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Microalbuminuria is the presence of albumin in urine above the normal level

but below the detectable range of conventional urine dipstick methods. Several
authors have suggested that these lower urine albumin levels ranging from 20200
mg/L (or an approximate rate of excretion of 20200 g/min) are an indicator of
early and possibly reversible glomerular damage. In diabetic patients,
microalbuminuria is associated with a four- to sixfold increase in cardiovascular
mortality, and is an independent risk factor for renal mortality. It is also more
prevalent in hypertensive subjects.

an indicator of subclinical cardiovascular disease

marker of vascular endothelial dysfunction

an important prognostic marker for kidney disease

in diabetes mellitus

in hypertension

in Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
increasing microalbuminuria during the first 48 hours after admission to an intensive care unit predicts elevated risk for acute respiratory

failure, multiple organ failure, and overall mortality

a risk factor for venous thromboembolism

Henry, J. B. (2011). Henry's clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods (22nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders.

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