1 1 lDbd2 f6 1 2 h3 fe 1 3 lDc4 i
Bronstein-Ree, Amsterdam 1968.

One of the main possibilities of

the system. Now White has:
A 4 c3
B 4 0-0
4 .txc6 de 5 h3 .!Df6 6 lDc3 J..g7
7 d3 0-0 (7 ... 'tlfc7 !?) 8 J..e 3 b6 9
.if4 lDd7 1 0 e5!? f6 1 1 'tre2
fe 1 2 .ig3 lil:f5 1 3 0-0 lDf8 1 4
lDxe5 .txe5 1 5 J..xe5 Machulsky-

3 ... g6 37

b) 4 ... dS 5 "t!fa4 (5 lbe5 .id7 6

o!Dxd7 "t!fxd7 7 d3 a6 = ; 5 e5!? .id7
6 "t!fe2 - Nezhmetdinov) 5 . . . de 6
.ixe6+ (6 lbe5 .id7 7 o!Dxd7 "t!fxd7
8 "t!fxe4 lbf6 9 "t!ff3 lle8 1 0
0-0 .ig7 + - Nezhmetdinov
Boles1avsky, Kharkov 1 956; 7
.ixe6!? .ixe6 8 o!Dxe6 1t'd7 9 "t!fxe4
.!Df6 10 'ti'f3 "t!fe6+ 1 1 'i!?d1 be 12
lle l ) 6 ... be 7 "t!fxe6+ .id7 8
!Vxe4 .!Df6 9 "t!fh4 .ig7 1 0 0-0 0-0
( 10 ... .ib5 !? 1 1 lle1 .id3 ro),
Tartakower-Boleslavsky, Groningen
1946; 1 1 d4! .



a) S ... cd?! 6 ed "t!fb6 7 o!De3 .ixd4

(7 ... o!Dxd4? 8 lbd5 lbxf3+ 9 "t!fxf3
"ird8 10 .if4 e5 1 1 1!Ve3! ; 9 ...
!t'd6 10 .id2 ) 8 o!Dxd4 "t!fxd4 9
"t!fe2 a6 (9 ... .!Df6 10 .ih6 llg8 1 1
0-0 g5 2 llad 1 "t!fe5 1 3 f4
Lutikov-Sazonov, USSR 1 972) 10
.ie3 "t!lb4 1 1 a3 "t!fa5 1 2 .ie4 .!Df6
13 0-0 d6 1 4 lbd5 lbxd5 1 5 .ixd5
.ie6 (or 1 5 ... 0-0 1 6 b4 "t!fe7 1 7
.ih6 lle8 1 8 "t!fe4 ) 1 6 b4
Bohosian-Popov, P1ovdiv 1969.
b) 5 ... 1!ra5 and now:
b 1 ) 6 .ixc6? de 7 de "t!fxe5 8 .ie3
"t!fa5 + Winiwarter-Pire, Vienna
b2} 6 "t!fel ed 7 0-0 d3 8 .ixd3 o!Df6
(8 ... d6!?) 9 b4 "t!fe7 1 0 b5 lbd8 1 1
e5 o!Dg4 1 2 lle1 lbe6 1 3 h3 o!Dh6 1 4
e4 0-0 1 5 o!De3 b3) 6 a4 lbxd4 (6 ... ed 8 0-0 de 9
o!Dxe3 .ixe3? 1 0 be "t!fxe3 1 1
.id2 Kaikamdzhozov) 7 o!Dxd4

ed 8 0-0 a6 9 .ie4 lbf6



6 .ixe6 de 7 h3 lbf6 8 e5 lbd5 9

0-0 0-0 10 lbbd2 ed 1 1 ed .ie6 1 2
lbb3 l::ta d8 1 3 lbe5 o!De7 1 4 ..te3
.id5 + Chernikovsky-Sha1imov,
Kharkov 1 979.


7 0-0 d3! (7 ... a6 8 .ixe6 1!t'xe6 9

ed 'it'xe4 10 o!De3 1!f5 1 1 ll e 1 d5 12
a5 .id7 1 3 "irb3 Bronstein
Geller, Goteborg 1 955; 8 . . . de) 8
o!Da3 lbf6 8 o!De4 (9 .ixd3!?) 9 . . .
1!re7 10 1!xd3 0-0 1 1 h3 d6 1 2 a5
lld8 13 .if4 e5 14 .ig5 .ie6 +
Pietzseh-Furman, Harraehov 1 966.

be (39)


a) 1 0 ... .!Df6 1 1 e5 o!De4 1 2 0-0 0-0

1 3 "ird5 o!De5 ( 1 3 . . . o!Dxe3? 1 4 "t!fd3
lbxb5 1 5 .ie3 ) 1 4 .ie3 d6 1 5 ed
ed 1 6 .ih6 Stein-Liavdansky,
USSR 1964.

38 3 . . . g6

b) 10 ... 't!VxbS 1 1 't!Vd4 f6 1 2 c4

't!Vb4+ 13 i.d2 't!Vd6 14 't!Ve3, and
White's initiative compensates for
the pawns.


i.g 7 (40)


B 1 5 c3
B2 5 lie1
Alternatives are less promising:
a) S i.xc6 de 6 d3 tbf6 7 h3 0-0 8
lLle3 lLle8 9 i.e3 b6 1 0 a4 lLle7 1 1
a5 i.a6 1 2 lLld2 lLle6 1 3 f4 lLld4 14
lLla4 't!Ve7 15 litf2 lifd8 + Heeht
Kunstowiez, Dortmund 1973.
b) S 't!Ve2 tbf6 (5 ... d6 6 e5 tbh6 7
i.xe6+ be 8 ed "i!fxd6 9 d3 0-0 10
lLl bd2 i.g4 1 1 h3 i.xf3 1 2 't!Vxf3
lLlf5 1 3 c3 litad8 14 g4 t
Chistiakov-Yudovieh, Moscow
1 969; 5 ... e5 !?) 6 e5 (6 d3 0-0 7
i.xc6 be 8 h3 d6 9 e5 lLJd5 10 ne 1
1Ib8 1 1 lLla3 tbe7 1 2 lLlc4 lLJe6 13
c3 h6 14 't!Ve2 d5 = Cioealtea
Sveshnikov, Smederevska Palanka
1980) 6 . . . lbd5 (6 . . . lLlg4 7 i.xc6
de 8 h3 lLJh6 9 lLle3 ;!:) 7 't!Vc4 lLle7
(7 . . . "'b6?! 8 1!t'xd5 1!t'xb5 9 lLla3

lLl b4 10 "i!rb3 't!Va6 1 1 d4 lLle6 1 2

lLlb5 Kosikov-Paskov, Sumi
1979) 8 i.xe6 de 9 1!fxc5 i.g4 1 0
lbd4 ( 10 c3?! J.xf3 1 1 gf 't!Vd3 1 2
1!fe3 lid8 + Semenova-Vilerte,
USSR 1980) 10 . . . 0-0 1 1 h3 i.d7
12 lLlf3 lbe6 13 "it'e4 ( 1 3 't!Ve3 !?)
13 . . . e5 14 d3 i.e6 15 lLJbd2 1Ic8
oo, Kosikov-Tukmakov, USSR
c) S d3 't!Vb6 (5 . . . "i!Ve7 6 lLle3 e6 7
..txe6 de 8 a4 e5 9 ..te3 b6 1 0 a5 t
Chebanenko-Figler, Kishinev 1975)
6 lLle3 i.xc3 7 J.xc6 i.g7 (7 ...
.txb2 8 ..txd7+ i.xd7 9 litb l t)
8 i.a4 lLlf6 9 i.b3 0-0 1 0 h3 d6 1 1
c3 i.d7 1 2 li e 1 .i.e6 13 e5 de ( 1 3 ...
i.xf3 14 't!Vxf3 de 15 lixe5 e6 =) 1 4
lLlxe5 litad8 1 5 lLlxc6 "ifxc6 =
Lombardy-Forintos, Monte Carlo
d) S lLl c3 and now:
d l ) S ... a6 6 i.xc6 be 7 d3 (7 e5!?)
7 . . . d6 8 "t!Ve2 e5 9 lLJd2 g5 10 lLJc4
h6 1 1 i.d2 ..te6 12 liae 1 lLle7 +.
d2) s ... lLJh6 6 d3 0-0 7 i.f4 lLJd4 8
i.c4 d6 9 "t!Vd2 lLJg4 10 lLlxd4 cd 1 1
lLle2 .i.d7 1 2 ..tb3 't!Vb6 13 c3 de 1 4
lLlxc3 e6 15 h3 lLlf6 1 6 d4 ;!: Karner
Butnorius, Tallinn 1976.
d3) S
eS 6 d3 (6 ..txe6 de 7 d3
"irc7 8 a4 b6 9 lLld2 i.e6 10 b3 lLJf6
1 1 lLJc4 lbd7 1 2 ..te3 0-0 = Calvo
Rodriguez, Spain 1975) 6 . . . lLlge7
7 i.g5 0-0 8 i.c4 h6 9 ..th4 h7 10
lLld5 f6 1 1 lLJd2 d6 1 2 a3 lLlxd5 13
..txd5 lLle7 14 ..ta2 d5! = Planine
Parma, Belgrade 1 978.

3 ... g6 39


c3 (41)


8 1 1 5 . . . 't!fb6
8 1 2 5 . . . liJf6
813 5 . . . e5
a) S
a6 and now:
a 1) 6 .txc6 de 7 d3 (7 d4 lbf6 8 lle 1
a5 9 e5 liJd5 10 a4 cd 1 1 liJxd4 0-0
12 lba3 "f/c7 1 3 "f/e2 b6 14 h4 ;!;:
Gufeld-Taimanov, USSR 1960;
8 . . . cd 9 cd Jlg4 oo) 7 ... lbf6 8 We2
(8 a4 a5 9 lba3 0-0 1 0 lle 1 b6 1 1
"t!re2 "f/c7 12 e5 lbd5 3 h3 h6 14
liJc2 'Ct>h7 15 c4 ;!;:) 8 ... 0-0 (8 ...
.tg4!? 9 h3 .txf3 10 Wxf3 0-0 1 1
lld1 liJd7 1 2 .te3 e5 = Radovic
Szyli, Kecskemet 1962) 9 h3 (9
i.g5 .tg4 10 lbbd2 h6 1 1 .te3
liJd7 1 2 h3 .txf3 13 lbxf3 e5 14
lbd2 b6 1 5 llad1 1!t'e7 1 6 0 ,
Holmov-Jimenez, Havana 1 968)
9 . . . 't!Vc7 10 e5 lbd7 1 1 .tf4 lle8
12 .tg3 Wd8 13 e6! 8ukhal
Romanishin, Groningen 1972.
a2) 6 .ta4 b5 (6 ... e5?! 7 .tb3 d6 8
d4 cd 9 cd liJxd4 10 lbxd4 ed 1 1 f4
liJe7 1 2 f5 gf 13 .tg5! 8ilek...

Szyli, Budapest 1954) 7 .tc2 d6

(7 ... d5 8 d4 cd 9 ed 1!t'xd5 10 cd
liJxd4 1 1 lbxd4 'ti'xd4 12 '1Vf3 llb8
13 lld1 .tb7 oo Robatsch-Sokolov,
Varna 1957; 7 ... e5 8 d3 lbge7 9
.te3 d6 10 a4 llb8 1 1 ab ab 1 2 d4
ed 1 3 cd 'it'b6 14 de de 15 liJc3 !
Kolpakov-Veremeichik, Minsk
1979) 8 h3 Jlb7 9 d4 cd 10 cd
liJb4?! ( 10 . . . liJf6 1 1 lbc3 0-0 1 2
Jlf4 ;!;:) 1 1 .tb3 e6 ( 1 1 . . . Jlxe4?
12 .txn+) 12 d5 ed 1 3 ed a5 14 a3
lba6 1 5 lllc 3 Sax-Poja1,
Groningen 1972.
b) S d6 6 d4 cd 7 cd Jld7 8 liJc3
a6 9 .ta4 liJf6 10 h3 b5 l l .tb3
b4?! ( l l ... 0-0 ;!;:) 12 liJd5 liJxe4 1 3
ll e 1 liJf6 1 4 liJxf6+ .txf6
15 Jlh6 Bilek-Sarapu, Sousse
IZ 1967.

'1Vb6 (42)


Another piece enters the battle

for the centre. The drawback of
the move is that White can carry
out the important manoeuvre
liJa3-c4 with tempo.

40 3 . .. g6


a) 6 a4 a6 7 .txc6 't!rxc6 8 :et d6

9 d4 .tg4 10 d5 11c7 1 1 h3 .txf3 1 2
't!t'xf3 lLlf6 1 3 a 5 0-0 14 .tg5 lLld7
15 lLld2 h6 16 .te3 h7 17 g4 ;!;
Uusi-Vooremaa, Tallinn 1 976.
b) 6 .ta4 and now:
b1) 6 ... lLlf6 7 e5 lLld5 8 d4 ;!;.
b2) 6 .... d6 7 d4 .td7 8 de?! (8
d5!?) 8 ... 't!rxc5 9 .te3 't!t'a5 1 0
lLlbd2 li:lf6 1 1 .tc2 0-0 Nikitin
Selshtedt, Reykjavik 1 957.
b3) 6
eS 7 lLla3 lLlge7 8 b4! cb
(8 . . . 0-0? 9 lLlc4 't!rc7 10 be; 8 . . . d6
9 lLlc4 't!rd8 10 be de 1 1 lLlbxe5;
9 . . . 'flc7? 10 b5 !) 9 lLlc4 1fc5? (9 ...
\!t'c7 10 cb 0-0 ;!;; 10 ... lLlxb4 1 1
t!t'b3 ) 1 0 d3 be 1 1 :b l c2 1 2
't!rxc2 lLld4 1-0 Bronstein-Tomic,
Vincovci 1 970 ( 1 3 lLlxd4 't!rxd4 14
.te3; 13 ... ed 14 .ta3 t!t'h5 1 5

.th6! Nikolayevsky-Lenchiner,
Zaporozhe 1 96 1 .
7 .ta4 (43)
7 .te2 d6 8 lLlc4 't!rd8 9 d4 cd?!
10 cd lLlf6 1 1 d5 lLlb8 12 .td2
lLlbd7 13 1Vc2 0-0 14 :act
Sokolov-Milic, Belgrade 1 967;
9 ... b5 10 lLle3 lLlf6 ;!;.



a) 6 ... d6 7 d4 .td7 8 .te3 (8 d5!?)

8 .. . lLlf6 9 1Va4 cd 10 cd d5 1 1 e5
lLlg4 1 2 ..tg5 a6 13 .txc6 .txc6 14
1!rc2 f6 15 ef ef 16 nfe l + <&f7 17
.tf4 nhe8 1 8 lLlc4! Nasybullin
Mamatov, USSR 1979.
b) 6 .. lLlf6 and now:
b 1) 7 eS lLld5 8 .tc4 lLlc7 8 :e l 0-0
10 . .tb3 lLla5 1 1 d4 cd 1 2 lLlxd4
lLlxb3 1 3 ab d5, Nimzowitsch
Stoltz, match 1 934; 14 .te3! .
b2) 7 d4 lLlxe4 (7 ... cd 8 cd d5 oo)
8 d5 lLld6 9 .td3 li:le5 10 lLlxe5
.txe5 1 1 't!re2 .tg7 1 2 :et e5 ( 1 2 ...
e6 13 .te3 't!rc7 1 4 .tf4 ) 13

a) 7 e6 8 lLlc4 'tlt'c7 9 .txc6 be 10

e5 f6 1 1 d4 cd 12 cd lLle7 13 lLld6+
f8 14 b3 h6 15 .ta3 Ciocaltea
Spirov, Albena 1978.
b) 7 . eS 8 lLlc4 t!t'c7 9 ..txc6 be 10
d4 cd 1 1 cd ed?! 12 e5 lLlh6 1 3
lLld6+ <&f8 14 .txh6 .txh6 1 5
't!rb3! l -0 - Miseida-Omtividt,
Stockholm 1976.
c) 7
lLlf6 8 e5 lLlg4 9 d4 cd 10 cd
0-0 1 1 h3 lLlh6 1 2 d5 Ciocaltea
Pedersen, Siegen 01 1970.
d) 7 . 't!t'c7 8 d4 b5 9 .tb3 d6 10
:e l c4 (10 ... lLlf6 1 1 e5 de 12 de
lLlg4 13 e6! ) 1 1 .tc2 e5 12 h3
t!t'b6?! ( 12 .. . lLlge7 t) 13 d5
Ciocaltea-Ungureanu, Bucharest
197 1 .




3 ... g6 41
lbf6 (44)


Schweber, Sousse IZ 1 967.

b) 9 ... lbc7 and now:
b 1 ) 10 i.c4 d6 1 1 1!Ve2 i.g4 12 lld1
de 13 de 't!Vc8 1 4 lbd5 lbxd5 1 5
i.xd5 lbxe5 1 6 i.f4 i.xf3 1 7 gf
't!Vf5 1 8 .ig3 llac8 ( 1 8 ... lbc6!?) 19
.ie4 't!Vf6 20 .ixb7 llb8 2 1 't!Ve4
't!Vf5 Nezhmetdinov-Bo1es1avsky,
USSR 1959.
b2) 10 .i a4 d6 1 1 .if4 ( 1 1 h3 de 1 2
de 'it'xd1 1 3 llxd 1 liJxe5 14 lbxe5
.ixe5 15 .ig5 i.f6 1 6 .ixf6 ef 1 7
llacl lba6 1 8 liJe4 f5 19 lDd6 oo
Nezhmetdinov-Po1uyevsky, USSR
1959) 1 1 ... .ig4 1 2 i.xc6 be 1 3 h3
i.f5 ( 1 3 ... lbe6!? 14 hg lbxf4 =) 1 4
ll e 1 llb8 1 5 b 3 ;!; Bikova
Rubtsova, Moscow 1958.
b3) 10 i.f4 lbxb5 1 1 lbxb5 a6 1 2
liJc3 d 6 1 3 e d .ig4!? ( 1 3 . . . e d
1 4 h 3 lle8 1 5 i.g5 't!Va5 1 6 d5
lba7 17 lbd2 h6 18 liJb3 'it'b4 19
.ie3 liJb5 Bronstein-Dvoretsky,
Moscow 1975; 1 4 d5!? ;t - Gufeld)
1 4 de 't!Vxe7 1 5 d5 ( 1 5 .ie3 i.xf3 1 6
't!Vxf3 liJxd4) 1 5 ... lbd4 1 6 d 6 't!Vd7
17 lDd5 ( 17 Wxd4!? i.xd4 1 8
lbxd4 g 5 19 i.g3 f5 20 i.e5 llae8
21 llfe 1 llxe5 22 llxe5 't!Vxd6 +
Bronstein-Schinze1, Sandamir 1976;
19 liJd5 !? f5 20 i.e5 oo) 1 7 ... i.xf3
1 8 gf 't!Vh3 19 i.g3 h5 20 lle1 h4
2 1 lbe7+ 'i!?h7 22 lle4 hg 23 hg
llad8, K1ovsky-Korsunsky, Baku


Also possible is 6 e5 lbd5 (6 ...

lbg4 makes no sense in view of 7
d4) 7 d4 cd (7 ... 0-0?! 8 de liJc7 9
i.xc6 be 10 i.e3 Dementiev
Veresov, Minsk 1957) 8 cd 0-0 9
lbc3 and now:
a) 9 ... lbxc3 10 be d6 1 1 ed with
the further subdivision:
a 1 ) 11 ... t!Vxd6 1 2 a4 lld8 ( 1 2 ...
.ig4 1 3 h3 i.xf3 14 't!Vxf3 llfd8 1 5
.ig5 llac8 16 llfe1 lld7 17 .if4
Shunide-Baumbach, Leipzig 1979;
12 ... i.f5 13 .ia3 't!Vc7 14 ll c 1 .if6
15 't!Vd2 t Bronstein-Boles1avsky,
USSR 1957) 13 lle1 't!Vc7 14 .ia3
( 1 4 .ig5?!) 14 ... e6 15 't!Vb3?!
( 1 5 't!Vd2 i.d7 16 't!Vg5 oo) 15 ...
i.d7 16 i.fl llac8 1 7 lDd2 lDa5 18
't!Vb2 i.c6 + Miagmasuren-Stein,
Tallinn 1 972.
a2) 11 ... ed 12 i.f4 lbe7 13 i.c4
i.g4 14 h3 llc8 15 i.b3 i.e6 16 llcl
lbd5 17 i.g5 i.f6 = Matanovic-


Or 6 ... lbxe4 7 d5 lbb8 (7 ...

liJd6 8 liJa3 lbe5 9 liJxe5 i.xe5 10

42 3 ... g6

lle1 .tf6 1 1 .tf4 0-0 12 .txd6 ed

13 .tfl oo F1orian-Ba1ogh, Hungary
1977) 8 ll e l I.Dd6 and now:
a) 9 .td3 0-0 10 ltla3 ( 1 0 1Wa4,
Keres-Smejkal, Luhacovice 1 969;
10 .if4!?) 1 0 ... a6 1 1 We2 b5 1 2
1Wxe7 9xe7 1 3 llxe7 .tb7 14 c4 be
1 5 J.xc4 I.Dxc4 1 6 ltlxc4 .txd5 1 7
lL!b6 .txf3 1 8 gf oo Tseitlin
Kondratiev, Leningrad 1974.
b) 9 .tf4!? ltlxb5 10 a4 0-0 1 1 ab d6
12 1!fe2 e5 ( 12 ... lle8 13 .tg5 f6
14 .ih4 ) 1 3 de .txe6 1 4 ltlg5
lle8 15 ltle4 .td7 16 1id2
Lutikov-Silva, Odessa 1976.

cd (45)


c) 7
d5 8 e5 ltlg8 9 ltlc3 e6 10
.ig5 ltle7 1 1 .txc6+ be 12 1!fa4
.id7 1 3 'ifa3 ; Tseitlin-Jamrosch,
Na1enchov 1979.
8 ... ltlb8 (8 ... ltle5 9 lL!xe5
.txe5 10 ..e2 ) 9 lle1 ltld6 1 0 a4
0-0 1 1 I.Dc3 ( 1 1 .ig5!? liteS
12 I.Dc3 ;!; Suetin-Suradiraja,
Pemik 1 977) 1 1 ... ltlxb5 12 ab d6
13 h3 ltld7 14 .ie3 lle8 15 I.Dd4
etJb6 16 1Wb3 1!fc7 17 etJa4 .id7
18 llec l ;!; Grigorov-Radulov,
Sofia 1979.


a) 9
a6 1 0 1!ra4?! ( 10 .ta4!?)
10 ... lL!e5 1 1 I.Dxe5 .txe5 12 lle1
.tf6 1 3 .td3 0-0 14 .ih6 lle8 15 h4
b5 16 ltlxb5 ltlxb5 1 7 .ixb5 llb8
18 .id3 d6 19 h5 llxb2 =F Barle
Matulovic, Belgrade 1 976.
b) 9 lL!eS (9 ... etJxb5?! 10 lL!xb5
lL!e5 1 1 etJxe5 .txe5 12 d6! 0-0 1 3
.ih6 .ig7 1 4 .txg7 r:&xg7 1 5 'tid4+
f6 1 6 ltlc7 ) 10 ltlxe5 .txe5 1 1
lle1 ltlxb5 (1 1 ... .tf6!? 1 2 .th6
ltlf5 1 3 1!rd2 oo) 1 2 llxe5 f6 ( 1 2 . . .
etJxa3 1 3 .tg5 ! ; 12 . . . d6 1 3 ll e 1
threatening 1 4 .ig5) 1 3 etJxb5! fe
14 d6 0-0 1 5 .ig5 Lutikov
Ermenkov, Albena 1976.
c) 9
ltlb4 10 .tf4 0-0 ( 1 0 ..
.txb2? 1 1 .txd6 ed 1 2 1!fe2+; 1 1 .. .
.txa3 1 2 lle1 lL!d3 1 3 llxe7+ Mikhalchishin) 1 1 'tid2 a5 1 2
.txd6 ( 1 2 llfe1 ? ! b6 1 3 .txd6 ed
14 ltlc4 .tb7 15 a3 ltlxd5 1 6 etJxd6
'flc7 =F Lutikov-Mikhalchishin,


a) 7 a6 8 .txc6 be 9 I.Dc3 0-0 10
.if4 d6 1 1 ll c 1 llb8 1 2 'it'd2 .tg4
1 3 ltle1 1Wb6 14 b3 llfd8 1 5 h3
.tcS 16 ltlf3 ; Loginov-Kagan,
USSR 1978.
b) 7 0-0 8 d5 lL!b8 9 lle1 d6 10 h3
I.Dbd7 1 1 I.Dc3 lL!c5 12 .if4 'it'b6 13
a4 a5 1 4 e5 Lutikov-Arutiunov,
USSR 1977.



3 . . . g6 43

USSR 1977) 1 2 . . . ed 1 3 lLlc4 b6 14

lLlxd6 .ta6

e5 (46)


14 lha1 "Wf6 1 5 'itxf6 lLlxf6 16

.i.d4 ) 1 2 lLlbd2 .i.xf3 1 3 lLlxf3
d5 ( 1 3 ... .i.xa1 14 "t!t'xa1 f6 15 ed
11fxd6 16 e5 ) 14 I!b1 .tg7 1 5
'ti'a4 Lutikov-Partos, Bucharest
1 975.
7 .te3
a) 7 .tg5?! 0-0 8 .i.a4 d6 9 :e1 h6
10 .th4 h7 1 1 lLlbd2 :b8 1 2
.i.c2 .i.e6 1 3 lLle4 'ti'd7 Kerkhev
Ermenkov, Sofia 1973.
b) 7 a3 0-0 8 b4 eb 9 ab d5!? 10
lLlbd2 a6 1 1 .txe6 ( 1 1 .ta4 h6 12
.i.e2 .te6
Rostov-on-Don 1 960) 1 1 ... lLlxc6
12 lt!b3 b5?! 13 .i.g5 'ti'd6 14 h3 f5
1 5 lL:le5 h6 1 6 .td2 h7 1 7 'tl'e2
a5 oo Faibisovieh-Karasev, Lenin
grad 1 976.

B 1 3 1 6 d3
B 132 6 d4
a) 6 lLla3 lLlge7 7 I!e1 0-0 8 d4?! cd
9 ed ed (9 ... lLlxd4 10 lLlxd4 ed
1 1 .tg5 ;!;") 10 e5 a6 1 1 .txe6 lbxc6
12 lLlc4 d5! 13 ed b5 14 .i.g5 f6 1 5
'ti'b3 h8?! ( 1 5 . . . b e 1 6 t!rxc4+
h8 17 t!rxe6 .i.d7! oo) 1 6 lLlce5!
lLlxe5 17 lLlxe5 fg 1 8 lLlf7+ lhf7
19 t!rxf7 .tf5 20 d7! Sarkisian
Veremeiehik, Kiev 1 977.
b) 6 .txc6 de 7 d3 lLle7 8 .te3 b6 9
t!re1 h6 10 a4 a6 1 1 lLlbd2 .tg4!
Padevsky-Velimirovic, Maidanek
lb ge7
a) 6 .. t!fe7?! 7 .i.e3 a6 8 .ta4 d6
9 d4! :t.
b) 6 ... a6?! 7 .txe6 be (7 ... de 8
.i.e3 intending d4 :t) 8 .te3 d6 9
d4! ed 10 ed .ig4?! ( 1 0 ... cd!? 1 1
.i.xd4 lt!f6 :t) 1 1 de! .txb2 ( 1 1 ...
.txf3 12 'ti'xf3 .txb2 1 3 lLld2 .ba1


7 . . . 'ti'b6?! 8 lt!a3 0-0 9 b4 d6

10 lLle4! 'ti'c7 ( 1 0 ... 't!t'xb5? 1 1 a4
'ti'a6 12 b5) lzvozehikov-Karasev,
Leningrad 1 97 1 .


a) 8 a3 0-0 9 b4 b6 10 .tc4 h6 1 1
'ti'b3 't!re8 12 lLle l h7 1 3 f3 f5
Retseh-Malich, Berlin 1 96 1 .
b ) 8 'itcl?! 0-0 9 .ih6 a6 1 0 .txc6
lt!xe6 1 1 .txg7 xg7 12 9e3 f5 1 3
ef gf 14 d4 e4 1 5 lt!fd2 c d 1 6 ed
lL:lb4 + Kurajiea-Drimer, Bognor
Regis 1 967.


8 . . . cd 9 ed 0-0 1 0 d5 ( 1 0 de!? de
1 1 .i.c5 lLld4 1 2 lt!xd4 ed 1 3 lLld2
b6 1 3 .ta3 .i.b7 15 I!e1 a6 16 .id3
:e8 1 7 f4 ;!;" Nezhmetdinov-

44 3 . .. g6

Antoshin, Moscow 1964) 10 .. .

li.Jb8 1 1 li.Jfd2 f5 12 f3 f4 ( 1 2 .. .
li.Jd7 1 3 g4 li.Jf6 14 h3 h5 15 g5 li.Jh7
16 h4 lif7 17 g2 ;t: Gurgenidze
Soos, Tbi1isi 1966) 1 3 i.f2 g5 14
li.Jc3 li.Jg6 1 5 litc1 tDd7 16 i.e2
( 1 6 b4!?) 1 6 ... a6 17 tlJc4 e7 1 8
a4 h 5 19 a5 li.Jf6 eo Padevsky
Radu1ov, Bulgaria 1977.



10 ... cd 1 1 li.Jxd4 a6 ( 1 1 ... li.Je5

12 i.e2 d5 1 3 "@b3 de 1 4 lifd 1 'fta5
1 5 li.Jxe4 ;!: Nezhmetdinov-Gufeld,
Baku 1964) 12 i.e2 lieS 13 lic l
li.Jxd4 14 i.xd4 li.Jc6 1 5 i.xg7
xg7 1 6 d2 ;t: Makarychev
Hasin, Moscow 1970.



The chances are roughly equal.


d4 (47)





7 ... ltlxd4?! 8 ltlxd4 (8 ltlc3 a6 9

i.c4 li.Je7 10 tDxd4 i.xd4 1 1 \!Yf3

0-0 1 2 i.g5 1We8 1 3 e5! i.xe5 14

life 1 d6 1 5 litxe5 de 16 li.Je4
Sanyor-Andersson, Portsmouth
1949) 8 ... cd (8 ... i.xd4 9 lLlc3
tlJe7 10 i.h6 a6 1 1 ttJd5 ! ab 12
xd4 ) and now:
a) 9 f4!? 1fb6 (9 ... ltle7 10 f5 @b6
1 1 f6! .txf6 12 tt'f3 a6 1 3 .td3
Kogan-Kapengut, Vilnius 1966)
10 li.Ja3 li.Jf6 1 1 li.Jc4 'f!/c7 1 2 e5
ltle4 13 \!Ye2 0-0 14 't!xe4 a6 1 5
ltld6 ab 16 f5 Przewoznik
Litvin, Poland 1978.
b) 9 e5! and now:
b1) 9 ... a6 10 i.a4 b5 1 1 i.b3 i.b7
12 \!Yxd4 li.Je7 13 i.g5! Barczay
Gasztonyi, Hungary 1974.
b2) 9 ... ltle7 10 \!Yxd4 0-0 ( 10 ...
ltlc6? 11 1Wd6 a6 12 li.Jc3 i.f8 1 3
lie1 ! Zigura-Takitishvili, USSR
1977; 1 3 ... i.xd6 14 ed+ f8 15
i.h6+ <ctfg8 1 6 li.Je4) 1 1 i.g5 ltlc6
12 'f!/h4 'f!/b6 13 ltlc3 i.xe5 ( 1 3 ...
ltlxe5 14 i.e7 :i:le8 1 5 li.Jd5 \!Yxb5
16 ltlc7 ; 1 3 ... d5 1 4 i.f6 ttJxe5
15 ltlxd5 't!t'xb5 1 6 h6! ! ) 14
liae 1 i.xc3 15 be 'f!/xb5 16
'f!/h6! (threatening 17 1!fxf8+)
Levchenkov-Eganian, USSR 1978.
b3) 9 ... 'f!/b6 10 li.Ja3 li.Je 7 1 1 ltlc4
'it'c5 12 b4 "@d5 ( 1 2 ... 't!t'c7 1 3
ltld6+ <MS 14 't!fb3 Rosenzweig
VIadyka, Prague 1978) 1 3 ltld6+
<i;f8 14 f4 Ciocaltea-Antonov,
AIbena 1 977.


a6 (48)

After 8 ... ltlge7 9 i.d6 0-0:

a) 10 ltla3 a6 1 1 .tc4 b5 12 i.d5

3 .. g6 45

1ie8? ( 1 2 . . . .ib7 ) 1 3 .ixf7+!

Hug-Collado, Barcelona 1973.
b) 10 lDbd2 b6 1 1 1ie1 .ib7 12 1icl
a6 1 3 .ic4 1ic8 14 b4 Westerinen
Merino, Caracas 1976.
c) 1 0 a4 b6 l 1 li'lbd2 .ib7 and
c l ) 1 2 lt'lb3 1ie8! 13 1ie1 lt'lc8 14
.ig3 a6 1 S .ic4 d6 16 llc l lt'leS
Westerinen-Savon, Dortmund 197S.
c2) 1 2 .ic4! ;!:: - Boleslavsky ( 1 2 . . .
1ie8 1 3 .ixf7+!).


c l ) 1 1 lbg5 1ia7 12 a4 h6! 1 3 li'lf3

b4 1 4 li'lbd2 lDge7! ( 14 ... gS?! 1 S
.ig3 .ig4 1 6 h3 .ihS 1 7 lt'lc4 .ixfJ
1 8 1Wxf3 lt'leS 19 .ixeS .ixeS
20 aS Ciocaltea-Radulov, Vrsac
197 1) 1 S lt'lc4 1id7 1 6 aS 0-0
c2) 1 1 a4 b4?! ( 1 1 ... 1ib8!? 12 ab
ab 13 lDa3 lt'lge7 oo) 12 li'lbd2 .ie6
1 3 licl ( 1 3 li'lgS!?) 13 ... .ixb3?!
( 1 3 . . . lDge7!? 14 .ixe6 fe 1S lt'lgS
'id7) 14 1Wxb3 lt'lge7 1S lt'lc4 0-0
16 .ixd6 Jansa-Mednis, Houston
d) 9 1Wa4 and now:
d1) 9
lDge7 10 .id6 0-0 1 1 Wa3
1ie8 1 2 .ic4 h6 1 3 lDbd2 lt'laS 1 4
.ixf7+! <l;xf7 l S 1iac l li'lac6 1 6
'ti'b3+ r:J;;f8 17 lt'lh4 Whitehead
Zuger, France 1977.
d2) 9
1ia7!? 10 .ixc6 de 1 1 eS
lt'le7 12 lld1 bS 1 3 1Wa3 0-0 1 4
llxd4 1id7 1 S 1ixd7 1Wxd7
1 6 li'lc3 - Bellon-Bleimann,
Buenos Aires 1978 .
5 1ie1 (49)



a) 9 .id3 d6 10 lbbd2 li:leS 1 1 1i'a4+

.id7 1 2 Wa3 lbe7 1 3 lt'lxd4 0-0
Medina-Hort, Czechoslovakia 1972.
b) 9 .ic4 d6 10 'ib3 1We7 ( 10 . . .
lt'laS 1 1 .ixf7+ we7 12 'irdS li'lf6
1 3 .igS 1if8 14 lie l 1ixf7?!
1S eS! ; 14 ... lt'lc6!? 1S eS de 1 6
'ti'xd8+ lixd8 17 .ib3 Wf8 1 8
ll:lxeS 1ie8 19 li'lfJ ) 1 1 lt'lbd2 .ieS
12 .ig3 .ixg3 13 hg lt'lh6 14 'ib6
'id8 1S 'ixd8+ r:J;;x d8 16 .idS <l;e7
17 .ixc6 be 18 lt'lxd4 .id7 19 lilac l
1ihc8 20 lt'lc4 1iab8 2 1 lifd 1
Cioca1tea-Ghitescu, Romania 197S.
c) 9 .ia4 bS 10 .ib3 d6 and now:


Having strengthened the e4

46 3 ... g6

pawn, White can develop future

plans as he pleases.
B21 5 ... e5
B22 5 ... ltJf6
a) 5 . . . a6 6 .txc6 (6 .tfl !?) and
a 1 ) 6 .. . de 7 d3 e5 (7 . . . 't!rb6?! 8
lLlbd2 lLlf6 9 lLlc4 l!Vc7 10 e5 lLld5
1 1 lLld6+ <,!;>f8 12 lLlxc8 l:ixc8 13 c4
lLlb6 14 e6 Vasyukov-Gutierrez,
Moscow 1967; 7 ... ltJf6!? t) 8 .ie3
b6 9 't!rc l lLle7?! 1 0 .ih6 .tf6 1 1
lLlbd2 Urzicka-Diaz, Stockholm
1970; 9 .. . .tg4 ;t
a2) 6 ... be 7 d3 (7 c3!?) 7 ... lbf6 8
e5 lbd5 9 ltJbd2 0-0 1 0 lbe4 d6 1 1
c4 lbc7 12 ed ed 13 .ig5 f6
14 .tf4 ;!; Gurgenidze-Taimanov,
Moscow 196 1 .
b) 5 . . . e6 6 c3 ( 6 .txc6!? be 7 d3
lbe7 8 e5 t) 6 ... lbge7 7 d4 cd 8 cd
't!rb6 9 .txc6 be 10 b3 d5, Kuzmin
Kurajica, USSR v Yugoslavia
197 1 ; 1 1 e5! c5 1 2 .t.a 3 .
c) 5 . . . 6 with the following
c l ) 6 lb c3 .txc3 .txc6 .ig7 (7 ...
.txd2 8 .ixd7+ .ixd7 9 't!Vxd2 ;!;)
8 .ta4 lbf6 9 d4 (9 c3!?) 9 ... cd l O
.ib3 d 6 1 1 e5?! ( 1 1 't!Vxd4 =) 1 1 . . .
de 1 2 lLlxe5 0-0 + Cafferty
Kraidman, Italy 1972.
c2) 6 lLla3 ab (6 . . . d6 7 h3 .id7 8 c3

lbf6 9 d4 cd l O cd d5 1 1 ed lbxd5
12 't!Vb3 .ie6 13 l:ixe6?! ( 13 lbg5!
lbc7 14 lbxe6 ;!;:) 13 ... fe 14 lbg5
<,!;>d7 oo Haag-Karaney, Hungary

d) 5 ... lbd4 6 lbxd4 (6 .tc4 d6 7
ltJxd4 cd 8 c3 de 9 de ltJh6 lO
'ii'a4+ .id7 1 1 't!rb3 'ii'b6 12 't!Vxb6
ab 1 3 lLla3 Schweber-Fuentes,
Havana 1978) 6 . . . cd 7 c4 de (7 . . .
e5, 8 . . . lbe7, 9 . . . 0-0 ;!;:) 8 ltJxc3 a 6 9
.ic4 d6 1 0 't!Va4+ f8 1 1 'irb3
Michel-Hotusch, Berlin 1979.
e5 (50)
Having seized control of d4,
Black tries to set up a formation
with ... lbge7, ... 0-0, ... d6 and
later ... f5. By comparison with
5 c3, there is the difference that
White has not weakened d3, so he
can now capture on c6. 6 c3 and
6 b4 are more popular. If White
plays quietly, Black will easily
realize his plans.

White now has a choice between:

B2 1 1 6 .txc6
B2 1 2 6 c3
B213 6 b4
The following moves are less
a) 6 b3?! lbge7 7 .ib2 0-0 8 lbc3 d6

3 . . g6 47

9 .tfl h6 10 lt:ld5 lt:lxd5 1 1 ed liJe7

12 c4 g5 + Ho1mov-Veresov,
Novgorod 196 1 .
b) 6 d 3 lt:lge7 7 lt:lc3 (7 lt:lbd2 0-0 8
lt:lfi d6 9 c3 h6 10 liJe3 f5 1 1 h3
'it>h7 + Biushev-Karasev, Lenin
grad 1968 ) 7 ... 0-0 8 i.c4 d6 9 liJd5
(9 i.g5! h6 1 0 .i.xe7) 9 . . . h6 10 c3
'it>h7 1 1 a3 llJxd5 12 .i.xd5 llJe7 13
.i.a2 f5 14 b4 b6 1 5 be be 16 lib1
i.a6 17 d4 ed 1 8 cd fe ;!: Bisguier
Ta1, Tallinn 197 1 .
c) 6 a3 'i:Jge7 7 d3 (7 b4 b6 8 i.xc6
lt:lxc6 9 b5 llJe7 10 d3 0-0
1 1 a4 d5 + Gurgenidze-Furman,
Moscow 1967) 7 . . . 0-0 8 liJc3 h6 9
.i.c4 <t>h7 10 liJd5 d6 1 1 c3 f5 1 2 ef
( 1 2 b4 f4 13 i.b2 g5 14 be be 1 5 d4
g4 16 llJxe5 llJxe5 1 7 de i.xe5 +
Fuchs-Szi1agyi, Debrecen 1967)
12 ... i.xf5 13 b4 i.e6 14 llJxe7
1!rxe7 1 5 .txe6 'it'xe6 16 be de 17
lile4 llad8 + - Bo1es1avsky
Taimanov, Moscow 1955.
d) 6 llJc3 llJge7 7 lt:ld5 0-0 8 c3 d6 9
d3 liJxd5 1 0 ed liJe7 1 1 i.c4 llJf5
12 a4 liJh4 1 3 liJxh4 1!Yxh4 14 i.e3
f5 + Ho1mov-Gufe1d, Tbilisi

6 i.xc6
Or 6 . . . be 7 c3 (7 d3 'i:Je7 8 llJa3
0-0 9 llJc4 d6 10 a3 i.e6 1 1 b4 cb 12
ab i.xc4 13 de 1Wc7 14 i.e3 t
Go1denov-A1ekseyev, USSR 1963)
and now:
a) 7
1!t'b6?! 8 d4 cd 9 cd ed 10
llJbd2 llJe7 ( lO ... .i.a6 1 1 b3 llJe7

1 2 .ta3 c5 13 e5 - Euwe) 1 1 llJc4

't!rc7 12 i.g5 .ta6 13 l'ii c l llJc8 14
't!rd2 lLlb6?! 15 i.f4 liJxc4 16 lilxc4
d6 1 7 e5! Adorjan-Ve1imirovil:,
Sambor 1972.
b) 7 d6 8 d4 cd 9 cd i.g4 10 de de
1 1 liJbd2 'i:Je7 12 h3 .i.e6 13 liJg5
i.c8 14 liJc4 0-0 15 .i.e3 Hecht
Damjanovil:, Bad Pyrmont 1970.
c) 7 'i:Je7 8 d4 cd 9 cd ed 10 llJxd4
0-0 1 1 llJc3 and now:
i.b7 12 llJb3 d5 13 llJc5
c l ) 11
d4 14 'i:J3a4! ;!: Hecht-Radu1ov,
Raach 1969.
c2) 11
aS 1 2 i.f4 l'ii e8 13 i.d6
'tYb6 14 e5 'ft'xb2 15 llJa4 1!rb7 16
ll b 1 1!ra6 1 7 lt:lb6 t Grtinfeld
Shu1, USSR 1 974.
llb8 12 llb1 ( 1 2 llJb3 d5
c3) 11
13 i.g5 h6 1 4 i.e3 llb7 15 i.d4 de
1 6 i.xg7 'it>xg7 17 llJxe4 1!Yxd1 1 8
lilaxd1 lbd5
USSR 1972) 1 2 ... lib4 13 e5 'ti'b6
14 llJf3 't!rb8 1 5 b3 lile8 16 i.e3 d6
1 7 ed i.xc3 1 8 i.d2! .i.xd2 19
lhe7! i.e6 20 1!Yxd2 Novak
Bubenik, corres 1976.
d3 (51)






48 3 ... g6

a) 7 .ig4 8 llJbd2 llJf6 9 h3 .ixf3
10 't!lxf3 0-0 1 1 c4 li:te8 1 2 a4 b6
1 3 b3 'f!/e7 14 i.b2 lL!d7 Parma
Gheorghiu, Yugoslavia 1 972.
b) 7 f6?! 8 i.e3 b6 9 a4 l2Jh6 10
a5 .ie6 1 1 ab ab 1 2 li:txa8 'tlfxa8 1 3
b4! Tatai-Matulovic, Yugoslavia
c) 7 'f!/c7 8 .ie3 b6 9 a4 lhf6 10
a5 li:tb8 1 1 'tie l lhd7 12 ab ab 1 3
i.h6 0-{) 14 .ixg7 xg7 1 5 l2Jbd2
li:te8 16 lhc4 = Hecht-Adorjan,
Hungary 1 974.
d) 7 't!t"e7 8 lhbd2 (8 a4 b6 9 l2Ja3
.ta6 10 b3 lhf6 1 1 l2Jc4 l2Jd7 1 2
.ib2 ;!; Tatai-Bellon, Palma ' de
Mallorca 197 1 ) 8 ... l2Jh6 and now:
d l) 9 c4 f6 10 b4 .ie6?! ( 1 0 ...
cb!? 1 1 a3 0-0! 12 ab ; 1 1 ... ba? 12
i.xa3 c5 1 3 d4! ed 1 4 e5 ) 1 1 be
i.xc4 1 2 de 't!t"xc5 1 3 'ti"d3 ! 't!t"e7
( 1 3 ... li:td8 14 't!t"b3 "t!fb6 1 5
tlt'xb6 ab 1 6 .ie3 ) 14 a 4 'ti"d7
1 5 "t!fb3 ;!; Adorjan-Mednis, Buda
pest 1978.
d2) 9 a3 f6 10 b4 cb 1 1 ab 0-0 12
.ib2 li:td8 1 3 .ic3 l2Jf7 14 l2Jc4
.ie6 1 5 "ife2 lhd6 16 l2Jxd6 'ti"xd6
1 7 "ife3 oo Jansa-Schneider, Skara
1 980.




lhd6 14 b3 a5 1 5 lhc4 f7 oo
Kremenetsky-Chekhov, Moscow
c) 8 lhbd2 0-0 and now:
c 1) 9 l2Jc4 't!t"c7 10 .i.e3 b6 1 1 a4
.ie6 12 a5 li:tfd8 13 't!i'e2 ;!; Hecht
Ghitescu, Romania 1 97 1 .
c2) 9 a4 b6 1 0 lhc4 .ig4 1 1 h3
i.xf3 1 2 't!t"xf3 "ffc7 13 "irg3 ;!;
Torre-Estevez, Leningrad 1973.


Play can continue along these

a) 9 lhbd2 0-0 10 l2Jc4 f6 1 1 a4 a5
12 l2Jfd2 i.e6 1 3 "ffe2 lhc8
14 li:tfl ;!; Hecht-Matulovic, Yugo
slavia 1 972 .
b) 9 a4 0-0 10 a5 i.e6 1 1 l2Jbd2 h6
12 lhc4 't!lc7 ( 1 2 ... .ixc4 1 3 de
tlt'xd 1 14 li:texd l ) 1 3 1M2 h7
14 't!t"c3 f6?! ( 1 4 ... f5!? oo) 1 5 'ffa 3
"t!fb7 16 b4! Tompa-Kadar,
Hungary 1975.

c3 (52)





a) 8 a4 0-0 9 a5 i.g4 10 h3 .ixf3 1 1

't!t'xf3 'f!/c7 12 .ie3 b6 1 3 l2Jd2
li:tae8 14 't!t"e2 f5 oo Gurgenidze
Sideif-Zade, Rostov-onDon 1976.
b) 8 h3 0-{) 9 .id2 'irc7 10 .ic3 .ie6
1 1 lhbd2 f6 12 lhh2 l2Jc8 13 a4


3 . . . g6 49

a) 7 lD a3 0-0 8 lDc4?! (8 lDc2!? and

9 d4) 8 ... d6 9 d3 h6 10 lDe3 i.e6
1 1 i.c4 d5 2 ed lDxd5 1 3 i.xd5
i.xd5 14 lDg4 i.xf3 15 'f!t'xf3 'it>h7
16 'f!t'h3 h5 17 lDe3 f5 =t= In kiov
Radulov, Bulgaria 1974.
b) 7 b3?! 0-0 8 i.b2 d5 9 ed
1!fxd5 = Vale-Milton, USA 1 977.
c) 7 a3 0-0 8 b4 and now:
c l ) 8 ... cb 9 ab d5 10 d3 1!fc7 1 1
lDbd2 i.e6 1 2 i.b2 :adS
Botvinnik-Veresov, Moscow 1963.
c2) 8 ... d6 9 d3 h6 10 i.e3 b6 1 1 be
de 12 lDbd2 i.e6
Szilagyi, Moscow 1 968.
c3) 8 ... dS 9 d3 a6 10 i.a4 b5 1 1
i.c2 cb 12 cb i.g4 1 3 lbbd2
lDd4 +.
d) 7 d3 0-0 (7 . . . a6 8 i.a4 0-0 9 i.e3
d6 10 1!fd2 b5 1 1 i.c2 Il:b8 1 2 i.h6
Szabo-Ivkov, Havana
1966) and now:
d 1 ) 8 i.e3 d6 9 lDa3 (9 a4 f5 10
i.c4+ 'it>h8 1 1 lDg5 f4 12 i.c 1 d5 1 3
ed lbxd5 14 1!t'f3 1!t'xg5 Golovko
Reshko, USSR 1964) 9 . . . a6 10
i.a4 b5 1 1 i.b3 ll:b8 Urbanec
Gufeld, Moscow 1964.
d2) 8 lDbd2 a6 9 i.a4 b5 10 i.c2
i.b7 ( 1 0 ... 'ire? 1 1 lbfl d5
Simagin-Krogius, USSR 1960) 1 1
a4 d6 Muchnik-Savon, Moscow

Other moves fail to equalise:

a) 9 ... 0-0 10 i.d6 ;:!.
b) 9 ... dS 10 ed 1!fxd5 1 1 i.xc6+ be
12 i.e5 t:.


10 i.fl d6 1 1 lDbd2 0-0 12 h3 h6

1 3 lbc4 d5 14 ed lbxd5 1 5 i.d6
Il:e8 1 6 Il:xe8+ \Wxe8 1 7 i.c5 =
Castro-Geller, Biel 197 6.


White has a sufficient initiative

for the pawn. A possible attack
ing plan is 1 1 lDg5 0-0 12 1!fb3
d5 1 3 ed lba5 14 d6 lDd5 ! 1 5
i.xd5 ( 1 5 1!10 lDxf4 16 i.xf7+
ll:xf7 1 7 lbxfl 'f!t'f6 =t= Vasyukov
Radulov, Varna 197 1 ) 1 5 ... lbxb3
1 6 ab i.e6?! ( 1 6 . . . i.f6!?; 16 ...
\Wf6!?) 1 7 lDxe6 fe 18 i.xe6+ 'it>h8
19 i.g3, Seret-Giffard, France
B 213

b4 (53)





8 ... lDxd4!? 9 lbxd4 ed 10 i.f4

lbc6 eo.
9 i.f4

A distant relative of the Sicilian

Gambit. Exploiting his advantage
in development (one pawn move

50 3 .. g6

against three) and the weakness of

the squares along the d-file, White
immediately initiates action on
the queenside.
B21 3 1 6 . . . cb
B21 32 6 . . . ll:lxb4
6 ... d6? 7 be de 8 .txc6+ .


7 i.b2 li:Jge7 8 a3 ba?! (8 ... 0-0!?

9 ab d6 oo) 9 li:Jxa3 0-0 10 ltlc4
Maliutin-Germlin, USSR 1970.
a) 7 . . ba?! 8 .txa3 (also possible is
8 li:Jxa3 li:Jge7 9 ltlc4 0-0 10 ll:ld6
'9JJ/c7 1 1 .ta3 a6 12 .tfl b5 13 c3 h6
14 i.c5 :S:b8 15 'tWc l .tb7
12 't!ra3 Schweber-Mecking,
Mar del Plata 197 1) 8 ... li:Jge7 (8 ...
d6 9 d4 ) 9 .i.d6 0-0 1 0 li:Jc3 liie 8
1 1 .tc4 a6 12 'W'b l .tf6 1 3
't!ra2 Kapengut-Paoli, Kecs
kemet 1972.
b) 7 .. b3 8 cb li:Jge7 9 i.b2 0-0 and
b 1 ) 10 li:Jc3 d6 1 1 h3 h6 1 2 .tc4
ct>h7 13 d4 ltlxd4 14 ll:lxd4 ed
15 ltlb5 ! Menville-Polugayevsky,
Las Palmas 1974.
b2) 10 .tc4 d6 1 1 b4 i.g4 12 h3
.txf3 13 't!rxf3 li:Jd4 14 .txd4 ed 1 5
d3 ! Cuartas-Szilagyi, Berne 1976.

9 .tb2
a) 9 .ta3 a6 (9 . . . litb8!? 10 c4 d6 1 1

h3 a6 1 2 .ta4 b5 1 3 cb,ab 14 i.b3

Castro-Liberzon, Nice 01

1974) 10 .tfl and now:

a l ) 10
bS 1 1 c4 litb8 1 2 cb ab
13 li:Jc3 = atalimov-Peterson,
Leningrad 1969.
a2) 10 ... d6 1 1 b5 ab 12 .txb5 h6
13 d3 ct>h7 14 ll:lbd2 f5 1 5 li:Jc4 lU6
16 h3 g5 oo Mestel-Radulov,
Hastings 1973.
b) 9 c3 d5 10 d3 .i.e6 1 1 ltlbd2
a6 12 .ta4 h6 1 3 i.b3 '9JJ/c 7
Lutikov-Peterson, USSR 1974.




10 ... be?! 1 1 d4 f6 1 2 c4! i.e6 1 3

c5 de 14 be Barle-Radulov,
Bucharest 1976.



a) 11 ... li:Je7 12 d4 !.
b) 1 1 ... 't!rb6 12 ll:la3 ll:la5 13 .tc3
1Wc7 14 i.b4 lld8 15 d3 d5
16 'it'd2 ! Timoshenko-Arseniyev,
USSR 1972.



Play may continue: 13 ... 1Wb6
( 1 3 ... .id7 14 li:Ja3 a6?! 1 5 .txd4
ab 16 :S:xa8 '9JJ/xa8 1 7 .txg7 ct>xg7
1 8 '9JJ/a l + ct>g8 19 c3 Alexandria
Shul, Riga 1974) 14 ltla3 i.d7
( 1 4 . . . d3 1 5 .txg7 ct>xg7 1 6 cd
Krabhe-van der Wiel, Amsterdam
197 1 ) 1 5 1Wa 1 .txb5 16 i.xd4 ( 1 6
litb4!? a6 17 .txd4 .txd4 18 1!Yxd4
1Wxd4 19 :S:xd4 :S:fd8 20 litb 1 )
16 ... .i.xd4 1 7 litxd4 :;!; Bokuchava
Roizman, USSR 1 974.

li:Jxb4 (54)

3 0 0 0 g6 51

Agdamus, Buenos Aires 197 1 .

c2) 1 0 lt:\xd4 1 1 ltJxd4 ed 1 2 i.a3
0-0 1 3 ltJd2 lle8 1 4 i.c4! lt:\c6 1 5
.i.d6 ltJxe5 1 6 i.d5 ! Oszvath
Serensen, Hungary 19780




7 (55)
Or 7 c3 (along the lines of the
Evans gambit) 7
lt:\e6 8 d4 and
a) 8 d6? 9 de de 10 i.xe6+ be 1 1
"t!rxd8+ 'i!?xd8 1 2 i.e3 o
b) 8
cd 9 ed and now:
b 1) 9
ed 10 lt:lbd2 ( 1 0 e5! ;\;)
10 0 0 0 lt:\ge7 1 1 ltJe4 0-0 12 ltJd6
a6? ( 1 2 000 "tlre7 13 i.f4 lt:\e5)
13 .i.e4 Bisguier-Kagan, USA
197 1 0
b2) 9 ltJxd4 1 0 lt:\xd4 ed 1 1 ltJd2
lt:\e7 12 .i.a3 0-0 1 3 i.d6
Ciocaltea-Fridensson, Reykjavik
c) 8 ed 9 e5 &i:Jge7 10 cd and now:
cd 1 1 i.a3 0-0 1 2 ltJbd2
c l ) 10
( 1 2 i.d6 a6 1 3 i.c4 b5 1 4 i.b3
lt:\a5 1 5 lt:\bd2 i.b7 16 llcl lt:\xb3
17 "t!t'xb3 i.c6 1 8 lt:\e4 :t Guseinov
Pigusov, Leningrad 1977) 12 000
'ti'a5 ( 1 2 a6 1 3 i.d3 b5 14 i.d6
lle8 1 5 a4 i.b7 oo Siguronsson
Kroon, Nice 01 1 974) 1 3 1Wb3 a6
14 i.xc6 &i:Jxc6 1 5 &i:Je4! 1!t'c3 1 6
lDb6 llb8 1 7 i.d6 Rubinetti000







0 0 0

a) 7
a6 8 a3 ab 9 ab llxa1
10 i.xa 1 and now:
a 1 ) 10
d6 1 1 be lt:\e7 12 d4?!
( 1 2 ltJa3 b4 1 3 cd ba 14 de 1Wxe7 1 5
i.e3 0-0 16 'ti'b l Kapengut)
12 0 0 0 de 13 de t!t'xd 1 14 llxd 1
lt:\c6, Kapengut-Zaltsman, USSR
1973; 15 ltJc3 b4 16 ltJd5 to
a2) 10
cb 1 1 i.xe5 i.xe5 1 2
lt:\xe5 lt:\e7 1 3 d 4 0-0 14 d5 d 6 1 5
ltJd3 f5 1 6 ltJxb4 ( 1 6 f3 fe 17 fe g5
18 lt:\xb4 t!t'b6+ 19 h 1 lt:\g6,
Alexandria-Borisenko, Gori 1969)
16 0 0 0 fe 1 7 llxe4 g5 18 ltJc3 lt:lg6 19
\!t'd4 :t
USSR 19750
b) 7 "it'e7 8 lt:lc3 f6 9 a3 lt:\c6 10
lt:ld5 "it'd6 1 1 d4 ed 12 c3 ! t
Bokucheva-Kurehenkov, USSR
c) 7 \!fb6 8 lt:la3 a6 9 i.fl d6 io
lt:\e4 "tlrc7 1 1 c3 lt:\e6 12 d4 b5 13





52 3 . . . g6

e3 lbge7 1 4 d5 't!Vb7 1 5 de de
1 6 a4! ;t Gurgenidze-Katalymov,
Tallinn 1 968.
d) 7 ... 1!fc7 when White has two
good lines:
d l) 8 lbc3 lbe7 9 lbd5 (9 a3 lbbe6
10 lbd5 't!Vb8 1 1 e3 0-0 1 2 d4 d6 =
B.Shashin) 9 ... lDbxd5 1 0 ed f6?
( 1 0 ... a6!?) 1 1 d4 ed 1 2 xd4 0-0
13 i.a3 Andreyev-Korneyev,
USSR 1975.
d2) 8 c3 c6 9 d4 d6 10 d5 ( 1 0 de
de 1 1 1td5 tDe7 1 2 1xc5 0-0 1 3
lDbd2 i.h6 1 4 lDc4 t Sarbai
Veremeichik, USSR 1 972) 1 0 ... a6
1 1 lba3 e7 12 de ab 1 3 cb ( 1 3
lbxb5 1xc6 14 c4 tDf6 1 5 a4 l:i:e8
16 'it'd3 oo Cortez-Lakernik,
Amsterdam 1 977) 1 3 ... 1!rxb7 1 4
c4 b4?! ( 1 4 ... be oo ) 1 5 lbb5 't!Vb8
16 a3! Alexandria-Schul,
Kislovodsk 1974.
lDf6 (56)


6 c3
This brings the d5 square
solidly under control, but the
knight on c3 makes it more
difficult to create the usual pawn
centre. That's the drawback of
this line.


Not 6 ... lDd4?! 7 e5 tDg8 8 d3

lDxb5 9 lDxb5 a6 10 lDd6+! ed
(10 . . . f8 ) 1 1 i.g5 't!Va5 12 ed+
f8 13 l:i:e8+! xe8 14 We2+ 'it>f8
1 5 i.e7+ e8 1 6 i.d8+! xd8
17 lDg5 1 -0 - Rossolimo
Romanenko, Salzburg 1948.
a) 7 .txc6 be (7 ... de!? 8 d3 e8
intending tDc7-e6-d4) 8 h3 d6 9 e5
lDd7 (9 ... lDd5 10 ed ed 1 1 lDxd5
cd 12 d4 ;!;) 10 ed ed 1 1 d3 llb8! 1 2
i.g5 f6 1 3 i.f4 lbe5 = Hecht
Spassky, Dortmund 1973.
b) 7 d3 lbd4 8 lt:\xd4 cd 9 lDe2 d5
10 ed lDxd5 1 1 i.c4 i.e6 = Bley
Pavlov USSR 1973.



8 d3 lDd4 9 i.e4 d6 1 0 i.g5?!
(10 ed!?) 10 ... i.g4 1 1 lDd5 i.xf3
1 2 gf 1!rd7 13 e3 lDe6 14 i.xe7
de =F Roentalis-Toriya, Leningrad
822 1 6 tDc3
8222 6 e5
8223 6 c3

8 ... be 9 d4 (9 d3 f6 1 0 1!re2 fe 1 1
lDxe5 d6 1 2 lbg4 lDf5 = Liebert
Spassky, Sochi 1967) 9 . cd 1 0
1!rxd4 d 6 ( 1 0 . . . e7 1 1 t!th4 f6 1 2

3 ... g6 53

't!fe4+ WhS 1 3 ef ef 14 i.f4 ll:le6 1 5

i.d6 liteS 1 6 li:ld4 ;t Botterill
Bumett, England 1976) 1 1 1!t'h4 de
12 ll:lxe5 1!t'e7 13 ll:ld3 ( 1 3 i.f4?!
g5 ! 14 1!t'xg5 f6 +) 13 . . . i.f6 14
i.g5 i.f5 1 5 ll:le4 ;t Siguronsson
Be1yavsky, Hastings 1975.


eS (57)


Or 9 li:le4 b6 1 0 h3 li:le7 1 1 d3
li:le6 1 2 a4 a5 and now:
a) 13 ll:legS 't!re7 ( 1 3 ... ll:ld4 14
ll:lxd4 ed' 1 5 'it'f3 t) 14 li:lxe6 .ixe6
1 5 .if4 h6 16 'it'd2 Wh7 17 'it'e3 t
Botterill-Bomgasser, Ostend 1975.
b) 13 .id2 f5 14 ef ef 1 5 'tfcl
lla7 Castro-Femandes, Orense


'ffd 5 1 4 e4 ll:lxf3+ 1 5 'tWxf3 'tfd8

16 lilad1 !.


10 b3 ll:le6 1 1 i.b2 ll:ld4 ( 1 1 ...

'ffe7 1 2 ll:le4 a5 1 3 a4 h6 14 d3 lidS
15 ll:leg5 li:lf8 16 'tfd2 oo Zhidkov
Werner, USSR 1 975) 1 2 li:le4 b6 1 3
d 3 i.f5 14 ll:lg3 .ie6 1 5 e4! i
Panno-Szmetan, Bogota 1 977.
10 ... b6 1 1 i.f4 ll:le6 1 2 'tfd2
ll:ld4 1 3 ll:lh2 i.f5 14 lilad 1 'it'd7 1 5
ll:le4 liadS oo Castro-Robatseh,
Rome 1 980.
1 1 a4 b6 12 a5 litb8 .13 ll:le4 'it'e7
14 ll:leg5 h6 1 5 li:lxe6 i.e6 1 6 .if4
Wh7 17 b3 lilfd8 1 8 lile2 t Ubilava
Raksin, USSR 1 976.
USSR 1978: 1 2 ll:leg5 ll:ld4 13 i.f4

6 ... ll:lg4 7 i.xe6 (7 d4!? ed 8
.tf4 0-0? 9 h3 ll:lh6 10 'tlfd2 ll:lf5
1 1 g4 : Faibisovieh-Kupreiehik,
USSR 1969; 8 . . . f6 oo) 7 . . . de 8 b3
(8 h3 ll:lh6 9 ll:le3 b6? 10 d4
Holmov-Keres, Tbilisi 1959; 9 ...
0-0 oo) 8 ... 0-0 9 i.b2 ll:lh6 10 h3
(10 d3!? i.g4 1 1 li:lbd2 ll:lf5 1 2 lie4
Boleslavsky) 10 . . . li:lf5 1 1 d3
li:ld4 12 ll:lbd2 h6, Sazonov
Moehalov, USSR 1974; 1 3 ll:le4!
b6 1 4 li:lg3 intending 1 5 lile4.
7 li:lc3
a) 7 d3 0-0 8 .ig5 ll:le7 9 i.xe6 be
(9 . . . de 10 h3 and ll:ld2-e4 !) 1 0
ll:le3 ll:le6 1 1 i.h4 f5 1 2 ll:lg5 ;!;
Kapengut-Roizman, Minsk 197 1 .
b ) 7 b 3 0-0 ( 7 .. li:le7 8 .txc6 de 9
h3 0-0 1 0 i.b2 ll:le6 1 1 d3 b6 1 2
ll:lbd2 'it'd5 1 3 lile4 f5 14 ef ef 1 5
'fff l i.d7 16 liae 1 liae8 oo
Makariehev-Gofstein, Moscow

54 3 ... g6
1976) 8 .i.b2 and now:
llJeg5 h6 1 3 li:lxe6 .i.xe6 14 1!t'e2
b1) 8
li:Jf4 9 .i.xe6 de 10 h3 i.f5 'tlfd5 15 b3 ro Arapovic-Osmanovic,
1 1 llJe3 1!rct7 1 2 llJe2 llJxe2+ 1 3 Sarajevo 1 972.
1!rxe2 a5 ( 1 3 . . . .i.xe2 1 4 d4 ;!;) 1 4 d3
a4 1 5 llJg5 ro Kapengut-Mochalov,
Minsk 1976.
10 ... h6 1 1 i.e3 b6 1 2 1!fd2 i.b7
b2) 8 ... li:Je7 9 .i.xe6 de 10 d3 f5!? 13 a4 a5 14 h4 1!t'e7 1 5 .tf4 0-0-0
(10 ... .i.g4 l l llJbd2 llJe6 12 h3 16 .tg3 .ta6 17 llad 1 ;!; Biyiasas
.i.xf3 13 llJxf3 't!ld5 14 l::l e4 ;!; Kagan, Petropolis IZ 1973.
1 1 i.e3
Kaiszauri-Damjanovic, Vilnius
1978) 1 1 ef ef 1 2 li:Jbd2 b6 ( 1 2 . . .
l l ... li:ld4!? 12 ll:Jxe5 li:lxf3+ 13
.i.e6?! 13 .i.a3 ! b6 14 d4 ;!;) l 3 a4 a5 1!t'xf3 .i.xe5 oo Erek-Baumbach,
14 llJe4 li:Jd5 1 5 d4 1Ia7 1 6 de be 17 eorres 1974.
llJfd2 llJb4 1 8 li:Je4 ro Kengis
12 1!fd2
Peshina, Vilnius 1979.
a) 13 .i.xd4 ed 14 h3 c5 1 5 1!t'f4
Polovodi-Hasin, USSR
7 ... llJxe3 8 de 0-0 9 1lrd5! b6!? 1976.
(9 ... 't!rb6 10 a4 threatening b) 13 li:lxd4 ed 14 .th6 e5 1 5 'i!Yf4
l l .i.e3) 10 .i.xc6?! ( 1 0 i.g5!? ;!;) .i.b7 16 1Wh4 f6 ro Steinbaeher
10 ... de 1 1 1Wxe6 .i.f5 12 't!la4 1Wd5, Oltra, Bada1ona 1979.
Bisguier-Lombardy, USA 1 975.
8 .i.xe6
0-0 (58)
8 .i.c4 0-0 9 d3 a6 10 a4 1Ib8 l l a) 6 ... 'irb6?! 7 .i.xe6 1!rxc6 8 d4 ed
.i.f4 b5 12 ab ab 1 3 .i.b3 llJe6 14 9 ed li:lxe4? 10 d5 1Wc4 1 1 lLla3
.i.g3 llJed4 + Pav1enko-Shakarov, Euwe.
Baku 1975.
b) 6 ... a6?! 7 .txe6 is good for
White, e.g:
8 ... be 9 d4 ed 1 0 1!1xd4 d5 1 1 b 1) 7 .. be 8 e5 lt:\d5 9 d4 cd 10 e4
't!th4 llJe6 1 2 .ih6 .txh6 1 3 'i!Yxh6 li:lc7 1 1 llJxd4 e5 12 li:lb3 llJe6 1 3
1!rb6 14 b3 't!lb4 1 5 ll:Je2 c5 1 6 lLle3 .i.b7 14 lLld5 d6 1 5 ll:Jf4 0-0 16
llad l .i.b7 17 lt:\g5 llJxg5 li:lxe6 fe 17 'i!Yg4 llf5 1 8 .i.f4 ;!;
18 1!t'xg5 ;!; Lukin-Sveshnikov, Gurgenidze-Stein, USSR 1974.
Chelyabinsk 1975.
b2) 7 ... de 8 h3 0-0 9 d4 ed 10 cd
9 llJe4
c5?! ( 10 ... .i.e6!? 1 1 lLlg5 1!rd7 1 2
a) 9 d3 .tg4 10 h3 .i.xf3 1 1 1!fxf3 li:lc3 llad8 ;!; ) 1 1 e 5 li:ld5 1 2 dc llJb4
llJe6 ro Vasyukov-Tukmakov,
13 llJc3! ( 1 3 1We2 .i.f5! 14 lld1
Kishinev 1 975.
.i.d3 15 1!Ve3 lt:\e2 1 6 't!kxd3 1!t'xd3
b) 9 h3 0-0 1 0 d3 llJe6 1 1 llJe4 b6 12 17 lilxd3 llfd8 + Gheorghiu-Ree,

3 .. . g6 55

Las Palmas 1973) 1 3 ... i.f5 14

l0d4 ltld3 1 5 ltlxf5 gf.( 1 5 ... ltlxe 1
16 l0h6+ ) 1 6 lle2 .li:lxe5 1 7 i.g5
't!Vxd l + 1 8 llxd 1 Hiibner
Adorjan, Bad Lauterberg 1980.

'flc7 1 3 d4 ;!; Akhmilovskaya

loseliani, Moscow 1979; 1 1 ...
e5!? =.
d) 7 e5 l0e8 8 d4 cd 9 cd d6
10 .tg5 ;!; - Kupper-Nivergelt,
Zurich 1 959; 7 . . . ltld5! =.


B223 1 7 h3
B2232 7 d4
a) 7 l0a3 d6 8 h3 i.d7 9 d3 a6 (9 ...
d5?! 10 i.g5 a6 1 1 i.xc6 i.xc6 12
e5 tOeS 1 3 d4 h6 14 i.f4
Simagin-Csom, Salgotarane 1967)
10 .ta4 b5 1 1 .tc2 e6 1 2 .te3 b4 1 3
l0c4 be 14 b e 't!Vc7 1 5 i.f4 l0e8 1 6
't!Vd2 ltla5 = Damjanovic-Simagin,
Salgotarane 1 967..
b) 7 a3?! a6 8 .tfl e5 9 d3 d5 1 0
ltlbd2 d4 1 1 cd cd 1 2 b4 l0e8 13 a4
l0d6 1 4 i.a3 lle8 1 5 't!Vb1 .tf8 =
Vasyukov-Balashov, Baku 1972;
15 ... b5 +.
c) 7 d3 and now:
c l ) 7 a6 8 .txc6 de 9 .te3 c4!? 10
e5 l0d5 1 1 .tg5 cd 12 tFxd3 h6 1 3
i.h4 't!Vb 6 = Jarca-Barbu, Bucharest
c2) 7 ... tOeS 8 l0bd2 ltlc7 9 .txc6
de 10 l0b3 b6 1 1 h3 ltle6 1 2 't!t'c2

h3 (59)

Black does not have a useful

move here, so White defers d4
until a more appropriate moment.
a) 7 ... d5?! 8 eS ltle8 9 d4 cd 10 cd
i.d7 1 1 ltlc3 ltlc7 1 2 .tfl liteS 1 3
.te3 a6 1 4 llcl Jansa-Lanc,
Czechoslovakia 1974.
b) 7 ... h6 8 d4 cd 9 cd d5 10 e5 ltle4
1 1 l0c3 t0xc3 1 2 be .te6 13 '@a4
l0a5 1 4 .ta3 a6 1 5 .td3 b5
16 'i!rb4 ;!; Dizdar-Vujakovic,
Yugoslavia 1 980.
c) 7 ... 't!Vc7 8 d4 (8 l0a3 ?! a6 9 .tfl
e5 10 d4 d6 1 1 ltlc4 b5 12 l0e3 ed
13 cd ltlxd4 14 l0xd4 cd 1 5 't!t'xd4
.tb7 + Ciocaltea-Niamciu, Rom
ania 1 969; 9 .txc6!? =) 8 ... cd and
c l ) 9 cd d5 1 0 e5 l0e4 1 1 l0c3 l0xc3

56 3 . g6

12 be ltJa5 ( 1 2 ... i.d7?! 1 3 a4

l:tac8 14 i.a3 lilfd8 15 'it'c 1 ::t Kim
Shabanov, Krasnodar 1978) 1 3
i.a3 i.d7 1 4 i.xd7 't!t'xd7 1 5 't!t'd3
lt:lc4 ::t Haag-Matu1ovic, Birming
ham 1975.
c2) 9 i.xc6 "t!t'xc6 1 0 e5 lt:ld5 1 1
lt:lxd4 "t!t'a6 1 2 "t!t'b3 lt:lc7 13 i.g5
l:te8 1 4 lt:ld2 ::t Tseitlin-Matulovic,
Krasevac 1974.
d) 7
'it'b6 and now:
d 1 ) 8 i.a4 (8 lt:la3 d5 9 d3 l:td8 10
'it'e2 d4? 1 1 i.xc6 be 1 2 cd cd 13
lt:lc4 Karpov-Lysenko, Riga
1976; 9 . . . e6 oo) 8 . . . d6 9 d4 cd 10
cd lt:ld7 1 1 lt:lc3! ;1:: Adorjan
Spassov, Varna 1972.
d2) 8 i.O (8 a4!?) 8 ... e5 (8 ... d6 9
ltJa3 e5 10 ltJc4 "t!fe7 1 1 d4 ;1::
Gufeld-Klovksy, Moscow 1966)
9 d4 ed 10 e5 ltJe8 1 1 cd cd 1 2 lt:la3
d6 1 3 lt:lc4 'fi'c5 14 b4 ( 14 .tf4!?)
15 ... 'fi'd5 15 i.f4 oo Garcia
Polugayevsky, Sochi 1974.
e) 7 ... lt:le8 8 d4 ed 9 cd lt:lc7 (9 ...
1i'b6 10 i.xe6 de 1 1 lt:lc3 ::t ) when
White has two ways to gain an
e 1 ) 10 i.a4 d5 1 1 i.xc6 be 1 2 e5
lt:le6 13 lt:le3 .tb7?! 14 lt:la4!
Cioealtea-Tratanovic, Romania
1977; 1 3 . . . f6! 00 .
e2) 10 .tn d5 1 1 e5 lt:le6 ( 1 1 . . . a5?!
12 lt:lc3 b6 13 i.e3 .ta6 14 i.xa6
llxa6 15 l:tc l b5 16 't!t'e2 ::t
Dvoretsky-Novikov, USSR 1973)
12 lt:lc3 f6 13 ef ef 14 b3 (14 i.b5
f5?! 15 i.xe6 be 16 ltJa4 f4 17 b3

Hug-Kosu1ieh, Switzerland 1974)

14 ... f5 1 5 .i.a3 lle8 16 lile 1
Ciocaltea-Ghitescu, Bucharest 1966.
f) 7
eS and now:
fl) 8 d4 (8 d3 d6 9 a3 i.d7 10 i.a4
h6 1 1 b4 cb 1 2 ab a6 13 lt:lbd2 b5
14 .i.c2 a5 1 5 ba llxa5
Vasyukov-Razuvayev, USSR 1972)
8 ... ed 9 ed ltJxd4 1 0 ltJxd4 ed 1 1
e5 ltJe8 1 2 "t!fxd4 d6 1 3 ltJe3 i.f5 14
i.f4 de 1 5 'fi'xd8 llxd8 16 i.xe5 oo
Kim-Kakarychev, USSR 1978.
f2) 8 .txc6?! de (8 ... be 9 d4! )
9 lt:lxe5 (9 d4? cd 10 ed ed 1 1 e5
lt:ld7 +) 9 .. . l:te8 10 f4 lt:lxe4 1 1
l:txe4 f6 1 2 'fi'b3+ i.e6 13 lt:lc4
i.d5! =F Weingold-Kapengut,
Minsk 1975.
f3) 8 ltJ a3 d6 9 .i.xc6 be 10 d3 a5 1 1
i.e3 a4 1 2 1!fc2 lle8 1 3 llad 1 i.e6
1 4 "t!fb1 "t!t'b8! 15 d4!?ed 1 6 cd d5 ! =F
Hiibner-Adorjan, Bad Lauterberg
a6 (60)



Or 8 i.fl and now:

a) 8
bS?! 9 a4 h4 10 d3 d6 1 1

3 ... g6 57

lLlbd2 lll d7 12 eb lll xb4 1 3 a5 .tb7

1 4 lLle4 .te6 1 5 .i.d2 .tb5 1 6 d4
Karpov-Kogan, Leningrad 1969.
b) 8 ... d6 9 d4 ed (9 ... e5?! 10 d5
llle7 1 1 a4 b6 1 2 lLla3 lLl e8 1 3 llle4
h6 14 b4 .td7 1 5 a5! b5 16 lll b6
Gurgenidze-Velimirovic, Batumi
1966) 10 ed e5 1 1 lLle3 lle8 (1 1 ...
b5 1 2 a3 .tb7 13 .tg5 h6 14 .te3
liteS 1 5 d5 llla 5?! 1 6 llld 2 lll d7
17 a4 Nezhmetdinov-Radulov,
Varna 1 967) 1 2 d5 lll d4 1 3 .te3
lllxf3+ 1 4 ti'xf3 lLld7 1 5 a4
Hiibner-Soltis, Ybbs 1968.
e) 8 ... d5!? 9 e5 lLle8 10 d4 e4 1 1 b3
b5 1 2 a4 .td7 1 3 ab ab 1 4 llxa8
ti'xa8 15 b4 lll c7
Seredenko, Pskov 1 980.
d) 8 ... e5!? 9 d4 ed (9 ... ed 10 ed d5
1 1 e5 lll e4 12 de .te6 13 lll a3
Vrnjaeka Banja 1 9 7 1 ) 10 ed ed 1 1
lll xd4 lle8 1 2 lLlxe6 de 13 1!kxd8
litxd8 1 4 llle 3 .te6 + Dvoretsky
Averbakh, USSR 1972.
Or 8 . . . be 9 d4 (9 d3 d6 1 0 e5
lild5 1 1 ti'a4 "f!Je7 = Hort-Ribli,
Wijk aan Zee 1973) 9 ... ed 10 ed
d5 ( 10 . . . d6?! 1 1 lLle3 lLld7 12 .te3
lilb6 1 3 ti'c l a5 14 .th6 .tb7 15
llle2 e5 16 de lle8 1 7 .txg7 ct>xg7
1 8 b4! Parma-Kunstowiez,
Bath 1 973) 1 1 e5 lLle4 12 lll bd2
( 1 2 lll e 3!? lLlxe3 1 3 be e5?! 1 4 de
'it'a5 1 4 ti'b3 .tf5 1 5 .ta3 llfb8 16
.tb4 'it'b5 17 ti'a3 e6 1 8 lll d 2
Makariehev) 1 2 . . . e5 ( 1 2 ... lll xd2

) 13 de lll xe5 14 lLlb3 lll xb3 1 5

"f!Jxb3 .te6 16 lll d4 1Wa5 ( 1 6 ...
llb8 1 7 1!t'd3 't!fb6 18 .tg5 llfe8
19 b3 ) with the following
a) 1 7 .tg5 litab8 18 "f!ig3 litxb2 19
llle6 1Wa4 20 lll xe7+ ct>h8 2 1 ti'f3
'i!lb4 (21 ... 'ikd7 22 .tf6 lle8 23
ti'f4! llxe7 24 1!Vh6) 22 .tf6 h6
23 a3 Makariehev-Hofmaehtieh,
USSR 1973.
b) 17 ti'e3 llae8 1 8 .td2 "'!fa4
19 .tc3 Cioealtea-Petursson,
Buenos Aires 1978.

cd (61)


a) 10 ... lll e 8?! 1 1 lll c3 lild6 1 2

.i.g5 lle8 1 3 'tlfb3 lll b 5 14 d5! ::t

Botterill-Kunstowiez, Bath 1973.

b) 10 ... llld7 1 1 lll e3 0 1 .tg5 e5 12
llle3 ed 13 lll xd4 h6 14 .te3 lll e5
15 'ikb3 b5 1 6 a4! ::t Dvoretsky
Averbakh, USSR 1972) 1 1 . . . e5
(1 1 ... c5 12 .te3 ed 13 .txd4 ::t)
12 .te3 ( 12 d5 ed 13 lll xd5 lll b6 )
12 ... ed 1 3 .txd4 t Dvoretsky
Ermenkov, Vrnjacka Banja 1973.

58 3 ... g6

d4 (62)


llJe6 oo Roz1apa-Boitsova, Riga

1 980.
b) 10 h3 lLlc7 ( 1 0 . . . t!Jb6?! 1 1 llJc3
lLlc7 1 2 .tfl a6 13 b3 lld8 14 llJa4
t!ia7 1 5 .ta3 llJe6 1 6 llc1 ;!; Minev
Pietrusia, Halle 1967) 1 1 .txc6
( 1 1 .ta4 b5 1 2 .tb3 b4?! 1 3 lLlbd2
.ta6 Przewoznik-Belchik, Kato
wice 1976) 1 1 ... be 12 llJc3 llJe6 1 3
.te3 f6 14 ef e f 1 5 t!icl Fuchs
Csom, Zinnowitz 1 967.

7 . . . t!t'b6 8 .txc6 be 9 e5 lLld5 1 0
de 't!rxc5 1 1 lLl bd2 f5 1 2 't!ra4 e 6 1 3
lLlb3 t!ie7 14 .tg5 Gurgenidze
Suetin, Tbi1isi 1 967.
a6 9 .txc6 (9 .td3 d5 1 0 e5

a) 8
e4 1 1 lLlc3 .tg4 1 2 lLlxe4 .txf3
1 3 t!ixf3 llJ xd4 1 4 t!Jg4 de 1 5
'it'xe4 Hort-Timman, Nice 01
1974) 9 ... de (9 ... be 10 lLlc3 d6 1 1
h3 ;!;) 10 h3 lLld7 1 1 lLlc3 ( 1 1 .te3!?
b5 12 'ifc 1 .tb7 13 .th6 llc8 14 b4
e6 1 5 .txg7 xg7 1 6 lLlbd2! ;!;)
1 1 . . . b5 1 2 .tg5 h6 1 3 .te3 .tb7 oo
Sax-Gesos, Hungary 1975.
b) 8 d6?! 9 h3 .td7 10 lLlc3 a6 1 1
.txc6 .txc6 12 d5 ;!; Wittman
Damjanovic, Yugoslavia 1979.
Or 9 . . . lLle8 and now:
a) 10 lLlc3 llJc7 1 1 .txc6 ( 1 1 .tfl
.tg4 12 h3 .txf3 13 gf e6 +) 1 1 ...
be 12 llJa4 f6 1 3 t!ic2 ( 13 h3 !? fe 14
llJxe5) 13 . . . .tg4 1 4 lLld2 fe 15 de



a) 10 h3 f6 1 1 ef ef 12 lLlc3 f5 1 3
.tf4 .te6 1 4 .txc6 be 1 5 't!rc 1 ;!;
Andersson-Oszvath, Debrecen 1970.
b) 10 .txc6 be 1 1 lLlbd2 ( 1 1 lLlc3
lLlxc3 12 be 'it'a5! 13 1Vb3 .tg4 14
Benko-Stein, Havana
1 966) 1 1 ... c5! ( 1 1 ... .tf5?! 1 2
lLlb3 a S 1 3 a4 f6 1 4 ef ef
1 5 llJfd2 ;!; Korsunsky-Sturua,
Baku 1 978) 1 2 de ( 1 2 llJxe4 de 1 3
llxe4 .tb7 14 llh4?! cd 1 5 .th6
.txh6 1 6 llxh6 f6! + Titov
Kovalev, Moscow 1978) 1 2 ...
lLlxc5 1 3 llJb3 llJxb3 1 4 't!rxb3 .tg4
1 5 lLld4 'ti'd7 1 6 .tg5 llfc8
Gusev-Meshkov 1980.



10 ... .tf5!? 1 1 lLlh4 (1 1 lLlg5

llJxc3 12 be 't!ra5 13 .txc6 be 14
li[e3 llab8 1 5 a4 .th6! +
Greenberg-Tvordon, Nice 01 1974)
1 1 ... .td7 1 2 .id3 ( 1 2 .tfl ?! l'i:Jxc3
13 be llJa5 14 .tg5 f6 15 ef ef 16
.td2 llJc4 + Levchenkov-Lanka,
USSR 1 978) 12 . . . f5 1 3 llJf3 ( 1 3 ef
.txf6 14 llJxe4 de 1 5 llxe4 e5 oo

3 . . . g6 59

Balashov-Kupreichik, Moscow
1967) 1 3 . . . e6 14 h4 h6 1S lDe2 t
Levchenkov-K1ovan, Riga 19SO.

be (63)

Torre-Gheorghiu, Nice 1972) 1 7

ef lixf6 1 8 lixf6 i.xf6 19 'it'g4
lid8 20 't!Vg3 oo Barczay-Liptay,
Hungary 1 974.
d) 11
lha5 and now:
d 1 ) 12 .ta3 i.d7 ( 1 2 ... lDc4 1 3
.txc4 de 14 d S .trs IS d 6 e d 1 6
.txd6 lie8 1 7 WdS - B.Shashin)
1 3 i.d3 lic8 14 e6 fe 16 lOgS lif6
16 lie3 oo Barendregt-Damjanovic,
Amsterdam 1 969.
d2) 12 a4 ..trs 1 3 i.a3 a6 14 i.d3
J..g4 1 5 libl lieS 16 i.c5 lic6 17
c4!? lhxc4 1 S lixb7 Hug-Hort,
Las Palmas 1973.
d3) 12 't!Va4 a6 13 .tfl i.g4 1 4 lDd2
lieS 1 5 lhb3 lhxb3 1 6 1!fxb3 'flc7
1 7 J..d 2 lifdS 1S liab 1 lid7 oo
Sax-Janoevic, Italy 1 974.
d4) 12 h3 i.d7 1 3 i.xd7 't!t'xd7 14
lOgS f6 ( 1 4 ... e6!?) 1 S e6 1!fc7 1 6
lDf7 't!Yxc3 17 i.d2 'it'c7 1 S 'flf3
lDc4 19 i.f4 Tseit1in-Lerner,
USSR 1974.
d5) 12 i.f4 i.f5 13 'i!t'd2 lieS 14
i.h6 a6 1S i.fl f6 16 i.xg7 xg7
1 7 ef+ ef 1 8 lhh4 ..td7 19 g3 lif7 20
lt:lg2 t Lukin-Kudrashov, USSR
d6) 12 i.g5 .tfS ( 1 2 ... i.d7 13
J..d3 lieS 14 lic1 lieS 1S 't!Vd2
lDc4 1 6 \!t'f4 lDb2 1 7 i.b 1 lha4,
Bednarsky-Matulovic, Vrsac 197S;
1 S c4!? lixc4 19 lixc4 de 20 dS ;
14 . . . lDc4!?) 1 3 lDh4 ( 1 3 J..d 3?!
i.xd3 14 \!t'xd3 lDc4 15 lie2 lieS
16 liae 1 lit6! 17 h4 h6 oo
Marjanovic-Gufeld, Vmjacka Ban...


a) 1 1
i.d7?! 1 2 i.d3 lieS 1 3
lt:lgS e 6 ( 1 3 ... h6!?) 1 4 'it'g4 fS
( 14 . . . lDe7 1 5 lDxh7! xh7 16
'it'h4+ gS 1 7 i.gS lieS 1S lie3
Berendregt-Szi1agyi, Amsterdam
1966) 1 S ef 'it'xf6 1 6 lie2 lt:le7 1 S
li:lxh7! xh7 19 i.gS 'it'f7
20 J..xe7 Abrosz-Bonsch, Prague
1 977.
b) 1 1
.tg4 12 h3 i.xf3 13 't!Vxf3
lieS 14 a4 lDa5 1 5 .ta3 lDc4 1 6
.txc4 lixc4 17 aS 'it'd7 1 S J..c5 t
Soltis-Bosak, Prague 1 976.
c) 11
't!Va5 1 2 a4 ( 1 2 .txc6?! be
1 3 i.g5 lieS 14 't!Vd2 libS
- Konstantinopolsky-Dvoretsky,
Moscow 1966; 12 'it'b3 i.g4 1 3
lDd2 lifc8 1 4 h 3 i.f5 1 S g4 i.c2 1 6
1Wb2 lDdS 1 7 't!Vxc2 't!VxbS 1 S lDb3
'it'a4 oo Kordoviai-Kosulich, Nice
01 1974) 12 . . . J..g4 1 3 lie3 liac8
14 h3 .txf3 15 lixf3 a6 16 ..tfl f6!?
( 1 6 ... e6 17 i.gS 'it'c7 1 8 h4



60 3 ... g6

ja 1 976) 1 3 ... .td7 1 4 .td3 f6?! ( 1 4

... li[c8!?), Bednarski-Wirthensohn,
Bern 1975; 1 5 .tf4! .
The numerous examples dis
played in this chapter show that
timely counter measures help
Black to maintain the balance in
the opening. Nevertheless, the
deployment of the bishop at move
three remains attractive, since

White obtains a desirable position

in all of the variations, with good
prospects for positions in which
the result of the battle turns not on
known forcing variations, but on
the understanding of the game
and the realisation of tactical
ideas, together with the implement
ation of well considered strategical
plans at the board.

Part Two: 3 i.b5+



1 e4 c5 2 llJf3 d6 2 .ib5+ (64)

of this book.


For a long time the bishop

check was employed only to avoid
the well analyzed forcing variations
of the Sicilian Defence. But
experience has shown that the
main strategic ideas of this portion
of chess theory place problems
before one's opponent and contain
methods by which White can
realise his goals. The development
of the game depends on how Black
defends his king.

ltlc6 (65)

This often leads to positions

which are covered in the first part


a) 4 b4?! cb 5 d4 i.d7 (5 ... d5?! 6

ed 'fkxd5 7 c4! ) 6 0-0 g6 7 .ib2
i.g7 8 a3 ba 9 ltlxa3 oo.
b) 4 d4 cd 5 ltlxd4 .id7 6 0-0 ltlf6 7
llJc3 e6
c) 4 ltlc3 i.d7 (4 ... a6 5 i.xc6+ be
6 d3 e5 7 0-0 ltlf6 8 lLld2 ) 5 0-0
lLJf6 6 d3 e6 7 a3 i.e7 8 .ixc6 .ixc6
9 b4 0-0 10 be de 1 1 lLJe5 i.e8
Matulovic-Velimirovic, Vrnjacka
Banja 1973.
d) 4 c3 lLJf6 (4 ... g6 5 d4 cd 6 cd
.ig7 7 lLJc3 a6 8 .ie2 e5?! 9 de de
10 'it'xd8+ ltlxd8 1 1 lLJd5 lLJe6 1 2

3 .. lDc6 63

lOgS Pismenny-Go1din, Moscow

1 980) 5 \i'e2 g6 6 d4 cd 7 cd
a6 8 J.a4 \i'a5+?! 9 lilc3 b5 lO
i.b3 J.g4 1 1 J.e3 i.g7 1 2 h3 i.xf3
1 3 1Wxf3 ;!: Smys1ov-Veresov, Mos
cow 1 940; 8 . . . i.g7!? 00.
e) 4 i.xc6+ be 5 0-0 e5 6 c3 and
e 1 ) 6 ... i.a6?! 7 l:r. e 1 1!Vc7 8 d4 lilf6
9 b4 c4 l O lilh4 g6 1 1 f4 J.g7 1 2
l0f3 l0d7 1 3 J.e3 0-0 14 l0bd2
:S:ae8 1 5 1!Va4 Feuerman-Koops,
USSR 1978.
e2) 6 ... i.g4 7 h3 i.h5 8 lle 1 lilf6 9
d4 lild7 lO lilbd2 'f!/c7 1 1 'irc2 i.e7
1 2 de de 1 3 lilh2 f6 1 4 lilhfl i.f7
15 lile3 h6 16 lildc4 e3) 6 ... g5?! 7 d4 (7 d3!? h6 8 i.e3
i.g7 9 d4! g4 lO l0e1 cd 1 1 cd i.a6
1 2 1!Vxg4 ) 7 ... g4 8 l0fd2 (8 l0e1
i.a6 +) 8 ... cd 9 cd ed lO 1!Va4
1!Vb6 1 1 l:r. e 1 i.e6 1 2 lDa3 l:r.b8 1 3
lilac4 1!Vc7 1 4 e 5 de 15 lilxe5 lile7
1 6 lildc4 ;!: Machu1sky-Veingold,
Tallinn 1979.
f) 4 1We2 i.d7 5 c3 and now:
fl ) 5 ... a6 6 i.a4 g6 7 d4 cd 8 cd
i.g7 9 i.e3 b5 lO .i.b3 i.g4
Rossolimo-Gheorghiu, Malaga
f2) 5 ... lilf6 6 d4 a6 7 J.xc6 i.xc6 8
d5 i.d7 9 c4 g6 10 0-0 i.g7 1 1 a4
0-0 1 2 a5 :S:e8 13 lLJc3 e6 14 i.g5
h6 15 de l:r.xe6 1 6 i.xf6?! ( 1 6
i.h4!?) 1 6 . . . i.xf6 1 7 lild5 i.c6 +
Vasyukov-Kupreichik, USSR 1974.
Now Black has a choice between
the following:

A 4 ... a6
B 4 ... lLJf6
c 4 ... J.d7
D 4 .".. .i.g4
a) 4 ... 1!fb6 5 lLJc3 a6 6 J.xc6+
1Wxc6 7 d4 cd 8 lLJxd4 1!Vc7 9 i.g5
e6 lO l:r.e1 lLJf6 1 1 J.xf6 gf 1 2 't!Yh5
1lt'c5 1 3 lLJf5! i.d7 1 4 'irh4 i.e7 1 5
lLJxe7 9ilxe7 1 6 e5! Hulak-Si1ic,
Yugoslavia 1976.
b) 4 ... e5 5 c3 lLJe7 6 d4 a6 7
J.xc6+ (7 J.a4!?) 7 . . . lilxc6 8 de de
9 'f!/xd8+ 9;xd8 and now:
b 1 ) 10 l:r.dl+ 9ile8 1 1 lila3 b5 1 2
lilc2 f6 1 3 lile3 lile7 Kristiansen
Biering, East Germany 1976; 13 ...
b2) 10 i.e3 f6 1 1 a4 i.e6 12 lilfd2
J.d6 1 3 lLJa3 lila5 = Simonsen
Biering, East Germany 1976.





be (66)


a) 6 c3 g6 7 d4 cd 8 cd i.g7 9 lilc3
lilf6 lO e5 lild5 1 1 'ira4 1!Vd7 1 2 ed

64 3 ... lLl c6

b) 6 c4?! e5 7 d3 Jl..e 7 (7 ... ll:le7 and

8 . . . ll:\g6 +) 8 ll:lc3 f5 9 ef ..txf5 1 0
ll:le1 ll:lf6 1 1 f4 ef 1 2 i.xf4 'ti'd7 =
Basson-Pyte1, France 1 975.


7 ll:lxd4 e5 8 ll:\b3 ll:lf6 9 'ti'd3

i.e7 10 i.g5 0-0 l l lld1 'it'c7 1 2
ll:l 1d2 lld8 l 3 ll:lc4 i.e6 14 i.d2? ! ,
Szilagyi-Szabo, Budapest 1 95 1 ;
1 4 . . . d5! =t=.
8 1t'd3
After the text move, White
stands slightly better, e.g:
a) 8 ... ll:lf6 (8 ... ll:\e7 9 lld1 ll:lg6
1 0 ll:la3 ) 9 i.g5 i.e7 10 lld1 0-0
and now:
a 1 ) 1 1 ll:la3?! lla7 1 2 lLlc4 lld7 1 3
ll:le3 h6! 1 4 i.h4 g6 1 5 c4 ll:lh5 +
Soko1sky-Botvinnik, Moscow 1947;
1 1 ... d5!? 1 2 i.xf6 ( 1 2 lLlxe5 'tic7)
1 2 ... i.xf6 l 3 ed e4 14 1Wxe4
i.xb2 =t=.
a2) 1 1 ll:lbd2 1lt'c7?! 1 2 lLlc4 lld8 l 3
ll:le3 i.e6 1 4 c4 t Soko1sky-Kotov,
Moscow 1949; 1 1 . . . i.e6!? 1 2 lLlc4
'fi'b8 l 3 ll:le3 d5 14 Jl..xf6 i.xf6 1 5
ed cd 1 6 ll:\xd5 i.xd5 17 'tixd5
'it'xb2 +.
a3) 1 1 ..txf6! gf 1 2 ll:lh4 ..t>h8 1 3
ll:ld2 i.g4 1 4 lle 1 d 5 1 5 ll:lfl llg8
1 6 lLle3 i.e6 1 7 c3 1lt'a5 1 8 ll:lhf5 t
Szabo-Kotov, Budapest 1 950;
12 c4!?.
b) 8 ... i.e7 9 lld 1 and now:
b 1 ) 9 . . 'irc7 10 ll:\c3 a5 1 1 i.g5 f6
1 2 Jl..e3 g6 l 3 'it'c4 ..ta6 1 4 'ire6

1!t"c8 1 5 1lt'b3 1lt'b7 1 6 lLld2 'it'b4 1 7

'tie6 ..t>f8 1 8 llab 1 ..t>g7 19 a3 'it'b8
20 b4 Aronin-Kotov, Moscow
b2) 9
h6 10 ll:la3 ! .i.e6 l l ll:lc4
i.xc4 1 2 1Wxc4 t Trifunovic
Sanguinetti, Mar del Plata 1 950.
b3) 9 ... i.e6 lO c4 'ti'c7 1 1 ll:lc3 h6
1 2 b3 ll:lf6 13 i.a3 c5 14 ll:ld2! 0-0
1 5 ll:lfl llfb8 1 6 ll:le3 t Milev
Troianescu, Bucharest 1953.

ll:lf6 (67)


a) 5 1!t'e2 and now:

a 1 ) 5 ... e5 6 d3 i.e7 7 ll:lbd2 0-0 8
..txc6 be 9 ll:lc4 ll:le8 = Liublinsky
Taimanov, Moscow 1948.
a2) 5 ... .i.d7 6 lld1 ?! e6 7 lLlc3
ll:\d4 8 ll:lxd4 cd 9 i.xd7+ 1lt'd7 1 0
ll:\b5 ll:lxe4 l l ll:lxd4 ll:lf6 1 2 c4 d5
l3 d3 Jl..e7 14 i.f4 0-0 15 i.e5
llac8 1 6 llacl llfd8 = Kosulich
Braun, Yugoslavia 197 1 .
b) 5 llel e5 6 c3 i.d7 (6 ... 'i!Yb6?! 7
ll:\a3 i.g4 8 h3 i.h5 9 d4! ..txf3 10
'it'xO cd 1 1 .i.g5 i.e7 1 2 ..txf6
Jl..xf6 1 3 ll:lc4 "f!/c7 1 4 cd 0-0 1 5

3 .. . llJc6 65

.txc6 't!txc6 1 6 de .txe5 1 7

llac l ;t Go1ovko-Vasi1iev, Mos
cow 1 968) 7 d4 't!tc7 8 .ig5 .ie7 9
.txf6 .txf6 1 0 de de 1 1 i.xc6 be
(1 1 . . . i.xc6 1 2 c4 ;!;) 1 2 llJbd2 .te6
1 3 'i!Va4 0-0 14 llJc4 .ig4 1 5 lile3
lilfd8 1 6 lil d 1 t O'Kelly-Najdorf,
Amsterdam 1950.
c) S eS!? de 6 llJ xe5 'i/c7 (6 ...
.td7!? 7 i.xc6 .ixc6 8 llJxc6 be 9
d3 e6 10 llJa3 .ie7 1 1 llJc4
Gereben-Mi1ev, Pec 1947) 7 d4
(7 1!ff3 !?) 7 . . . e6 8 .tf4 .id6 9 llJd2
0-0 10 .ixc6 ( 1 0 llJdc4!? .ixe5 1 1
de llJd5 12 .ig3 t) 10 . .. be 1 1
llJdc4 .ia6 1 2 llJxd6!? (V.Zak)
1 2 ... .ixf1 ( 1 2 ... 't!txd6!? 1 3 lile1
lilfe8) 13 de .ta6 14 c4! .

.td7 (68)



a) S llJ c3 llJf6 6 d3 (6 .ixc6 .txc6

7 e5 de 8 llJxe5 'f/c7 ) 6 . . . e6 7 a3
.ie7 8 i.xc6 .txc6 9 b4 0-0 (9 ...
b6 !?) 10 be de 1 1 llJe5 .ie8
Matu1ovic-Velimirovic, Vrnjacka
Banja 1973.
b) S c4 lilf6 6 llJc3 llJe5 7 d3 g6 8

llJxe5 de 9 .te3 b6 10 a3 i.g7 1 1 b4

cb 1 2 ab 0-0 1 3 f3 .txb5 1 4 llJxb5
'i!Vd7 1 5 lila3 'f/b7 1 6 'i!Vd2 ;t
Gurgenidze-Timoshenko, USSR
c) S 1!fe2 g6 6 e5?! de 7 llJxe5 llJxe5
8 'i/xe5 i.xb5 (8 . . . llJf6?! 9 1!Vxc5
lilc8 1 0 i.xd7+ 'it'xd7 1 1 't!Vxa7
lilxc2 1 2 llJc3 i) 9 \!fxh8 .txfl
10 'i!Vxg8 i.xg2!? ( 1 0 . . . .tb5 1 1 d3
'id4 1 2 llJc3 .tc6 1 3 i.h6 ) 1 1
$>xg2 't!td5+ 12 $>g1 1Wg5+ 1 3 $>fl
't!fh5 1 4 llJc3 1!t'xh2 1 5 llJd 1
lilc8 oo Kuzmin-Dorfman, Lvov
1978; 1 5 ... lild8!? 1 6 d3 c4! 17 llJe3
cd 1 8 cd lilxd3 =F.
d) S lilel and now:
d 1 ) S ... llJf6 6 h3?! a6 7 i.fl g5!?
8 d4 (8 e5 de 9 llJxe5 llJxe5 10
lilxe5 g4 1 1 hg llJxg4 12 lilh5 'flb6
13 d3 '@g6 =F Lutikov-Chernikov,
Vladivostok 1978) 8 .. . g4 9 d5
llJe5 10 llJxe5 de 1 1 hg .ixg4 1 2
f3 .id7 1 3 .te3 'i!Vc7 14 1!t'd2 h5
1 5 't!tf2 lilc8 16 'i!Vh4 i.h6 17 llJd2
i.xe3+ 18 lilxe3 b5 oo Vasyukov
Gutman, Tbilisi 1 979.
d2) S ... a6 6 .ifl i.g4 7 d3 e6 (7 ...
i.xf3?! 8 \!fxf3 g6 9 c3 i.g7 10
llJd2 e6 1 1 llJc4 b5 12 e5! llJxe5 13
llJxd6+ $>e7 14 lilxe5! Gheorghiu
Kavalek, Las Palmas 1973) 8
llJbd2 i.e7 9 h3 .th5 10 c3 llJf6 1 1
g4 .ig6 1 2 llJh2 d5 = Dvoretsky
Timoshenko, USSR 1978.


6 We2 and now:

66 3 ... ltlc6

a) 6 . e5 7 d4 (7 Iiid 1 a6 8 .ia4
ll:c8 9 d3 .ie7 10 .tc2 0-0 1 1 a4
lilh5 12 ll:la3 .ie6 1 3 li:lc4 b5 14 ab
ab 15 llJa3 ll:a8 oo Kuzmichev
Shaposhnikov, USSR 1974) 7 ...
Wc7 8 .tg5 .te7 9 ll:d1 0-0 10 de de
1 1 ll:lbd2 a6 12 .ic4 llad8
13 ll:lfl ;!; Karak1aic-Mi1ic, Bel
grade 195 1 .
b) 6 ... a6 7 .ia4 and now:
b 1 ) 7 . e6 8 ll:d 1 .te7 9 d4 cd 10 cd
0-0 1 1 li:lc3 b5 12 .tc2 b4 1 3 ll:la4
llJa5 14 b3 .tb5 1 5 .id3 'itb8 1 6
.tg5 ;!;: Kapengut-Kaplan, USSR
b2) 7 b5 (7 ... c4!?) 8 .tc2 e5 9 a4
b4 10 h3 .ie7 1 1 d4 cd 12 cd ed 13
Iiid 1 0-0 14 li:lxd4 't!Vc7 1 5 .ie3
ll:fe8 16 li:ld2 d5?! ( 1 6 . . . .tf8!? !)
17 Iiiac 1 ! Vito1ins-Lukin, Tbilisi


a6 (69)


16 lilh3 Janata-Gutierrez,
Moscow 1 968.
b) 8 d5 9 ed li:lxd5 (9 ... ll:lb4 10
.txd7+ 1i'xd7 1 1 ll:le5 ) 10 ll:lc3
( 1 0 't!tb3!?) 10 ... li:lxc3 ( 1 0 ... li:lc7
1 1 d5! ll:lxb5 12 ll:lxb5 ) 1 1 be
.tg7 1 2 .ta3 Dobosz-Pedersen,
Esbjerg 1 979.
And from diagram 69:
a) 7 .ia4 and now:
a1) 7
c4 8 d4 (8 .ic2 .tg4 9 h3
.th5 10 b3 cb 1 1 ab e5 12 d3 .ie7
13 li:lbd2 0-0 14 .ib2 d5 Suetin
Balashov, Moscow 1 970) 8 ... cd 9
.tg5 e6 I 0 1i'xd3 llJe5 1 1 ll:lxe5
.ixa4 12 li:lc4 .tc6 1 3 ll:lbd2 b5 14
ll:le3 .ie7 1 5 .ixf6 .ixf6 16 ll:ld5
.te7 17 li:lxe7 1i'xe7 18 llad 1 0-0
1 9 li:lb3 llfd8
Timman, USSR 1979.
a2) 7 b5 8 .ic2 e5 9 h3 (9 d4 .ie7
10 d5 ll:la5 1 1 ll:lbd2 0-0 12 b3 'f/c7
13 lilfl llad8 14 ll:le3 ;!;: Pismenny
Bangiyev, USSR 1975; 9 d3 .ie7
10 lZl bd2 0-0 1 1 lilfl ll:e8 12 h3
'f/c7 13 li:le3 .tf8 14 a3 liad8 1 5
.ib3 .te6
USSR 1 980) 9 ... .te7 10 d4 0-0 1 1
d5 llJa5 ( 1 1 ... ll:lb8 1 2 a4 ba 1 3
lila3 lile8 1 4 .txa4 f5 Bukhtin
Gik, Moscow 1 968) 12 ll:lbd2 g6
13 b4 lL!b7 14 a3 a5 1 5 llb 1 ll:lh5
16 ll:lfl ;!;: Savon-Belyavsky, Lenin
grad 1974.
b) 7 .t xc6 .ixc6 8 d4 .ixe4 (8 ...
ll:lxe4? 9 d5) 9 .ig5 with the
following possibilities:
b1) 9
d5 10 li:lbd2 e6 ( 1 0 ...


Or 6 ... g6?! 7 d4 cd 8 cd and

a) 8
.ig7 9 li:lc3 0-0 10 .ig5 h6
1 1 .th4 g5 12 .ig3 li:lh5 13 d5 ll:lb8
14 .ixd7 li:lxd7 15 li:lxg5! ll:lxg3


3 ... ltJc6 67

i.xO!? 1 1 lfxf3 e6 1 2 i.xf6 'Wxf6

1 3 'Wxd5 'tlre7 1 4 1!fe5 cd 1 5 cd
1!t'd6 1 6 'We4 1!t'b4 1 7 lL:\0 i.e7 1 8
lite3 ...xb2 19 liib l 'Wxa2 20 lii xb7
liteS 2 1 d5 ;!: Georgadze-Tal,
Tbilisi 1978; 21 'it'e5 ! ; 10 ... i.g6
1 1 de e6 1 2 'ti'a4+ ..,d7 1 3 ..,d4
liic 8 14 b4 i.e7 1 5 a4 0-0 16 lt:lc4
de 17 'ti'xd7 lt:lxd7 1 8 i.xe7 litfe8
19 i.d6 b6 20 li:le5 li:lxe5 21 litxe5
be 22 be ;!:
Dzhindzhihashvili, Wijk aan Zee
1979) l l li:lxe4 de 1 2 lii xe4 i.e7 13
i.xf6 gf 14 ..,b3 1!t'd7 1 5 de i.xc5
16 litd1 'ikc6 17 litf4 t Shabanov
Zakharov, USSR 1 979.
b2) 9 i.xb 1 I 0 llxb 1 e6 1 1 i.xf6
gf ( 1 1 . . . 'ti'xf6?! 12 de de 1 3 'ira4+
b5 14 1!t'e4 ) 1 2 d5 e5 ( 1 2 . . . 1!fd7
1 3 b4 0-0-0 14 ..,d3 e5 1 5 li:lh4
'it'g4 15 g3 h5 1 6 lle4 't!rd7 17 'Wf3
i.e7 18 lt:lf5 Barle-Quinteros,
Lone Pine 1979) 13 b4 t!t'd7 14
lt:ld2 litg8 15 lt:le4 llg6 16 be be 17
llb6 Gaprindashvili-Semenova,
Piotrkow Trybunalski 1 979.
b3) 9
i.d5 10 lt:lbd2 (10 c4?!
i.xc4 1 1 lt:lc3 cd 1 2 'it'xd4 i.e6 13
Wh4 l:tc8 14 li:ld4 oo Korsunsky
Sher, USSR 1 979) 1 0 ... e6 ( 10 ...
b5!? 11 c4 be 1 2 de e6 1 3 net de 14
lt:le5 i.e7 1 5 't!t'a4+ 'it>f8 1 6 lt:ldxc4
lita7 17 i.e3 "ife8 oo Ostrovsky
Chechelyan, USSR 1 979) 1 1 c4
i.xf3 1 2 '@xf3 cd 1 3 'Wxb7 'it'c8 14
1!t'b6 'ti'c5 15 '@b7 'ifc8 16 'irb6
'it'c5 1 7 1!fb7
Kupreichik, Ashkhabad 1978;

1 7 ... 11fa7?! 18 'ti'c6+ 'it>d8 19 lt:lb3

l:tc8 20 li:la5! .
c) 7 .i.fl (70) and now:



c 1) 7 e6 8 d4 cd 9 cd i.e7 10 li:lc3
0-0 1 1 i.f4 d5 1 2 e5 lt:le8 1 3 litc l b5
14 i.d3 t!fb6 15 i.b 1 g6 1 6 h4 t
Torre-Apol, Nice 01 1974.
c2) 7 g6 8 d4 (8 h3 i.g7 9 d4 cd
10 cd d5 1 1 e5 li:le4 12 ..,b3 t!fa5 1 3
li:lc3 li:lxc3 1 4 be 0-0 1 5 .i.d2 e6 1 6
t!fxb7 lita7 1 7 ...b3 l:tb8 1 8 11fc2
.i.f8 19 lleb l Zatulovskaya
Zitzerman, Moscow 1979) 8 ... cd
9 cd d5 10 ed lt:lxd5 1 1 lt:lc3 li:lxc3
12 be .i.g7 1 3 .i.g5 .i.e6 1 4 lii b l
Sarkasova-Zitzerman, Moscow
c3) 7 e5 8 h3 (8 d4!? cd 9 cd i.g4
10 .i.e3 ed 1 1 i.xd4 i.e7 1 2 .i.c3
0-0 1 3 h3 i.h5 14 g4 .i.g6 15 lt:lh4
i.xe4 16 g5 .i.xb 1 17 litxe7 lt:le4 1 8
llxb7 lt:lc5 1 9 litxb 1 ...xg5+ 20
i.g2 lt:lxb7 2 1 'irg4 'irxg4 22 hg
lt:lbd8 23 li:lf5 oo Romanishin-Tal,
Erevan 1975; 10 d5!? li:ld4 1 1 i.e3
lt:lxO+ 1 2 gf .i.h5 3 li:ld2 i.e7 14
11fb3 b5 1 5 a4 ba 16 1!fxa4+ lt:ld7



68 3 . . . ltJc6

1 7 i.h3 Vasyukov-Balashov, l:lfd8 2 1 c4 ll::l e7 + Yurtayev-Zaid,

Moscow 1975) 8 . . . i.e7 (8 . . . h6 9 USSR 1978; 16 lLlb3!? ;!;) 1 1 a3 ( 1 1
d4 'fkc7 10 a4 g6 1 1 lLla3 i.g7 1 2 de ltJa3 0-0 1 2 d4 i.xc l 1 3 l:ixcl cd 14
de 1 3 lLlc4 l:lb8?! 14 b4 cb 1 5 cb cd d5! Sax-Polugayevsky, Moscow
i.e6 16 ltJd6+ Andersson 1977) 1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2 b4 ltJd7 1 3 i.b2
Portisch, Skopje 01 1972; 1 3 . . . b5 14 a4 ba 1 5 be ltJxc5 16 d4 1!t'b8
0-0 14 't!fd6 'irxd6 1 5 ltJxd6 ;!; ) 9 d4 17 i.a3?! ltJb3 1 8 l:ta2 l:id8 19 h4
'ire7 10 de ( I 0 .ig5 h6 1 1 i.h4 0-0 'fkb6 20 h5 l:ia7 21 'it'g4 e5 22 hg hg
12 ltJbd2 l:Ue8 1 3 l:icl b5 14 i.d3 23 .ic4 i.g7 + Gurgenidze
cd 1 5 cd 'fkb6, Westerinen-Honfi, Dorfman, Moscow 1978; 17 'it'c2!?
Nice 01 1974; 10 lLlbd2 b5 l l a4 lLlb3 1 8 lha4 l:ic8 19 't!t'e2 ;!;.
l:ib8 1 2 d5 ltJa5 1 3 ab ab 14 b4 D
ltJb7 1 5 i.b2? ! c4! + Borik-Tarjan,
Buenos Aires 1978; 15 i.d3 c4
16 .ic2 ) 10 . . . de 1 1 i.g5 0-0 12
ltJbd2 l:ifd8 1 3 ''c2 b5 14 a4 'irb6
1 5 ab ab oo Dvoretsky-Belyavsky,
Vilnius 1978.
c4) 7 ... i.g4 8 h3 (8 d3 g6 9 ltJbd2
.ih6 10 h3 .ixO 1 1 ltJxO i.xc l 1 2
l:ixc l e 5 1 3 d4 0-0 1 4 \!b3 'irc7 1 5
a4 l:iac8 Dorfman-Polugayevsky,
USSR 1977; 8 . . . d5 9 ltJbd2 e6 10
h3 i.xf3 1 1 xf3 i.e7 12 e5 ltJd7
Or 5 c3 and now:
1 3 't!t'g3 g5?! 14 lLlf3 h5 1 5 d4 cd 16
ltJxd4 Kengis-Gutman, Riga IZ a) 5 . . . e5 6 d4 cd 7 cd i.xf3 8 'it'xf3
1979; 1 3 . . . 0-0!? =) 8 ... i.xf3 9 ed 9 l:td 1 1!t'b6 10 lLla3 ltJf6 1 1 .if4
\!i'xf3 g6 10 \!fd I ( I 0 :lid I d5 1 1 ed i.e7 12 .ixc6 't!t'xc6 ( 1 2 . . . be?! 1 3
'it'xd5 12 'irxd5 ltJxd5 1 3 d4 cd 14 ' ltJc4 'it'c5 14 l:iac 1 ) 1 3 l:ixd4 0-0
cd .ig7 1 5 ltJc3 l:id8
14 l:iad l l:ifd8 15 ltJc4 Nicolau
Kupreichik, USSR 1976; 10 d3 Lazarevic, Belgrade 1976 .
.ig7 1 1 g3 0-0 12 .ig2 l:ic8 13 ''d I b) 5 ... a6 6 .ixc6+ be 7 d3 e6 8
b5 14 i.e3 b4 1 5 ltJd2 ltJd7 =
ltJbd2 ltJf6 9 \!i'a4 1!t'b6 I 0 ltJc4
Adorjan-Tal, Las Palmas 1977) 'fkb5 1 1 \!i'dl ltJd7 1 2 a4?! 'it'b7 1 3
10 . . . i.h6 ( 10 . . . e5 1 1 ltJa3 i.g7 12
i.f4 e 5 :t Kupreichik-lskov, Plov
ltJc2 d5 1 3 ed lLl xd5 1 4 d4 cd 15 div, 1974; 1 2 h3!? .ixO 13 'i!VxO oo.
ltJxd4 0-0 1 6 ltJxc6?! be 1 7 g3 a5 18 c) 5 .. . ltJf6 6 l:ie l and now:
i.g2 l:ib8 19 't!t'a4 \!i'c7 20 l:ld1
c l ) 6 ... a6 7 i.xc6+ be 8 d3 e6 9

3 .. c6 69

e5 1 6 d4 xf3+ 1 7 xf3
'ii'xa2 1 8 i.g5 Razuvayev
Forintos, Cienfuegos 197!J.
b2) 6 .. 't!t'b6 7 lDa3 a6 (7 . . . e5 8 d4
cd 9 cd 0-0-0 10 g4 i.g6 1 1 d5 ::t;
7 . . . 0-0-0?! 8 d4 f6 9 d5 e5 10
i.e2 i.g6 1 1 xe5 de 12 a4
xe4 1 3 c4 c7 14 '@xa7 xd5
15 f4 b5 16 xe5 Zhidkov
Nasibullin, USSR 1977) 8 i.a4
'@c7 9 d4 b5 10 xb5 ab 1 1 i.xb5
0-0-0 1 2 a4 b8 1 3 de i.xf3 14
gf de 15 f4 e5 1 6 llfd 1 co Iskov
Larsen, Copenhagen 1979.
b3) 6 .. f6 7 d4 a6 8 i.xc6+ be 9
'@a4 '@b6 10 de Bo1es1avsky
Petrosian, Moscow 1953; 7 . . . cd!?
8 cd a6 9 a4 b5 10 i.b3 t.
b4) 6 ... a6 7 i.xc6+ (7 i.e2
lbf6?! 8 d4 cd 9 cd d5 10 e5 lbe4 1 1
e6! fe 1 2 c3 xc3 13 be i.xf3 1 4
i.xf3 Westerinen-Iskov, Stock
holm 1975; 7 . . . e5 !? 8 d4 t) 7 ... be
a) 6 i.xc6+ be 7 d3 (7 c3 e6 8 lle l 8 d4 cd 9 cd e6 10 c3 ( 1 0 lie !
lbf6 9 d3 d7 1 0 bd2 i.e7 1 1 f6 1 1 g4 i.g6 1 2 d5! '@d7 13 lbc3
c4 0-0 12 g4?! g6 1 3 'ii'e2 b6 i.e7, SaxForintos, Budapest 1973,
14 i.f4 f6!? 1 5 i.g3 i.f7 + 14 de fe 1 5 g5 h5 16 h4 e5
Moscow 17 g4 ) 10 . . . i.e7 (10 ... f6 1 1
1974) 7 ... e5 8 bd2 i.e7 9 c4 a4 '@d7 12 d2 i.g6 l3 f4 h6 1 4
f6 I 0 lbe3 i.xf3 1 1 '@xf3 g6 1 2 f5 ef 1 5 ef i.h7 16 c4 Tseitlin
b3 0-0 1 3 g3 lbe8 1 4 g4 h5 1 5 Lukin, Leningrad 1975) 1 1 '@a4
e3 t Govashe1ichvi1i-Tukmakov ( 1 1 e2 f6 1 2 i.g5 0-0 13 e5
USSR 1978.
d5 14 i.xe7 xc3 15 be 'ii'xe7 1 6
ed xd6 Davis-Ginsburg, Wijk
b) 6 c3 and now:
b 1 ) 6 ... a5?! 7 lba3 a6 8 i.e2 e6 9 aan Zee 1978) 1 1 . . . d7 1 2 h2
b4 (9 d4!?) 9 . . . cb 1 0 cb lbxb4 1 1 ( 1 2 g4!?) 12 ... d5 13 i.e3 i.d8 14
llb1 ( 1 1 d4!?) 1 1 . . . b5 1 2 lDc2 c6 e5 e7 15 '@a3 0-0, Kupreichik
13 d4 f6 14 d5 i.xf3 15 i.xf3 Sigurjonsson, Copenhagen 1974.

bd2 d7 10 '@a4 '@b6 1 1 h3

i.h5 1 2 h2 i.e7 1 3 c4 '@b5 14
'@c2 d5 1 5 e3 c4 co Bo1es1avsky
Aronin, Moscow 1949; 8 h3!? i.h5
9 e5 ! de 10 g4 i.g6 1 1 ltJxe5 t.
c2) 6
'@b6 7 a3 (7 a4 !? and
8 a3) 7 . . . e6 8 i.a4 i.e7 9 c4
'ii'c7 10 d3 0-0 1 1 i.f4 :!Iad8
1 2 h3 ;!; Soko1sky-Aronin, Moscow
5 . . . i.xf3 6 '@xf3 does not
a) 6
f6 7 e5 de 8 i.xc6+ be 9
'ii'xc6+ d 7 10 d3 e6 1 1 f4 '@c8 1 2
'ii'a4 i.d6
Minic-Pirc, Bled
1950; 10 lba3, I l lDc4 t.
b) 6 ... e6 7 d3 lbe7 8 i.g5 '@d7 9 c3
a6 10 i.a4 lDg6 1 1 d2 b5 1 2 i.c2
i.e7 1 3 i.e3 0-0 14 '@h5 d5 15 ed
ed 16 d4 ;!; Larsen-Bronstein,
Moscow 1962.



70 3 .. lhc6

b5) 6 ... e6 7 d4 cd 8 cd a6 9 .ixc6+

(9 .ta4!? b5 1 0 .ib3 t) 9 ... be 1 0
.ie3 lhf6 1 1 lhbd2 .ie7 1 2 1Wa4
0-0 ( 1 2 ... 1it"d7 13 litfcl c5 14 'irxd7+
lhxd7 1 5 de lt!xc5 1 6 .ixc5 de 1 7
lbe 5 Savon-Langeweg, Dortmund
1975) 1 3 't!lxc6 'irb8 14 litfc 1 'irxb2
1 5 litab 1 't!la3 ( 1 5 ... 't!rxa2 16 \llb7
- 1 7 lita 1 ) 1 6 lt!c4 't!rd3 1 7 ltlfd2
litfd8 1 8 litb3 1We2 19 .if4
Hazai-Minev, Sofia 1 979.

a) 7 c3 a6 8 .txc6+ bc 9 d4 cd t O ed
lhf6 1 1 liJc3 .ie7, Andersson
Larsen, Hastings 1972-3; 1 2 't!ra4
11td7 1 3 e5 lhd5 1 4 ed .ixd6 1 5
lhe5 .txe5 1 6 d e 0-0
b) 7 c4 lhe7?! 8 g4! .ig6 9 d4 a6 1 0
.ia4 c d 1 1 lhxd4 h5 1 2 lhc3
Katalimov-Borisenko, USSR 1970;
7 ... .ixf3!? 8 1!t'xf3 liJe7 9 liJc3 a6
10 .ia4 'ire? 1 1 d3 liJg6

= -

e6 (72)

lhf6!? 9 e5 de 10 litxe5 c4 1 1

a) 8
lilxh5?! liJxh5 1 2 lhe5 liJf6 1 3
lhxc4 .ie7 14 liJbd2 0-0 +
Damjanovic-Larsen, Monte Carlo
1968; 9 lhbd2!?; 1 1 .ig5!?
b) 8 eS 9 lt!bd2 f6 10 lhfl .if7
1 1 c3 1!t'd7 12 d4 cd 1 3 cd liJe7 14
lhe3 lhg6 15 b3 .ie7 16 liJf5 0-0
1 7 de fe 1 8 .ig5 ! (t) lilfd8 19 litcl
litac8 20 litc3 Hecht-Forintos,
Budapest 1974.
Numerous examples demonstrate
that in the event of 3 ... lhc6 White
easily carries out his strategic
plans, unless Black counters them
effectively. The pin on the knight
proves unpleasant in many vari
ations, and in order to break this
pin Black must use up additional
time. In addition, White can
always choose simply to exchange
on c6.



a) 6 ... 't!rb6 7 lhc3 e6 8 a4 a6 9 a5

'ire? 10 .txc6+ 'ifxc6 1 1 lhd5! t
Damjanovic-Sofrevsky, Skopje
197 1 .
b ) 6 ... a6 7 .ixc6+ be 8 c3 liJf6 9 d4
cd 10 cd e6 1 1 .if4 .ie7 1 2 lhbd2
.ixf3 13 'irxf3 d5 14 nac 1 'ilb6 1 5
e d c d 16 lhc4 'it"xd4 1 7 .ie5 'ifh4
18 lhb6 litd8 19 .ic7 t Khasanov
Ehlvest, USSR 1 978.




1 e4 c5 2 lbf3 d6 3 .ib5+
tbd7 (73)
This line is growing in popularity,
because it avoids rapid simplifi

de 1 2 l:td 1 't!rc7 1 3 tbfl , Cypers

Tatai, Siegen 01 1970; 1 3 . . . h6!
a22) 9 a4 .tb7 (9 ... ba?! 10 .txa4
0-0 1 1 d4 .tb7 12 de de 13 l:td 1
Zakharov-Grigorian, Rostov-on
Don 1976) 10 d4 cd 1 1 cd O-O 1 2 d5?!
b4 1 3 lDbd2 lbc5 Timoshenko
Grigorian, Baku 1 977; 1 2 l:tdl ! t.
b) 4 0-0 lDf6 5 lle 1 (5 e5?! de 6
lbxe5 a6 7 lDxd7 tbxd7 8 .te2
Morosh-Dorfman, Odessa
1 977) 5 . . . a6 6 .tfl (6 .txd7+
lDxd7 7 d4 e6 8 e5 cd 9 ed .txd6 10
't!rxd4 tbf6 1 1 .tg5, Kzhizh
Mishta, Olomouts 1973; 1 1 ...
b5 ) 6 . . . e5 7 c3 .te7 8 d4 0-0 9
tbbd2 b5 10 h3 't!rb6 1 1 b3 l:te8 1 2
.tb2 .tf8 1 3 a4 ;l; Vasyukov
Mestel, Hastings 1978/9.
c) 4 a4 tbf6 (4 ... a6 5 .txd7+ .txd7
6 0-0 .ig4 7 d3 e6 8 tbbd2 ;l;
Vadasz-Forintos, Hungary 197 1)
5 tbc3 g6 6 0-0 .tg7 7 d3 0-0 8 a5 a6
9 .tc4 b5 10 ab tbxb6 1 1 .tb3 .tb7
12 t!le2 ;l; Shishov-Popov, Alushta


a) 4 c3 and now:
a 1) 4 ... a6 5 .ta4 c4?! 6 0-0 lbf6 7
.ic2 e5 8 b3 cb 9 ab .te7 10 d4 t
Epishin-Ehlvest, Leningrad 1979.
a2) 4 ... tbf6 5 't!e2 a6 6 .ta4 b5
(6 ... "i!ra5?! 7 .tc2 lbe5?! 8 tbxe5
de 9 0-0 1!t'c7 10 d3 e6 1 1 f4 t
- Ciocaltea-Ristic, Smederevska
Palanka 1 979) 7 .ic2 e5 (7 . . . e6 ?! 8
0-0 .te7 9 d4 .ib7 10 lDbd2 't!c7
1 1 e5 de 12 de lDd5 1 3 c4!
Govedarica-Martinovic, Belgrade
1978) 8 0-0 .ie7 and now:
a21 ) 9 d4 0-0 10 tbbd2 lle8 1 1 de

a) 4 ... a6?! 5 .txd7+ .txd7 6 de

"i!ra5+ 7 tbc3 "i!rxc5 8 .te3 t!la5 9
't!d5 'flc7 10 0-0-0 ;!; Adorjan
Ljubojevic, Wijk aan Zee 1972.

72 3 i.b5+ !Dd7

b) 4 .. . cd 5 1!t'xd4 ltJf6 6 .i.g5

(6 0-0 e6 7 e5 de 8 ltJxe5 a6 9
i.xd7+ ltJxd7 ) 6 . . . e6 (6 . . .
1!t'a5+ 7 ltJc3 a 6 8 b4! 'if'd8 9 .i.xf6
gf 1 0 i.xd7+ .i.xd7 1 1 ltJd5
Lilienthal-Kotov, USSR 1944) 7
ltJc3 i.e7 (7 . . . a6 8 i.xd7+ i.xd7 9
0-0-0 i.c6 10 :S:he1 i.e7 1 1 b 1
0-0 1 2 1!t'd2 h8 1 3 ltJd4 :S:c8 1 4 f4
h6 1 5 h4! Chistyakov-Vasiliyev,
Saratov 1 979) 8 0-0-0 (8 e5 de 9
ltJxe5 h6 1 0 i.xf6 .i.xf6 1 1 0-0-0
0-0 1 2 i.xd7 i.xd7 1 3 ltJe4 ;!;
Vasyukov-Belyavsky, USSR 1 975)
8 . . . 0-0 and now:
b 1 ) 9 i.xd 7 i.xd7 10 i.xf6 gf 1 1
!Dd2 b5 1 2 f4 'if'c7 1 3 b 1 :S:fc8 1 4
nc 1 a S 1 5 g 4 lia6 1 6 ltJ d 1 b4
1 7 f5 ;t Sku1ener-Taborov, USSR
b2) 9 h4 'it'a5 10 i.xd7 i.xd7 1 1
i.xf6 gf ( 1 l . . . .i.xf6 1 2 e5! i.e7 1 3
!Dg5 .i.c6 1 4 ed i.xg5+ 1 5 hg
't!fxg5+ 16 f4 !) 12 g4 i.c6?! 13 'if'e3
nac8 14 b l life8 1 5 g5 'it>h8 1 6
lithgl ! - Kuzmin-Kupreichik,
USSR 1974; 12 ... lifc8!?.
5 ltJ c3 (74)
a) 5 0-0 !Dxe4 6 'it'e2 ltJf6 7 i.g5
(7 de!?) 7 . . . cd 8 i.xf6 gf 9 ltJxd4
a6 l 0 i.xd7+ i.xd7 1 1 ltJc3 'if'aS
1 2 't!Vf3 0-0-0 13 ltJd5 e6 14 ltJxf6
i.g7 1 5 liad l d5 + Peters-Mestel,
Hastings 1 978/9.
b) 5 e5 'if'aS+ 6 !Dc3 ltJe4 (6 ... cd 7
1!t'xd4 ed 8 !Dxe5 Ubilava
Sturua, USSR 1 976) 7 i.d2
(7 0-0?! ltJxc3 8 .i.xd7+ .i.xd7 9 be

1!t'xc3 1 0 lib 1 0-0-0 1 1 i.e3 f6!? 12

ed ed 1 3 lib3 1!t'c4 co Velimirovic
Ljubojevic, Yugoslavia 1976) 7 . . .
ltJxc3 8 i.xd7+ i.xd7 9 i.xc3 ii'a6
10 d5 ( 1 0ed ed 1 1 1!Ye2+ 't!fxe2+ 1 2
xe2 f6 13 a4 W + Kmic
Tringov, Vrsac 1 973) and now:
b 1 ) 10 ... e6?! 1 1 ltJg5 de 1 2 't!h5
0-0-0 1 3 ltJxf7 .i.e8 14 de
Kashlyak-Husseinov, USSR 1976.
b2) 10 ... .i.f5 1 1 !Dh4 i.d7 12 e6?!
( 12 1Wh5 !?) 1 2 . . . fe 1 3 1!'h5+ d8
1 4 de ( 1 4 0-0-0?! 'it'xa2 1 5 b3 c4 1 6
b 4 .i.a4! 1 7 't!Ve2 g 6 + Dobosz
Georgiyev, Bulgaria 1979) 14 ...
i.xe6 1 5 0-0-0 't!Vxa2 1 6 :S:he 1 'it>c7
1 7 b3 i.d7 co Hecht-Ljubojevic,
Yugoslavia 1972.
b3) 10 ... i.g4 1 1 h3 i.h5 1 2 ed ( 1 2
g 4 i.g6 1 3 't!Vd2 .i.e4! =F) 1 2 ... ed
1 3 g4 i.g6 1 4 ltJh4 d7 1 5 ltJf5 ( 1 5
ltJxg6 hg 1 6 'if'f3 lie8+ 1 7 d2
i.e7! + 1 8 .i.xg7? i.g5+ 1 9 'it>d 1
lixh3) 1 5 . . . i.xf5 1 6 gf lie8+ 1 7
d2 1Wc4 =F Dobosz-Ftacnik,
Czechoslovakia 1 979.

Black now has:

3 i.b5+ lDd7 73

A 5 ... a6
B 5 ... ed


lDxd 7
6 . .. .txd7?! 7 de 't!Va5 8 0-0
't!txe5 9 i.e3 ;t



7 j_g5?! h6! 8 .th4 g5 9 .tg3

.tg7 I 0 0-0 ( 1 0 h3 ed I I lDxd4
'irb6 I2 lLlb3 't!Ve6 1 3 0-0 .txe3 I4
be 't!rxe3 I5 lie I lLle5 oo Emma
Panno, USA I975) 10 ... g4 1 1
lDh4 ed I 2 lDf5 de! I 3 lDxg7+ <MS
I4 lDf5?! eb I 5 llbi lDf6 I 6 .th4
.txf5 I 7 ef l!Vb6 + Dvortetsky
Ljubojevic, Wijk aan Zee 1976;
14 lDh5 !? 00.

7 . . . g6?! 8 de lLlxe5 9 e5! i.e6 l O

lDg5 de 1 I 't!rf3! h 6 I 2 lD xe6 lDxe6
I3 1i'xb7 Saiov-Voitkevieh,
Sochi 1980.


a) 8 d5 e5 9'a4 .te7 IO lDd2 0-0 1 1

lDc4 lDb6 I 2 lLlxb6?! 1!rxb6 I 3 a5
1!rd8 Hutchings-Pytel, Nice 01
1974; I 2 lLle3!? oo.
b) 8 i.g5 and now:
b i ) 8 .te7? 9 .txe7 't!txe7 l O de
de ( I O . . . lDxc5?! 1 1 1!fd4 0-0 12
lifd I lidS 1 3 b4 ) I I e5 0-0
1 2 lLle4 - Zak.
b2) 8 1!tb6 9 't!rd2! (9 lie 1 cd 10
lDxd4 iDeS 1 1 lLlb3 i.d7 12 a4
i.e7 13 .txe7 q;xe7 I4 a5 't!ra7 I 5
1!rd2 lihd8 16 liad i .teS oo
Andersson-Ljubojevic, Palma de



Mallorea 1972) 9 ... h6 (9 ... 1i'xb2?

10 llab i 1i'a3 1 1 lib3 t!la5 I 2
lDd5 ! ) IO .th4 g 5 1 1 i.g3 'ti'xb2
1 2 de .tg7 13 e5! de 14 liab I 1t'a3
1 5 lDe4 Hutchings-Quinteros,
Nice 01 1974.
b3) 8
1!fc7 9 lie 1 (9 d5!? e5
10 a4 ) 9 ... ed (9 ... f6?! 10 i.f4 cd
I I lLlxd4 lLle5 1 2 i.g3 g5 1 3 h4
Peters-Tarjan, USA 1 975) IO
1!fxd4 ( 10 lDxd4!? h6? 1 I lDxe6!)
I O ... lLle5!
Belgrade I 974.


a) 10
.td7 I I b4 lLla4 12 lDxa4
.txa4 I3 'tit'd3 h6 14 i.e3 1!fc7 I 5
c4 i.e7 oo Keres-Ljubojevic, Petro
polis IZ I973; I I lie l !?, I 2 lLld5!
b) 10 h6 I I i.h4 i.d7 12 lle1 g5
I 3 i.g3 lDa4 I4 lDxa4 .txa4 15 b3
i.d7 16 lDd2 e5 I 7 lDc4
Vasyukov-Ljubojevic, Wijk aan
Zee I973.



74 3 .ib5+ li:Jd7





c) 10 . liteS!? l l 0-0-0 llg8 1 2

lLlh4 'i!fa5 l 3 lLlf5?! i.xf5 14 ef
litxg2 15 b I 1!fc5 16 lLlxf6+
d8 +
Kishinev 1975; 12 lLlb6! liteS l 3
lLlxd7 W'xd7 1 4 lLlh4 ;!;.
e6 (76)



7 ... lLlxd7?! 8 .i.e3 e6 9 0-0-0
1Vc7 lO .if4! e5 l l li:Jd5 1Va5 12
W'c4 ll:lc5 l3 i.d2 Rodriguez
Levy, Nice 01 1974.




a) S ... lieS 9 0-0-0 e5 lO W'd3 i.e6

l l lihe I ;!; Dvoretsky-Grigorian,
USSR 1973.
b) S . i.e6?! 9 0-0-0 W'a5 10 libe l
h6 l l e5 ! 0-0-0 1 2 ef .i.xf3 13 gf
W'xg5+ 14 lite3 gf 1 5 li:Je4
Chekhov-Mikhalchishin, Lvov 1978.

9 i.h4?! g5 l O i.g3 i.g7

l l 0-0-0 lLlh5 12 W'e3, Sigurjonsson
Levy, Nice 01 1974, 1 2 ... ll:lxg3
13 hg g4 = .




a) 10 i.g7 l l lLlb6 litb8 l 2 lLlxd7

1Wxd7 13 lLlh4 e6 14 0-0-0 e7 1 5
f4 lithc8 = Lipovsky-Browne,
Winnipeg 1974; l 3 h4!?
b) 10 ... litgS l l 0-0-0 ( l l lLlb6!?
l1b8 12 0-0-0 lhg2? 13 e5! fe 14
lLlxe5 de 1 5 W'e4 - V.Zak) l l . . .
lixg2 ( l l . . . litc8!?) 1 2 lihg l ?!
lhg l l3 lixg l i.c6 =t= Hecht
Browne, Malaga 1 972; 1 2 lLlb6!?
e5 l 3 W'e3 llb8 14 li:Jh4 litg8 1 5
lLlxd7 Wxd7 1 6 li:Jf5 .



Now White can choose between:

a) S 0-0-0 (8 0-0 a6 9 i.xd7+ i.xd7
10 llad 1 i.c6 1 1 life 1 0-0 1 2 i.xf6
gf =) and now:
a l ) S . a6 9 i.xd7+ i.xd7 lO e5!
( 10 lithe l i.c6 1 1 b1 0-0 12 1Wd2
l:lc8 ! Chistyakov-Vasiliyev, Mos
cow 1979) 10 ... de l l lLlxe5 i.c6
12 li:Jxc6 be l 3 .i.xf6 i.xf6 14 Wc5
"ii'c 8?! 1 5 li:Je4 i.e7 16 lLld6+
Gurgenidze-Gufeld, Tbilisi 1969;
14 . . . 'i!fc7!? 15 l:lhe l ;!; ( 1 5 lLld5 ed
1 6 l:lhe l + d7 1 7 lixd5+ cd 1 8
1Wxd5+ c8 19 1Wxa8+ 1Wb8
20 1Wc6+ ;!; Boleslavsky).
a2) S 0-0 9 h4?! (9 i.xd7?! i.xd7
10 i.xf6 gf l l e5 d5 12 h4 h8 1 3
g4 liteS =) 9 . . . 'i!fa5 10 i.xd7 i.xd7
l l .ixf6 gf 1 2 g4 i.c6 l 3 'iVe3


3 i.b5+ ltld7 75

litac8 14 'it>b l , Kuzmin-Kupreichik,

Leningrad 1974, 14 ... 'it>h8! (9
e5!?; 9 lithe l !?).
b) 8 eS! de 9 ll:'lxe5 h6?! 10 i.xf6
.ixf6 1 1 0-0-0 0-0 1 2 i.xd7 i.xd7
1 3 ll:'le4 i.xe5 14 't!fxe5 't!fe7 15
't!fc7 Vasyukov-Belyavsky, Vil
nius 1975; 9 . . . 0-0!? 10 ll:'lxd7
xd7 1 1 i.xe7 't!fxe7 1 2 0-0-0 f6
1 3 lithe 1 t.



.ig 7
9 . . . a6?! 10 xd7! i.xd7 1 1
i.xf6 i.xf6 1 2 't!fxd7+ 'it'xd7 1 3
i.xd7+ 'it>xd7 14 0-0-0+ 'i&e8 1 5
ll:'ld5 i.e5 1 6 libe l i.d6 1 7
lhe7+! Dvoretsky-Grigorian,
Leningrad 1974.


ll:'lxe5 !? 13 fe g5 oo.
c) 11 c4!? and now:
c l ) 11
'it'c7 12 :S:he 1 't!fxh2 1 3
lith 1 't!fxg2 14 'ti'h4 't!fg4, Kosikov
Kaminsky, Leningrad 1974, 1 5
i.xd7!? 'it'xh4 1 6 i.xh4 xd7 17
i.xe7 :S:e8 1 8 ll:'ld5 .
c2) 1 1 ... 'iib4 1 2 't!fh4 ll:'lb6 ( 1 2 ...
a6? 1 3 i.xd7 i.xd7 14 :S:xd7!
xd7 15 .ixe7 ll:'lc5 16 a3 )
1 3 xb6 't!fxh4 14 i.xh4 ab ;t;
Stean-Dueball, West Germany


e5 (77)



a) 11 ll:'lxd7?! i.xd7! ( 1 1 . .. ll:'lxd7?!

12 'it'a4! i.xc3 13 'ilxa5 i.xa5 14
i.xd7 f6 15 i.e3 'i&f7 1 6 lid5 i.c7
1 7 i.xc8 lifxc8 1 8 1id7 Larsen
Csom, Palma de Mallorca 197 1)
12 i.xf6 i.xf6 1 3 't!fxd7 i.xc3 14
be liad8! 15 1Wxe7 ( 1 5 'ilxb7?!
"'a3+ 16 c;t>b I lib8 17 'ii'd5 a6 +)
15 . . . lixd l + 16 lixd l 't!fxb5 17
lidS = Radulov-Ljubojevic, Pojana
Porashov 1973.
b) 11 f4 h6 ( 1 1 ... xe5?! 1 2 fe ll:'lg4
1 3 i.xe7 i.xe5 14 1!t'a4 ) 12 i.h4
g5?! 1 3 ll:'lc4! 't!fc7 14 fg hg 1 5
i.xg5 1!c5 1 6 'ifh4 Worch
Hofmann, Berlin 1 975; 12 ...



a) 8 h3?! a6 9 i.xd7+ i.xd7 10 0-0

i.e7 1 1 a4 :S:c8 1 2 a5 i.e6 1 3 litdl
'W'c7 1 4 ltld2 0-0 1 5 ll:'lfl 't!fc5!
Hort-Polugayevsky, Vinkovci 1976.
b) 8 ltld2 and now:
b l ) 8 a6 9 i.xd7+ i.xd7 10 ll:'lc4
i.e6 1 1 .ie3 :S:c8 12 ll:'lb6 lic6 1 3
ltlbd5 .ie7 14 0-0 0-0 15 a4 i.xd5
16 ll:'lxd5 ltlxd5 17 1!t'xd5 i.g5 1 8
i.xg5 't!fxg5 19 c 4 ! Tseitlin=


76 3 i.b5+ li:Jd7

Rajkovic, Yugoslavia 1976.

b2) 8
i.e7 9 lt:lc4 0-0 10 i.xd7
i.xd7!? ( 1 0 ... tt'xd7?! l l lLle3 c6
1 2 g4 i.e6 1 3 :Sgl ll:ld7 14 lLlfS
i.xfS IS gf Torre-O'Kelly,
Malaga 1973) 1 1 ll:lxd6 !lie? 12
lLlfS ( 1 2 lLldbS \!t'c6 =F) 1 2 ... i.xfS
13 f4 e4! 1 3 !!ie2 ( 1 4 ll:lxe4? 1!VeS
I S f3 liad8 16 !!ie2 lt:lxe4 1 7 \!t'xe4
i.h4+ 1 8 e2 life8 =F) 14 ... life8
I S i.d2 l:l.ac8 1 6 a3 i.cS 17 i.e3
!lieS + Mednis-Csom, Cleveland
c) 8 a4 i.e7 9 0-0 0-0 10 b4 a6 1 1
i.c4 ll:lb6 12 i.b3 i.e6 1 3 aS
i.xb3 14 cb ll:lbd7 IS i.e3
Kuzmin-Ghitescu, Rom
ania 1977.
Not 8 ... a6?! 9 i.c4 bS 10 i.dS
lib8 1 1 a4 lLlxdS ( 1 1 . . . b4 1 2 'ti'c4!
1!fe7 1 3 i.a7 ll:lb6 14 i.xb6 be I S
xc3 ) 1 2 lLlxdS ll:lf6 1 3 ll:lxf6+
1!fxf6 14 ab ( 1 4 . . . ab I S lia7).


0-0 (78)

ll:lxd6? i.c6 14 lLldbS 'ffa S + - Tal)

10 . . . t!fc7 1 1 0-0-0 a6 ( 1 1 ... lt:lcS
12 i.xcS t!fxcS 13 lt:lb3 t!fc7 14
i.c4 i.e6 IS i.dS !) 12 i.c4 bS 1 3
i.b3?! lt:lcS ( 1 3 . . . i.b7!?) 14 i.xcS
de l S lLldS lLlxdS 16 i.xdS c4! +
Dvoretsky-Tal, Erevan 197S, 13
lLldS !? lLlxdS 14 i.xdS lib8 I S
b l
b) 9 a4 0-0 10 0-0 lLlb8 !? ( 1 0 . . . t!fc7
1 1 i.c4 lLlcS 1 2 i.xcS !fixeS 1 3
lLldS lLlxdS 1 4 i.xdS i.e6
Dvoretsky-Geller, Erevan 197S)
1 1 i.c4 ll:lc6 12 lHd l ( 1 2 h3 i.e6
1 3 i.xe6 fe 14 llad I lic8 Sax
Bronstein, Teeside 197S) 12 . . .
i.g4 1 3 !!ie2 lLl b4 14 i.b3 \!t'c8 1 S
h 3 i.hS
Zaichik-Zaid, Tallinn
1 976.
== .






a) 9 lLld2 0-0 1 0 f3 ( 1 0 ll:lc4 t!fc7 1 1

0-0-0 lid8! 1 2 i.xd7 i.xd7 1 3


a) 10 i. c4 lt:lb6 1 1 i.b3 ( 1 1
i.xb6?! t!fxb6 1 2 ll:lh4 h7 1 3
lLlfS i.xfS 1 4 ef llac8
Csom, Budapest 1 976) 1 1 ... i.e6
1 2 lLlh4!? ( 12 lLld2 lic8 1 3 a4 a6 14
lifd 1 t!fc7 1S aS ll:lbd7 16 t!fe2
lt:lcS 17 lt:ldS i.xdS 1 8 i.xdS lLlxdS
19 ed fS + Do1matov-Eolian,
USSR 1978) with the following
a 1 ) 12
1!fd7 ( 1 2 ... ll:lxe4? 1 3
ll:lg6! ) 1 3 i.xe6 fe 1 4 lLlbS?!
ll:lc8 ! 1 S ll:lg6 lld8 16 c4 a6 17 ll:lc3
1We8 18 ll:lxe7+ ll:lxe7 oo Kupreichik
Polugayevsky, USSR 1976.
a2) 12 lieS 13 ll:lg6 lle8 14 lifd 1
lt:lg4 1 S lt:lxe7+ lixe7 16 i.xb6
'@xb6 17 lid2 lid? 18 liad 1 !

3 i.b5+ li:Jd7 77

Arkhipov-Dvoiris, USSR 1979.

b) 10 :iadl a6 1 1 .tc4 "t!rc7 12
l0114!? (12 a4 eoc s 13 .bc5 "t!rxc5
14 lLXIS ltlxd5 1 5 .bd5 JibS 16
lLXI2 .td7
Moscow 1976) 1 2 ... lLlcS 13 .bc5
"t!rxc5 14 ltlg6 :es 15 ltlxe7+
:Xe7 16 "t!rxd6 Skulener
Schustennan, USSR 1979; 13 ...

de ;!;.
We have seen that the picture of
the battle in this variation usually
favours White. It is more difficult
for him to create active plans,
perhaps, than was the case after
3 ... ltlc6, but the defence of the
king by the knight leads to rather
passive strategic plans for Black.


. . .


1 e4 c5 2 lDO d6 3 i.b5+

i.d7 (79)

This is the most principled and

frequently encountered move. It
would seem that by all the rules of
chess the exchange of light
squared bishops should not favour
Black: his pawns lie on dark
squares but, as it turns out, this is
only temporary, and with intelligent
play Black can exploit the reduction
of fighting forces in order to
struggle against the ambitions of
his opponent.


A logical, if somewhat slow,

move. It is clear that in the near
future only the dark-squared bishops
will remain on the board, so White
puts his pawns on_light squares.
A I 4 ... lDc6
A2 4 ... lDf6



a) 6 d3 g6 7 lDbd2 i.g7 8 c4 0-0
9 lie 1 and now:
al) 9 a6 10 .i.xc6 J.xc6 1 1 aS d7
12 .ig5 f6 13 .id2 d5 14ed .i.xd5 15
e3 .tf7 16 g4 g5
Olafsson, Dundee 1967.
a2) 9 e8!? 10 i.d2?! e5 1 1 i.xc6
be 1 2 b4 cb 1 3 .txb4 .te6 + Regan
Kava1ek, USA 1978; l O e5!? = .
b) 6 1!t'e2 e6 7 d1 .ie7 8 d4 cd 9
xd4 'flc7 10 c3 0-0 = van
Riemsdyk-Gheorghiu, Leningrad



Now White has played:

4 a4
4 c4
4 'it'e2
4 .i.xd7+


6 ... e5?! 7 lDxe5 de 8 b3 e6 9

i.b2 i.d6 10 f4 .i.xb5 1 1 ab d7 12
3 ef 1 3 c4 'it'e7 14 e5 i.c7 1 5
1!ft3 Mukhamedzyanov-Fedorov,

3 J.b5+ J.d7 79



7 d3 J.e7 S lL!bd2 0-0 9 c3 a6 10

J.e4 'f!/e7 1 1 .i.b3 b5 12 ab ab 13
lixaS lixaS 14 d4
Portiseh, Havana 1 97 1 .

8 .t.n
a) 10 ... 0-0 1 1 ltle3 liteS Kim

Desyatkov, USSR 19SO.

b) 10 d5 1 1 e5 ( 1 1 ltle3 ?! ltlxe4
1 2 ltlxe4 de 13 litxe4 0-0 14 .i.d2
lieS + Barry-Popovieh, New York
1974) 1 1 ... ltle4 1 2 ltlc3 ltlg5 1 3
lDxg5 J.xg5 14 J.xg5 't!lxg5 1 5
lie3 0-0 1 6 l:lg3 't!t'e7 oo Sappers
Robatsch, Belgrade 1972.


c) 5 1!Ve2 ltlc6 (5 ... e6 6 0-0 J.e7 7

c3 0-0 S d4 cd 9 cd ltlc6 10 ltlc3
lL!b4 1 1 litd1 ;!; Kuzmin-Gutman,
Baku 1977) 6 0-0 e5?! 7 d3 J.e7 S
J.xc6 J.xc6 9 ltlh4 ltlxe4 10 ltlf5 ;!;
Kuzmin-Platonov, Kiev 1 97S; 6 ...
g6!? 00.


a) 6 d4 cd 7 lL!xd4 J.g7 S 0-0 0-0 9

h3 a6 10 J.c4 lL!c6
Fortuna, Italy 1 979.
b) 6 0-0 ltlc6 7 lie l J.g7 S e5 de 9
J.xc6?! J.xe6 10 ltlxe5 l:leS 1 1
lL!b5 J.xb5 1 2 ab 0-0 1 3 d3 1Wb6
Cyklos-Arnlid, corres 1 9SO; 9

c4 (80)


5 ltlc3
a) 5 e5?! de 6 ltlxe5 .i.xb5 (6 ... e6!?

7 0-0 "f//c7 S lite 1 .i.d6 9 "f//e2 0-0 10

J.xd7 lL!bxd7 1 1 f4 lL!d5
Bogorad-Gutman, USSR 1 975) 7
ab 'lt'd5 S ltlf3 "f//e4+ 9 't!t'e2 tltxe2
10 lL!c3 ltlbd7 ( 1 0 . . . e6 1 1 0-0
ltlbd7 1 2 ltle5 lL!xe5 1 3 11rxe5 litdS
Larsen-Geller, Sousse IZ 1967;
1 1 ltle5!?) 1 1 lL!e5 e6?! 12 lL!xd7
ltlxd7, Alexandria-Ioseliani, USSR
1977, 1 3 tltf3 !? ;!;; 1 1 ... ltlxe5!? 1 2
'lt'xe5 'lt'd3 =.
b) 5 d3 ltlc6 6 0-0 g6 (6 . . . e6 7
ltlbd2 J.e7 S ltlc4 0-0 9 e5 ltleS 10
ed lL!xd6 1 1 J.xc6 J.xc6 12 lL!ce5 ;!;
Kozulic-Wirthensohn, Nice 01

There is a reason behind this

move. White not only puts his
pawns on light squares (well
aware that his light-squared bishop
will soon leave the board) but also
fixes his opponent's pawns on
dark squares. There is a dark side
to this move as well. If Black now
decides to trade bishops then the
c-pawn will find itself far from the
centre, and that obviously favours

80 3 J.b5+ J.d7


After 4 . . . ltlf6 5 llJc3 Black has:

a) 5 ... .i.xb5 6 cb and now:
al) 6
e6 7 d4 cd 8 1!fxd4 !i..e7 9
0-0 0-0 10 litdl ltlbd7 1 1 !i..g5
"irb6 12 9d2 litfd8?! 1 3 J.e3 ;!;
Faibisovich-Joffe, Leningrad 1979;
12 .. litfc8?!
a2) 6 g6 7 d4 cd 8 lilxd4 .i.g7 9
0-0 0-0 10 J.e3 ltlbd7 1 1 f4 Ilc8 1 2
1!t"e2 ltlc5
Vilnius 1975.
b) 5 e6 6 oo .i.e7 7 d4 cd 8 ltlxd4
0-0 9 J.e3 ltlc6 10 'it'e2 ltlxd4 1 1
.ixd4 a6 12 J.xd7 ltlxd7 13 Ilfd l ;!;
Romanishin-Ribli, Mexico 1980.




a) 5 e 5 6 lilc3 g6 7 d3 .i.g7 8 lild5

f6?! 9 a3 lilge7 10 b4 0-0 1 1 Ilbl ;!;
Haag-Molnar, Hungary 1978; 8 ...
h6 00 .
b) 5 ... ltlf6 6 lilc3 g6 7 d3 J.g7 8
.ig5 h6 9 .ie3 0-0 1 0 h3 e5 l l ltlh2
lilh5 12 ltld5 i Romanishin
Tukmakov, USSR 1976.

1!fe2 (81)


does not pose any danger for

Black. White's opening initiative
is dissipated by exchanges, but if
Black is looking for the win, it will
not be easy for him to complicate
the position.
a) 4
a6?! 5 .ixd7+ 'ii'xd7 6 0-0
ltlc6 7 litd I g6 8 d4 cd 9 ltlxd4 i.g7
1 0 .ie3 lilf6 1 1 f3 0-0 1 2 c4 ;!;
Rossolimo-Szabados, Venice 1949.
b) 4
.ixb 5 5 1!t"xb5+ 't!rd7 and:
b I) 6 "t!re2 ltlf6 7 0-0 e6 8 d4
cd 9 ltlxd4 lilc6 10 l:ld l ltlxd4 1 1
l:lxd4 "t!rc6 Rossolimo-Kramer,
Amsterdam 1950.
b2) 6 "t!rxd7+ ltlxd7 7 0-0 lilgf6 8
lite l e6 9 c3 JJ..e 7 10 d4 cd 1 1 cd
d5 12 e5 lile4 1 3 ltlbd2 lilxd2 14
.ixd2 0-0 1 5 i.g5
Polugayevsky, Sarajevo 1964.
c) 4
llJc6 and now:
c I) S 0-0 ltlf6 6 l:ld I ?! e6 7 ltlc3
ltld4 8 ltlxd4 cd 9 J.xd7+ 1!rxd7 10
ltlb5 ltlxe4
Venice 1 97 1 ; 6 c3!?
c2) 5 c3 a6 6 .ia4 g6 7 d4 cd 8 cd
.ig7 9 .i.e3?! lilf6 10 ltlc3 b5 1 1
.ib3 li:Jg4 + Rossolimo-Gheorghiu,
Malaga 1973; 9 d5!?



4 .ixd7+
With the following subdivision:
0 1 4 . . . lilxd7
02 4 . . . 1!Fxd7

A strong move, but one which

llJxd7 (82)
There is an opinion that this
move is insufficient for equality
because it is more difficult than

3 .ib5+ .td7 81

usual for Black to advance on the

queenside. There is no support for
this conclusion in terms of clear

b3) 6 ... g6 7 0-0 J.g7 8 lib1 (8 d3

0-0 9 h3 lbe8 10 J.e3 lt:lc7 1 1 Wd2
a6 1 2 J.h6 b5
Teeside 1972; 8 d4 cd 9 lbxd4 0-0
10 h3 WaS 1 1 J.d2 a6 1 2 1We2
liac8 Belyavsky-Savon, Lenin
grad 1979) 8 ... 0-0 9 b4 b6 10 d3
lbg4 ( 1 0 ... a6 1 1 be be 1 2 J.d2 e6
13 't!ra4?! lt:lg4 14 h3 lt:lge5 15
lbxe5 lt:lxe5 + Jansa-Kaplan,
Hastings 1975; 1 3 h3!? ) 1 1 lbe2
lbge5 12 lt:le1 lbc6 1 3 lbc2 e5 1 4 f4
lbd4 1 5 f5 ;!; Gurgenidze-Szilagyi,
Budapest 1978.
6 Wel (83)
Or 6 lie 1 and now:
a) 6 ... e6 with a further
a1) 7 c4 J.e7 8 lt:lc3 0-0 9 d4 cd 10
lbxd4 lieS 1 1 b3 a6 12 J.b2 1!fa5
1 3 '@Vd2 1!fb6 1 4 liad 1 J.d8! oo
Zakharov-Petrushin, USSR 1 973;
7 ... lt:le5!? 8 d3 J.e7 9 lt:lc3 0-0 =.
a2) 7 b3 J.e7 8 J.b2 0-0 9 d3?! 1!Vc7
10 lt:lbd2 lifd8 1 1 e5 lt:le8 1 2 ed
lbxd6 1 3 lbe4 lbxe4 14 lixe4 J.f6
= Radulov-Ribli, Vrsac 1977; 9
c4!? ;!;,
b) 6 ... g6 and now:
b 1) 7 d4 cd 8 lt:lxd4 J.g7 9 c4 0-0 10
lbc3 1!fa5 11 lbc2, Kan-Lisitsyn,
Moscow 1 955, 1 1 ... lifc8 1 2 lt:le3
a6 oo.
b2) 7 b3 .ig7 8 .ib2 0-0 9 d4 cd 10
J.xd4 b5 1 1 a4 b4
Zilberstein, USSR 1 978.
b3) 7 c3 .ig7 8 d4 cd 9 cd 0-0 10
lbc3 e5 1 1 de de 12 J.e3 't!re7


a) S d4 cd 6 1!fxd4 (6 lt:lxd4!? lbgf6

7 lbc3 g6 8 0-0 J.g7 9 J.e3 0-0 10 f4
lieS 1 1 1!ff3 ;!;) 6 ... lbgf6 7 c4 (7 0-0
'lfb6! 8 Wa4 Wc6 9 Wxc6 be 10
lie1 e6 = Musil-Portisch, Portoroz
Ljubljana 1975) 7 ... g6 8 lt:lc3 J.g7
9 0-0 0-0 10 J.d2 a6 1 1 Wd3 1!fb8
1 2 life 1 b5!? oo Tringov-Stean,
Skara 1 980.
b) S c4 lt:lgf6 6 lt:lc3 and now:
b 1 ) 6 ... lbeS 7 d3 e6 (7 . . . lt:lxf3+ 8
Wxf3 lbd7 9 0-0 g6 10 J.g5 h6 1 1
J.e3 .ig7 12 'W'd 1 0-0 13 'tlt'd2 <&h7
1 4 liab l f5 15 lbe2 Seredenko
Psakhis, USSR 1978) 8 0-0 .ie7 9
lib1 0-0 10 b4?! cb 1 1 lixb4 b6 12
lib5 lieS l 3 a4 lbfd7 14 .ia3 lLlc5
15 lt:le 1 J.f6 16 lt:le2 d5! + Tseitlin
Tseshkovsky, Moscow 1979; 10
a3!?, 1 1 b4 oo.
b2) 6 ... e6 7 0-0 J.e7 8 d4 cd 9
lbxd4 a6 10 b3 0-0 1 1 J.b2 1!fc7 1 2
't!re2 life8 l 3 liad 1 .ifS 14 f4 ;!;
Sharif-Andersson, Haifa 01 1976.

82 3 .i.b5+ .i.d7

Peresipkin-Karasev, USSR I976.

b4) 7 c4 .i.g7 8 c3 0-0 9 d3 a6 IO
h3 e5 I I .ie3 lt:lfd7 I2 xe5
lt:lxe5 I3 f4 lilc6 I 4 f5 b5 co
Janacek-Groszpeter, Kecskemet

b) 7 c4 e5 8 d3 .i.e7 9 xe5 de 10
f4 ef 1 1 e5 d7 12 .i.xf4 f8 I3
c3 g6 14 .ig3 0-0 co Zakharov
Rashkovsky, USSR 1 979; 9 c3!?
c) 7 c3 .i.e7 (7 ... d5?! 8 e5 g8
9 d4 :!;) 8 d4 0-0 (8 ... d5 9 e5 lt:le4 I O
lt:le1 ?! c d 1 1 c d 't!fb6! 1 2 f3?
11rxd4+ 13 .ie3 11Vxe3+! 1 4 1Wxe3
.i.c5 =t= Chekhov-Khasin, Vladi
vostok 1978; I 2 c2!? co) 9 e5 e8
(9 ... de?! 10 de e8 1 1 bd2 t)
and now:
c l ) 10 ed lt:lxd6 1 1 lid I cd I2
xd4 lite8 13 a3 a6 1 4 lilc4 1!tc7
I5 .i.f4 1!txc4 I6 .i.xd6 Adorjan
Geller, Moscow 1 977.
c2) 10 .if4 d5 I 1 lt:lbd2 1!t'b6 1 2
llab 1 c7 1 3 litfc i 1!Va6 I4 1!te3
lifc8 ( I4 ... tha2? 1 5 lia1 'irxb2
I6 licb 1 ) 1 5 a3 b5 co Radulov
Ristic, Smederevska Palanka I979.
c3) 10 lld1 d5 1 1 c4! b6 I 2 cd
lt:lxd5 I 3 de .ixc5 I 4 lt:lbd2 ec7
( 1 4 ... lt:lf4? I 5 1!tc4) I 5 e4 .i.e7
I6 lt:lfg5 t Adorjan-Ragyok
halgatok, Hungary 1 979.


a) 6 .. lieS and now:

a I) 7 b3 g6 8 .ib2 .ig7 9 d4 cd 10
lt:lxd4 c5 I I c3 0-0 I2 lUd I
'irb6 1 3 llabi litfe8 Timoshenko
Tseshkovsky, Tbilisi 1 978.
a2) 7 c3 e6 (7 ... 'irc7?! 8 d4 cd 9 cd
1!Vxci ?! 10 litxcl lixc l + 1 1 lile 1 g6
I2 g3 .ih6 13 g2 0-0 14 d3
Gurgenidze-Petrushin, Byeitsy 1977;
9 . . . g6 t) 8 d4 cd 9 xd4 .ie7 1 0
lid I a 6 1 1 .i.g5 0-0 1 2 d2 'irc7 =
Kuzmin-Tseshkovsky, Tallinn 1979.
b) 6 ... g6 7 c3 .ig7 8 d4 e6 (8 ...
e5?! 9 lt:la3 0-0 10 de de 1 I c4
Roth-Horvaldsson, Varna 1962) 9
lid1 'irc7 10 a3 t R.Schwarz.


a) 7 d4 cd 8 lt:lxd4 c5 9 c3 .i.e7
10 litd i 1!fb6 1 1 .ie3 0-0 I2 lt:lb3
1!Va6 Makarychev-Geller, Moscow



0-0 (84)

3 .ib5+ J.d7 83

a) 9 d3 lZ:lg4 10 lZ:lbd2 .if6 1 1 d4 cd

1 2 lZ:lxd4 lZ:lge5 1 3 llad 1 lZ:lg6?! 14
lbc4 lbde5 1 5 lZ:lxe5 .txe5 1 6 g3
t!t'a5 1 7 c4 ;!; Shabanov-Petrushin,
USSR 1 978; 13 ... a6!? 14 c4 t!t'a5 oo.
b) 9 d4 cd 10 lZ:lxd4 't!t'c7 ( 10 ... lZ:lc5
1 1 lZ:ld2 lilc8 1 2 c4 'irb6 13 Jilac l g6
14 <t>h l e5 1 5 lbc2 lbh5 1 6 g3 .ig5
17 llcd l ;!; Fischdick-Litinskaya,
Budapest 1980; 1 2 ... a6!?, 1 3 ...
t!t'c7) 11 c4 a6 12 lZ:lc3 llfe8
13 f4 ;!; Tal-Miles, Riga IZ 1979,
13 ... 't!t'c5 14 lZ:la4 't!t'h5 1 5 1!t'xh5
lZ:lxh5 16 f5 .if6 1 7 fe fe 1 8 llad l
lZ:lc5 ;!;.
9 c4
a) 9 ... a6 10 d4 cd 1 1 lZ:lxd4 lieS
12 lZ:lc3 't!t'a5 13 Jilad I It adS?!
( 1 3 ... Jilac8 !?) 14 f4 lZ:lfS 1 5
<t>h l ;!; - Dvoretsky-Szilagyi,
Hungary 1978.
b) 9 ... dS?! 10 e5 lbe8 1 1 cd ed 1 2
d 4 lZ:lc7 1 3 lbc3 Dvoretsky
Zilberstein, USSR 1 978.
c) 9 ... eS and now:
c l ) 10 lZ:le1 lZ:lb8 1 1 lbc3 lZ:lc6 1 2
lZ:ld5 lZ:lxd5 1 3 cd lZ:ld4 14 .txd4
ed Bellin-Bukic, Moscow 1977;
13 ... lZ:lbS!? 14 f4 ef 15 Jilxf4
c2) 10 lZ:lc3 lZ:le8 1 1 lbd5?! lZ:lc7 12
a3 lZ:lxd5 1.3 cd f5 1 4 d3 't!t'e8 1 5 b4
t!t'g6 16 ef llxf5 17 be lZ:lxc5 18 d4
ed! + Chiburdanidze-Tatai, Italy
1980; 1 1 d3 !? f5 1 2 ef llxf5
1 3 lZ:ld2 ;!;.
d) 9 ... lieS 10 d4 cd 1 1 lbxd4 t!t'b6
and now:

d l ) 12 lZ:ld2 Jilad8 13 lil:ad l .ifS 14

lilfe l a6 15 h3 g6 1 6 lLl4f3 .tg7 17
e5 de 18 lZ:lxe5 lZ:lc5 Kapengut
Dorfman, USSR 1 980.
d2) 12 lidl lbc5 13 lbc3 llad8 14
Jilab l J.f8 1 5 't!t'f3 a6 1 6 Jild2 d5!
17 cd ed 18 lbxd5 ( 1 8 ed lZ:lfe4 19
lZ:lxe4 lbxe4 20 lle2 11t'g6! ) 18 ...
lbxd5 19 ed t!t'g6 20 lZ:lf5 (20 1!ff5?!
Jilxd5!) 20 ... lZ:le4 21 Jild4 lbg5 22
1Wd3 lle5 23 lZ:lg3 11t'xd3 24 lilxd3
Jilexd5 Tal-Geller, Minsk 1979.
We have seen that Black can
achieve a steady equality in all
of the main lines, but not more
than that.


'tWxd7 (85)



White can now choose between:

D2 1 5 c4
D22 5 0-0

c4 (86)

Having exchanged the light

squared bishops, White naturally
plans a blockade of his opponent's
pawns on the dark squares. Now

84 3 .tb5+ 1.d7

a strong initiative.

lDc6? ! S lDc3 1Wg4 9 lDb5

a) 7
1!fd7 10 de de 1 1 .i.f4! 0-0-0 1 2
1!fa4 Wf5 1 3 .i.g3 a6 14 litad I
litxd l 1 5 litxd l lL!f6 1 6 tlra5! 1 -0,
Karaklaic-Nikolic, Yugoslavia 1973.
b) 7
lDf6 S lL!e3 and now:
b l ) 8 Wf5 9 'it"b3 b6 10 de 1!t'xc5
1 1 .i.e3 1!fcS 1 2 litfel Ostojic
Quinteros, Torremolinos 1974.
b2) 8 1!t'c6 9 de 1!t'xc5 10 \Wb3 b6
l l .i.g5 lDbd7 12 life I e6 13 .i.xf6
gf 1 4 lL!e4 Wc7 1 5 ltld4 Kengis
Chiburdanidze, USSR 1 979.



begins the battle for the establish

ment of good and bad bishops.
The exchange of a pair of minor
pieces early in the game eases
Black's defensive task, but he still
must be very careful and stick to
his plans.
Black now has the following
021 1 5 ... Wg4
0212 5 ... e5
021 3 5 ... lL!c6

'tlfg4 (87)


A risky operation which gives

White too much leaway to establish


Or 8 litel :
a) 8 1!fg4 9 h3 Wd7 1 0 lL!xd4 lL!f6
l l ltle3 lL!e6 1 2 lL!db5 0-0-0 1 3
lDd5 b 6 14 .i.e3 1!fb7 1 5 b4 e 6 16
lL!xa7+! lL!xa7 1 7 lL!xb6+ bS IS
a4 Albersberg-Ferduga, Nice
01 1974.
b) 8
1!fc6 9 lL!xd4 1!t'xc4?! (9 ...
1!rd7!? i ) 10 lL!a3 1!t'cS 1 1 .i.f4 1!rd7
12 lL!ab5 e5? 1 3 .i.xe5! de 14
litxe5+ .i.e7 ( 1 4 ... lL!e7 1 5 ltlf5 ;
14 ... dS 1 5 't!t"b3 lL!f6 16 litd l )
15 litd5 "ttc S 1 6 lDf5 f8 1 7 lDxe7
xe7 1 8 liteS+ 1-0 Browne
Quinteros, Wijk aan Zee 1 974.
S ... lDf6 9 lL!e3 'irg4 10 1!fa4+
1!fd7 1 1 lL!db5 lL!c6 12 .ig5! (12
ltld5?! liteS 1 3 .i.g5 lL!e4 w) 12 ...
a6?! (12 ... liteS!? 13 litfe l a6 14
llad 1 ab 15 eb lObS 1 6 .i.xf6 gf 17


3 .tb5+ .td7 85

ll:ld5 - Hort) 1 3 ll:ld5 Ilc8 1 4

l!Jb6 Hort-Rajkovic, Sarajevo



10 ... 'ifxc4?! 1 1 .te3 a6 1 2 b3

'it"e6 1 3 ll:ld4 @d7 14 ll:ld5 b8 1 5
Ilcl t Kaikamdzhozov-Neikirkh,
Bulgaria 1 958.
11 .ie3
a) 1 2 l!Jd4 @d7 1 3 ll:ld5 b8 l 4 b4
e5 l 5 ll:lxc6+ be l 6 l!Jb6 @b7 1 7 a4
d5 1 8 c5 Babrikovsky-Malich,
West Germany 1 980.
b) 12 'tta4!? ll:lf6 ( 1 2 ... ab 13 cb
ll:lb8 1 4 Ilac l + d7 1 5 b6+ l!Jc6
16 ll:lb5 ) 13 llac l <Sb8 14 .tb6
llc8 1 5 Ilfd l ll:ld7 16 ll:ld5
Barbara-Ulsky, Czechoslovakia
eS (88)
This continuation has been
much discussed in recent times.
Black radically prevents his
opponent's pawn thrust in the
centre, but at the cost of seriously
compromising his position; the
white bishop will now be much
stronger than its black counterpart.
Can White exploit this factor to
his advantage? The answer to this
question has not been given.
a) 5 ... e6 6 0-0 l!Jf6 7 l!Jc3 l!Jc6 8 d4
cd 9 ll:lxd4 .te7 10 .te3 0-0 1 1 @e2
a6 1 2 Ilfd 1 t.
b) 5
g6 6 d4 cd 7 l!Jxd4 i.g7 8
l!Jc3 ll:lc6 9 .te3 l!Jh6 10 h3 f5 1 1

f4? fe 12 ll:lxe4 ll:lf5 1 3 llJxf5 'ttxf5

14 'trO .txb2 1 5 Ilbl l!Jd4! =f
Lechtynsky-Peshina, Vilnius 1 978;
1 1 ef!? l!Jxf5 12 ll:lxf5 'ifxf5 1 3
1i'd2 t.

6 l!Jc3
6 ... g6 7 ll:ld5 .tg7 8 d3 ll:le7 9
.tg5 l!Jxd5 10 cd 0-0 1 1 0-0 f5
12 .td2 i.f6 1 3 b4 t Chekhov
Machulsky, USSR 1975.
7 . . . l!Jge7 (7 ... ll:lf6 8 .tg5
.te7 9 .txf6 i.xf6 1 0 llJd5 .td8
1 1 0-0 0-0 1 2 a3 l!Je7 1 3 ll:lxe7+
.i.xe7 14 l!Jd2 t Szmetan-Vega,
Argentina 1974).
a) 8 a 3 h6 9 Ilb1 aS 10 0-0 g6 1 1 b4
ab 1 2 l!Jd5 ll:lxd5 1 3 ed l!Jd4 1 4
l!Jxd4 ed 1 5 ab t Keres-Grigorian,
USSR 1 973; 1 3 cd!? l!Jd4 14 l!Jxd4
cd 15 Ilxb4 - Keres.
b) 8 lDdS llJxd5 9 cd l!Jb4 (9 ...
ltJd4 10 l!Jxd4 cd 1 1 0-0 .te7 1 2
't!lb 3 0-0 1 3 f4 Ilac8 1 4 .td2 t
Karpov-Ribli, Bath 1973) 10 0-0
.i.e7 1 1 a3 ( l 1 l!Je 1 0-0 1 2 .td2?! f5
1 3 a3 llJa6 14 llJc2 fe 1 5 de c4 +
Radu1ov-Smejkal, Leningrad 1973;

86 3 .tb5+ .td7

1 2 a3!? lba6 1 3 f4 oo) 1 1 ... lLla6 1 2

lDd2 0-0 1 3 lDc4 f5 14 .td2 b5 1 5
lDa5 f4 ( 1 5 ... fe 1 6 d e lLlbS?!
17 a4 :t Unzicker-Stein, Kis
lovodsk 1972; 16 ... .tdS!? 17 lDc6
.tb6 ) 16 f3 .tdS!? ( 1 6 . . . 'it>h8?!
1 7 lDc6 lDb8 1 8 lDxe7 '@xe7 19 b4
lDd7 20 a4 t Unzicker-Hamann,
West Germany 1 972) 17 lLlc6
Mednis-Kavalek, USA
8 lDd5
Or 8 a3 .tg7 9 lilb 1 (9 0-0 lbge7
10 lbe 1 ?! 0-0 1 1 f4 f5 1 2 Iii b 1 lLld4
13 b4 b6 oo Feustel-Hofmann,
East Germany 1975) 9 . . . lbge7
10 b4 and now:
a) 10 ... 0-0 with the following
a1) 11 0-0 h6 12 lDd5 f5 13 lLlel f4
14 be de + Tseitlin-Yankowitz,
USSR 1975.
a2) 11 be?! de 1 2 0-0 h6 1 3 lLld5
f5 + Torre-Radulov, Leningrad
a3) 1l lDd5!? f5 12 .tgs t; 1 1 ... h6?
12 i.xh6! .
b) 10 ... b6 1 1 0-0 ( 1 1 .tg5 f6!?
12 .td2 lDd4 Torre-Gheorghiu,
Malaga 1 973; 1 1 ... 0-0?! 1 2
.txe7 ;!;) 1 1 . . . 0-0 12 lLld5 lLlxd5 1 3
cd lLld4 14 lLlxd4 cd 1 5 .td2 Iitac8
16 'ti'b3 t Spassky-Byrne, San
Juan 1974.
Not 8 ... lbce7?! 9 0-0 lbxd5 1 0
cd i.g7 1 1 a 4 lDe7 1 2 lLld2 0-0 1 3
lLlc4 f5 14 f4 Stoica-Ghitescu,

Romania 1975.


a) 9 a3 lbge7 1 0 Iitb 1 lLlxd5 1 1 cd

lbd4 12 b4?! lLlxf3+ 13 'ti'xf3 cb 14
Iitxb4 0-0 1 5 0-0 Iitfc8 1 6 '@d1
Iitc3 + - Karaklaic-Gheorghiu,
Casablanca 1974; 1 2 lDxd4!? oo.
b) 9 .tgS?! h6 10 .te3 lbge7 1 1 0-0
f5 1 2 lLle1 f4 1 3 i.d2 0-0 14 lilb 1
lbd4 + Alexandria-Machek, Buda
pest 1 977.
lDge7 (89)

The position is roughly level.

Some practical examples:
a) 10 lilb1 lLlxd5 1 1 cd lDe7?! 12 b4
cb ( 1 2 ... b6 1 3 be be 14 'ti'b3 0-0 15
1!Yb7 t Keres-Panno, Petropolis IZ
1973) 13 nxb4 0-0 1 4 '@b3 b6 1 5
a4 lilacS 1 6 .ta3 .th6 1 7 lil b 1
Bouaziz-Rodriguez, Nice 01 1974.
b) 10 i.d2 0-0 ( 1 0 ... lLlxd5?! 1 1 cd
lLlb4 1 2 .txb4 ) 1 1 lilb1 lilab8
( 1 1 ... f5?! 12 b4 lLlxd5 13 ed?!
lLlxb4 14 .txb4 cb 15 nxb4 h6 1 6
"ti'a4 'ti'e7 + Shabanov-Dolmatov,
USSR 1975; 13 cd!? lLlxb4 1 4
.txb4 c b 1 5 :U.xb4 h 6 1 6 '@b3 b6 1 7

3 i.b5+ i.d7 87

llc1 ) 1 2 b4 lLlxd5 1 3 ed?! lLlxb4

14 i.xb4 cb 1 5 llxb4 llfe8 1 6 lle1
't!t'c7 17 1i'b3 .th6 = Schmid
Andersson, Nice 01 1 974; 1 3 cd.
c) 10 .tgS lLlxd5 1 1 cd and now:
lLlb4 12 a3 lLla6 1 3 li:ld2
c l ) 11
0-0 Lopukhin-Zilberstein, Chel
yabinsk 1 975.
li:ld4 12 lt:lxd4 cd 13 1i'b3
c2) 11
0-0 14 i.d2 f5 1 5 f3 f4 16 llac l oo
Andersson-Kavalek, Amsterdam
c3) 11 lt:le7 12 li:ld2 f6 13 i.e3 f5
14 f3 0-0 1 5 a4 f4 1 6 .tf2 b6 17 b4
llfb8 1 8 lDc4 lDc8 1 9 be be 20 't!lc2
i.f6 2 1 lt:la5 ;!; Biyiasas-Mecking,
Manila 1 976.




li:lc(; (90)


acceptable position.


The most cold-blooded and

promising continuation. The naturn.l
knight move reinforces Black's
achievements in the centre. Black
does not have to worry about any
tactical tricks, so he will be able to
concentrate on the development
of his pieces and achieve a fully


a) 6 0-0 lDe5?! 7 d3 e6 (7 ... lt:lf6

8 lDc3 e6 9 i.f4 lDc6 10 .tg5 .te7
1 1 d4 cd 1 2 li:lxd4 0-0 1 3 lle l ;!;
Polikarpov-Yuferov, Minsk 1979)
8 lt:lc3 lDe7 9 li:le1 (9 a3 lD7c6 10
llb1 .te7 1 1 i.e3 0-0 12 lle I f5 =
1974) 9 ... g6 10 f4 lt:l5c6 1 1 lDf3
i.g7 1 2 .te3 lDd4
Hasin, Moscow 1974; 7 d4!?
li:lxf3+ 8 gf ;!:; 7 ... lt:lxc4 8 de de
9 't!lc2 - Polugayevsky.
b) 6 d4 't!lg4?! 7 d5!? (7 0-0 cd 8
li:lxd4 't!t'xd l 9 llxd l li:lxd4 10
llxd4 g6 =F; 7 lDc3 cd 8 lDb5
\!t'xe4+ 9 wfl 0-0-0 =f) 7 ... 'it'xe4+
(7 ... lDd4 8 li:lbd2?! li:lxf3+ 9 't!lxf3
li:lf6 10 'it'xg4 lDxg4 1 1 lDf3 e5 12
de fe 1 3 h3 lLlf6 14 e5 de
1 5 lt:lxe5 :!; Tai-Balashov, Lenin
grad 1974; 8 li:lxd4!? \!t'xd l + 9
wxd l cd 10 lt:la3 ) 8 .te3 li:ld4
9 'it'a4+ and now:
b I) 9 b5 10 \!t'a6 lDc2+ 1 1 d2?!
'it'd3+! 12 c l llb8 1 3 1!t'xa7 lld8
14 \!t'b7 lLlxa 1 1 5 'it'c6+ lld7 1 6
Stean-Geller, Moscow
1 975; 1 1 'it>d l !? lDb4 12 'it'xb5+
wd8 13 lDbd2 .
wd8 10 lt:lc3 li:lxf3+ 1 1 gf
b2) 9
1!rxf3 1 2 llg1 't!t'f5 1 3 lt:lb5 g6?! 14
lt:lxa7 c7 1 5 llg3 li:lf6 16 'it'a5+
b6 ( 1 6 . . . b8? 1 7 11Vd8+ xa7 1 8
i.xc5+) 17 "i!fa6 li:ld7 1 8 a 4 i.g7 19
a5 llhb8 20 i.d2 Jaznikowski
Deze, Wroclaw 1978; 13 ...

88 3 .tb5+ .td7



a) 6 ... l.UeS?! 7 d4!? (7 d3 l.Uxf3+ 8
"ibf3 g6 9 0-0 .tg7 1 0 "ire2 l.Uf6 1 1
f4 0-0 1 2 .td2 oo Mednis-Minic,

Yugoslavia 1975) 7 ... l.Uxf3+ (7 ...

l.Uxe4 8 de de 9 1Ve2 ) 8 gf ed 9
1!t'xd4 l.Df6 10 .tg5 b6 1 1 0-0-0
0-0-0 1 2 .txf6 gf 1 3 1Vd5 b8 14
"ibf7 Georgadze-Zaiehik, USSR
1 977.
b) 6 ... g6 7 d4 cd 8 ltlxd4 .tg7 9
.te3 l.Uh6 (9 1)

1 0 f3 ( 10 h3!? f5 1 1 .txh6 .txd4 1 2

1!t'd2 t Palatnik-Izhnin, USSR
1 978) 10 ... f5 and now:
b 1) 11 0-0 fe 1 2 1!t'd2! l.Uf7 13 l.Uxe4
0-0 14 litad 1 t Nei-Spassky,
Tallinn 1973; 1 2 . . . ltlf5?! 13 ltlxf5
gf 14 fe .
b2) 11 l.Uxe6 be 12 .i.d4 e5 1 3 .te3
fe 14 fe l.Ug4 1 5 1Vd2 ltlxe3 1 6
1Vxe3 oo Livshin-Petrosian, USSR
b3) 1 1 1Vd2 l.Uf7 1 2 ef ( 1 2 0-0 0-0 1 3
llad 1 e6 14 ltldb5 t Markland
Janacek, Minorca 1 974) 1 2 . . . gf

1 3 f4 ( 1 3 0-0!? ltlfe5 14 b3 lil:g8 1 5

h 1 h 5 1 6 llad 1 0-0-0 1 7 ltlxc6 be
18 ltla4 ! Feustel-Hofmann,
Austria 1 975) 1 3 ... .txd4 14 .i.xd4
1!t'e6+ 1 5 d 1 ( 1 5 f2? lil:g8 1 6 b3
1!t'g6 1 7 g3 ltlh6 =t= Minic-Stein,
Zagreb 1972) 1 5 ... litg8 1 6 l.Dd5 !
Hort-Jansson, Skopje 01 1972;
15 ... 0-0!?



a) 8 ... 1!t'g4 9 0-0 1Vxd 1 1 0 lil:xd 1

l.Uxd4 1 1 llxd4 lil:c8 and now:
a 1 ) 12 .tgS ltld7 13 b3 ( 1 3 llc l g6
14 b3 .tg7 15 lil:dd 1 .txc3 16 lil:xc3
f6 ! Vasyukov-Savon, Kishinev
1975) 13 ... h6 14 .i.e3 g5 15 lil:c1
.tg7 16 lld2 .txe3 17 lil:xc3 a6 1 8
f3 f6 1 9 lil:dc2 ! Kapengut-Gufeld,
Moscow 1 979.
a2) 12 b3 g6 13 .i.b2 .i.g7 14 lil:d2
l.Ud7 1 5 f4 J.xc3 16 J.xe3 f6 17 e5
fe 18 fe l.Uxe5 19 lil:d5 llf8 20 .i.xe5
de 21 llxe5 ! Vasyukov-Yuferov,
Moscow 1 979.
b) 8 ... e6 9 0-0 .te7 10 .te3 ( 1 0 b3
0-0 1 1 ..tb2 llfd8 12 ltlc2 d5!? 1 3
e d e d 14 c d l.Uxd5 1 5 ltlxd5 1!t'xd5
16 1!t'xd5 llxd5
Kayumov, USSR 1 979; 10 ltlc2!?
0-0 1 1 l.Ue3 oo) I 0 ... 0-0 and now:
b l ) 11 f3 llfd8 12 ll c l lilacS 13 b3
( 1 3 1Ve2!?) 1 3 ... d5 14 cd ed 1 5
l.Uxc6 be 1 6 e d .ta3 1 7 lil:c2 l.Uxd5
18 lL!xd5 cd 19 llxc8 llxc8 20 1Vd3
1Ve7 2 1 .td4 ! - Bouaziz
Tsheshkovsky, Leningrad 1979.
b2) 11 1i'e2 llfd8 ( 1 1 ... d5?! 12 cd

3 .tb5+ .td7 89

ed 1 3 lDxc6 1!rxc6 14 ed lDxd5 1 5

lDxd5 1!rxd5 1 6 .txa7 .tf6
1 7 l:tfd l ! ) 12 lUd 1 llac8 ( 1 2 ...
b6 1 3 llac l a6 14 f3 'irb7 1 5 b3
llac8 1 6 h i llc7 1 7 11rf2 lldc8 18
lDde2 lDd7 1 9 a4 Peters-Browne,
Lone Pine 1978; 1 2 ... d5?! 1 3 cd ed
14 lDf5 lDxe4 1 5 1!rg4 ) 1 3 llac 1
a6 14 f3 lDxd4 1 5 .txd4 1!rc7
16 b3 Savon-Platonov, Lenin
grad 1 97 1 .

13 0-0 W'c7 14 b3 1i'a5 15 liac 1 a6

1 6 llfd 1 lic6 1 7 .td4 t Hug-Saidy,
Hungary 1973) 13 0-0 ( 1 3 ll c l a6
14 a4 1!Ve6 15 b3 b5! 16 ab ab 1 7
lDxb5 d 5 ! = Kapengut-Tseitlin,
Leningrad 1971) 13 ... a6 14 liac 1
c6 1 5 b 3 lifd8 1 6 llfd 1 ;t
Vasyukov-Triana, Cienfuegos 1975.

0-0 (92)



a) 9 0-0 .tg7 1 0 lD4e2 ( 10 lDc2 0-0

1 1 b3 a6 12 a4 llfc8 1 3 .td2 e6 =
Kapengut-Grigorian, Baku 1 972;
10 f3? lDxe4!) 10 ... 0-0 1 1 f3 and
a1) 11
e6 12 .tg5 h6 13 .te3
llad8 ( 1 3 ... Ii:fd8 1 4 '1M2 'iPh7
1 5 llad 1 'f/e7 1 6 .tf2 Ii:d7 1 7 llfe 1
llad8 1 8 lDd4 ;!; Mednis-Szekely,
Budapest 1 976) 14 1i'd2 ( 1 4
'f/a4!?) 14 ... d5 !? ( 14 . . . h7 15
liad 1 ) 15 cd ed 1 6 .txh6 de 1 7
1!re3 ef 1 8 .txg7 xg7 ( 1 8 ... fe? 19
.txf6 eftlt'+ 20 lixfl 1lrd2 21 Wh3
) 19 'f/xf3 'it'e7
Hort, Petropolis IZ 1973.
a2) 1 1
lifc8 12 .te3 1i'd8!? 1 3
'f/d2 11fa5 1 4 b 3 a 6 1 5 a 4 lDd7
16 liab1 Gheorghiu-Polugayevsky,
1 976.
b) 9 f3 lDxd4 (9 ... lDe5?! 10 b3
lDh5?! 1 1 .te3 .tg7 1 2 0-0 f5 1 3 efgf
14 1!Vd2 0-0 1 5 .th6 ]If] 16 1!Vg5
lif6 1 7 lDd5! Kapengut-Danov,
Moscow 1972) 10 11fxd4 .tg7 1 1
.te3 0-0 1 2 1!Vd3 liac8 ( 1 2 ... lUeS




a) 11 . a6 1 2 a4 liac8 13 b3 e6
( 1 3 ... llfe8 1 4 'f/d2 1!rd8 15 lifd 1
,lDd7 1 6 liab 1 t Jansa-Bogdanovic,
Sarajevo 1972) 14 llc1 lifd8 1 5
d2 lDa5 1 6 lDce2 1!Vc7 1 7 W'a2 =
Platonov-Polugayevsky, USSR 1971.
b) 1 1 lDe8 1 2 'lfd2 lDc7 13 lDde2
llfd8 14 liac 1 lDe5 1 5 b3 b5?! 1 6
cb lDxb5 1 7 lDxb5 W'xb5 1 8 lic7
Radulov-Cuellar, Leningrad IZ
1973; 15 ... liac8!? t.
c) 11 . 1!Vd8 12 W'd2 'f/a5 1 3
lDxc6 be 14 lDd5 1!Vd8 1 5 lDxf6+
.txf6 16 liad 1 libS 1 7 b3 c5
18 f4 Stanciu-Stefanov, Hungary



90 3 J.b5+ J.d7
d) 1 1 ... lilfd8 1 2 1!t'd2 e6 ( 1 2 ... lDe5 17 lt:ld5 lDd7 1 8 l'ile2 l'ilce 5
lDxd4?! 1 3 .txd4 a6 14 a4 1fe7 15 19 J.g5! f6 20 J.e3 ;!; Jansa
b3 1fa5 1 6 lila2 t Stean-Fedder, Leehtynsky, Prague 1972). Three
England 1 974) 1 3 llfd l d5 1 4 examples:
lDxe6?! b e 1 5 J.g5 9e7 1 6 ed ed 1 7 fl) 14 litad1 d5 1 5 ed ( 1 5 ed ed 1 6
e d e d 18 llac l 1fb7 = Hennings lt:lxe6 b e 17 ed l'ilxd5 1 8 lt:lxd5 ed
Anikayev, Soehi 1 97 1 ; 14 ed!? ed 19 .td4 J.xd4+ 20 1!rxd4 lite2 )
15 e5 ;!;.
15 ... ed 16 e5 l'ile8 1 7 lDde2?! d4!
e) 11 ... litfc8 with the following 18 l'ilb5 d3 19 lt:lcl lDe5 20 lt:le3
'tlt'e6 CD Torre-Miehel, Madonna
e 1) 12 lDde2 1fd8 ( 1 2 . . . lDe8 1 3 1973; 17 lt:lee2!?
9d2 lt:le5 14 b 3 lDe7 1 5 lilacl lDa6 f2) 14 lilfd1 d5 15 ed ed 16 e5 lt:le5
1 6 lilfd l d8 1 7 lLld5 lDe5 1 8 J.g5 17 lt:ldb5 i.f8 1 8 lt:lxa7 lilxe5 19
f6 1 9 J.e3 ;!; Vasyukov-Cardoso, J.d4?! 9f5 20 lite l liteS 2 1 lite2?!
Cienfuegos 1 974) 1 3 b3 a6 14 a4 lilxe3! 22 1fxe3 l'ilxf3+ 23 1fxf3
lDd7 1 5 lilbl lDe5 1 6 1i'd2 lilab8 1 7 -.xn 24 gf lixe2 25 .txf6 .te5+ 26
lilfdl 1ff8 18 lDf4 ;!; Andersson hi (26 fl lilf2+ 27 e l lilxf3!)
26 ... .txa7 27 licl , Stean-Miles,
Donner, Wijk aan Zee 1973.
e2) 12 b3 1t'd8 ( 1 2 ... lDe8 13 lile l London 1 975, 27 ... ! ;
lt:le7 1 4 lt:lde2 1 5 1!t'd2 lilab8 19 lt:la4!? ;!;.
16 lDb5 b6 1 7 lDxe7 lilxe7 f3) 14 litac1 1!t"e8?! 1 5 lilfd l a6 1 6
18 lDe3 ;!; Kapengut-Mukhin, USSR 1ff2 l'ile5 1 7 \l'h4 ;!; Jansa
1972) 13 litel 1!ra5 ( 1 3 ... lDd7 14 Tukmakov, Amsterdam 1974;
1!td2 lDxd4 1 5 J.xd4 J.xd4+ 16 14 ... d5!? 15 l'ilxe6 ( 1 5 ed ed 16 e5
9xd4 1fb6 17 1!bb6 lDxb6 lt:lxd4 17 .txd4 l'ile4! =F) 15 ... be
1 8 ;!; Helmayer-Salonen, 16 e5 lt:le8 1 7 f4 f6 CD - Jansa.
Groningen 1 974) 14 1!fd2 a6 1 5 022
0-0 (93)
lilfd 1 b5?! 1 6 lDxe6 litxe6 1 7 lt:ld5
9xd2 18 J.xd2 lDxd5 19 ed lilcc8
20 J.a5 ;!; Smit-Kengis, Riga 1975;
15 ... lt:lxd4!? 16 J.xd4 b5 17 J.xf6
J.xf6 1 8 lDd5 1fxd2 19 lDxf6+
f) 1 1 ... lilacS 12 b3 lifd8 ( 1 2 ...
lDh5!? 1 3 lite l f5 1 4 lLlde2 f4 15
J.f2 b6 CD Bonseh-Bruggeman,
Berlin 1980) 13 'tlt'd2 e6 ( 1 3 ... a6 14
a4 1fe8 1 5 lilfd l lDd7 1 6 lilab l


3 j,b5+ .id7 91

A natural, flexible and useful

move. White keeps his options
open for future action.
Or 5 ... ll:lf6 (5 ... e6 6 c3 f6 7
e5?! de 8 ll:lxe5 'ifd5! 9 'ifa4+ ll:lbd7
10 d4 a6 1 1 .i.f4 b5 1 2 'lrd1 cd 1 3
c d .i.b4! 1 4 a3 i.a5 1 5 f3 l:lc8 +
Taulbut-Andersson, Hastings 1979;
6 c4!?; 7 l:le l !?; 7 1!t'e2!?) 6 e5
(6 l:le 1 ll:lc6 7 c3 e6 8 d4 cd 9 cd d5
- 0222) 6 ... de 7 xe5 and now:
a) 7 .. 'tWd8 8 ll:lc3 ll:lbd7 9 d4 e6 10
i.g5 i.e7 11 ll:lxd7 "ifxd7 12 de
1!t'xd1 13 lUxd 1 .i.xc5 14 .txf6
gf 1 5 ll:le4 i.e7 1 6 ll:ld6+ i.xd6 1 7
libd6 i Dvoretsky-Moiseyev, Mos
cow 1973.
b) 7 . 'lrc7 8 d4 and now:
b 1 ) 8 . cd 9 1!t'xd4 e6 10 1fa4+
ll:lbd7 1 1 .if4 i.d6 ( 1 1 ... ll:ld5 1 2
l:ld 1) 1 2 ll:lxd7 'irxd7 1 3 1!t'xd7+
d7 14 l:ld1 ;t Rogoff-Ribli,
Hungary 1 97 1 .
b2) 8
c6 9 .i.f4 0-0-0 1 0 c3
( 10 ll:lg6?! e5 =f) 10 ... lbxe5 ( 10 ...
cd 1 1 ll:lxc6 1!t'xc6 12 cd ) 1 1
i.xe5 't!Vc6 1 2 d2 e6 13 b4!
Taulbut-Georgiev, Hastings 1978.
b3) 8 ... e6 9 .i.f4 1!t'b6 (9 ... 1Vc8 10
ll:lc3 .te7 1 1 d5 ed 1 2 ll:lxd5 lbxd5
13 'lrxd5 0-0 14 l:lad 1 i.f6 1 5 c 3 a5
1 6 c4 Voronova-Hofmann,
USSR 1 978; 9 ... .i.d6 10 ll:la3 a6
1 1 lbac4 ) 10 ll:la3 cd 1 1 ll:lac4
'lrd8 12 11re2 .i.e7 13 l:lad 1 ;!;
Bisguier-Browne, USA 197 1 .
c) 7 ... 'it'c8 and now:




c 1) 8 a4 ll:lc6 9 ll:lc4 e6 10 l:la3 ll:ld4

1 1 l:lh3 .i.e7 1 2 d3 1!t'd7 13 c3 c6
14 lbbd2 0-0 oo Gurgenidze-Zaid,
USSR 1974.
c2) 8 c3 ll:lc6 9 xc6 (9 ne 1 !? e6
10 d3 .te7 1 1 .i.f4 0-0 1 2 l:le3 ll:ld4
1 3 l:lh3 ;!;) 9 .. . 1!t'xc6 10 d3 e6 1 1
l:le1 .i.e7 1 2 i.g5 0-0 1 3 lbe4 ll:lxe4
14 .i.xe7 l:le8 15 l:lxe4 l:lxe7
Dvoretsky-Sveshikov, Minsk 1976.
c3) 8 1!t'f3 e6 (8 ... ll:lbd7 9 ll:lc4 e6
10 c3 i.e7 1 1 d3 0-0 12 .i.f4 a6 1 3
a4 b6 1 4 a5 'lrd8 1 5 'it'b7 b5 1 6
ll:lb6 xb6 1 7 ab b4 1 8 ll:lb5! ;!;
Egin-Zilberman, Moscow 1 979;
9 . . . lbb6 !? 10 xb6 ab 1 1 ll:lc3
1!t'c6 ) 9 ll:lc3 .i.e7 10 d3 lbbd7 1 1
.i.f4 lbxe5 1 2 .txe5 0-0 1 3 l:lfe 1
"ird7 14 l:lad 1 l:lac8, Hug-Savon,
Petropolis IZ 1 97 3, 1 5 d4 ;t; 1 0
. . . 0-0!? 1 1 i.f4 ll:la6! 1 2 l:lfe 1
ll:lb4 1 3 l:lac l ll:lfd5
Ubilava, Tbilisi 1977.
c4) 8 d4 e6 9 .i.g5 (9 c3 ll:lc6 10
xc6 'tWxc6 11 de .txc5 1 2 .i.g5
.i.e7 1 3 1!t'e2 0-0 14 :S:ad 1 h6 1 5
.ih4 l:lfd8 1 6 l:lxd8+ l:lxd8
Mikhalchishin-Gufe1d, Baku 1980)
9 ... bd7 (9 ... .te7?! 10 ll:lc3 0-0
1 1 ll:le4 ll:lxe4 1 2 .ixe7 l:le8 1 3
.i.h4 f6 1 4 1!fg4 fe 1 5 de! 1!t'c6 1 6
l:lfe1 Dvoretsky-Weinstein, Wijk
aan Zee 1 975) 10 .i.xf6?! gf 1 1
ll:lxd7 "irxd7 1 2 'tllf3 cd 1 3 "it'xf6
l:lg8 14 d2 'it'd5 1 5 11t"f3 0-0-0 +
Gurgenidze-Tal, Tbilisi 1970;
10 lbc3!? oo.


92 3 J.b5+ .td7

a) 6 b4?! lL!xb4 7 c3 lL!d3 8 lL!a3 e6

9 1!re2 lL!xc 1 10 llaxc 1 J.e7
1 1 d4 oo Geller-Vasyukov, Tbilisi
1 959.
b) 6 b3 ?! lL!f6 (6 ... e5!? 7 c3 J.e7 8
d4 lDf6 9 lle1 0-0 10 de de 1 1
't!rxd7 lDxd7 1 2 lL!bd2 b5 1 3 lDfl
lDb6 ;!; Suba-Ghitescu, Romania
1973) 7 lite 1 g6 8 .ib2 J.g7 9 c4 e5
10 lL!c3 0-0 1 1 d3 lDh5 1 2 lL!d5
lL!e7 + Biyiasas-Geller, Petropolis
IZ 1 973.
c) 6 d3 g6 (6 . . . e6 7 lDbd2 lL!f6 8 a3
J.e7 9 litbl 0-0 10 b4 cb l l ab b5
12 lle1 llfc8 13 lDfl llc7 14 .td2
llac8 15 \!fe2 g6 = Gurgenidze
Geller, USSR 1 967) 7 c3 (7 lDbd2
.tg7 8 a3 lDf6 9 lib l 0-0 10 b4 b6
1 1 .ib2 e5 12 be be 13 lDc4 liiab8
1 4 J.c3 lL!h5 1 5 litxb8 llxb8 +
Gaprindashvili-Geller, Goteborg
1 968) 7 ... lL!f6 S lite 1 .ig7 9 d4 0-0
10 d5 lL!a5 1 1 lL!bd2 b5 1 2 a4 a6 l 3
b4!? cb 1 4 cb lL!xd5?! 1 5 ed hal
16 ba lUeS 1 7 ab \!fxb5 =t= Larsen
Marjanovic, Belgrade 1979; 1 4 ...
lL!c4!? 1 5 lL!xc4 be 16 .ib2 llfcS oo.
d) 6 d4 cd 7 lDxd4 lDf6 with the
following possibilities:
d 1) 8 lL!c3 lDxd4 9 1!Vxd4 e6 10 lite 1
J.e7 1 1 \!fa4 \!fxa4 1 2 lL!xa4 lieS
1 3 lDc3 0-0 14 .te3 a6 15 llad 1
llc6 Kupreichik-Yuferov, Minsk
d2) 8 f3?! d5!? 9 ed (9 lL!xc6?!
\!fxc6 10 ed lL!xd5 1 1 11re2 llcS +
Westerinen-Browne, Amsterdam
197 1 ; 9 J.g5!? de 10 J.xf6 gf 1 1

lL!xc6 \!fxd 1 1 2 litxd1 be 1 3 fe =)

9 ... lL!xd5 10 lDb5 0-0-0 1 1 c4
lL!db4 1 2 \!fa4 a6 1 3 lD 1 c3!? e5
( 1 3 ... ab 14 \!faS+ lDbS 15 .te3! be
16 lL!a4 - Browne) 14 J.e3 oo
Seret-Sosonko, Ostend 1 975.
d3) 8 llel g6 (S ... e6 9 c4 .te7 1 0
lDc3 0-0 1 1 lDc2 a6 1 2 b 3 b 6 1 3 f3
\!fb7 14 a4 liifdS 1 5 lDe3 llacS 1 6
'i!?h 1 d 5 = Khan-Agzamov, USSR
1976) 9 c4 .ig7 10 lL!c3 0-0 1 1 .tg5
litfc8 1 2 llc1 ?! lDxd4 1 3 \!fxd4
lL!g4 14 \!fd2 h6! 1 5 .th4 g5 1 6
i.g3 llxc4 =t= Barendregt-Van der
Wiel, Wijk aan Zee 1976; 1 2
lL!xc6!? litxc6 ( 1 2 . . . 't!rxc6 1 3 i.xf6
.txf6 14 lL!d5 =) 1 3 b3 =.
e) 6 llel lDf6 7 d4 (7 d3 e6 S J.g5
i.e7 9 lL!bd2 h6 10 .ih4 0-0 1 1
lL!c4 lL!g4 1 2 J.xe7 \!fxe7 13 a4
llfdS 1 4 \!fd2 lL!f6 = Larsen-Tal,
Milan 1 975) 7 ... cd S .ig5 d5 (S ...
lL!g4!? 9 lL!xd4 h6 1 0 i.h4?! g5 1 1
J.g3 h5 1 2 lDxc6 be 1 3 h3 h4 1 4
.txd6 lLJxf2 =t= Lilienthal-Najdorf,
Budapest 1950; 10 .tcl !? +) 9
i.xf6 gf 1 0 ed \!fxd5 1 1 lL!c3 "t!rd7
12 lDe4 0-0-0 + Taimanov-Gligoric,
Zurich C 1 953.

lL!f6 (94)

a) 6 ... g6 7 d4 cd S cd lL!f6 9 lDc3

j_g7 10 d5?! lL!e5 1 1 lL!xe5 de 1 2
h3 0-0 1 3 .te3 lDh5 1 4 a4 lL!f4 1 5
a5 f5 + lvkov-Kaspret, Yugoslavia
197 1 ; 10 .tg5!? ;!;.
b) 6 ... d5 7 ed \!fxd5 S d4 e6 9 .te3
cd (9 . . . lidS 10 \!fa4 ;!;) 10 lL!xd4
( 10 cd !? lL!f6 1 1 lDc3 oo) and now:

3 .tb5+ .td7 93

b l) 10 . . ltlxd4 1 1 .txd4 ltle7

Ovoretsky-Savon, Vilnius 1 975.
b2) 10 . ltlf6 1 1 11fa4 a6 1 2 ltla3
'ira5 1 3 11rb3 11rc7 14 .tf4! ltlxd4
1 5 .txc7 ltlxb3 1 6 ab ;t Ragialis
Butnorius, USSR 1 976.
b3) 10 ... eS 1 1 11rb3 1Wxb3 1 3
ltlxb3 0-0-0 1 4 ltl l d 2 i Tseitlin
Savon, Odessa 1 976.



022 1 7 1We2
0222 7 el
0223 7 d4

1We2 (95)


paths toward a fully viable game.



7 ... e5?! 8 d l Wg4 9 d3 .te7

10 h3 ( 10 ltlbd2!?, 1 1 ltlfl !) 10 ...
11re6 1 1 ltlbd2 0-0 12 ltlfl d5 13
.tg5 d4 oo Ciocaltea-Ungureanu,
Romania 1980.


a) 8 a3?! .te7 (8 ... ltla5!? 9 b4 ltlb3

10 a2 ltlxc l 1 1 xcl oo) 9 b4 0-0
10 d3 b5 1 1 e l cb 1 2 cb aS 1 3 ba
ltlxa5 1 4 ltlbd2 fc8 1 5 .tb2 i
Larsen-Olafsson, Lugano 1970;
1 1 . . . 1Wc7!?
b) 8 et .te7 9 d4 cd 10 cd
dS 1 1 ltlc3 ( 1 1 e5 ltle4) 1 1 ... de?!
12 ltle5 'irc7 ( 12 ... ltlxe5 13 de
ltld5 14 ltlxe4 0-0 1 5 1Wh5 i) 13
i.f4 Wb6 14 d5! Ott-Pavlov,
Romania 1 975.



1 1 lld l ?! llc8 ( 1 1 . . . i.e7 1 2

ltle 1 f6 1 3 f3 ltlg5 14 ltlc3 l!Jfl 1 5
f4 f5 1 6 .te3 0-0 1 7 ltld3 b 5 1 8
acl ac8 Kuzmin-Andersson,
Groningen 1975) 1 2 .te3 ( l 2 ltlel?
ltlxd4) 12 . . . .te7 1 3 li)e1 f6 14 f3
ltlg5 1 5 ltlc3 fe?! 1 6 de 0-0 1 7 f4
ltlfl 1 8 ltlf3 t Tringov-Marjanovic,
Belgrade 1979; 1 5 .. . ltlfl!? oo.



1 1 ... f6!? 12 ltlbd2 ltlxd2 1 3

11fxd2 fe 14 de .te7

A possible, but somewhat inactive

move. Black has worked out clear

12 ltlet
a) 12 ... h6?! 1 3 f3 ltlg5 14 ltlc3

94 3 .i.b5+ .i.d7

lieS 1 5 lid1 l0a5 1 6 f4 l2Jh7

17 g4 Voronova-Akhsharumova,
USSR 1977.
b) 12 ... rs l 3 f3 l2Jg5 14 l2Jd3 o-o 15
1Wf2 lLJfl 16 h4 liacS 17 l2Jc3 l2Ja5
1S liae 1 l2Jc4 19 i.c 1 lLJdS
20 i.g5 Egin-Kokine, USSR
c) 12 ... f6 13 f3 l0g5 14 ef?! i.xf6
15 l2Jc3 ltJfl 1 6 li d l 0-0 1 7 f4 =
Matsukevich-Gudim, USSR 1975;
14 f4!? 00.

lie1 (96)


b) 11 lOgS .i.b4 ( l l . . . ltJxg5 1 2

i.xg5 i.e7 ) 1 2 l0xe4 de l 3 lixe4
.i.c5 14 i.e3 lidS 15 l0c3 i.xd4
16 .i.xd4 l2Jxd4 = Honfi-Kiolak,
Hungary 1976.

12 .i,xd2
13 .i,gS
a) 13 .i.e3 0-0 14 h4 lifcS 1 5 h5
ltJb4?! (15 ... a5!?; 15 ... ltJa5!? oo)

1 6 lie2 lic7 17 lLJe l .i.f8 I S g4 a5

19 f4 a4 20 a3 l2Jc6 2 1 'tWd3 l2Ja5 22
lt:lf3 ltJb3 23 ltJg5 Dobosz
Bonsch, Hungary 1 979.
b) 13 lic1 0-0 and now:
b l ) 14 'irb3 liacS 1 5 h3 lic7 16
lic2 lifcS 1 7 liecl lLJdS IS lixc7
lhc7 19 lixc7 1Wxc7 20 '1Pa4 l0c6
Weinstein-Browne, Chicago
1 974.
b2) 14 't!re2 lifcS 1 5 h3 a6 1 6 a3
lLJa7 1 7 't!Vd3 lixc l I S lixc I lieS
19 lhcS+ 'tWxcS 20 lLJel 1lt'c6 2 1
l2Jc2 'irb5 = Barczay-Gufeld,
Catalonia 19SO.

The traditional choice, leading

to an exciting and interesting
game with chances both for
complications and simplifications.
1 1 l2Jbd2
a) 1 1 l2Jc3?! l2Jxc3 1 2


be .i.e7 1 3
l2Jg5 0-0 ( 1 3 ... h6!? l 3 l2Jh3
0-0-0 +) 14 'trh5 i.xg5 15 .i.xg5
ltJe7 + Szabo-Tal, Portoroz 195S.



1 3 ... i.xg5 14 ltJxg5 h6 1 5 l2Jf3

0-0 16 1lt'd2 ( 1 6 llcl llacS 17 W'd2
lic7 I S lie3 llfcS 19 liec3 l2Je7 =
Zhidkov-Gufeld, Baku 1972) 16 . . .
lifcS 1 7 liac l ltJe7 I S lixcS+
lixcS 19 llcl lixc l + 20 1Wxc l 'tl'c6
Vitolins-Gufeld, USSR 19SO.




14 ... lt:lxe7 15 lie3 lifcS 16 llc l

h6 1 7 h3 lic4 IS b3 lic6 1 9 llec3
liacS Lieb-Andersson, Munich

3 .i.b5+ .i.d7 95


a) lS lilfcB 1 6 lilc3 'Wd7 1 7 lilac l

lC,e7 1 8 h3 h6 19 1Wb3 lilxc3 20
lilxc3 lilc8 2 1 'tlrc2 lilxc3 22 1fxc3
Wc6 23 'irc5?! 'Wxc5 24 de lC,c6 =F
Basman-Benko, Hastings 1974; 23
b) lS
lilacS 16 'Wd2 ( 1 6 lilc l
'Wb4 1 7 lilec3 lC,e7 1 8 lilb3 'ira4
19 lilxb7 lilxc l 20 1fxc l lilc8 2 1
'Wel lC,c6 22 h 3 1fxa2 oo Hecht
Smejkal, Belgrade 1 97 1 ) 1 6 ...
lDb4 1 7 lilc3 h6 1 8 a3 lilxc3 1 9
Wxc3 lD c6 = Hecht-Polugayevsky,
Busum 1969.



d4 (97)

The most dynamic continuation,

which forces Black to precisely
solve complicated tactical and
strategical questions. Even here
Black has sufficient counterchances,
although he must be careful. A
complicated struggle lies ahead.


Or 7 . . . cd (7 ... e5?! 8 lilel g6 8

.i.g5 .i.g7 10 de de 1 1 lba3 lild8 1 2

Wxd7+ '.t>xd7 1 3 lilad l + '.t>e6 1 4

.i.xf6. .i.xf6 15 lC,b5 Averbakh
Pomar, Spain 1972) 8 cd and now:
a) 8 g6 9 lbc3 (;!;:) .i.g7 10 e5 de
1 1 d5 e4 12 de 1fxd l 1 3 lilxd l ef 1 4
lbb5 0-0 1 5 cb lilab8 1 6 lbxa7
lilxb7 17 lC,c6 fg ( 1 7 ... lilc8!?) 1 8
a4 lilc8 1 9 a5! lilxc6 20 lild8+ .i.f8
2 1 b4! Deyev-Baryshev, Moscow
b) 8 lDxe4 9 d5 lDe5 (9 ... lC,d8 10
lil e l ltlf6 1 1 .i.g5 lbg8!?
Dvoretsky-Krasnov, Moscow 1967;
1 1 ... e6 1 2 .i.xf6 gf 1 3 lbc3 .i.e7 1 4
de fe 1 5 lDd4
10 lilel ( 1 0 lbxe5 de 1 1 lile l l0f6
1 2 lilxe5 e6 1 3 lbc3 ;!;:) 10 ... lDxf3+
( 10 ... lf::,f6 1 1 lC,c3 0-0-0?! 1 2
lilxe5! d e 1 3 lbxe5 'tWf5 1 4 lbxf7
lbe4 1 5 lbxe4 1fxf7 16 Wg4+ e6 1 7
d e 1ff5 1 8 .i.f4! Shashin
Kolevid, Moscow 1974; 1 1 ...
lbxf3 ;!;:) 1 1 1!fxf3 llJf6 1 2 lC,c3 e5
( 1 2 ... 0-0-0?! 1 3 .i.e3 '.t>b8 14 a4 e6
1 5 .i.xa7+! '.t>xa7 16 lbb5+ '.t>a8 1 7
de fe 1 8 1!Ve3 b6 1 9 1fxb6
A.Zaitsev-Zilberstein, Leningrad
1 963) 1 3 de fe 1 4 lC,d5?! c,t>f7 ( 1 4 ...
lbxd5!? 1 5 1!t'xd5 '.t>f7) 15 .i.g5 ed
1 6 .i.xf6 gf 17 'Wxd5+ '.t>g7 1 8 lile3
h5! 19 lilg3+ '.t>h6 20 9d2+ '.t>h7
2 1 1!t'd3+?! (21 lile 1 !? =) 2 l ... f5 22
lilg5 lile8 23 h4 lile5 =F Buchman
Doroshkevich, USSR 197 1 ; 14
.i.h6!? \!m (14 ... c,t>f7 1 5 lDe4 d5
1 6 lDg5+ '.t>g6 17 lilxe6 lile8 18
g4 ) 1 5 .i.g5 .i.e7 1 6 9e2 e5 17
11t'b5 B.Shashin .


96 3 i.b5+ j.d7

I978) 1 2 a4!? ( I2 i.e3?! lDge7 1 3

c) 8
d5 9 eS and now:
lDbd2 lDc8 I 4 lDei tL!b6 eo
cl) 9
li)e4?! 10 lDe I :
e l l ) 1 0 ... h 6 1 1 f3 ( 1 1 i.e3 e6 1 2 Zavada-Ziiberstein, USSR I97S;
lDd3 fS 1 3 ef gf I 4 lDd2 0-0-0 I S I2 tL!bd2!7 tL!ge7 13 tLlb3 lDc8 I4
1!ta4 j.d6 I 6 lDxe4 d e I 7 li)cS tLlc5 ;!;) I2 ... lDxb4 I3 ab 1!txbS
Ghinda-Minev, Bulgaria I974) I 4 tL!c3 'it'd7 I 5 j.d2 tL!e7
l l . . . lDgS 12 lDc3 e6 ( 1 2 ... li)e6 1 3 I6 lDa4 ;!; Chechelian-Gutman,
tL!c2 tL!c7 I 4 b3 e 6 I5 f4 h S I 6 1!td3 USSR 1970: I6 ... lDc8 I7 11tb3
tL!e7 1 7 j.a3 ;!; Daw-Uddenfeldt, lil:b8 1 8 lil:fc l J..e 7 I9 lDc5 J.. xcS 20
London I 972) 1 3 i.e3 J..e7 14 lil:xc5 lDc6 2I 1!tc2 lD8e7 22 lil:e l
tL!d3 0-0 IS tL!f4 1!te8 I 6 1rc2 lil:c8 lil:c8 23 lDgS! h6 24 tL!h7 'tlrb7 2S
17 lDhS Dvoretsky-Slutsky, tL!f6+! .
USSR I967.
c23) 10 e6?! 1!txe6 I I lDc3 1!td7 1 2
c i 2) 10 ... f6 I l f3 lDg5 I2 i.xgS fg b4 f6 1 3 b S lDa5 14 tL!e2 e 6 IS tL!f4
1 3 f4 gf i4 tL!d3 e6 ( I4 ... tL!xd4? IS ct>f7 I 6 lil:e l lieS 17 tL!d3 tL!c4 1 8
tL!cS) IS tL!xf4 0-0-0 I 6 tL!c3 ct>b8 i.4 .ta3 I 9 "tlrb3 lDe7 + Gurgenidze
( 1 6 ... i.e7 I 7 'ti'd3 J..g5 18 tL!b5 Stein, Kiev 1979; IO b4!? tL!xb4 1 1
lil:d I9 lDd6+ ct>b8, Alexandria e6 - B.Shashin.
d5 (98)
Lazarevich, Belgrade I97 1 , 20
tL!e2!? J.. e7 2 I li)f7 ;!;) I7 tL!ce2 i.e7
I 8 1rd3 lil:df8 19 1!th3 Shashin
Yuferov, USSR I 97 1 .
c2) 9
tL!g8!? (Stein) and now:
c2I ) 10 i.f4 e6 I l lDbd2 tL!ge7 I 2
lil:c i tLlfS 13 lDb3 J..e7 I4 g4 lDh6
15 tL!ei tL!g8 16 tL!d3 ;!; Gurgenidze
Spassov, Plovdiv I97S.
c22) 10 a3 e6 ( 1 0 ... aS l l lDc3 e6 1 2
i.e3 tL!ge7 1 3 1!td3 lDc8 I 4 lil:fc l
j.e7 I S lil:c2 0-0 1 6 lil:ac l ;!; Nieto
tL!b8 9 lle I lDf6 10 i.g5
Pablo, ltaly 1979; 1 2 i.gS!?) 1 1 b4 a) 8
bS ( 1 1 ... a6 1 2 lDbd2 tL!ge7 1 3 ( 1 0 tL!a3 g6 1 1 i.gS J.. g7 1 2 1!te2
tL!b3 tL!c8 I4 lDg5 h 6 I5 li)h3 b6 I 6 lDa6 1 3 lil:ad i tL!c7 I4 tL!c4 ct>f8?!
tL!f4 ;!; Fedorov-Zaichik, Thilisi IS tL!e3 ;!; Csom-Malich, Vrnjacka
I973; I I ... h5 12 tL!bd2 lDh6 I3 Banja 1972; 1 4 . . . 0-0!? 1 5 1!txe7
tL!b3 lDf5 14 j.gS j.e7 I5 bS tL!b8 W'xe7 1 6 lixe7 tL!fxd5 I 7 lil:d7
I6 J..xe7 1!txe7 17 a4 lDd7 IS a5 f6! = - Malich) 1 0 ... lDa6 ( 1 0 ...
Dolmatov-Georgiev, Groningen 1!tfS?! 1 1 i.xf6 gf 1 2 lDa3 1!td7 13




3 .tb5+ .tc/7 97

ll:lc4 l006 1 4 b4 cb 1 5 cb
Dvoretsky-Moiseyev, Moscow 1972.
1 5 ... lilxb4? 1 6 lilb1 lila6 17
lilxb7! ) and now:
a 1) 11 b4 0-0-0 ( 1 1 . . . cb?! 1 2 cb
ll:lxb4 1 3 lilc3 0-0-0 14 'tfd4 ) 1 2
l003 ( 1 2 b e ll:lxc5 1 3 c 4 'i&bS 1 4
ll:lc3 h6?! 1 5 J.e3 lilcS 1 6 lilb1 e5
17 lilb5 a6 1S lib6 J.e7 19 J.xc5
lilxc5 20 'ifb3 A1exandria-Shu1,
Riga 1974; 14 ... g6!?) 1 2 ... h6 1 3
J.e3 lilc7 ( 1 3 . . . lilg4!?) 14 c4 e6 1 5
b e de 16 ll:le5 "tWeS 17 litb1 oo
Gurgenidze-Averbakh, A1ma Ata
1 969; l3 .txf6!?
a2) 1 1 c4 and now:
a21) 11 ... ll:lc7 12 lilc3 e6 l 3 de fe
1 4 lhd5 lilcxd5 1 5 cd e5 1 6
litxe5+?! de 17 ll:lxe5 1Wf5 1 S
1Wa4+ 'i&dS 1 9 lhf7+ 'i&cS 20 lite 1
1Wd7 2 1 1!fxd7+ 'i&xd7 22 lilxhS
liteS + lvkov-Mecking, Vrsac
1 97 1 ; 1 6 b4!? cb 1 7 lii x e5+!
a22) 11 ... 0-0-0 1 2 lilc3 'i&bS 13 a4
liic S 14 "ti'e2 h6 15 .id2?! liteS 1 6
b 4 e 6 1 7 d e lii xe6 1 S J.e3 ll:lg4 1 9
lhd5 ll:lxe3 20 lilxe3 J.e7 oo
Bronstein-Mashich, lbi1isi 1969;
1 5 .txf6!? gf 1 6 b4 .
a23) 11 . .. h6 12 .1xf6 gf 1 3 ltlc3 h5
1 4 lilh4 0-0-0 15 h3 lilc7 1 6 1!ff3
Makarichev-Pint er, Za1aegerszeg
b) 8 .. ll:ld8 9 lite 1 lhf6 (9 ... f5?! 10
lilbd2 ll:lf6 11 ll:lc4 b5 1 2 ll:la5
F1orian-Stern, corres 1976) 10
J.g5 e6 ( 1 0 ... e5 1 1 J.xf6 gf 12
1i'd3 litgS 1 3 ll:lbd2 Wh3 14 g3 J.e7

1 5 lhc4 b5 1 6 ll:le3 c4 1 7 1re2 ll:lb7

1 S b4 ) 1 1 J.xf6 gf 12 lilh4! ( 1 2
ll:lbd2!? J.g7 1 3 de fe 14 lhe4 ll:lf7
15 b4! , Ubi1ava-Babadzhanov,
USSR 1972) 1 2 . . . J.g7 ( 1 2 ...
J.e7?! 13 "irh5 ed 14 lhf5 ll:lc6,
Timoshenko-Pa1atnik, Moscow
1967: 1 5 ll:lg7+ 'i&f8 16 ll:lf5 'i&eS 1 7
ll:ld2 ) 13 ll:ld2 0-0 14 lilc4 liteS
15 Wh5 b5 16 ll:le3 c4 1 7 ll:lef5! ef
1S ll:lxf5 Fedorov-Be1yavsky,
Moscow 1 972.
9 lilxe5
Or 9 lite 1 lhxf3+ 10 1i'xf3 ll:lf6
and now:
a) 1 1 c4 'i&dS?! 1 2 b4 cb 1 3 a3 b3 14
1i'xb3 1Wc7 1 5 .ie3 oo Vorotnikov
Osnos, Leningrad 1 97 1 .
b) 1 1 b4?! 1!rg4 1 2 1!fe3 lilxd5 1 3
1!rd3 ll:lb6 1 4 1!rxd6 liteS 1 5 b 5 e6
16 "ife5 J.e7 =F Novak-Szilagyi,
Hungary 1975.
c) 11 lha3 e5 12 de fe 13 ll:lc4 ( 1 3
1We2 .ie7! ) 1 3 . . . J.e7 14 't!le2 e5
15 .tg5 0-0-0 oo Velimirovic
Minic, Yugoslavia 1 976.
lite1 (99)


98 3 .tb5+ .td7

a) 10 ll:lf6 1 1 llxe5 e6 1 2 c4 0-0-0

1 3 .tg5 .te7 1 4 ltlc3 h6 ( 1 4 ... ed!?)
15 .th4 g5 1 6 .tg3 ed 17 lDb5! b6
18 't!fa4 a5 ( 1 8 ... de 19 't!fa6+!) 1 9
llae 1 llhe8 20 llxe7 ! lhe7 2 1
ll:lxd6+! 'i!?b8 22 llxe7!
Dolmadzhian-Angelov, Sofia 1977;
1 3 lDc3!? b) 10 ll:ld6 1 1 llxe5 g6 and now:
b 1) 12 .tg5?! h6 1 3 .tf6 lil.g8 1 4


lil.e 1 0-0-0 1 5 .te5 ll:lc4 + Ljubojevic

Csom, Palma de Mallorca 197 1 .
b2) 12 llel .tg7 1 3 ll:la3 0-0 14
.tf4 llad8 1 5 't!ff3 llfe8 1 6 llad 1
Chekhov-Inkiov, Bulgaria
b3) 12 lle2 .tg7 13 .te3 b6 14 lDa3
0-0 15 't!fd3 llad8 16 lil.d 1 lil.fe8 1 7
.tf4 ll:lf5 1 8 lled2 Bisguier
Reshevsky, USA 1 97 1 .

The Battle of Ideas and Counter-ideas:

Illustrative Games
Salzburg 1948
2 l2Jf3
3 .tb5
5 l0c3

Losing time in the opening is

always dangerous, but when Black
commits the error, the danger is
doubled. Correct is the natural
6 ... 0-0.



Forced, since 7 ... l2Jxb5 8 ef

llJxc3 loses immediately to 9 fg!



Inaccurate. Better is 8 . . . l2Jh6.

9 lDxbS
a6? (100)
This natural move is the decisive
mistake. More solid would have
been 9 . . l2Jh6.


lDd6+ ! !


The white knight was a Trojan

horse, and there would have been
less evil in the move 10 ... 'ittf8.
Now Black's position is overrun.



When you're on the attack, give

it everything you've got!



llJxe7 16 1Wxe7+ 'ittg8
doesn't help because of 1 7 l2Jg5.



On 17 ... l2Jh6 there follows 1 8
'ire7 mate. A brilliant miniature in
the style of Morphy.



Tbilisi 1 959

4 . . . l!Jd5 is more solid.




100 Illustrative Games




This was not necessary. Better

was the natural 9 ... 0-0.


cS (101)

1 1 ... .i.d7 is more cautious,

although even then White would
have the advantage after 1 2 .l.g5.
To be fair, it is not easy to see what
is coming.

strong attack. Also interesting is

1 3 ... 1!t'xd1 1 4 llxd l <&xe7 1 5
i.g5+ <&e6 1 6 lld6+ <&f5 17 f4
with an unstoppab1e onslaught Ho1mov.




16 1!t'xa8 .l.b7 1 7 flxa7 11t'c6! 1 8

f3 lla8 leads to a win for Black!



There is no time for 14 . . . 1Wxd 1

because of 1 5 .l.g5+.
15 11t"f3



17 ... flb7 is somewhat more

solid, but after 18 e6! i.xe6 1 9
llxe6 fe 20 lt:\xb6+ ct>c7 2 1 1itd7+
White wins, or 1 8 ... fe 19 ltlb4+
ct>c7 20 1!fg3+ e5 21 llxe5 cb
22 liteS mate.


The knight leaps into a grave,

but White is setting up an attack.
Black cannot play 1 2 ... 't!t'xd 1 1 3
llxd l i.b7 because of 1 4 lt:ld5
hc6 15 lt:\c7+ <&f8 1 6 lt:lxa8 and
White wins.



After 1 3 . . . Wxe7 the following

variation is possible: 14 lt:ld5 'Wd8
15 ltlf6+ i.xf6 ( 1 5 ... <&e7 1 6 1t'f3
.l.e6 17 i.g5) 16 ef+ i.e6 1 7 i.xh6
1!rxf6 ( 17 . . . 1!rxd 1 1 8 llaxd 1 lld8
19 llxd8+ ct>xd8 20 llxe6 fe 2 1
.l.g7 llg8 22 f7) 1 8 1!rg4 with a



White wins the queen. The

remaining moves are mere formality:
19 ... ab 20 1Wxf7 i.xeS 21 llxd7+
i.xd7 22 llxeS ct>c7 23 lle7 llad8
24 a4 gS 25 'ti'dS llhe8 26 llxh7 g4
27 aS gh 28 ab+ ct>xb6 29 lilxd7 1-0.
Hastings 1 977-8
2 lt:lf3
3 i.bS

The Hungarian grandmaster

refrains from arguing about his
opponent's pet variation 3 d4 cd 4
lt:lxd4 ltlf6 5 lt:\c3 e5 6 lt:ldb5 d6 7

Illustrative Games 101

.tg5 a6 8 ll:la3 b5. This turns out

to be the psychologically correct
4 ltlc3



Weaker is 7 ... ltlc7 8 ltlxc7+

'tlt'xc7 9 d4 cd 10 'tlt'xd4 with an
edge for White.



Before this game 8 ltlc3 was

usually played, with roughly level
chances, e.g. 8 ... ltlxc3 9 de d5 10
ed 'tlt'xd6 1 1 'tlt'xd6 ed 12 lil:el+
.te6 13 ltlg5 'i!?d7 1 4 ll:lxe6 fe,
Parma-Taimanov, Tbilisi 1 973.


This is an inaccuracy. Better

was 8 .. . ltlb4 with the possibility
of 9 ltlc3 d6 10 ed 11rxd6 1 1 ll:le4
..c7 12 d4 cd 13 lle1 .tg4 14 'tlt'a4+
ltlc6 1 5 ltlxd4 0 16 ltlxc6
11rxc6 17 11rxc6+ be = Tukmakov
Sveshnikov, Ashkhabad 1978.





1 4 ... 11rxd 1 1 5 llfxd 1 .td7 1 6 b4

.tc6 17 ltld4 .td5 1 8 ltlf5 ! would
have led to a difficult endgame for
15 'ifc2


White need not settle for small

change with 1 8 11rxc6 be 19 lil:xc6 .
'tlt'b6 (102)


On 9 .. . ll:lxc4 Sax intended

10 d4 cd 1 1 ..xd4 b5 1 2 a4 .tb7 1 3
ab ab 1 4 lil:xa8 'ifxa8 1 5 ll:lxb5.
Black cannot escape from his
difficulties with 10 ... de 1 1 de
'ifxd 1 12 lil:xd 1 ltld7 1 3 ll:ld5, or
10 ... cd 1 1 'ifxd4 de 1 2 'ifxd8+
'i!?xd8 1 3 ltlg5.

11rxe7 13 cd ll:lxd5 14 ll:lxd5 ed 1 5

de will not help Black.
Opening the game, so that the
lead in development can be
1 3 ltlxdS
Both here and the previous
move ... ed would have been
incorrect because of e6!

trd 7

Naturally 1 1 ... .te7 12 .txe7



Now on 1 9 . . . gfthere follows 20

'ilh6 fe 2 1 ltlg5 with unavoidable

102 Illustrative Games







White carries out his attack

with inspiration. He threatens
24 9xf8+ 'i!?xf8 25 lidS mate.
23 ... Ir.e8 is met by 24 'ife7!



The final blow. The black queen





1 -0



White adopted a more successful

plan in Kupreichik-Polugayevsky,
Moscow 1976: 9 .tc4 0-0 10 0-0
li)b6 1 1 .i.b3 .te6 1 2 lLlh4 't!Vd7 1 3
.i..x e6 fe 1 4 li)b5 li)c8 1 5 lLlg6 :t.

0-0 (103)


This unexpected move is quite

in keeping with Bronstein's style.
The bishop on c8 belongs on e6, so
Bronstein clears a path for it.
1 1 .tc4


A questionable decision. The

doubled pawns improve Black's
position here, since they control
important squares in the centre.
Besides, the black queen obtains
the useful diagonal e8-h5. 1 3 .tb3
would have been better.



A puzzling and erroneous move.

Now 17 ... a6 would be bad
because of 18 li)a7!, but Black has
a simple and strong reply. Instead
of the text Bronstein suggested
1 7 .txa7 lLlxa7 1 8 lLlxe5 't!Ve8 19
't!Vxe6+ h7 20 lLlc4 with great

Illustrative Games 103

eomplica tions.




Beginning the attack on the

weak white pawns at e4 and c2.



In the entire game this is Black's

only dubious move. 24 ... lt:lxe3
looks very strong.



More solid is 27 f3 with a worse,

but defensible position.


The pawn on b6 cannot be

captured, since after 28 .ixb6
lt:lb4 29 1lb I lt:lxd3 30 .ixd8 lt:lxf2
Black would obtain a substantial
material advantage.



The "weak" pawn on d6 moves

forward - the mark of success for
Black in the Sicilian Defence.



The final moves were played

under great time pressure, so the
players did not always find the

best moves. Simplest was 33 . . .

.ic3 3 4 'tWcl de.
34 .if2



0- 1
Lvov 1978
2 lt:lf3
3 .i.b5+

If Black is playing for a win at

all costs this is a more promising
move than 3 ... .i.d7, which allows
a pair of bishops to be exchanged.



A more popular plan is 5 lite I

and 6 c3, intending to occupy the
centre with a later d4.


Even here it is still possible to

return to normal systems with c3
and d4.


On 6 ... d5 one must take into

consideration 7 .i.xc6 be (on 7 ..
.ixc6 8 e6 is unpleasant, and 8 .. .
fe 9 11rxe6 't!td6 10 lt:lg5 l2Jh6
doesn't work in view of 1 1 'ifxd6
ed 1 2 lt:le6 threatening 1 3 lt:lc7 and
1 3 lt:lxf8) 8 d3 ! e6 9 c4 followed by
lt:lc3, l2Ja4, b3 and .ia3. White's
initiative is most uncomfortable.

104 Illustrative Games

7 xe5
8 tfxeS
The gambit plan 8 ... lbf6 9
1!fxc5 liteS 10 .txd7+ 1!fxd7 1 1
1!fxa7 litxc2 1 2 c3 ends up in
White's favour as the rook falls.
9 1txh8
10 1!f'xg8 (104)
10 ct>xfl l0f6 1 1 d3 doesn't
succeed because of 1 1 ... 1!fd4! 1 2
.th6 0-0-0.

Black sharpens the game further
by sacrificing a bishop. Black
naturally did not care for 10 ...
.tb5 1 1 d3 9d4 12 lbc3 .tc6.
Quite playable, however, is 10 ...
.ta6! 1 1 d3 (or 1 1 1!f'xh7 1!fd4 12
d3 1!re5) 1 1 ... 1!fd4 1 2 c3 ( 1 2
.th6 0-0-0) 1 2 . . . 1!fg7! 1 3 1!fxg7
.txg7 with a better endgame.
11 ct>xg2
12 ct>g1
Black's attack runs out of steam
after 1 2 ... 0-0-0 13 l0c3 1!fe6 14
1t'xh7 litd4 1 5 d3.

15 ... litdS looks stronger. If
16 d3 c4 1 7 ltle3 cd 18 cd litxd3
Black has three pawns for the
piece, while after 1 6 lbe3 he has at
least a draw: 16 ... 1!rhl + 1 7 ct>e2
1!rh5+ 18 f3 1!rh2+ 19 ct>e l 9h4+




White can't afford to open any
lines: 1 7 ltle3? cd 1 8 cd litxcl+!
"tlt'hl +
18 ct>e2
20 lLlfl
20 ... litf6 2 1 ltlg4 :U.xf3 22 ct>xf3
fS is not sufficient because of
23 1txc4 'tlfxg4+ 24 cM2 9h4+ 25
ct>e2 Wh2+ 26 ct>d3 1!fg3+ 27 .te3
f4 28 1!rb5+ and 29 tieS.
21 .te3
22 lbg4
On 22 lbe4 litxe4 23 fe 11h5+ 24
Wd2 'trh2+ 25 ct>c3 1!rg3 a draw
cannot be avoided.


It is quite dangerous to play

straightforwardly: 23 lbxe3 "tlrh2+
24 ct>e 1 1t'g3+ 25 ct>d2? 11Vf2+ 26
ct>c3 1!f'xe3+ 27 ct>xc4 b5+! 28
ct>xb5 11Vxd4 with a strong attack
for Black.



CS? (105)

Illustrative Games 105


29 -.xc4+
30 1!Ve6+
31 1!Vf7+ 6 32 dS+ 6 33 lle6+
aS 34 't!fc7+ a4 3S 1!fc4+ 5
36 'tlrc7+ (time pressure) 36 ...
4 37 't!Vc4+ aS 38 -.c3+ 1!t'xc3
39 be bS 40 llxf6 .ih6+ 41 W
S 42 c4 .ig7 43 lle6 .tf8 44
lle8. Here Black sealed the move
. .td6, but then resigned




without resuming the game in

view of 45 llc8+ b6 46 a4 a5 47
e3 .tc5+ 48 d3.

Index of Variations
1 e4 c5 2

lbf3 lbc6 3 i.b5


3 ... a6

4 .txe6 be 2
de 3
3 ... Wb6 4 .txe6 5
4 a4 5
4 1!re2 6
4 ll:lc3 6
3 ... 'W'e7 4 e3 9
4 0-0 10
3 ... ltld4 12
} .. ltlf6 4 .txe6 14
4 ll:le3 14
4 1!re2 16
4 e5 19
3 ... e6 4 .txe6 23
4 e3 25
4 0-0 ge7 5 b3 28
5 e3 29
5 c3 30
5 lite l 32


4 e3 36

5 litel
5 e3 Wb6 39
ltlf6 41
e5 43


Index of Variations 107


5 ... e5 6 J.xc6 47
6 c3 48
6 b4 cb 50
lt::l xb4 50


6 lt::l c3 52
6 e5 53

7 h3 55
7 d4 58
1 e4 cS 2

lbf3 d6 3 .tbS+


3 ... lt::lc6 4 0-0 a6 63

thf6 64
J.d7 65
J.g4 68
3 . lt::ld7 4 d4 lt::lf6 5 lt::lc 3 a6 73
cd 6 'irxd4 a6


4 a4 thc6 78
thf6 79
4 c4 79
4 'it'e2 80

4 ... lt::l xd7 80



5 c4 Wg4 84
e5 85
lt::lc6 87

5 ... others 91



108 Index of Variations


7 tlfe2 93
7 l:lel 94
7 d4 95




The Sicilian Defence is Black's most
popular reply to 1 e4 and has built up


Yuri Razuvayev is a n experienced
Soviet Grandmaster who has played

a huge body of theory, with many

regularly in top international even ts.

variations analysed beyond move 20.

Alexander Matsukevitch is a leading

The lines after 1 e4 c5 2 N f3 N c6 3 B b5

Soviet M aster and trainer.

and 1 e4 c5 2 N f3 d6 3 B b5 + , however,
have received less attention from

105 diagrams

theoreticians and are ideal for the

club and tournament player who will
attain satisfactory positions which he
understands well.
Play is generally of a quiet,
positional nature but various pawn
sacrifices for White will appeal to the
more adventurous player.


Other opening books in this series

Figurine A lgebraic Notation

V V Osnos

Albin Counter Gambit

P Lamiord
Beating the Sicilian

J D M Nunn
Benoni for the Toumament Player

J D M Nunn
Caro-Kann: Classical

G Kasparov

& A Shakarov

French Defence: Tarrasch Variation

R D Kcene

& S M Taulbut

Nimzowitsch/Larsen Attack

R D Keene
Pirc for the Toumament Player

J D M Nunn

Reti Opening

Sicilian Defence

E Gufeld
Sicilian: . . . e6 and . . . d6 Systems

G Kasparov & A N ikitin

Sicilian: Keres Attack

J Kinlay
Sicilian Defence: Najdorf Variation

J D M N unn

& M F Stean

Sicilian: Paulsen

M Taimanov
Sicilian 2 c3

M G Chandler
Trompowski Opening an

R Bellin
- a complete list of B:
oks please write to B
itzhardinge Street, Lor

ISBN 0 7134 4113 5

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