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Electric Scooters in the next Generation

Electric motorcycles and scooters are ever more acknowledged as proficient, even
attractive, forms of transportation, particularly in thickly populated town areas, electric two-
wheel vehicles is a category that include electric bicycles, motorcycles, and scooters.
According to a recent report, worldwide sales of electric two-wheel vehicles (E2WVs) are
expected to increase at the rate of 9.4% through 2016 which is great news for the
environment. While an electric bicycle is a bicycle with a 200 watt electric motor used to
power the vehicle, or to assist with pedalling, which resembles a normal bicycle, electric
bicycles are classified as bicycles rather than motor vehicles, so they are not subject to the
same laws as motor vehicles. Electric scooter parts are generally quite different from
conventional scooter parts.
A scooter is a motorcycle with step-through frame and either a platform for the operator’s
feet or footrests integral with the body. Elements of scooter design have been added in some
of the earliest motorcycles, and motorcycles identifiable as scooters have been made from
1914 or earlier. Scooter designs generally incorporate key locks, indicators/lamps, mirror,
horn, extra passenger capacity and storage area. Cheap electric scooters are not generally
available yet, because the technology is in its infancy, however they are often significantly
less expensive than motor scooters.
Advantages and disadvantages
Electric motorcycles and scooters are increasing in popularity because of elevated gasoline
prices. Battery technology is gradually getting better making this form of transportation more
Why choose electric over gasoline power?
1.The fuel costs for electric power are approximately 25% the cost of gasoline power
2.Nearly silent
3. Cool and stylish
4.Environmental friendly (no exhausted gases at point of use)
5.Carbon tax and vehicle registration tax exemption in some countries
6.No parking/congestion charges in some countries
7.No road tax in some countries
8.Using grid power to charge batteries causes less pollution than gasoline scooters; (MIT
wheel to well analysis of EVs) the amount of emissions and residues caused depends on the
sources of the electricity used
9.No trips needed to a gas station—can be recharged at home or in charging stations. But
charging or battery swapping in service stations, when needed, are faster
10. Lower maintenance costs and fewer maintenance activities
11. More affordable than electric cars
12Many models dispense with a transmission or the need to shift gears, simplifying operation
13Instant on / no warm-up time
14.Much lower amount of heat given off by motor than is typical for some internal
combustion motorcycle engines
15 The best electric scooters we’ve tested have been: the Vectric electric scooter, honda, the
rider, and the E-max, Ikoo and Electric Vehicle Technology. However, electrip is our bike of
choice, although this may simply be personal preference.
Before you make your ultimate decision though;

Check the speed and distance. Petrol bikes have the lead for long distances and motorway
driving at high speeds
Examine safety records. Traditional motorbikes are usually stronger and tougher, making
them perform better in crash tests. Electric scooters are usually driven at lower speeds, are
less likely to be involved in fatal collisions, and don't carry petrol or other highly
inflammable materials.
Consider the running costs. Petrol cars tend to cost considerably more than electric models,
but it's best to compare prices on several different cars. You also need to take into account the
amount you will save on petrol with an electric car. In addition, electric car owners can make
savings on servicing, road tax, parking and other charges, though the cost of replacement
batteries, the installation of a charging point and the minor electricity costs must be taken into

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