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Scientific Method

28th October 2010

An example
Exploration and Discovery
Exploration and Discovery
● Curiosity, practical
● Observation:
● Signal is low inside
● Asking Questions:
● e.g. Does metal cause
weaker signal?
● Literature search
Testing Ideas
Testing Ideas
● Create Hypotheses
● e.g. Metal causes weaker signal
inside elevator
● Design of Experiment
● e.g. Create model using different
materials with same thickness
and measure the signal
● Expected Results
● e.g. Signal inside model using
metal is weaker than non-metal.
● Data Collection and Analysis
Community Analysis and Feedback
Community Analysis and Feedback
● Write report
● Discuss
● Repeat experiments
● New questions
Benefits and Outcomes
Benefits and Outcomes
● Develop solution
● e.g. Location of signal

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