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Definitei:reprezinta un determinant substantival care contribuie la

realizarea unui substantive intr-o propozitie.


Articol hotarat: THE

Articol nehotarat: A\AN

Articol zero: (forma implicita sau neexprimata)

Articolulu hotarat THE:

Cand folosim articolul hotarat?

-inaintea unui substantive care a mai fost mentionat in textul respective

Exemplu:A man knocked at tha door and a girl opened it. The man was her father.

-inaintea substantivelor care sunt unice

Exemplu:the moon, the erath, the star, tahe air

-inaintean nr ordinale:

Exemplu: the first, the second, the third, the twenty-first, the seventeenth

-in realizarea superlativului:

Exemplu: the best year, the youngest girl, the most important, the fastest, the
-inaintea unor nume proprii ( nume de famile,teatre ,ziare,muzee,hoteluri etc.)

Exemplu:the Browns, the Johns, the Ntional theatre, the Meriott Grand Hotel, the
New York Times,

-inaintea substantivelor care indica nume de locuri geografice munti, fluvii,

oceane, mari etc,: the Alps, the Atlantic, the Red Sea, the Sahara

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