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English 1 Literary Terms-Unit 1-short stories

An allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or a work
of art.

An antagonist is a character or force in conflict with a main character or protagonist.

Characterization is the act of creating and developing a character. In direct
characterization, the author states a character’s traits.

The high point of interest or suspense is the climax. The events that make up the rising
action lead up to the climax. Usually marks the turning point in the action, and the reader
is no longer in doubt about the outcome.

A struggle between opposing forces is a conflict. External and internal conflicts. man vs.
nature, self, society, man.

Dialect is a form of a language spoken by people of a particular region with a variety of a
language, with changes in vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure and pronunciation.

Dialogue is a conversation between characters that may reveal their traits and advance the
action of a narrative. Quotation marks quote a speaker’s exact words.

Diction is the author’s choice of words in regard to vocabulary, slang, language, and level
of formality.

Falling Action
The falling action is the unraveling of the plot, following the climax, in which the writer
explains how and why everything turned out the way it did. This leads up to the

A fantasy is a type of writing that is highly imaginative with elements not found in real
life like supernatural events or fairy tales, imaginary paces and creatures.

Fiction is prose writing that tells about imaginary people and events. It is usually novels
and short stories but is also dramas and poetry. Fiction can also be based on actual events.
Figurative Language
Figurative Language is speech or writing that shouldn't be taken literally, it is used to
create vivid impressions by comparing things.

A flashback is a way that authors present material that occurred earlier than present tense
that appears through a character’s dream or memory.

Foreshadowing is the use of clues that suggest events that have yet to occur. This creates

A hero or heroine is the principal character in a movie, novel, or play, especially one who
plays a vital role in plot development and solves the conflict.

Imagery is descriptive or figurative language that creates word-pictures for the reader,
and is created by details of the senses.

An inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence or reasoning.

Irony portrays differences between appearance and reality or expectation and the result.
When words are used that suggest the opposite of what is meant.
When something is said that has another meaning or that it contradicts something.
What you expect in an event does not happen.
When the thoughts of the reader and the character are contradicting.
When the reader knows more than the character.

A hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration/overstatement used for comic effect.

A metaphor is when one thing is spoken of as though it were something else.

Mood is the atmosphere or feeling that the reader experiences when reading a passage.
The mood is suggested by descriptive details.

A moral is a lesson taught by a literary work, especially a fable .
Motivation is a reason that explains why a character behaves in a certain way.

A narrative is a story told in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama.

A novel is a long work of fiction that has a plot with characters in conflict. It may also
have subplots and several themes.

The narrator is the speaker or character that tells a story.

The plot is the sequence of events in a literary work. It involves characters and a central
conflict. Begins with an exposition (intro to setting, characters, and situation.) Followed
by the inciting incident (intro to central conflict.) Then the development (where the
conflict increases.) Then the climax (high point of suspense.) (Rising action is the events
leading up to the climax.) The climax is followed by the falling action (leads to the,)
denouncement/resolution (where the general insight or change is conveyed.)

Point of View
The point of view directs the type and amount of information the writer reveals.
1st person
A character in the story is the narrator; readers see only what this character sees.
3rd person omniscient
The narrator is all knowing and tells readers what any character thinks or feels.
3rd person limited omniscient
The story is told through one character’s eyes and reveals only that character’s
3rd person objective
Tells a story without detailing any characters' thoughts and instead gives a “fly on
the wall” point of view and is often used in newspaper articles. It just states facts.

The protagonist is the main character.

The resolution is when the writer explains how any why everything turned out the way
that it did.

Rising Action
The rising action is all of the events leading up to the climax.

Satire is a work that ridicules the foolishness of individuals, a society, or humanity.

The setting is the time and place of the action.
Short Story
A brief work of fiction.

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two apparently dissimilar items using the
words like or as.

Classifying people by bad things

Style is the author’s unique way of writing determined by tone, rhythm and structure.

Suspense is the feeling of uncertainty about an outcome.

A symbol is anything that stands for something else.

A theme is a central message or insight into life revealed through a literary work.

The tone is the writer’s attitude toward their audience and their subject.

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