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Poland's Official Travel Website


Home About Poland

News Facts & figures

About Poland Location: Middle Europe, on the Baltic Sea

Facts & figures
Land boundaries: Russia - Kaliningrad (N), Lithuania (N-E), Ukraine and Bialorus (E), Czech
Practical Information Republik and Slowakia (S), Germany (W)

Organize your meeting Capital: Warsaw (Warszawa) with 1 707,981 inhabitants.

Other major cities: Kraków, !ód", Wroc#aw, Pozna$, Gda$sk
Meetings Calendar Total area: 322.575 km%. Poland is the 9. largest country in Europe, and 68. on the world.

Statistics Population: 38.161 (118,2 people/km%). Poland is the 8. largest country in Europe, and 34. on the
CBP - About us Nationality: Polish people 96,7 %

Useful links Language: polish

Local time: GMT+01:00
Currency: PLN polish zloty
Rates of exchange (November 2010):
1 EURO=3,9944 PLN; 1 GBP=4,5950 PLN, 1 USD=2,8873 PLN
Search Political system: parliamentary democracy
search... Head of State: President Bronis#aw Komorowski
International relations: Schengen (2007), UE (2004), NATO (1999), OECD (1996), WTO (1995),
ONZ (1945)
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GPD total: 525,7 mld USD; GPD per capita:17,482 USD.
Your email Poland’s economy is 7. in Europe, and 21. on the world.
Human Development Index (2007): 41 position / 182 countries
Quality of Life Index (2007): 43 position / 195 countries
Index of Economic Freedom (2009): 82 position / 179 countries
Warmest mounth: July (27°C), coldest mounth December (-10°C)
Maximum distance from north to south 649 km, from east to west 689 km
Borderline: 3511 km, costline: 440 km
The Baltic Sea on the North
The Sudety and Karpaty Mountains on the South
Forest covers 28,7 % of the land area
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