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5th Sunday after Pentecost

5th Sunday after Pentecost

1. There are people who look normal and healthy, but are beset by other kinds of
diseases: mental, emotional or psychological issues
Sometimes these problems make them especially vulnerable to substance abuse: alcoholism,
drugs (either illegal or prescription). Often they struggle to live normal lives, are unable to fit
in, to hold on to jobs, to act in ways that are socially acceptable or normal
Some are homeless, some resort to stealing to get the substances to which they are addicted,
are in and out of rehab or of jail. Often the only place where they receive some kind of treatment
is in jail, and jails are not designed to help people with psychological problems.
In years past, we used to lock them up in mental institutions, then as people became aware of
the horrible conditions of these mental institutions, they were closed down, rightfully so. But
where did all of these people go? They are still around us. Often their families cant cope with
them, and they end up in the street
There are thousands of them around us, and some of our families are affected by these problems

2. Mental illnesses and substance abuse are diseases. Diseases are not something we
ask for or deserve. I did not asked to have high blood pressure or a pinched nerve
in my back. But these are seen as normal and nothing to be ashamed of .
But, in out society, there is a stigma associated with mental or emotional problems and with
substance abuse. They are labeled: addicts, bums, anti-social. We are ashamed to admit that
someone in our family is affected by these problems. We dont know what to do about them, so
we tend to sweep them under the carpet.
But these mental and emotional problems are diseases. In the proper environment and with the
proper medications and support, these people can function. Some, however, refuse treatment,
some become violent, some get guns and commit crimes.
Whats the answer? Lock them up? Force them to take medication. I dont have the answer.
Does anyone have the answer?

5 Sunday after Pentecost


3. In antiquity, people affected by these kinds of non-physical illnesses were believed to

be under demonic possession
These people did not look sick. Physically, they were in good health, but their behavior was
strange. They did not conform to social norms, and acted up. What could possibly be the cause
of these bizarre behaviors?
In pre-scientific times, everything abnormal was attributed to either God or the devil. The only
explanation people could come up with was that mental illness was evidence of demonic
possession that could only be cured with exorcism: by chasing out the devil.
I am not an expert on the devil and on demonic possession, and I am not at all fascinated by
movies about exorcism. I think that the devil gets blamed for all the bad things done by people
who choose to be evil. Many diseases are curable today, even mental problems.
But, in Jesus times, the only explanation for abnormal behavior was that these people must be
possessed by demons, and needed to be freed from them. The Bible is not a science book, and
reflects the primitive scientific knowledge of the people who wrote it: todays Gospel presents us
with a man who is obviously mentally ill and his problem is called demonic possession.

4. This episode takes place in a non-Jewish territory across the lake of Galilee . in what
is now the country of Jordan. The area was called Decapolis, the 10 cities, and was
inhabited by Gentiles. How do we know that?
Jews kept herds of sheep and cattle but were not allowed to eat pig. The presence of swine
herds in this spot is an indication that this episode took place outside Jewish territory
Jesus and his disciples had crossed the lake, and where they landed there were pig herds and a
man afflicted by mental illness, which Luke diagnosed as demonic possession.
Keep in mind that mental illness/demonic possession also affected many people in Israel. In last
weeks Gospel we learned that one of the women following Jesus, Mary Magdalene, had been
possessed by 7 devils and had been freed by them from Jesus.

5th Sunday after Pentecost

In todays reading the mans conditions was pretty serious since the Gospel tells us that he was
not merely possessed by 7 demons, but by a whole legion of them

5. Jesus took pity on this man and cured him. But, in a rather peculiar exchange, the
demons ask Jesus to be allowed to migrate to the pig herd.
We can see the influence of Jewish culture in this passage. The Jews were grossed out by pigs,
and by pig-eating-people, and they tended to lump together pigs and demons On Jesus order,
the demons left the man and entered the pigs, the pig herd jumped in the lake and drowned
itself. The man was cured and composed.
Problem solved? Not for the owners of the pig herd They were terrified and had lost their
animals. So they asked Jesus and his disciples to leave.
The man who had been cured from mental illness asked to follow Jesus, but was told to go home
and become a witness for Jesus.
This miracle, like all others had a purpose: to give credibility to Jesus message.

6. Mental illness and its consequences were scary back then and are still scary today. We
no longer label them demonic possession, but we still dont know how to deal with
them properly.
Yet, these also are Gods children. Jesus came to save them, just as he came to save us. Their
power to think clearly and make rational and moral decision is impaired. In some ways they are
like children who never reached what we would consider mental maturity.
They are our brothers and sisters, they need to be integrated in our communities and in our
churches. Some who are more functional are attending AA or NARANON meeting in this building
Jesus reached out to all the outsiders, those marginalized and rejected and included them,
brought them in, and made them his witnesses and messengers. It is our duty to do the same.
We need to be helpful and compassionate with them and with their their families as they struggle
to deal with these issues, even if they make us feel uncomfortable.

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