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1) Personal profile:

B: Sex: - Male: [ ] Female [ ]
C: Age: -

2) Please (√)Tick at the right occupation

A)Chemist B) Medical Practioner

3) Have you heard about CILACAR brand?

a] Yes b] No

4). How did you come to know about that ?

A)advertisement B) Medical representatives C) peers

5) Have you ever prescribe to anyone?

a] Yes b] No

6) No of patients having the symptoms for which this medicine can be prescribed visiting per

A)0-10 B)11-25 C)26-40 D)more than 40

7) please rate the of response of the drug from patients?

a) Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

8) For which factor you to prescribe cardiovascular brand to your patients?

a) For ultennate hypertension

b) To improve left ventricular function

c) For insulin sensitivity

d)Reducing elevated heart rate

9) Please Rate Scope & potential of for Clidipine drug?

a) Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

10)Please rate the DRUG in the base of following parameter?


a) Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

B)Avialbility in market

A)Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

C)Price comaparision

a) Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

d) Brand Preference

a)Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

11)Is the no of patients increasing regarding cardiovascular diseases year on year?

A) Yes B) No

12) Is any prescription comes to you regarding Cilacar Brand?

A) Yes B) No

13)No of prescriptions comes per week of Cilacar Brand?

A)0-10 B)11-25 C)26-40 D)more than 40

14)What is the demand of Cilacar brand?

a) Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

15)Is Pentients are aware about Cardivascualar medicine?

A)Yes B) No

16)Rate it terms in
a)Storge utilization

Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

b)Brand Preference

Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

c)Price comaparision

Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

d)Avialbility in market

Very good b) Good c) Neutral d) poor e) very poor

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