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Government Engineering College Bartonhill

S7 Electronics and Communication Engineering

Digital Signal Processing Lab
1. Obtain the transfer function of a Butterworth LPF meeting the
following specifications:
Passband 0-60 Hz
Stopband > 85 Hz
Stop band attenuation > 15 dB
Assume a sampling frequency of 256 Hz. Also plot the poles and zeros.
2. Compute circular convolution using linear convolution.
3. Obtain by the pole-zero placement method, the transfer function
and difference equation of a simple notch filter that meets the
following specifications.
Notch frequency 50Hz
3 dB width of notch ± 5 Hz
sampling frequency 500 Hz
4. Write a MATLAB program to generate the circular convolution of 2
5. Obtain the N point DFT of a sequence (without using the built-in
6. Design a FIR LPF that meets the following specifications.
Passband cutoff frequency 0.2π rad
Pass band ripple 0.25 dB
Stopband cutoff frequency 0.3π rad
Stop band attenuation 50 dB
Choose an appropriate Kaiser Window function and determine impulse
response and plot frequency response of the filter.
7. Obtain the convolution of 2 sequences using DFT method.
8. Obtain the impulse response of a system whose output is given by
Y(z) = 3z-2 + 2z-1 +2.4 when fed with input X(z) = 2.1z-1 +1. Plot the
correlation between input and output.
9. Prove Nyquist sampling theorem.
10. Compute, using the optimal method, the coefficients and plot the
frequency of a bandpass, linear phase filter using the following
Passband 1000-1500 Hz
Transition band 500 Hz
Filter length 41
Sampling frequency 10,000 Hz
11.Obtain the waveform of a amplitude modulated signal using
12. Compute linear and circular convolution of 2 sequences.
13. Show that DFT { x(n) © y(n) } = X(k) . Y(k)
14. Plot the waveform of a frequency modulated signal.
15. Realize an IIR filter with passband edge at 1500Hz and stop band
edge 2000Hz for a sampling frequency of 8000Hz. Variation of gain
with pass band is 1 dB and stop band attenuation of 2dB. Use
Chebyshev type-1 prototype design. Use bilinear transformation.
16. Prove any 2 properties of DFT.
17. Realize a lowpass filter using the TMS320C6713 DSK to remove the
higher frequency from the signal, f(t) = sin 200πt + sin 600π t by
about 40dB.
18. Realize a signal generator using the TMS320C6713 DSK for
obtaining a sine wave of frequency 800Hz and amplitude ±5V.

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