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Isreali Indepencence day was May 14, 1948.

British Palestine had been broken up into

"Isreal" and "Palestine"

Unfortuanately, Palestine was not contiguous.

On May 15, 1948, approximately 1,000 Lebanese, 5,000 Syrian, 5,000 Iraqi, and
10,000 Egyptian troops (initial numbers) invaded the newly established state. Four
thousand Jordanian troops invaded the Corpus separatum region encompassing
Jerusalem and its environs, as well as areas designated as part of the Arab state by the
UN partition plan.

Here's the kicker...Of the land that was designated by the Partition Plan to be
Palestine, Egypt grabbed the Sinai Peninsula, Jordan grabbed the Gaza Strip, and
Syria the Golan.

That comprised 53% of Palestine...

Why are the Palestinians not attacking those three countries?

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