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Christina Gomez

November 15, 2010

General Biology
Dr. B
Research Paper Outline

Osmoregulation in Fish

I. Thesis: Fish must maintain, in their tissue, physiologically appropriate

concentrations of salt.
II. The laws of diffusion and osmosis
A. definition of osmosis
B. definition of diffusion
C. environmental states
1. isotonic state
2. osmotic equilibrium
D. law of osmosis
1. absorption
2. swallowing
E. law of diffusion
1. vertebrate kidney
2. glomerular kidney
III. Functional components of the vertebrate kidney
A.Vertebrate kidney
1. nephrons
B. Glomerulus
1. Bowman’s capsule
C. convoluted tubule
D. longitudinal collecting duct
E. Cappillaires
1. glomerular mass
2. reabsorptive mass
IV. Osmoregulation in freshwater fishes
A. hypotonic environment
B. characterisitics
C. kidney function
1. glomerulus
2. neck region
3. fixed proximal segment
4. second proximal segment
5. distal segment
6. collecting tubule or duct
D. Gills
A. urine
E. Chloride cells
V. Osmoregulation in marine fishes
A. hypertonic environment
B. Characteristics
C. kidney function
1. glomerulus
2. neck region
3. fixed proximal segment
4. second proximal segment
5. distal segment
6. collecting tubule or duct
D. Gills
A. urine
E. Chloride cells
VI. Osmoregulation in diadromous and euryhaline fishes
A. stenohaline forms
B. euryhaline forms
C. diadromy
1. anadromy
2. catadromy
3. anphidromy
VII. Osmoregulation in elasmobranch fishes
A. elasmobranchs
B. characteristics
C. urea
VIII. Osmoregulation in tetrapods
A. terrestrial vertebrates
1. aglomerular kidneys
2. cloaca
B. marine turtles, iguanas, and birds
1. desalting
C. mammals
1. loop of henle
IX. Conclusion

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