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Table of Contents

Page Content
1 Size of Object from parallax
1 Synodic Period
1 Sidereal Period
1 Kepler’s 3rd Law
1 Newton’s 2nd Law
2 Weight
2 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravity
2 Fahrenheit – Celsius Conversion
2 Wien’s Law
2 Energy Flux
2 Stefan – Boltzman Law
3 Luminosity
3 Energy of a Photon
3 Photo Electric Effect
3 Regularity in Hydrogen Spectrum
3 Energy of Absorbed or emitted photon
3 Series Limit for Hydrogen
3 Doppler Effect
4 Doppler Effect for light
4 Magnification of telescope
4 Laws of reflection
4 Angular Resolution of a Telescope
4 Masses of Planets Determined from Kepler’s 3rd Law
5 Escape Velocity
5 Kinetic Energy
5 Kinetic Energy for gases
5 Energy – Mass relation
5 Reactions inside the sun
5 P-P chain
5 Primary Branch
5 PPII Branch
6 PPIII Branch
6 CNO cycle
6 Parsec
6 Tangential Velocity
6 Radial Velocity
6 Space Velocity
7 Sun’s Luminosity
7 Apparent Brightness
7 Sun’s Apparent Brightness
7 Apparent Brightness for any two stars
7 Distance Modulus
8 Stefan – Boltzman Law
8 Parallax
8 Binary Stars obey Kepler’s 3rd Law
8 Time a star spends on the main sequence
9 Energy Supplied by Hydrogen Burning
9 Relation between Luminosity and Mass of a star
9 Angular Momentum
9 Lorentz Transformations
10 Schwarzschild Radius of Black holes
10 Location of sun with respect of the galaxy
10 Mass of galaxy inside sun’s orbit
10 Sun’s Absolute Magnitude at 10 pc
10 Absolute Luminosity vs Absolute Magnitude relation at distance = 10 pc
11 Cepheid Luminosity vs Period
11 Red Shift of Object
11 Hubble’s Law
12 Relativistic Red Shift
12 Minimum mass of an active galactic nucleus
12 Density required to produce a black hole
12 Age of the universe
12 Planck time (time after big bang when the universe began to behave as it does now)
13 Compton Wavelength (measure of maximum certainty of position)
13 Smallest Black hole that would not suffer General Relativity breakdown
13 Planck Length (siae of smallest black hole describable by relativity)
13 Mass density of radiation
14 Average Density of Matter (presently accepted)
14 Matter dominated vs Radiation dominated Universe
14 Fate of Universe
14 Critical Density
14 Density Parameter
14 Deceleration Parameter
14 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
15 Average Photon Energy given temperature
15 Jeans Length (Minimum distance over which density fluctuations must extend for objets
to grow)
15 Drake Equation
16 Table of Contents

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