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>>> SMLAN/SMONLINE Tutorial, written by Deluxe of PlasmaDance.

com - plasma_da <<<
Part 1.
Download Stepmania 3.9 Alpha 23 and install.

Part 2.
Download the Alpha23 smlan patch from

Part 3 A - Hosting a Game
I. Go into Stepmania > Options > Network Options > Server > Start
II. Connection > Connect..
III. Enter your own IP (Appears as "Enter a network address x.x.x.x to connect t
o yourself").
IV. Exit the options menu and start normal gamepaly.
V. Using UP and DOWN keys navigate through options windows. Use LEFT and RIGHT t
o change options.
VI. Press CTRL+ENTER to suggest a song
VII. Press CTRL+ENTER a second time to begin the song.
VIII. Dance begins!

Part 3 B - Joining a Game
I. Go into Stepmania > Options > Network Options > Connection > Connect...
II. Enter the hosts IP -
III. Exit the options menu and start normal gamepaly.
IV. Using UP and DOWN keys navigate through options windows. Use LEFT and RIGHT
to change options.

Part 4 - Finding the host IP
I. Windows: Start > Run > "CMD" | Press enter.
II. Type "ipconfig" | Press enter
3.C.1 On Dialup
1. The IP should be displayed when connecting to their own server, if not go to
3.C.2 Behind a Router:
3.C.2.A - The joiner is on the NETWORK
I. The "IP Address" should look something like "".
3.C.2.B - The joiner is on the INTERNET
I. Obtain the IP address from

Part 5 - Port forwarding for routers
1. Login to the web-based management module for your router
2. Find "port forwarding" or "Virtual Server"
3. Create a new one with -
PublicPort: 8765 - PrivatePort: 8765 - PortType: TCP - Host Address: x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x being the netowrk IP for the computer that will be hosting games.

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