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‘AMAZING COWE #1095 US, PAPERBACK (168! 978-0-7el-G214-8); 61:95 US. HARD COVER (IGEN 9780-76378) Sandya: Boymion COMING OCTOBER 2010 WMAGING ——) RREECEEEEEEEE Es ; DO WNLO, A, D 1 Maurice Ravel BOLERO COMPLETELY UNRAVELED for Orchestra and Kazoos as performed by The Highly Irritating Orchestra Ce Ford aorinnetiiag Sandra Boynton This is a high-fidelity recording of the interminable 300-kazoo performance idly mentioned in AMAZING COWS, Boynton’s swell new book of lively cow miscellany. The reference occurs in the limerick creatively titled “Another Cow Limerick”— | know a fine cow hamed Pierre Who says he can sleep anywhere. tHe managed to snooze While 200 kazoos A Played "Boléro." / envy Pierre. ed reer ay Hoynton NOTE You can algo pay actual money for this recording at most online music download sites.

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