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Unidade - I: Av. J-2 Qd. 23 Lt 15 ao 34 Papillon Park 74.950-170 - Ap.

Goinia Gois


1 Ordene os dias da semana. No se esquea de que em nosso calendrio, a semana inicia
com o dia de domingo.

1: ________________________________ 5: ________________________________
2: ________________________________ 6: ________________________________
3: ________________________________ 7: ________________________________
4: ________________________________
2 Relacione os meses do ano com as datas comemorativas abaixo.
a) January

b) February

c) March

d) April

e) May

f) June

g) July

h) August

i) September

j) October

k) November

l) December

( ) Mothers Day

( ) Carnival (2016)

( ) Feast of Saint John

( ) New Years Day

( ) Christmas

( ) School Vacation in Brazil

( ) Fathers Day

( ) Indians Day (Brazil)

( ) Easter (2016)

( ) Thanksgiving

( ) Brazilian Independece

( ) Childrens Day

3 Preencha com os dias da semana

a) I go to the school from _____________________to _____________________.

b) Monday, _____________________Wednesday, _____________________.
c) I like to go to the shopping on _____________________.
d) On _____________________morning I need to go to church.
e) The party is on _____________________night.
f) The best day from the week is on _____________________.
g) My next english class is on _____________________.

8 Faa a correspondncia.
8 Selecione a palavra que completa a
sequncia: third, fifth, seventh,...

Unidade - I: Av. J-2 Qd. 23 Lt 15 ao 34 Papillon Park 74.950-170 - Ap. Goinia Gois

a) ninth
b) eighth
c) eleventh
d) sixth
e) tenth

9 Em lngua inglesa algumas sentenas

escritas com palavras diferentes, tem o
mesmo significado. A sentena How is
everthing? significa Como esto as
coisas?. Mas existe outras formas de se
perguntar algo parecido. Nas sentenas
abaixo, qual possui o mesmo significado da
sentena anterior?
a) Hurry up!
b) Dont be late!
c) Be on time.
d) How are you doing?
e) Dont worry, everthings gonna be all right.
10 Qual dia da semana completa a
sentena: Mothers Day is celebrated on the
second ________ of May.

5 O nmero 34, em ingls, seria:

a) Thirty-fourth
b) Thirth-four
c) Three-fourth
d) Thirteen-fourth
e) thirty-fort

a) Sunday.
b) Monday.
c) Wednesday.
d) Friday.
e) Saturday.
11 Traduza a frase abaixo:

6 O nmero 12, em ingls, seria:

a) Twelveth
b) Tenth-two
c) Twelfth
d) Two-tenth
e) Dozenth
7 A abreviatura de THIRTY-FIRST seria:
a) 31rd
b) 31th
c) 31st
d) 13st
e) 13rd


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