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PREAMBLE. Mobile phones have become a prevalent feature among many peoples daily life
operations. As mobile devices have entered the school doors as carried by students, schools,
including the Dailey Academy of Social Science Excellence, have had to grapple with
maintaining a safe and secure educational environment. Given the recent propensity of students
to abuse features of mobile phones - cameras, video, and text messaging - we have been put in a
position to prevent students abusing such technologies to cheat on assessments or commit acts
of torment to their peers. With mobile phone devices, a responsibility exists within the
parameters of our institution to maintain an expectation for academic honesty and appropriate
behavioral courtesy for their peers.
Therefore, it is the policy of the Dailey Academy of Social Science Excellence that cell phones are
not to be visible nor in use during normal operating hours with the exception of an emergency medical or otherwise - in which a students contact with a parent or guardian is necessitated.
Any sort of communication with anyone outside of the school building is aligned with the policy
requiring permission to use a school phone and in doing so, must be done to contact anyone on
the students emergency contact sheet. Therefore, should a need exist for a student to contact
someone, the student will need permission from a faculty member to use their mobile phone
either at an approved time from the faculty member, at their discretion, or within the schools
office in order to conduct their phone call. If a student is found to be in violation of using or
displaying their mobile phone during normal school hours, the students mobile phone will be
Should suspicion or evidence exist that the student engaged in activity beyond using their
mobile phone at an inappropriate time and the student is suspected of being in violation of other
school policies outlined in the Student Handbook or in violation of the law, the students mobile
phone could be subject to reasonable search upon being seized.
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE. If a student is found to be in violation of the mobile phone
policy during normal school hours, the following progressive discipline process will be used:
1. If observed during class or hallway passing time, a faculty member will confiscate the
mobile phone and return to the student at the end of class period.
2. On a second offense or if the student is suspected of being in violation of other school
rules while using the mobile phone (for example: cheating on an assessment), the mobile
device will be confiscated and delivered, by the faculty member, to the building
administrator. The mobile phone will be held until the end of the school day where the
student may pick up the device following a phone call home to the students parent/
3. For a third offense, the students phone will be confiscated, delivered to the building
administrator, and the student will be receive an in-school suspension. The students
parent/guardian will be contacted and be asked to come into school and pick up the
mobile phone. Should this pose a challenge, the building administrator will use his/her
discretion on either returning the mobile phone to the student or to the parent/guardian.

4. On a fourth offense, all previous actions will be followed with the addition of the student
serving a Saturday School Detention.
Student mobile phones confiscated during normal school hours will be stored by district
employees in a secure manner. Outside of the safekeeping of confiscated mobile phones, the
Dailey Social Science Academy faculty are not responsible for the loss, theft or destruction of any
such device brought onto school grounds. If choosing to bring their mobile phone to school,
students are expected to not only be in compliance with the aforementioned policy, but assume
all responsibility of the safety and security of their mobile phone.

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