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Walk the Wok Name: _______________

Walk Walk Sunday Date: 04/08/2007

Lesson: 191 & 192
Teacher: Googie Walkthewok

Memory Verse: Luke 8:18

Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever
does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.
1. Do you know your __________?
i. What should you do with your heart- Matthew 26:32-40
2. Lesson #191- Luke 7:36-50- Anointing Jesus’ Feet
i. Who will love Jesus more?
1. [Circle correct answer] Person who was (forgiven less/
forgiven more)
ii. Three important characters
1. Simon the __________
a. Outside: __________ reputation
b. Heart:
i. Sinned __________
1. __________ know he was a sinner
2. Believed sinned __________
ii. Loved __________
1. Served __________
2. __________ was forgiven
2. Crying __________
a. Outside: __________ reputation
b. Heart:
i. Sinned __________
1. __________ know she was a
2. Believed sinned __________
ii. Loved __________
1. Served __________
2. __________ was forgiven
3. __________
a. Looks at the __________
i. __________ our hearts
ii. __________ all sins
3. Lesson #192- Luke 8:4-18- Parable of the Sower
i. Big Picture
1. Seed= __________

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Walk the Wok Name: _______________
Walk Walk Sunday Date: 04/08/2007
Lesson: 191 & 192
Teacher: Googie Walkthewok

2. Ground= __________
ii. 4 Different Hearts
1. By the __________
a. Ground is too __________
b. __________= devil
c. People who __________ to hear God’s Word
2. __________ ground
a. Ground is too __________
b. __________= shallowness
c. People who __________ with temptation
3. __________ ground
a. Ground is too __________
b. __________= cares, riches, pleasures
c. People who pursue worldly things and do not
4. __________ ground
a. Ground is __________
b. __________= good works
c. People who hear God’s Word and __________ it,
and produce good works because of it
iii. Whoever has what will be given more?
1. Luke 8:18
a. __________ in their hearts
4. Do you know your“heart”? Say the following out loud:
a. [Circle your answer] I (am/ am not) a sinner and I (need/ do not need)
Jesus’ help and forgiveness.
b. [Fill in your answer] My heart is the __________ ground. My heart
should be __________ ground. I will _______ __________ how I
hear God’s Word.

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