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Major Project Work Schedule

Lesson 16:
Complete and submit a draft report for the Request for Proposal (RFP)

Lesson 17:
i) Identify the sources of content for the wiki book chapter's content (text
and images)
ii) Complete storyboards for slideshows and videos
iii) Complete scripts for interviews
iv) Design the format for your wiki book chapter

Lesson 18:
i) Progress report. Presentation of storyboards illustrating your concept and
ideas for your chapter and the current status of your project
ii) Continue the design and development of your multimedia chapter

Lesson 19:
i) Continue the design and development of your multimedia chapter
ii) Submit a design for the wiki book's cover

Lesson 20:
i) Team presentations of design options for the wiki book chapter
ii) Evaluation and selection of final wiki book chapters
iii) Compilation of the wiki book for student use.

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