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Euro Currency Converter

select convert the currency of the country here: amount in local currency here t
yping select: Exchange rate for 1 € Amount in € in the target currency of the co
untry here: Exchange rate for 1 € amount in local currency 6:56 335.39 FF FF 100
.00 1.96 51 129 DM DM €
= VLOOKUP (conversion rates! F2; Umrechnungstab = C11/C13
= VLOOKUP (conversion rates! G2; Umrechnungstab = C13 * C19
© 2000, BERTRAM BECKER software training, Pforzheim
mrechnungskurse! F2; conversion table, 3)
mrechnungskurse! G2; conversion table, 3)
Country Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Land conversion rate for a currency € 40.34 bfr Belgium Germany DM 1.96 5.95 FIM
Finland France Ireland 6:56 FF 0.78761 1936.27 Lit IrPfund Italy Luxembourg Net
herlands bfr 40.34 02.02 13.76 ATS Austria Portugal Spain 166.39 200.48 Esc Pta
Fl 11
Cell link above two
Cell link below 4
Euro Currency Converter
select convert the currency of the country here: amount in local currency type h
ere: Select a conversion rate of 1 € € amount in the target currency of the coun
try here: Exchange rate for an amount in local currency € 100.00
© 2000, BERTRAM BECKER software training, Pforzheim
Country Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Land conversion rate for a currency € 40.34 bfr Belgium Germany DM 1.96 5.95 FIM
Finland France Ireland 6:56 FF 0.78761 1936.27 Lit IrPfund Italy Luxembourg Net
herlands bfr 40.34 02.02 13.76 ATS Austria Portugal Spain 166.39 200.48 Esc Pta
Fl 11
Cell link above
Cell link below

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