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Home Program for Theraband

(Upper Extremities)
Occupational Therapy Department

Date:_____________________ Patient’s Name:___________________________________________________

Do exercises two times daily. Exercises should be done in smooth and controlled movements. Do not cause pain.
Sitting is best for these exercises or lying on your back.

1. 4.
Hold theraband with Wrap theraband
both hands six inches around back of your
apart from one shoulders starting with
another. Hold arms elbow bent; push arms
straight out in front out straight in front.
(elbows straight) and Repeat ten times.
stretch hands apart.
Repeat ten times.

2. 5.
Hold both hands at Start with theraband
right knee. Keep right around shoulders in
hand at knee while left back and have arms
arm stretches straight straight out to side at
up towards ceiling. shoulder level. Pull
Return and repeat arms across chest
ten times. Reverse to stretching theraband.
left knee. Repeat ten times.

3. 6.
Hold both hands at Standing is best for
right hip. Keep right this exercise. With
hand at hip while left arms at your sides,
arm stretches across grasp theraband. Hold
chest up towards left left hand tightly as you
ear in a diagonal raise right arm out to
direction. Return and the side with elbow
repeat ten times. straight and up
Reverse to left hip. towards ear. Repeat
ten times and repeat
with left arm.

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