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By Roger Pattison & Andrea Moffat

Category: Competencies

Credit price: 4 download credits (Single user)

Candidates participating in an assessment or development centre are required to

work through exercises that assess their abilities over a range of job-related tasks.
One such is an 'in-tray' exercise. In completing this, participants gain a greater
understanding about how such an exercise is used in an assessment-centre
situation. The primary aim is the demonstration of how the exercise can be used in
assessing competency by role-playing the candidates and assessors. This is done
under real conditions and fully scored. (See Activity 9 Using assessment centres to
recruit, for details on how to prepare for and facilitate an actual assessment

For this role-play exercise the participants work in pairs, taking the role of either
'candidate' or 'assessor'. They are first briefed all together about the exercise
scenario, then the assessors are briefed separately about how to carry out the
assessment. After the exercises, the assessors complete their assessment, and all
the participants discuss what they found out by doing the exercise, and the benefits
of using this kind of exercise. The activity concludes with a plenary session
involving all participants in discussing the merits of this exercise in an assessment
or development centre.

Who is it for: This training activity is intended for use by trainers with HR staff
preparing for an assessment- or development-centre day.

` Ôhemes:

` Ñeveloping understanding,

` Recruitment and selection,

` Ñeveloping staff,
!esource Ôype: Activity
jin Group Size: 4
jax Group Size: 20
Ôypical Duration: 01:25:00
No of Pages: 26

!esources: View standard resources for Fenman training activities

Purpose: This training activity is intended for use by trainers with participants as
part of an assessment or development centre, or as a stand-alone activity within a
management development programme, such as time management, prioritising and
making effective decisions under pressure. It can also be used by trainers and HR
staff as preparation for an assessment- or development-centre day, or by managers
participating in an awareness-raising workshop in order to gain a fuller
understanding of the process for recruiting or developing people by assessing their

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