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How to Convert Octal to Binary Step by Step?

There are mainly four types of number systems used which are:
1. Decimal Number System: This is the number system that we generally use in our day to day life. Valid Numbers
are (0, 1, 29).

2. Binary Number System: This is the number system that is generally understood by digital machines. Valid
numbers are (0, 1).

3. Octal Number System: This number system is used in computers sometimes. Valid numbers are (0, 1,7)

4. Hexa Decimal Number System: This number system is generally used by computers. Valid numbers are (0,1,
,9,A,B,C,D,E,F).10 to 15 are represented by the uppercase alphabets A to F.

Step 2 ( Decimal )
How to convert octal to binary step by step process is shown below:
Step 1: First convert it into decimal number system. Let the number in the octal form is (47) 8. Converting it
into decimal gives us 4*81+7*80= (39)10.
Step 2: Convert this decimal number into binary number by continuously dividing by 2 till the quotient = 0
and arranging the remainders in reverse order.
Dividing 39 by 2 remainder = 1 quotient =19,
Dividing 19 by 2 remainder = 1 quotient =9,
Dividing 9 by 2 remainder = 1 quotient =4,
Dividing 4 by 2 remainder = 0 quotient =2,
Dividing 2 by 2 remainder =0 quotient =1,
Dividing 1 by 2 remainder =1 quotient =0,
Arranging these remainders in reverse order we get (100111)2. This is the binary form of the above given
octal number.

Step 1 ( Straight )
There is a straight approach as well for the conversion of octal to binary that is:
Octal number system follows bitwise representation hence taking a bit at a time and representing it in
binary. Suppose we want to convert the same number in this way. The procedure will be:
(47)8 Take 4 as a separate bit and 7 as a separate bit. Representing 4 in binary form gives us: 100 and
representing 7 in the form gives us 111. Putting them besides gives us the proper number in binary format
that is (47) 8----> (100111)2.

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