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Translated from me French by ROBERTS. CROSS

Photographs by ODEttB MENNESSON-R1GAUD


SEGREl'S OF YOOD{)Q Copyright@1953, 1969 by MHo Rigauli All Rfgrrts Reserved

1514131211 109,87

Fi'rst publi.shed in the Uilited States bf Ameriea by Arco Publishing, inc, 1969

P!J,blishecic by City Lights Books: I!:IS5 '

Repri:uled. by rurahg;einent wlth Areo' PlloUshing" Inc., Ne~\I YQrk

Cover p.~inting Vi'i/J:dl?;q ptl.nce by R~emll.rie ~j'!Jis.seau

Ltbr!!fY. 9I 'Co,ogi;ess Cata1Qg:ing .... in=-"PIiblit.alion Dl'\ta Rig'aud, MiIQ'. 15114;:"

Secrets Q'f'V90dl:lo

,Repr~n~ Originally publi.shed:New YlOr!;;.. f:l:.Y .. :

Acco, c HI69.

1, '):{ oQd"il)i~m-fJ,aj~L l:' Fqlk]Qt-e-lim ti. 3,Hruti-'Rell:groil> r, Title.

lBL249~O.R.~313 HlS'5 29'?i' 67 ;8::5:~190S4

]SBN: 0-'87286-171-'6

crTY ~IG'H1!S B.~Y()KS are ooi~tQ by LAwrence F?rHngbiiltt& and NahQY S, p:e!-ers B,nd puDJis'ttet;l at Ib~ Cit~ L..lgl:l.t!! cBQ:dIt~to~. 261 C'oluIIiblfls A;v'ellue,

San Frafl~S:co. CA. 9.4.133:


1. Odg1ns' an~\~lements, o~ ,~?odo(~ ,. " ,

Tl-ic,Qum'pflo'r ... The 1?~ .' . Th~ ,eTiStif/e.;. Too l'ote4t1-nJitan • , . T~Jr~ Tree BepD-sl?in:


2. 'Prlesfsallld. P:ri~st¢sses of Voodoo

, The. I1'inih'gafl, ami th6 M_(,i:1f1:bD. , , ; 'rhe AS-oWn ; ; , Taking the AS:;I'cm

3. Gods ind God~e$SoB's Qf Voodoo ,

Stl-Ql~Qn~ th~ Qod$. ~ , , W.hat t:h~ Gods Can .De , , . 'The .M~glt, Cllij'teT (If V q_qi'fDQ " •. T1I e Vq:oaoCl' Pantheon. , . Classifying the' ~{jiL~ ... Tlro .ijii~' at ,the CadS' . .". D""lbhc,la'~l-:th,e S~,ryii'Jtit God: ( , '. Th.e V'!_t:t40o, V·;rgil1., , . Other Voodoo ~od$.'


4. SYlnh.~~s of VQo,dM

The Vlves , .. Th4' M~n . . . A0~1ets \ood i'dii!Sma~ ... T~ Jou-~(il:liC!M .,! • Pil'i'fu!tiei; . ; • Rittuil F~ags , , , Su,ord. of La Pla:c.~ •.. Foad!/' Of Vf)odq!) ... ' The Banana TI'lffl;

a.Souuds, _Rhythms,,, n'hatrtg~ ~nc\ .Pl,'<iy~·rli " .

r1ii'l Ogon', .. The T,.i,wn'gliJ .. , The Df'iLms . : . 'The. VQ.odoa, Chorus. .", Chants . . , 'VoQdQq Darl(N8 . ; : V(j~@9 l'J:ayers


6. ftl-rfi?!ril' Voodoo Magi'Q

fidr;iJ,dll'rri/s to Fol,row •.. ' Magic Baths ..of V ~¢4Qa . ,,' Br:in.glng Ve'ngollntle an EiilnufB.5' • , . IJse of Ma,gic Lar.n;ps ... UsJiig: Blallcl S,atri'Pce,'f, ..• Ruma1\! Sae.ri~


'7. Rituals arl'd CEiemo.r;iies ;oif. VooQ.l?;Q,

InvigarfJ,titl,g the; cr,;di .. " St7:crifici~rg<(!, B~j!l for the,'Sitnbi .. ; i'lfmn'b~, ~:Hmci'a Tre;?lt.s tile Su.~ . . " Ce'i'~t~Drij « t~l?; B'ark oj ~~JUe~~ , ;-:_ A C(1,le.nad'f'Gf V{Jod,iJ;/'J' CW.r~morH~$



T@ ;the 1,IninJfi(jt~ •. VO[;iiloolilas .lQrlg<h~enthcmght or ii,s; $ _i'rrjmiHve f(inn: ofms~~ a_pd -beliefitl ~,hQ£t:s> MOst (:)f wlHl"t''''trre average la.~~rr knO'ws. oJ 'Woo'P!fl)fJ<:olffe~' Oifl~X' hom mis]e'a:dln~ ,~l's'lil ~o.f It, hl H~ntk®.d 001".1101: -mGi\li@s and- in ;paperback :thdl1eIls that emphasize' '~witch rloc~

tots" orihe s'!i~blgb"f~in~ i~ ''Vi5O:~pO ~~ll~,;' "

Rut. tl~ fact !.s. that. Vo.{ld!llQ e,ne'flmpa~'$esan exc.;edingly (\~mpJ~ te]igiou and .mag.£/!l ~'WHh-tQmpli0~teq-r.i!'.ual-£ alto symbols thilt liaive, :de_vt;loFe;d ;fOrd$l:u~,anih, of yl2;l[S'~p~rh~,ps J9fi,g~j:'tha;;D 'llny(J~~er 'if !roda~'s es:tablisheu faiths. The ·belreve. in V00aoo-,:tnM ther.e axe pijl1i0~of bJa" a'nU3JQt!ie whj~es wh§ i:?f'MYioe it-:e~llt'er,~ _):TIs .fu'fu'fle's ,and.:ffiars ijs ~tt·· ' on it t'i:s: cl,'o:es':a tpUQwer of qhri~t[&rijty;2Jud~sPl,

''E] . a;]'4~·r'_ "'r Is ~ _, i .. A -n-J' fl.,,,,, T"l' "Jtj;,' . l'1-."",..,kl:! - . "fff'''';; "\1f" ,t"" J.loI;l'I_·YI1Ul ... " "'~ -' ... !!:"... nl'!~_ Ui, .11 .. .r "'" .,,11 .. __ 'JI' "''''l;'I'Lre ~_ ",m" .... e. <>"r

'preghfltiea W11h H~1l:S t(with a ii.¢b-, ID..y{ificral atoma q'[' .j\.frbi:.~__.;tb tlil: ext6ll:t that :indtviil'1luals as well u.w, families aee ecnsetous '9£ Voodoo's< ~~ffi~ 'Uil?onthe~,li"lf~:s, \!,jj!±i:i',q,\ll'joJiS, _nli~tr~ flf"g1mr _ an4 ~r~ad ...

ni~ ho~k~th~ :res_cl!t of ~re, than thirty; oJ·{ltud)'-'V?:i.ll~D. tlea,?ol to -p~i!tlgthl.f" read~ an 'ull(lt::rs1/Mfding, of th~utJerrnQgt ~<6~:reb! }ll1d iioYl>~!!!i~[-9-:rNQ.@n. Iitlt, Q-e(Ol'fl bakiTtg )'QlI' OF .vf)Jt~ to e:erre 'rnl~n'igh~ .. cel'emonies.; it is 1I1i1~;;!$SOl!ry Jo; pIoevide e.xp.hmatiom of seme of" tile :i$_l~el'lit-s -;iu:dQvtiV.lI!litl maniJesta,t)Olls of VQqflQO~mrin.Y ,otallily



~aliell to white culture-so that you CilR better ~erstand the meantug of w]:l'at you will see and read.

The origin 01 the Voodoo rites, has; n,eeess~il1 two aspects: tire rites proei:l:B~ orJ the' OI;te hanQ from a ~"1.Ipe:miltur-iil odgin. and! OD! the other band ftom it se0.g~aJlW&!ll Orighl. An tliSpeets of :the lI' must abQve: lui he cans'ider~d ~e(''G[ld$::l'y to the idea bf the' word V0:0dQD itself. wbleb 'is sometimes spelled tloo.d.ou or va·au, sinee e;verythi~g essential to thckt~QwledSce of the J;[!y:sbuy is implicit: m this word. Tne clearest eK;pf!).nutlon of. thIS essential Idea is that 1)0 means "lntrospection'" and du means ~'1ntg the unknown," CcmseJ:luetltly, the rituals fann th S\Uti tDta;l of Ithis mlrQspectiion; that is, they are the stllrueq aQc.'Ol1Jip~shmenti; that proceed from psychoJogicaID jnfennation. Those who indulg;e in this in~os:p(j~tij)1ll into the mg;st6T6 (:myJi.eery) w~ll C011llpl'etu~:Qd Dot only the Voodoo gods, bUit'al~6t the SQuis of those; who are the adepts and the se.;'vantrs ",:f rh~'se gQds., T.his is the only W~f, in whicl1 the kuifful -prac.':t:ioo of the rites ,ill' Fd~s1hle to pl:odu~ .supiP'Jla.twrs,lly e~l:rat;l:rdinarJ _phellomena or magic.

The. "loo,uoo rites, derived fM'~m ~b~ sllpemal~!li, pt'Oceed froill ,the .lnfluence ~ the ~ iQ the atmosptle:r~. It wcnilCl be difficult to enhu;ge upon tbi!: fundamental principle of Voodoo since not e .... eryone is enClowed with !the ability to compr,htlDd the eSdterics of m~gjc. Nevertheless, the ,eHectl!, o£ tbis supernatural ag.BDcy tllQ be observed during the cQUrse of VQtt~QO services, for every I:tained obs~er will full): apprecia.!e a spedade whose ennre ceremenral pivots upon certain cult ,attnbutes that symbolize the sun,

Tile. ,simple,,,f ,~:d elqies;t pn:li'lf tha~ the :$1l1;J is the axis lIpollr whloh the eoUre Voo:doo, cull hlnlS is t.he: rev;ela.ti:on that fhe ptinfiipeI'l1t'tdbu.t,e ofsol:;rr magiC is tlil'!;! p~st -or ppie 'that Stlpperts the ce~ter 'Of the mol 0f the structure I!:nawn as the ,peristyle of 'the ('Jum'phor. the Voodoo templ,e. The peristyle is dl!f~ oovere,d gallery t;)f tnat~h OJ:: cor· ~ugated:P'()n ijd}oinlng the holy of holies Ol!' nr.l'tn·'Ph6.r proper. T.he.:roof lS suppoded by a wooden eenterpost, ca~lea the pote'Gumita.f1, which means to the lniitialtes "solar support." This pqst is fhe axiS o·E the rite!i. Every~g in Voodoo rites has re~e1'encfl ulth:ml:tely to the center-post. The post ig an arcruteefura>1 repc"CseNtatien ,of; the' chief VoodOO god Legba. The "'000 ,P~ the pO,st deJ1~te~ Merc.w;y, the OOlsp;r,iJ:;Jg ¢If the StI1.I, and th~ g:od ~ of tb~· v~g,eU!, b~e "kingdom an~ shows thQ~ Mer~ul] is a t the, Satne time the .staff or Legba. U poTli tn),s staff the two ~rpe1l'ts



,of the aUID'plU)! Dl.ustDo~!llly monnt. so as to be harmonized. 01" he reunited by Mercury, Consequently, the ceptral post of the Vooooo ped-styWi, isdecor:a.t'ed with II spLl"lll b,tnd ofv~('ms cola[s s,ymboJ.w:,iug net only the color;; (]if the rain'bO'W' but'alsQ the ,serpent gods Dafibna'tah ana .Aida. W'6dv,. Furmru:D!lor,e, this sacred, woaa. ~~re.s:en~iI1 the structUli,a~mii.tenal of the Temple (If JID:I.lliil].em~iI:1:H! wood ¥ Lebanon,

Near this post is kept, the symbol of the, moon, the Voodoo g(}(ldess Er;z;:tdie. This lunar s:0mbol-a: med,el boat-is .suspended in the air [rom Ithe oeilln'g te ~m,le'te the sigrtfficance of the planetary origin

of the.:rUes. '

In the ptaCtice of Voodo.o magic, a lightel'll 'ca.nille is aftensubsti-

tuted for the post .and the boat is represented' by:rl,~p.lI wa~er. ~

T~.e Voodoo }la-nth eon of gods is, composed of lQas (gods) toot oome Irom a'll pads,of Afrl.c;;t. 'tradition has it thar~e tero:t va-au is drawn from theiatlguag:e of the Fans. Qtl:lfl£ tFib§ th~l cOQmbn.too. Voqrloo ~(}aS weI'll$e J'iago 'people/ tlli'l~ Ibgs, CongO!;, nalmm.eams, SenegaIese, Haonssars, CaplaolJs, MWltllng"ls" Mondongue..s, Ang~]es,e~ Llbyans, Ethiopians, and th.e Malgaohes. MoreoveJI', the names of 'these tribes ~e.oeIally serve to designat.e sep~ltt~ Voodeo Tites themselves. For el'!;;,ie. to serve the Monaan~l~e gads, the Mondong,ue rite is joUowed. which, a] ~ough it dnes- riot diHer hasieany and hmcbmelltally from tlle other rites, nev~eless ~ppear5 superJieially dif,farant. TQ serve the Tbo gods, the Ibo cite is celebrated . .And this rite tOQ is funliiament.llly related to tIle. Qthe.r :riEe.S!lIlthollgbit :may ap~ar differeJllt. The p~thr"0, dte, however, which l;lelllngs to ,anQtlier "lllIIniHa" of V6:odoo Ioas, is diijerent ,nom the' effiBl' rites, beingmooo Qf -a me ritual. And the rIte par e;s;eiJl(;lMe is ~e B:a-D!1 or 1\~d~ "'the roya! 11:J:R' cif the SUIli.'" :eack rit:e has Us .distinctive ftha:rac.tet.istics, althou~h an rites g.eueraUyspeakfug; ~S:e ttmn the Same S0'Ul',OO, have 'the Same origin, and are co:m:p1el!ely inlc;l;~at

The Voodoo rituals of the ~adous tribes of Africa were commingled and modified as a result Df tile ~1:i~t{on of .slavery. 'bnagsne" f~ example'" ~a. of AraCIas ,and 6£ Ibos sold mho slavery together. Either they had to cora bml:!' th~i'r separate :nrtes (JT else the d:l:lisi~~arit)" of their would impose lipOID thema. ciu~l and miltl.!.al t!lolae tion m the. beal1t ofrbe new' conmmlllitx to whiCh the slave trw took them, The rescutt Ilf suan, what Wsion w.~ ~b[ft the two dMferent' religiOUS gY;DllpsmQ.[6! OJ less combined their beliefs, tlmr;eby creating



in the new i11ave 'ooIwnt1iJ.ity' a Vao 00 nte "!"hicltfo this ,day is_ not

.. ..

-pure;. .

Nevertheless, the _m:e_mber!l. o.f certain tdbes-r however dis.persed they may hayc' ~n_ by the sla;Y61 ~ad~; wete. able .( t) to thems~lYes despite wind and tide and presence theh own ritesimltact, 01: (2) n:':amtai~.tlu~""p!Uity 6f 1hfir lites even'while bving iIII th!Ol mi,d:St of other trttes. Eor this reason true d'e~cendants: of the Mondc;mgue.s can still be found ~xt!mt throughout Haiti, in wlmse midst 'ate also found Beulh or Bambar~ elements. They h~v.:e preserved then- rite intact, as well as its true illterpretation, despite racial in~ermingUng.

The ritualism qf Hai:ti'an Voodoo is;,. ~Mn. v~ d!iV~l'fej aDd its dljsttibution over regional zones uf j,dnemm is a diiBcult and su:btle matter. However, despit~ this diversity., all the rites ate incomplete agreem~J;it as to them due:{ gods and theJr pr~ti~e of m-agie. Legh-l!,. unmistakably, is, ,tbei\" solar pEototype; the magicaJ archety,pe~ to the s~efice. and. cOlltt?1 of Who:m lilll 'the r~tllalS have re'f~t8~'e~;o All 't~e ntua,1$ miCluae, Lflgba M ·the god who ~ope.1is the gate." WttbC1l.1t him all :IUa§ic is pl'Obl.ematlcalif oeta-e'i'1'1ally unfeaslble, A nnw:Ioommenoes with a c~le~LinvocatiCin to .Papa Legb~J the op.ening. werds of which itte; "pq.pu Legb.a, Quvri: ,barrie pou nous passe.r (Open the way fO!' us to 11$5) .~.

Voodoo sinks, its roOts, of origin in the most, 1:)lilliant and ml).st remote civiUi::l':atioilli. The Haitian Voodooist Het'-&-Ma-EI wrote' In JUs book Th-e. Daimqlis of tire V'O'od{Jo CUlt; "'Itjs in vail] that S1l!9tle pmce~es have ~en eQlP]oyed to e~lI!eli)]? in darkness the DdniantFh~es of the. mental evolution, I),f th~ NElg.:o. Inwsp:ufa.btytlle antique Ethiqp1ll1:l-Egypti~ln-~n 'cf!lil~atian should 'be 'c:te,dited. 'tG' i~ -aceount. FOil: thausands of yea'l;s before the advent of 'Christ, Negro lheo~~ia:Ds ami philosophel:s wOl'king to.gethe:r had org:anh'ed .~ _ of aoailemi~ dedicated t,? ~be- studr of tlm problems of thepby,sll;,~al world sndhuman des~y. An the theocratic legisla.tion of Moses~ tha.t is, the S9waland ri:lligfous ro_d~s confafued in the Blhle:. Qeill the imprint 0.£ the~ sacred fOr!nllillllS<O'£ the Negri) fuitli .... "

''The £unnatipn o,E tle idea of rj;!ligion implies beliefs about theformaooD of th:~,'worla., -aoout the sou], and a:J;jont de3th ..•. Patienf' (;lbs&\'~~io~ 0:£' e;elesti~, s-p><t:ce. a~a ()if the :n,ars wlltch throng the !l~ b:a:Vie gl'll;@ l'1$e to that animISm whi@: Iio~ that supemarural ~ings direct the movements of the statS; :and from pnmiti\lEl



iotuilion bas lead to ~ntemplations prod:ucti",~ of myth and J~gend. From here elJsoar,os~ those soienees oJ obs:il:J:v_9.,tipn at_ the head of which -must- be placed. astrono:l'llY. entiX_a -biuoglyplllc sys~ o.f. Egypt is basfl_d,~p:m:!1 :the s,ym:bl).li? c9@ootion ,which e~'t~.betw~n th,e various be.i!1lgJi oant;l: the. OO!nlllC Jo:r-e~; 'l;ietwelW tbe bm_ngs ru'lld

the tbis (laws) of' creation." ,. .

The word lQ;s~ \-vhicb means kl~Ds in Frencb, is empbasizoo in the above context, i:l'l~nmch as. it is mOTe. ,heql'l$dy 'speD",d loa wnell used a'S a Voodoo term. The wis. (the "laws of cteali·on") create the lo~ (animistic spirifS) in visibl·e mllilifesta'tio~ supb as -plants. animals, and men, bu ehieRyas ancestors, because 'VooPao is .essentially a. cult of ancestor worship. The AfricanS, b(llie.vlng that the mane .... (souls) of the dead reescend to the heavens, identiBed them with the .stOO's- For tbis reMan H~'[~Ra-Ma-El oon-tWiUes,. '"The, beliefs about the SQul and about death have naturaUy givep Tis!': toth~ GUlf of ,th~ Dead. which mtnrn leads to .the deification '1).£ buman souls. So""sfh:uS' d~l:!d, ox; as it we~~i .~Oillikr;l.'a. ,after death IUlld tQ!J~ call~d d.atmeM br theGreeks .. All oE '~se lmlJIif>flst'ations of religiouS feeHng hav;e not£ailedl to create a :oody ol,d,t~ ~n,d:c.1l1t ,cexemouies, together with a.pps:opriate symbols. or to ~m_ployatlI(llianlU~li' Qfllilrilpli'etnaJia. likeiy .t~ _ell)?tnre th,e popclar imagmation, a necessary; factor m the IecrutHng p£ thl) greatest -pOSSible nnmb¢r oE Jfeophyt{l'S,'·

Our a1:tention is thus fixed uPOJ:!, the pTOC~S that, proeeeding from ~'invisiple to the werld of men, has lead' the yandao adepts to the rit~s of magic. As _far :;IS' th~ Voodoo rit~~ th~ms,el"eli! ~e conl)eroe4~ th~'$Urel1natm'al erfgin of-the pro£~S5 is the seme. It llQW rema:in,sf(J ,('~tder ,by v; 1:'U,~#d~nt OJ by wluli: e:xtt.(iOidinary series. of occurrence.s t:n~ Voodcc rites 'were Ga'IIied Oy6t ,to Haitian !>oil.

The Slave ·rr.ide extendedltro'itl the, coasts of Africa to both Awed. can oontinents-. - AU' the Anti.Ile's were deluged 'With blacks from ,the holds 6l the ships .. They were .scatter~d thtoughout the U~ted States, but particUlarly in tlie De~p South. BrMll reoeived· a large n!:llD~T. as did the ms'la.nd of lfupam(i)l~ whichlate;-r_ l!~me Haiti. The enfur'Ced.irmnigatitm OJ blaCK slaves bom ,all the varioUisAiriea.n. tribal popu}lIttions-..Anmines, Fons, Dah6D)!!) !Oi'olil,b~~ Congas. Se.neg~1ese a:nd. SCl,dat:lese-~e"ClUneiJaconceiva,bLy confuse,d. I;n h'a~pbntiug tilese di$.lnherlted bhrcli Ab:i6ans' :among the oolGms'~~ th~ wbit~ref~ed to belleve that they w~iild retain M1 unq~11.cb:a;ble

-, f~tti ~. their go;~. Howe:"ver, :t:b(l~Er ecc~q;e.d.,sdm~tE:ring ''<i!pp~oocchittg t~e 'm;n.u:acWQustiol'., ev®. j'!tiroO!l.5iUldboUUd t~· .l;ffile cQldri!~] p.l@:nta.tiiOl)S~: tJje ~trai1.~'lanll~d b.laeks, il'l~oked 'llO~ ,Qi;uyfOeii; OV;:El;~&,h>ut h~gal[1 p.a:bentJy" tQ i:!.$tall.¥ario\l:~t Vo"6!jqri 'riJes cithlj);J' tpi'U.l !'bet!:" 'Qw,Iti ~ the 1and~~ftheb: ThuSQ. curious,oons~<auenoe of

~ .~Iav!< .~~. ,,::as: 'tlt~.~~l.t,a~: ,',~e AfriqR'n te'Jigi~byt ~ifi,"

rc~~ase, ,qf farfn 1,0 the: '\'ioodoti ill. ,es.

T·~ V~od:oo :!'ites odgma[ly derived. tti@n:i Mricao spread. eo Rain, t:0 G~l:!a,.toB:r~ill·,and e.ven to seCfi'ims; ef the:lJnltl(d. S,til:t~s: 'Ihe Af:r;lc{j;n I:~tua.-l ~ .. o_f" VuodoQ ill ll~tl :eK.bend nor"th, s.G'uth" ea,s·t, ':Illicit we5t.-,~ alsoin.fne DomiuiCliln Repnblii:l~ ~)l(:l ,ftfJBi on!"; emlof Cuba to tl'i"ie clmer.All t.h:e isl;'!.nP.s'.pf tlle·W19.s't Indires 'hal'e 5ue.h: aIglJ~;fhje :Bah~mas~ Gua.delo'upei~ h4illUnique, lamaic~ PnefOO Ri!i"O, the Bermudas, and TIllri ", .. ,,J A(=J ,".- ,;11.. f1l.".i.e([ ~·t·. '-' V·_>-l . ._ .~ ~~r.- •. ;].. -1' - ':!.~ . _.~,~ -!.!i<TU, ~"" ~n IlU~ vm.~ . o.?} a~~~\; . ~yOO;U pn:li~t:it:eu ill: ~QIl~

and the re,g!:ons: sUHqIJ.llQ]il1g:· €h"l'lIlEW~OIl., 1';1 ew' OriC!IJ.I.~: and ~aJve}itm:f, . The ~:ituil~~r-eas of tlie-Y€lodoe.- ewt ill Haiti"a;oli:ordimg to .:iruorma,fi?D_~l~ecil"ed _in the ~ela by Qd{lt't~ .. Men~e"[sei)-JV.gairrd; iar,~ tie lQllo~n~; ,the Na~!!J JXl~ulaHQns .g,en€llJ"alLyi\nbabit thCi~Ol't\. though ,nat~ .e¥c~1i!SlvelY; .Ul'lothOO' ntu8-1~s :JJl~f'e or less.R,1$:(:. r1.le Ib,os.t~nd to lW~ ~[n thB,s0ut-hWCSt 1.?he·a~" -prot134png'tl'ierr dh;iill jn:.'l~a:r as _possIble Emm aqy ,al~f!llaH(m) h.!l!1I.e prefetredbll l!6e,stabllSb tn.em~V'~ ~kv_~,n. theArti~~ite V.~nel ana ·the IlO:FdiweJlt~~n(tjm:" th~ south ~n ,ili,~ .... ~fl'Y of Jatmel. 'Ene Dal\Jom€l!l.nscate fillllUill in :the, vicl~ty or GO-l'l:aives!' in t:b.esame 1J"~gi.Qu .~ theC'ongo. ttib:e~, ''Flyl') ~Jlmi~~ 0.1 M:\Il.atri~s ~re iu~ the .A~ti:1Iollff~, The. .I\ffonddngu~s prei~r L~og.F~ . ."e:n,d itS4lJli'limnS in the; southwest'i The MandlJllgulW live g,en,e.~a~ly.".m ,t1i~ llpdb a.~·~ar .: ?$ O~P. H3i~i~D.TJ:ie ~fH{l'an ~btii· m01lf typlc1,l:1 Qftilieo ~M, Wli:oSE!. br.illiaut Bada ritual derives from the ,solar bfaclirt~~, ~isestabli~ned "fer' tl1~· p1!rt mthe' ~gion llillI·:theas'ttlf F?rt-al;:bi!W~~ 'the C~il-d:~S,ae ,Plain" R~da (or ""bad.a:) "is' t:E,e ~~tbe 'of (;;a.~U·GuiIlou."fhe, A"rada king, .an anc€'stor' (1f' '[OiU$Sa.fuJ.t I.nuvcEr~e, ~be l~ait~ llbeliilI5.:0l"<. W.e .ttiadt(tq~ Ifk£wJs~ produC;id the momer ?£ Ge):!era,Ib;iidr~ Rig,a-ua,,:TQ~a;ID,tL'o.u,"ettUJ'e~s ri,va4' in 'the S~utb,

He,r~~me W«S ~0:S~. '~ud,she was ~11 ~rilda N,~ess. ., _ .

~ J~ tn~ ~eadf. it:zys Qf bl~k .~la~ery .m .. ~meQ~l'l! 'tlte V®:doo pl"ie.8fs ~.~m~d: ~~ then; pro£essi:o~ without, altr-ading much II Uenti.O!D1, But in

tune the~sse~~i :~t' mysfi~l sl'!!~Ur:e~,'1:h~t ,()~curted.m thp sl~v!}

~uts ,. t!i~ ve.ll~d sq' ,o£e. few J:on~0al dtirm's, ~ well as ·die ,desire ,for

llu!epedenctl; kindlede'>ie.1i in exile by' a ~ina of p_atriottsm, atfi'.a;qt~i.I!

'the ;3:Uention of' the l'lia:sten;. 'IheY~4~te~ wiil:h fetoclty, .pl'ohl"biting .a~l p-taotice' 'cifiVoodo(h .Slaves .foood ill p.o.s§e's!!i6t1c nf a.ny .sym.1'i!J1 ef Voodoo wer.e I!imi~tai;l \\"Pith. lasnmg~, m:rptij,sonlll~nts, ball1;l,iI1&!l" ana ''blanebimgsr' (.s~g eJh/e a di;fiol)'ftwent~~weby"1~y111g ~;a;re wltji 'a "klJjre~h.e suboo't'an.iiQ'~ wibi:t:_{j:-ti;ssues). 'oSe i~ ~astha:t ~he slav.esyste.m s\leceed~d in ,.d.esfooying. in ne~y all ~e lIadtian Ha:ek people.., the ' feeling,an_d. t~te f.oriT;lwwg'lOOulphU'es'Of ~lay P1 ",,®~_,.ani ~:tt b£ghlf integli:if:ed fn o!het· bl:tic:k;~'d :civili;z;a.tio1'lS-=-",to the extentfhat it is;!le~:r1y.impossil')le toflnd ;mywli&re in l~aiH a 1ti~~la~lp'9'al seulptUl'e rip(~!;l~g ~p amulet );)1' a. fetish of an;rkin~,HQ'w!1\1~t" nO'n~ of tE;epitm:ishmel'lts -co~ld extlnglilSh that fa,ifh 'wi:iiGh !th,!:)" tl(absplanti'edJ

bll!-cl:s: kep-tin t:l:Hti~Jj VOQMOO gods., .

The l"eligio illS' 'sbtlggl~' .~. Jris.t VQ:¢doQ cqrrtirtued for: :e:t leM{ three. r.;enh.uies to b.e wat_ged ~~rily hy the oI;ganiz.ed w.hiteswno eU1[llQy.e"d all the;'m;gbest!!"e.lineTiIlstrt~ of~ctl.lelt)';! wM~ ·th;~ bli!;~ksl,.l.s~d ,every' pos,. sIble se;;;ret n{s,~ .to pr~~e(lt -YOJ;ldd0., Th'is baU-le feI ~liei'i; faithr. .Su1t.oonot only ~n. the exitreme_ 'eJj:~Mg"eiatrQ:' .oj tp·e V:9Qe.oni5tll~ eu.t ~lso '@\?yblCe'~, tlYetn. of t:he De€¢sslty of . tec@lI~rilllg; wi.ith .Jill tli~il: wight fhs.iI oom~lete IDdepel~d(lJii(;\e,fu" ~be b;e£f~~gl the; black, slaves:

OO;~ld ~~Iii~,e thfl,t fl'le period or ensl.!?.xe..m~rit wasUmife:d, biU: at le.ngth the,y~f)st tlW illra1!iQ;n-anQj prle'S~$"Qf V~l;l-dIDO et'msnlted the gQd) ;to' ~tl~n ~ligh 5upematuraJ reYiratl6n~ hGW the l'e.lIgi"ouS:alld

po.liti~aJ bo~t.tlewcnikl havi!:: to b'e: w'ag~d ~n older ro be W,CZIn, .

Th~ 'Voad ods ·.s:uperintendea tbroQcuml:g:o.,r~tn,rntnf 01 the

Mr,j~n c;ian,.,t .. ImJ~il tli~ Wll'n~ £orj,\e of the sh'ite system. 'fi.Iis'8Pv;,

~emmen.ti wOi!JnerfuUy eOllceill';d thol,lgll: :te.jl!.lt was wreoJieel 11:)):' the supetnatiUIiiJ .sp:irills,who W~i'{ c?nsulted l]~e financial -adMi!i!'ii~: iQr ~ "'yes" @t a. 'no .. "'The ceh)fll~l ~!llem ifs:,}f~uff.g;red tt!'rribl¥~as « sort IJf i:m.j_XIrG~ptible m:all'!; ~y th:€ YeOO.dQ god,:s slc&rell tne""foroed work of t~e ·~la"'es :QitCl ri(ta,rQe,d, t1ie"iP,ct;nproyperportiQniti1:1i' U tM:;liaflve~ptans, cbase t~ be c~mpletely ~rmiblla.~ed. ra~e.r -than, tOE.l:pply ,theu:rselll6'll ~o ,tle¥era:er:ep:l;io.lli~; the Mri~llns Sl.:wreptit~,ou~ly ~~la cUP:I:imgll were .pl'l'lJ?8!iriIlig_ d:a1s~he:fa~ ~'i'(;rntlg( fuemse.lveS to, tlle tiisk~ilh a d'eMIZ.I!liD!l;tlQ.n guarded' ~y their ~ds, nus, !i1:~p'ite 'tlie ttT.-u.elty ~of ·the"wMfe.s" Ibe sll"\'t.ggl'!'l of the bla-r:::)ts co!ntmue.triiiS 'ebscn!'B eQtir~e' .~:Q. H.aH;,i ,,"m~e.f the sllpematula:1 auspic.-e$ of tqe, V4~d{)o' god1ll un,Ule:wentually lIa·ltiiul }jID.!l.t:lind~~!1t1.erl:Iie.y.r!l$ WO!l in l~.


The Oum'phor

and the place ()·f worship' itselF. Ou the ,inteJ1iO't walls' of th~, o,~mjphQl; there are ·.elaboraw ritual desigfls e.aIlea .tleve~.

The Pe

The' ~ltar OE <1:ltru- s'~QDe in ,~, VfJodoQ eallad the pe. It is a square.or rectan~\11at platlonn ra[Sed to iabo~.t the h¢tgl:1l'f;lf a Il1{;U~'S chest. 1~ n3:we comes from the D.ahQmey'word kp~~ me:anin,~ :s.tonlll., Upon thlil p.£. .;]1'6 a f,!'alltasti~.:as!iertmefl't of obj~fs relaood to VOOdOD and its rttes, These include. l'ihla:I taul~s" bellls,;idetstone$' wif}); !iUpernatl,li:al P9W~Sf lags, :It:i,lllgio arms,_ c'h~pititB'; ritual necklaces, bOoks en oecultism, and even drums, .In addition there- ar,e- many ~vered. j:ars <Dld .Eots. Stlli')e 'Qf th£\s.e jruts, ¢a:n1i41jQt$.·de.t~,:~ 'chulain' by magiC 'p~t of thes.pirrn-ts of the people who worsbip at the oum·phm. ether jars are j~O!.li:s i'nto ,,:iI,hi~h the Voodoo, go95. de~oeild'

fqt oom'ult'aU'ou wli'ert c::alte):l. .

. At thli Mart 0f the V sodoe re IJg.in11 is di e saered serpent DallbhflIl{n tv e:do. Ye" H "We ,lInd m. ~arli'er ·tn1m~s the' altar was- c9usttu-cted \'i?itP. a h.oUoo,y .J.oteri.or 31S a dwelUl)i p1n::C~ for II. live snake whosl'l'dmdX w,as- inhabited by ihegQd. T9da.y 'few O!lTflti;>li.e:;,s lit.ersJ!ly harbor a, serpent:, ;tnd. in {h"dg.t! tnat do the sn~ke~M .I.oDg~ is kel?t insilIe the ,pe but lives in II. hoI!:! in ~be' ground Or ilIap,latle'1}~epalied for i~. Today "",hen Danhhii1.ah i5calle.~J he; comes to d.wel1 h.deflr [n a gnvi on die

aJear" .

The peristyle- is the partly enclosed and 1.1!' roa£ed.col.D#'.an:l: aclj,aeeItt't the hQ~y Qf holies of tbe o~tlt.r.t·.Bh.6r" Iris the l!lat;e w~e· the ela'hQraie ·oor;em0nies and. of Voodooarie performed, and'

~t also is the place' wb~Te, 'tbe siek .~uany are tr,e!ltet!~ .

, 'Jlti3 Hoor js .of pe,ateli ~~h alid is I')~v&r paved or tiled. A low wal] EO'lll!: to ;five .fr.M!t tall borders the peristyle .. Gurteus spootators w110 lU'e I1l1tv;renknoVAA ".:lit ,the Qlurn'p1')ot, o"pe\'itfn!1 nO'1 proEerlr dressed for the OCO\lSiC:)I=l1 may stand behind the '\-\iullandstiU se.i what g005, on .in the fer:istym~ WithOll~ maiki~ f-bem's,_etves td:Q cgJ1spic;;uous.

There ate benches .in the- permstyle on whjcn memOOr~. Qf fh~ oum'phor may ill:. Oftelil {\ ,;Small shipm~lh~tJ£rQm ,one 01 the clo,ssbe:ams of the pens,tyle roof-tbe dtualsymb01 IOf Voodoo's m@st imF0!tant goddess, En::ulw, Othel' 0bj'~cts baQ§iHg ~r:Qm the ero~~becanis incluqei(j~lahashes; basKela. (iidl~mme!;)91nd ,1n'if;Ts, Ii kind of woven tray, _.

'The Haitian l;Ium'p:hor a1viays- has a pi.Clum 0-£ the pf.eSi.d~t of the ~O\lntiy -d.ts'lPI~yep iIi. di-e ~rhtyle:, Thi1>.praetice piiQbably derives I,ro,m the fac~, that African ki[]g~ held th,eir omc~~ by divine llight of --the Vao~e0' g!)ds, ~rHt ita.fsa ~eJVe.S. ~o ~f~ellthe .ellf.ercement of legal l'~,hictrbIlli against Voodoo, @n the occasion oE hu-,gecexemonies: gar. lan-ds' of small Hags are hung from fnt! cm"obeo~~ -, or- the pe.:r:i$tpe r--oef" 'The§l!f flagsooa:r th-~ red aj]:a'bl\j:eco!ots and the-arms of the Hajtiau li8ptiblic.

A perpetu:al Sre- bUiMS' j'm the OI:nn'p)Jbr yard [n th~ cetl'ter of whi~h is planted an tton Dar, traditionally fal!~n. fl:o.m the sky aSi a symbol of -ecsmtc se~'al desire. This OOllfire is called the fOrge OJ tn'e' Og'o,U-$ arid 'has oousidi[a'_abJe l"ttual signi:ficanc~.

The Pome:i:U-mlta:n

In tile ,e~aQt Cfliter .af th~ peristyle is its. mnsl- illilpoF~catlt fea.ture= the center-pest, or poteaU"mlta4~. All impQrtall( Vood!'lo ~~:remoiltes' r~j,101'fe ~rQ;u:r~d thi:,spos,t, lli~ to_lfl:of w~Ii, i's constdered -the t,tentl6l ,of the tky and, the botrom oE which is the 06-nter of ~uIll,

Thepost itself i;" ~al!y sqtia/e and it !§ Sf:'" into a c~muhll: pooest"a.ID ,0'( -mas()nIy .. .Aro_lll"la 'the slOe {if the pedest-al"or Bode there are triang-ulat niches. The pedes,tal:ma.y be CJ:n:lslru~ted. of two' £It' three' Gci,l:;J.~ ,cenj;I'it ii'~eps>'ol'~ven ilf a, ~in'gle step, The Rede$fa-l :js,a form (If pJ, or alfa,r,on: whielu:a0rlificesctC') the ·gods may ~I? pl;~ed,

The entire length of l'M po~t from frOl:n'- to: ~~ilm,g is d.eeor,itt~d Wl'th a spiral ~engD T<epresenU~g two serpent-gods: Danbhalall Weeoand Aida WMQ, rhel~Jte'l1 of whieh.$e]jfs all. the. knlliwleitge of the gods. The. colo'i:S Qf. tms 'tl~c017atio'f:I- vaty lrpJII One' oum'phor to!lln0thet d~P~DdiIi:g Jil(lOn the rites an goos 'se:tvea byi.!: Iffiirunbe1'S:.

The wooden PQs:t it$ilf' r~rit~s~mts the chle,f god of" V(lODOo-Legba A~-B~n,w[1ose rtfl,me m~aru; iVood df tusHce,


H~g.on the side anne ce:nIeJ: __ Pf>:>t is, awhl:p. ~hiS'Whip ~~lizes the obUgation. of pe:mteM'(l as 'well as rea-empbo~ !r0~ peJut~J!!ce. Its spirit i$ b:npUcit i.n the I1i!lmflati?i1 ~f 'the ~~ten!l~ ~f ~the, n~ $acrifiee- o£Ee:red to the g~ds in pI'op~tl.;ati(ln, ,ana ltr:epr~sent;s ~ '~Cru,t seme Of the comm:and, magi"ci'd o:r QtherWis_e. Thus. the· whip stands 'for ;00& fal'£h jll ma roas~etJ .of :'l'pqdoo. . . • . _

The ~~ .is pl8Qed :tnth:e ,c~tet Of., thee. ~peris~le beea_use. It IS tbe oamn:it: Ii«iS IOj V'oaioo magiC; lin cliinpmctiO,[l WIth the h~ql'lt~~, ,~f itssocli!~ the pa~ew-Dritan. as the- 08TOOal, £orm,s ~ (:;1:0.58" _whose peri.pbel\~ ,~~~stons l'.E!llfke, .lieg'p.l~ly ;an~, _magl.~lily~e, flctfeet .square'. This.goome·mc perfection mJlln~~~d. m eYtnj' ~nstyle leads

to its bemg ~1'I.sJd.6TJl'!'d the Maste:n-ot Ma~(},. . .' .' _.

ActuaUy,~!e :periStyle foI'lllS ,goomelridaUy the fello .. vm~ . {I). the. mUCIn, or center-the nOIJI-dimens:iona1 point; (.2 ) ~t'l or l~gtlleped sq1,lar~; (.3) '~~ c.iJ'd~,; i( 4) ilie .:mangl.e~ (S) ~e.'Str,wg~t, ho,rizont;llLl1ine; l6) the.:~pi.[a';' ( '7) the UUFVep:. ~or.w;o1;lt:~1 _h~e; (8). "e :(OUQ-d, ver:ticilll'ne; (9) the sqMOO. vertical ~e: (lOt the pede~t: sC}JlI11'e; ,(11) the CrQ~~j 9:1 inrer5;eetlng iitI'aigp:t'Jines.; (l~~. t~e _ e,qmlateral alld the isoseeles triangle',. formed Il)!' the be.;llms wmch secure

the:pQst to the roof', - __'. '- ..

This geometric 'sch~e carries :out the VQodo~. l)el~ef ~_at, ,'~e S~J1~,.;god I?atilihalahoon;espontis ,-to ~be Granel Cosml.c AwbitllC~. at 'Ct'(l3·t Atchltoot QHh~ UniverSe:, wluo .lS 'fh~ G"JandL :Master of Magl~ -demcmstrating that the chief god is fiM~ of iU a g~Q:mem'd~iI,

'l"~de we excepti,ow'tC\i the_·lQ~.a.tio:n of the- pot~au.nrita~ in the very center Q£ the peristyle. 1 hll"'~ e;y',eri, seen a f w pe~styles ~lth_ tw~ _ros.ts divi~ t~:ie perls~lt,\! area inw three equal Eatts. Emse.wh~!l', 10 the:r,egion of GOllalyes' ill nQlithwest ~ait-~. I h:El eve~ 'S~en th~. pcIS~ lQela.ted- :not -in the'. oolilter of the pemt}'l~/ but. '~:;l.ther In Ute c~ter df

the (m.lD!phbr proper. .. .' ,_.

There Is tbis t(l'l'ememlb~: .3. V60!flOO- t~pl(l _m Y even hare ll.G ,umble P9t~u-·mit,~n. but ~ hilive, nevertheless,:an in~s1t;le one, this is. true: in the' RP;s'~ ,of the l'emJ~rJ.:abl~ DahoID~ ~mnphor, of La ·Sou v e~anee. Th.e peclstyle~lle ttf tht! _lar<g~, . if ;oot tbe lill'!:ge-st. I hJv,e;.s'eeo-h:as, a :(~f_ ~PP.9'~tl':'!. p~ an sideS! br twe tQws. ~f po~ H~_= side and out, fonillng a dpufb,l", ,ca1onnade, l':'i'!lla:e~ the ~ote\t~mlta~ .i!~ pu~s_cly repla«'!d QY a, raised decali1\on~ ,tI1gtD"~e ~ai.lea tQ thec-.eK3.cI' c.ent; of the (;~i1ihg~ -maoclqg'a s!~~s:\apea D_en~g!


The Tree Reposoirs

l'he bees' in tlie.y_d of the'ounfpliOl' Qalied l"etJQsafl",$~ or llrmes- 1;'epo$Oi.r.s. They serve 0C'l saaetuaries tor the gods, 'rhe@dsJc1'lbide in them permane)rtly~ arid the ,tfee'st'hetUSelV:l;ls: are hon.ored a~ divinities. Thete is usualJy a pedestal .or basin end:rcling the f-oef of ·the tree . . Square or. friangulat niches nee :reees~ed into !be pedestal -and:in tl-iem lig;hled candles are often pmaaed.. surrounded by eonseeested food. of€err.ed in salarince.

Freqllen{J:y a .5p:ake~ tl)"e s~bQl II)J DaribhalaP:i WM~ and Aida wea!), Hv,es,m,one' of the trees. Such S,l!l~e'$ aretrained to ~me..dQwn from the trees during· ceremonies tolQe liefJ. by the Voodooists.

The'reposoks are d«;:coratioo. 'and even painted with ther £av0rite 001$l'8 of t'he. gods to whom they belong. ~tU"aJ fr.eqlle'ntly are helda'rQun'd tfi.ebrees, "and '.olr s~ch occ3.sfQil:st'he Voodoo dn.uru ar-e blbugJit r;mt of toe pedstyle and placed dose l:!y.

HMPS of stones also may serve' the gQds as reposoirs: ~ a mle'.c a VoodqQ gO,d Can n~qnire auy ,o'hject _a~ an to be comecrded to its US:e'~ a rePQsok, even the body 01' the heart of "an. inclivitJ)~:al.

A voodo-sih (vopdooad~t) po$:!i!~s~e:d by~ Iea {VoOO'oo sfjirtt),

Ritul!l Hag bome b~'a bOlm'sih

("flM.bea~Ill')' '

:rum~tl;l;da dt.ums'o ('8l$~ used, fot-Danhomayri,Nal) .


Asso.n (iII wrought iroo l.

Wl'oughN~on £l;gur~, DE 'fElevQ~dOD .wmiN', DMbliala!"a.nd Area,.

·Worshippel'S during iirvoFidoo cel'emony.

.Ho!lifgan(v®400 IJriil!St ~I sa1mmg t1:lc'lnji Leg!:uc.

Tiaclitiolll!(!l 'fj':iI,g oft.~gb!l".}UJ:Dg,l.iP on.a remporarr a~Uui' free.

CetemQJ!i1il diagram, (Ybe:) &a.wn areund thtl t.e!e 1n wbidl tbe sacrillce will be bUried.


Priests and Priestesses ,oj Voodoo

UNLIKE other esitilJJlishei rel~gions, tliel!e, is 1'10 'heira'rchl !)f:bishops, -archbis._n9ps, tardina]s, 91' ap,?~ in V9oc}oo.):3:ch ouJri.'ph.or is a law llinto itself _ fOHQwing the' traditions of 'Voodoo, 1l1.1t ~odi~yIDDg aad cha_]}gi~g ilie eeremoatesvand ritllals in VID:'40US ~a-ys. TihiS is b~ciiluse the I'~hgilj)us le:ap,eJl'$ of the"o,um'!p!itil s,£,*'!tlil, dfr~ctlY' wufi fb~ ,gpus .of Vooooo,, aHd are not obliged to- lliliSWe:r to arny'llmtl' else; to mtetpret wh-at the godso fe:n them. ')l'h_us! the struetnre -of 'VOQrJ9Q~~n Qesl b~ understood by$e IDaymaJl iE he-would I(;lonsiiner hewsimilarand 'how rufferent ea-oo indi9'iduiIL Boman Catholic oliiiltch ""'QuId be if foi thQ,tl8:md,s of' :V~'!iI-s e~eh P't~~st'l:i~o ooe.n fl'~e- to inrtevpfet' 16hl'i~-tiafiity as he saw fi1: without any; imterven:ticm hy Rome.,

_E'!I--c.h oqm~pho, has two_ Qfg~l2:a;Y6nrul ,s'micture~~, -poe fer the reli'ii'OllS lea:iers. ailld the Qther ;£or the lay members .. The man t"l); 'WI1)mad whQ is the ch~fl'ebgtotls' feadet:-of ~ VeQdoo t~mple ~ -censide1;6,d royally. J:£ ~ man, the em~J:Or of the Ouril~pbD'l' ~ii ctilled,dl_ hOUri' ga,fI. If i:iIl:womQ.n, the empress of the 'ollm']:ihor is- ea.ned a ~:bD. Their liymool pr 'Ilakle 'is the asso-n, 'a ca1~basn. iat'tle~Fono:wing 'Me full

other the tei~S-io'Us sttn.cture of the' Qum"phor~ -

Th.e aPJ!?x1!l:ntictl! h.oud'gan ,pc mam'bo :is caBlla ~be ,e.Gnp.ance 'OF

'mam'l}G' ·IJG.ilie.

'rne '5u:p~fa[uJl~lJt Ijf tbel:RII!tphe;r. is. the 'llcttliVgi~~iItbo:f:j camel The eheeas leaderIs tbe J'1(.l'I~J;{;guefl'icml p!J1'i8tyle, .

the p~fS"ofi. ill 'C~~ of. sewar&tidg, ,imcl dj.sJrilfuliQ,g\ t!ile p,O')JfiQn af saG:l.'ific{al loQil. -p~t.r~s'el'Ved IQ~ ll-i.e."geds' .is called ~he houl'I'$t~~?lioon ~al'ti~'4!Ulttre.

'Fhe .m:a~t.eI oJ ·~.e;remonje§~&r ~he'VQ,pdPo,~~ i$ ealled la pla~8. 'The peEsonwho p~a¥s: a m~lsiea 1. instn,Jmell t' '(,-aIred ~h:e ogaN .~ ;t1;'te ,tZS~Il~~r. The jm'u~kiall who pJay ~~ .tii8:fl:gJe is tbe m::itl71grt!.lt:.

''Ehe VMdoQ dnllnmers as a gt~o~p are' eaUed houu'Wr' l:mt eM}r .hacs ·8 titl~1'Jlanmitlflim' •. '$.e:(;Qrl,dith',·.IDt~ ,,17.(:lui(l-hiel">

The pe~SQ1J, in chargeo! RretSe:rvJng ':o:ri'i(tt UTh:lI.l1'lg setYiGeli and in; s1J~ing sillienoecwhi.le the hOllltga:nocr:mam"lm ,wolk5is;c~!lneddie 'I'e:i~~

~a?h(l'~; ,

Trne!pe;r.sol.'J who flQqU[reS animals ~o be sacrificed ~ il"hc Roul1'sih ~;tmtq.i"eur. 4119 the· perS!=ifl, wh'9 !illdks the· ,saC:riIiqea.;Qf£.e,iq,gs ,~ ina

1wun'sih' C1iistni~e. ,.

The mimibers .~£ \flli'i'~itua.lelto[,us wl)(J; llave l)~!'ln. f~IHy IntHateprin VOOOOOfll'e' caned houn';ri,lw.

'nlos~wbcitn"l,Y 6t ·may I\ot~av,e b'een, but whtQmavle Ii6:t yetbecl1fu.~lyrefashionealJ¥ the Voodm g,od~!f are oailed 1io~iIl'S'fh

lk)ss?J.le,"s,. '.

Sun:oMdmji. the ollm:pno!a8.;2. kind ,of 'sorial ,at!l'.Iex>·:otnd mutual"aill ,ent~~tmfns.e 'is dfe 10(;;11 Vb:OQoOl SOOiety. n has Q'fJlli~~s wft}t El(lljls li~ tb:ol;~ of';j! MtistJal go:vemmenti It bas..a. pF(:}sident, mini5~ers,. senatorn, de:puties,. gene-rillils.1?' II- s~I:etar,y· ~r '~mt~"and, .dis.bic;t anq lr,mal Com~ :m:ii.'Ilci1eFS.

ftc V 0000(;1; SoOieti'@ 'lilt; "' ··6 Ee£'p,: iUIilS ,tlrM are p;artl)i'; V QPdo.o. pa~~f' s)il)n:l.lllil:, Tn-~y lend ~ 00 t(! ~tster·SGdetreSi" They ro;.!tinlta:ilil

a. 'm.ysti~aJI ,,s@lidatHy est::tkllshecd im .~ 'Y'€lltdoo _s®~JI1.' #"-qmitne

be~g Qf the tIa,i:iifii:iin. Their b'lle tr~ditt~n:ar f1ll1lGn .to .:ilt~Yi-

ate ·the su£fer~~, ![Il0'ral :as weil a~ :pha'"si~lJ 9£ their tnemib~r::s. •. to . ·attll'l,r(d .t(j thei:r wO'Q,nds, bOth _p"5y,sical ~t'!d metaphyswal,to prot~et

their memflms; ·to lH:lni"Sh th!\! g\til~, aDd to t.UII-y ''t]ite d~d. Who:se ,c~~lI"el:atiyIiJj at'e:. hnalJ:ii.~ t,o ,d_q _~'o .. ~QWever.~'h'Ls hall~m;y~·, 'nalf.s~faLtr.aditiol1' of muhiI<l!.l m.d has lost m1.lCli. ·of :its old!-Hm:e eleclii:Y'e~

~ss .and CI!~se l;I¥erva~e. '

The role ofiihe' h0wig~I1(J1' mam1lo goes beyond ev.ery e.eliimtion ·aJl;d. c;:"ecryo._l:'alria~y CQi\j_¢~fi.Qm. 6fJt. To· h~tbir jud.g,e tlufrqle o-! ¥~ empel!"ol'sand enlp:iiBsses of Voodoo, one !l:hOlJ!fd n~t (i}(}fl1p.a!Tethem. il:athe pl!iest$· at pt!.eJlte!is.~ .P.fau:y 9tber'1I'~ligiO:il. Ihstea,g~ ~heir ['Ole (Jan.-only :be. oO"-lpaJ1e;(I.tofua.t .(l.p the 'Pope 1m. ROman e~t"1\oliii:s:lI'1. Ol'.! frrst coi1~ia.e'I'Bti~nJ the; ,e€!mpanSOB Se{i!!JlS .da'ring .and -exag:geltab~d,; but, ~U t]Ung~OQliisid'e~t1" 'the cj:)m~:a:il!l~n fu not ex:travag~t in$is:m@l). as; while, the 'Romanpope~ IM.e;a of jlt!:ri:s.difJ:tit'J)· tar more, eJden~v:e t.h~fI tM~ of 'any h.Ql).m:gan,acf:,oil"d111l& '~D~he yopdoo ,cabal the ·iwl.lH''" '·;g..-m .i;$. ,alsQ etymtJlog:roJ!y a "'p9p.e,:' ;01 !i '~~~q,;" and thfit'i why h1i! is tr:aditi~uycaUed" "pa.fla:~ or z"papa,,"loa." Fet the same' t'ea$QP ev,e;ry pne5'tesS, pr "n1llm"1l0tis·calleq. --;riliinmal\l'" (ma:ma:). ..

The autfiorlfy (;f the, houn~an a):!Q the, m~~n:l"h@ ~.s, iU -l:ha. :gJ:~aJeraJ,l;a aU tlfu· m·~·re;: eewtain "b~!-!.al1se' eVie()!thi.n_gthey do pro(,~~ds direntl¥ from the Ifo:weli df Iih~J]jv~bli;l-'tlle lPtwtir .m~$tc1'e·~~ a,ll" tJ:(~ ga.dt of VOOdOOiIDfl ·called. TheJr,oIdiers or their: eounsels a-r_ia fhO-S{l of the ~o~s~ an:d, b.t· extrerf<llbnf;pf th¢,}puls of· a:pcllstq.i's, gt l1Ji.l~ffe-~! l'iinee \l'Qq:ci!oo'

is it religiOn. of anloe.slor w:.ol:~hi.p. .

Sft1'?~ the prone.S'&'· ~h<lit ~rmits the soul '00 aUa:in a!l1 of' :its inlt;e"lIeQcillal iiID~ is'. ~(itolog~c~ •.• ~ \Scie:1).q~ ~.~ tne' hOlm"" g,a;il tutn:(upon ·fIt.e: stars. Therefore, a. hou.n>gam~s. or awa:m~oo~s 8ci~nGe :is£aU(5;le ili-n!,y ins$far as; he· ~t sJ]~.· ~s riotkn€lW h.Qw te· ~<.l:nS\llt ~rr ~yiRib1e, Qt I!sn..: no~,. (p.i on:~ :reason, or.anoti1et, entJ;lt into' cPttJ'llluil'iom ·with. the 'lm-visihte.

III ·tn:es~ m2.ag_~s wt· .G,?'uta .menti9f:r agt::e.!lt i:l,_uirn~:r qfh~~':g~ ou1"il1elltly FMticing j"Jj Haiti.· Som;H:fl£ ~liieill. i1;ive a, C-er.tmDi :;tmQtinl' of ability· however, marty a,then h<!J\f<e onlrmedifie:r,e m-ag~earl power. thb ll:{idrsto:tw.PI sit:u)\i~ipns tba~ ~had f~ Vb9:liM, Fi~st. for '~IlMe. ti.mether:-e-" been fsr toogtoot.:a nnmiler. ,of' houo'ga:ns .because lifein lIjiti.ollets 'J?eQ)pte ~. fe·w ·ctt.beJ1l!ewar-diqg ca~e.t~., Co~~"e;q;u:e.niflYJ h;Liliates to the lQwer gi':(I:a~ Q{voodoQ 'ar~ t90 -, !':lft~n ~li:ea tQ o~! the ass9J1' ,( the' rraQ:itkmal expreSlS'icmfor 1ge~'1§mi!Dlg 9 homfg~"l. oocau.seUijs pril"~s$i'b'n j'i:i;,~thllr It're.t:at'iV(l itcid- :niue'll .re,S;fK!~edbyth~ peo};ll~,. Sectindl)l; as a :result these hotll1'g;ms amI :mambos, far toonu~,etO~iI.~ Iili.,ey~.el. often, ~~. ov~lYll?rottre to . fO:· ne,w S~dM& .!mpo.!l(fdi up9n 't1i~ by the perpefJ;l~ is,tru:ge bittWee:n.. Voodoo


and h(lstilef~Iejg;i);ollls oJ/. I'h~ ~litical power thaf ards them .. T_his :Ptrod\1Q¢S it .syncr~tiS11ll & ~ low older to 'whick ~QQ ~y oum~pbors have surrendered either for plJl'pOses of irumediacte interests or outbio!->w:.u:diC'e, in {Ball of "fpc poUtic~l 'autbrj,tjty that has, closed one. Ill' lUl,Q,ther .oum'lPhor at th~ demand 01 the' fo,re~gn e1ergr.

.CQuseguenrly the ,supematl.1iil:al 'glftS wmcb the l:Q$-:3l)_cestO;rs' COOfer upon'the iDitiafes.of Voo(4)3J become fe-wet or ,diI:tdnish in magical powerbeeause. the manes, when-confronted by $Uc:ll .ag~ns't the l)~thl}d'Ql:h"!"n became' angry •.. and pile ;;lftiir the omel' witbdrawfu Attica, abandoning HaiU:--to ibdl. This is how houu'g;a-ns or mam'06s SGlnletilne,s lose then. powe:rs, even' f~l1 ~ and, without -ma1.illg ~jgid sacti:flG~".a~ ~hle_.w, :{'¢:gam. flj_elr po~itio:n$.

'I'~1(€:. Voed00 ·mxsth.cs require U)uc.hgreaf:ef skill {In-d sedaUSlles.s' ftam .the notin'gn.n l[nd ~e num{oos' than they do £t;OOii the rest of' the' pe.opfe sin.Ce.-aU litl!itians" in. :accor.da_p(,'"$ with the tr-aditi.oElo[ tile" loas, are :rnagtcaJJ;y plaeed ~]))deE :tljej~isldktiOn o.t dl~ Vnodoi)"'·prie.rtli. "r"he s~ghti!§t bih.m~ 16n the part, Elf the p.d,e,sts Uijure:s ~Qt only those subject to (his jutisdictfon hut, ·themysteres themselves, beeanse the unhlitiatedas well as thiL!'lDerojes of th~clllt are ~lways ,oni the J.Qo~· out ~o:r :false.~ tn-dicatkin:s of its.;Jue:fi.ectiv;eness 01.' llideoed of' .its demonism,

The V~doo, hO.UIii·ga~1 O~ Jl\am'oo is the !'!oo£eSsor, aoch!!!', magicia:n~ loollJiaential B.dvisor to indivIdu.als and to .E-amiUes, to po l!iticial1:S;, and even financial advi~or to ~Qpl~_.Qf higJmS:t as well as t1bose .of lowest lestate . .He {s ~. proph-et. roQ; of ~ueh a sOrt that -s~a,rcely &!Ly:thing, is done withQut his&dvioe in itne- CQl1lUiwnig where- he Is, fhi:! .q'entr~l figure:. In the Q:um~plhoI he presid;es. OMEl.r evetytning dl~,t \S d011le. Here

hIs authOrity is absolute. .

Tm!amomrt at hi!> knowledge i~ truly asmni$liing-, Tbe moment hi.s own ldfo:wl\Wge fa:fu:~ he cmiIiHlt.sthe, ]09.S; in lorder to jp;~rea.ose -it. HOW~ver" itis· not only by summenll)gotile ~{)·as tna;t he is,aQle to':see them. He' a]]so often beholds tb'~m in. &"~ms or Nya .sup.earnaturat }le,rdpient ability bssed IIpon .scieJ~cel> &la.jh as palmistry, fortune~eIlin~ 1ll-y cards, &e, ,water. or JGglilr~.dtaWings~. ill 'wJ:UdI. lie :is: offen an ejpMt.

'rna houn'gan or the. mam~bQ leans upon tbre 1'e '0]:' altarwben, shut up in i:ne oum~BbQJ:J .he or she caJlttlie loa,s .i;nfa the g.:P.&~ (a jar il~to w:bieh tlje: my_ktilife~ a~>cen_d wlien called). The ]~?S enter :thiese lI'e~ ,~e,tacles :fI<Mf.I which they may tlreil >sp.~ak Dot <onlywjth houl{gan

I:n.l!t even With aNY wh!))iappen t9 b:e'prIllJent. Howeyer, th~. "p:a~a'" sedud~li himself in the: chambe.r rhatseeves as; the holy of hdlies; 'and it .is' ilieI.e.ou:t (jf: s~t eVQn o.f the initiat~s. tha:t he' ~ks tbe l?;~to come down iota the goi;fi. H~ a;ccompliShe!l. this ?-y eertain 'lta.i:lltiCina~ ·:nt!'lgic words that, to ~e peIsiste'T\lt £hrthm of the- assen, a.~ct th~ myst~~ .from, the a~tqdz¢nie~ iJf tlie il1\i.jsible~

The . Asson

The aSS(H·t. the calabash rat1:le that is; tbe symbQi of ofIice of the D()u;n'g()Jl '(1:[' mambo" ,usuallJy iscall'!'ld liicltu~ rattl;e by ,e~01()gi5ts, In any ease, the asSOD is .a, calabash. faken komth!il ca18fii1,ssier &9;UranF tree, which Is the biee-nposoir pal" excellence of thegrflat 1l'Iys- te,re Danbbda:hcWeao, '[he cale~s;e' or~)lal ~"is pfeIGed with, a .. hole to reeefve ahandle, T.rns is cal.eell the COt~fif:et;Ojfl,a; and .is lIsed. "by the lesser 0fRcia;uts at ri.tes 'other ·tha~T the' E~thro. The caZeb{lsse, c:our:ante ha-s, ~ n~tutal handlj'i. The cooa-qoua i.sfh~asso-n ,of thePetlu'o rite. While; tbe caleb:asse coomnw' grows on a li<l'ua-, th~ ,ea.!:ebasse 'ardinatte gr:ows on, a !iee, ·thtl ~r~centsa ~f~~ (h.fgnl:)fi1'ac.e~el· . , .

[t may be,noted that tile· soJar traditi0lJ. of t1ie.~at invislr'b1.~~ Qf Etbiopiaascrlbe~ tJie oa:lebasSie;r CClUf.-am to 1?anbb;1Iahas hiS Ie. poso_i±,·· :w1:iJ1e H;~itiap iiniti:a:tes, fa·llow an. ~te~ed versie,n of w-tliodo:1l: teaching w.biclI ,holds tha.t fue. 1()(J,lE:bi1S:'I~ or-dinat:.e climbs '~pon th.e essence (i~'e. ibe t~ee) e01lilJecrated, to the my~ter6!. Thelle l~ SOolnetimes e6ntl'Qve~y in Vooijloo ov-e·[ this kin,d 0" a.dap;tatitm- Qf ~ymb1:;Jlk. "FOol' ¢Xatn~i,e, Yi'li'llr€)"a~ '\ihe sQ~r tra,mtiQD illittrtbute:s f:be boat to Ei'ZYl: lie (the Virgtn)., in lJ.aiti~ oin)l'p,hox,s' the bqa:t is .1H:ao.e the m.agical attl'~'hute. a£ A~oueb; the marine' husb.~d 9f El.'zlllie.. , . _ .

'Iie b01!i;Il:~gan. at the· m!lQ.')'11;m. ~l"a.cbtu)F.lWJ.y' h!)I~~ the aSSDI'I 1lI1 his :hand; ,along, :willi tn.1;l olo;ehen~,. I.1f ben, -wHiax l'~~~s_ent:s tlfu magia P(),we)'s (If tht Occidenf~: or Ethiopia., The asson is. h'eld between th~ light thumb anelt il).a~ <.fiJ,llger~ the bell &1:W~I11 ~el1il!lg-:ling~[ -and the second £ing,~r.

The fr:t~ttoi:t;he ~a~b'$s:fM -capr(l.l'ltand the C'awbas.rie'l1 'ordi1lQo·e has~ be-ell chQ,S~"rul auat:tDhl'lt,e -and: a: symbo] o:f cQm~ancl, because, It Ie:Jle:et's. ~;eometcie!l11~ the :matc,. pri'U:dp~e,; ~~t is, t~e "ekva.t~on Qf; t-he '3s'Stlrripttob (ill t~e _t'?f.W rn:aten~l f!f t.he. ~ac:rfficfls whlcn pl'QPl~laJ)ts a.I'!JlQsit.dt'llaUy Uf0n.the.iSO.cle of thepO,teau-muan. The ~$SOD 01' ca,le-


~liI$8,e"~Otlra"Ite make'$":a :perJeet- ,g~.DmetI:ic 'symbom in th~t by ifelfIts mefaph.y,s:fq:il, sy"mbQl ~ir;g, tpeabyss @uiil ch:is~-it rftpre$e~tli a sphere Of peJ'.fect drclec; furthermore, it· SfoWS i.ts, QWO ha:ndJiB, a faet Which • .ill the ~ynIlhoM geQmetric" signi)l],tfs'. that the c,alahash itself is'

oontrQIledby the sttaigb.t line, lpa:med. by the bandle. ' ,

, I~ ~-ealitr, b~: the ,s~hetie 'or~_~eclr~le',_ pI~ii the 'handle '\~_hjgh SYlll''b,ollZ'e~ tne potea!Jl-mltan or the vertical; dle ~SQn b~caJI!es ~ geo~ metric ~,¥nergy: oomhiping the two_ a:cUvaH,ug pz;inoiple-s of aJil magic: the :~~glC \¥iIt~d! whi~h is'the h~DdTe, I:I-nd thE:m~g,i.c~il:c]e". ,

, _1Q5.1ae t~e,ass.fHlQl"& stones arid. t:I-l.e 'Y~rte~ae JOf' :Sn~kes which give th!MISSQD,lbsol:md. These stones and vedebr,ae'oo:e oonsid~ed bones of ,,~e Afti~ ane:es!o.r:s wlorSbipped ill V{)o!lo.o. Sri the, bones !l~d v~erteh(a,e make m~b!B c~~;ab8$h !l: J1I11liioal inst[umentfo!', rjtual !power" ~hell ,the ,ass(iO~ '''speaks.'' t:b~'9!tered Spi~itsof the a.Qcestors appear. In, ,A£nGa~ th!il snak~ wh,os~ vertebrae, arE!, ~5ed 10, symbOlize the' an,cestMS is ,ttl(l R~yal J?x:tnoll~ which .represents the elemit)' <if Uf~, The S~QIl~ wsid~ the' aslS~:n are (:if 'ei,ght . dileITe.nt kmd§,to ~epres~nt e'lgh~: ,di:ffe:~tmt MlQ~stO"i'-goas wid are of ,eight outer-E:Ilt colors since the eighimeans eternity.

The-I'efn're,;.. the '-SOIini! of the;assoJn rep~t;S,¢l1fS Dlagiqa11y the peWel'5 ,(II the .ancesters from whom Voodoo is ha~:ded down. 'Fhis ,element of the: ,on.bQcfoxt:-adt~Q~ -illS th~ ~ett~l?ta ~f the ''Snake. since: tb~ myst~e .Darlbfrala1i! W-edo is ~lIppo$edly. tlie oldest: ,of tlii,e: .Bn€estors, -arid be". ceuse thel snake is Da or Dari~ Dam. D@1li. or DQme. The -vertebrae wh.i~~~ ar~e:a:r hd]~ smm.g in accl:J,rdanc~ wilh a sped'll magicall'it~ followed .m ptepanng die ~asson, feplEeSeD: aU the ,astral powers or ,afl t;l~tJ pewers ()f·flllC~:stGTS whq a:re lthmUfied ~t,th the ,staf61 at"tbe bead O;f which lhe Sun (~gJlaJ) !\fJ.dfue .Moon cEtzuile) Ifi)~iaally preside~

FUTtheflrjore, the asson i s surrounded wid! 'a network of ·porceJain. ~a~ ~ 11]1 eoJ?I.S,. ThMe be~ds~ fop, h,~ye a certa:it)"signitrl,nee; they lepresoot all Hie IltlJ.1los;pl:ierrc powers; of El:zlEilie, t·hal is t~ sa1~ aU the :powers of the Sdlal'pris1t!. (lonsoli.dafil'ldoolot.;wise by ~ne symiM of, the l1lg~t~re 8rzu~ie o":the "po~nt-:tOJlk:tlVF~-"Mda-Weao'~~the l:'HmOOW;

, Owl~g. ~d .all ~ !bese geom~:UJc,. th!"OrriiiuC;,. ana m~~ca1~irfue'.i'l th,e a~son .~ ~~ldeI\e,d ~e tra~tIouallmaliIe of the Onent, Prepared. <Xll'l',e(ilt~y •• t shpuIcl contain all th~ ,m~gic pPwt'l"S o_f the Orient. And m!1sffililch ~ ~,e; O.tieJ~t;il1 pta:cHcal J1Iltgic"iis t.lie 'riI~CMt~I" oJ 'tb~ 4SWat tije l'I¥QO ..nas ~nder i.fsoomm:II::1d 'aU the leas m: OG@tdt POWeT31 of the

astrijl qnc, which ~e$haJ,L prestlhUY dis.cOY,ru,; uuder the iQmtS <of the \1(10000: vevil:s er ooremtmial ~gtaDllh F,oI' ffiis .l',eiaSqrn. ;'Ql'!,e'n;HiIIY see the' MUD' s= strike thelle nmit designs~ lie ~{-rikes t"he, v&es with the asson fp iel~~ t1w a~,tr~l power ,q.nd the'tl to ut~l;ze if.

In V(K)doo, tile place il'lf A£~ca. wher. 1he spi:d~s abide: jiS the,.,astial C!ty Qf If~; Qud mHaititbe place wl:iere the. Voodoo ancestral spirits have camet€) dwell since- the days of sla,v~.ry IsLa Ville, Awe eanip~. In U~ therefore tbe city ~f ,t:he" Voodoo spi:rits' ori$in.:resides fhe to!;alily of magic pQwer.sf"per-sonine:(l by the: mys,tEire D~nbhaJah, So it is, natural that" £Or a persQG to a~qHil'~ the magic pOwers of V'oodoQ. -liwaUy enacted in. the pri!ie a «"sUn olT'~.on" t~k:ing:", !h€! cand1da~e 1m' ~hl';l' Voodoo l?I;[.esHiooa mu:st g~;UJ.Iid ta~e the ~qn ,a't· Ue: w A&iea by tra v elh"l:~ logically via the line 6f the oenter'l»st that trav,eIS~ ·the· asson,'s,'m.a:gic; cird~.

Th~ ce!lter"paSJ~ is 'the:rell;lre ~an,edl by i~ analogical sUl:n~e Qf Papa .LoiiD4r:i-:,soo .Pb..un-'gGueh, ~o iiU'lmed because th.e reci1pient 'must tl'a:vetseth~ W;t,t~1'8 Qf die. ab,yss (p.oun'g.oueh),ln to re-ach Africa in the! lII,erHeal nil'eetibn. of the celestial dry. MHtra Grand BoiS'. Therefore.- by an.a,lo;gy andhqtnoph9P,Y, the f.u~nJl'e h.q;_uti'g;a'll. is ~.aken, by Ills lllitia.1lIll'S'" older bQ1.u/gan, fti. a large ':wooded 'place (grunrl bOis. in. Frenell, phli7iiJU'rt in African), •. 'He ts· b:l'ln~ghf llele to receive ~e, ,as~pbi then he is lead to a!lliO,ther k1ind of !'Wge vh"odJ." .l1;~lrriHy the wooden cress of Baton 5ar.nem, IOf.d of the cemete'IL¥; to .o'Otai'ri-th~ lauer's "ilpiproval

In,a;ny event, just~· system, ,oF the' ll4lias ~hangM wki~e, the<:!ld priI:lcip1i" has lseen njta:il'led in the gevi; the rltu.·l1 'P~es~l'jbed forcandfd~tes' £"g,r th~ !lIs;son is very li)omple~. It is GOfil,p'le!(~~fl1llSe, mike initiation il'lt{)theM,~{ll)lc Lodge, it part':jkes rna"'!} 61ibe nat:ur~ Q:f an in~tinbJo/ ex'run:i:lla~t'i611 thm of all. occult peFformal'lce. It i:s to fl'te, jnU1l"estoftHe inrt,ia'Ung no:tlJri'gruts tjj iI'JelNa§e ·tih;(j tJlriliora,te~S' of the essential tUnal by 'multiRh'i~g its eompl,e:dues~ thc:l1~by linili,~ their own pm:se:s.

Since Ql,U' P'Y~,!l1i! is to descfibe .t:bil ti'.lfu. o~lgil1:il; :rev.c.aJea 'Vuo(!oo, we ~haH t;!mit al1di's!::ullsion of-these ('amplexiHes-e~en ,tho'lgh. tbeifl specfa:ettl~ dul.r:m .Is i;lert3:it~JY'l;llldeni;al?fe.'-i:n orde:f 'to ser Earll':! tp,c

5e£:~tgf t'liic orlgUld ~~r~l'Ii:ollia1. 'lI1u-s ffis. 'the tequ'isIlte:"aer>e"Ulb.lrl,a1 .fur qJ'e~tmg ~, new n0U:rJ'! g.a;n; lliat :1s . to 5tl~i Jr~i >Q?,fidell1i~gqpoJ) ~lm $u:p~atm:al powers by means of ~he assail, provlrted, Gt ceurse, that I:he:,h,,!i~'g~ pEticip8:~:nS; ~,itJj~iM(:ji'~ are:\I~ a~oo~d~ ~~tJie ,~~th(lfltit 1~Df! wtose ~st membci~w'as, Uan G!Jg mmsidJi.,lo..«llof ttie ·astral.

~-lle fu~ ,hcl)Wt~g~ W'~;el!llshiri?sgJt to 'an Qldi>.;r hawigl1~~ tE,e authentic .Jte_ptesent.afive -of the, anc.esloJ'$ cot of the setpenf-aucenOli'j, ~il J[eqve"stil that th~H);m~e of flf;l'tm.:gP,1l ~ ,e,.mfe_ue4up.on him. If ~h.,e ICimoitl.'il tJlt~ alr,ea'd.y ~aihollln~pn's, apptl;fntrc~, . ailtl Is aGc9,lIdrrngly a-menrber ef:'his ouID',!::hm •. ne":reques!Js bisteaehee toconf,kr the essen QPQD him; 1f~e'Qlde~ hOl}Il{g~. :reguf!:stil rue ::jssq;fapceoftw'9 '~1ie;r :hoUI1'ians-tb~, #ld~th:e' 'Q@ '£tnd-b:y 'Virtu~ of the eiio:te:ric' iPre~i;xip·, Hop 'that h(l\1cls ~hat' aiJ~ee.masans'&er lorm. a: -regu.latlpd!ge. H:pW~ ~v~~, he-mtl)'~€:" ags1S1e;d 1:Iy :~I?;i npilJA'g\W${'thus ~offi\j;!l;g~., S<llir ~ 'P4i'-feet l{)~ge~

The :bOWl:,g'f'W in ¢1;I-~(g.e j\e,qui1i'~ th.e -c,a\ldi.dah:ls: to ~periP'a pE?iioG i>£!illl,:m a € ;aaioini~.glihe~'~n.irt·pli!)r p'rop~:t, oo.l1eQ, ·tlii;l djeoo. tnt!" chambe:r from which .imtiates :inta the, 'l/dodao cult .male tlIeir ;6Q,ltiaPce. Tlr61'~dtJ~ '~j pur.mcl,tiifn is aef~fflP:{e,a.·M~ sl1o;Ul~ be<, in principle., by ~th~ O(lcult number 0'£ the 1llyst(.'T.e. whose,"point" the q!,'!t.("'!'ior; wc::mdi,d~~ is c,{r!I!C..hi1'(pr "pllt'ru b«;lcl." If th~-c-a:ndidati;lj_;}

'~X' "k ". ., .rl ~;fjj' k 'h· . ,.:I ," , , d . ~" £ EC

,OOtl'li.H6<',uPQ'!li tt~e POIi'I~. iJ1 ~egv";h t 'e ~j;iQM :jS' s'!}ven" a.ys·;']j. Q. ,1'.1.\1.'

lie, six days". The oOfjl'dh6 oftlie' hi'J1.jn''i1JT CcQrre:;;F"O!lds ~Q: *e' prostIa· ~ti:dn ·of th~; liatdilla~s iu:Bt,. Peter's; 1Ji1 Roore. Th~car(lilJa:lS_l.te p~6-5tf~te (cCloohJ5 far,a eer~fflonr·in the o(Jl)1irse'of wl:rui~h fhey I;flceive. !'he caridi.nal hat. III H!3Jti:o' a. Jl'i1Uni1dr' '~put,tl?, b;~d:'up6ij fDe '!liQulltgall.poitit~" rema.;W,s fWent:Y'-one days in 'the, die~a; whioh COITt',sloru& tp. ~be \foil'. tues of_;theSb!~ ~e'f'~ multiplied: by ,tit'" 1':lttee pf i:L1R H~1y ~T:tintt}i",

J.£t,e.r tIle: FlU"ifi:Cali~ j,;'e: 'a/eva; "the:poun~p'n, lin .a, ¥lilt$. oi"tj.t;;iny of the ~'aiRtS, i~ltokes all the V(lOaeQ m';1<t!res" the aSSiS'timg hQun'gan ·:gjv,ing 'the tesmn~e~.Pc:}'t:t of diei'njtf~tla~ ,Qe:reUlQi1.y t6l1ow.:$~

Fi1J::lil 1ht;J;,lJ!niga.n;

Ma'(\ di tiuoomfoll"

:ei~a t.~g'6a, AU.: Bpil K:at~". lIouleau:

"'L.. .

map t1i Gill mOl;ljn11"

Papa. l<oli;:l!i AU Dan P;'oUIl.~'-

gQue;h Ibo ,l.,Q.ko; .ma', ill ,OJ;l.ho:nloll;

Pif:pa Da'illbJ1<lJ.ah W~.cliQ;: ma'pdi eu oon[eu,.

Papa Ogm.h qM1;I,..F~t. Og9lJ Cn~n~o;

roa'p di oulOOlJJIDu~

A:£r:i,qu.e ~mifl Tooiuil Dil:- 1l0u-mln.

]laps ·Lo'kciAt.i· Dan Pl1illlj:gQU~n

Ibo L:0ikCl,

J 'Did YX};;j. ,IopClmoming, :P~PJl D.~i&ha~l We.Clq; .Ii bid you good! moming.

:f;ap!! Oil;OIl, OgoYl-F~~ .0geu Ghang~;

r bie. X01L1 g-0od mllrni11!g, .,U[iiffl.n~_:CJllniQ T6-i.a:n ·Da.b~n,

'"'1 c· - . ,

.B·e.£Pt~ ~p,ea~Ing ,the hq,)]j'l)ig.!JTIpdept,sanid c.~tsc sQ.W~ wat'e.l" '"$I tlj:e fQiJI carrual ~ojnt:s, Then; pOinting out- the·cal1Qicl1lite :£or -the asson; he say,S:

Main Xt oe puff Oil qui.'

/jill!: ,alil~ l(di d; 'Pitit .ou1 A:frig_:u1~ rQc~.Ji,ida:W~,d.o; l'ocan Dahoum..rn" 'dl rout


t;'" '" :L"- "L 1 ·M'· ... """"":ih I ye.. I eEl ii!llI::t¥a" ,. _ ..... .,.... -,

'rOCil'O.~ ll'I~~ }Vl§do,


Udi 'd~ pi tj t "iit)"

Ahi~PJe lhean. AD:da W~dp 'fohaljl . D.aH(}ll'm:li1l. . Iii tQ'ut'


liS~. Ll'ce cne;@1 Mtt[.a~sali., 'fCWaJil Fr~'aa Wedtl.

Belwld X; he i:5. your child. who desires )t0uJ l-i:e _i'!lY1i hJl1J'.is ¥OU!l'

Crnila~ .

Afmque Toean, Aida W'edo T()~.!l\J;l Driliollmin. he \S e0111-

• Jf " . i' .

pletely Afrioanl

be is. Be is tHe M'Wa$san's h9!1'l;e~ Too,an Ft~Od~ WeQP'.

IJ$ 1iays he iii your Obtld;

Afrique. T~~" })id'a ~do ;I'~c~nP'alt6Wl1m, i;Je is c:tu.'ll"

p~et¢ly AJrlca1'l"

Me :i:s. He (sth£rMJa.as5'ab~s horse, 1)ocan Mli'elda WeGo"

T~!'i (jiij]t.ilrting bo,,,"!i~ghiJJ :agoa,ill f!menl~( '3:X!a casts wa~'f ,on tbe 'groWl,d, s~)':iug,:

Dj@-l,~~M ",'Il'ri;l:wi,tet·has be'"ellljpll.sseil. th:tougir •.•


PjQ':lj{ 1J"'$S~-e. .. . "E'.h:c"Yaf.;j,r Iha'~ bl3!;m p~sed fhro,ugh" ..

The~£ntlJi!'e houn':gall irs the.lil po.ssfi\ssed hy a 10<11.. Tbe um<:iant ,zoll-

tinu:es.: '

c.'> r

Ce.Jan Guil1l:n noas y,~ . .. WlIl ~~ imAfrrca .. ,.

D.Hlilif: with the loawl\6. Jh_ffi;,;"'ea~ ~~. the' liJtilm:e homl~-m

'~THe perstmi who i~ "mounl;eclii' ts c«lIem '8. di~6~, 'or ':ffilDl'$i!l~ df the> ~d. -


Mla~~Sl.D.i);:~i OU~ .P"pa mom ..• (Il will follow you, my Pather . , . ')

Til? fttt~[(': bOUI1',gafi. is .obJi"g:tta to~~'d:hj!t~I:p(}:n the_ tSIQluiid" etrtir~ly naiked and weui'l'lK no jew,ehy'of allY kind. SometimeS' ollis head is shave.d,. H~ proiliy:s i:o"~n:~ VoodO-O~jpiJliit for the It~p:li~~ho,i.l"O£ al] M'i ~'rl~l, -aira ~w_eu,fs DJ!! oatil ~() (,:1,)'M!;lcl1!:tf< Jiim5~lf ~, ~ prieit m tbe $e.~icc oJ the Ieas and Iiley;er to rev;e:ail <fny&ir~g_ what~'1~I' ah,Q'Ut tho!'! ~nit_i:(ltiOl). 'Xb'~ olueS"t !tojutir'gan. sprfuJiI.~ ]]1n. ~hli Bol), 'wii-iter anct 1:;:1.111;1' c{ajff~n" and.loaJ's,'him to -the- pe. T'h~l'¢ he is at If';. TotaIly·po-ssessed by the: g~'iding_:sp,ilctt, he ,Sta~e~s, slJppor~e;dl~y t]~~ pIt] IJ{)1l1:~an,_wnn :ma~M' h~m bew .uOWll l~fo!.'e -Ihes~one of -t~e pe :£llQrIl whieh the myster.e:' Dura, Gbe T(j bl?~t~w:> IJp,dln him t1\e- ,1I,~So:lil; ,\lin.d llic' :bel1

0(,1 fsi,4e the diiJ iJ:e the;ery of :drums., !1pprqpri('\t~ to th:!': {H.e: ,il'!, whkhthe. ceFetnony IS bemg pjt!'~o!:lmed!, 'iestmnds., The choi.lIs of ft:Qunhii)_t-s ~O:M tlie' i.Htl~l·(!:ha!,~:t:s'st?l~t!J my the; bourl~;U!!:f!i~,Q-m, -At tbis,

.•. -t}· I I ·'s;!ti,·;_Ii .. · t d""~' 't'1 .• ' 't' t''', t'h

pOInt ,Ie )le;1V y LbLl.a.:e.~. :p;ilOllQ€: ~y IfrSpII"I,a' .0'\.1ar. .. Iii ,sa!.'-·

yice, .8e is now. ::lboUl1'ega:U" b:ed~ti!se~b~\li~ "p~!s~:El~~J(Q_d~ th~ w.a,td" Ill? w~ilt to I~,wbeTe D~;(lgij.e ooU'Ye,[,e,a: to him, the as_S@fi at tlhereqlllest oUlle old ho.lln~gans, dile ctlsf0cl:ia,n___s of 'the V@jjdoo il:fa8idon,. '

.F'o'r YQ,ribus lfe;a,son'!L. D~~-,p.'B;9·. semefimes tef~l:>e!lto ,give the -asson, In: such eases . the 'petitioner ,tr,e It W~l\:_!i:l Y :tl-s-e_s~e' a!I~H aJlyWay, 'dg.spi:t~ file Sp,ti'Jfs'te.fiwlil. Ne-v,edhe-les$;j he i.'l a laW:! .J-ipun'jJan,ariiit the-Ie. are cedai!ll opexatiol'ls ill which he is suceessful flbly liu€,s:us.f!<. h.e~,pl?¥~·illevi~eS'st(J.I,en,£r~m aildi~~tk: hO;Ull'igflllS. 'the V'ooi:li\x? tiiadll:j~,?-. h-olds tht s\! ch ~ ~$Jldid a,te: t·didIlClt ·g0. under 'the watet"" Yli pas tli.

aUe I'f~, ,bais ,d~teatl } , - .

i-;': .a. ~ ~V9~a~D ti':amliolh MiQ~e;s h!i.a j1 1P:etb~o :1!S$.OI1J ,land ielated -its &e'tJiets ,'to ~her,a.hMs:. 'Th~ name· of Hie \teoo60 a$son lsckofulZ(!tll-a-d,inlt, ~1:lhill@h".a.~.mii,"'DMZeflVa.dfm~ ,0); )i;_Qh~Wt1l.-(l,·Cl!l'!;l.. TJ1:e \7QodoQ V.;a-


ditiop exph:!I~l's the.ffin~tia~~ry Iq:rmula tlliQUSh th~ ~elJ.er01iJ~m~amngof the boek -of E((cle8i~~~ (_J2. l~); ~Jeia~C[)d,an~ ~~~l'i ltisdo~manq-, rneJlliS. If The, fQm1111a l~' C(Wlelli, oo-~ Le,. 'lb., OO·:t02rha, or Koheletb (th,e- Plreachel'.) .l;lwasmu:&11 'a-s 'to!: bopk of E9:t;l~~:astes i~ the SediJnd Book of 'S&](a'ID@n or' ~h.a Seeandi 'Book o$'Wfs,dmn. Vo~dooQ'~dinolf!.

cn'p;s#f-ers iii' tte' mag;ic .of tlle T~m'ple of D,a~id, a N~gr-o k~ ,!)f

Solo mo'lil, his; san, !'Wd ,th'e, h~fs ,oE the. mag~i::tradHjoil ofth'e '0. :r.

Tb~ kt'-~h(2d:a:n -or VO$Qooasoon r,e,,'-eMs hr its autn~~Uy ~b!l:tman is· deF€:!lliloot'lJot ~lpO[l hiW5el£ bVt u~!)n th~ ",urcrhl1mj1lnocelt]tEo:~~e$. eal.:le~r by Voodao il1iUate.s mlj:m,eres, rfllget.;,. saitd:$, Qrl(l~s."MCoi-dill~

to fue·il!"~g.iOI'll[n_whiilih~he V:qridOQ reh'g!op. i's ,p::rafltk~tt .. '

'he £olwwi:llg 1~ the OOt·el!.pl~l');ltllon '6£ the !3:nfil'e JtJl:mu;l~;' ..

CQ;Glet11:i. cabalistic .wisdoID 'or disclfline; tlw: trcadil10n of the olergy :a:1!-'dlillf rihm:ch.; /1-; O't;I)ld oMnstel'-i. the ~qWl!'t~ pta!plJll; dtm: fhe!le:rpel1~, ba.d:ltl.ona41yre_ptf'sen.t,ed by D'aflb.hfihili.

F OI this r~-,~~m thl;l .s:etJ.ll!;ll:lt ill the u:ni:v~s~d !'t,adi.tioll i~;, tlie ~ntma.fu thal: in~nllit¢s ma:tl and \¥OIo.liJ:~, li~eth!'l ,~6tpcii'lt ~h~t .~e!ieelld.,ea £«!~ the tw~~' of-1maw:ledege t@. Jininate E'¢e~:n8 Adam, (who~e; name is fo:uf:id 'j fl ,tlie.a-d(ll:il _(If tb e lo:rriimla kQhe lttli-it-dalll t,th-e" 'SJitiltl ,se~t tha,tdeseemils ~£l:Qm the' center-pest, :ofthe Heristyle ~o iJ;litiate the .baill'l·sih,cn~jio_*,. ,fh;t>!lopm'iul',sj' tnt' honn'galrl$ithe '~m.'hitlS,. til,!': Muu'· g·Ulh.liwons~ 'amd odlf1J~.

Th~ formD,laindi.cates also the ~allsem_])jy: or ,g~therlng' o:f~ Voodoo ~n~tj@'f~$ In thep@tii!&lri: of ~e. Ol:l1"l)yh~:r "p~f¢ti_ed' 'to1- iin f1, tiitu-!\ lchant thate;3clls (Illem to~et?her at the hegillnin~ of the celie-monies.:'

La~'alllrii "'!EmpIe'. en l':: Q,; Ia fanmi semb'I~ .. n!ln;

E A!tI)l\leto.1 ~ahffi'~~';

na'lJe Mn',d!~·, 'j);~ ,

1a fannll. sem1:ne~ eue 0; :~a'pi$J;Jin~" Ptapat'Qko Ati-sQl1.

La f~j_ s~mhl€; I!lP'.!' 0;,

; "-i". ~ I ,..:, . __!I ;1:0- .

fia: pe 'Illlillile vr~~e ruzan

, V~'leWte,.

Lafanml semhM: e.liir 0; la 'fanmi, 's'embte~ :8'01'1.,

(:;,Qn:re)fog~t'h~J, fari\lUy,erie Pi eeme to-gether. :now;,family;

JB Ago\letQ~ -.t14":t's ·th~,·~aIDl: ", "W.e shan; €a:ru1 0,

:l!lome ':to-,g;eth~l', 'tami.ty" (!ne o~ we :ill~IJ' ;;'111 Pam;la -.lLplro Afi-


QiJm-' )h~! fatl1i~ ell 'f!~;

w~ ~ 1 ,c,allG'ra.-lae A;i~m VeMkeh3.

CQ!'ne' to;gerh(lf,. f~UtiI11,~);l f: '~ eeme togethe'l", now;,familr"


E Agoueto, G<iueto, ~a hi:Itde,; n,a .hin'd(: MiiI:(_~~ .DO-liUUi

Do-sah, Do"gou~h, •

. EA,go'U~of lQu«;,ahin'diS yon nail

iE4"gptieto, QO'U,~tfJ, that~s the:'e:all; we shallcall the- MaraliS':a:h D~ S.on,

Do~sa'1i, . and Do-geueh.

E Agplleb;\! YO~1l can :reaUy 'e',(LU t.Jj~1

In c!Qsin8 Th~s chapter a wOl'dmu!l.t' be said about one pI the most ~xtr,aa[dinafy facts conJ!eJ::f!l~.g V,oodqo. It th.e officran,ts :a't:<!.ml il1itiapan ~te tbeih-s~ve'~ unable to give oorreet and complete instructiO'D. ~. ~n . ~pp~el1tiee '. tbe ID¥sfe~es: .th,flms!ilv~s giv,e the ~ris~,c~fjon . by

I?ounhngs~fil_eone~ who: 1ih"Bn 11!srrucfs ,the iniUabnierba!ly. OtherWlS.~. the myst~;I;,es s:lld him dma~s or visions when lfleOl?~sity ~ ~great m:my hOUD g~J;lS l'lX'e qllaled in tlli's' ,slH3er"nat!!Wil manner, it 1$ :i'he 193£ tlJeinse:lves wHo initiate them and give.Ulem th,e assea,


'Gods and Godtlesscs ojVooidoo

THE adE;pts of Vooqoo, t:elying upoo the fuutla.mentals of' the Am" can tradi,n!3n. believe the :plaoeof e:tig;[]] ef 'Voodeg WaS' Ife, the name of 11 leg;e!Ji!ist'1ctty' wh~se I:eplooa attu~)' exists in .Yo' sot~thern Nigeria, At the same time, He, is ,3. mystic:al Qity fro'ID \vhich.'~mj9S the gte:atelit of the Vo~doo myster'es and it is Tegarded as a kind of" Amoan Me.6.c.a.

lie i8 ~be father,wd of the Voodoo goes. It .ls .fromher,e.ithat the revehLtlp)l ,'diesC!OOdeo into the slPir~t and! the 'beart of ,those. Aliri¢;a,n Voonoo,isb who established tfie. ni"ligi.otl pra{i:ticed today by theIr: deSCiWtbhfs., The Voodoo,"t,¢ve1Iltion desc~~ds under toe dc;n:fble fonn ofthil:serp~ts ri~6Q.ha~ah w,edo .and, Ald,a We,do. Thf; se~Qts repr,eS'ent ~e AfrfcanAlmf~hty~t~e An~e-S:tor-Voodoo being. reU~o~y .-and :)1tunlly ,m apCil'sb"aID cult. In wh~'£1l tbe su[!'te~e penol13,ge ~ thep-rst. of the livmg;"

N'~ed!re:ss fu:say; ,eva~thiJ'l!g that cODs,nru'tes . tne framework . and mod,e of Uf:e. '!QnQDg the eart:li~§:jDhabitants springs: hOm He: ~mini&· h"atiGlD and ,adllli''lle clDl'tthod!s, l'Qy~Ity'-- presidency or state, ciJ!Wm; the maj.6t a~d,' ~I,.adiS;, ~eiflfau',' ~hi!l:ootute, fi~vlgation, ilmd esr~iany r.eligionalld. t,e-lIgfous' ~g!C, biJt more pB.!rtleU1a:.rly ~t ph~e 0'£ magio called ~it>i'Dilfitll'll.


,S~nc:e roy;alty 'jj ill divm,e; -right. it thereby followS( that the portrait ,p£ dl!:r emcl'eF thestate, in aOl\!lOrd1ltllCe witna .Haitian custom dierLv'ing ,frem the u,ag1ti6n .Qf Afrli:ea, is_~lv;'ays 'hUl~g in tbe -pla~lI~ 01 11l:)inO;t ,m :aU th~ c:ium'i?hors~ because, '!I.a)' the initiates, ''''the king is ,the direct repr:C'lsenta6ve of God:'

Froaeeiliilg Jr(im theprrnciple tnal ,ev¢')rldug or chi,ei of stale ~ the repr.esentatlv.e 'of God OTh .earth. the Voodo:a tradition identifie'S Il.~ Mth thee!:leS;tial position of. the ~tm, and wull the s:1.Inil~el:f. Hence -the ];:,ihg is,1cUllln to he identified with 'the, SUIL, Tn~ sHpeFnatural 'edgin of ,the Voodoo cult is IlstrGlogic-.a~ in naN'!'€! for lie, i-s identt:6,eu With the 81m. Mar~ove);,_since the'suo is the .god Ugpa, the} l'egwon of the sky v,i,het'e ,tb.,e ~ .rises is,Legba~ni an expressiell! b~ii:Jg 'the g,enerdmea:nillg god~' the' Cr-$Jltiel} .. TO

_ J:.egPl4 th.e sym:\tl're:tlzing ;god of Voodoo, is the Odent, the' East" il:he ohief cardinal paint. the:'~int of ,mace which presides :l,t Or governs . tte mll,gic"

The _.Afncsm orIgin of. tbe Voodoo gods is somewhat cOn:ipl~x. iaI although Legba unquestionablycQl1le's ,born lie, the \\thole Voodoo panfhoon ~y hOmMtlS comes hom the same plaoo'. 'fhispantheell is ~omposed m' mystet!%l tlrigi;nmting in diffumi't- [piitrs of tile '~or ld:.. smn,b from D.:ilipmey" SOJll1~ frem the Cougo. ,Othel'S hom tne Nago re~o~, still.olliel'S: .from the Sudan, Certain gods come' .from the land oj th~ IibQs,; !lire lily pr.;e£~l:.i1lnt:e Pethlb my,#er.e§, a"IlM a 11s:t '0·£ t!~ "filatibft$ loj tiiil'Q(:{or.i mlj~eifJ$'; would neaessadly include th(1! names of all of _ tbe tIlioal ~wo'ils en the map ,of 'Africa,; Mo.locco,. l.,1ati:rjt~rtia. Nig~ria" Li~ria~. Came~ll, Angola. MAdaga:'~eal!.Mla m.any athera,

'" It.'iS tlll:~,diffil'enc;S or Ji£till~tiOns .esb~blished, in Voodoo 1?Y' thij, .,~tlo,~s~f [oas ~hic:h tend to~t~eI's;~fy ~hl![l cult'by d~vfding it int,a -utes, .: ruth:Qughlts, fundam,ental futegrity as well as itstr,aditional bomog~~etty ate completely preserved. »:

, Confl'llryto,ge'tle[ruopfnibll~,~o~g tlIi~ connll'ies il:irme the Voodoo my:stiMes 'originateq must be included Jlldeaand E,thiopi~ IQr;both the Jewish and the Elhjepian cult:sbold thetr od'gin to b~ from fue ~ll'n.A1.Ooti,g 'lbe .Jew§, t~e ~un. is (~presentea. B~ 11, serpent upiiln a ,st~£E-~tl:s~en~c~ea 19a(~i'(E):all!~ng,. ~h:e'Etbfopia:ns, ~h~ ,setpe)lt i;s re~~~iIlted by a l!a~-D,l1'lld-the L1CIElof .the sOlar house -of Judah (a.title preserevoo by lthe ,emperor of Ethiopia), In VOWOl\) the same serf;ent" I Ii~e.wj;se called I),a; aNd ±h,e same Jfo:o',r. ca11ed t-egba; pr.esi~e, at th.e· tiepd of the oult.

The .mfjfJM'i'€ which 00a]"$ t'}le serp~m't Va: is ~rlf)ther s_er~~t. M-pa.

ThiS ~ecolld, 'accor~gly th~ Vir~n 0fVaQd~o-A~dil ~lldo, M mother of the Veod(iO Legba, she is, d:re Wll>e o[ th~ bun, t~at is. s~e is the moon. The: Africa:ns mill het M,(Jwu" but s!ll.e IS best mli)wn, m

BaltHts Ert1J;J,4!. ,

Leg,bac, the oFigiMl .and fhe male pI!6~o:~yp:e of. ~~doiJ. ts tb,e ,S~TI whick presides ovcrthl'l rit~~., w~jJ,e_ EI'1J\lll~'j the; ()rl~~ and ~(l .. ~tnlla1.e protofype, is the moon. L6g1ba JS the Clrn~t· El"'L.ulJie: ~e VtTg~lI. The; 'other 'in.!I8:~-e!·~ folloW'ilil their tU1'11 'ill hieI'a.rchieal.or:der.,

In wi outwara m'amfe~taticm, .L.egba is pk'tulled as' a mall who sprinkles wat~ on the gTo.und. lIe :~ the dei~ teCQgIlIDzeQ.. iii those ad~pt:s w~o at- ·tAe 'C~l1:I1:n:e:tleemel'.it of e,,!ei'fceremo~r s-;prmk~e !be g~ound with wa~m<. Er'~J.diit is [,'e$ellftea .!lis a da:r,k=sklnnedE~i'I],!1'l "'om~lIl.. Sne :is Deoessaclly, dark s·in~e she is bunu~cl hy her hus:b,E!.nd the nino T.h~ IOj)cclt ~SP(!jct of tbil' is,as~y understoodi tIns woman, very dark tmt verybeallQtifi.d. is lidel1tiBl\ld., .in tHe ~Q'T"\!ide~n badi. tiOIl" wjth·the VE<ryC dl:l..1'k 'hu'l"YI~ry b~allt~ul Queen of -Sheba. TheI~fote, the serpent Aida- We,nO', seen .all t):le '\'falls of the V:oPQQ~, is recognized tlu:uqg) the pr,ocess af re~igio:lli,, .. as the EfihiopHm ~ileen who y,J~iled. SqlomCi.n, t_he; ,b~dae;r_ of the T'empl~: By these iHustratious the :as'tIOlog(;c~l odg;mpi' the' V'OOdoocwt 'QndLfs are.~s ofll~ligio'lls in:8.uencethroughout the wQrld can be explained

mQ$t easily.. . ."

The Afrit'an trad.itioll inherited throu,gh the Hattian OcI!'l'm'{llillf.S re-

veats tbatthe f,emula. Of lunar,. se:W!'it Mdlli"Wedl;) seen painted GO the Qum'phD!: walls is a- path of S:.tW~n aotbt;f emp~(')yed by ~.~ dl ... lne F9Wet ~ !1mIle:d-h .. tm .fl\lr tI'llDsmittil'lg his oWes'S hom the,. sky til! the earth, Thls path. wlri6h cpnd\i'(:t~ God. ~I'qm the' ~ ~IJ ,the i!o:rrth -m of caw-se. the rainbow, As a symbol. the: tainbow"":like Voo~-ba~ its' Qrigin, fto.m tile SIlO . .In fh~, q1,impho:r, .then, Erzulie .... w;ho ~ t~eform of .3. rainbow plays the. rQl!'l' ('if' th:e lunar 'serp¢!lJt J\\ld,a.-Weq,b, '\S .. the magiC" pllim¢pl~ Qf we'alth ;!ltM prosperity" She is invoked by.~ who ,desire a cha.nge 6' fortune ~ '\\Vho wis~ to become w&\1,ltby.Thesymbol of the :mo~n W11ichshe ;personifiew ~$ voo.dbo :m!J~IUl ~.

,stlvef., while tll'i:l syrn.hCitof Leg'bn (ti,e stm) is: '101<3.. .

Legba is ,e:xplainet'l byVoodorr"lTOOiitiqnalJists . ~ having th~, same urigfn IIUrl a,ttributl'ls'~s' the Gr~~k god Mi'l'rot1lr~-~he. symooio'f,'lf}!i;)e;111!f two S~r:pellts :entwm-edi :iI.~'lt .9. 'Jltiiff and. the SllEool. of Voodoo 'beifng the two serpents, Imtwined tl;1i"l Qenter-post of tti'e


oum'phor,. TIle tra':uUonalists furthe:l" see C"hri.s.t_ on.g:inating in Legba, a mUlattO' because "be is the son of ~the, :SUiIl tnl.d the' m!'?on, ,

Summoning the Gods

'The~g~ds of Voodoo-the l?as~ myst~lie.s. ?,.r vc:mdoti-:readb the:·pla:ce where :IDe h9:uu'g:an Q..r :mam~bo ,snm:rnans them 'by le~"'irli: the atm,as?hetica~eassig[JJed them_by tIle occult spirft tefertedto B!$ th,~ .source l}igh"@x than o,ut~e:lves.>P th~e go~ may enter a -gam: (a pOttery

"1m:) 0,1' mat be~e wcaroate by "momrtililS" ·a, Voodoo follower (the eheval, ()t 'norse"). The cheval' loses absolutely. .all! CO'~cloumeAs. U :is the myste:re ~Ion~ who :a:cts. He p[Oph.~ies" d{!)rie;e.!I,an.d per:fprms magiiC, .w:lfbout the' person WhO' is ~uSmoU'nte.a lnowfug any::thil~g at ~ll of what t"bemysrete does ar ;Says .. EVen when themystihie has departed] 'the ~'Mr:re" .re~~!i l..ifiaware. 0f his ,!-ot4ons and his IDOV<l~e:nf,~_ trntil, ~nfotmed or thC'ID by $: witneSs. T:h.ap~X::SM is,chang;e:d "ph"Sl~ally, IllilPfar asthi,i.lis, pos.Si1il~, by means of gestuies, ,€rpresS!9DS; the V"oi!Ce, clathing~>, ~;astes. ag~, lIa'mits, and customs'of th'e' my~t~~1 which abp.lishE$ t1l~ very soul of tile: pe,t.son possessed, '(Hi ~;!f~ ample, all eI.gbt-year-old.chiM mounted hy"a ~'G~andil' (an old woman mylltere) su611as· 'C;rande ErZlllie. wiI} he fe:etle_', pt;il:(;t;iea]Jy .spee~l:Iless and s'queamng:1ik(;: _an old woman 10.0 years old;:. while .an old man OO.Y,17al'S old possessed bY',a raging .Ogou such as ]~a1:.'Os501l will Dt>und out. of his borpr>r! brandish Jili;; .sWord:; a:.rDIa danee .b~tter tban NlIlT,eyev.

A£~fl.r [he possessiOlli the: me.ivmdu:d usuamly ralls 'into a state which, for ~liIemastpad:i is eh,;u:i:tCct:ffrme,dj 11y a qomple'~~ .. il'l'dl:ltexenc:e a~ t>o the gpd's acnon~ dlll'm..g the niolllIting. It mus.t be addeB that certain rj·tuat posse-ssions "are very e~allJst:ing for t;h.e ''hor$e,'' Eartiot11ady If be_i~ ~o;mted ~rth.e; T~Ye J??werfuJ! fQ;ts. ::e~ m;~re plilwerfo!11 €h J1Q~. etc· gteijlter thl! horse IS- fatigued afler .the possession.

As ,~~<tner~.~~ue~ the persQ~~~ ?f the '1r?:s~:' .ts $0 ~~ced durill@ wha,t 15 tiaihtionally called! the e.1';M'8 de ~~ (loa-ctistili ),rhat eV'BI!l th(!: sick whQ are mounted. 'by the mysteres' instantly manifest ~a i':1;).tU~lete di~~g~!i £0,1: ·t~eir il.1r!e!i~ !Jt i.nfitmfty, It JS root, WlIJ5,u~l ''1:0 S~.!Hl stC"k pen:i:tu,wh() has :s.carcely dragged himself intO' the p'eristyle get up 'VlgOliOIlS]Y" a£bn~ being mounted, an.d,5ta,rtto dance, tq g~tk;uliiltQ

~.en.etil:;alliY' j;lml eV'e1l1 ~ l~!lp~ ,

At a V:eodotill ,cen~mony, semeoae In tli,e comp.any ml;lY ~e seate.d .Or


w~1king ato1;lod wlum an <!It once.:be ,.seems ftl ±ece~ive a t~rible blow in a. certain plaCe? on his bedy. Some dnitiates etaim t~at U is aet th~ nape of d"i.e .D:ed"k; oUiet's that~.i't is in, ,tlri:! 1l\\gs. Often he ut,ler!l a cry Q,ra mean, giving a cleat iInJ!.fe-ssioJl t@:t an mv:i$ili_lll iOJ"ce 1I!ean£ ~o or is tryi~g to get ~onl1~l of bim .. Ire struggles st~gg;ers, nearly. always g0:wgc~u:~din ci:rcles,~~nd th'rOWS6l;;t't .hi.s arms tIl Jill di,l'!lS in an obvious ,effort to ddve off th~ Ioree that is trying to p&:s~~ hiin.

The' '(bo:r§¢~' lUil\ls hl~e.lf v:iolen't1y ~pon the c,oIDpailY. a~ainst whose bodies, be ·:reclilles as ~1i.Qugl1, to i:iD:plore tmir he)p., To be ';St:K,6,. some people know (Jer-tal.D signs II:hey can make or words they ca.n utter to send H1e m"t~e ·a."v.ay. Bt'It the m'oment the m~{isihte pnwev has moun-tea the '''hG1lISe;'' he becomes transformed, ',straighte1)s himself ~p, a.nd .gtle~ ilb.out the bl.l,sineSJo QI the mystere who htJ$ ''takeH ,his place ill' fhe perscn~8 IM.QI1 b4l'tly._. TIl'¢ myster.e ~ves hiBgre~tfu;g~!and u-suaJly asJcs far his- 'Re~:ial em'blems. ""

The,se emblen;ls consist oJ ;;Lima, OO~tum6N,.. kerohie£~ -tQ, He around the hl'!ad .. the> waist, 'the wrist, or ~he ankles, magic wands, biverJlg~s, and pCI;fume.s, whiCh ~tancl a,!\ symbols of the; het-metre colors and farms ~i tlhe: mv:isi1blesi, the s'yfub6li$P:l in thtl!$ie 'obj:ed5 p~Imlt~ tll.e

1Io.a.S to 'parf9n:D fheir n1Jlgic h¢;Uer. _

'the leas depart more. easily than they W"rffiVI6. Often thet,sbow signs of snddeQIy lasing inteliecSt in what they sre doin.g,dr.o'p whatever objects they'lija'ile in. hand;,o.rnetimes. utter a manrnfUl cry. and lean UpOll! someone or ~lump to t-heit KQees; Ithartd,p~g,. the p~ysieal body of their "hnrs'e.'" At ·t:ither 'Ifmes~hey leave. their ''h,ol'se'" w~ith such esse that i~ lS (liHh:::l1lt ~o ten wh~f,I. they-are gqne,so "t.h~t p'oople sernetimes ask if the ~ystel'e is "st:il11. thete:''' hi this. ea:iie on~ may QCea.5ionaUy even speak tb a p~son 'bene>ved to be still mounted; think~ iug 'he is addressing t"he myst~t,e, when •. in~oo;.fhe mys:tcl'c j,s~9' longer tlft:r~. Thi$ ~nf,!JJSi!Jn c:-a.n also work>, the' otter wa,y. Clften.:1 pefsoni:s :morinte(;l so el\sUy thatalJother 1{l1lY suddenly l'ej)jzeiw'hen taIkbtg to him. that-he is. talking to a Io.a instea.d.

Antystete aoes 110t lIje\::Elssati'ly h~v~ ~0 'be summoned! iII ().l'der to monnt a person, nd oft.en a Ina has not c~led m~kd his apflMr;anc~.lo.~y ~aise,. whefhwtr S'UlNffiOfled or net, a. mys.tet.e .. ¢!I.:tl Il!:lways bssent 'awElcy eiflier by tOe h01:ln~g_a:I!IQIi by -ally'o,tli'el' p~rson Whfl ·k;now~ now.

From tms jh·foUo\vs, U~ .. t in, the. e,~.phor~, rhe- tole of the lOlm;~a~ Olr the mam'bo is to atU!lct .the loas by the water (which tli~ aa.~~


marl11!P'l bagtlille-Ll) ~ridby. the' sasrlfiees to the sound of th~ d:tI.lIDS. and l:11antli, but_ in .ilT!.:( ease by s~c.h m.eans as they, as, .. hay€: at" th~il' disB~sa:~;. and from theon,set o{tlle -loa-ctisisri:ght til! to· the m'onleri when ilmay be I}.ecessary t-o dismiss them ba~k ml:o th~ astral or th·c- in',lisible. The fl)Uowh,g i,S witn~s~d _lll1".niablyaftet the d.esc6nl:. l)f a. mysfete; 'the niys tete "moll nts his horse," then. .cat :Olm~€ j.ij oMigiid to salute. the hmulltg<ln or the martl1:;-o lbl£orl¢ e,Ol1Mmin,g :hhnsll!lfwfth his oWtipIQP;e;rmagkdn the p€rlny,[e. I.IDlll:he judges it tune to lel'lYe on h~ m;v:n a,coordi. or until the hOlln'gan diS'misJes _him i.o!' ~lle- rea-son or !i.llofn-er. OCQa~iO'lallr fhe h-GIlll'gatlso:r the ml;lm~bo;s knowled'g,~ i$ used to stahilize :Oli posSeSSJQIl whleh 'becomes a li;lt:n.entahle;_~:tmgg'lein whIch neithe!( "horse' nor mys_t.'h:e i:; ,ahle.toO g~t eontrol._ThewR'te._" G~anl£,and dtUIDB play- a coftsiderable- part in til'S sta bilizatibll p:l'O'oe_ss.

Uoun'gans insufl'id.ently trained: ha.Y~ hoon kDQWlI -to beoQrne-1IlSaDe or m. :alid "Iioi!'s,~s" lip he terribly mi'Stt~B;tedo_r even kined hecaau they hail :been 'ov-ercome by the 1I1lyster.e Wh!\lID th~y sf'ilwd. The; _boun'gau who h:lCk~ snffiqient k1l0wledg~ tb nfa:ster th,e -"\ystel"es ise¥poJed to femble !-m:sks. We' have _persomllly wi:tne:jisecl. thafollo\ving, lnQw-ng spene: A hQuu'gan who Wail;' qllesctimliing. Iriysren?s Inan onm .. ~pliiQr 'and 'C;aHlllg them ~u,\('es5(v.ely in a govi wasnot able to ~~I:apel: the angel.' of Lp(::o-Ati-sQll. LOCQ. S:tm~k hitr.t on tIl be~d; prphflhI;y \VJ-th ,aD?b)ect lyi~g o~ th,¢' I!e" nQt~it}u;)ut first ma!de an infel'Iml~m .• l'be yowlg Ilollo', feU llilleomlsciom; -llnder the brow. A de',a~ly ,sllenoe ensued. ~1'iIi:her. ~lqUlitg-an wlii:o was nutside with \WS was o~llg?d, to . Us~~isau,tho:rtty ~rii1, opeD_ the doom: 9f the ]j{:l;~~: S,P as t~ find. the uncon~dOL1$ man whu· we being ,bQ.1-1J~de~ hy Loeo, The mall was br~lIgh~ ~~0 the pe:dseyJe ~ill,i:I only with difB'cu]ty 'w'p$ he hrollght!lJ:reund.,

; Such c.onfrQllta'tion will! '~ Voodoo' -g'9i:1l som,etimes :may even result m t~~.':te~th o~ ~:e houn'g~:m. \>;IBM the iJlitiate· stands 1.12 to a vo:udli?<W~ or dl~0bl{lys, !hI'S (;_Qmma:l!ld~. The)' ~ay- thaf 'in l.uih cases the mvstere ~~tot1ches,~ t~em jf tll!}y.1~.n m, and! ",eats" 'them if tbe}· die: 'Thi~ 1s :riot ,an ~tQmshing' f~~t, if one realizes that~he PQwer- I)f a VmjdOf.m SI'lW as Legba-,acco-rdmg. to -the hmda.mel1lta~s of th.e:trlli:l:litioJ1-is able to attain ~a remp\'.ira:t1l1l'e '.of _~@,;OOO!oOO~ c. mlbe s~iiIt fullt- represen,ts, tr~ ~O~ll' [~~ ]fe. when _ it plcMe-S the - mystere tQ ri~e th.b high w-ilh his norse, ~nd the;.nomi'gan 'Woald he unable '~fi' :tezylpel' ~t. Anything can be De!(.astated in the terdble nlf1ge.s ,oHMs hnt(l1>tie ,eom;gy.


TheQJ."eUoa.lly we note tha:t~ if _be is ,c8!p~151e, t1re ho.l111gan is ~Js'o able to cause-a ruo,~ to rise to this altitude. :At the same tiime.we~~t ad!Dit that aotJteinpQl'aIy l:!On:i!i"gans ncr t~ll!ge!~~S:el!So dil~ ,~l';ib:~, This was the case, ho:.vever, when. 'to. win the wars, of Haitillr~ mele-

-hdlmM over the annie!! 6£ N:aW1eon which se,emed hwincible; the ~~i1':i wOe 'w;er,e _~men~' the slaves tiitllsed.c;e):l~'P 1'iI: tlie~ sr: through the ag,endY of the Og(lUS, tbe Marinette BOIS". the Jean P'etlu~s .aTl,d. tb~ h.lo_uJjuu~di~s,. :lndepende.l~ce _ Q~cE! ,_ac,qtlll"e~, the country was -devastated by water, U:OIl, flre, aoLlid p9W~01l; fro~ ~tburen to M:ario<i.1l'0lIX ru:tdF!(Qm M?lle SaiHt N<:icdlas Ito Grmcll GOSH'll' beeause of the,·tempel'litllre., to W bien tHe'Se n~gan--ll,~d ~aJ;ri¢d tn-e· sa1m~s.. the C!ii'poi.x-la"mprts,.itn.d lim Chris~o~~es-dl . of _ them "mounted." But ;his W~lS ",.iily a; l'lu: _African pne:sthoo~ had. ln~.e_, or less: ,appeased the Ieas who bad bto1l;ght 'to pass this ,e-pic by. attainfug.thls:revcil~tirmary temy:eta.tult!; uniquci.n tllr€ hW~~rY 'a~tb.e_wo~l~ -these loas to whom had been saGrffioe:d 4ill th<! llIgn{lwtHl'al and ~m:ldu:str:ial rleh~ 1)£ the metrqP9l:i.s in a; few noms-, not eount~l1:g =ihe thousands of "white- -he~cili."

WfJ- s4:f ~ot'~ O~ le-~s" beQlllt'tS6 up to the p'Ies~~t HiS leas say _that The hero~ an{l thft Be:n~fici;t-r-ies of -t:h\sspp'ern.~fitralepie have-not ~ept' ~h~ PIIH1}ise1>wiiich wsre m!!li_{le to them. The daily e~eden()e wiJtn ViJodl1Q proves ,that il~!l mneh, heJtqr to re.ft!£e the servtess Cif 11 tio:ydOUTl ~h(m to maki:t him prDwiseswm6b are ;never hpc- FQrtbe m.Ys.tin:_(llitJl1,~~lWaxs ke~ps his pt9mis~:;_ wh~te.ver the diffit:~llt1es: that he mUst'sm:mmmt.

What [he Gods Can Do

,A:,mysMre' can mount a pe:rson fom: ~11e,Jol1owjn!( reasons:

(1) 'fa protfl'd him. .

(2) To co~f,er t!~n nim_ a_powe·t or a. faQulIty Hmt he needsfot>'I!- ~e

Sl:lc~g$sf{u aCi;!orr!,pl»hm~nt of a 'tas'1;. a-nd~ ~htcli he d?~s Di)~ 'Ordiml~1y hrllv~. 'To ptl:[(l1j_,{ hIm; for e~a:mple. to~:un,t~ la~la. m _,,,.ase of sreiip" wJie'c:~, if bq, dM!s not kn,QW !no",,' to ~Whll; Many 'People [,epol!':t that s, ii,p$'Son '''did tmf~ow 'how to '~wilIl,. ~ fd wfit!>J1 :~ s~nboat 'on which be. was sailing Willi wrecked, nahU'ally he almost

. 'i H{)Ii1j"gat\ f_s a 'Ph1;!tie~:Cl v1t~,aDt 'Ill': tl:ie:Aki,Q~ t'tDf!S N'gpr, . N~gl!?g(!;. ~ogpj~~. Mog'-ln~iI, fO'r e:(alllpIQ, I: "~1?11ct1 1:0 Ibe'keJ'.j. Q,f I]!e a!I1;)~~p.



Idtm:Vued! sill,~e tb:eacddent occurred on the olpen s~a.; .how.ever, AgOR.£lh mOIID'ted him r;I._lld brought him t,e shore:"

(3) To ~rmit him . to. rlilll~ v -e.mm1>eJi with S".upe!:nal!l:l1',al speerl, (4) To Cl,l~'~ hIm. iQf illness' or to prevent fum, &.i:1m s_l,l;ffeimg.

(5). To !lli~e bin1 eeunsel. In this (lase, tbose WllO sp.eak to<th~ pO/.ises$~d persoil I'ep~at to him the ,a;dvke that the loa gaVie dm:ing th~ ~loa-CEjsis."

(,6} Tpgt1:ve OlOme dther peroon a t!l"eabIl~nt 'or simply to 'prfscrlb orto cQRlpose a remedy,.

(7) To pmllsh .the ~horse'" fol'. some offense,. III tills oas,e', despite f:l~e cQmp1ands, and r.ebl:1kes 'Of th~ ~1.Lntgan, the my$fere may refuse to IA<l!ve-to. !ili5m(l;UlI~ the ·'horsei'"-'.ferhouts Of days" dNe:tDline'd. to eX1balLSt hin;J, as muoh as l?QLssm]e. Often we S;e~ the cmlsequerll'':e.s of such. Ii plmishrne~t! .~ 'd:is'hlated ltinb, or an mness W:bich 0111y the mysterll wnq c:a,lIsed 1:[ c~nr 0111r03.

',( 8) To point Ol;i't some fQlbidden rRlJal.

(9)' 1'0 giVe warning 9f danger fhreatMing an Indi id;l1~l ;Or the

cQrnu:rnnity. . . .

(10) To preside ever, 01' to assirt at-a oeFemouy., (11) To cClme,and get a saerifieialoffeiing,.

Because of aU tb.e'~¢ J\,_lllctJ!0TIs-lielating as rollchto the enlt ,as' to everyday life-the :most ~portan~ consequences: ~r the mystical life _as well as the Ilat~oJlal life' follbW framfhe 'pa:rUci:patlen of the voodilo. Ja~ ~ hil~fflan ,a'~ai~s .. Thus, in. j;"lverydnng: tb,at pMticularly 0011!Cel'IlS ~a"tJan,, VoO,doo is tike a superior soul. wlficQ 11 COJ::Intet. .?.art of. the soul TiS :orliimu:i.ffiy te-ga.d¢dt and whioh acc(l)Dl{!311i~s man, m all his pc;c.upatipn.$.

The Magic Cenrer of V oodeo

'Themagi.c center of VQodop is fo~mdin the tentef of or in ilia middl(! of the t;ir:ele of otne F$ .GF of ,tihe ,giehe (;if th(n(SiSOO. For: ills T~-SJ)1l .the 'hraIldle is 6:xed in the mi_J~ ,of the: aSSO'l1, and the' post in the' center of the 'masonty $.oc~e.

T~e wh6magic~ny ;guard:s the wooden part of the asscn (:the hru:ul1e), and thew0od. ~ fl;u!l: t:-e:nt,?!r,PQS:t is ~aUlild Lake Au-Sou, wnese name '15. de~tv,ed from h~s magical attribute'S: Loko (the place,)

An (of-the wand) SOLI (magic"). Bence Papa. LokQ is n6tOllt",tb'e mysf.eI:~-whQ guarQs the 'e-ente[-Po~. blif.·also the'myste:re ;hn s.eJ:Vi~s as' treasurer of the· OUR}'p'hQ:t. Oonseqnently he knows the besf: ma.glll .fo:rmulJas,. So, [U!it as th~ ':IJ?la;gi.1'l pl'i1'ify .cil tlie' ~b'a!~w:e.t:S of ~b.e cen.ter~p()'st"· 15 personified 'by the loa called Gxaude AI-Zan ,( Whl;b signifies "kn.owWdge Qf the 'il)rste]'ies~fth~.:·a!itnll th1'0ug~: ~he ~r~~ "1 the loa. -Grande ·Mzlm is CJ:l[led: Mam be AiZan: the ma-g~c,lJkn ,pa~. e~c,(lllence o,fthe loum~phQt. For tbis reason Grande Aizan is bemieved to be to,e wife :of Loko Ati::S:Oil, The ma.gic. cmtpul'ag~ of Mamba AiZau is ,composed 'of mysteres of the Afl'ic-an "Dation'" called the ··A-Dan I=ZO Y-an Go. Natfo!ll.'t

The V oedeo Pantheon

The orlgin ,of rhe eiJ;t;'emhle"I'lE Voodoo'go8s 'hasbecarae ellttt;~r~nartly compl~x. h?th en tb¢ sup~tll~~al l~velan:tJ o~. the. ge~grapJliC level beca:use of tlte ,aSsimi~atiorl ·0£ new gods day nOer day lnto the pantheo~. Some~"~£ these new gods eeme from tbe ,n~t~~rthy pe.~ SODalities of dead initiate~ wM'Se soWs haV,;B become ,diV'mJfhes. Otber ne~g~ds :may c~me'fren1 another rl~e and arecaH.ed "kcrangers to a tribal' G,~Il" er; ";pmchas~d mysteJii6iS,"The :rima1 13£ the I:ribal ehm wbich ~'p~trc;:has~s~ tbel;lli is cQmJ[llicated by th~, £act thOlt eaoh mrst.ere has its rltualmede ol beha;\1ior aiud its persolw ,attdb~lEes~tba.t rend t:Q' multiply the- r.itual·a(';i:eeS~9:r;ietaI)"d,·augmeDt the' cereri1QlliaJ it.'lelt For e;xample,if, in .a.p,artimilar ri~e, the~iil'\cY!."tere Ogou B_1l1JZin'du) and tt;he, mytStere {JgeuFe',. ate-l:re~ng,~'$erv~d,'" their .rn'·dlagta'ttls,:Qr,S wen a~s: tbeilr colors He. diBer,ent a]!;thQugh they ,;me of the 'samt<J '''fmru1f of 1011£. 'Their .r.i.tual (inants ams() are iltuu:k~dlydtlIererit; wberefol'B it may, be .,?OJl[c)'lI,d.ed. th@.t', although ilie ,pla:neta,ry odgll of these two Ioas IS, £tom the same sidereal source, the separal:e qttgi~l:!i of H};eil' persgnam ceremonialS x~nqer the Vooaoo very: dive,rse.

The tollo,wing' list of mysMrces will ghve, an. idea of the ttWn't-of ~. number of Voodoo gt)ch. It is impossihle ~tQ name ,alt the toas., esp.e.i!iaUy smc€l every day 'new on6's:1tre created out of: the spi:rl,f~ of dead

initia.bes hy Voodoo .priests. .

,An\ll-Cbi-Ni-Moa .• S~ (tfie om.nip9t,ence~1 Ati-G-Be Legba) Y6: Dalll-Gbe:

D~~-oBh~-L~ W~:D@ (Danpba,~i1h¥e~We:

Ai~D~ _ W~~Q (4:yidQhw~dQ;) Maou-Lililsah

['ih~a!b'Ljhs~h 1Q:'lM- DY£!i)-Dj!,g;b~ (Len Gf:i.a pYa) Leg-bac Ati-~ Bon (L~&ba Atibon)

QDebj~$Ql1 GHtivjo~)

.Gtande, A_J.,Zan '

Assat,,,: 1'.Hero:o To Kpo Delmofl. Vbutloon A Dan Man Sib, WeDQ.

4gknJ'ri1i:n '( Chllfii~u, .Ano.tis)

Ad.yaHO'Ii1l'l'to(th~ diUlliS ~o"ll.Qte'd·' ~y a. p{~ce~s. ~nbWtl~.s'

'"",' 'iI 'i") ~i1.~ !u:y~

A,ga~u ~tQIillerre

A:ga:s~o:l!-~A1Jah-Era, ,

,lE-rzuue( M'ai:tresse E'I'Z:utIe" Gr-al1de Erz~li~) Gtan:de FJellriWn

Og(l,u F,f!J;' " ' ,_

Ogoll BhalLin D)!o ~go:q Bha: ThaLah >cgon SR-Illn,gO .Ag;,!uen iR Oye A?ag~n

kgoWm (l\cldi;;lltliGuidi) ~gbou W~-tlQ

AgQueh.. ~a: O¥~

Gig, '~nl%~~ [A Shah Deh} -Z0 aD .

Sirt)1ii l-An·,Ki1~a:

L:- ~ _1"' 4

Simc) Yc-AQ [l€ih.;Zo

Sim/Q:J 'Y .. An Eha-Ca ,S~~bi ¥-1t:u'W,a-Lah Mamass!ih (twins) M~~8:W (,tt.ipl~) Muas:s:ah (quadruplets.) ti,vadmBB,Roj,

Ciandtl Jt.,iou'ha

Grande il:lniUIl:'land113

~.~, - iI>_'

Papa[;o~oAiamrblo Gu:idi


Dan Htwe-'lio

'ID.. , . "1~-_ '~'~'"p-". l"", :famllV- of r!\l~" 1,

;uoum ~ 1),A.Il"'" ~. ._," ~ I

Lemba FiM'Sabre



!8adti-sihi Gala' H0nn's,\Ju

li1(lJ:Un'~ .

}IQun'sih H~I.Vll~:an ,. HiJUltgueliiloon HlCiilJin't'~

ri I@ClJ!lI,'ipune,

Go.\lgQ-~~e D!U1J'lLeh C}U¢Dfe$!ilu :Ditn .L'eh (rill' Ganga


b~Ill'bha, Zaau. In:iin

Madame Lah-Chlil LJi;Ilj'):2

U:'Sh'ene; (:E:tzu~le) J::a .!Ba!eme (Erzune) M'W~;~

€?l?iou Bha."Da-Ori

ZilQu_ :l?emDa_ \ ManJn'liin Bem'bOl fa Qll;\m wl'iich. ij;,simhlta1_r\_eo:uf,~y. ~. ;cmaon, b-Sou Mari


Siliho V'aV0

Gl'al'id~ S:iiin'ha

Ti ':Kwiila D:ememl!lre, Sim'lba, M'llz.ll

1!. O@.ffi

C~usin 2Jac:a


Zo Man.Kil6; S'!P)i1;i- B~d~


Ag~u Ci1lmlbt& B6,SOIlToolSc COrne;li Jak~mr

Danbhalah, La FI~bea.u Zmollll Za:in

Aaaca M~aeh

HOUll'rll:n'{gmnfi' (<<th~ pl!lce ,of sound," p,e.rsQniJied by Mattt!.'sse"

Heullll1'i'gOTi. an in[ria:h! wb.o direcis theeeremonfes]

Oss~~~ ,

O&OU Y-,Am-,San.

Guede N;ol,1v"liwou

Gued€ Msz'ac,:Jj

GIJ~de L'omg'¢ (the Storm)

Guefte C:i:nq jO!lJl;5 M~lhtlure:llIX (Five :DIIY~' MiS,foItun!3) Gu,ede Ti Puce" Ian d'l' ean (Little~ Flea-U:i~the-- Wiater) Za:z.i BouloQnin.

Ogou Can"Can Ni Gall (;"r:itniJf.lcl Pethro Pin'gaMaza

Roi Ou-AngolB


Zantahi Medeh

OU-Al'! ne (the of th~ DahoMifian_ ~n.g' Teghhllsou,'

pecoming .a myste(6) IboSo'l1~Amall Bl'~Macaya

Brue iPeni'bha

Naill:i:all Bl.ol1klOll

:ibQ mi-it,th-bb .

~r'2!l!Jlre. Tanteau (The B,ull) E~~ Fred,a

El'Zulie De Rouge (Red-Eye) Erzu,1i:e' Mapi an (,Lo"lse)

Ti Pierre Dantor

Ti lean

Og~m ~s:lladgb

Eoss?l1 Ashadeh (K'Uj_g 'l'('Ig~~u: of D:ihoVl¢)') A~hildeh Baco

linea Legba


MBr~liette BriJ$.-eMche T~ Jean P{l'fb[o' IeM~PMipP'e Petlnio

Grande SQ~Q .

Aajin:i1soll (tile eiephant<Agaml l'~'phant) Adah.i Lako (Adan-hi LOCQ1)

Ka:d4l B0.5S0U

Earon La etoh: (The Gross)

II aron Cimet1i1lre (TlleeeJ;ml;elery) Barqml Sa:mtdl (HaturdaY)1

Grande Bfi,gIMe

Gned~ Ti Wa\7a

GIl~i:ll! ti:.p:ete (Uttk:-.Brea:ki:wind) ]3QU Sha! (a family (If Ioas 1

panhbalah Gttal1d-Ch~Jl!in (The H:n':gltw,ay) 14ademo.iselle ltitaise Cba:'tIotte

Maittesse Ma:mlJO

M~assilrb@ujnin (A£rIoan Twins) M;J.Til\ss';:1h. Bois (TWinll of '~~ Wood)

:!vl:arMsah cBOl'd~d"6-I'\I(,er (Twills of the; S~ashQl"e) El.'j':.iJlje Dos-bss (Lew-back)

Gl\E1i:tde .AIla Qa

A~ tias.son 'iang!'ldOI

,Similar '.

Gu~de"Z'eelairs (1I....igh:tning l3o)tsJ Gillede Nibbhe

GuMe Vli

Loko Adan.he-M

Mm'tf~' Xa-Fm (Legh'" M.a:5t~' '0£ t:1I1: CitQss.roa~s,)

OUshW1 .

.QssQu 'Gnimnin.. Grande' Obatalah

R~y~~ou ~

Sin'lbi d're;;m (Simhi 'Ilf we ,,;Vater) lb(.'l L'Alltl.e

Ibm q,an-Man

Maitre 1?em-bha


Dan :r~:th[rLl Sini,gal

ri J ean -P:ied.chEiche ('Dry F,oof::)

Ya Bo Fer

S'imalo (~:he uame which AU~j)in6- $,imoll;. :P:reside_nf 'of Haiti {!"Om [9dS to: J!lU, gave his goat, wb~oh was a 1M; -i01l0Wi:lIg 'fhi!' ITfi_ditiott -of divil,):(: rigiit In the Dillho.m.f:,ilR mIlIlla.r~ty),

Roi L9ruWges

Jean Zor.Doi

Captain Zotnl!i . .

GI1.e..d~·.Bon PO~!1si~re, d~-la Cl·oi~ (Cood-DIj_st-o[-fhe~CrdS'S) Bncoss-pu

aU~d0 _])'QQbe


Cuede: Ti CloB:

'GlJUeM' DO~feu'tPilqures (llo-cto.r lJypooe:rmH:) Ag;u Rei.!Linsou

Danbhalah To .Can

Amisi W~do

Grande :M:iroi~Z.e:

El"Zulie Bomn 'ba

qgou'Fomi)eue (BaIDn l'olin:el;m:e-TliuncleJ:') B~leco()lill

Ca_palatl Femtha

Btise Ferifba


Mavangow (a fatni}y- df mysttlfre,s,) Mi(raille (Grapeshot)

Madame Trruvaw. (~$, War,lrs)

Sidor Pem"Hi!! (GotQnel DBn Pethro r~te) Fa-orr g,M1- To .

Og!)~ 'Blliha; ( a ge'tlier-al who -ws :awretrr€d troopel') Mrun bo All-A-Sou

Gt!ed~' Sp.l!lfuant ('SiJ:£f~ng- GueW: Legbaas Christ cruclfled) Gtand BoiS Megtti


Cl.a.ii®eS\ne ClaitmeiUe Ogetl Eatis,ere

Ib6 C-9s~i


Mademoiselle Florida Papaaouri'tO'_

Dime Houo'to.

Mat~e Cimen~[e (Mast~r of the Cemetery) Brutus J,.,.a;n; (T{ Brunn)

G~'tleral rl~l&s Canmil _

GuMe mltalQi1 (the firSt g;I~'/ ,

Guede Morpion (GuMe. -Uafa!Qn' ) ~,

Captain pebu (an ~lican myst,he, also known as U.~ellat~ or

Debud) Escalia Bourri%a

Trrus Fe~ille-s-~Ti'ois llacinC-l? (Three Le3'V~s~'Fhl!t!~R'oqts) Marinette.- PJ:eds-Cboohes (Dry Feet)

Ogou Dan Plethm


Zi]ah M~yo Tiaeou- Tinea\!:

Papa Pmerre Manman Eliamimt

Marie-Louise (a .taman!! mysteIe ~f the War ,of Ind.eperidenc:e) Ati-Pa,nhi li-bo Lako (A{;(;,ia~nt Tho LO~0)

T~ojJs €aITe~QiU:i:s ,T-hr@ Or05sI'0",&,)

J e8lll-P:j_err~':P:01ilg:ou~h

zO Flaneo l'I-ethro

Tom -:Petlif;o (Pelttrro Bull) Qu1ta (Kith:a)

Kallga PetbtQ .

Reine Congo Fr:ru;lC (Qltge15i French C~m_g0)

Six MilJe£ Uomme-s (,S1x l'hOll~and Me:n_~ SimuQti')

Di;1r'1iZine '

¥?ioeol!) BOIi.SO'~

r;", •


g,!U'a:zIDI{)aIrl]::le.. _ , ,

Erz1.Jie-8ev,erine.Bllllle- F emme (.Beautiful WOll1an):

La.13eUc Vent_iS (T'he Iiiair Ve:n1J:Sr-~zWie), Ogou J?a,l(j:m~

Grande Bossine

;GranGe nel~i

Dame ' Tenruse

58"h 13o:1ogouell !,.Ioudhe Pferie_

n Pi~rr~ (Little !''eter) Gt_qs :Pte:r:i:~ (Big pia!':r) So,bQ QUe1'SOli




'Tlle VoQ8oo pll!:n.theon::is far from complete in the pl1'~cUng list.

Scarcely one hundred p!!.'ges wCH,lld sWice to mention all tne Ipas ~Dchided ill it espe'¢i!lIiy i£ all. the elymokg:iCaI varlants continually gIven ibeo Mmes IOf the bM by initiates were taken inta ae(Joui'l't: For this. reason many of fue Ioas .seem quUe -1:J,iz~tIie an ,.aeo,Qmtt of til,ejr names, _J~r ~xampI.e,n ~'U:ce Iiii'll a:[eoo (Little Flea- m~~ne~W alter) • M,adem.oiseUe'Flol'ida (Miss Florida),F'ltt:t-rizQ'f1... 61' Or:ande: Fle~z'On ,(Gtanamo.ther Flep:riznn), :~'i,')d 'Cede; s()ufft(m~' {suiffedr!,!,!: GutlM), 'These are v~~(ants of some-of the great d_assical mysb3res. They, assume ~hese unusual mame~ fGf the-it, OW~lIO(!Cu]tre~ns.

Classifying the Gods

The 'following Is an li.t.temp~ uta l:ll).~.tiificafibn of the'lit;;!ster~s 119- itordiD'lg to the vadou!l lites or diVisie.ns of Voodoo, such as Bada and F,eWa. ThIs c1asdflcation is nl:!cesliarjjy:ttbitr,~. ,.owing to the fact. that a .fuystill1e g~nerany belt;lngs to wliatev'e:r riIe .he is "!;er.vled·~ in •. "(ito t-lre ~ingle ell;.ceip,Oun dE -the s.o~0alled "GulDin'" (~friGlaJ:'l. }lnr~~ teres., who because' of lbeir tradtti'omrlpudty refuse: to "wm'k" in any' but" th~tr Q'WiIl ntes .. The Cil~d@; (theloa:s ·of de.ailialldi of cemeteries) who have. noms, 'vaillanfs (na~e~ w#h the gr,eat mys_t6fe~a,ss' wbf)n. !:hey dt;J, i;li~~ wish~ to ,(LP,P!;laJl" ·un.del tneir r~al names ) ate- classed ,~epar,Mely, ~Qe i~ is dHficult toasliif,1U 'them ~o particu.~ i'iJ;i:!s bif'Cause ,o£theumllitjplieityof their ~ame~.

A.t'6 Gbini Mon Sa YillDan-Cb.e Da~bn~lah W'El(io,


Danbhalah Ye-We _

Aida 'Wado (Ayi'dab-wedo) Mawu':Lihs\'1!fl.


1.egha At! (n)Blln Quebiesou i HtlViom) Grand~ .Ai;.Zan

A~al'i Av.eI~l4§the


Adatmfap$ih We9!o .Alg,anman,. Caiman. Anoli!! ,Ad,yl.ll H:o~'~b

Agassou Alki~:a ~

Mli!ltre~!i:e'ana. Gl'.al1de E..rzullie Ficur1ZQD'


Agl1iu~h ~ Gyp'bi YandehZQ

SWl'bi Y-anp]uica Sim1}i,-Yaupo,lah

Maras.sah '( 1"wins )

A¥a"ll'a: B6~l"oi' ,( Good King) 'Lol~ Azamhlo Guidi




Bade-sih Gala Ho'U.nsou Eoun.'

HoU'll"sjh Hountgu'ni~on


~ilg'J1lllie Dan Leh Quebiesou Dan LeU La :Si;r'ene

La, B~eme

AI,l O"l1e-Zo


Griw.:de '\la,V'o

Gra-nde Sim'ba, :,;\Dan-lii CGuslo Zaca


Zp Mal1l lGle 'Soflhle ,Eade Ag~ou CCiInbHli 1JncIizln

A'Zaca Medd! @_tl~de - NO~~aI'V'ou Gueae Mazao3 Zan Tha-hi'

Zan Tba,-hi Medeh 10 gou BacouiJeh .EQ':ulie ,Flieda

Ti Piette Dail:i'or TiJ~an '

Doctli Legba. L1p:gles,S¢lU

C~ande Saba Atlanhi LO~(i

B~rori,Lar C[Qioc (' The C1-O'S$) Baren -Clim~e- (The, C¢mEltery)

~arQ\1 Same:iji (Saturday) -

Gt,anqe Brigitte

Da~ bhalah Gl'an'i1 Chemin (Tbe Jlighw 3:1 ')

Ma,itr:e,ue Mam~bo - ,

Ma:rassah Guil1iln (Al~ican 1'whts) EP'i:ll~it! _D@~.;b~s (Low Bac-k)

Gr~a:nd€ Allaba '

Gumle N~bbbe

Loco A Dan-m-en

Ma!tni :R:~~Fu (Maitet G,t Ore CrosSlloads~ .BcilIy~bou

S;im'l!:ddTe&!!u {S:i~ej o;f the W~ter) DflM Pethro

R.oi Loi.i8inges

Gu~.d~ 4~!) R:ol Ltn$0U!Danbhallah To Can


,Aroisi WedQ Gri\ndle MjrQi zit Belecou-n

Grand Bois Megui Ad~la'id,e;

C~a.i:l;mesine Clliil!jtmeiU~ M;;t3em6isiilfe E'lo:iida Papa UOU1O't&

Dame H:o~'~,

C~ptiin (th'e, American in:yster~) Papa Fiep;e

Manmfa_n Via.mant

M arie·Lornse

Au Dan-hi Tho Lo'ko

Er.zUlfe seVel'm~ B~11e-iFemme (Fair' Lady) La Belle 'V~tlUS (lleautifull Venus)

800:0' Qu,ercSi6u

Myste:m Be/onging To ,All Rites


AgMl1,lim, C~an AcfyQ Noun'to,

Maittesse -tit (;raIilde E;:zu],ie Sim'bi «1" ~al;l

Si~',bi -lfa-tui13hZ0

:Sim'hi Y.3Ppna;p:iI

Sfmbt '{,anpolah:

Mfuras~,ah 'Hount Homi'Sib

c,., • -- _ -

HoulI_:'gan. Houn~§u~lilioon -Boun'to

'Q ,ft.. ,/ D T ~ t. " I.1~Ulle$'OU I ian LtlIII

GiIlnd'e Simi'ba


Zo M8m, Im~


DanWraJillt Grand Cbemm

M~tre~se Ma;m'bll (Gl:amde. M-Za_D,), Mattt-e Xa-Fu

Papa lIau.n·to

Dame HauiIl'to

At€: C'binj MOD S~ YeDan css

, Ayidobwedo Ma(lu-L~'lUah,

Lihsa:n t;lba Dy,a (Leg ba) Legba Ann Bon (Adfugban) Quebi~sou




An 'Ql1~ Zo Sophie Bade E.rzulie Freda Gr,ande So bQ; Z'en-Marlolle

A Dian-hi Lo~o ErzulieL<'I! Bene'W~nus

TJ5e Ra4a ~Ni.fgo - COngo- Dahomey MJ!_18reJ La Str'ene (Erzuii:e)

La &l!ei!'!..e! (Ettuli~»

Ogou :f:'e_r (.Dr;)' N' ago.)

rQgou 'Dba Lin. 0)'0 (Wet Naga)

Ogon :Bha ·TIm. Lah (MiXed NagQ) Ogou. Clhan~. (Nago. p.ethw~1 AdO\11D Guidi

Lemba File Sabre (_NaglJ. P~tmo) Og;ou Bba D~ Gti

Oss8uglle _

Qgou Yamsan (Nag~~ Pethm)_

Ogou Cano~'nnip~D , (:Nl ago Peflrro)

qgou Bhaotmleh (Nago, !\a{,ia) , TiPiel're D!lnt~r (:N~Q, Raol:l, DaD-roI') Ti Jean (Nas;o •. Radll) , Bo~SoI;lAshad~lI (Na::go, Dali'01JliI~Y) . Ashadeb. ~QcO: (N~go.D~ol'l)'ey.·pethr:o) Bolisbab (Ball shah)

Olisb~h (Olll Sh~)

Greade- C;VBhatlialah.


6.go1bToonerre (' Nago" -Pethm ) Ogo:u Haiba .

.ogmm B~~te .~ 08'00. Biilis:age) General J rues Ganmil l~n~F:ieite Pduugoueh.

Og(}U "PaJama.

The Pelbro Myswes

Ogou. Ch~go: (Pethto; N ago') Sini'bi Y~A.n.-ntha

La "'halE"}' Sa:lK.e 'f"pethro' N 3;!'i'O '\

. m,_ 'U~" l c , b f

1i C{iugQUpe.. , .

LemhaZadn (Pethm~ Congo) Zgpl.l Pem~~a ,GP~tbto. CO]1;go) Ma1'lDl:a...n~em1ba, (Pethto., Cong~) Mac:kandal


pEl.Iilbhalah'LA Rlam1bea:u ("the Toreh) Liflg~ ('P'ellio. aad:!l)

Ogou Yamsan (Pethro. Nago) Gll~~e ¥~aea (Pellil'o, Rada) Gu~de VOl'age ('1i'he Stli))':In) Zazt Bpwo~nniU (or Eaulonmtn) .ogo'~ C~fican Nt Can

Grfoonel Pethro

:!?riri' ga Mirna (Pethro K1,aza) Erise.Nlacay~

BdZe Pem'ba

E}:,zllUe ~Toto (The :Bull) Ettulie Ge Rouge (Red-Ey~)

_ E'iI'Zulie Mapian (Lome)

Asbadeh H6co (Fethl't;l. Nagor I?aHo.mey) :901:,0 L;~gha ,( PelMa .• Raaa)

Liiliglessou BaSSin-sang (P~H;n:Q, Ra,fta J Ma~ine(tt(l BQi~"CMcb~ (Dry' Woed) ~'f"in~~ebumt;l"di.le (Y,gIU -the- Fl~) Ti Jean Pet:h!!,Q,

I ea.n·Philipp~ Pe'fthr(i

Qlled~ Baren La Oroix (Petlup" R~~) Gue~e B~ron C£rnetie (Pethllo, Rada) ~al'on 8iD:l<I''ldi (Peth1!O, Rada] E:ri'giUe (Petbro. Radal Similar

~u6{M Nlbbh@ (P~tht~ R~da ~ Illo GaTltMan {PeU:ir-o, Iba) Mai~~ F~'ba (Fietmo, 'G9IlgR.) Dan :Fe'fhil'o

TiJ'7l'n P.kd Chc,Ghe ('Dry FOQt) SimMfiI '

Tean Zom.,l:!i

Captafu .. Zombi.

Gti6d~ .. A_g-\1;_ Roi Lb~sou {Petlno, Bacia) Og~ll 1'0iIm,e'ue' (Pettrra N ago: j

Erisa ~em'ba {P:etb.i'Q~ Zanonr) ~ M~,dollklU! (.PethrQ" Congo)

Mfl.d-ame "I'.rava,ux (Mrs: Wot~s)

~i.(!or F'e¢i~a (:F,ethloj Co,lI)g'o)~

Grand Bqi5 M.agui (Pethro,

Esc~e)kl'w:iil':ba (PetillO; BOUm'ha) . . Trots; Feudles;" Trois Raoines (Three Leaves, -Three Roots} Matinettlt l'ieds :eMch~ (~-Feet; Pethm, Zandor)

OgOtI DaD. PetihDro (N'ago; Felhro)

M atit::' L01:rlS'll (I'et'hru, _R-a~I:Q) ,

Trots C~tter(Jurs, (Three Onl$5i'OadS) Zo Fruanoo F~-o'

To~oPe,th;rQ G'fM'BuU)

Kanga Pedule , Six Mille~ HQmme~ (Si~ ThQii1s.and M~n)< Djobole Bossou (:Pethro" Congo)

Ti. Piette Daa- Tor n J e'a,n: Dcw- 'tor E'.H)U Dan",Tor

Papa :Pietr~ (DiIDtor~ Rada, Nago) Eyzulie Dan- T'Of

Ti Kltha. D~m,e:mbre, Quibl.

llri$4 ~elfi"b* _, Mrumefte Fied!i1 r:::h~che.s (Dly-ltee,t,


fbi) Sou Aman lh)l Kiki Lih Bo Ibo'L':Asi!e:'

Iho Lete

Ibe C<i'n.MaWl (IhQ" P,ethrQ) fbi;> qdsSi' (Ito, Co~.)

Sim~i d'l~e.aru Gfanee .AIOlllha, <;;randeu\~Ouman:d.ia Canga


LerlfOil ~~QU (Congo;P,etMo) Man [nan

Maq,ame Lan·Oue

'Lao.en (th~ Conge Legba)

ZaouP.Elm.'ba: (COQ.M, 'Pethi(!l) ~faDmanfem'b, (C:OIlg;Q; Betbro)

RQi Ou-:Ango;)e (G;mgo! AngQ;la) M!lI~ssa~ CongoBord,,;d~ .. .Mer ( Ma:ihB P~m"ba, (CongO'. Pethro)

~ini!gfl1 (Collgo" Seneg,al)

ij(\:i. LilU9.11g:es- (C'ongp', Bada, Loa;ng9) CaplaouBem/ba

,Ma;lohlrll.i (C.Ol1lgo, P~lbto) Sid()1' ,Pe:mtba( Congo p~th:r,o)

0:7"·1"1. ";I' ~. = jiJ~n,~oy'QI

Reine G:>ngu Franc

Dj9 ho!o (COl.lg-~, P,e:thJio) Eaz.ou (Con,gQ~ Angola)

iEcaEr.s .OF '100000


Chne.ti~e·13!fu.m'IDa: (I!o~:ha ,of the C1I3metsry) Esealia 'Boum'ba

ThB· GueJes

C:uede 1.'Qr.a:ge

GuJde ISing: ]01!ltS Ma.I~e.Urt.'n'x:

Gued4: Ti .P1i.~e Uan d1' eau GuM~ l'i Waws, or Ti OI1,a.O~e, Gui!lde Ii Flete

'Gwed.!l Vi' (a 6biild q'f"rhe Gtllide~) CUlkM :Bom" PouSsiete:de·la CIoiX IG~e:d~ Sab~lah

GiOOde .Dou'be

Cue,de F~"tt.,~

Cuejle Ti Clos

Cil1~de DO~8tenrPiqm:es Gn~e Souffrant

Guide l\:.atalon

Guedb Morpion (Lallse)

It may'he observed. that aJth6ug~ most 6f the Gued~s.are' listed sepa- 1':l:telY,·the m~t c~~cJ(ijjl)lS ofCuefle' ale :includ,etl am~~~ ~e Rada .oas~for ex~mple~ Baran La Cro·t; Gu~iM ,Nibbhe (NeJjo)" iBar~ll


Cimetii; Q!IJ~d.e M~aoOj Bm:on Se'lledj~ OruEdli N~1!t.I1l'OU", .-.\gu-,Hoi and Gr~edi Hr)uJi'~oo;. .

1\;S £QT the lesst;!.l: Gll~des;SlU:ch -as .Tli lute (Little- ~I:eak~Wind)" . aata1on, ( Le'",e~-'with-th,e- Heel, Laid-ouf, Pro.slma t¢ h .... jldTi PUQ6 lan ,d'l'eau, {Llttl~~l~a-in,.tbe"Wate[). th~ biZane names ,derive 'frOI'lll the caQ$tie' cbru:ader of' this "Faille' of ~oas; All the Gu&Ms!it~ -pramkst€Ts.

The fqr~gQiilig lis,ts of 'Iil1ystec-e5 ffiustr,atf'l the. difEiuUffit)" pre!l!ibiUSly mentioned wJth regard !:(q!ila:c~ any 'give~ mystere I'll :an,), gillen rhc, tm: the <;lal!Sificnion it'.s:eU' tecog'ni:zes many myster,es served hl' several :J;ites-,£i:lr. Clam pls, the' m)'sblbr~s winch belong indifferently to ,all 'ri tes and those. who b~l():Ti.g .tQ the Rap.~-D~omey-Na:g;o-Congo group.

I ha".~ rejec1:ed ,any l'~gid classHioati:onr o:£;'}oas 's'uch ;iilsext,sts~ for ex;am_p].e, iill ,stIictly l-Iruitian Voq.d6q. sjdce th~it e:l(;::Iustvely Pethro, Zandor:, G!)ng~, or .Limine ,cha[act~ is subj.eQt to ,dlispnt'e; f~rJ as:' a .rnl%, a 16a is "ZandPf;'" or "Congo'" simply booa,).lS·eit ~~. sewed Jin the ZandOl' 01', tb>e Congo rite. This the. 'Norcds of Sh'- lame'S' Fr~zer:; 'Who 'fnhis book The' Golden Bough!, 'Vol. l,p"~ge l65, dames the disfinction between J an~' and Jupit~ WHi~h.lssuggeste()l byeertain writers on mytHology: ," , , . the names of the dilltnl:ties bemg, iden:t~c~] iri aubs:tanoe. ltbOugh Vm:yiIlcgc in fQnn With th~ d~aleet ol the I?e.rt~(lu[ar mq:e., which worshipped tO~~i At iil-st, whea t)1~ ~ople..s dwelt:" n~.a:r eacll other; the differenee bewelm ~e deltie,s would 'be hardlymo:re, than. one of mii.mei lnQtner wmds, it would be-alrncst ·purely diale~Ucal., But 'tb.e ~adual dlsperslan of th~ tribe~/! ,~d their cQr!s,eq_oont isolal~on '&om, eabn otlw_et,w<?:u1,d,favQr the giewtb of divergent modes. tJf 'cQncoeivi,ng and ·worshipping. the<' gods whom they had. <;;ani~d vlith 'them fromtheit ,old Jinmc; l'.0tM t in time d~iScr,epaIi1. lI;)ies of :myth and ritual would tend to . spring: up and thlM1ehy. t(l C:Qllyrert ~~smina:] m-to a rell:). tilS:tillction betwetlrn the divinities', . , tn\lS !it might come about that the~am'e alJ.{:ient deities, whi~ch fheir forefalihers had 'WQ~hi.ppe..d togeilil;!r he~ofe th0 Glspetlifbn,wowd 110W ~ . s~ (fisg:uise~ ~ ~~h: ac~u~ub:t~e;~ e:'Eect~£ malecrti,cal itna, i'eIi~iQus (hve:rgeflcles that tb(!~,q+'lgmat :mQe1'1itity lM,ght fatl to be r-ecogni;ged., a~:dthey.wo!)lld t;l"te: tM~ p~ace.s side by&id'e: as independent div1n:ibe!! : .. '." Fraze.1!' Is s:pealdng of cert~in lr:eligil1Q3, concepts found 'anlong Greek and Roman. pe9ples~ lfaw.ever, the same, p.nen0menon is'- ohseJ:V~d among ,Afrioan tribe:!:. If h'y' his iti~!lfei' :from Greece to Rome


Z~ bEl.came:£itst Juptter PiunY,8, then Janu$~ j~ ~?;, Hel:iilJw,f) migrat,.. .,. £r·""m~-. ~1I..,e!lhn-fes of Afclca to'the shores af It~ti ~as. b(e~oxne Qu,i-

lntl ," ~ ·w_ < N

bWsoo. Dan Len. . ttal .,' lilt

B,y the:'vety fa91'thf¥t the' ~bta~ tra~ti~n is pf ,mees.,'_ ()I~~. ',e

that of the Voodoo cult Uset£, Jt 15, a:$mm~lema.tter to,v~m tb,e, pantheon of the }Qas a ,g'Oyet!lm~:ntal'I@r:rn ~f the sooud lnerarcDy·

For example:

Legp~ Adiflg~ ." Iq~g"of ,~gs .... _. ... .

Aida We.dlQ . . . Q1;Ie~o£ hf1'fIN~; earth .• and! il~ge:1s

o.gou Fenaille . . . .. . Gen.'6ral. •.. ..

A. 'm '" M,,,,,,I'''' ""c·"'"tettlf ilie' Int,en .. ·et and.. of; Ao'ncumtm~

z .. f;'" t:U!P .• ,. ,,1"'LJ:lllJ>, 0

All of these im1?Qrtant leas are repr_esent'ative&. of apewm:der~y~~.~ how an occ:ult Qri,gin" II Few,cit" ~n b.c.t cj)nt;rqlle-:9 by :th~ _~~.stere Legba. "Dheir powe.r is r,e,garded as pas5~g~ byrne,nus I;l! Voodoo rnagic~. ~m m~le pote~tilillty te v:sei"~l i1c~~m,". F~cti()pl1lnY,: the;~ are. aU under the hounJg~'~ c!J,JttflJl WllO; jp, POlllt of hMetM®Y. IS thell". c~e.;f; The honn1,g;an, tlleD, controls ,8" f0'rce whien,ontile htl~all~prmClp~l lev~ of Legb1t> syn\lbetlzoo all 'the powers of the' 10a$., There;(QJ~ h~ .lIS. the one who .. jIll the oeurse cd Voodoo eeremsnies, is chiefly tespQnslible fQI movil?,g h9l11i tM W, the -milIgicaLac.t,

The Roles of the Gods

For the pUqKise aL cl~ifying the roles' (jEaU. the- niy,ster~3, it.will sufi1ce: to, present' s~vera1 b'aditional mte~):e~;:litions of the Im~O[tant fuudairrenta;l mo.~ of- the Vhpiioo Cult, These ~li3's .show the f~~Qns, why th~,Bailian Voodooist cMs'icliers lnegods vitally insepal'able bam


SillbO Va:volJ" Of Scblbb10 Vuvau

El'ZuUe ado~in.g l;J'Ijlt:'~elf:\

science: 0DUriseienee~ nl'lil5ciencoo;

~, 1 . I it"

tbe h,g1y ~ptrit, of m,~tiatiOJl.

\fhe sim as magic regenc), of the ;.sl6r :t1lirQugb birth ~nd 1',~l>irth.

The :r~blm .~ 3nhnal qr bo~ale


.Ogou Fer


The Rada M}'$t~es Sim'bi !-An-Pha-Ca. Tha Nago Oyo Mysteres

Raya;;~QQ!. Otl .

Bba 'Ya'(;;hOl!1j Ye~ch.ou

B.ha-t;~. ()I Ba-Ka

(mHniliated) matter to the s'\l'l'l 1iluottgn mitiaijOD.

LUgic;. r9S0n; wjsdom~ plillo.slJ;. phy,; .amied'aild inte]]igent ,m:. t~:rcessjmt.

The' pewer whi~b (U;rects",th:e r:llw 01 hii,8sal£ m?tt.e:r: to'wards 'the . !>olar regions.

The IQas of inllelhigen~. The cosmic culture.

The VDIWlt~ and. cons;;:ious 'lie''£I.ootio.l1of initiated mat:tt'it in mew,gh a,bn,oSph~~~ of itIie' cel~ti~a;l oonstellations thrdlJg~ JEmuU6"; that_ uF by the prt'rieipTe 'Q£ th'e V:h:gin tak~ .;as the "~ma" gtc .mir.ror" (,Agoueh :rha Q.yo) ,

Tb-e\riU to pe r.ellec:ted m~ca~ly m the ritual :waters (Agou,eh Tlra: ()yo) or in. the abyss li'ep~ rese~led by the seele of the oont:eI-EO,st.

The gro~a 'qfthe oum'pbor ~d tlu,:,ass~n; tim Vjrgfu..and Ch:U8·; tfu~; m(:iOtl alla the sun.

Suprmne jU!lti:ce., or the tbWlder- 8tenp ~f the oogut; the religious morality of dLe ()um'phor.

Cos;wje W;@l'k of the day and the

IJiight ,(fe-sus). .

TImSp:ieille.e Q~ talj,smans. or telesmJ)!l't'iJ;: Veod~o,. fepresi'Iit;iIng magioaMy the two .oosmic prie:: .. rhqQds:

• '''''P' , 00- noEsSES

GODS _". ,


Legiha (Waster of 'tne Crossroads)

Art-Dan I-Bo Loko


BHA=;Onent S~n Man (Leg!m)

KA= OCGident Moon. WO;UllJ;I

( E!!,zidie )

The loes o.f F1ecl1.omano.y.

The g1l~ilfan of the magic :PQw.eI"S ofthesun ..

The rll;qal pr;i!.yet IUd it!! 'cabalistic eiect;, steDar -mer;cy.

The HuJy Gi~; Jerusalem; t1re Zoai~c:fhe twelve cabalistic: abodes qf li~\..~: the ga,tes, of Zion:; lihe. seerets of th,o ,astral light.

'Ceometric separation of the eaba~j;stic matfer re.pres~Jlte<l by the ritual water, whioh pro,duce,$ the ru.acgi,¢ 1X!S.llibQities Qf tbJ~ visIble j1henomentJn~ plaC~ tic~ cQnsoruidalion ,or centraliza~6Jl.-oE t}ie' disp!:l:P>Q'd powt~ 01 asltal :spa:ce;; g;eocootrie utili~~tit)F1 of th'e S'teJ]a~' atmospher-e:.

Tn!;! gal~'o/ wh:i(),h govero,s ·the holy spirit; the g~Gmetric Rll& sp~rltis.t ~~tem of t'he, S,uJI. r~presented hy the mystere Legha. _Ati-Bon Ali-Dan I-bo Lirl-kQ.

The tree-principle; the tree ofg!la(!, and 0\141': tb~ cellt~w,sf ofth:e iPerii'tyle~

The risen Christ; the rising Sun; tihe 'Vertical Im~ of the oellte:rp~stjthe Ol;ieJ.1lta~ V~dQO prie.sthood.

Tbese 0:t:thQdex iflt(:)rpret~tiO:DS'I~ve![ll that d!:ispite a.iI deFormations oftbe.m~'g:ic !;oniilmas of Qr'igLIl, tfhe: eaases of which arfl due to the p"!U'ticul~r psyoho.logy; of cc;;rtain stlgt~and ttibe~,. Voodoo is n;~VerrueJess l}ll~ ,upon. :rIle great ~supemat.ural kl1<s whose 'duty is~() bIing themafedall :wdy. back into (fhehigmer thr0ughitliti;ltion ruJd ritual

These ,sym,boUc iqen'ti1lcations, such value 'a,S' te p[Etd~nilil,ate urJ.i!vilr'sl);llr among Voodooists. It is Dsele,s:s to att,empt ~o SepM'Olte ithe(;OllgQ mys't~'fes. from 'the Anmine. tb:e Anmine fr'Om the lPelliro. :or the fu:da fram the Naga. Betw"¢etll th¢se 'T~tes"'or .mapQrls of Ioas," aU that ma,tt~s iatbe cl:tHerel1ce' jn the manner orF a~p'~g dle ~denc~ af .mrugiC'; for nothing of a scieDitH:i.c ua<tm'e can e;xi'st !fpart lrgm _t'hes,egrea.tbasie 1oa5, l'hus •. tne' "qatiqIlS of ,Africa"'- (becaMe Mrieatoo~c,e3J " the gnla~"Y wliighg~ver,us the- Holy Spir~t):h:av'e> e,acnoJ tliein, a: hidden s~g;niJiC'aQce wffieh,i;Jl the' VOOdoo frame of refer~ enee .. :is a. ~iel!ltl1ic unhi.ersDilif)~ that dHfe:rs frQm tribe t'o tribe.: HowevW!'" fromtbe purery BIrt{,Ol1lal-sC:ieJlltffic" or "b:ihal=scien:wli~>' level fo dIe pUl;ely at'lsfihetic ,;and ntOl'::J,1 level, the ntff~I'~J;lees betw'~eF! the' :ri~es .are· ()O~:tn'red. For e"Jl~'ple, the Rada rite i~:, "as' :i 'rwle,. m(flte mf:),raJ than the Petboo,. SiFloe rle :Rada .i.S 'fraifil;i,oually the raite par exce~]ence tbaJ- gcril~;'l:Fre mota,:] aspl'!cts of the sky ullJert'he f()Ii:n of thfi ~ystl~r~,&I.i~Zt1r1 AV,eU.K:fft~elJ. rl~l!'mysf'ereS AJ-U'd We-de and Da"llobruah We-Do <OO\e Iiliie' Vi,sib]~ miDlfestatio'ns o,f Ra-Da, the 5:~t .. pant; intlre O!I{n~ph0r.

The e(JliM1 d~Heren(:es iin the c>u]ing p1>sitiQn' of tiheserpent Da'of!, are theFe(ol'c Rlaced in relati.olJi td the basic, rite!; of Vood0'O thlll$;




Th~ 'S:tar, or Upper Air Met~;d



'the Word t-4~Ea:rrh


Danbhdah e - - the Serpent God

, f b .. , , .. and 'inanibos The snakle .. vertebras that adorn UI" "ha~so.m'ho'" -1; a,un..!;~ ~ ~eUas 'th" e;'

' . . . bh 1" I,,;·h'lill the cepham-rac . .JUlIan ............ , .'

I'epre.s ent Dan ~ ."".l ,W.' . ",.' .joh W' m't'l"tere: are rcnresent.ed

_.:I In h akes Legba. a pa c :J'~ ,J' 1:'

fertilizing see<;! W -0 m 'e5,." ~. 6' .; .agic ~epr,e.s~nt$ lli~ ohie~,t

bv the oe'ri'te'Ii-POst of, th~ ~ns~~ e.r 'I..a" l::._:n .. i""h~ 'to M-ve ihe"oosmic:

J c, t thm D'iIlves ~·Im1 i"IJI." .... bi c

of the 'aIl0esi'O'I.5, So !;~~ . ". ~"".' ',1: hiS . ~~r' C1Tcsatage:--t'he. ag~ <:11,.

" ,. , . his "wal nuti'lmeut. Bec-au56 Oli. ,'\1 'JNI:r 'k S

egg as,. ':~.' ,'. _', b . Ids tha Danbhruab Roue-Do never ,Sipe~ s .. , E!

human~~-~,a>d~fi6fiQ " the l:ilis:sin of ~ snake--"tDe so~nd pr.~ ""'p'resses .himselfl!i'atber, hy . ? .'. .' s In tUt;: Pethtp' .,.... , " i '. • .. " h . - ssesses dnrm,g ~eremome .. ~~: " .. ' ducedby th~e *~~om eP2 ',' th's sl1ake-hi~sjn~. Since lIethro 15

• L """"a] wl.!stl· .. ""'nresents. 1. v- '.... tb ' _ . it '-Le

nte, tile, [J,~.. '~Il.,."" ':1', "" .•... , . h ihi 1n ne I;O,at' OJl iIl.

the: tHe (If solar. fire (l1we-;;;o). the ~h~SSIDg IS ean ,

flames.. , d" ~naj)ts'-odginat1ld frGm the

Voodoo 'rnn,.ga_g6~lhe words usee 111 ~.' " ' .. , . c:_'. f w.hit 'is

hh': g'!)'i thesnak1e . and is. :b:t 151ct. the ehrect_ eXFd~of.l ~1. Dan

' s un ,.' ~i" . .:i:.L ~t ... ] causal bi the VQod~ tra . i'tiOl'li. wenl ._ h~ghest p'~aee(l in .. - -.'.. '., thO hell with which the htlUm~g~n, bb:alah 'OOtrespond& to the ass@Dande,...h.,.m,'.l_,ttrlh1.ltes

. . " ', - ~ ·If >l!:~ b'i are,lly. Qf6cla1ie,s. T e Om~1a a, " . .

the fuglllnt memner u tilt' em:'_.l ~" . tbcnvise kll'iow:n as the

'f th 'h ,·'an correspond to :the. ran e5niDie,. 0,., ,. . ,. : '~'(:, (], . e- a~n,g; ",. ,1...:.n '. ik') 'T~s muslcal serpent IS the;.I't:;!!or!'l c.oul6ul)l"e-a.cMchene. (~. :SQ ~ ~,' . i'e i '\V,oorl".:and the musical the molt D.-· 'iificaEt expie&SWE, eN, he .m.:i!s~.a .. ' ·th.,·,.>11 ' wcUe

e~ k. . I" ~L calalLash and me woo.u,en c

·'al .ib'_'~L"~I-""fffi:e 100 ,OU1.0U, o~ we. . '_'u . '. ,....' _, . d' _£'

C . aJ asn,,,,, "'. ' f . " , .. 1 .:I .th,· , e .. rn;ent~ ... aom~Q woo@

£ 0;1-...... . ' " w .. ll ,,~, o,f t!l..e c~rc e ,aIlt.+ e -,"r:~--

() ultr assoP., '~,.... . lA.. '.

the c@ter .. ~,. ". . 8:l:ngJya "Solar expressiOB,·' an. the

S:ince, the GeJ)iter~~ lS, ,ad~·Qrd· ~L', :h 'oo'ftell'ies of f:t:lilito" Rada"

. .....t 'sic of VeodM pr:o, uee ~~ e , " . b' ~. _,' t

s~r."l"",.m~dDo drums is: likeWise a sola.r ,e~'pI'-esslol1' Te'(:entel''PQs

Co~~~> ,an, . ~l' ", ;,-1h6[' :C:l<:<re, the ~!in.:.'0'ic support Qf Vood~o fhtough

of the pens '; e IS m. . ,ta~ ," ""to .

the myst~e Legb-a An Bon,


Sineeth.6 "r,epijHan Jine pI the weod" descends from the ~~tr.d t£i po;S~ its '\vhite horses" With ~e ,peWAality ,of lJamblial:i1!i, "this,e apBear,s'.alWays t!o ":ffl:im," m grape' and to ,deH_g;li,t 'tota]l), Ui me~physica1 ~:md hyperil·hysical pleasure w..hiIe selmling at 1the same" lime lost in,actiVtlaild ,c6ntemplatil\<'e Joy.TW phenomenon D due t9, tb~:thr~e types at bea~U:tldes Teoogruzedin.. meology: $eitctive,

1:1i!3"ilqntemplahve" and the joyful. -

NG"w the selJltint III 'the oum;pha,I: persornlies the total Ilum.ber 01 b.¢atitudes Whi-b'fj the initiates 6l)u..'ble to fot:lFteep: seven iO:F tti'e body a~ Co.tpor-al qualitfe~,. sev~ Jo.r-the s~ul as spiritual vid~es. So< also aJe all the 6'tbe, myst1irEfS"'to be oonside£ed as so many ~tp~ts; ;~J;l.a. whi:kf the s~rp,ent DtlIilbhalih cr Dan· ({be, yX'pi~,es·-tlle goomehi~ per£eetim:J of wltieh a~] the ap:d all l'itiml performance partake,. tM lOH~: are an ~erpe:trfs'qlore or less perfru;t,oac'<mamg,to tile'i!'~'M 'know~eage they possess.

Danbhal~b ~r,e85e$' g~ometdc pede.ction, .in his ,quality as.

a. m~sfere be cnf[espend~; .~o t~e gift;; ox 'tb~ hoily: sJ?itit. thrllllJSh his be"'1iltudes, for tIte (:b:ure:!i is 'doct.ors of fheQl{)gy rec.'6gt'li'z,e t.h~t the' beantud"E1S oorl'espond, to ·the seven. giffii,of dJe .FJ('II~y. sprrjf~ DIDibhaJab is .tne:rElfol'l,;l a:pUy named, Dlln-(Cift)lffiallil:h W.e.Elo. Henee, his' g~om.etri...cE1.Xj:r@sii)li ~ tota]q.nd perfect, beee:tls~, (IS i;n th'C0]QgY1 a h~atirude is, according ~Q ~t. ~as! an "Qper~tion and ultimate p~decti.on," wbile, Artnot!e 11M de1hled it ~ 'being tI.Q:n;,tained :fu "tire most petr~t Operation by~reasGn of .i'I:s power, .tts practi{;e~"alldiits ob-. jeal:" T1erHua'I at-qfilde$ ~l Danbhalan recall fu the minds of inj'ijates t~~ ,b~t dcliliifioD o:f the w@l'd'''beautjtude'~ :tll'3it . tbe.o]ogy lias ~ offe~ f,of. toe insfructionof tihet.m.initiatii,q~ llamely "'the ultimate end 'of Imtiulilal natute;:"

The V 9QdoO Virgin

. .~he.female" ,eneJ:;gy 01 L'egba is ErzuJie, the Virgin ef the Voodo:o 1ll1tu;I:res,eommenJy c;,Iled Maltresse ErzuHe .. 'Shepers'llill16e$, anather ~~eciti$J . 6£ :seJ'pent.~hor~ ~d :0il~d LfP'QII' itself, ' feecils p~ ba-?allWl, a~d Whlcn .Lives. ch_j[~By 111 the. watel1. Etymologically tlii~' sllort qUlcll;"mo v ~g ~enl wldch is thOUght ito r.lJ1it ifver~tllec Y~~ugr()tlnJ


3tftibtd:e :Is to - h. ,,' , ~ . ','

OgQUS, e eart plereed :and 1\>'lOGdied wi,th the dfiggl;lf of 'th:!!I

The pldel Erzulies of fideut nd I h ,t .

~ttiibute 'A veve "'f hea Y an Qt·· e :recD,lld ~~th h:iltv,8' as a mam"

. tl a neart Swmouated hit a ·.t .11 :l!.'I.. ',' 0":-

is, aeeora,tedl .' . ''tL th· . J_:, " !'. ° II ~uar eocqUle:~, Tbfrr heart

.' . '.' .W1l1,-' ~ uOofUS of the' Ram of the'Gold . Fm ,. ,.". '

ntu .. a]-of die lou~bla.nC8.1 WL;t.11 il 'R. _. .. . . ien eeee w.' hrell. til. e

. __ ' . \ ill .• e lQalS I to, l\uon:e:h R Q.~ .. 1;.

~ouse of Etzulie'. 'The 'heart·' - ad tI 1£1~' _ c "O,j me m(lrine pe;a~e wmeh f~igiis 0-:- to '- h m ,e, ,0._ 10 S<jU2res to reveal the'

thl~nl'J'h h~r ·b.~,:l:"'_gnT- h6ea. ~t . w~.~n th.~ .. e virm&s '.0£ the Virgin '";jill

e .!;I,um. e (l9lnts plac·d· .oj!.. '..Idl .

:indicate tbat this bi,ddin .. - " . I~LI~ rae miu.' ,c (If tbe

i$ right 1u .'1. ... ml'd"ill gf" l!_tbhfl snlar achieve. HI. eU!: of ',tnc11!ist whmch

- w... rue 0 itut: eart ;an'd ''h' h' iii" .' s=. .

OQn'espollds .~a~tly .1=.'- '. _ W ien, . ,K;:! ~he cehter.-·pos.1;.

~dl'll':'"h" -.' 1:.. .•. _. '.~ .. ' . .all~a Ue:e' whose lea.ves lead 'tu I' CL

, ~" .... DBD;le i?,qteau a En"ll 'b )L f " . " .u,

. . "" .. 6 \ OK!!; 0 . ,be' ". e . . ,. ..,'

of ,the centr,al l11ySil:el'6' wrucl( Vogd!:!" -;,~ J. T,hl$1!e~t IS that

II. ''':;9.V:.' '6;0.' an .. d ,Eartli;'" Erzy)j - ~ ·b. k. ~ ~ti.,are.s, ,calf 'The Queen of tti L1:. L-d . . '. e, as " ar OJ!';a;s Wife'of Agr:lll":l. -.." ... ,,]_

, UJ,e ~' of 'hanan,a 'L.,V"''' 'w' .J..'~ 1:. m .J.t... '." "'.~ co. ,nl"lmn,Iil.Wi

_. ,re", .., .. ' ~I>II ~ea:u.S tne -1 ··tiC t 41. t=r»:

F-oDowmcg "'_ - ., I ,." . -.- '. ',J:lll a 'It,qlll.ule sl!.,.,

. ...e s~V~I'Il,lIames uS€d~- all' E:' I' •.. "!}"

se~; Ma'ltre;'se' 'E·.,_ ]. ··F J...! IJ D'o C . . rZUIIEl. '. 1D '~hel.' cnurs.e' o,J a

,'. c •• ~ .... U16 teua 'ahoumm Ne .0

N~gresse 'To·Ca .. NLfh'."p.",- '" M' .. · .. ·, "7",' '-'. ,1' .. ,~esse Im)mtiu.La,~eli.

n~.;J .... Ci'o;:'''''!S''' . U'Ol-L.od Noe-g .... - - Z G .,

H<I!:!Ia ,Fr'eda. Daho·. ~, .. ' -" ,-.. '--;', : :"",ne , fl- a:z.:a. NeglffS'StI

L'b' t:<., ' umm, Lorv.anaf Freda's·h p.,A.D~ L'L .

1. cde..:Da et l':&eda 11. D. -,I;- . '." . ,", ',~ • .!J-'!l,~~'!,. 111_ J'ItMa:'-sih.

P--J!..l N"- " . alfOunm: i:taccord N'",,- .. ' 1ft .J

. ~ctl.aj '. ~gr.eSSe C~-za-1lem ve d .. J ' ... ' -o:,esse. fl··VOU'~Qun

"I'hibot M'lIIDgnan 'V.ou:dJ~ OU OUD, N-'gr'es:se".ac~i' N,egresSC?l

ad~~ Voodoo Gods

~gou BbathaJ.4 is a! p8iI't of the . ' ,',. ,

.Af~.lCJ'n .h>aditiOlltlS the f-a: ,.1 . ,l 1ilnl'l1".hY' of 0 gOI!1 Ihl:lls ~liPnsidered in the

Bh 'l!. 1~'1. ,mers· OJ iliCl ,e'mv In 'fh ," ~il , •

. atmQ ·0Ifl c'QR:e-snnnru to"1o. tr: . '1 . t' -.' , . e w.' .V~SiU kadibon 1 ... \ .,L. , 1;'-" uene m:s.t ,a:ege D1ade Qf tire T (".i. • g~/ \f-l'lp~e hat· is the. s~gn of file "mn~,- .. -",. , .. _,. ~ot .tD~ JlIIg(~lse One} or spirit j ial" 'exc .... - . ersw Hfe, ~s as tlifio M'iJgtM pUne of'ehans" 1..'_ _ P . .- .. , ellWlCtJ, -Bhatha.lah perSOlliies ,the "-.:I, -.

, ., ._, ,'" ~Cll.use It 1$ he who di .~. ,._." '. wS'G1C" caslruc 1;ramc. Blbatha·I,~.1. "cli·' _ " .r-eG s". Wiltli thl:! magl,c -Wllndtl18

Uk ' ..' ' ' senf,angle:-s fh ,"",,' ,.:J. "', 1!,., .. " " •

. a,a IRaffle lOll .......... ' t-tL. ,__. c, ~ ..... aus .. llJ'y i".lae·lIlO' hl ..... ~eu '" .' ""'.OJ, a, !.Ie m~c cro~ d Th' .. r, ~' .,...., II~

his" .'. o"'.!C ult iunction j$: f0""'d': I'. E: ~ -,__;. ~a.s.... ' e, S:CI:.lpmal'..refer~:nc~ to

A . - . h ..... Ii!. zemel XNI .l9-rll· ~h' .

PPQ~t f, ec 'two W.iVS'd.. t &'L' ... ' - '. ~ . 4 • "&', ,.6r ,Lord: savs, . I,' .ruB 'we -SWord of th- ki . f 'ID .1;. - J;' ,

- e, ng 0 DaDyl~ may


oome " , .. ,For the iq:ng otBa}j~lon._sto<?d at the parting ,gffbe WlilY1at the bead nf the ltW'o w.ays-, to use divin~tiOl'i,''J:

The "sw:oi4S-t'roke of Ogo~" means, that the O:goumyiifi1§s (lou, of .fire) or "stellar ,powetS) er-e'iitprs of the int;eUecf" :a:llede:soonded frid'm heaven through a fts-stute shaped like the. female- sih or-gauil:epresconite'd by the planet Veplj]5. {ErzUl:i~t in VoodoQ l,., These Me· the mySWtes, who are ~'f(lrge~~:," like'the aeloh:i}n~whlcb. descend hom the Je:wishA:!:iflflth" 0'1" likethe'~'Lot!is of ~h~ ,m~e" illl Indian mythology. The OgOv.s in the 'VO(!d:oo tradition bear .tIle "<ire @fw.¢ave-!1~ O~ th~ '''lqminou:s fire of Venus:"'c:Slia,ped. in the f,urge-to lepre.sent :~ sh6rt,se;r.peilt w,l'ricb the :planetary earth. arid Sows Ib:e. "(l:g9,J,f~'swordstroke" meansa]sQ the act of kisskig' the top ,of tile fl~gpf)les during the <;:o;~se of tberitual Vooaoo silU't~tion:s p~rronned by the :Ilagbearers.

In Voodoo, Luci.lii'er, ",hose, name :i§ '!Usa Ogou-Fet. is Venus, the morning !it,l,I.I'. '.f is calle<;l "Bay..aeou star"bec--3)use, if :ac.Cmnpmies the sun each morning: to ~p'latn ~he '~earthly neoo!!$ities''' OJ' ·"'n.eeds.'"

Mad,emiBslJlh! Cliarlotte is a loa. Wh0 roaruIe.$ts Lm;self Viiilh the ~sonality tr~its of a -wh,lte -woman.S'h,e is th.e~ef()re resardled' as a. Europe-al!llorCauc8!Sianloa who."\varll" m. die Vo,pd!oo panti1BOl1!, HoweveT~, she ap~ars (iudngthe: C,Ql1!se' 01 VoodaO' cel"emol:l!id on1y I,are:ly~_

possibly becanse of her non~;African origi)1, '

An e,~tre~e!y .fastidious s.plir-i:t~ Mademoiselle CMrlp,t~e love's the strict obse:wance im. her lionor of hll the ,niee~le!ii of She prefers to .s'l?ea':ks F1'6I!lCh, so it is, ·e~Jiremely ci:n'ibIll5 fo h~ her Speak at a Voodoo: ~~e:mQ'nr~ espedally sinc'e her "horse' is lnvarbibly I'! black f[:aitiaD.. 1't iisnothm.g. less than, ~stonishing: t@ heM an ill'n~duClit~ pe~ant; whose 'ig_noran'Qe, of French 15 beyond q_l.Iflstipil,sllJd~ denly handl@ the l~ngliage :So ,}1etfec~y~ Wbenevell Chatlotte appeal'S, 5b.!'! as~lrllihes pee-ploe as much as (:0~ain n:t}:,ster6s wh(ili B~ahle th. '(fmo1,1Il'tS" ,to spe~k tl!:l~pt SpanitSh OJ: E;ngIDish.

She is "sc;llTVed:' in 'much the, same w:ay :~ ~f~;tr.¢.SsE;! Erztille. S.he enjoys sweet l'.Qse-unted" blue-, white-, 'ol'cream--oo]or:ed! Dev~·ages:i water sweetenttd Wi~h l!)ttllp; alLkind:s of n9n-alooh'Qlic JiqUfllLt'S-., although she ~ever"refuses a good drinll 'of dafrin; a faot' that .'luggeslSi 'she "walkf' uotori), in .the Hada 'dte but:,sometimes in thelP!~thro .dte· ·as w~l1. Hel" favorite color is }';os~; 'SJie is Ea5sio.nat:e1y lo'ji"d Gf· aCa&San:, it !1eItciou~~ mushy d!tiuk- et.illsi-sting I:)f bl!lHea cOlil1mea~ sweetened with cane juice of fue 'kind FI'ait.i:a1:J.s ctl:llgr'os sirop' battefie,'I':hlSj1!Iice, how-

ever, must be eX'Ce·edinglY'rile·1tt and ~fined;.otherw.ise. she.. will Jle2'hlic:e it with· p~in whit(\! sugar. She 'pre£eJ's the me,t of Y\1!lIDg chickens ,1l'S he'!' ritua:~ £aod olel1ing~ h~'th~Tne~E must beexb:emely tender.

Ma-dmpi'Selle Charlotte. is a ooudCJfJn whole setYiees:·ate' dimcult,to Qbtat~. ·She refuses m «we.r'~ fOI:'j,wt anyone' at RlIJ but only for poop\e

,to whonJ ~he tlik6S a f~y..· ,

Dioo.liffsln is anothcl Europeap myst,ere .. Legendnas it 'that both .Dindiruin.and ~Rd:erri~is~ne CharloUeoame to 1:laitf . with the colonists, Q:iJ.ce, the cult had become- e-stabli~ecl oil l1aiti;Uil 'soil;. he oo,gan to .. ap';peail' in the Voodoo Ciet;,enibnJes Qf the Ahica:n ~]aves i~ 'he same way'as tH.~ om$" mys:teI@S, by "possessing" a;riW~1 "hor$e.,~'

[!jnelin!im became' a 10,11' of tb.e Raila rits, He is ~(j'atly. foored because of 'bis e'~reme sevi»'ity; Be apparently ·aha '~al1i::s>~' lik'a' Ch.lU'~ lOtte, in the Pethro rite as wen, Il(it averse to rum ... ~aga", 01' cIalfln. H6we-'lter, he d9ie'-s JlO,.t diUik" but rather pours .Jihe ]iq1;lo~ hila, .his poe.kets; JUs special triCk·is to poUil' the liquor ;intp his pb"c}i;ets 'Withrout ge.Hing bis,dothes wet. The liqlllor' Q:oe!i D9t r:emaill in hill p0c~ets~ nor ,d06S i.t timt' NQ ene can see, where it gQ~s! (qftrt~ j)·the; Q1ysteJ;le,s drl~ through the nose" the eMS, iUrd eve'n tbe Byes .. One' myst61OO. Pir?gu. even eatsrazQJ.' b)ad~.)< .


Symbols of Voodoo'


sjgnmes that the vev~> considered as B$tral tor(;e~, ar,EI rie~iss~r1iy p'd:~!:niified by the star-ance.s~ whq~ln:!:ult:is,.VoedQo-:these ancestors being thel,11s~hjes pel"S0DifJedIJy tne loas,l:hes:pirlts>.~he YO;UQQUI1, OI

tbe @yst~e§ ':!:bat "mount" the' Vood()o~~ts_ -

In the coezse ofVooctob c.el'$fioni,es, the [epFOdUetien of the astral fut·ces ~e'FJ;f~s:ent~a by ffi:e "eves oblig¢1! the loas f"?ho ~u:~ T~p~,esenta!;Jo,ns of heavenly bodies, 'Stars, al.,dp'la~efs) to -aescendbi> earth. On first cunsideration, tihls ·may ap~e!lr impmba1)le, h()~ever. ncithirig' i fn,.Ier, mQre Qbviou!l, or more p~Fable:. arrd the ex:plaoa.tion, .gi'li'ell ,li~J.'e,.wI the. ~FSttime, _~all be ,eB.i:WY v.erifi,ed. As, a vjsOC~ol' at a V'Ot1dba service, one has-ooly to, -oonsider the in.terrelation 0-£ the ~jfua:l factots:

M ~Ia.inedhe~e in 0I:0'('Ir t~ be e~ily convinced.

lDepemiU:n_g, l,lpOll ·tlte nte,th.e v~h".¢·is tr~ei'ld \v,Hb wh~a't flo¥l't •. Co.I'D me,aj~ Gmnea-£tout (wood. ashes )., jlu\yd~i;l,d leaves; red brick poWder.~ rice:powder (f~c@ Pf!w4er);, and even. gunppwder, powdere.d ph~cQa:L hark; Or FQ.Ots,

As· ·11 rule); ~h~ milder ri.f'es ltu;cib 'a~ the Rada. a 'solar l'iJ~~ requite w'Mtceor yeUow wHe'a't~ Tradition, fhOllgh not always re$pecteil, 8elQa:nds that CGm meal be useq £.01; th~ inteI'medi,~te 0)' less n:tUa:, rItes, whereas red hrl~k po'wd~ 01; [;eel dust·or ashes liielq,llg ti) the":fii~ nt!lii$ w®~~ c(!.abaJiSijc agents ean.; II n~€d pe', ~er ... e p,~Jl. tbe pOirtlfi"Dh..'a~ib{ (,hot-p,?inis ) -nut -that t"hese tiles are lnndamentiln>", _(jE.lieCessanJy e,vil, but- Ta~nel b~:ws. they _have a greafel' tetrd ;ncy to bum whell tney iEilT:£! :im~r;aFe;rly or' im:rrRJ,aeQtly eD;Ip]oyea.

. The poWder df ]eaV~t if the leaves, are 'oJthe sQ9th.iD.g Vat!ie!y. can he lls-ed for 'fhl,3 mysleres af the ,:pb,(nfs-/rettes (~old-pti~~s). If fhl:! powde~ is made· ~:f noxious Jea,!(e:s. ~r mcreIl;' of th~ "stinging''\oyar:ieiy; i! can '!wtlllc: with,., the So-caned' <iBQis'_PJiq ~At'; (PJ,mgerut.:wood) lolls, twe fQ;ts O'f the fiery, rites ;~he PeJ,hm aQd the Z'ljndo.r~

CLmpo'Wd~I; serves !tD precipitate m,E!g'ically the; .my~lI:.i:l!es ..

Face ppwaer, sca;rcely mea ill HaUi, if .. al' aU~ for V6'V'es, :J;s'lr:aditi:bn. al1y emploled for the liclli'"ant -myst, $.at "walk" i:;!nthe :res,,~].endell>t points'r'Qf the ,$u;u: the·my.~ter:e lo1ti~.e Yi&clilte, <i\itl Le:gb(J-~ri,~lant SQMl. FbI' fa.c~ pawde:r symholi,21~s tne, a very high ·o.Eip-d, of the cerernonW ,aQd '~SiCrlfitjdl material THers-e briUiant Jtiysb~tes ~trespQ;lild nece.ssarlly to' the most.sglendid StelIat. and in _the wh_ol$ V;oodoo or,g,anizaloioll of Legba AU-Bolt, n:ot unly became the mag~e (y~tem ,ofll~gba: is,the s.olhl sy~ !'E!m. hut itlso because the ionnula which de~jgnate$ ,the v;arwus ?pe~


n:}4BJ:L!! p'F VOO'OOQ

. 'b • - " e·· ati-f:1. At'i~·~. then, m~an:s

- d' .. 'art Ii)'f Leg· a sown . ~ )

'0'£ "~;: - er~~s ~? ., .•. ~~a 'c mM:l;a';~) and -n ("of- asf:r~] s:P~e:,' _

4t:i~ ( f.l1ag. ..IC w. ood. 0. 1'. "~h' .. -'. ,_ :11.,' "L ; OVT1,·tb .. eSIS ',o:f smace. of

' -···d' ~ t . u; ve,ve Willen 1" ",1"" - t"-,

.the"fefor~. i,:U c_onSl.. CODP. . . "l.~.h Legbawe see a. synthesIS of

th· asml and oEth"eir ~weB uuroug'. > •

e _ .',

ilhe lVeve. princ~'plb, . t: ·V'. . _]j - .m. ost of the. Y.1~~~ lncltlde: the

I ':b- ~"'.nl ge ......... etrv Of OQI.'lOO, Goa.. f'b"'.

D !!lIe ..... ,..... ,_",'U ~J. . ~ ." .f.. I~ since ... or' v

.- . . '. ·bom of the tr.anSID1.gratton. 0' sou~\ .; . _ A

s6.lllent as a .sym, -. .. 'th- .. lL PI .~-~ .. ;' - ttamtlolll" IS pnmap~y a

serpent' Da, in ,acoordance W1 .. ,me . ,a,,,,,mc ._

'g'oom!!'fd.cian. .. , h sfrl~ancs that are' the< ' '. . .. ' '.;lle tb Voodoo vev:es aI~ t ret! as a ""',... 'f· 11-

In E!rmc~p._.~ ~ _ _' "; C:aba:la. being'.the tim;le stages 0 t e

three -'I'lneum~s of the AitJcan ., '~!l _ 01-0<>1 planes 'arofl

.. 11". ~.... "',.' -tws These. wI'ee a.s..,... ....... .'

alchemic ~'roufft~~s 'B1' 'pf,amp,~". th·· ~'ical attributes of th(l!

'arranged] itt the' diiag.r ~m ac.,CQFdl~ to 1 e _.. b~' th-R tradition of the ta~, Thms is t'h~, given '{ es)efhP ~s .. "(Ie; ~aurce .0£ tOe. sfar~.

. I In' 'bI . f· Voodoo' 1 . e_,.mVlSl!'1, .. .

Gre;J{t SOlar VIS1 es oi ... _ .. , ", '. -. . . "ed b thefut'heT 01'

or tlie '(1i'vin~ Cpsm,9s., ~f o.mnflsg!n~~. ~~~~gs~ng~t ,of fh.e . sun; (2) th~ «P1!"'"'()lme ,. whloo j~ th~ Idea. 0 the preeXls;. .. ..". d_- b -, 1L-

WI' • ~.-- . " , . '." f-mth~ Plsrome IS filter:e y tll!~

v'.1Sible :SWS whose h,ght, co.m~.l,).g . ~. . - ,-. -c .• ... d b. the ron o:r

'. .. la l,a,rv "oSmos' OfS(ilii'\nc.e, repr~sente...y ".' .

moon or n. .. " ... =r ",. . .. .. ") h ' _ 'b1- -!i.leC'ts or

I":' ·5' . 'L'_ll.. • th ,l'!.nht "f th .. sun; .'3.' ,t fl.. t:an .. gl,~e 0. "'J < ., .

'''ParacR<Je ·WrnUi11lS _:_e ~'el-' . ., . '" .. '; \ .. _ . . re.~Jilted b the

- h. "' ·_1 ";oiSmos of omninet~nc~ '0£ '9mntSCleilO(:\ r-ep ... ,"" y

P YSIC<u ,,",. . _r~. ,_ l' "-.' ·&is.>l} or "Dp. ha.nim.

m· other as illcamat.e. :mrsterell. r the ... QIl _en. ...~.lIt; ".'b .. , Al' M- O· .... s~ as . "0 . te "" Bf . b. e..". 1",£"''1~ ."n "/'

I·· ·V-, d _. dl<e father is 1Ump,0 en. '.. - . .. ",

n. oo~!' ~. ..,'- .,. 1:L .. '~ ":; th- ~'K11oWlng One or

'1.DernmssiIile" {the ;r~aj;r serpept H me ~p.~ IS_· e . '1.:" '~_ .' "bl _ ..

. . - or - " . ,"'_ . _ f the InexpFess,It1lie .1lIVlSI .Ie

"'. Li~G1m, .M.I,-Gbo:n,. as .l::ixpr;essloll .. 0 ., _. . •• . -., n H'''''- In, .. as'

. -' .l.' tl.c:." .. 'A .... nisment ar Al-lI.(o. __ WI< ,uO, ..

( . l;' -wood)" 'the· mOU;l-er lIS. fiv '-!.JI... ..' , \

"i ~~ .,e,- •. " { til "roe .. , r~ssible '&r8Ild fu"'isJ6Ie~' (ea.rtill-~at~;,s~~tit~. e'oncoo!i0no .. e,' xp.._ -:0 'to a sel'1ril>nt-sy:rtDle;'l1s, whIch is

TDe tht'ee-lllitt.!~ planes cone;.8pqn - .': -1"" - h'b .·tes to:-

op'hitmnornhid or ophifopentamor . .p.'hic, th;lt$ to. s ar~ W.. Ie. u~. .

. r -. . '..·'1 '1' i· nt 6if the :m;i~l1)oosm or numan

QI,ethe:r as ,II, macrOCX)s!D.!, III t.e eem~ ,'s ." _ .. , ... { . , .. r :oJ\. wIth

r,_." .. '" T·h .. s ft IS that' as';Setpen~: {op .. ~ .. I.t .. ) :artd p1~stere. \. os 0 $..dl . .l.. ._ ut:lI1g. .. I.. d tD the nY-a . e<n',6eS

five heads (peDfamQrpmc) . thes€ panes cone.span , . . er

,of'ithe· Loa; .

SOD ,., ...... _ . ... ",Mysteres orLo:~s (of the Loa.,

'l'IiO-RAH , ... " .,'" ",." '.", Lo)

MI-CH~NA-as ',,, _. , , .. , ... , (~t;i:he ... a

1HA~EL-MUJ;) .. ,. ,Bitlt~l (~f th,L.~~). .'

GUE-MA-RAH . .. . Comp1ement (of !the Loa.)


Tibe;sle aiE'~)h~ uni",ets~J siriWUati.tie~ Dr w~a! Voodoo calls ",eves: the: 1<;!l:~~,k"l'-l'~ which llke the- v~v'e is Of ritual dia,~~ a,~gpetf ~enI!JJ;U" ally lby; thlil Ti1bet;a'HS'~TI the- gt'OUlJld w~tl:i\(ioliifI"M\l's. ih",~ ,Mah-D~ Lan of- full' Hindus;; 'the Pe-rcSi~H, Ambiani, Berber T.'h4-1~i.g1' T"'lpfs!, Up911 \!jihlcJ:~th~ faitMillsquals-or ble~IBdih ~rd¢r ('6 -itrise taw~t1stiifJ, ~~' visible!; ther-~a&il: !:iiiclifl:er af ,tlle_~cs and, T(}ID~ecs; ~henra-i'--Bi' po"VI"Q-":Ntj of the,-P~ecoltrmhian I-lld~alll1:if:UaJ,$; the1Cn~ne~'e '£..'~~ o:r~;~-; and the' sand ~l:n~gS' 'of ~tpe Ain,e'ri'dl:i;n InamanJ). The' veMe~ like .ii's R~anel~, Is a ge.9m~_P;.iC; -p[Opit,i~tol!Y support d:f~plal1l'tta'tY _etigiJ1, ~,~ al ,!'he same timCAt conij,lIlls:er. of ~shiaJ ,~o-rC>ES' ,dl'!sigMg, ttl, leaaQII _the saeri£idal 'IIktjms.

Every. time the cele:br~llt ,pre_p!U'~s tq ,lifaell a vev~ he, ~l1i;tuJ:la:sa}'~ aft~ro_rientil1:g t:Ji'emat~rial (0 l?-8el1se~, in majking lbc diagm-am, "By ,the pOwergfofbe Loa LE'rlE~MAiQ[E, ~l\I€fg1"e D~iih6m~~ :all ilhf:. ,,"w'et Negre, ElhileQulol!1 Thi-Kika.!1.

'The '~n i;'l~,a_ij0ther syntne-sis in VOOclOIif; a, great'er . Cillei ifmi,gmt b~, 'stUd, ~a'J:Lthe-vev';;.l'r ili'-'i!:n iroX!-oPje¢';t, a rod 5lml10\mtll1d 'bYR mund p]ate bst'llned hQl:'i~6n~a,l,IY.', wbtCh f~Qm. a€bic sta-,ru:1pomt r~laM$. to tl~ }o2S offu~alld tnefu'i'-ge whQ.~iIilgi;rming'with 'fh:e*i~'!d~:hl~O<i!i -~f the '~ef!Yen~y ~_O~ii1SA~re: a,t '~t\ hi~B of;"VQo.(foo cl.octIine ani) .revelatiQIl, :r;hlli/" alth-olJ-ghWe ve'll'~ by' g:eo:m~tl;rc s_rmE""thy attt~cttHe, as{r;;:d powers of tb-e'1oas, in !1itdf!( ta -libl,ig,e £!-ieP'll eta '(w'Ol'~" in, ·the pewii5t~le~fjl' i~illl:te omlipilPl: or 3:1l);\Vhere elg,e, 'the'-p0\'V~ (if 'thre"a.s:sen.» if it naB b¢~n prepared well, 1's ~'I1'Gng!3!'" - iu tK.§o ~~:nS(l' tliaJ If is marc e.mnpaet-and IDoI'[1 gQllceIitta"t:ed.:By i~!fiagiiCal priTIrip16 which 'is ~h~ fIn'tst, a,~d 'the lllJ3st hi~hly -devdoped, it s~ves,aS ;)l._}:im~lobtent. to maJ<e',an unfaibg s:ucoo$s 9I ~y jnJi¢'~ssihn in ,the ]!'omnof a, :w.ny:~r OJ; a -~Il~Jaial_ O~ifl$., ~~r ,Ulis I:eason i0Vis and ca;;id,lcs aYI:i phtced UPJ)D :th!} ;!:!_M~;D,the -I"itttal fbM 6! w'fuidh _ may beanYtJ:ifuii lromthat or ~ sta:k~ dt 3'SiQlpl;g- PIQ!l;9 t'il.iJ.:J:ce most eo:ml?le~ s~n~pes.-mQrtf eQ'ropl~

in,faJ,thAfi ~tlJ~ ci'ba[istic fotm !:If, the-p~asj}l, '

~lace!:l" tlEOH the a'!,:ief!~ tb~_ -gOyjgi '!Lllg ~andles have '<Ii t~al!'k~W,e ,]pow()r ,of jnte~Ss:i9:P,. t:muse~tlentl.:v; eif~l'M s:aGii!ic;i,~olI~gp'r,e,. ,s;e~t~ m pl'D'per f-ashion UPOll,the stiitaU gon,_JJl:;ibe. atop the ass'en h~

a mU!l:h, g;e~tJrr.- dhance .lif tb?li:l~f :ai~'~Pfecl, .by 'the; ·l_Uyst~e:s forwl:IDm it .is' ;mt6Q;dl!.d~ , , , " , ',' "," , III ,Mrle-a -alt;a~ t~te' in Da~G~e~, 'bO;I1I:~~~omenta,- ~er:sGH ,lSi in;i.tia'teti). 'irl'to" 'V:ooduQ:, h~ ~utomahcalty ~eqlJll.'tl_S hIJ:l a~~en Tehl5:!le are ,ev~ regular ma'rkets ~peo_ializi~,g io th(l-, sale of ,W;SeDS"

Amulets and 'Ialismaas

perfect :i1;l~tmte. th~ represent'aliv.e of the ;';'temple." Tbu.s_.· beeause: he hail'in his possessien a magic !ignr:~ 'lVhi6he'!!llmaced ian :esote:dc s:i~!, 'he' mad.e, -me' Q£ lJ?th, ~gels and demoosa:s be desire,d. Tb(! s~p; which mflynlllt' 00 revea:led to' the iCmlinitia:ted", has .r,ettl[6noe ,to Christ (the -Vood'(lO L~gha) -as "MasteiF of the lnveisfbles,,'" mldlts~ ml~.gic··cpr-' Iespolldence .ill ith~ SUD ..

The VOeldooist does 'mcit .eJa"~riIte, then; when h'e claiiIlS thAt fo,t :himself a~0ne the oab ~theli.~s the enme ritual and .relig~OUS! C'OIllstitu,~Qn aqH aU thlil' ma~c (l!Betfee Q£ Vo.otloo. AU :the myst~l'es ate fulllldin its clevei' ·OQ:mpos~tion. It ts simultaneously a ma~i,? charm. prate¢tiotl, sa~ce. and perfonn~,ce.j a tette.stl;id soul. It celestiall soul, -',a.cult" atheism,.;a magic w~(lp'Q.:Q, t1ifeat. and d~i"ilr, Ii Dlngie prohjbiHon, sa,"dfie~~l 'Vjetim: the coocept ~£ cliviroty. Gemonism. rich,es, oatastrQphe., health. :sickn~s. lite and. death,\

'The V:oodoobaka h~s an importalle& in· magj'c of sllcli 8: ·lCindfhat every gr:eatini:tiate .jn the cult realizes th.iit 'i~ may perieCtly re.prflsflnt all pessrn1e andimaginlftble p.r~c:liOO$ of ,the !Cul;t as well ~ of VQpaoo ma:g,ie .. would: bewmng to beli.eve tb:a.t the baka. principle" in magic .~ in l!.e:ligio.n, JS llmited. fa V~po alone, Pel'siisteJlt Ies~ar~ revfils lit ,~vetyw'hele'l under aifEer,ent names. I~ '.the~e.arned of the_ ~gyPt.ian templ6li Osiris" ~ tb~mysfefi3',who guid,e:s' tb~ iKIulsof the dead, peJ;'Sr;lnifje,$ if, l?lay~ng the same part Tha.t: Ra Ni,bbbo' p!ays ill, VOOd.00 ~gie;8itwe in Egypt th ,·haka ~ fi clollW.eJimction whtli::f1. -for those wnQ undel'Sta\ld Its eln.ploYme11lt. lis riot one of diSai!ee~~mt Oi.r ,oec~lt ~'orq, but ·rathei ot h~.aIJY~ h~ppy union, ~oalesp.enceJ and siIJ"ocess in magJ,c~

. ~~. io n:1_e-~agi9 of E,gyp;t Jw:t-a$ in, the .magic (if Haiti .• has tD~ f(ln.I'l~m,g'.~~n'g, UTlllei7-stoo:J! ,~'Z(m hy the uruniti~~&h the nr1Sb\,e, baor b~.a-founijJ for example In Ehename, 9f the'mystere DM-Bija-L~h w~-na an,d ,of I:h~ Na:go'myst~ Ba-eessau-ds t;ne :stl~~forsoull which ~es:~d.~s j~ the milterW body from its ,emb~Onic stage only ·to inoU1cat~ ·itJ It'tlle Ida .of the Ifr oct Atueath.jt lie~rn_s to tb~ ltlgh s~l3:[ regions. o~ the a~m:i:!)sBilere: w~er~ ,th~ Vood~o j)l~lt b,pis i~ ~~gJcal orfgm; let~g ~_d~,aiiLand-de(laytng QOd;x l'e:mjillil \ViJih the l'DEelilOI' soul.witb wlii:Cnl It had shared the ~I;fy ,diilrIn:g Hfe.

... T~e inF~Fi:I~t sou1'i~ th,en The ~a. or ca; He-nee .alter; d~~tk Uie boily m~ . .satd f(l, be The k'~ . does IilIi)'t rise bJ the high atmQ$Jinedo 're.S!?1lS at lih,':' -sun at th~ deat'hI" ;0£ :l'he bod)!" It IEjinainS, by its Dature; Wlll,l the' corp!le, hoven.J;lg;,;tbtiutand; Qattenm,g on it'S st'eDGin

as if' th'e 'earth wbltih conbuns the decay of fhe ptitl'Uyi""g'; fles..h were Its own. psye-he. It evtm abides in all ~e object'S that ~p;~ belQ~ged 'f? the: COmef and it is :re:s~MMe' fox: !l1l the_dread ~bat the d~a:sea.s cto~ friends' experiooce :in the houses in which he lived .. ~ertaID 'Jliapcal ,0~r-ttiQ!lS Ico!)fel' up:~n,ita terriblepow~. so'm~.Il)oun gans-g9 ~t;! gatheJ! ~p the l'tI in the, ceme.tery, where. It n~tut:atly. sfay'~, hoy;~g over and'Eeeding upon the i(''OIpse. T~ese .. hO'~g~5 ~elli make._~ of Itin "oondiQg,:a ':m..att" (9;e~d pe.-so.n) . to t3}ce. pQsses~on. ,af; fQI e]l;am~ pIe, an ,ene~y, and SJ !ipeoial m~gi~a:l oper!ti~,!S required i~order to "i:e~ove the 'flWtf :f~!R the, oa4y 'qf the mndivtdlJi:al w';hQM the ka • .has

pMse$sed!. _ . "" .

. And so"wbeneve:ra E~rsQn brings, RQwe)1j to pla,u1.l.lpona t6)l!!l~,_ 01'

'!giv~~ -a least" ~ the dead, it ill· the "kn tlia~ QOllsclO~ly or WlconsclQ'US1y, he :w synibolicaUy and: 'mQg~caUy assmt,giQg,. ,I;. kind_ pi:ayer~ a gretty ~ow_erl, SWtiet m~o. ro~ti~af¢s iti .pemiCiQu~, i~StiriCit!l,a.nd t,~ sto,res. l.t to the less ~hyssaJ r.egIons of the tomb. But the glIeatest b}.~ing, (lne call ~st>lilW u:po~ the k~' eonsiUs in ~i\giC8l11y pilrifyiAg !t to the e'x1l~t,. Q~ elevating it to the high ·regiDli. of theba" SpecI~l ,samfices,fn the,Voodoo riteS le,ad tb !:hili e~e\?ationl and thU .~ of saorl~ Bee c'omes -under tAe desigiil~'tfuD 0'£ "'b,oultz ~a:i~ lei 'rIlorti' er" ouem ..

'Zain.'" .

'10: the slP'es,Ued! '~fI-9id" (cold) .rit~, tb~ .kt6 ~cl:tyefaB~e is bmughf'

ab;o\It by the ~rus~.canilri cetWllOn¥. ~h:irih_ censlsts, su~a{ltiany .. ~ bfeakinJ one o:r more eal'l.m'is {jarj) With blows::9£ It. stj~., and then depqsitmgc die btoke)l -pieces' ,at. a. cro,s~r~ QI at S(I)IJl:e other des~g~ _!lilted, spot. This operation is acoompanied by lun~e:a1 mOO,Q cal~ed "'b~houn:' pro~\le~ !by beating \lp6n ~~wba]1h~s .held oy,er thfl: Si!dace ofwM$'.

The Joukoujou

The notehed and. graduat~ ~e ealled the' 1QU1wujOU tepr.esents ihe:. 'Iiee Qf GOod ~nd Evjl.....:the. ar:h1'e·~e,c C"Wy' tree'" or SIlll) ilnd the flfbre,'-1nuuitIe' C'\,v'$t- ttee" or Mb;_on). B~auSe ,o~ Irs doubl~-iac~d m:agi:e, it "w'alh" bOth hi the p·ethro a~"d l:n th.e 1\ada Xite,s.. the two

'''polar rites· ". ,of VOOOOIJ. .

n'e jotikoujOll, in ,the" :~w~ri\i of tlit! aSq31.~fI$equend.~ represents t1J.~ :Biil:a)1~ whi:ph ,ca'b3.nsUc_lly serves to weigh (I'Ur>bQth good lind,



themse~ves 'GO!1Siaen~,d p;s ±i£lm'bs. h, tbl'l s1:qr.y mE MCi:'es· ini.tiation at the h.andsof F!'lt:m.<d. it'is:teJKlrted .thalMoses was .a.CtuQlty dea~ d:ut;ih&~~he entirc.periO(l of his ibltjl'ltto;y mal when he: was cQI!!lfined. U1' the dl~vo. jl1!lstai the Voodoo initi~tes ~1"e conlinetl. 'tQQay; NQW iust as every ",degJ:ee' of lh~ soul Cf)rr~tlDds, in. mwgic, to at '~ilegriW" o£ 10I'i1.0m',tl.i~ notches 'an the, jiOuq(Ol1:lclll CQl're.spcmcd 'tP the ""anous, eeloes fI.)j) tne oeEitM'-l2tJS.t of Legba(,who stands for the me 1i\'hich ,SljlcceSsivel¥.~o1- lows €t¢h sepal'!lte, d~~~ll. ~eeol:ding to degrees), and these: ,oolors in tutil not only mateh th,e rain:OO~ot .Erzl\lie (updn the )oint" o~ Ai-Da Hm~e-DJ;il th "Plii:ncipal wife: of Leg-ba) 'but the.y,also assume

the reptilian form of nalib~hlh Houii-po.


If the I'lSstJ;n -represents one of. theb_es't m,eanil Qff~ra:n~mmttlng saef»ldal o:ltEilfings hQW the e.'u"th to ~be most highly evo1ved leas of the astral. pe1jum.I6s. likeM'iS'e h~]d« hlgh p1<\ce a;ntong :ritUal b:cuus,. 'Fhe p~l."hunes iU'e ooot e:m:ployed in the rites without .R~se, 0;1" ~!impruy fur Vlmity~l; sake, ttl' ~~ce motta] indi",kl,uruai rather, ~he~··are used in the service of tll1~ immo~ta1swh!l &ate {lie, loas fha:t :r:no1l'itf!b setv~ in. the rifufit 1?erlllID!!" mlly ey.!2n be 8.pplied to all the othet oomptlDent's of tlie tiwal, in whmch th y pla.y a pre-emment llart.

It wj\l be: reealled tba:t the m,ystere' Erz.ufie 'has, as hen Ule.taphy~c.a:l

attribute, evtirytbing fliat ijienams to' 5¢t£:adomm~nt and persmr.d bygi.enl}. s;~ch as tt)ilet \'later, siOap. plain wattl!:';e0mD., bm~n. piil~ ind broq.Gb~s,. The most' proniiIII:ent Qt tL;Jlse; itfil:lilS are ber . grcates ~m.£I;gioal al:tri9utes: bwoches, dresses, ke!:'ewefs.; negli:g.ees, s,ilks,· )ace,~ emqtoi-

dery, fo'iil'\aJ~, al11~ a; OYe all" je\\1elry. . ~

Con1iequently. ,smce. tpe mysMr~ Maitr~~s;e: ~u~ie p-rsQnifi!}S the C~emai'L~ an4 .Sacri~Gi,ul Mat.erial whish ~6€flds'. e¥etything l1~rtail$g to se;IE-,adliil'llljfeTit thilt is ()(}ropO'setI ()f tne: fin~~ trelitelLi,al occnpjes, in magie, a tr~rrs;ael1den~ plaee, Jt fci~lo.'WS natut:ally iID& by a'halO)zy ~hat p'trttUile~ hqld 11;X'.st phw~ ill the ma-gic en. transcendence. Furthermore, the Btl.6s,t !¢t ~hal tPtl'r$pn ,ej!ll give ll.loa is ill bQt!:le of p~;I"ft1;,tj'II;J,. or evsn a i'kGf f perhl;tne. Giev.en perfume, ,amyst~re is immediately r,a"Qj.s7u:r:f,., .'h,is jmma,ted~Uy DcJh.g allowed!., ~s It w,erc, a

SOft of StLpirr-im1ml1teril1ty.. ~ -

E~e; oieI'tftLis more i$oaciutts if tt lS''tbj'J kina<he' loa to;

wlunn It is offered. pl',efm-s. Every my~tete' b~ his OWl) ;p,m:icu]ar perfume. ,':illa~;uch:'as this p~d.ume !:ills iJs! counterpart in what" tlle Vbc;IdOl} Illiti~tic I!ji]s tb6' 'sac-r,!ed Osmology. Ci~ ttf OdQrs.

justas every m1stereis iden.ti'6ed'ydiji ai degree in the a.ostrnl 8:1'm0'W~ere,_ 1f(:V~y peifrune. has there Us: C'0unterl?lilt att~()ltfug :to it's ,my-Sl'~te, QOllse-q,""-!lnny; ene o;;ery,dftl'lti ~e$:'the 1holln'gafll Sprinkling the tlsttall4tmasph.~"Te, 6f the oum'phor wirh perfume. Unf6rt~na~~1}',> Haitian bonn:~ga.u:s haY,egotlen :into ftJe habit of (:hoos,iQg Flolida Water; ~s the~t~al peffl;lme. Thic1l'l;hnice. 'isappa're~jjly based. npon ,ftC~;)llall)lC ~QJij,iderl;l'tj(jns ('~orid~ Water is r-elati'iely, lne{lPE;n~ive). ra,thel' fban upon" the established prefe~t!hceof the myster,es lbem~ selves, Perhaps: tlte'Dme of tb~s perfume has somethmg to dOl with the. rdWiPe'; (\Ilie ,Of them~st:tcal FOlm:s of_ Ettl\'lJie i~ ~m.y!it~e called l"m£z.Otil or :Fleurison!

:th~ l~llLv,eil_ tb~t~te.r jlltothe oomposition bi the magi~ hi'it4s;'a:s: we,U tl$aH of her ing:tedi~nB ~p.Joyed il~ lli:e, U1Jagic of the lPecis;Iy]~$ ana! of tller ,ollm~pho:r£ F:tapeF; ane ehosen pf'imarilbeqanse "Qf tli,efi' Qdoi'S:; for the illaJe.rial itself af any;al)j,eet has nQIC'abaUstic signtiBcance at all, just ,a; if it Wer.e entirely bereft of soul 01' withouHfs seent,

Rirual Flags,

Qf the spiri.t" which nm~'ves it rut , ~li .dazzling, sp~ndor a£tha Sl,Il'I '(via Ue ean~Lo:f tHe·viBJl'lC:!l] litu;: of ·the Ie:entes:'-post~

This plledoIDiuant 'function ofth~ri tual iIlargs i.lluskates, why, they ariEl made jOlS,lqVflly as possible>? !j:'Il~ are as: 'CQ!;i1;y as the finan~~ of ~e 0,um'phor P€'l:m~t. !he<~'~(',esQf s~me>iflags are as a>S'fronarme~l as~~e. strutS th.El~ s}'mbok&e. SQme omnr phol's noave gone bMkrupt f_aYlng

for them,. '._'lL ...1.

When .not ill we, tb.e :flags !}ref customarilyleanedagznst me J:"'"'

wh~r.e :l:he,Y: :T6:mlW thei( psy~ilJ \liit'l!!ej, fiiu they ;~e''iI'el~pa fo:l':ltli~,dalbl~ psyebic.pOwer as soon 'as they ?re'ctaken 'out of the mner oum~hor:

This. pow~ iii' ructnl:ill;d1, tlJP~f;!~ally ·Z't~e Ha:lfs rec!;lss~pnal from the ,holy of holies, is :so.nleijm~ a!i;"eomean:ied by,a .. re.gulaI m~b of poopli'i waVi:Ji.g hdl1!~ntly c[}lol\e'd~cM.fs au;a :cr({wdil'fg' the circ!;l)lt(!~

path Qf the £lag iJ;l the oum,'phor area. , . ' .

The Qags' an; -oonied b.y two liorni'.sihs .• tt!i:llilil~y wQme~. tr,adltionruly cal1~d, ,qi~i"'t1r(J.~aw., These IIQg bi~:rer.'l ,s~oti1)d ~ male: hoti:n~:Silr cane? fa ,pZIlGe or commanda,nt 1a pface, who guid.'es their movements. Their moveroen1:-s ate ~lf~iting"il]w.ays itl' acilordanoowith the: magma system o,E ft~~mbQlism.whieh requil':es tha.t th(i e~l'emQiiial, ma!~rm.u !be. of all ex~eptidna1 ligilmess,m llcco:rd.ance 'Mth (he conillnom 'which

ll\atl:!l1~l:y eB'~cts its '"l'~\'~ljmenf.''' ,

Thesrltual Iuuetlon of ;La, Place canb.;: lIluders;looo fr~m. Cene~,is" wJtj,dl stafes that af.ter 44am itnd Eve m~ tl!Sti!¥J th~ ,fQrbjddloo'b1:dit:;, Gnd "'dtOvti out We m~, and be placed at the east "Of the Garden of Eden· ,ciherubUn~ and a flaming sword wbi6h; turned every way. to keep tnlrway of 'thel tre«;l6£'lile.'~ Tlierefo[e, ~'to k~'p the way' of tJie: 'pGI~eatpmitan) th~ V('.lBGOe tradi~ion. ,reqv.iires La Plaoe'io blandtsh. Ms, machete or his ,SWord ac,tQs~ t'be. 6tfnfphot, star~~g fromtbe ~aS:t. Th'e posl is t.he atbr..e~iJ.o[ ari:n:e:"$80, the spiritlJiaI "'!'roo joE t~e!, wbile thei east is; the qool .PIf the q.un'phor whkn. opens o;~to th~ -p$istr1i:l'.

As soon as La iPtac@ steps out e:f the 'oum'phor, lie leads the 00- drapet'lul( in',;:{ perfect pertoD'llan~ '0£ tile ntuil, s,alU;tations, 'a'd~d m hieratpmcQrdeF :Brst tQ the dlI'lIri, the :c·@t~t-poSf. the officiatin.g buon'gam or ma.m'bo; thea te al1~teot'her houn'gallS iltild warows whq may be, present Filia'Uy;; '~ special salut.~tloo. is iPve~ to mstingmsb!:!d ~uests, initiated or not, who are present though D(~t actually

p'm:tiEli.p!lthlgin tll!,e le~remeIly.. ,_

Afteoc$e 'sJjl'utefo the. drums and 'before the ,otober salutations, La


EJace leads, the.eo ... drapeaux outsid~1:(i 'atuJ'e Ibe ~epo5oirs in the y3ltd. During this,_ titn~ esp_eeiaUy, ~he ,ex}d.bitil>it of the fI~gs is particulttrly: ~pecta.Qu~at. T~ ~lIo'.utiorl.S of the tb:rc¢ pamclpants I;e:acih a stage m whieh tne)'; b~<Jme a ver.i~abl¢ :riot ,o:bnu]ti~olI)IiM 'si:~, im whteh t~e :ritull:I ,~wprd, 'Of La,Pl~(~e exeeetes sucha ma0fwork of pattetns ,ill ~fi: ;ait tb11lt it Is a wond}er how lie ~alw~y~m_ana:g~s ta, keep from in~ J 1U1.1I,g, an:y6n~.


gress of the Ii_mal- _ofi~gS',!ll~~ I by' the. ,~_ustrtu~um~ .Qf the Ogous!

towards the ,o.ttl:e's-tia]re~o:ns, whlehare theu:destlD21twn. ,

'the swatH; fhe macbete,,, ,o,r th~ dllfgg~ oftlieOgous, r(!pllMen.~~ th.e serpent Da.n.~Bah':L~h (4(1. dan) in wmugbt-ir~1\I (go,"" [og~). Foi' ,t~lll t'e~'n, q:mo,P,g' ,tPe, ol'~c'Ula:r Jii~I1s of ~e magl£ 'alp.habet t.~e Af:rimll1l si;tI;n. of the- O,gO'i1S is go;tI~da or o.g(l:U,·iilPh. T,~e ,swold is (')@lSrdll,~~d _al,~o ·to be thl1: ll'mJe '~);gan qf ~e myst:he IQtdh'MS~ Dan Leh, "' (The T~~nder). This weap<m:-:-kriife, sword, 'm:aqh!3fe" 0" :d~g~~r--:ls .wb.~t kill~_ (okcm) the'S'i1Crificis.l y[ctm.. It is ,~lso caUed'9'ko~-b1ui~sah., and Inwf~ as it is tlie. I:odJ)£ ~uebt~sOllQI of the''l'hundj3J:,.ltD.RS a close oonP~-' den '\Vnh. the centel'"pIlst of the peristyle anjj tlie sooIe .• the I chara.deI' of both of whiCh h, _1Vr Qllebie~ll is an al1lcienet Leghs'. O'De of the ~is~t of allthe Leglb_as. Thj,sRake-weapan is thetefOrei 006'0£ the most hnpbd'lWt fa~:tQn in Voodoo,

A discussion ~0F the: (avonl*, froods of tbe Ina::; is 'fli3.ugh-t with dffiicuhies ,ana shoJ:ild not be based :solel~ on Voodo!'), ~' pra.ct(OOd :in Haiti. Nor should ~t be said IdogmatmeaDy th:an~ w,enns p~,epared in the Haitian ritnal far the myst~le_SlU'e -ansoluteJy orthodqx. What V00doo: o~thodoxy, lISuEilly'. m~s by the ritual feeding-the magi~ tfop1wlogy-af the ]~as will be ,e~p~aihed fii:;st. T~i1 some Ilo.tes_ will

[1i.illdW '0Jdhe £Qpds, wlticb Haitian euitjsts g,enerally afJcr. ,

iFir~t~ it m'lll$t~ }II~,-c:riitri:emb,ered that all the'dtu~ foods hAve: t~ir i:!lagical catre:s:pondenoe in . the :astr:aJ,. J ust a~ EftU_1i,e~ lQlves rerfum~ Legbipr~f~rs the bQIl~ 'of the aQiro'<il sa~~ffS." because "t~ese,eh':ments correspond to Qei',tain d'egroos. of the 'a~Gspli'e.r,t;l .. Flll' m V(iO~O the ritual foods· ~-e offered W. order m ngunsh, till enhv;en 01' fortif};', and t,o" riiI;ilo:ie ollntiJ,ctW:iln the inv'~iblepciw~. the h~tter_ Hi~ri'hial food is adapted to the loas' requirements, thegr-:eait~J;' the mag.iooJi

pow~l' imlfi~d;\ate'my aVl'Iiil,ible.. . . .' .' . . . ' . .'

It is therefore UF to. the Voodooist to lea,J!j') the £oou -pref-el'E'!lloes ?~

the 103S' whom he' invokes: arid whpm he must CO'!liSequently feed In' Qrdet,to hav~ th¢k p€lW~' at Jrls di.§:po§al. 'SQ. if Legbll Fefe~ ,boneS' bl,lil: p,.(l; i~ ~v,im ftipe. he eitbe't. §flies ~ poQ'I"perf;)rman~. or elllll3- ~e fail$ Al(Q,geth~i' to ,c1Q; wha'tls _r.~;ques~~tl q:f hin;l, p.ooanse his p,otentiaJ


# .Bon ~~g1ia, open th.e barrier £01:' -me .. a.go yehl

Voudoun Leg'!:t~, open the haHier forme, so tha:t I can .re.en~ex.

"W1len [_~e'rum

1 ~hall thanktbe ,10$ ..

'Tbe Afdcan for.muma "Ago Yi!l''' is the nucleus ~f this cbijDt~ for it means ('Agoj",·· and fU)"fn the soul," or "to th.e P'5:y'che i'ep~ resented oy tlie. s!il~j:lHce." It is die v:oudoo 'Mere~ whO' Ob'ild'lJcts~ the soul from the vis1ble to -the ,iD'IIisilble.s, statli~g from Ine crossroads and wbo tb'e'Q l~ads the ~I;lvlstbles ~IJ tlIe .~S'srq~d,~ to' teOOille, the sac.ri.fioo'. TbeV.oociioo Mmcuty has' tlllHIJame of 8im1iti. a:JQ,a of mim,y forms. He is lhe comtu~t11' ¢'OSQula who l~s the: ~llis of the dead 'in all di:recti.ons 1:jQroered by the £aUl: 'm~gic prients oJ the cross. :Be is the M,essiah at Legha, the messenger (If .the sun, Simbi corresponds ec the herm'etlc M~rc1#Y of the c~ba.1isH~ alcll.emrof the 'r::itual sacrUlce. Thus. he is'simultaneously Hermes ,;m.d Metcury-a boendarygod or mi!~tone;g1?d' of roads mq .hi~h:way~, as. III genius: of points of ,c-r~sin_g, Simbi is the cl'(!,ative prinCiple, lQ.f -diege.~in~1 vesicle beca"us'~, in the Voodoo,tradition" Legba, as centetposl:" is himself Ole p1'm,c~pl.e: of tlle 1l1agio: W~fld 'an~ th~ s'pinal mattPV'l. In. the s(iieiI(J~ of VOQaooas>,e)sew'hete, the .sa~riliCe prm:eipl~ iSiaentil'illld wWtll th~ hum:anpdnciple, tbill ,gr:e~tljl's~: of ail s:acdfi.c~s'·wlien plac,e.d ~poil, tile Il'ms:s. Theana1o,gy of"man-and-orass'" .nen becomes the, phallic' f(}Ji1lI attriibl1ted t!ll thlmyst~~ An Bon Leg'!?a.

The f;ormil\g of-a: emS!; 11:\ order te utilizel i~power :as- a force 10£ Natute requires the formula of the loa wltichrepresents the 10051 powerful ef divine intercession},; the ifi,teroes'sidn"gTa,tiMhltre'~ m{lt"e'-6t-1:nli~ire&-se~ (gFand mastm, ..... master,and-mis,fress), fQ1'ttl.ed by lire A'frlc~ uiinity:

Dan-Bha-.Lah. LEGBLGrLAH ERZtlLlE "


The magIc fQ11!llui~,·of '~his i1'lteroesiifQn is th$~£.~r6 (Je~iUS.) fE,...SOU; YE- = saul psyche"

the m:ag~c mJrror SOu. :- mille, OF Cl't'!a.OOr

(Christ) the Ceosssproduoed by' the special crossing, of :Qanbhalab ,ana Er.mlie!

The "mirraj'" is the definitive attrlk.utlt·of Ei-ztiiJie's; ado~~el'lt "auG r~~ellts'ErzuIDi~ hI¥Self-~t2:u!w ,Mirnor Z~ or E'~~Z1e i}{.it'o;r :Zo{me'aiijj:fg ' mirror Qf Legba on the poillt"O'f Jilpioor the 'ThuII-

S~ O.F "'0000(')

c1:erer~ thefathfu- ()fSimbi}; wliile the phuologieaI, aspeet: Qf the roW reveals that the ~ys~re 'Erzulje is a ~h',er mirrM" (the moon) otlQssea ~th ~e$o:':1,; or"gold" (the Stfn) , l'nerefol'lt, h~a'use ,6'£ the spacial ctossing of the sacrlJiC'j~iC'I:~~s of 'kDdoo; Eiz\Uie is ~be loa of [ich~s .. In Vo~o:a thi~ meljiJ;l5 tlufsame Hdng as ,€'tt1l,lisiii:e.G1ee.,

Tbis.~(itil'al ilSp6r:t o£ the saul tfu:O!lM saer1£ice' mdicatcestfi'erlBfere why VOGdoo is 'all aQ,i<lI!istic e»Jt.IFUtthennol:'e, fne folll)\~ing chant·ed, :from the lliturgiGa:l repertory; of Vo.odoo (:ltm,rly ,suggests this llroMem .. :

Gr:!Uid~ Aj>Z~i!. sdue Legba:r ~ l'heu qu':n '¢'

l'arg~lIIt ca;ose roche.

·M~a: peDlll!IlAe eoument neus


S:at~~ Legi?al

tOMales sOlide ·~i L!l'gba. M.-ZMiVle, ~~

Vie Li1!g'ba,

Creoles SQl:!d~ miI'9ri:. LE!gba.

L'Jj8ba vie, v~. '

Creoles. S'QIiQe mifoi ~ti Boil


Grand.e Ai-Z~n (who r.epl'esent~

'tlie pllfity of Legba, • salute Legbal,

Npw' '

sllve'J1' htea'ks rock.

I am,;as_killg n.0W YJ~\1, ate?

Sal~te Lillba.' _

Cre@les1 .sound Le-goa's :1:l';Iin:cn:. M·Z~, old! <one, eld one,

Old Legba~

Cr~l;'Il~., sound Legoa!"-S R:!:iI'l'OI. Leg-ba, old one; old. lone.

Creoles, srniJid Ali Bqii. Legb~'s Wf:tgr:.

The sjgnillQa:n~. q£ thep-xpr~ssion .ronrl6 mtpoi' whjch Q(:cuts jn InlWydlamltS, ,an.dmay he tol~l.atelli 'iteeiy "p~\imb, the depths 'oftbe minor,'" til "seatdi iIli the mfi:i:,ort is one of theg1'eail:est set-retsof Vieo-aoo~

There are rertain tta(:litional c,orrera~@fIS between the myst~ejl ~nd animals w'hieh etaDfy :the animating ,ptiD,cIptt-the very soulprinciple-of Voodoo ~3!gj.~. and Ulusttafe"lt in 'acc~rdance wlth the pri~ciples of univ~rsal mag1c: :rath:er than with those of any dpoious, tradition.. Th~y ,a~o [laveaI thro\l.gbthe -veery ~aiICh:u;acte:1: of th.e 103$' the sa~rijjc-~ prefe:rred by them as antmals I( unless for ,c-o.bJtrary @cc.ult 1'~as_ons. th» ;p:.j#l al 'sacrificesber amln!g the "'fQit'bidde:11 Ii tuals''') .,

Danbha:lah (Ye Diin·.Gbe", eggs

[,~gta . ~, .,' . - ..... .liun, w'hite 'sheep (I>o;ri~ and



LokQ AU-Sou O,gau-F,eE '

Ag{meh.ll-Oyo ,.

Guen:e Z'aT:ingnin . A~Zan Av6le K6tb3 AssM9 (largest of the

ar.ums) ,"; _ . , .. , , .A.ssato OF Azillto M1.eho TQ- :Ji!:p,p' V Qul1!l)u1l '"


snake ();eveaung the. e~aract~r_ ~f the· s-nalle which th-e V~~gm cr~shes underfi:mt, or Rea.ts') i

w.hi.te pig~ns. ,

:'$;Zi1za:" or :'a7iU" s'l1ru.:-e· (w!J:ieh COII"II"~SPQt¥ls 'to minQrs, _Iier- fumes: too-i:hpastes, 'P?wd:eIlSj s_ilk Qfrj·th, ]aQ~" et'C., 1;Ie~ause this -type of :sn.ak,e sig:nifies '.'6.<»-

- " . 1" ";;16._ ,iIl~ i

mic :iroprnme.nt .or Uti;: pun-

.B:t:atiOfi of s'acrlllcial ma:tfe(")

[c';1I11ei?P;Jt.d (~he' .guardian-l~a ~f the Dabomean Voodoo Tr:a.cb. 'tiQ:n)

, . H;!):rn, ,~g;ama: .

, . " red b~n('tlfle, color 'Of fire)'

l:lUU; sb'eep (black 01' "",&ire,. de~ pendwg; ~:)lJon tlte purposes 'Of th~m:[l;gie')


.. crab

,altig~t'Or"e:rOJloruJe ( ~ysl(:reof

Blaitia:.B Independenoe who' Sl1- pm;viJi~o Ujle sbateg~ of :the Raoa .loae the cerelilonie$ of the Bois~Oa:imaD and the Tmu-Caimin}

The Voodoo s':lIlcri6.(:le leads ttl a, eomp:rehcnsioll .of the cabaUstic idea of elfg¢:i~i9n, Hp}Ve ... ·e:r, the ani~~ wliieiIpe .. "'o:ni~es elJ7ch, ,I~

_. ',.'1" h' ' I' '.' '-g.~ espeClaUy

docs .not always\Zsuffice {(Hf theacco~pJJ.s ~~nt. OJ.' h~ ~ I • .'.'" .' _

bel:laU&e· Hai:tia_'n Vpo,aoo' Ha~ lost piart 0-£ ltS. r~G011(lctioll_.of .£he ,e nn

p~~ant asw_-Mimal i!1entUi(Jations.1I1i~,m~g!c.,menlil ~_th~'~~as ~e~-. tore is hro1l:dened to includ(l ofue~ f~!$d. Olfe_l"lDgs more ,av.~I!,Eor cf'[e:mo:rrl;'l.l pre~ei')_t~:t:foil~ bee~JJse" of the fail! that ill th~ badlbOl)a.l

ones ate not av,alilij:bl~;ill l'I2iiti. eO~€ql1endt~· 'tihe loa.?meJ;u.l 1Si ;;.:1 once simpler and more G.o·Iliplex., Here-are ,:Ii few eX:Mllplesi

Ai~~an:~:et,I, QIl1;iIa!uw; .• wbite :iie-e, white gij,ucil c'a,k@i);, whi~ de:s:~e:rt:SJ whi.le 5Iy!!'Up. pUl:'e water,swee.t liqueur-so pumpkins;, yams,: tayo mI11lilng:u,CJ;sence of · <ani~e1 v!IDJIla, "\v.hi~~·· a"lld. bro\Vo poultty,sweet frmt ,b·£ li,ni!,s; !l,$So_:ttrssl,ca16,~assi.; ~(111.acl:tnes. .

DaollhaJah Wedo: com flour. wheaten. Hour, elive qil, easter oU, qalkes, C~J.a Gha:mp~g~e (11 Haitiall! ~:o£f ru-ink', 8l,J.D:ititUteg hilm,ophu'llIiea.lly for cola: :qDnt~,. the diviulNI.Hribule of Ute g.r:eates-t of the Afrlmm myst,hes! A-pha or,Fll,~, whose geow.;aphi:c ®l!ln~e.rpart is lifa. <lot Ita ~l1d 1:3. V:ill~Aux O~p's). vro;iO,Il;; .huits, champagtne:, otgeat served In whltec~ps" ',pastry on wni,te p~ate!i. :s'yVeefened ~ff'ee" an egg {preE~r3lbly a .snake~, a whltJ'lt sai.lCiH' of v;:oruteHow:., vihite wine .. w'hJtl'l d:esse:rfs 01' those pre~at'6d wtfh milk,. _pure 'IlrlIk. aad p9wder,ed Su~i:Ir.

~ VO'(j'd{)~' t~~~. ~n is ,persQJiifie,ij by Legba AU, Bon (Legba Trec~ o.f-tne-9ood). WluIe Legbar l'epresents 'in .'a1latOrny the'verhlbral column (hen¢e ~s, preference for th~ bones, and m,arTQV?);. he 'is also id:e~tm~ with, the, ver.tebr:al bones 0f the 'i.lUm'ph-or~the p(}fea~l-rm:ii~a:n. He is ·a1$o. r~p:rf!s,entedl by We litde lIlia,gi,o snak~ bones (whicb"in turn 6ugg'~$t t~"e ,ofa~c:es'lio~5) which deeosate the ass(I,n:w.itn wllich th~. houn~ans and JtIam'bo.s dir~t· the, cttt,emonies,'Oanqes, and :rit~al chorus .. Uegb;a or his pGst is, tb,etefore "the"'cQhuno'" of tne ou~ah~~

boa fu_,.·_,_l~ :" f .l,,' h rth 1" .';'

", _- ,,~~uU'e---,~r~m Wul.cut eco unms o,f ~e, o~e'I tei'(lples-'

Behas~wln be deJiived.

. This: wood"p:llineipIe", or ~Q.l1aS-'l?tiBcip~e of t-heVoodoo temp,l¢ consrsts .IIIot 'only ofdhe JP9st: (th~ SUll') P'Jl!:t ,also\ of the loa. w hiol:. maglcally

guards iit~A[i Pan Lho, Lojko" .

Beqau~e in the Voodoo tl"aditiou Legba ~ An .Hon is cG~id~ed the gr~llte~$ and ~'lre gf~1It:e:st '1n~'g[chm,. heCiannsth.e, same tree (~fi'"'n) a;liiP·!iPa, Loko AH Dane the medecinier bint. His' eerrs~?dm~~an,i~~~;lWi, <~ ,Lo_~.iSi tb€l ~za.rd (ll1to1u),. whiuh m.ay ~ mterpl'eted .In the sen~e .of the 'sacred c}lcle," The sa,.cred oy.cle~ IS the w;tr~~ ~s.s~ac1s whic:h the tw'o~x~~ifies, Iilf the- '\lerli~) line ~~ ~e, ~~V!'l17~Froitu:(le in, the. t>O.nn of a . .crossed eire.le. Th.e ~r.iS·<o£ tlte'

:sa'~E:d eycle.>.then iI!dicat~ ~th the prineipa1£ood offering df Legba ~s 'WemI as Christpf1. th~ cruclfj;.CIOD. ;For this I~n the expansibleela.~ tic :menIDlane\~der the ~a·t.of the [i~alrd~ which he u,~~ oopigd~;e souna, symoolizes both the~l';a. aad ~1!Ie &!,In.

IntneSJID",eadh ,ocC\lltfiln! the natvC'lst- is :sy;DiThcil~e.,d h>,.th~ ;:a[[l at" '!manger-yam," hesh yams p\us, O~6r .p~o~auet~ of t~e .s~,~~ as _;,~n [IS ,dried l1~h represe.ll?ng water wbaeh lS b]~~~e~, qr\ by the SUII beL.'9.usi th.e fi$.h. Is tbe$}'JDbql ,fiE Christ< 'w_h'f~n It !I.S Bned In ~a ,charooal ifl:t~. Now, in the symbolit<1r1 of fh~ u~:livtl~:s~l nt~·al ~!11'~est ~ the same·~ the ,iif~ l'al?or_s oft:he Eartb. This wl~-agrJ:cl~fural synthesis of the' earlh is sactiidally o:ffe;}'i~d in c;lOW1l!lUmdD 01' m transp.bstanUaUOlTto the :IlirJst~l'e!Fasthe fu,.<;t s.a.ctifk;,_~> and due ~:b,the ~~ portanbe ef Cbrist. tha~ the ~m~ng~r-y~ i;S. tne cerell1~y' WhlC?O~S the door to' an the loas aad to· all the fm.thfU1., Legba btlIllg the pFll'ldl~ 'p~l dtlOr" of the. aIIld~nt ~tu.a~., that :~ to: ~a.y', t"tie IDa_gicp:~~~J, ofJth~ voodoo dttl~t ,!,hus the nOUiil<gan saenneesthfl,yam. m otlier ~ Sil~e:~-e' the first of the best ~vl}St ofth:1t land, exaQdyas' the. pT1~Il,t pr,o· ceeds to 'tlie saerffice' (if the mass or the bOdy df Ch~l$t (llJ.e V(lodQI) Yll~):" whien is. Qffe~ea in tr.911S'I)bs:t~ntiation, and 'a>S Go)gotha i~ coneemed with -the sa0ri:fi¢;e of tb~ Messiah., .

The yam, as !irst ·~uid. prmcl'p,al fruit of ~ land: lis the~efol'e ~aa~tiona.l1y c.opSiq,eted. ~O! 'be illumillated by the eatdill;~ Fmnt which:IS the Eas't_ or Oii:e~t M ii:he Vtlbdoo brieut('i:~oJl.; for this poinf. of t:h!:l ritual (irieQtw~D is the "g~te.wa;y of Leg~a.;'

The lirst fruit!> thus h-aF';iestid'alld :0:1&. din qOI,'llmu.nion,as t~e .voo. doo 'maZa {·mazda or .. \]ioutllh ~ .. liiztIa ·of. ~he- :Persian's} g~\I'e h,b;th :b:J the loas Wh1I:lR bathe in the lite at Cbris.tmw, in o!deY to syrnboliM tnt! fitsllaoofs o~Hje Earth:. thecmysteres l3oum~. Mlna. w!i,fl i!'.epte~ent the Messianic voyage Qr ~at (~(nL1n·bal·o,f ChdsE (.MalSSah. Messiah • Missa:b, M'aza) ~ "~llcriflJee" 01'- ",,]etim.,~ 5in.ce ChrJ~ istl\e; ano4Dt~d!. 'the houu"gan .generonsly· sptinkles wiHf oil the .piles of £jIst frul~

pile,de lilp bHqr!l' the yoode0 ~ltus. . ...

In the,(jum~ph.(l,ts that have pfese~ed-tb~ trad):holl of the Y,a~~, the

gr9urid of the p..,tisty'l7 is cOIDp}.ete1x cov.etied wi~h a. b~ of balllan,a leaves -on the day of. ~~ ~rem.pily. The f(ma, denngs of the ·oo.tu;;heryam we ~eiv~d ~the heun'sih.s seated alo.i.mQ :t'his imI!lflDse gre¢,ll 'cov,eling. 'fhe._yams are pr~l!e.ntlld,~~ t}le~ :O~.,whitepla~esj .and ~beD" th;~y h{lve J:;Jee_n ~at¢n by the bqUil slhs, the rIte pllOQe~d$ tQ tJ-Je "V$1Y-

ag:e to !fe." It cQ!llmem!¢'$ ~tith tRe~l).m()wii6g"ooant.

Ba€'O~sou epwe, Baoo-sou rive PedEf, 0 Sa,vallou

The Ban:Jna 'rree

~,C:OOr~ing f& £he ori:hoctox traGliti@rI II.lf V . ~ el . '. .

mnversal tl'~rutionfb b ....' ,e~ 00 .. , SIlBPol'~ed by the

of the; hduD.· ·'o;',,· ... s ;Adt! an) a,n.a ire. e. is .¢:e.: tree .pt. the :first ~ntl,tirea.test

6 .. •·• \ iarn 'J ]U.$:t as 'rr l:S Eh Ix ,~ 'th. '.. o~

[learned I th . 'be' ": . . !;lee 0'1 .'.e. fust. and most

o e roam s (Eve, wbonr voodooists call Enmli"') 10.1'

,., .• ,'''lOW

the l'rtre of Adam is idenline,d i"~ the traditional-magic .. wi,tli the :fig

tree afthesctipJ'Q!'eS. .

Just :OO~, the Ieeves ofd'l.(;l. ~~~a tree ,contiue,t ili~ .hoW;sibs, itli{l hotI.l1~g:\lr(s, and the mam'\\l Ife (the he!3!\olens" .e Earthly PaQdise) • 'in the V O,o.doo rites, because the fig. tr.l!1'f, poDce.ab the centerpost. The Villodoo initiates!,Bt &uf~ of knowledg~. 'whic.hthe serpent: DaDlih31ah dHtll's to th.e mam'oos, is. a" ~a:n~n~. 'I'hey ideuEiIy peoessarlly :the banana, whiC.,b enters very o£t'CD into tl{e rOOnlp0siti91li of the, n.tual foods, wUlt the substance of the :SWl seen above the Yo'odoo pes" and which i~ dominat€d by the traQitional !i~1.Pe.~t£)f 1lhe oum'phoEft .. For 'this reason the ban~a_ lea~~s lead f.o Ire: ia A1Wq~ G'UiN':h, for 'the sun whiM is piatured abov.e the ~ood.oo, altars repre. sellm not o~yth:e m.ysterious, city ef lfti:Ol (La Ville AlP. Cam,ps), but

also the oonlter !Of tne .initiation. .

In the I'loly ScJ:i~t;ui;eii: as, iu Voodoo, "fevn bafl~~" 01' "e.ViI fi~JJ.s"· (figtt6'$-baoones) s-ig.nify "evtl fuUbi:tes;' "'faithl~ss iniUales," an a,llusi,on tt'! 1'lle cnrse~ fig "ft,~', of :the Bible, while tihe "goad :fig:iJe.s-banarws" are; the Wtl:iiltes who la.iithfuUy s~va the 10115, aniJ who .honor ~lld respect th~ :in1ster~ sp tha.t· ill a la:rge,r sense, the '·ootiUl1sed. 6~, tl;ee~ of the Bible Oli the''''aocursedlwinlUil~ tree'" of Voodoo, i~ tl;ie chllrc:tt. or the DumphQf ba~y ,sewed: the .Qmn'p,hor wUhout aeuJt~r-:pos't. the ~hUl'Ch wtd.lout Chri'Sfl

:By analogy this means tbat the ,repl.1tartlDll (If tl:Ui: banana tree mak~ its fruit not only die mast useful of vegetables, but re»aeJS -a certain set.pent celled thehtamine: (beca'Us~ oftb.!l teml'bra.h.mitlJ wmob Sig~ .niles "'proosf' aod"dnct(ll of ll'eUgKm"') exceptionally' fQnd of 'touching both the",shm:oowIJJld the ffUi~ of the banana tree, This ·'serpenf feeds up0n bJl!lianas~ fe' mention the, traditipo;, in ord,er ~Or 'be able to IiV6' more than 100 ye:a'f~'1

Futthermore, as the aenteqlPsl is the v:(JOI;im:~sl!l11, and inMPlu.Ch. as' llies61ar 1i£e '!i:-elilllWS: itself by. its dally using Jl,nQ ;$~iJlg, the tti')~ never 'ceases 'W re-ne,w it:s~lf by its Shoafs. Its petpe:f:t\al o:utgrow. iugs symoollize ettltn;allif.e, The banaDa, nee is, moverover, ~tike the golls, h.ennapbiodtti(l as til iifS H,()iwets.

The' t~mg and ,setting of t~e'. voQdQO ~hm (Eas,t ana West in the magic onentat:ioD illui$ptmsab1e'ifo ev,ery solft of :su~rna;lUl'a.l opel\atiim)!lgrees: with the OieUefs Jleld by l~~ed .mythologists iFelative to thi€! mystW8 ·Br.!l;h'I'i'W.-wnaowes hislJ_,ll1i:e to :3, type cit s~t whiGh enj;oy.s eating fi~ue:s-b:afl~rrres. FOl> like tIJ:e' Nlystl1!te, of tbese:rpertts

D€!nb~,", Wed~:ailid Al.da We~o ef VOad9!!l1 tnemystiu:e 131i'~~ g,e!tiv,es;tru ·w:asleI;Y of l'1lagt~ fr{)l]l, the eesmes tbU/ugh the ~oncept of life arid dl;ath. Pap~iL~gba:, as ce.ntei"~;PQst; is' :~cp~dingly ,f'af~.Br&ima,

1')-.' 'D','_"L~,~', "Lc' '.ril ,I' ' 'f .t!h- "sl' -';L-"sr 1. 1B1if,"" or all OJ; ,[c.apa;.~1lH'!Il('h we, nn~e une; 9- I.!~ FG·"" '~~ _oe -, wg-!!-~'-.,

'th!'!~el:igiQ'USd@et~-i~Bs, .haVing tb~ EoI'm, of the' ppst;, th~ divine' 'C-Eim~ of fi-:l1.the ~ysle;tie,st~e ,oospllc !'l!i:;;~l)C:~ wDe'ncec'cp!Jifl ~ml '~hi1:h:er tetum ,all tbe loas:il·nd: ;a11~the beings·,suw'l!dinat.;:d to ~$lliJ.Th.e' ~a.gkl 'sign~tlKl'l:9f tbis singl~ line 91 the ~,Sf ('q_~ of th~ hm,an~ b'~;e) .ilia triRng~e'wia(a cir,c]e in :fts.centeJi. Tlie,~iaflgleIi'¢pre,&~nfS Danbh-aIah,.' 'L~gba,m:l'2cli~ (the wly tli'nityQf Voodoo)" l:~~n~ ,th~ m:a~i:ltrii.ity ~~iSJiil;g In the ~On;th~rtSit,ru symbol q£ the bl;tnari~,. tfe~, 6f the, fi~-uteJ!~1:Jlnt and of fhe. post ... The d~le in the' center o£ the- bia~Ie i§'the S~,-Chjld. (Chi!d Jesu;;o! VBod(loispl,l' ,~liId! this is why, tbe li'Un fiS' plcttmed aloove ,th~.·Vooaoo pe .~ g~ll·and :il!Sliirst"mantfe$mtiQuOf "fata.-I1Ii-3hma:Brah:ml! whose two other .hypo.5Iias~ are· V1Qb~nou and ·Shin. ''Flii~ ltn,¢ q~se" It is 'e:yide'nt trnJl$ P!M:il.;'Btach-ma @l"F'~-a'Bclthmill,~ while reealli:ngthe bramtne se'rpe-nt of the banana bOO;. C!lrrce~pOlids W lh~· s:~~ Dan:bhfllah W#lq~ and .Rr~~'lu"ms'eIlf~,1ti Leg,b;a Afi-B.on, who personifies,iG powers of the hou',fgans aad ... m$~.

~ 7('."



v ~e. tmce;d ar,o'ulld tllfe ,q6remQ~i...m nollf where the offerings mustbe burned.

veveln"~e fol::in oF a roflht.fotmag.ic trea,t. meats, followmng the ~u:mmoning Df :arise.

V'6vll tia:ctiU aroondlu!etm@Uiid hQje ever w'hi,ch "is t"blli table o£ "rltumoHm''ing&,



Veve of :Grand B()i~.of lEe,. represeo.fin,g fb.eOOCl!JtpQweii'~f i:h~ w098s.



T',HE miIsl~al mStrumlill'lt5? ~Mnts;,dal'!,¢e&,~ MId :Fl"ayel's tlhat ar.e~n int11i,gl'al paIt '$£ . V oodoQ', and ef\0oodoo c.~i('enro,Qies eMhibear' s,ylribdUc, i~.t~~[.!'ila~~0fi'sb,d,ps :th,a:t mus"t 't;€,¢iearlt llIi,tl~stQPd. to" 'epIhptlfot;lnd Voodoo :itself.,

'The Ogan

"lhe :og{I1l~ in5tr~ent, r~em bling ;®- 8l~KeEi~d 'DeUwicfhm,lt a'~!apper-iS; sttuc:)(: i~ rhythm with an troD. rod 'by a cal.:fedful;!': pgol'ltier, In m'lst VPQdQ,oDerem:.onies~ts '~s;tent Ii'AytMn ispie]l'eiJl,g ::ma, ,Gl,eal~nfDg,,;l.nd ·f,H!}li£te(l(;1'c US'liallr. wishes it wer;f,1' 'Sll;ent.the bAt~~' 'k! i(;;atch '~fltl f'asGj)!jwtm.g 'llh _ftnm' ,or the, ~:tums. ,Not itih:~q~etwt1,Y~t 'is ,d}e ,pg!lntl~rl~'''111e:t~~li~ ,]i#,lifiug ,UPIll}} ,,!tie ogan thfit ]~al:ls o;_lI me ip'tl::t~ i,l\lstmlnenfts.l~Eo,wevM'., 1!ltere"al'e~ eX'c6;1?hons to ,this pra<;nc:~', as semetimeS: the ,@tdhelh;a;'di~e~~ 'wjth ~M IZIg'3:;po.

,Ill the "'i(hodoo ttadlitio'll ~e alan. is<b~icaUX the cbromatie ,dh-eeiul. ~f' fI,J,e r~tual OI1C,l:l:'6su-a:. ~ts myst·6Iiei.s Og~fl,:sih :Hw6~n6. bs beat di~,w.aU!, vllliJl:irl:ls the sacl;~d Chtqm~tlc, 11'8 v.lft:Ji~ h$ ;bl ~ne 'cqr=



The Triangle


veriiw, UIlSOlUY. whiPh bas ibr soUrce in 'the lJUl.-Sllmy socle of the pqt~au=tnitan. -places its _E!lo~eriC' T!l'~aIlgle .. Of Luminous, ~Jt~c <1bove and behind tM head o£"tb!:\ 'tb:rOt'!6.0.£ the Venerable of, the Lodge.

- Shntlariy to fu~ plac-ement of thElI!rifU)gl~ in Ih~ lodg~> the· VQOd:0o b'~dition bestows thetj_~lft af _prlncipahXl!"I;t1'e--~ete.lIlpon the sun (LegbaAtl..:&n); hr xescsQll ~l the: fac;~: ~.aj: wliJ.!e_ alQ the other _ 'leas ~y be mm'tre tete-s. Legba is above _-them. JlS the sun ~s above the

powers pf all illfe oorlstellations. _. _.._

~n dIe oum:'phor" th.e tOm! of the mwieal triangle tta._9itiion:al1y ap~ pears a.gam ah9v~ the ;t*. 01: altar. It is uot surprising, then, that, although -ilhe equillttera,l bii.a_~gIe is '-altered, f.ot h~rm-etic l~asoIUI' ITlO'm the- llQIma'l form ef -the musica~ Instrument, the Gre.ek C$QIDetric Tr4- dinan,. -.$,5 m:erededl;iy .Plato and Pf!:hago!.'!\ls,. ~olds that the best religieus allan: preferably have the fOrro ofdlte right ftia-n,gl~. Ju&f so, ithJ:~base of this rigbt trIangle {the hypotenuse}1 is-the sclentifi'c ~,ase of the altat. Uie fo~lQw]rig ~lanatiQnis- dieted th,~ I)nin~~a.ted; 'The teM@-foI t'b:e-_!i:mwritamc'e of ilia light_triangle is that 'the sqUal'e: aile the h;:POfflDUS~e:_ is equal to the sum O'f th~ squar~ Ion Ih.e" other two .sid.e'S,· :'.

It ~ c'asy ~o' nita this alge~raiCi and geometric formula again. and a;,ain--in tb6<'MchitectuI'e of ~he ~oodoo ~risty},!.I, The equi1~t~h11trl= ~gle~ ·"nanb~ih"L~gba~Erzuli.e~' aheady. exists in the masonry 01 the socle. 'Throl!J,gh geometric;. tflltl$creooenee it btico,tln~s', _by ,d:tIiP,lication ~f, itself" a tea~gJe~ the foOrm cancealed within the tig~:t fiiang[e. -theol~(siC I;-ectangle' w-hil::lt Is gen.erally'the £o~D:'l 0.£ the 'IP~ristyle ..

Itelso is worth noting·.that thr·ougu Danbhalah, Legb~'i. and Erzblie, t1i~mUisk.~ triangle; S:ugge:sb Ulfl·divine 'Trim:ty: the F:at:he-r" SOon,and! Holy 'Ghost. DoubtleSs for this reason X!enocr,at~s used toco~pale divinJtx ~j)an equilateral $ngle. The _}?'r-egm.a:s<;>DS who are said to have h,adtheil" eti'gfn in tbe Vo9doiil sticlc_ af L~gba;, have ;he·_~iI.tate frlangle in fhe :rna:S0nry pediments of their -lodges (:It.',a(:tly asfhe VQ<r deoo: ad.~pt~ !dad '~o~e th~m, and ·still.d(l:, in Hmti, UpOll the pe:rf,e;ct ,circle of'the .'lode, 10f' their p(iteQ-~flleil: (sUn.:,_PQst'). :The ~eyeint.he c_enter of the_ triangle stalidls for tbe tile.,~twn of Erzulie- -by Legbar ..

A ~Wi0\lS clmum~tal1lbet; 8,:ccid@_J;lf:al Ol': Qthl!rWise; mo,y 'be noted in the- fact that-in Voodotl thelil?ex of the musioo.l and Masonic triangle, is .held hythe myst __ e Datlbha:fah W.MQ_ ",,:11,0', in .tbe _Mri~~ cab a}, is cabl~d Danhhabh- y·ewe (01' mouexaet!:y 16_-H,.. Woel) j whilebJ_- F:rl;!e· masonry the J'etr_ag:J;a~nl.!l!j'Qn, represented alphabetically by 1 E.


V •. E., oooupie;s the (Xlula,rQent:er' of tli~ t:dltnglfl!. AJex:a:nd~ Westpll:il1;; the 'author of wo~ on Masonry, declares tha·f 'the origin of the 'E'etragrammaton of fbe 10dg~s is di~pllle,~ an,d" that 1l0~ one: J)e~y !krio'W's the ,1$'lte'Ctpronunct:atiiOn cf the leUe~, aespite all tb,e varia" nons ad~ptoo 'by devotees oJ solar ~uJ:ts (such ~. Iq, b~ y~, ¥'av~l;t. ~eho.S¢hu:ah, Jes;liua_h, J1!hp"vah. J<ischoue):l~ J()SI1~.: Jesus, aDell JesusGhrist), However, Voodooist's nav,e lliwacys knewn h~,w'tO pt,ong1;U'lce them, {!\II' th~.simpl~ J:e,~DI ·thllt-t1i;lty'rchlize tli:~'t the ey,e hi 'the',tl'tangl.e symbolizes "Erzulis chl'omatieaIly ravished 'by Leg'Pllf'and that one, of the· Eithio;piitll or sollU m:ame~ o£ Legba 4i1ibp!i is 'Ye.-'Cn-Ou,.

TM eye in the: ttia;iigle i:~ then .a synthesis of Ijt-ual 'knowledge througb the ~tolar scheme ,of VoO'dao;; as a re.srut li!lf which mitia.tes "liee'" the light proP,tied from the .llun .,(Legb~)' ~aer du~ fOfin 'of ErzulieQ,r on~ or liel' m.anifestations,. At fu~ Sll!me' time; it is !il SiYi'i:'thesis of'Danbhalah-yewe.m the asti:al~a,usal. In Voodoo, the. is, t:he dark of the soele. of L.egba con>VBrtoo i1il'ta it "hasin Blledwith water," sinoe the aby.sses ate' the ~'depths of the water;" Iii ~s llspect E:muliedsi caUe,d "¥istre.~s of the Watei,"

The b,aft'e:rfes.. Of drums, whosemag!c fhy~hm is, set by th~ womatic ogan and the tnan~le"fQ'1nl the-. majOll' atlI:a;otioIi'<l~ VOOdOJl in the eyes 01 bomisf;s 'Wh0 altlend t1;ie c~J:(tmoruies as 'spe.ct'atQrs. Nothing: inspkes Illr;jl',ewonde~ th~n t~e ,(Iftwru ~<:aWie ~f~ their.sp1endi!3 CQrii~a1! sAapes ap,d. the, cf~matmg ge,stme,s 'Qf-'rhe hO~'l'iI-:~r:gy.ier;t or 'drummers,

The patronymic mystere',OIf the initiates wbo: ~at th~ drums is, Papa-RQmltJror, whose .ha.)I116 Jis Im,G-Ua,-CQt:1. They areu:ndet ~ccll1r s.tJ,bmiSSipnto the-!11Y$tenl ,Mam'lla Delai--' M,e.deh.> re£eI1'e~ tp in the folluw,ing song :"E~ii1, hoor/t9-a h-fll De,_laJ ct1l1tmanae,. . '. (EYla" the

dru - L, "I' Q. 1 .. , e .' '. • d ) ...

mm~.~ey. ~dll, :gl'i1e yonr CQmman .. ,. ..

r]]:~~nJ~h the preoeding ,expbllfltions about ,tlhepgan ~rird the tr.i~ angle 'you have le~ed that the .n:i-tI~ic,i\llns[nJlne.nts form a! theologi'~al whole. In t.he Opm'y'1i01', the-'(jlg~,~ fhe trlan,gle •. a:nd the cb:uIN.sl1'ep. re&en~' theeqmva1e:n.t of 'all _thit astra. a tmospb"e'oos from the (Iy,t''Osphere (~c~ntm! ,~e of the!e-ardr~ to.~b:e ,Ducleosphcle; the, c~omo~h,ehi,,' ana the.phob>!spbere ', These are t~e 'tluee a:tmosp~ric zones' of L~gha -the: san, MOJ;e ~~cul3:1'ly (,atid D.y re;'!,;son a£ chemical ma.gic CQ'H-


n~teiI witli, the ~acr;i:ficial ~.) the ogan. the drums, and the m-' angle -,are l'eWatea to the' sol:u: chi'amhsiik~i6, w~il('- the ~a()~~ dan~es -aro.und. the: post'Womehare inspired by the mU-Illo'ate 9lsSQClat~!I WI,a.

the' abiJ,qsph,gfe- Of tHe '~olar nacleus, .. '.' .

A fuUooIlsiaeroHcn I)f :lhe Sci.611tiIio cQ,1,1ls-titution of the. drums, all,d

their esotexie hl.ttjtpretation-iiQ Voodoo wO'u~d be teo ~dvllnced :fo~~e present work. .H(lw€'vlj,:r, W'~xnay' desoribe tn~: l>hySl~j.U c:omposltio~ of several traditional mebe.stras of African orrgin that lend ml A&:i~iID co\Qting'totbe IeligiollU ,hlstQl] of Haifi,ap. VbQ.dq~. Tbe,~et: GJ3iSlilca] ba.:tteries Q£ Jilll"Um~ are the 1Iad.,a. the Pethr,o, and li:heCou;g(}.

The R,atl.a. baW~ryis, comI!9~ cilhl'ee dnnns that ~ chI<imJ~ticany., r.ooQmbin6 the tlD'ee:,'atmO:8pbere~ 'flf tbe SlILl (that i$. of the', m}''$~e"e Legba.-for ~gba. is the qrnck~nin;g power behitId Voodooism) .. Listed ,accQ;J'diiDS fa .siZt;l, 'and '801~ de:5igna;q.!)lJi~ey are:

( 1) The M,anman. related to the Chrli)m;os'I~hele, /2~ The SIlI4'Otli:l, :1ela::terl to the r.b9fos:ph~re. (,3) The Bou-Lah. [e.~atecl to the safar ~ucleus.

.Beeause :of their' solar- I'elationsbips ·.and."fhclt resemblance in. ~empel'awent t~ ~he Radp. myStetes~ i:1ie Raaa,~ .form the mo,st btd.

liant battery' of drums employed in Voodoo... ' _

Thtl \!VOId Ra4a; w;hen ~a.lyzeCl. 'and tr:{p,ed 'bact, 10 its g~Qgr,~phibal and mystical origins, reveals mote clearly .th~ sig~caDce of, 6J-e d:rUm's of the S':lI~e n~e:. "'R~clar is 'asim[i'ler low of n-Ar:ada,: ,. '~beequiY:!lilent Qf , .. t\l:laOa/' and itts tr,ue $en~e is,'!A1Ila:li,-Da,''' f1l6m ~hich V(lcia~ ve'ry .sclentifleaUy but vlll'¥ ~mply deriv,es'_ its, ser,penl .Da(fI}. This is, I:t\io.rcitoyer, th.t} 's..e~ent of J Hdai~. ~c~rdin'g to the Bible; for. ~he Vood.ooist has only h) Il'eread.~carefu[ly ~he 't.estam.e.nt (\if JQwb wind Jt. .both ;under thetonn oEthe mysficlil serp,ent which is Thm-Bh,a. Lali .. 'and~ Mder t1)~ oUier mY:i<nc~Jfo:011I 0t ~magk pQwei5~ -ffi~ 'l:;lupwinch ,~r~(;mHies .Le~ba .. T()~he' .. Voodl'loist . 'the Kora,n itself ,pro',':es 'the e~eJice :Qf the S~~'iU not (Jllly bY. Ene wo~a:llah (;A,l14h-D:a)" but by the 'se~nt Legba. whicb is:·a pen~t ttalflsiatien o·f AH~lah-

,Dan, Q)':r~a:mn' of ·th.e in,eaning Qf th~ldrM1m . B:OjJ-·Lah. ,

Considfn' !!lOW the twe .drams of thij p(llnrer:ite- they. I\rfl II}la'ted! ,e'S~cihlly to Ihe a,wfti1 ab.n(lsph~~of fb~ s~la:t'. nucleus. They ~e, the so>-;caHed demonic, e¥en cannibaJistib drl!ims~ not thrm~gli their own lla'tur\El' alone, but simply because their temperament. bein~ "ofmg} tl'IDlper~tnre, re'1ider:s,thein 'Ve:ry dUHcuit ,to oOll'b'ol mm:agioal o']?'el'a.Hons. C0nseq}uent1r'othe~ ale dam,geI'O!us.


Th~ marge! lof the Mod:tumsis iaenllHed with tile thlllnde:rbQlt. Its 1D}'st.~re is the Haitian 01l(lJOtlll Q~~SQU' Do:" .Lf;h· {the Bahomeen BOOio-Z;(:J, ·ww is the Zeus ;of the G.reeks). 1':his.&e.aafulmytttiI'e..:oth~rwise" as mUlefioent as he: is .drl;la:df~lJ Fl()\.;idedn~ js"selved~' correctly. is the-.gnatiliaD of :th~ d:m~-s of the OlJoo'J;'llc;)r, the diVine and fuun~eJi,~g guardian of the pe.or the'altar stan!;!. He;:iS th~ "cJIid of tile thunder," Of the m.¥ Agct·Tqriherre. oal]ed Aga-Ou. TOllnem'fl becaWi~ ofl;lna .of ltiS. DlQlle'roUS. melamorpho, The: marg'er o thetw~t ]P,~thr:d druw"wa1ks" ~tt€)lCi'gioolly i.1ppn3he~~1iQimS:-'l;hafl.'M· (hot-points) gf~~e planet Jupiter:, 'khieh em:responds to the 10.31 QuebWjsdU Dan Leb.

The seeond, Ot smallef"t Petmit,Q druUl til n.eaessall'ily the CQropl~. ~.ehtary oppasite of the ~I~t, r,epJese~tin;g!. a~(m,l~glYI; t~~ l:e,g,~oil. of the .eosmos eha;t hea(s~r recei!les: th~ bolt: of thunder. THIS l'e,gl;0n of the cosmos is GWDe~. whif!b for Voodoo ttadition~1Ut.s: signifies "'thn . el,l:tr.emity of tbe world."

The 'fll1!it drom.j,S' Wootifi:e<Lside1e-aUy wit1 the Southern pOttiQn of thie sk}l'. 'the s:eoonld with the Nortqerti· portion which" in Voodbo terms, jS ~!:uled"IDY the my$t~re: S.akbha LCl;h Tha Vovo Uk Va. in Haiti this myste~!:l .ms known 'unaer the greatly .atte:te~ form .of Oui£<i¥ Sa Hh(l Lah, _11 loa of the <::cmetery Whor revea~ tHo~e d.~s,eMe!iand nn.pllilitieli which 'are ~perly tr,~el'ted in the oum'pDor by the Jupiteraf V:ooIfOo.

In. the .coogo rite ther-e IiiUly be two dn.lln's 01' fhe oat;tery of drums also may contam three ofliel' drums' whieh;except £01:' very slight diffel'eil&S, ~l'e tliiE!same as tbe Itlrda drums, ,a:nd theRnantes.are practically tbe· same, 'Fhes~ tmll6e He called:

{I) Tb~ 18iges'l:-tbe Manma.n.

(2) The miodle-sized' ... It'he erQn~z. ( 3 ) The smalles~-tli~ K.a- Tlia-1!ou ..

'flIf! gr'CJ;nd~ is used for the ~econa of the Rjlda drums., and. its ·name tin~s it with the "tonnerre~ (t:hllt\der) (if the P'e.thro' battery wM~ the.1tatabo1:£ is usoo fpE. tne;.l\ada . .B(J'Il~Lah.

In p.ddiUt'!n t~ the previqruly disquSsed Voodoo drums, the' largest drum 10£ ,aU i~ the AiSl!tIJ. Tne magic 'powe:r I>f this arum is limlt'less: w,~.eire'foj'e; in :2cCGlCoanc:·e with thts l1nUmite? p~we'r. it .is nat played 1il,POIl 'Qy ~eJ"eI1 arne or fWE;.D ·tWb dtumsiticks' Olllt '!by mox:.e ~al1 it thousand," a.C.CdI·~l g tu the. eIamms of its ·d,evO'weii. Furtnennore" the :formidable charader o{ its ~w~r :ie.q~s that· during the ritual it be beateili lonlyoy aP.ept~whQ' )a-r~ pas-sassed by the< ~ma:s::' '''IA~ ilier;e 'be

ci_lt'cte which wUlb,tl., t:here()'um~phor-tbe,ouni'phol\ in .wbich they Me beaten-dn ordler to reclil1:~ them..'UpQ~ tpe bed hl bpmana ~a,yeB,-SUp:p~ed to reprcselnt Gywt!. There a_,cal)rlJ~ is lit 0:0 e:ruch of them,. Not only :tb~ ~ms, butals@ aU the otner e_tI1t fustirll:mfln~!!,.' _stiClI ,as ,UU~ qg~,I,a~~' t~ makE! dlis'w'Yf!.ge. Dt1dn,g tne \tline Ehey are on ~bem \Xl_a ~eY,a~e given something to' eat; Ritual food mid llq~e1;ll"s ,itle. sprinkled o'>"er them and l~pqnthe> des.igru;, 'that represe1nt them to give tbemJ;me:ngth.

While the dll"-wTls are ~yiJ:Jg"down'adis!:ri,I:mtio'll, i; made t@ rue diie!k(ins aool,lt' to ~ ,5i!~iI"i£ided cr£thesa.c.riijdal fb~d. 0Heri~s p.mnced. bo,th, upon. the v~i,{~ ana-upo;nthe' arums themselves. Theil ltiJ"ese ohl~em:.s ar,e Rasscd and l'f:pa,ssed over the h:oun"ga!Ji arid, the' kneeling honn'ilihS fOl a oomiqllinic.aUolldf powers. "then the birds ,ate- sactifiee.d to tb;e,'i:nsb'mments.OilCe kined they ate placed "POll tbe 'Ye.~es. whence they wm bt,er betaken to he pmrepated' •. 'rbe mamoo gives a arliik of a:loollol to the re¢lining drums by spmrin'kling, th:e llq4Qr 9vel' thani Sb.e the water III ths fmE su_rr:ounaii:iig the post, alse seme coiee'. the fQO'd.:o.o.f£:erlrigs oj!' the sacdflce, 30'S Wen as theiiq'ueurs. The ho_ur.:!$ins 'come to worship at 1bestf ho~es, ~smg th:e: grO\lud hef~re them~. placing ,cQlns in tHem,at the same ttme prooOlmcing .¢ertain players whUe "l1eelin~. Theeandles -a:r~~iID'igni~:hed );i.nd. 11.~c,edjn t'he holes. whi~ch are then flne~,. 'The dI:nmsi aJ'e covered ~vith wnit;e sheets symbQUZing ffie purifYing a'tmosphere ,of the -cUy of 1M iii

Cuimn. ~h- ,

Then t'o,e )!1'iacihete is-'~{l~ ill the gt'ound -hefa,m the dru:ins,_ali;i,d thf:! rr~lila1 lags are pl~llIed Qver the. wblte' ~heets whie~ c,over t1i,g"m as

iliuugh they were dead, ,

, . 'the dr,~m!> axe of n.e~$it:¥ 'P!:1t to hed" to the: singIng of the h". naun', ~f·r,al "ha_nb" and th~ ,a'llrtJlfn:ee all ,~1 oJ(e. 1le.o0mes. ,Vie'li}, sad because the"'·p~lft.tltlg,tQ b,e,d" 01 tli.e, dulm:sis Illot'o;nly a dep~itm:e bll1t a, n~w aeat1t~ _the ~ods _()f the' wood ~~. hl,p~d to eBec.t the orossing of, \:he wa:ter, Just like tn.e s:l'"!e,ep of .AgQ,I!1~, thal is- whi te nke the '\oihne s~~~t ,.vm~h ~:0"el: the dJ!'ums" tl!l,'~O to Africa and! nfufn £~m there wltb powers l'enBw(Ld.

. Wj,~~I'~E~tcl!:C;{ to]~:, the place where th~y gp ~~so"U'c~ of U.,e Voodo, trad~ition, with Fefercn,c-e to the ~ystel1B of the drums -c,alled Houn'"~or,~nrl wMth,re£~ei1:~ fo the fUIlemry mearung ofthe ~eremonYi the fo.tlqWilJJig .ar(l the' chants tha~M:oom~a!ily the. 6r&~rig:;


o Hout:.rto rmW,1 G6t~ au piallez?

Ago! Nanllap, Wed!) • , " H:aun''J:.b mrln, -pap1i' mrin, Cute I.'>D -pr';~ez?

E •. ~gd ef ..

:Ag:ol N'annan W;(ido - .. Ho'un't6! itl\E:lez R6_~'tb Ie;

:Papa Sobo

QtP! 'HQuntlg,-1J. • " , La.dogOll6SSan.

~Obllg;ni ·Sob@., ~ous la~ Lo n'jl roo,uti.,

N'a quitte y,"-pos peu yo.

Eya, BCtGan,

Oh, my Boun~Q~1 ._ Wne:ni ~e yeu ~Qlng? A:go.LN!mllan \\1~E)'" _ •• My Hiowi~tot. n:r;y ~ath,~iI1, Where are you geiIIJg?

E. ',a:g,b e I '

Ago! Nannan WMo ... H~oo'to~l Call the EOI:l1l:':tol':,

y~pa Sdbp

tes1 The B-ouu'tor Lilld .. o_gouessan.

Sob!iligui Sobo, we at:e her(!~ It is billy ",he)) we shan O1e~ that we,iShall give £he:.nlleSt.

Ey,a, l'Ioun'gQ;lI. mak~ir of tali;;-

·thenQg~m~ fwlCtiOil t1l water pk:blljed. by the tddetn ('if; the flttee ~l\ill!

~~d by $~ he. \.vruClA is pietm~d !l$ ~h~' ~;1;l.U. .

F:I1{)m this: ~t toUo.W~1 'through th~ .syQcl'~tlsm ,or 'the ,cabala$,_, Jhat the -ti,,:~~m~~ or fhe ·"])~.UlTeetion b}i tl~e skb:t' bf ~!,!iEgyptJ·an rlres; i~ ~llal t'G the ·tlaoo drums of tl),e H.t!:d~;;rQ; WMth symoolioo the t_lir'ee pJal)~ of tb~ Omyet:o;;il Suul '.or: the three divj;n~ ay-pO!i'ta.s_e~.. The ·folItp.o;rbtg ;;lite the

V QQ#iQ . E1!N.pti;(m-Jew~k

FiRS.1' dt~ (1st 'Skirr) . = N;ECHAMAli (.~o;ut-Slliri~t:)

MANMANdr~m: . ~~nd s'~in) = NEPHES'Ga (S;o,ul-tiv!;,r.) BOU.L~J drum (-3rd skim) = ROtJACIi. (SQuI~H~t,j

The, E~pUa:nMk~nQIf [~we-sJ" ·mo.neover, in 011 upon ·thee sk,in, to re~I(l~' :its,elt Spi1riPtfi1lly,. Just as :~be .!m\wmm;6;r, H.le lrounEi1UI,the. )JJ3!1!! b9j 0.1 the houn'sihsof VO.QllCia: ~e' clawn; and,!}:otl ~hen:tE:e']v~s" 1llcP.tilB. thei~ ~~ In. (ilii!.et ·to renew Hi.leit 'forces; For this I'~aspn tHe li:I;m o{ "the Voodoo d,w.mmer 1I1~lesents 'th~. :Alpha ~4 0' . !ilf the amver5'll:~ cabala, "WnH~his h~dis (he ll:iprnan ,D, ~he Je b, :tI'll:l"!lth;l:Ui:tl(he' Gtee%,~lta, ~ll ~f wl!!dh r~i]~tes t~e'pexfom:\an~ ~f'Eh~ drums to ·~he. foIlowm~ gccuU' .:idanW1C;,\ti.ol'ls~

A - ~O = DWii"tff Act D = H'IIJDaU' A~l

, , . No~!a~ ·th~ R.aqa form!:!l .. sigmmcs Still (Ill) setpent ,( Va )" it is .the Jl£e~,\il.rug: pr"I"l'?i~le '~f~e; suif.wmci-h .·'~ecm2rgeil" by $~wi:s of 'tne .drUff,.lskm ~~ :I-I:I!l.tif\:fe;s, wh:o roll th:elllSellves .\iig~inst >the cylfutidcal W09~,

The V DQdGlO Chorus


'coNcerned. with the magic o£.,sound by w.lnc"h. the loas are:"lllalled" !1f1d:

ID~rl:e to' "a:es?en~J~( b>.e pl\~!;e.)jjt' o~ ~6 par~~eip'ate m.~·tbe~t:!hlal ,~eI~ vi:e€s.. nei' 'fuhctl.0li is ,;ill themol'e important, m 'the~stJleal]lde.lse~ where in that ·~he.·i's 1ili:e une who "!sends" the dtualahants necessarx 'for -~.ikm.g ,~taij:t: wi,~b - the Jo;as. :In 'th~ .~tral..'\U . i:;hro~a:mc m~gie restsup!)nnerhJ)wledge. She ;is the some soul oft~epeI"ls tylc; . ~rnre~ O'l!J"(l', in v~eW 'Qf her l&Qwle.d"ge! rel~ti"e' ~§lH:1't6 litu:rgical chant, her tifle. lis explaillediin' aaoortlanoo wifb ttaditierta1 e'tymol,?,fW ,a.s follows ~

hou.p.' = ~dn.u:n';' <( pi: ·my .ilii;tr~.~eilt' df'iiactejl ~~sic:) ~gUIM' 0" -ld;.. ~·':'supPGjed tcbe.""

~Ji¢kon-,oI ·?"ii1k.Q»~ - -"the- fi.l'st"· .

. ~." ','" ",,- '!-<'2'. "'I.:'-~' . ' ........ ' .. il'!

.jjQ~~JIfi::stn. = :nOutl",~;f~', or wpmen

The houn'slhs wbo 'to)"m the cl:.-s.ruS are classicaUy robed in whi.~e. pt"eEetAb$Y in. whit~ :111ljm" Thihule,is l1blQb'sef'l?~G\. h@w;e.V~f, if fh"tl servles is oelebrated .!exclusively lor iI:i:l-e l?ll,th~Q lo8l:S, In thlS case ·the

.houn'i:fu,;' ma}:be dr&ss,edtQ.omp}~t~ly i[lre,~. T:liE!t ~a~eeV~!f.~~n 'known to wiem' a .. i'oodo@ 1sietylCl:dnhoIloI of-~goI1Bha!lm:dio. But fQ-r' servi1'J!'l:i 'Of n_g· ~jfee.jal @POF'tl:ll1!C~~ I:U:iii:n;B"ilisu~u~llr wear

t.1-i~ir ~ev§ydil¥ clothri~,.. . . , .

The' ehorus's.iu,~s ,the ritual chants ~h,ieh, like the ,o~th.e~ ~ed~e~c and chr6mil.tic ,e;l:em.enUl of¥'0-pd!®, H't;e ~~Ii~.d jt@ occralt Eui;Pf's of the air)' the' ~'t~05I'1l~te, a~d the"asmalThe ehants whick the< hQWl~$~~ u'lId!([ir ,t~'e ],~ad¢f~1ii.p {II tn!! Houn'gue1llCiPl!:. "sen~l. " .. 'm,agrie~lcaHY:ltuact 'tnt'! myst~l'li:s' th~ $;l,'~ ;a,r:ouncl'i:he. Voodoo C1etemony" 'Tneriwal cn.antcS compq'Sed 'fmc th~F'l:ll'-PQse:gQ, eat i!lto tb;e"~tn1ospbet¢ tp ,!ip;;ttcib bu.t fhe.M:as '~nd m:a;gneUze -t'hem,. Raving :fQul).,Iil' them. they ma~neti2e tlrem' as forces of~ tbe invisible" 015'· .l1,g them tn ~ome and! .incarnate Itfu,emsclves '~m' ~ be~:"i'1s" oI 'di~'£r ,,~ .. is. ru Brlmary, ~itual-EIA!Ilcti.on or .thechorus .of 'hottll'sin, aan.Z"os. Its next most imp.arU!nt ;fmmtilgn .~. ,to a~~isttifehatt~y'of dJ'~~ lQ ge··, $~ incaroa;teo; l(Ila.~ as w~ll as' the nm.utsihs Mjt m. a ,s.tate of posse;ss:ionto !1anee,

b the oaeultiSm df V'i;lod<lD, thfl';ifftn~@o.r.p1 of ""the lloQwsih 'C1'l:n~z:os ·rcpl'es.mts ene 'of the rn~st i:ml?OrtanltJa:~ton. In-tbe 'metabl?li:s;m ,~ th~; magi£! of,5aCl1.iJi¢e~ tile. ~ir§ 'SUIl'S' bt· th;~ l1o~tw:sj"bs m,ew;h~t ~~llil blood .of {}I.e .a.nimal victims Rno the essep:¢i!';fJ(lf -the" ,food 01' dtilBl' offer-· ings in.1'Jsmg vig tqe 'Ifiy~t~es to their 'astt;l~ destinatLon. ,Tl,!~ 'e:i}!;'lrtls phiy,Sfhis; mOJit:,jmpo~t@t .role sume. 'by reasall 00' a .se:rie5~o£ phl1ooo.phi-

cal endehemlca] anaio,gies it is i,delltified caballstically with tbe "head :Gf. ~h~',myst&~ ~1'zil1i;e.·· Now .~ce ~.rzu]ie is' tD'e, 'Wife, Qf Legha, !he hQun sihso£ the chonl~ are. -all of them, necessarily wives (If LBg:ba, that is to say, wives ef the;astro-bj.()logioal~sr~m of Itbe' cult. 'Oonse. q:U;¢:!'l~IYf 'th~, ~,so:n whO le,ails ~bfl cperu£-~be 'lloun~H~mGOn-is the prmOlpal Wlflil" ofLi'l!;~a, 'as Lf,lgba. in this oolinecti'on is, alway.s Icensidete!:l the. c'9S:mic aXis of the ritlllat

Both Erzulieand Legba liikewis@ Mve as their ritual auributes the heart ;and: Ithl'l blp,OJ.. wbic:b t~eycotitrol Most. sf tell i~, b; 'harp'' th!;l sjngcl1s that tlJie mystere~" nlagneHied, m the atmosphere ~y the sengl':, choose, their "mounts," Often a: houn'Siilh is Seen 'to S~gg.~l, to w:wT11l:i;pon Mrself 'vi0rently. l:Mowin,g; her ,armis ,out,in aU direcIions In the clas_si~gestul'esd1wa.ys made in an >a,ttempt to war-d clPithe my~:tere .• .'!ln:d ~h~n 1:0 f~l~ baokwanlJ;. IJPQn the leg:iJ tif the seated sp~ctaJl.')l"s. OIle!:'! the loa is ilinalily in. complete possession ef her. :me qu'ie~ly~es,andwith"a l'USh.,dash~ i~lfo_rhe middlt:l ,of th~ peri,. s:tyle:"h~ pers:an.alityi.compl~taly tranllJiol\Dled, She then proceeds w.ith the lcusto'marr aet1vlities of "th.e: :my.stete conoerned.

Som:etim¢s tiJ'e ~Qa 'whO' has t'hut mounted a. .houu'sill CQntirwtlf!$" to ~~b"'"cip'a,frin the ~OTll.s,,; even though:the'iP@.ssess:ian bas entiirel:y,ob.]j,fe:rated ·fhe COn;'lOloU!Sness o.fth:e"rors~:;;1 Mtel'tbe. .hOUD'5mh has been <~dismounted~" ~~e:s\inply r~st,nnes bm: place amo~g the S:i~ge~~. It is ~dl"elnely.r:'j'~, '1ncl~lent,allr, ever ~o Sl'ifi! <'I. hQllLn<l'gu:eni.oonO:y~r(l_t"! 11')1

the lQa..enslS. .

, In~nn.~ti@n with, OUt account 1(>,£ the, aboms,; the drums, the o~ l:J:le 1r;i!I:ngIe, ?~d theIQ!Ode ,01 'clirom;a.ti:e nd:mmurlii{la±io~ with t'h.6 myst~s: qf lne invisible: who dwell in. the atmosphere; the,;,ritual chants ~a clear expression Qf tn.e.saerOO musio-have -liigf)iftcan~e a.mJ ui>efuln~e:~,'l.

,,'The I)eperto~l. ofV'()~d~o chants is ~o:'vt:!st. that it is~ imp~sS}ble to say ~~w many tb'7e}'le-Jt~,Qu:sands. at least. l'.hey sliow variations, within the ,s!'!;m.e m:us~Gal mode, f~o,m one l'~gjont(l a:Dather .. For example" a ,c~nt s~g ~,?n~,way ~tPort-al.L.Prln'6~i· s'i)ng in ~notJ:!er ,at .Por:t"de-, ~alX:: !he 6han~ IS obViously the same and has come hom the same traditwnal, m.aglcru S'0Ul'ce~ but '"vith variatioWl.


EV~IJ Imteo h~ iES 'partic~l~rthlrth~' tp whiQ}J Its chants are sung. alth.ough from one' "Itc. to aDather 'tbe dliff~rence ir:Irhy.tlim is Ilot sO gr~af .~ to p'rf:l(~t one. :from, tealWmg that~ in any case, he is heatmg:

Vnodoo chants. SU<;lh is the differenc~.,fOj'exam.ple ... QE;twt!(l1l the Pethr:q. ~ the Cqn,go chants.

AQi;:ol'dingly" it js lU1Ii'i:i}:!'¥SaIY te men.tionth!jlt ,thll S'ame pllellom.enon is ,observed in :the music. The variations in the music (:orI'esPQn,d to the di~r~n()~s"iD lbe :repe,rtory 9J' en.ants. Wherefore, however little ;aJ per,! aaquarnted with Voodilo,a.s soeuas 'hi~ hear-s (he mlmsio~ 11.,.;\ 'coo t~ll wnetbet 'it. is Jimm. a Pe,OuQ er a CG~go ceremony, a P,ethre or a Congo pance, or a Rada or an lbol s.e:rvic~.BS easily'~ he clIn)listin'g¢sfl the Congo fr@niI the Rada simply on the basis of tb'e. dnun, beil1itS.

It happ'~WI ~n fhe coume,Q£ ,9 give,D!',Uiel'emon:r. dlat ohants!)£ dillel"ellt rites succeedand overlap one 'another because- th~ myit~ii'e.s tMt '~p~ ~. ani !he):M~ly:esl different, OJ' because more than one category o,f loas is heill:go$ervei!.

I:t is me.fnl to obsene tile ,double ,eoonomy (If every Voodo.o chant, Not only may they belo~ te diffe,rent rlte,s-th.e lbo, Congo, Eada. Petlu:o, CaplaQIIl,Mahi" and ,others-but the sense 6£ th¢'ir wosds inCH.Qa~e.,!j tbfl!,'it1,J.~t ilnd,c,e of fu.eir use in !l.lPaItielJll'ar cei"-emo,o)'! ThiS means thi! :iiI for e~ainple"a certain 6hahtaskS L~gba to i<Qpen the: w.ay" (spe,aking in ma'gical terms). Legba!is pe:remptorily cbarged WillI, OMDlm:g_ the w,liIy and not ,d.aillg 'oil:helVlisi;l. If· a.fiothEll" Icn.a.l'It··alludes to 'Ell'Zi.die emharkmg upon lhe ocean, i~ re!rer:s ,eithe..r 'I'D net" aCfu~ embarkatiop er to saIne very. close aDus~on rel~ting ,to the ms~lt soogh~ by thecahalistic a:ctsofthec,eremQlIIY. He.'llc!e, the magIcal .fndica'fl:oIis ;itrli! wade .5na:ccordance wil:ih the words stmg.

Here are a few, exampl~ ·of VOO:,ij!oo ~hallts whIoh ID¢ntioll ~(.Itr!l;.i of the difFere1:[[ rl,W,s:

Cai01M:ie: 's'aisie: c$, roa mo'in. Danbha1ll'h Wedo~

m~a p' bA ou BOD Die.

,M' ce Creole Cong~,

.m' pas soUp ~hl' .,

Danbhaiab W'~d6.

Camlime is :J;stonisl:roo.; s-hers li1y'~o'a:

Jilanbn-ala1l Wec1o,

I will .give '£ou. God.

I'.m :1lI 9eb1e from al~ Cbl1lgd~,.. rill De fooll

DaniJ:ihaWi WedG,

c6U: an ye,P

SoleH-a. ~.e'Ve. laI!! pays G.uugul

il!ll1ilga, mailman moin! 0, ZQ.clim.o 'p<U'~

to ~a.s oouttf O",aifie; .ohl Berlga:, "lilmman,

si ,QB ~l~pas tiotmm fan paxs~a:

Po.':nss~ ~~le, Zq, ow. ~onsse a1iI!!.kinbois salay. Phuss~ ane! rni; ,ala.:~J '.

o Legba! C!mllliaEH:I~, Vie L~g1}~JG61ll~~de. CQ!llmauue .. yo.

'Pagnin (:ouYri,pagnm~

oonchofi I'bo., ' .

P:a.gffin ~Qt1rn P..:ligJMh. Min- pa.g!li:u, Grande lbo,. Mmpagpm.. "

Pagrim oo!?vn pag~ill.

rUl:IiICnO,n Tho. .

wheroe~al:'~ }'o~p

The SUIl .wiU,·n;;::e in; eo:n~Q....l,a;rii:JJ

Beq;K,i'!,. myc mo1li~J Q-. ZQ.clllilQ' sp~aks' •.

they d.onit iist-en, Ouai-oibl

." LiI..·

"Ele.Q.g~~ :n\tn:tq'ei~.

rf Y'0u reave, don't Iietum to this lEOtm9Y-

q-o . ~<wa,Y. Zo.Yes.

Co. aw~y~ ldnba'if'salay> Gp ~w,y ,my sala,yl

o 'LI~fgiiial Giveur:dlWfll. Old t.~gba! .Give, orders, Q.ive them G;rders.

'Bas~f ~ ()OV~r5' ha"ske!~ Ibo gqdS.

Basket co,v~ blls:\,et.

R!'!re~s a Iba,ske·t~ Gll'mlde tho, l3ier(';' sa:bask~t~

Basket :OO"'~r Da.s~et,

lobo ~i'ids. . .

Garde'main]i, T:1l;~1 dfc·fu,fl€'riiotn la, 'JIlte coih~1

'Bo'lminau·, (Qu,@1OOj.i),lm, een ;~a 'lIi'a,1" ~lamii y.e< Ou$··, M!

GQ~de .. moirt p:hme.

IEhlRdi Zan. Ehl

RbL ~ar.-Zan~ ijancli'i~n lbO!

'H",' "I.. Ih l'

. e; rui :r;ancuon O~

Vi\'~~, nam:::110It Ib"()! e.:~6,t~fGrande lbo?.H.e! . aoi~. ~:el R.oi ;:roolIlal'l~e dr:ien.

Alii, manm.lUl!, h~1 'tambo·tIl" mou}" :r,el~. }011-:O}"" ~nonge". . .. Alri.1 A .. hi'l ·MaHma:n.

My ~atim:aal1 is thet;e. Tes.t itl 01 My taii~~.31"!·ls' tlie1't;l. 'f,eflt it, 100k n1.lp!:

Ho Qtmf.l1~an" OuafiH!rii~fi. 'th.a;li's 'hl»w \-ie are >se~vl1;lg. fr1f~!lrninan! beyl M1,~dlsma:n :I.s torn.

~Eh! King Zan. EhI

King 'Z~)'iJ-~~ Ibo g#~1 Hey, Kin.g of the Ibogodsi llail) 1bolodsl

"Wn>~(s G1~;I;"l!de 1b6? .:Er~! Ki1)gl Hey I King Ib0 eats do-g;


AM,; mflth~J;;,heri I My drum calk.

The MY I die . , '. Ani! Mu! 'Moth~(\

That ·.hol«, That ;bQle,

l~ ~~li~d' the' SaleqSIP hole .. Wr'n ei_l.ll.the :hole Sal~ngtil" 'OIa.thl)i~, Tl)a"r,b~le.

called .fhe' S.alelllgIo holel

"O",D=a,cirl Li ~U;, ZaIil-,i!lQ.r! Qhi l'heu Ii }'~~!!:nd l;j all~. Znn~dQr'l

Kith'(/- ZanPor

'ZandorJ He's gC!n.e,.Zandor! What time is ,it~ Zandorl He's gmlli: Zandol!'!

Anm.itW~- Makantia

Ouanmtaan! Ca '93 re, O~arimina-,n? Tiltll-coHr6,

Ca ga y~? A-Lah-Da deriv:e. Ca n yeo Ql;lamuDillW1, ~~t'ae6?

Ouanmi.nan!. Wha[,s that; O~anminS;n-? it, -lock it up. Vlha:t1s that? A=Lah-Da !B adrift. '¥hJlt: is .lt~ Qlla.lUl],i:na.Q,

() GuaroP

Because the chants mean exactly what tb~wot&· clearly s\lggest.t~ chorus '~se;nds" them, addresses them to the loas personally AS'we shall see; these cltuam ehants 'theJtl3s t'O dQ 'Ilflfl ,or' ;;I,noth*m: are ad!' ttl!.'! ri~es:in:-whi~lil' th,., lQas 'work." FQr €;xam~I&;


(chant for the mysterl'l M:allmatl Brig-itt~)

Mamman Brigittel .Ml6'im,_an :mom.! ()I' Ou Que ~aJ

A l'enteur iaille-]aj g~grim tide: li-dims Ill. Nons chac'he, boll;

l!iOUIlOUS !'I®l1 hIe· dlfe;.

!DOW; enaahe d'l"ea;u ]_lou nQW b:)J~y~ di .fe.

:4a plus par tom be. au 'pas oueP T~e-la gllsse.

Mother 1I~t'igmel };;Iy·motned Ohl Do .you/see :thlli-f? Around the house.

there's !l. &e in it

"V,e g:atb:~,woo~

to build a. fire;

we. gather wa.<tel' 110 . extingufili the fire.

The :rain .dCl¢s uo~ Ja.n. Do~'t yl>JI .~~e-?· The'-grolmd: is· sli~~:ty;



Y~nvtlk;u- & V04iJun

(~hafit, £01' th~ mystel'~ J llpi;f;l'.~~bieS€lll )

15a:gu.i .• a Im·i, mOD. ,roil Cil ¢a~ m'a 9t;e 10. Ahil ManmoU!).eb~vi; eli ,~a, .M ahi GOl[eto.

. PO' diab;le!' Pesso nou-deh,.

He~ Al'il-Ml

The ba~nl'StID~x;a'be~s.tlly ki.ngl TJlaf!; 11:-I,sfisll see them.

Mil M:inn1"o'l11eh-Vi.

·That'·s it, ?\·1ahi Goueto.

Poor d~Vlil! .PqSS(il. nou-deh . Heyl AIl.~heYl


~ chant for the mystere MadeD1.o~ene Armaise)

AnnatselEn Nag9~ piltite·~U. ap~ crt~.

Ye, ycM "Ba-ll tflte. y-e. y6! Apeerme, ye, ye!

&~-li~ tj:~.J3a~-li t.~[e •. y.~" 1;e! Carle: lillIan b~ton, 'E:e; yel

lIa~!i tete; ye~ reI

Anl!;'~i'sel-;EIiI! Ntlgn, the bahy is ·

~ey; yey! Civ~ ·him it t~'at Yey, yeyl He's crying! yey,. yeyl _

Give lriri!! _ll t8at~ yey, ,y~y!

look; fm bentenek, Yey, .Y6)",!

G't e 1rlm . -at'elXt yey" yeyl '


(6h®t £'or W~'·.:mysber,e ,Nan ]i;i;ion)

Gousin Nan- J{io:q.

,oe pa ~a 0\1 teO wI" moJn. O~ t·,hli.·t'moirn con 9a:

;-, . '.J

Jou \QJla plaQB ,;;Lye .m

o1)amallie. ·ave Ill'.

Nan poiiJl iObe~ .nan poin~,


Grand mer¢i ;gnCi'll pie~ mange 'quj t!q~,a.jgl1 @ bll~a

q\d_ pllre l'hltlnnent moin.

Cousin Nan.- Ki0111.

tnat>'-,s niclt wba~ you tOld 1D~~ Yi;ltfl tole me: .

"the' 'd'4)1 }f'DllI becdme dLy 'l"l11§b'~ss you weuld many me."

1 ltavW'!f't a: dr¢ss, nD.teyen .a


There:s only. a mang? tree '~hall liad tHe-fie

til Ibf.lis!'e~ ,my l'lllputatiQ!1i.


Crahigne Nit(go

I( ehant for the lQystere O,gou Sn.;JJlod'eh)

LiJq~ liki eJ!t;jld; ~iIq 61 Ogeu, Shalodeh.

Papa, Ogntt J'acdlllI\im, 1?ap~ Ogol,l sitaJrodeh. L~kii ll_ki 61 tiki" mil ~! Qgou. S4"a,lodeh.

Liki,J:i:ki Oh! Llki" lild Qh~ Ogon Shalodeh.

Papa. Og!;ltl, ]aco.1.1nm:n, Papa; O:gQti Shalodeh .. Lik,i, liki Ohl LiJ\:ii, HId Oh!

Qgtiu S'n~,,10&eli.· .


,( chant for- the mystiire Legba)

Legba ~au (mln~ho[ mofnl Legba in my chlmphoJ'!

L.egba Ian Gum'phol' HiGinl L~gkia in :m:y oum'p!horl

C;:>u minme qui pilt~ chape<:).u. You 'who wear a, M.,t,

cs PO\! {)~re SQlriU FOu Ifi@lil, H: is to protect me. from the sun.

Legba 00'1';1'80 nan o,mn;'phOl':moiQ. l.~gPa: Qg~go m. my oum,;p)l,o,~"

Monapngl1le-l\.,foussa~. man MQndongue-Mo.ussw. ill

oum'phee molln. my Q(u(j>phor.,

:0 !l'h~~ mot,e;dearly by a c_onvl'ncing. ,synth'es(sUleastraI rebtion-, ships eXlstin_g\ amon~ the rHes, tlle mysUme-s, 'and ·th,!} chruu:s '''~el'lt.!' ~, tte~hoxus or. hOll;n'slR 'd~o~ by 'eitherthii . .h.oPt(jleni:c6n or tll,e no~,?an durmg the coarse of a serviQi'1"loa, ,the fonowtn,&,eramples are •. ~'ilen Qf a lIew of Itlfe,eiIants i:l1.a:s-$l£1l:id ae,~(uj'dmg f,b .~~ fit.::S in WhlC-n th~y are peli"IQFmeo;


(ch.rult ~r L~gba, loa of ga'tes, an~ ~!i)

Legba-'Cl'anrl-CHmrun. 1:1'011$

. , j'!,)



Ago; Ago yeo Ago, .Ago; 'yey.

L~gba.-OI;9Jld.-Cboemin. now pralleLeg'ba~High~". we are: go.iD,g

one ~i :o'a,p_';,' to ~ee if: we shan pass;

Le,g&-CFand-Chem.ln.DouspI'a:fie L~,gpa-Bighway,we. an: g~g

ou~, Papa; ,sJ n'e. passe. ,. b;l<see!. P~l:'a, if we sha~ pass.

Sin'a: passegrand.c'bel'ilill.. .If we- shall P9SS !the highway.

'mOD ,toil my king:1

A_go! Gra[I.d:-ChtlPlln. DOUS p~;ane Ago!IU,ghway:., we are gping oue, f:apa. ,si no. passe-.w see, Papa, if we shall pass.

o Agol Ago y,el Oh ,Agol AgQ ye-~.


(chanf tor Danhhalah and. Ai-Ds: W€dOI'

Daabhalsh Wedill ga:depitites ()I,D- yo! he!'

Aida .Wet!l6, rom pitit~.'l' ou YQ.


Danb:l:l.abl:h Wedo" gad~ pititf:s ou yo, o.hf ,It.. ye'; ~ y~; obI

·D.anbha:lah .. 'mm z~e~N.nti au lit

D3;1lbhal.flh Wei:lo"

behold,Yox\1' c}l:ildl;;en,. heyl .

A1~a W~o, hereare.youli' cbUdren,


. b~'h 1 '!k 'W-'~IDall' ta ~aH . "l!..o.,

beheld your children,ohl -A yey, a yey, oht

Dan1ihalW1:her~ a1"Iil:'yom' ohil:thelil.


(i;:~t (d~ Aloun~:a, one of :t1h.e matt",e-t~e~my;st~~ 01 D€$$alii1~s:

Aloumandia js here a~sociated 'Wjt~l' . the mystkes Ossanjne Bacoul~ and Ogou Bad-awl')

MOl] Ma(ha M! Ossangrie onl

qg~l:l 0:);;':,1 .

.ossangne . Ba@lde . qui lllilude

drapl?:ji\lX .

Atou Ma"dia lie! Q~sangne oh~


OgouRadagn q,I.i~,,de &:apeallll~:

Nous tQutbatt~.


Og!DuBaq~gd who ~sk$ for .ftags.

W~ ,are all ban:~9..


(ch~ for Erzu)!e FIeda)

'Ce chanQ6 old O. ce chaaoe ehl cs -pas 'Wanga. ou gangnm.;:

eEl cltance ohl

G.r~de E~_ulie FrMai ~~ chanoe au gantPrln.

Ce Fall wwga au" gruil,gmB;

ee· 'chance, 0 Maitr16SSt1.

lis luCk, Q,b.J 0; it's luck, o:h!

U's not .a lilagicehann that yon.

have:; .

it's lulik. ohl'

Grande blie· Frede, its l\lc'k that JOt! have.

irs not ,il Il!l$,gi.c chamn tha.t you have.

it's, luck, 0' Ml'sfress,

Congo ~ Cf'obignp

(c,bl1'l;lt for Mtn,l,SSQD:di" ot'·fiat·a ,Motl:Hongm fo<ill)

lie "a M! He ya Monssondil L.oa clliii:-i, eill loa, Nlto.Ujs6li1.d~. l:Ie ya he(He'ya M(}U5~~Ddil

Hey y~ h~yl Hey Yll~ M~llSsqndil TJj~t. ]ott-tlbll:t'S 'the M0ussondi loa, H~y yah he:yl Hey Fah MOius.s;onpd


l degree-chant oompo.-sed. by the my~tere :Brise)

'Tb.e enemy stops. nlee at: SaJlltQ'~ hO'lls.e.

r ,al:~'e. dy passsd,

A zorn hi bars_:m~


cruDe Santa

CallIe SutlJ, m'p~e dejiM

Ii.~ Sp.,otQ~~ h01f"e.

At .S~t'o"s -h01:~se L. already pass,ed!


(i;:hallt fo,1' GiI4M6 Nfbb}tQ, L611:d. ,of ,the' Cemeteries)

Hel Gl'ms S;;Qllt, .W!0.';, loa) Gu~de Nibhl5.o egar61 E~! Gras saintgtO$lQ3,!., Papa C;ut'ltU,

fLey! Great _ saint,rvea:t .lea, Gti-ede ,NW.bDO :is, 10$ t I

Heyl Cr-eat,saint, :,great Ipa. Papa Gu&d~ is. lost. (Bartth a E ~ Crdbigni) (clianr: for itbe kla: l~_n Zo:mbi}

Je:anZo.mbil Oui-goo, b:~.I, Cond Thi>s"m' ,alM;

Ya phooe (aSa pi.lU yo



Jean Zombi! Otd~oua. bar Cc:fud!,rls~m' dIe.

}ean Zombil Gill-QUai balll Take' me aw~y,

T~x-wllJldrin'k' taSa. to maloo them gn.nace

before lT1J loa, "

Jew Zorn;bU Olrl~lJa. bah I Take me away.


( chant for the :mystere Aya,nma:n)

Ay~.matir leo LIMe .. Li~:~, L~l~,1 Ayaomanl Ibo Leliil

~y~lf~a,l1 '~q. '0011 Q'~l' Aya, da~ ron Wl"

ali pmle pied-m~,

0U 'Pas t;li>I'Ill·· ... padan." Aymman'ra con ~a:i Ay,anmaii 9:<1 .• c90 cta;

'9~ "padon' :fa fait ptllll. :moil1?

Ay~maYil rbo Let6., L~le. Lelei AyatWlanl100 LaM! ., that's the:wa.:y, !like that; Ay~~ din:le$. ill:e, that'.

YOl'!. ~te'p' on my foot.,

,lOll don!t ~ay '!p1J;t~Otl,"

A:yanman. that way; 1Jk.lil '~at~ Ay!lJ'm)~ that 'Way, like. that; Wh.a;t wooIdl.a '}iar'ddJr"tlio for p7,e?


ni0J~, ¢.ffi:tain Cb~n~s, !)~aj~~d <'i.~sbhltel;r AfI\i:llio~fi.T~es~ 'ar_lil~id to be 1m laHg~g:e •. Th.ese £01 ln~mJI~fpart hv.g 1l~e.Jl are,~aIlle~. !D 1l Illi>femrjwc.tradUt10n~ but. \\'e~fe;w,.(hQu.n~g~ns OJ' 'houll~sjhs~e :~~le any lQ~ger to -tJranshtte thfim -, They;sqnt;eJii!W, "5~r! atavt<;tJ(i~t wJu!uhe~ :m:~an;The disturhing .esul~ o~ tbis ft.arufomatioJil, tn wh'h~:h. t:rr;l:1C):\UI:Jlfs . . in ra;g1;lgec ar'eun£pi"tbifat'e!y illi.!:lp~a:riJn,g m~NHmd more, is that the FUrl!:)' of the 'Voodoo e.a19ala,;; we:l1~ltn:e )¥ery tU:iiW~[ of :th(\ leJis is:_ befng" le:s:ut·the same 'time and: in th!HiaID~ fmpmtion, .:It is also .~o b!:l regrj~.tted. that the ,ehati!\s in, mi'xl.'ld la;o,-g;nage IOl'l?ui~r C;:teol~; l~clt thi:) litl:u:gical peetr.y of f:hecohants in lWflga<ge; ~ve$;,aruli,!f silo mysr teriatJi!;1. and ;;11 'the s«m,o tiri:!e:'®J~ trffiE!Cti\(e 'ID t:h~£f, ·~'I}remqnie:s. Here are some ex-amples:

.A fl:ooJ.(}(} Chant in· Pure Haitian CNOJe.. ! An¢'i:Bn~ Y{lUllaloo RiLtuaI.)

~'a iremecie,n;'a r,imec;~' )':0. .. 'Wt\-'iwill tha~k; We willi t}iarJz

th~rn , . ,

Apre Bon m6, . .n'i*rem&M¥(), .4,bel' Q;pd W'l!willlliamk th~m.

Apre: :~QI1 Die" np~.~). .After Gmt, we"a~e thElia;

n'a"~R1~~YO',; . . ~~. will ~b3:nk flflem.; . '

N'uremecii Dill' 8euvan.thow',g;:m. Wet will thanlk God be£or,tl the

. . _~Q.un':gQ'tiJ •.••

N'a rern~~i d1'ean dami We will 'thrutheW3:'l:c';I ~

""" . ~, 11 .. ··.-£1.·" .. ··0'. run:. , .

uo~wga1Q . • . ~~ I!!)

~~a:. :re.mttcL, ,ntaieIne.cie.y(). We wUI th::,.nk,. we w.:iU t-h1ulk-l:bem<

N~a ie:meoe hnun:,g,ll~i~gl1; 'Wee "rill thamk-<the h(Jum~guBl%icon;

N'~, reru~pj lu).Iljn:sfh canzo; •. , We will tIlaiik;the hOlm~siB.r4;;tnz() .. , .

,(Voocl;o{) C·:ha:nt..; Mi'xe;d CmQle, F.rench, and. l:atl'g<!l8fJ (18aplaou)

B¢ng~> m1l:flm~IF!o:in , , .O~ 1Bel~g;i, mt ~,th~r . , .0, Zoclimql


OlJ, P#~' ~p .~'Il co-ut~. Oull ~d!: . Eenga,\l., si _Oli! ~l1e"

Q'U, pas t9unin Ian pays-i; F0J#;,set. all.e.:r; 4.0, ITI,Ui .••• !Boossez aUer, l..Jn1~i salaYI PQ.~~.s,ez. aller",ttiii'S:.hlby

You s:peak,-I:herr dOlh listen. 0' ua y@l 1leJig~.. tltotlla).!.. It yqu g\'i,

)'ou do Hot retm-y 1'0. the',IC01Ultrw. }ir~· alld go, Z0 'out ...

HtWo/ 'a~d ~~, kinfTh~i ~aJay, H~y .flnd .. ,g~ mi. s:ru0r-',

( V:oodifo. Qnan:t. in. Fm:~ fri!!gq:g6'). (YanV,I.j,IOll) ,Minoke ;aga Leglba. Ago Legba. ago Legbal

Ge ~C':gba. 00 Legba. .

M~DOX~ Iii~(l Lti>gha j, • " • ; , •

(AnQthef Vilo~h)o,GI;~ailt tl~ p.m:J3 kmgag~) Cya:n:v.<1Jlnu} ZOllZOU 'ZQu'UlIiH!:i ~a~ i ma:mlooll hliM.

lBlbo. bMo " .' .

'M8,:ras:d'i-GWnim., a i mankeo tll1il~; 'Bl~o,,)bloo :, ...

I m;anktlll hdle, Mar&sah-Culnl~; lJ.ll'\oJ IbJ~o . . .

We ehlWse now' .~ certain VOfidOO 'tt~tt,ela;tive fa tMll' Ne,ga loas (If Yamba, trl.inslatingi,t into Fli'ench to show the. p.hol1etietHvergelll'l~ ~hioo. l!"esl1U~fr~nr 'the li~laltQ~ftamo,f)e laqgllag~ to ~atIQlbe~.· Tbe t!afll~latiail into Cr,ole foUQ,w:,' the, FrendIb;ams~llbion to, clarify tliis di.MCl'ge.nce, and ~o lib"",,,,, how th~ Afrk::a'fi Q:O(l,druns' can bediisto:rt,~< Tf¥ is a, Yorub~ cli~nt 101' tne mySf~£.e A. IGboCb~ r.eoog;niwd today iDL fb~ voodoo pra:onced ill FIaitiinilie' expre$:;i(m ''Ab6bbf'' It .is B IllysterE!l who int,f,'lrrupt';,tl;i,e P~~.ts, ~n,d wQQ exam. ~he l:tJi'l1i~thles,'in its dpl.lhle sigruncati'on Of '!'Alleltriar'"

-01ih kola moa deh, f\b9bo!


- 'wa B •. AhQb'o, ... ,

AbObo;$o laga jigi legan.

-I~oubd> ko·kami ... I h~u mi kpo-o, e m3: gn,911 to Iou, ~ebe." I£~.,

To 6 me: medeh mil! nOl:1 yi. 'Ie Lo~ Ole-ran,

TI'J1fislati0n into Oreole: -C!e melD .qui pot~ oe(:~ejr,


~AbJ m~ cu II1lfumeP

Ie StY.'; le port,eUE de c:ercueil


Ahl' Aht C'est :tQi?

m~st hirfu ~Gi, .Ababa . . .

Ie ooliple ]'00 (1~ di:mt) avec

·~'UthOI;t~.'de (amQrt ims,8Jtiah]e .•.

Mil hter sfilra~f UII crime, .

€Jar Ie GUild Hoi d'Ue,

L:e'paf~ 'lu l'i~<V!Oatp~ l~)j vivan'ts. A;::;r~~ JiI. Lunu&e.

']'ran~J'a!:t:io'n, mt'to E;ngKsb:

1 am the 'beal'et @t fhe cdfin.


Alii roa?

-Olili o'e mom A,oohb! Yes, iii; is: I, Abpbo! .

M"g~i~ ~tlvo<i pou '~. ~ete chantJs. I have, the pOwertn "eiit~' tll;e ~h!Ult.

-Empe!Jhe'z hill-lll' pli'811l,d-m'. Ta'k-e (I'niil), keepme.f~~m dfl(U:h,

PRCiil'9.t:le s,i. @utuez-m' c'e ]fo[' if :you kill 1l\I~J( .lt5

gfib1i oriIDJ~, a erline; .

PiSque e« CPll:nd Ro·f dtr~e, Siriee it is,' the Great KinS of Ife~

Qi':i;te ;m6te]s pas' [anme aIle, Where ml}1'fti~ iu:,ver .gp,

Qui ball.nouS limie.who gives us the migbt (i.e" of life).

'fhe sym~ of the solar Ifavishm.ent j~. the l!'WOt~, 0]' mp..clle.te oJ me VoOO:oortn,al. the fdllowmg isa dWal chant to btiillg about ilhe arrest by the: J]OliC60f anyone who steals this.s,ym·ool;

K,at'UaBossou 1"ahi\i'~ <Ie-H-W;~'~ K'adkt :Boss.ou,Yawe. i~hw~JYahw6~ Ya Bossou, . Ya'h)lle. Y~w~, "fa :aOKQU~ ,

.A Die,¥ahw,e ·IiHill., Boss(Jn nni1'ird An Go~, :~ Yahwe, -P'lY ~s~oul

A Dle: ,OOtlnuflt ~'-a,. ce po.n Ah qod; that wachette, lis for

Yahw~ , , • Yahwe . • . _

Ce pott Yiili:wb.l,; Irs: ~Ot Y:ahwe-Aida,

Yahw(l, Yailwer, . 1,ah\llile, t:altwel, "

ci b pomi~ 0 ya .Jag),l,~ Ia pohoo It'~ the pollee, Oh~ they wil1.o~ll

1$ CO-Oui. the,po]lc~ agaius;tY9u.

Cit} pgu Y'ahwe; C@'iblamnn:n. It's fol' ~hw,~ Gamblamnin.

Voodoo Dances

11i: the, plereding ,Se'ctiO'1iI "the ~plana!jon cif the perfotmanoe' of en ~a!I olumts in aeeerdance 'w'lJIl~:pj;!tti.c;tilar rites il;i S:illEi:cj.ent.F show that ~l:I(l rites:. by dlC evidence aftheir names ,a.lone, ate related to the m.ll!SlC:JJ] J:epertor:y. The,r_ela:Uoriship:s ~etwe..epthe:Ii~q1~ .and! the ~Gho~~gr~phy est41hIished in Voodoo by this fact elearlyrndiGat~ !:he Qa)l,~.hsti~ funp· tie~ of the dances ana.' ~v'e,!li their reJ,a1ioo ~o fh.e legjsl~tive and g~CI,v;e1'llIne~tal syst~m of the. .astral upon -which. ·the cillt of' the JQ:as is

~~ ~-

AU ~e ohant .. hylliinsbas:~d lipon ~Qrro.$ponding ml:1S1ew .mtlames

lihat . m.entiOn both th.e rit.U1U 'iolelavfor and the ;1Wt10n.f, ,lmbes ~r r4,~!1-s:

G,ttha loas h\l~e l)'e,p. pl:e5ierved .in RaiUaill V!iklooo ~x,aetl,a;s~he. Slaves bl'ought-'them to Haiti in '{he old days from die lYory: CQ'<!.'st.tbe

Go,ld. Coas~-r the. Grain Co_as:t. £r'Qm Seneg'a~, Angola.,. ,llie Cons,Oi, Dahont~; '¥pmDiI, .Su'dan. ~a elsewbef,e. F·lIttbermor,e.. ·the identiie:.l1- ~Qn of the lites:.: by the -names of still exiistin:g Af11,qan"mbe.s dearly fr9v~ the,k :origin.

It l"e:lJDl.$s .tQ 'be noted. th.a:t wMe the ehauts"oi- the vartous :rites' dille:r from one another, .th¢.re is Compa;ralively between the: dan*, FiJ:r ex,ample, am leo da~e' dHfers more tram a MaJiJ dtitiic,fJ than. an IbQ'chanthnm ,1\ /lfiih_.'l: Cl:n~t.Howeye:r; perhaps,this judgement is bas.ed upon 't11.e; illu;si(Jn that the same of ~lght' ,is more 'i.rQJmedia:telyse:nsmve to lDl)Vemeni;: than (hee' sense Q,l liearing is to themetaphy5f;"C.!l of music.

Nev:er.tbeles~, as ;t, rule· the. names altha chants· and tbe dan.c~l!

"I:!lassed aoourding ~o rites Or to M~"ions· shoulr;l ;,mtematie:ally indicat€! the 'Composition of tlre b~~edes of drums as well as the l,n whitib the drums :are' play;ed. 'rhe '£dllow.h)g, 'lilit is a rood~st attempt to ,classify both the dances ~nd! the luudain~b"l lites that are p¢rformed ·iu Hmtian (llUtt':phors today" these 'of seiCa:odflI'y imporil:1m~ll.

R4;Ip (3 drums)

VOOdOO rumne Flo votidpun;


Kidra. mOll!1m~ (Wilt' K$.tha) lCilha, ~¢ (dry' Xitha 1

COtfgo (2 or J drums)

C:onglJ pa:Ulettes Ccm'go m~.nn.e COngo Cl'ooie Congo Franc


GOi;lgb" G"uhlte. Cong;O' Larose CongO·Pethro

Mahi (:3 :4rums)

Dahomk (3 drums)

D@!)m~e ~~~paule$, Dj'Ol1ba EriUl.c :D)lou:b!l! Mattinique Djouba Baboule

Mo~il~w '. "' .

BoUlm~atLem"ba. (Pellin)')

S91~~g;ro ('Congo-Guin~) Catl~eUl-eiUiga.

;Yan'Valoo Franc Yanvalou 'cass~.

,- , ~

YanvalQu N'I'Lg.:::l tanvaJQ\ll z'eBatiles 'iiriv~Tou groio~ Yan,vall:)u debeut Ya;nvalou dos bas,


.Bam/a (3 drumr)

The foUo, dallQ?S !1pd rifes are also basically of Afri,em origin.

ThB~. w:et'e fq~d o·ll'tlng th.e,slav,Jl, pel~Gd ,all,'~for SOme years .dt~. but sraoe that· bme have gt:_{tduaUy disapJ»~ecl::

~~a {~till seen ,to~aj)'; bnt as pat:t of the Pethro .tite to whidhi

if does m.o~prope:rIy h:e'laug) .

CapJao'U eaplaoa-Ca!llga Sa~e~o

Tie ,follaWing dances <lOa rite:; li1l'i3Wisebear narmeB of historialll and ,g~gt:aphir;a~smgnUicanc~. but are eemhmed in. :One wily or anI?ther WIth, the ,fh:5t fundament~l _grou,p-th~ Raa~=--whieb, mnreoy.e1: m£luem.ees vaodeo clll:,)l'(oogltli'lcphy: '










Mascotte eOngQ.GuUr!..:ii-.ho1,ll1'tO-Goueta.

n~il}re are. ,wso iilthe:r sec,ondary. d~ioeif thar Q-aIiI b me ti ,;'J _I

w, hi,'cn are Vaflous]w' rc:1:iteiI t'" £L.. f-llll' ..1 ,,'_ ~t_.1 ' e , eHlD O,l]lIe~,l ,a,,]][11

, ,- :,f .. ,v w .... , ' ,,"' ...... en <1.11 gmun I>wevel' th

,ex,act r~l,atio~shi:,-P betwee' tn ,- d th C,'-d ,", F' " ',' ; ,e

_ " _ n ,em an, r., e ~un amemal group is never

very precISe er [oon.aI. The,se are, tne,: ~, -


P&torelle 'Mo:ut,-sE:ch!l:· !BQtileV€i:ISe

Tbe two great danc,e-s cof tlltaUy,popJ:1lar chara,ctet wh,l}S!e 1Ql'i~ is found,iI) thei AfricaTilIlllsk ~turus, sliol;_lld not be o.tni:lttoo:

M.ascaro,n (of the Pethro dte:) M~nngu:e (0£ mixed rite: }?etfuo-Ua.da.)

Because of the..h' v:elry' origli'li, thes,l;! h~ve be,¢'arrHil the affici~l dtiIlc~ of tnelWo ~reatest carniVa.l masked bands in Haiti" likewise ca1l~& th~:

Masearon a.nd the Meringue. " ,

Last of. all, ther~ is another popular dance~th~ Rala-pe:rfoIJJ:led to _Ml, Q)';bhestIa'l ~ocom~Il.t~ated ~y vaccines 'ur bambeo flllltes. It is of VQo,aoo Oligin. a:I)Q 1$ usually danced gi,lo'l'lg, C,Ollllljiry roads. It '~walb" U:R9I!1very; 'powerful ~'points» in magic, 'because of the ir!stru~~t l1seQ_by th,e "Rmg' 'o'l:'''~,''of these il;.Q-uqs,; iI.,sta:llaeec~a..ted mth tin ormillDents, w!iib whlch he dees an sorts of filJIrVeDQUs ihlngs. NatntaUy, this staff 'eo:rr~ponds to, the -staff (If Legba. for ,gpod 'intent 01' for ,evil.

TIle most im~ttall.t thing ~orememb!';lr a.bout: dlth,e'Vo'odoo dances ill that. just like all fh.e Q~erfaciQrsQfthe cult, they ~orreswndtol elements' ,of the astral which the study of Afnoan esoterlsm attempts: to cl;~'Ii:£¥. Liketfi~ ebant!h -ijIe lI~oo:S or ril'Q,al dia_gtaml!. "a.nd tb~ mums. the)' are capable of inItiating [lOmmuliric;l,tiOtl with the io,,"ces o£ the iDV!.sibi~, tor they ~preseDf ehoreogra.(;IhicaUy the' 'Very forces that, they reJ;lrodu~.

Voodoo Erayer,

Voodoo. o6Jem,Qllies always COmmEinCe with' pr.ay~rs. These prayers ,at,1!; gell8l:'all:r quite loong, alrirCist inf'e:tm:iIliable.For this: reaSOli we :sh'an tile~onstrate pnly 'tl\eir piID,oip~~. w~th i); vtttW ~Q sl;;ltiw,ing, the p:r,l'lc-e:dura ,employed 'tty the houn'san O[ !he' msm'bo; wi~~ the eongreg&tiQIl giving tJ:i;e response,s. Th~e prayer, ~,e l'eci~ ~ Ufa;p:ies, ti Dl0ving, as they care S9~(\!. They begin wIth the p,.m,.e ~iriin. (Afrj~an Prayer). wbtc;h demonstrates the' religiQUS syncretism operating: be-



tween Africa and Rame;' for this Pr-i$i'6 Gmn1N j.s fot;md. to be a pI'syer said ,cm]]), i~,Freneh, but including the- names of 'Roman Gath6li~ Saiflt5~ The Pribtei D1ar; or f~n~OUi. fbllow$ in Votu:k~il '''lilhguage/' but ~e.a wIthFrcell{i.J;~, ~l.tplessiQn5: a:I1d the- names of saints. of the

Roman calendar. ,

'Cia CathoUcpl'ar~l' :~»d ffi_e,. tyQr pt rer hli!v~.,,~.s tnei:r specie.! p~:pose the "pre']?mng gf the astral 'in order to ,fa¢llitalitl the cerem~ma1 tira~c. They pJace' the astral ~ ~t the diswshig~ Qf llie hQur(gM or itiJ .. e'mm"fho. Al$p, tllese 1Pl1'~lyi:l:l's ate ,stmg or followed by dhanb: be. cause the ribu-al -chant is P~lcb9-astt_al; Jt ~9talJizes the, ,cal!lsal spi;r;it whkih pre!!i.des over. a reUgious cit lay as~e:mbly (or agr-e:ater QO'11tt0J of the slJipematural presences whiehMe operatffing. 'Thi'o/ are thl'!'Ses ples~,ce~- whi<ib voodooists q:aII1r.-o4,bun~ loll", 1)wao.tfn, 'Of' m'ls:ttt~.,

anges or saints,._" , ,

'VVheil s,aring these prayers the ihou:n',gaa i~ ~tiallyselll\ed bei(!re th~celiter:PPst "( ~omethlles 'bgforo ,the ',plf:), on Iii Ipw eb.aill', assen and lo;'!ll in hand with which 'he ,ae~en'bic::lttbriD l'luts of:thiS '''spOkelll ohan:t"

oomprisJ:ng the Pfi,~te Q,~ln~n amQ_ the Pn~i,e D,ti_r. _

The lei't-motif. "Lili-san Do-l~' ze., . ." wbich follows the e~ta:S0riftS .of,as mentioned" sho'Ws 'that 'the p'ray:e:r iJi pmMOO un.d<\l: 'the influence.. of Legb~, th.e oM ~Jfd wise, who tepliesent5: thnnasr'mIder the name. of Quebie-sou GI !Ill-Vio.Zn (the Qllebie,lipon Dan Le) of, th~ ~a:~tiau '~~'Pb1.·supr~e ~~ano£'the p,urit}~ o! tbe;Vooooo Tra-

BitroQ, 8.l1iJ Wh0 pecsomil:es the serpent of t·n:under. .

The tradiHQu of ~is .prayer ,allows a char-ifable, anil de£exe1l,Ual tholJgnt fOr, the POOT deceased, for the. hroth,ermMons~ fo:r d:rumS no lOl1ger used, fur' the fOlq)'er d!l'tUllU:ier~1 ;£Ilr all th!.'! old saered' musical msti'umen.ts ,ll!Q ],onger ~;lble or lost'. £Ol"aU cult objects w'oken or thr:own, away, and even for ~'Very'thmg else 6lat'may have '~eli for,gotten.

, TEllIS .. in, ad.eli.lioD to beIng a gtea.t act of mag:icjnoo:n~t~o.a .hlli~bil,g $e I,e-llgiowr'power of I1!Ollc!!n:ttaf!:ng aU the: 'traditiOllai p~,che' 01 the Qooea,sed of th~ great univeJ'~al traili1!ian of r;eligiom~ Qf whftch the DQuri'gan Is about tOI serve ~ nUnis~erj the Vioi:@"Jo'pra:x,er' is, B, fan .. tasli.c'thank o,ltmngt' and ;iOOl bnmienS,¢l tra:rliij:oDe£, enarity~ n ,enlb:rilees th4 three, yi~rnes lI!pwl wm~h.the' African c'a)jal':is basco

'L. '." I;'" 4th H d""'"

J;rom Its longm: .... ,00,. .' ope, -an ,''-'H~ty.

This i~ di~:funn ,of' the Roman ,Catholic P~ayer~ often rec:irted by a,

so' .... ""s' ... ' ... v~s . cd.\N1"S, .AND pRA:.'liEliS ",n",., - ---, I


1. ..• , - ,~ ~\., t' b .' "cizilyte or swrlstam I)f the 118,.e Mvane., or "busa poest, rna 15, y!lll ~ '.: ': 'h RQme 'i~

'Roman C1:)unih. paid b: tlI~ ouni'phor-a parado]!; lnasmuc as,.

fiercely opp€ls'ed; fo Voodoa~

OUt F'I'Ither ...• Hail M;,try: • , . Creed. ".

Gloljr be to !:hlr Father ...

Han. Ma:ry~ heal' my lu;ayers • . . . '. . . , _

Hom)' An~els, we are on OlR klil~es at the feet oi Mary ...

Saint Rosel Aellr u,S ••.

Jesl$, heat us . • . _ . . ..' . _' .'

Saint Fettif, giv~ us fue kerY whiCh opens the gate ...

Greal: sa:intt~ g~ve -;as out' 'P0wets '" .,.

S,aint An·thol}y,he~, us ....

Come, my God" Game. . . ..'. " ". . ., li

The~gei !!If . the Lo.tdsaid to Mary fha.t she Vl"p,s p:regUQnt

Tes.lIJB Chtlit .. " ', '

;saint Philomena~ virgin and U1iU'-tyr •..•

.Holy 'vi'Jgins!. hear us'. '" .

Alas" .Alas, Mary Mag~l~ne .

Oh. L9~d J emS in' the, Host .

tiap~; M~, gE.a'ee" • . . ',' . "

In ~e'Rameo£- the Fa.ther" the Sun; and the Ho:ly Ghost:,"

,We ~il Thee, 10 M!1I'Y, heat ourpraXer,s, aDd place us JIllt,

to seF'VEl )'llllll • • • ,

Gr~3:~ Gqd, illte.-ce,de £!>r us ,. • .' . . ., .

:;Samt JQ'Sepn, IDU~llC~t1~ with. J~$US, QUI' Rooee:mer~.£or: us •..

Saint J~Si!ip1}. ;ehal'ID;'dl~ OU1'eyes . '" .,

ADger Q'f neavim .. b;~ve _pitxO:n ~ : . . . .' . . .'. c, . D'

sa:iioctAn.d:r,e-w and Ho,ty Augels" bebold us :a:t your knee.s at t e

f¢'e~ of Mm:y. • • .. .

AD. saints, ,all liainf~.all ii.wnts, lle,_at us .•.

" h

s~»_._t Antho~y of Padua_. "ear US " • "

Saint Jam~~liear us, , ..

Saint: Philipp, hear us . . . ..,.

Saint John 'the: Bapti!ij~. hear us ,. . .

-oth¢r inv:Qcatioos follow.

'ThJ-~ is the £000 a,f ;the ,Fri~J'e: ,DIm:

( 1 )' Litany of fn¢; D1@T 5aITt(s,<lt vast ~yFlcnrt~m of ~the ~:ehpr ,an;dRoma:

:1tMlez. (O!, ~lf?:g,! pli'lJppelez = "£all,~' '''smlHOO:nf' 'lli\:W') The GI,eat Eremal Fa~et!Tne, Djm: S,~l~f,s" ~h;1 RamI 'The Gre~t E~ F~'t;he~, Hte S~Jb Djal DDt:Oi. *$olJen. Ha:il 'Ih'e Q~a:t E~l Fathel1'! i£ 'We are in 'th6,haQ:d.~!;lf Bun n~eli (IDhe: Good:

God). Oh S;iiIit~ . '. . .

Apo iLib,$llli'GBhadi,a W®l)gan Ci,eIlIlLihsah.'DQI6~' Zvl

Hail the Virgin 'M.ary " • . '.~

E!a~~he,"Vitgin ,o! GOod ~e'tp( .. ,' .

H;ill the! Mas~eI C[earor 91,ffi-Ie-aven,and :of,,;eatth • ' " !Ii,ail ~iooflit,Anl~ftIlro.f P~du~ . . .

8'9:):1: Saint -Nieholas ,', "

Hai] 'Holy 'Gho:9L, . '.

,', ... '., .Llhs:~Doleh"ZoI Sail Samt Andrew , , ,

lIall Saint l()$i.€p~ , .: .

H,IrlI :Saint"MoseB· ...

. ,.The lQUaWirlg ;samti art! iuYok~d. as ilOO'l,e" Stti'm,ts ai.:Jgu~tiine, S'a\'~ io~, @et~Fd, Uli,ie-h.!P-atrit,"k (Danhha,lah W~o)" cam~ and. 'Damii8:[l

[(~:, MaFa-s~ )"!'.I?'h:, Luke, .-Mm:~ lvJ«tt~iew. 'ReM, 'Paull, . Ja:rne$'l ~hili~prP\ .~~!I)]Jes 'JBbr.~o~eQ,_ VIllP'~ nl. t!h~ RP,la;r1" VI:r~Ii of M~rc}'i' C:~ea! S,amt Ann (D,~l'a.:I"'~. Mt·~~~) Imm,a.9ltl:1:fe Conr:eption, the: ~~.gUl'A1~8F~C~',tlie V'Jr~ll.of Chan,o/,. the Vir,gm oJ M~'!l1lt'G:urme:l. ~a'i11!t C,IaJI'eo PhIlomena; Alb-erit ,an~ {l:U thmaJe and female saint,s III ·heav,en. 017~~ioj"illlJ{ ·'th~e 1nvQMtiol];s are ~nt~pfed 'witli ffi'e

c:ry, "Ll:hs_~]-j DQlehZol "

(2,) Litany'~f Diw ~ys~il~~. itM purely :A&i:G'aE lofl,S~

H,~il ~a_-x~, bjer: ~tmi~, e~ ~ni -Agoueb:, 'll 'we 'Me :in We'

h~1[I;fds qf tlf~ .' .,

:&[,1 ~te~ 1'"tJ?:e G@o"l' 'GoP ) • rOlit Sain.~sl •. <

Rail Leglia :iit-;E!o-n, ])jot e " .. ,

,H~I 4i-Z~- "V~l~-K:etheh ...


The> formu1arepeated~ fuvokmg, the· following loas:~oi:;6 Ati"llQ14 POlUl':g~U~,,: M~Wli'lhs: 00·~pu.; -Vb;gIDlt D9-go~1,eh" DO-I-chou, I?ru-ca.n, ~is., Hail Q::tIf:ql:iida:liarf~ Aida WedP. Lilu~ Dll]~b Zo,l_l1linl, S~~Q Ke-SQl!! Batle.",s.i.h,.CroiJll~la-hoUli5ih, Aga·sou Ymmi:n~ -SiJibo Va~o~. Ag;A~h 'l'1i B Qyo" M:~t;rec JgQi;l~ti. It Oro,E,:J2;Wle: l'1rekla Tl'lp;m ~OOlZan Za.ll,g'8.Za, Math'essel' 1:;a. $ii1.ene, .Maiibes-se J,,,.a:.B~lein, B6e~pu C~blannria~ ",gaol! "]i!1Jlll;te,qe, 'Jl~®!l M~d~. IIh~l&;;o,u Y'enQ~, O:_gOll Bad.· ~~ .. ~~g. 0'\1 E'e'l;.r~~~'i. O.rgo. !U "£,;'h~a. h1' QgplI. _~ball%O~BaJt~s~u,ftc~~dl,1h,. l\QouW·Olltd1,. Ogolli ASi')acl.el\ (~Il an~t~n<t, tJahomea.M . kl.~g~" 'Qgbi;! :Bhaln~:dJiQ;. Gg,p!J ;P~l9,:ro,a. ~s;;~ iM;eg~l N1~lIDtJ; }jmg.~~-sQ~, .Grande lIossine" Cr,ande,· AvelbUt'heh, Mambo Nal1ijID" ,!,\;r!tladli} T~~ih FOOSJ~ Gl'and~ D~n-i (i\'ve:r;i' ciJdswpetIt"i;i£ ~i'l. Tt.<tditlon)! Grande AI0-u.iia, C.)_'~d~ ,Al~au;di~, e" B~r,o;;m: Samed'i.; 'C'ue~e Nti~V:;Wil)U" BIl,I'tUS J'ean.SimClu, SiiUilIi Ytmde~Zo Yall·kifha.. Y~,··Pol~ .. TQU~~ H¢llm·~,. T'QJ-lt~\I, MAm"b~,; Twt6u 'f~(1ulfgu~m¢?nJ 1?Ol,itl?:u, ~OUIl!~Sl:1i Cilin-Z:o TCU~OM L-a 'Flaee Gu:inm. T-ouoou Porte"lli9.peau Guuuu!, Tautou HO~ili't:&"q1Ut (the ~~l) ~ '[oulloJ! Ogan~eD (Ithe .9g$.n play~;), ToutDU Houn'$m d;$".s.ou~nin. T,outou' r;Af1liqu(jQ\liI1U1, Zm!·lLiiisa:n fJoleh ZoIH:aIl Ml M~p1llOs:!:. Hail . all_ Hgun~g~n:>; Th~fonel1,,:,,~g' ·:n~. tton$_~ of l(ll{ls; :are .invbken: Buaa. Fi$'$td" ¥IDJ~i C-apJa'i;lUt All-~lI!e> T~'Brutus" Mondong;ue:, Ma.'-!:idiIllg!!e, Si.n:ig:,)1,Oa:m;g;a,-Leb.. Kitha~ E'Ui:ha-sE1, Kifihl:!ip0niIDl~J' (Joo,g~" Naga. N:mQ . I~it.. Ibi.Libllii, Ban.h9m~, 201 Lilhsarn DolekZ'O!~

'!lil'\~ elm}! o{ hO~l::i'~hs'ki§ihe. ~ut:!d wliil~ ~ee~g~ apti sin~, "').lhguel • " . a.h, ,Ma.'.,grn,, ."QfO-.ll.,~h,',I.~'!, t No~~,tb,is "'!:itl, nal e, £,~" .~ii~~$I,l:I},!;CJ," G;t· lion, V:P;YS IDi'ng:tPsH~al1y Mcord~g ~:s it ffis 'obsen'td 'by ·the Congos:.,

~. Ibos;, the P~tllros:, 'ffie l\adas,' th~,/u:(nime~)_ ;01; th~ 'N':agps:) .

We 'heve presented one .of!dWonali 'forms o~ dle"'pm~ers beQ,aJ.l~&fno'Uf Q,Wfi ~~tfe'ri9n~~ it:iA1 dimc'u;IHf1io,~ 'imp6ss;ib:1e tl)'ind!i!i~til: p:ny, iDlv-~a;151e, _'!Ue'tho'd o£r:e.cjt~g;· the 'pralle[£; and singlll.!1l the, ri!'!aID cban~~"dpf VQodq_o a:iI: ,the'.I'iQ.~~(Iem~t of a l'e..,-li:gl,?u:S sel'Vic~~. The

"f ;ctf - '''I." • ~1I't'- ~."" ill\' a ;:J nh - "']-.;1':

re!iti1!t ¥ thflLn, we tt~o:i_!:ion ttse.!l 'W~~ ~~e " il;lellmte" a:n'!,l' 'lID.cnffllg-

a.ble, tb:e dilf,erenlJ Voodoo S'ocieties"rVould iQ . c:a_Si;! l?r0gressiy~£y

~ter prn;ely tradiiiGiif~ PYil-o/€:r-s:and. 6.1ia~f'Si." 'ell: 'upwlrn t:M# 'oWjl versions of-pu)'I€l'sand,dlamlts,Th% even'tID.oll'gli. 1I11the prayers 'and t;ha~fS. are 1m. '};! !1imilar, ;£lli.q :cliffer sam. ~ ~:h:aitth,~ ltqm'i'!\ili Cth-<;I:b; o/6.Dc:o- .' )s,.no't -. ;n~~~~sarllr'$M~ to give thEl'itesPom:ses to prnr" ers ana enamlfs "Stlfi!(F by the '1l1Qulilgan or ~oun:g~'V'l§itl90n !iYf UflQtl'l¢):

I}irm~phol. 1'1ns is &equently observed because the ll<€lun'g&llS and! mam'bos ef :anletent (l1,lIRI::ph0~S flcequen,tly, Mce vis,itQrS and~~hd theill' aJ,d m mairdainil:iig tl}e q;a,dilio.l1 in other oom'phoJs. For exam:ple~if ,iii hOIlll·gu~lilj.con of Port-de-Pa:iX~ in nor:thwestH.':aiti, ··s~ndfthe ehams i~ an 0Um'pboI ,of Gro:i&-des.-Mi.ssioll8, in. western Hait!. the choir .of the' o\llll"phlJf at,;sions may have great difficulty jn gj:v-

ingth&respOnse. '

NeyertU(iiess; to give a --more Of less deGni.fe idea of the manaer ,01 reCJitingthese and pe:rfo:m;;Ung' tb~e Qhanisi Qf' rug vOQt3oo ritual. we have ta:k~ntl),epalns to. "['800m carefuny the r,e,gulm: sueeesskm .of .some of fhem as is'pM.etieed in. an ollm'phor '<lilt Omit=des:Missions" Thi,s 9l:clBl' of F~ay~rs appUe, to a VaoGlo6 se'~.vice in th& Fethroxite:


(I) 'HotnllD CahlloIDic Prayers'; Our Father





( 1) French ( .2.) Laliin


SON~S; (FI,ench)

(-2) Th~ ~gtll 6f tlte Lora .5'aid :to Mary that she would Gooeewtf .o( the Helty Ghost

Go:me,~ My God;. 'lDome

Grace, Mary" Grace " .,

(In Cl'w]e)

I:;foly M;ary~ Mother' ,Qf ,God; p~y :for tne Sai'nts •...

Danhhdla.h-WMo. ass~g.e, ;Yom: t:h11dien., 0 •

DanbhalaJircW~dQ, we ar'~!l.ll ;a;n~f1J$ •. ,

,LITANY 0$ Tlli{VO'Vf)OVN:

(3) (Note: .MteE fiach inyoeaJtioIl, the houn'sihs

'¥ldti:gesl' ) , ' , '

Dia:bolo Bo-sou 0 , , "

.A:ga.oo 1'c,uIMfie . " 0 0

c~ ,{ffi;IIge$



S:Im~bi ADl'~-:'Zo " , , Lownandi,a." 0 'Kft!ha Malar , . ,

ce .z'augi(f$'



AM.gon, ..

Houn'gan Sdop~rie " ..

.Hm:m'g'/llii pa:temels 0 •• 0

Houri'gao- :D'iate'mel~ • .. .

(leit~Ol(lti£pronouncoo by the houD:~g~an): '~,'

Danbhlilah~W~o'! We ;lie ~J][ "an,g~, Oh, IOn" Ohl

Ogcm Bhathabh. , . ;

Ogpu Chango , .• '. "

Adoun{Buidi 0 • " Danbba,1ah·\Vedot


V'tJ.oDOO SOKtGS (jn £il;ng:a:gi, sometimes ~ed ~dfh Greol~):

( 4) 1'",ni .Ii~le (Milgo 0 ... 0' •

0, Sim'bi!' anlll~l Manman.-wlJP, Or lk~ Mamlb!e ., , ; ... , Mom dit~ Q1l, ,gaugan y.o " " ("1 lI:ell you:, ~he bonn ,~anS ,

0, Qu.aIl'gwile.h .. :1k]m1mj saJa, .• ,.. . . .. ," " ... 0. '.'

Q. W~g:ol, o, on a: mGn~e.-m la, ~~u\. ~lU ~mn Afncams

s9-ij, Ian Gp.inm: b',oj,s. paters, tIOl~, (lVel M.anas " ,.

An. aal M$(liomau, an"a:n , ..



Callon ilo<uit&'!aa •. , An, 3ut N1aliiQ.m~D. an. au,: " • "

TO,Ut~s lOll! Kitha. 0 •• 0 ('An Kith;lloas) ..

, ' '. .~,"'., 1 ' ., l '!,

Tonl:i'€'s 'bcuu's:il;i aa~ ee~e , •.

Xitna Maz.'f •. " PQlillll'gpu:en G'ang;i:u,'t 0 0 0

Zil~ Congo " . .

Mo~"sai·." .


VOODOO' CHANTS (ill Ctoole- and. in llangage):

~ 6) J alID'!in. j!,l:umi1\i;' n ~tha~oiu'J'gQtle:h, . ,,'

o s~lue main I Gangan"mQm~ Ha:caya Ba-Ka "_ 0 0

:nre'.si!.~e qoonts peI'ltinne to'a::coomp.a~Y·ffie ,{$t of the ~er(mj;0W;

'~·~,phl.e laop.g~ . . .

H0Wl'~ll!.n.· Matern" _ el

b~ ... I~ 'Ii !i

HQ\lIiI~ ga:[Il._ J1a.t~mEll . . ., ,Q,we;bie,sGlJ • • .

Shribi 1'\?all •. Ell;ha .. . . Zilah. Mo·yo ...!! MaleI . a, " JeaflrPiene fOU1!lgQllen. • "





~£e,OI; n&~ f.he LMl.d 'OlOIOIOro: PrOmise


Performing Voodoo Magic

W ItH the.m;n:.e~iQus ceh!lp~e;r$. a:s .3. haclt::_.grqund, .the .re~eJ'n~e~ oblyto know :!Qoll),ebhing 13'£ the pJ:oeedut£ me~a:din prdet to attempt to perlo;an a VCidiI,.;!b ce.l'~Y!IQ:PY'; The instru~tions tha:t fQUdw!ir:e· G;.00· d.e~d,~ m:udllas pGssible nllcaU[e the writer 1DeUe-v!3S M::iat in Voodoo magic. iilS '00 CvQry dtbe:r kind of ma':gJc, th~:~ ~e,wtr·Feqllli:reTijeH,·ts ,For sucesss than n1;G,s~ P"lQ,p:ltig~¢r:any llmI.~me\ Must: imp0It.ant i~·a gooa "l;l1'!,ders,t<mdiIl~; ohhe principles, . "

In. the £oregciiug s;yitfhesis-a true~YSUJjJ};ma-r.y, ef Iilw '1!t:m~!BIes of" magftS-;P;¢,,,,?ritel:" 00s- n-ot been I;:Gnfimt, );rL~re'ly . t{i .g:athitt· in£ormatiP1'l :hom H<!,I V<;iodoe pr~_titi011e1'S aHdftom tiis &Wi]). GDS,,,om '1trQ,:I; he- bas diligently g6neh'a~k 1,\g ,the AhiC;J.lD somG'eS of ·v'oodQothat. hwveb'ee,p .sJlm~,vE#t· a1t~re(;l b:y the' f;'lii:ole ·dl HI'll W.¢.t. [ndi:es. Oom·· ptu'ed with. :Hattlan pra,gaael( t~ 'tw1}' AfrriC'ir!l [ll'oceil!ltitl mem'd'd in V~oa:iX) is purer~ :siwR~eil'"and more "et;Bc~~~Q1,1St w"i~out the- useless: aecu.m:uilald;PIlis'wru~1\th;ay~'·~oW'n 0Ut- of i:nai:v,id:mal~lifer;ei.'i:OM er a~e. th!'!resrut: Qf a lack of' jnitia:tiy~ pr:epruia:tioQ veI&~1I; 00.. betereQo:q, 'Fhe:~ter's lBtmtion has beene:nco;llfage.q 0)1 num~Qm, .hooo'glmS whQ, '1\lil!vi~ll st~'¢m~l ..; tlnn:mthenli'e ~om;ces of' ~~QdGo, . cl:airoth,!I;iJ:, O\ey WOlk'" wi'tho amlQss,6n'(;l,diifll (acn ;' ~on")"


The :r~~itiQn-Gtith1n, (11 .African- tr,\cution. ~dl~ one Ening' ~hat the'" l'ra:cfitioneI' snould:n:0t' lose sig:bt o:ff whe:n ~Ol'l'Jltng' :!!!, C6re~

~on4';tbe ph€l.l'l;o i dfJ~~!}s empi('Jy;e"~ hi, ~@.g1c; ;ere- a 'sjmpl~m.od1T

fi.?ati:on .of" the "" lIuid. ufthe, ,earnt'" _Fortin's reasan the m~g~c

,S;I,~t~; .~tves~~,~u~_':, ~~~edoIil the ~wd: Th(l;~_e d~~~gttS .xe:roa~ ~ We-place; tQ. which :tne, '~'m;(Hy"spoken wiIV' of 'ti.e c~ieb.(iaB't

"5' :;J ... " th- .....tL,"' .... '-H·-~lcJI f h - - -:lL"' £1. "

'1m....,. .e,m. _ unsasu:a':l- wlJI (I teeutuis cni!! "great magieaJ

'age,tit" oi-V6oiloo, .It -Is '~presseiil :by-the>'ie:Ves whicl-i 'tb.~,l.oas'b£-thb S[l~~:tura!ag~~y, im~edi~t~ly ,oompr~en~; -~- wmch'-th~7 yield,; ,a:nd whtoh ,the'Y pliey:

Proeedures To Eotlow

'HIoMuigal1 crosses lhlmselft h_"'f recites (1)l1',-llllay OWl,)' the,m8re diori _ , (1) ~ith _ flqur w~~P ha~- - ~ooil ~n'nt~~ .iD them'~ilne~ desC;tjb'ed below~ he UaGe5 a v!ve, or synlhetizrng 1Da;gie .diagram.

~~~Imli.Cillg :is\ ma,?!'lup_on H1fli>!:1-o~d 9r:upoJa a s,heet of wh~te;pa~r whirmtheeelebra,nt p]a~es, ana tahle"He:tben llb}w$ tWe ,rem:M.nd~t of the Hour &om Uiep.~lmtif]ri:s lumd,'b!)~ the' four eardiinall'omts.

The~et~1Jrat:l't ~l;"Qsses hbns-ell thlllS;

on the~futehe-ad> or~Eas;to saying-lA1Wlh.; @III We bl'east~ 9i W;e.!it. $.a~nd "Maw""

'1. iJ" :>10, <-~

an the_.Jeft ~hQ~ld'er, 'ofN-oo.'th,. S,ay_ vtQtlQ~LithV;-Bw~

(Silkpata = ImJ_;llIDtY)


on tllatlght'si1euldsl'. m' Soutl'lj'..saying H~vi!:l-ZQ

- VK;nJi - Pmity}

H~'f makes, the sign of 't'hfl~r<i~SJ \lVfll 'tbe",grQlma.~ ,

{2) He ~:ts_~iIr''il: tlJ.!l:at: V'eice, Io:utlly'coand with. 4e.l$rnafilanQn,:tb:re~

times for each Spmt: '

l;If ib~ p!;lWei's 'of Grand Mlaitl"e: AT,E9:~fNIMQNSE, 9lDAN-

'"HflALJ;\,H WEPQ. DAN tOilE, TAU"GAN 20 A-GLA YE,WE; By fhepowers :of AlLLlA VlEIJO,

By"IDe powen '0£ TSl-LL'hI;lWEDOj " .

EM the J?Qwets ef- LPA-C:AJ'N;Lm-c!AN LJi:GBA ATr-EON~ 'ta

-" ,'L ~ "~1U""'" 1d'''I' .... 1. 11.' d - *1 'pi!. 'l.T '

w.,lliom I ~<iy JI'>Ie •. ",,-t:IU"l\"~<:ue, blO)a, ~eOWl0U -nOll.Ai - lila, "(,(lU·

. dkn;rn y~~; he:n-i'q)' ~~..:,."

The C'elebrallt ·o-ri~m a. ceal'l,cl1eand. sqm€ ,natcn¢s; he: l~ts the candle. ~nd p1~¢.i\l'S 'it on, the fatbl~fO'~ Jnside- -the llliTel.,.

He orieats the wate!.':im'the~~e m;l.llm-e't""natne:lYE.::(st. \-~tflst. Nor_tn.



:so DA'N aUIM]N




(:3, 'The. eelebr~t dl1li out tqt:l nam~ 6t\eJI¢h. 9£ tlte }qa,s; ~f- ~e TexI~,Sl:Il~ Fltrid! three times; a:n.(la:1: ea:oo n~me.-thr<ows -lilw~ lttQp$ pf watw: IQrj tHe gI.Q\tifd. in zthe.,_£orm 10.£' a t:ttang,le:

Bj ,thel]ow'e'Fil (if: LIteRA *~IBON CATA~R0tlLO" BY' tlie' powers of GB,l~ AD1J,

By the POWel'cS of SEGIi@ L1S·Sc8H •. B,~ the FQW6FS (}fLQ,KO iATloZ,O,

11% the'powt!lm,_ of AI",ZANA, 'VELEHU,(HEa ~y the ~we:r$ .of: KEVlOZO: DAiW t;EH.

Bytll~. p.pwer~ -0£ SIM'BHl IAN~D,~40 I~N~FHl,Io,-GAN IAN-

, KIl'f]Ac --.

Ey .~~iO!- p:o,~e[s til MAITRE 4lGQUEH RO IO~

By __ the; !?o_~eis ~f 'MAIl'B~S'$E' _ As,E-r-LIR 'ERE<>DA, 'L't~'8~ :HOME 'f~:J~J-GAN MIiROI-'LE ZAGAZA DAN-THEIR ZAN·


By the power:sof DAN 'w.u-E-ZQ,

By the POWCl'rs Of oaol! FE~ ,

By ·the p.owe~s ,0{ o'Gdl1 BRALINiDn:D, By l!:be- power1S of OGOU BHA'TRMJAU. By tJi~ poweJ$: of oeoo BHA,O,AQRl,

'By fh,e 'powers of Gunde FL'EU~ON (FLEURl ZO)" ~y tke l1Q-WeI'S-'P£ BO;ap,~VI (TJl('j,' T'wim).

By the.poV'erso£ Doeseur. PIQ~Ull.E·S,

By the, 'powers of LEM'BRA ZA-WU,

13y tlle power;s' 0-£ ..ALOUMANDIA.

By the,powrer-s ,of all the'Voudoun.

By the'p'owBrs'of FAITB'1 HGl,fE; ~D CH:A.RI]?,

.,~4~ The c~mehranl places or plants a ~olde.n Fin (which h11S been a~~n.t_ed .as .:~hov:e:)~n .pr :in fhe tab].e;, th~~tPIi~ 'o.i tHe. sQ'¢Je,M \\,1~D, 't~,e c~-cle o~ opemtitifi, TOo thepim. ,he attaches a gold I)ii'silver chain (likeW1se oriented}.

, H.~ s~liIJ:klff$' wa1te;r upon the area of 9~rntion iin a triangulaT pat-

ternS~YJ!ng; "BOLOU- .



,~_this '~ay till~ E;u,t~;, ,'a~.~e&sb:id Li:~htJ thllii nourished! may fGl1,ge' ~~m~wo .cham whIch Wln prodiu:ce the' sllpep1atll.(af p):le~omeoon. Theearth flben '(ea~ts, by liber-atfng the alellemic" volatile \in. order to. 'AIIcnieye II'h" 'resnlt~ dlcm:ted !by the,will ef ths',celebIl'l.'nt.

The> celebmnt 'th.tln a,l.1D.Dl!illces "yliat he; desires the Jo~ to do fenni-

)1atit!g with the po~e .. IlI. : t form,lila,. j




AGQO 1;)1 FHa llWE'.

Thf:; fQllowing f6Q:llcla ma¥ be substi,fuh'ldJfoI the Tll"oo,ediDVl

sn;OE F' - ~






SA:H-'BHA-K..:'tHA-NI (toest~lish thellmd ;circuit 0£ die ,t'tanstlbstalltiatiou ,af power)

(5) FIle assists in thelfueJ'afu'i~ ofthe "vQlatile!:' by sprayiRg o:utof hi-s'IflGufu tlb:e waW~ wmeh hehas taken in- three ,aracUgh.ts, in OTdBJ {:o 'put ir.lto operaiiontheli~bs~lmtia,IiOJll ()l the !la:~amell!tal ma/lenal .

. 'H~ ,sprintkl'~ with p,erfuIDll all tbe c'e,remQnffil facilities tn or-der to aid still frnrther tlretra:l1smissio:n 6h' the, pQwets.

ale dispi!tcib~ the loas with '~ese woxds:

y'E'·KE- The e..memhle .B.f -the loil.~

MAR-CU-ALLAHl - "Peace'~ with you!"

1m M IIUIiA-LU DYA "w;thtll1lw inro the L~ght-."

Magic Baths of V eodco

Vopd~ P'1~tijijQB~l'Si have alw.arys' ,a:ttae-bea 100nsidera:ble .fmJl'Oj;,tMq~ to Ithe j'llli'Lgic b~ths;'_b3ithS:whld:f_"they lak.e in dle o._WnJID~. in the eeean, ot·af home, :aud ,about" the com.positioIII of which. they I'!,r!e ve.ryr mu..cll dOIW!tin~>' ,Peasants Me nl!lt the, mity ones :familiar with the practice of ceremonial bathing~ It ts_ c.ommoD knowledge that the pi:actic,~, e;d:en~ tu peOl~l!3 at ~e mghest-social levels. Haitian congressi!oml candidatesandi even :c~~didates' for tbe pre~dency -ate knowu to hJl!V'e- taken "magic 9a~' 'to improve tn,cir ,ehance.s of being

. t~ct,ei!. '. .

One well kaown baitb is the '~chrisfnl~ Bath," Another is the ':Ne,w Y,~s D~~ Bath.' 11:1 gr~at nuWbelS bather~ "",ade into' the oaea:_n " short distance4rom the.Stoi'$'c~g se.veg, tep.oli twen;ty-(m~ pieces of a li~e. AS. they !live :in. they pray the leas of the sea. to [Il'e'Olent any supemafutiil Qp.eT,at'i!Ol)s p.~'~:cle.d against them f~D;l t! tbem. ~gQueb R 0YGI and Agolleh Tha R Oyo"10 as of the sea. welco:m€l battier,s on Monda1sand.FtidliY;s.

Clcldren wbe sleep poeily. have .... Worms; 01' ,Q poor appeti:t~, are b~th:eq by ilia l1o~'g~ ~.he he1)n'gan plunges ffie',cl;l]ld iowa basin of water in wilieR he :h!lS Frotn..1ously masbe.i'I le,aves; of thll m,~moo3'a; pudjl!ii ,plant. caned hVllte in CI."e.ols1 which means ·'shame.": Tnis


- ,

tincture of benzo.i;:n, ~d Florida Water_ Pe:dli.mE:- may b~·-added in aily d~siredquantityr perfume: lJe:i:ng; tlie most import-ant .elemen.' in Maitre~~ toHette-. Taken preferably i.Ml'C_~--a year, this bath must be pJ;eoe!d~(l a,n~ £oIlOc\ved by theolering Q~: a dessert to lbe n':Iystere whQ comes to administe~ tt.l.e qath. ;It i$ believed- to. be '9f .great h~~p:iIi W:innil:i:g'ht0DJ;lY; and -n «wa~ks'" OP the ";'poinlsf~ of Venus~

AnQther bath repu,ted to b.rlng gpoo luc}::_ is, t1H,~ Ibo baUL Ofil.e ,or more Ib0 aa:e , to ad.mimster th~ hath to' 'those who. , dElsire' i t, Th~ iugreruenH 'ef -tlie bath solntiot~ must 'never be dranged th1:Qugl1,tll1t th~ l';'lrIt:ire mag_ieal operatiQ~ that ls_to say, ClVS't a period ef seven days, Since t1m 'Qath_solUfJon diminishes iii qu'at..tit1 with each use, fu.ere: ordill.arily 'remains 'only enough to' rub oneself with ,the la~ Jew tffii.¢s;, The 'fo,rmw3 f:a,r this b!a~th is as, fellows: a lilr8:o'f aieob.$i·, a. tJanana;s(!a' Wii!tet collected "at llie' jsland&;" nlUshr:ooitis~' crushe:d pi~eapple; seven holly leav~slB"-bdttl~ ,of h~ty water tak"{!D_ from a holy water 1Ja.~in ina' chU1ie~1 and perfume~ Th~ "',good luck" b.ath "walks" on tl6!i} '''points'' t'I£""tbe :Soo.

In orderooadm.iniste:r the batb.te combat mis,fottl!lJle~ ffiehoun'gan cQmpletti]y disl'ohes ~~ cli~ll,t:ang mak~s him. lie Gn tliegrQIJr.ld, Sametimes4aS .!'J. SMClld favor, he giv,esMm ci'srii-Ja.ll. s,trfl.'i"" 1:1lat. Th(Ji hO'll:n:gan. thel1pass~"~ ctuc:i£:bc (L~gb~ beitlg the Voodoo J~'Il;;) ~nd _he ;taU of a: over his ~oii!lts. oe.g:inwng at the Ma-tl. The nape of th8 ne~-k. a;i1d ~he jilw~ respectively. are the phAGeS of the body where the spirits. of the VlQUd,OunS e~~ or t\xp~ess ,tliemsel¥e5. TIllY!, 'hoWI'gl1D iher~£ore Gtiommands the, evil, spirits, "fo Ml:it) (,rom the bQdy of' the person wbom li~' is p'r,eparing to bathe in th.e ~Dame ",f Cod. the Fathip7, God 'rhe Son, and ~od the Holy ,Gh.O!~~. Th,e h:mn'gan then plunges,.his \!,ueQt"into wilitei' ;collta.ining salt (tUlleS:); sea w:al"illtis a:Y'Q.iI~rl:He ) I '01 airin, seven. vine .1e~v&s~ thXe£!' 01: seven bnmches of; panle¥, several sh:lJlots., '~dumel and several piece~ almoner. 'rhiS, .bath shoGid 'be a very ~ho[t one, lasti:ng 1.1..0 l'Pnger than- two at flu~ mi/nuteS". Moreover.1t sl!ro~dd be taken on :umc;l'SUccessive _Friaays.,

'In 0rd'e:P t<IJ illcr,e~e ,t~ tOl.lgi(l power pf the various, battiS. it is <1,ayanta:gE!,ous,iq trace GIll fhe inside. or the, I)utsi!te ,of t~ ba:dlrub th~ "eves ru,soc.iafe.q_ \vlth the 'a'llu;fl1 .inHuenee. oF' tbeJ03. under wboseifn. 8'QeI1rle ·the bath Is . administer~il. For ,el'ru;nple, if EIzulie di!:scends fwm 't!lie _trill to 'um~nt"-"a "horse" fat the purpoSI'l of ha.thlng In i)lldMdual, i1 hea~t, or. anyth.rng thai las J:l');ferenee to 'the bea:t1;,is


traced. botb on tblil inner- and outer walls of lhewb. In the, case of Og!lu •. a ";yz:ought .iran grill or iii s,¥ord is ;liket,olle:d., in ,aQcord~ce with the ~l1netti~ t"taditmon i;nhe:rJtecl from :Africa.

Bringing' Vengeance on Enemies

,Man",?l!,n: Brigif.te,01' Mi'l~Di$elJe lJrigitf~, ,Is o~ of, ~h{;l b~st knoWn and most popular 11Oa5. 6f Haiti,an VooaQo .. SOIUt! claixn th~t she: ~ th~ wUe of Bason Sa.mew; klrd of the c.e.metru:r, ethers that she is "the: m:O!i1' aM:iepl of dIe delil~,'" th-li.f is tOo s~y ,.of the GuM~sl Her treere_pQ5QU:)S the weeping willow, tbe elm"or the m6decillier-beni.

AJ:thQu~h" ~a;nmati Briglct,te doe,s l;Jot b~v:e ter' _QW.Q ~UJt" which wmutd reqIilire I1s_pe,d,aJ altal'in the eum'phor, she nevertheless has an enermoes nu~r ~f devotees" At one Mme '~hey used, to g~f to invoke aud cans.ult .bel' un(l.el1 a pilpticular tree tha~ ,gr:e\v nO:t iiiii'" borni' tbe cmss of Ba1'Ou Samedl In the principal eemetery offorl-au~f''r1:nce. At p~'f!Se.nt t1:)e .goveimn'e:filt EPllr,;!'l' pr.ohibit this pradtiee, ~hiverUieless" M~Il1,aQ ~:rigittesti$l inbabit!l the eemet1Fry, ,ahiding: not olll'ly in of her lil'e.e~ < hut In V'm"lo·lJ!S rock piles :as weIl. She i~ ',*0 calleq: G}:ande ~l"lgi'tte: Hie,r poW,ets are lrpweuse, and her 'v,eves,:ill'e tUUQIilg the most mteresting In..all Vmodoo.

,.~D the ptJ; ~eme~ery: III, wheretn'rQIeily peo,ple c:or!!11d,~b-i'l $een lnvokillg her befo:re'hm: favori,te tIttle had been cut: down ~~~g~ t~e.,:eonibitied lef,£Qtt~ of :tl)~ p'Glie~ and tB~ ,.leJ;gy. heJ' cjients tlsed ~O' ;sp.dnkle ~Qe roots of the elm with raw 01a:irin and whearen 'Ilo~[. TOi7Y _ a,]g~ used 'oopresf!ut her w':tth. ~r:nmm and -pe:.rn!llts. \vhitn. ~ey p,laced qn 'tliegr:6wd oat the root ,of thf\! tree, pr,omising het otber gifts-H she heeded the,. pr.ayers addressed 'to. he-r. To inv,Oke lIer the devo'r~es would lig:Jj't (lone .or more cm1(lles 3,111(1 :o'bcJ!:: tbem o,n "'the llOQ.t~ or OU tb.e ]DWer trunk of the elm moo. The. mliltitudt<s" I}f theSe Hgb:~ed ean~[es, w~~oh l~uld _alwaX£f ~e seen by tlis 1:li"e.e' prese)llte8 a 'most ~l1~~l __ slg,I\it •• Mpecl~ny ,at d~k.JnciQentall}'" 'this llrllct!M was arJgm~~y emJ;'loyed m adares:smg pr.ayG~s 'tatho . ct@ss -of 13,arqn Sil.1'n~,~an:d these 0Ipssesmda,y ~en:t; muchffie. same appear,anee as tJte stel;18. of omd churches that am li,t6!ally pavec1 ~ft:h, ]i~hted candles The;; 'Vol9doou't .5pe~ dir~Q;tly tor tlieeh'll tt~e whmi Die ad~J~e'd G~~e: ~.g:ttte~, j~sf ~s jf someone Were, staJldingbeEorelIim caJilahle ;Qf l'{!p1ym~. Guede Nibho, one: af the most important bf 'th,e


Mric4l!'n"d.eaiJI," tagetper with the thirty oWer GuMes who -are his. brothers, .. som~times claims to be tbe child of' :Brigitte. Henc~ the Hst oontaiils tmtt)Hm€i Gu&l~. HO;WB;Ii"er, m,Q!"!! fllJl!n: thtn:y-une a:nr ebsen1ed, since eacb Gll_iede may .appear under If)rulY a:U:~ses: for ~?(-

amEle .. GneC,le NilP:~'is. a~o ko,qWt'l as Tl Puee, '.

MaoJ:tman I1rig,iUe's""Clientele is _m,ostiy inaqenp O£-~I]p!~ .who ,Ill\e oonSffUlt!y er.i1.brojj,~ in disputes with their mends 1)11'. ~eighbQr"speople who, ;alway~' lenefui~sc !lnd who ~ cQntm~lally involved

in 5{)~ at'g;umen,t 0 •

On the w,a..'j to th~ t;em.e:rery to" PQDsqlt. the II!ysb~re (scaid to be "the n1diest of ,the dead;" hence;,the! \o1lisest). "Ilie (}l~eijf el:lt~' a. ,~alk of baYalionde be,fore 'presen:ti~g hhnsilf at the ,e1.m free. As he cuts ,the ,stalk he s~yS': "in ,the name .tif Mademoi~Utl Bi\gl.UerAtriVing ~t the tree, he Pl;O);!ijJ,J:ilOO5 the following 'Words wifh an air IOf' great llulholitty:, "Mademnis4lUe Btmgitte._bttlll;)Jd the lash 'Which 'so~and.-so~ '0'1" ~'so-andso' has cut to strike you with.;' (Implhl:ati.~u~ ",.' .. to stii}oo yQ!ll'~J!l'\T,ant who is, OilH~ with youtsreI£, s1nee ),QUi' seryant is iYour child,".) "Ibring it; to YOUl fuat you max te.ael;l him the l'e's;son "he deserve$,"

If one ""ishes to C~i:ISe m:is;;l,mdetsta:rrdimg; between ~a peoFle,. :th~ prayer must 'oo:rit~n the wo,r~s; ". . . that yO\! ]IUl.y prevent '"K bom t>ecoming reconcu.ed with "BO Of "C.'''

As th.e diient pronottt!ce~ these 'i'p,rds-words\lVhiich are immediately eeheed in all the 'Cemeteries of 'the wO.dd-he, bends' down ,a;nd ~~ braG~s the gr;Q;lm~~ theI:1 s'coo;F!s up a, bi~ ~f, earth. at the foot of the, elm tree. UBually s:ev~n ,hlmdfulls~ Tfi.kjng s6,~e. of mn the p;!hn ofllisl hand. hEl! p~oc;ee~,ltQ ~lie home of his eDemy. and when heardves he 'throws the oometeI:}! dirJ toW:a",c,is'tbe .eaitrance_'9f the hbuse~ 'taking C"al'eOQt to be: abseiV'ed. and uttering these, wor.ds,: "Ma:deml)~elle Bdg~tte, h~e is wJhere the persQll liv[!:l!i wntlln I p,,~?ed to 10:1.1 b;il ,torment."

Oll the way .fl"0:fl] the clW1etery to the tl:OO'!i' li)f, hiS 1lrlemy's bOj,l$e, h~ must hot ret,n'nanNOlle's J~reeting. He mllY do so, howe ver, alter he h~ spoJ(,en mbEi I!'.9bV(l worc}s.,. and ro. £a.p-t, Ul:i.y '$;p.e!!;k toanyc>;:rte lie encomter't for the tituati (1£ the magic operation has Deen OOTilpleted, Sbould he'=tetum the greefillg Qffer::e,d _him en route'fo his enemy's house, or speak ~EI' .any;cme, them~gi!l.. wnUld! bs ·neffeeti've.

When t,he 'ailtiGipllil~d l"esi11ts ,oF tn.e opetatl.onha;ve Inatenializ'oo. the pTQ~ mad<~ TQ B'rigittt! ion 'th~ cem~tery must b!! fuHIDedimmfJiliat~ly under palll of having [he efE.oots ,of the magic baeklir,e. 'rne magi~al ~erati'On here described illllsbale.s tpe ;magie I'~i-

P.~D9ty e'$_ta~lishe~ ootW"eeu the Vood4o 'm;t-it~re ~arnd the devo,tce, Ltls ~s.~i:.nli4l!1y this r:oclp,mdtyt:h~t ':oonfers :nfagic i?ow~i'"and which ae~ sel:1i\ promine:nee; sme€:' it- unde~li.ecsthfJ' ent,ire' :mystical :s~ste1'n

d_~ .,

'lm~ best aDd simples~ way to pIeEare an, ~etenlar" macrop ds to pour ca little: lC~tqr; 01~, "JiVe ~i] hi a ');'Qcwt~GIe aMhaTl~g it fm~ 'the ¢.e:ilmg; ,ln, thlil ~tel cif 'the, omllp'hot or on~:s priyatecshrlne Vi'! ease the p~(j~ dees -nob have:::m. Ol1m'p'hor: but S9ll1'V'ft~ them.yst:ete~: ·,auy'Way). The loc~trnn :in fu~' r:::~!it~r 91 l'lie Cei'Iiri',g cDn~IlbnQS .tpthe ~ati.w ~I')f the oe111e:r-post in theo\mIJ',phor which ,the ~'~t.e~~ lamp ,is, ,c:on~ia~~frd! ~ t~ptitciiNg. Th-e la~R" or. Jts. SU~tjtat8. tn,~y~lm ~ plaGei:i: l,lp:!R the p(f of tlte:m,yst&e. hteing·sel'\ted.

The«J~s no cibjeoo\)1TI.!o ad.dtqg·p~.d~e ,totli~ oas,tQ:~' ~nand o~;v:e Ol.~ bl1t~lG:i'e~ddin;g' 'anJ1£ilng else;" it [8 a;d.v.js!l.1bl~ to. wait nun] tlie llf!~s~me h~s made 'knO'W;D- biswiSheos in ,i!lrematter, tmless, of (put5~ ~he ~1'5Q'J(i whopf;ephes. tJile !a,JiIlP lias prQ1e~iQI;J;~ 'ldi~Qwleoge o.i t_h'€ flteCe§;l;t:r' Jufedtents r:elativeto, the rq>yster~ in qu esHon. H:o~ell,er~ des~l!e ~he stit1~rior kn!{)w~~dge ,~£ . 'o@Itg~n w.brll, 'prep~r_es a, ~~,~ '~f . ~IS l'Ql:t, ,t1m ,lb;u,m~y ~piPear a. . '. ema-n.d tile' a~cliHen of a ~;m~ itiJ<:ular POWde{ or fa:VQrHe leaf that ~Ilpreccipita~.'~bEl Vir'tU~Si of the l~'bt~o1Ugh their ePf)'hibutiQ:Il t.othe'FoW"ei of -tlie element~w:hlD:h _prbdCQcei.t. For ~illIl:pI8'i jf 'boome dllJ}'6ornmaM~u" iS3.f!!deil 'to the (iils, w"~ch ptQ?~ee~, ,we xl!iht, tb~ lamp o/!,ll jned ~ 19yejy amidsF!l{er~ IDE ~€e, (l~~r t1i'e. llQi?se wb@te the han,g~ or lIs placed. If, ,un die 'othel' hanG.,..gut'lpe'wdeI' 1m 'p,e!T'>n~ is :b.dx;l~ tb'e Ql'>westie keene \ViM

]~eilii_b!iIb:ea..· , 1»'- .r I"~ " ," " , ' , ,

,._ fo;'''W01'~,,,, ,fa~,~,' is~ e~l~J~~ fOl' "~IDre, ~al1eas:o~~ Its R~gse, 1.5 to obt~J~l)'!iRl Yfi:1iell~ JOl'rts 'm ~,~. Ii p!i1:,ced1iltlC'S~ttlhe aegise£ Lf:g~"a4SIne!?,t'he' tradi:tffi.on reveals tba,t .l;egbais tke ltIJys,t~g whb ob~allll~ w.or~,!?: Da~li~alij)_ .. H'OW$Vet I:h~,s<limg ~aml?may be\l'lac~ U-Q~e~ .the a'1lSpl~ of on:~ '(lrmOlil Slih@nil!inare. my:st,eres~ sn'l;llM@'d

to du a p~(I:l¢~ ~ 'wQr~;pJId pti:sse'fsing ~e rhtlw:l~gaphimseU 01;, sam!;!"

body eke:. ,

Wh¢;t:l. pro,p_¢dr 'C'0m;poset!, this ,kmp' 'bas j\emruckable Pfoptll'ties" Butiit tr,.itiit he 'rel"flwm1S~~fl 'tlba:t it,S 'i-n~elilts dra,wthej)t!ll~gtc p~e.Ities, lu:'t,hernrst place on:ly: from the , Th~y beartp, ::i:he :~s:ul~ '~hieh :11t:e:, lilin:pis supp..o~tld too 'I'~.oduOO'i For example; if We hOUIli'gan wi§h'e'S to cmi;:: S:1~li:; poople 1l~ .. sliQi4d ,agd.s,otne B-as;ic m~dt~

,Ci:g;llS; ,tQ th.~ lamp oil '

'ThEi lall1pth8n summnns, Of: ,riUJ('actS pauen tis,. 19, tf:lta:iil.hfs c'entele;, Uilagic ,a:na~ow lTeq)!.liJles that be iM~ljde- in,~b6 ~p:a flf!.w'" ~a:tQPS, m ~ttQlil,g: gl:!J.;:<aT 1;>its efgum (l.1i'\'llbj~. 'Tl,~ raw$! abo ,~ants,the'hotm'~aE the powetsoJ?the.loas: lmd~ wb&e: ,PI;oit~Qtb;m 1~ :f_s, pl?oeJ. llh~ wants I~~_la:mp to_ I1ttp!~t~ie[l)ts ,iml'llWiliatem:r~ her must ;;tad, S€!i'en 'mea5we,S, oJ ''\'~ I'~e:flipira't~"'" (r.~cl oxide, 9)'m!'!_fc.\lq) .

Most bf,fh"e "work" lamps are, of?i'l type' that 'il)jght be calledllui" y,et;'sal, th~t ish) !s!ly:.the~' ,!}ontain \Ul:i:.\t~rrsa~ p~bRel"tie.$. Im10 1I:heir c0mposi:tiou >go liJUm.eOOU$;, some_what: di;v,el:~ iI:rgedii'en~; ,€Ilive oil, !1:a$!rwoil, p!:i;I!Cipjjtait~! D,itilme d:1J ,GammGlrtlfle!tl',v'ariQl.15, :esst'!!ltial oils, p(efer&bly eSSiinoe ,otitO'li~j; a lP:ie~e. !ill ,be;ef hearl;', and ~i,ien Fa:~l(elS: of l1e¢dle~ or s:e'ven fiee8Jes' p~Mecl Upol,1 .a ,pieoo el parerunent lil'liug

, the ho:f_1:mn iiit'the lamp. UIeb.¢'e'f heart :is :Qft>eil llWlJjtur~a be:f:J(lr~ being I'emav.ed ~Ii"om tb~ ,Zl.nimat The lamp alse <;Qntains·Wi;n.e spirj,ts, 'ilJli~e of ffiea~f le~ te~ wir):ei' gy.l)~Qwd.'F"'P9wder~ madder. ,ano_ pur(l' lard; ihrith~F!inQFe, 'tnesl': se,lt~n .articles slU:,Iulcl! ~ plJitehase'd :iii! ~ve)J di:Het~ntshl?p~ ,in seven ldliffierm'tPoa:tts ,o,~ tqwn.

4pm;t £r.e:~ tliep+0Ile~~Ql1) ac¢'Q[de~tliili~1'Pe of lamp 'l:5y Legliia; Ati~!BO!1,itis . £r;equ~ntkp. 'Placed \.ll1d~ the- ~eg~ll Ilf Lpko AiI1-Mu Ekn.rn'goueh" o~P:'apa"Ogou, or 'fif rap~, J;.Iam~E;IJ'lt3h. ffm(JItiQIfA.Ily~ the lampig'placed upen. the ~' of them;ystere, undeJi' whose FJotee~ioll:·n lt~. rnnm~S' pras~ -'ti]je I~p) W:~a to be ~miig in metl:,e'&-iI'~SQir' ,of t.he :my,s't~t;l-a cust{)m ",,~ch~ DI'lI IQ:Q.geJ: s~.ems to',Plev,;; 1110 daubt to, fhe:'.Qfac_!tc'al ,9IfH:cnllili!'S' [n\'01"611. The .m:~:r ~~ ~~i~jig i'tIhos.t,effic.aC:ions now I1Ol1s}s~ts in pladngR ,a~ the' 'base, of some ob,. i,~t -into whieh i:t is po~siBl~ t(i summen: 'the de~i[~d 1;dyst~e~

The; !b;fJs~ ~aw;c re~ults a;r6 (liDftiin¥frjOi;r;l a J~mp if prayeis ,afei,rafd in f:r'ant efit alwa~sat the. :samemo:ment 'Of '€.he day 01' -Ilig:ht, while 1:ffe< pil ts~beimgl'e;pl~lli~&dt pb@,l!I1q this b_~l'Ieoo$Sat:Y. The - ~tl9ie~ \9fnoo;1l is the: best. time;- U the lamp is ~l1ff1lnded tlMJcttieve a rn:men€ial 'aim; mi.ii1mght~ fEcits, ,p~~~ is ~vil. While tlh~ pmon is fw.i,~g his·


pr~ytir) h6riienti£ln~ hfs.qesir-es" at the.same time stirrmg the Icont.emts (if the lamp ,with a ,green t\.~lg. Ute l~p is' kctpt lightl!d until the reqllest: 'hils hB1'l1). fulfiU~d-gifx, eiglill, ten mouth~, at 6r,vcn a year • .if :necessary .. 1he proper' use oEthe lainp requiFes that ,it not be ,e:J[fmgui,shed until satisfa.ctioll .~ ebtainoo" 111~ ilidite,cted ~gainst an e!ltl'my. mljl'a~S sllotiJa be fOWld of s'fiCrenl1,g it at tile 'gate of the enemy's Yalld.

The ''bMacl(:'' lam:p :is -composed of castor ell, piment-chiell-, OllineafeRP~r, JP.Owdere~li'z1«d, ~wder 'Of. a'. deQqmp-l;l~~d corpS'~ prec.j.pi~t~. and SQOt.~l;lera~ly It !s hUllg In ~e yard instead of bein~ left 111 th!l! Mlwe. Thls magic lamp serves mammy to compel a reoal~lt1'ailt tenaIllt Ito c'v9-euate the .hbu~el;!li.:).t be rentS, an lene'my":OI move ou£of th.e ~e;jgbb?rliooj;l ~r 0ut of town, to produce: ~discoid iu pglitics ~d ptihlic'S, to dhsl'tlpt ,~ family •. or 'ttl' QIlpse. iIl,n «memy tal lQse ibis job o~ even to die,

It~e·,lrunp.i:dntended ~o mitig~e<~ evu" it~o.ttld 'I}e pl~ced under the aU)i~lOes ,o{ a. rno~ (IF the R~ nle,· Jb:l:lit ;if 1I,"IS to. Servia eviJ ~dS:,]tQ<ml~S lUJ.d~tthe.jurisdiction of.a Pethrs loa. The bmp'iS made elth~r oflialf a: ,m,~d COtlOl'lul: .shell, half a j)untp:kln, Qii!' Ithesnell' of, a sea-Q\'ah. Its ingredients snould 'be re.newed tweIyiIi'riday for .sei\l'ell eonsecunse w~e:ks.

~h1l: ''''bl,:l_cJ(' lSm(;!~:t often pla,eedundex tne P[ot~Uo'n 0;£ Agoul;lh It OYo; the god of t.he sea. for when if h'a.s produced s~tisf~~~o~ :I:'e's]ilt$~ I ei~herjtc.outen fs are fhro'iolll1 in te the. sea or the ,entir~ ~iimp :IS. pl.aoe;d, on:aJ tiny raE"!: llni€l. Eoatoo. outtc whet'a i1l: s,inRs

like ,:ill toy ooat ..

ilie.s to' tlie.1amp·s eenteats. Fu.l example, Ogou is chosen bliCl.tlise be is associated Wit'h fu:,e, l\gcimili with \Yatet, EtzuJi.e With !eve ana [ustiee. The IMnp or: strictly spe~king a bohle ·i.l.1~de lof whi6h .3. wic,k ls.llgpted b-q1;snmJej!i out when: the bt,ltt1e]S eorked, is hung .!lttene, el1ld of, Ihe yant Every ~y at the ~JiLme hour the hl'Ju..n~.:m., atmed ,with 'f!. wruH,' J;\lshes at fhellitlule an.d- alillmmisten a sOllnd thtasruqg ~Qlii~, Trus has the :effeot of- h.astimin;g tthe mysteJ'~ til the periQ,J:Il:l:!lnoe 6£ hl$ assigned task

'T'L.'A ((/""J; ." 1: .

.L 1)£ I...J·r.Jt1.nn .Lamp

Tbe "charm'" lain_p is generally placed I.:r[lon .a.fab]~·at w1U.cb th~ '~erson performs thi Wllgtc:arn op~ratioDs. It is usmlUy made of 1i.a.l~ a. CO.cODut sheu" iUid o£lmt~lS,~g.r'e.;I~enil:s w~i·t::h ha\t~r:flI',H1Jogpl,.IS gl,uarultieS 10£ s,we€lbless al~a atb:a.etioo: a magnet, syru,p.S~Ig8iI; 110ne)~j PI' and ipw~r petp.k,. partic111;li'ly lho:se of Jli'limmne, and heliOh'ope, .

The chief CO.j))$t1.tuent ()f the lamp is a :Sheep's hl"Rm purd.'ed wjtl1 the idea .ln mlnd of ]lW'ohsing the individuael whom one wiShes to ch!\l1'lll. iO'Jj:v,e' oil is :adde,q, alit! th.e lawp is ligh.ted .In th~ ~e ~£ Leglla. ¥vh@ represents the beast, and, Etzulie. wbo reJ?l'Ments the sentbneILt of love, It is ~ept ]jghte.a !1~lill't;!sUlts are abtained.

'the «dls'l!;t~r" lamp'is 'e:ml?lo¥ed fOJ Machiayel:li«lm P1lljpOs:eSi Us t"W!il1 jlIjriWpi)Ji mgiediet1ts ar~ ldme )11ic'tl Itnd ih~ gall bla.4'de,r lof an QJI:' Ta this 'is ~dded :raw, llI'lIlefined castor orland sent,

Tlm hunpl is'. \II~tlallf p!acl~,d 11'1 a hal!:!, in the gto~d. JIls, 'CQi'ii$t~tue~ts are placed lin·a dwrzy eook~g.pdt.<Ot if ~hey ru-e alr.;!udy; ~eld .m.4IllOther ccmtllinf!l'., tlle w,f"ol1l lamp ls plMed! in.aQ 'lId pat, and thi$ is, plaGed :af the' oottom of ;l hol~au.g a.t the £QS!t of a tre . :co:us;ecta;Ied to some lD}lllteI¢ .in a remote spo't :in the gardeu, Inasmu h 'laS this lamp Is l,ml1leJ: th.e o( the Gueae I(>,~s~ gods' pt tIte I'l'emete,ry'~ ifiSi ca.pii:b1,e of FI',eduein.g diM!')' catastrophes ..

Ug~ Blood Sacrtfices


Th.e v,olatilg~ssen!:lli!: released l;ly the 'act ~of 'sacrffidng cories[lQnds bo~l\l.ed.oYe 'of th'¢· holy spirit ,de~cepdfug "'uperi":,Of ·<lin ~lehead" ··olI tbeceleikant;,at the moment "he "casts, the water;" T1le dlesc.enJ of i'he bOoty ~sjJirlt·fJt _idenfifi:eo· supetIJ:atllihlly\tith, the. magic 'conferment 'ot powers and favors sought by. the p~rson wh.o 'POIitrols, the' oronip9t~p:re~

The ofl~rtn~s' which are mad~ 'to the ~arth" in addition to the water, oOMonn to the special tastes' ,of ,certaiIJ me;mber·s of the panth'oou ,of the. inYisibl,er;~ Th~s, iu ,ol'dier to brmg about. the ~ppearam;e oJ"a,spbil ilUOI1l;:,eMiIy, Glli?'!ilusi!: attta:ct it magichlly ~Y> o~e:dug: wh.'lt. it wants" for eX"a:xnpl'e. clQthl;!s, to wear when .it makes itS aP1"earan()c, food, songs, ;J. 'W¢ilpo'h. be\i'eti\gt}s~ ,and! pe.r.fumes~Ea~oots 'which oom;ti:tufe:

the "chain (If magnetic attraeticn," _

C6ntr.mwi$e; th. l'emo\'c a loa h'PDla give:o. _place, the honn'gan does ~be ,exaQf ,oppos.ite of what b %did to ;attrAct iE, H_e prodQoo:s th~ most disagt'e,eaiJle so'uud$ pOsSible: He spreads foul 'ouors. He msp!fts It, even srrlhlng .'it. He di,sl:nIss.'es It witJ:l,h wQrdS:'aod ,ehilb i~' Pey

puurlng water [)ver it :in the nsme of. the :holy spil'it. ,

In ~ .in whicH th:e cei~,b)'ant d\'J~ not desire to in ... okea.ll the. loas of th'B pan'theGn. but to res~ric~ his: invocation to a' smgle loa~ be'

,~mplIilYs Drily, the dli.!' o<Hhiiscm~·loa. .., ,., .

In the espeoial\y :impoda,nt instaooee in whii;h th<l celebrant offers: blood ~ ~ sa~c~ to an lnvisibl.El'; it is preferable that he' include, ·ill adsitionto tJi.emagi4l< dJ.~lfa.t'Jl .l1f the mysfe~e 'i'llvilll<:edl tru..t oJ it1'e mJii1ire WOOl ~ntIols the blood, far tbe' la'ttel!:·is the. OOOl)pi~me'lilt\'lry opposite .o'f teg~a £i.ti~B·oD (.:L,ggb:il Adingh'jn), :tbe invisible who is .invokea first ;t@ "'open the gates" or~ the fluid of _ tbe :e~rth.

'flie' Ihy$ter~ WRID contro}~, thecircwattM of the blo"0d is idenHfied ~ith the fem::tle genital organs" bl!QaUSifl the mgnstrtlij.Fi?t4o~ o>f the, WQman tue'alfecfed by the h~d nnd <'walk" oabalistical1y upon silveri while Legb_a.. On thef)tlleil' Iha,no~,~s idelitifted. with th~ ~a1e ,gemt!!ll ·Ol;gam whi~b \Vcg1k? cabalfstkally upon gold .. Heaee the.goldenpfn syninoHzes tn,emigiman in hffis QimrlRo~r1Ce~, llmO '!:he chaip the .ma,gic itSelf af 1he opera'ti~m. Therefore,the chain .is the m9jgl~ dham

of the :astIallglif. '

Lcgba. grves'i Enutlie reeeiYes" SQ yvhenL~gb~ ''1:,aises~ Qril~omp1islies tI1~ satrlfi6e: to tuum the wish of the eelebtll.1lit. the. mysh'!;re whe (Jonfi'o$ ale blood is,u,s,t#ul·to hinl,,, if uofmdis.pll'n$able; bepa~e !:his my&t:ilte ""lIows fl:ie lOaer_ffie€>' to beacceraplished by diredting tbe. bloOd of the vic'fim i:lJito the liU:l.d~lI 'P1~~s of thl'l telrr~b'1i!lJ fhrld ~nde[:

the si,gn ~£ "purity. w,hi~ is 'hi,s D'Wn attr.ibqte. The :mys-tire who co~trois ffie blood eande anything, She is 'known as Emulih (Aze ... i-Lih). :md her ~ista:nCie is' solibtecd by ~lHng hl'li' -three' t:iJ:ne or six tlme.Sl (l'{lilrb~t diagram, which ig'lOne of 1Ier.· IilumetOl1S a-su,al eetoplasm:s, 'This mystere. the eontrellee of the sacrificial blood, is, th, tooth sign 'of -th'iJ ota,e~ \11ph~l!ef of ~e Jh8!£" a.nn it CQrtespomds to :the l'~si1:ig gJ the SUIl. To invoke this POW!;':l" <too to render ii' 1aeIl;filli~el1,t, ~ne mUJl-~

:sari ,

"By the power of M~I.i:l'ame la Lune (Mrs. MOOD), La Belle Ve:ItUS (,The Fair VenlJs). tn the'name 9£ the: Woman Btil1an"~Soleil (~tm~a:~'t S\Ul-), In the~in~_ of S-MI-MEJI. Madam~ Magie (.Ml's. M~ic) who jp1'ec;-edes Loso-Meji (fhe'mystffI'e who fakes- the"v~t,e a:nalh~ wish of 111e celebrant- and ttansporls tl:),em to the sky), fn the natfie of N~wesse Gbl'l,·a:-Dou, N~gres,seLoko" NegresseY'alade, Negl'csse LThsah, ~i!igress!e I'Are-.ell-eiel (-Rambow). _Mlli~,SS6 Agb,Uleh~Tha-Oyo,. Mai«esse LIl S:i~en¥! M.1!-1.ttess«:l La Ba'leine.i,

"By th~ power of Matttesse Erztilih FraeYl!l Da',nhom~j Negr~sse ]mamQu Lad~, N'fl,g!eSSifl ,F:Jk1{i Radat G!lflgp I'tlthro Nago Oaplaml Ibw. Negr~se Freda-sih !teda, Lib Frlhlil-sih Freda a,nd ),Fl'64~ t:ih DaIrlrom.e in ag!l'eeme:nt" Lili C,,_u, Negre~se Fla v-aud.oun' qisa:fle1ll' v;ouQauu' N~[ess~ Tl:.tabQ~ Mangna-n, V>Otlde" N~~~se Ci'braeab. Negresse _Cordon Ele'll. \ Blu,eRihboD):> N'~gre~se Coqrui:l1e Do-ree . (Gild:ea C~,G.klesp,en), N~gtesse ~'O~!,'

In th&:Pethto-Zazi rfte' theae il.i:ethree ways Qf ldllingj._.,ooek o:ffereCl aSH sacfiflce::

I. (1-') Orientation (p'fQsentatiotl h:;) ·the£oUI ~ar.di'naJ point's};

( 2,.:j R'1!l,' ~bin~." _ the ;", ,iCtim, a.g:;lJilJ[st ~ Sid,'es, Of, the ,Qente:r-pGs,t_; ~a I Spr~nkliBg WIth ~ohol tor keIlosene) j

(4~ Making ffiesign of th~ C:IQ-S:S With !lJotU:j

(15') lIIiI1Ckj:ng the: er'PB,: and sticking Some of llie'cl0wl!l upaD. ,the' 8gde, thijl post, and the ceremonial utenSil$ w~th bloodi taKe~ , f:1'?m.the 'o~rd's' th:roa:t ,after t~a\Tu;.gollf the ~o~gt:_JlEli

(6) Stg~g W1ith_ the Groo~ the: plucked ']leek wtlll ~Ol1li, spr,mklmg it with 1iquid. clj.nd lloIdtmg ~t m6w~tarily over: the ,"strong 'poinb" at the Vi~ve;

(7) £ut~g the throat w,ith 'a ,knife, l$utnOl enou-g-h so as to prevent. th~ '!'MdA~~ hl'cathingand tasting, ~am wlIich 15: o:I:FMea :11; thell li€iVenng the head and~pourl~g1h€l 1>lo,ed OD,



'and mon-,:rd the :past (11 ' well as ol1-th:e rumn ,to!1gswhi~li:t are f-ound planted, befw:e the post nr, mote' (!ommonly,lJil Itbe yard ill- the' ce'll~ of a. bmzieI'~ j ~o wbiOifl, t~el, delicate. crop fea:th-w:s are stuck wifh the h)rd S Qwn blQ9d" <l'no inally J?o~g, the \>~ogd --UpOIl the ground over the !lo1,ll'-uated

v~ve; .

.( 8 )- PJ:adng tbe bird! on the ground, W!le:nee'~t 'IM~Lbe- t~k~ . to be 'eo:ol:~(l removal, tbe- saenfieed eoek lS, strucklhFee

t:i:mes '90 th . .! ground, . ,

( 1) n,e, ;¢:lo,dl" is gi.v.cIiI somethlng to eat on Ute ,grQm~d whIle

, tli~ drums beatdit is~Q_t ~~d lilp) i. ,~.,

( 2: ) S prlDkling .0£ victim and; ve-ve with, Uql;ll;urs ami 'otller alco-

_holi~, be.ver:iges leS_etved fol!'· tbe <:~:remony:,; '. .

',3) Making the. si~ 9f tlIe cri)s500ve:r th~ bird with ,flour;

( 4; ) Orlentiil:t!<m,; , _.' _. ~ .

(5) -:Btea.Jdng 1lte ~t!ei: _ani;"t the. Wm,g~ (one fur ~aC:h 0-f the

cardinal points"; ..

,(6) Pl~hg tlie;clop ~d pladM"t~~,do'wn ~po_Tl,'~le ~ocle~ ( 7) Bubhing the victim against ,ijl "_IEJ~S of th~ ,cel1t-ev·post ..

(8) The s:eco~a spfin~g witll aloohol} L. .'.,'.'_

(9') Making the sign o~ the (lros,s O;ller die :IiiI'd wlth th~ liqueurs

'and the 'f!Je.d ofFeri~g1i wru . .:h aCGOrnpany _ ~he sacnfi~;

( 10) Holdiil.g 'thl1 gird QVeJr the "sb'o~g points'; of tQevey~: (11) Twis'nng t'b.e--neek as thou~h winding.a s_pr.iJlS:,t:he ho~u.'g~n h.olds ]the bWl by the Mad ~n_" SWIngs. lit Wi:tb a ClWll~ar

:motion milil the head is! torn off (or _nearly $0) by the


lllustri'lt:iDg fbe slaying tJ;£ the '\<ic'l:1:n:) by !:he mys;tIlre OgQ'!'!

"B:illn' dio-:"

( 1) 'rAe ~y~_t-er-e [{jove:. O$tck arid forth wfth rl;ie bird b~£Gre: the-

cEm:tetp@st ((in thliI~s1d(dacmg easth

(2) H'~~'bF~ t~e l1~ck; , , "

(3) he oIients,then tltew the feet-and wmgs; ,

(4) l;l!e t~a1is 011 Ute bad Minh hili- 't~eth, haVing- .8rstrL1bb~at, th~

Bird open tb!': ';;'~ve whkh-ba.d beentr~ced with :flour ~'n t'he

gtound oE the iljwn'ph@~, , '. .' . . _ _

(5) b~ ~ws, It,lipqR tll!'! ",eve on the .grQ1ll:I.c1 an,:cl .spnrwld'es the-

Y·B"fj with 119_uenIs.



Human Sacrifice

VQOUOO il'li,tlat~s c::al1 fho\'i:~ -whQ h)lye ~bal1d(!lned the b:adit~.on 'CQbrif ,thm:llIGzos. (,alfl;Q knowa as "Ca;nga:g aniil Th(ls ~dClIa~ned"'.). 'Th,ey 9j'e :me:mbe~s 'O:f the·s·p-:calletl. "r§'d)"'ot'''cnmj,ri:al'' :Sects who shed human blood fo~ saahlie:iaJ o.f[oo:iJ:lg~.

The. '~red ,ectif.' are a 'type of suiv:~v,al ofth~ s~Cte~ sects bf ~lrica 'wbb~e ml':'rnp,ers.· believel themselv!.7$ to be an.imals--mysterious repre· sentanOIl!!of the t'Otem;s of dan,s, The tirep1.ber$: ef thes,e sects ate ')nounted'" '9I""'pos_s.s'et1" by thesewlem proteet-Ofs in whose skillS 'the'), perform extraordmary, fe.ats, They may: become loop\lrdmell, serpentmeIrl~ :eleph"aDlbrl:8n. owlme·1li. ·pythilIllDEm"CTocoditemen. wo!£~ men, or Hm:i:men.

nee w,er,e.wobe"S !!l'f I{ru''e me'lii. a~ womb tr~s£oli:iI'leli magically lnfo bkils (If prey 'that' flly In the a.frtike teal bmls. 'Dl1rh~g: the~r .noctuenal flighttneir bodies gi\Ye, ofFilli1.lninous !Iail as: Well q,$ ~n OaOI' ,pf hat .iiIo.l1_ pr, SQIDI'l' oS.a)", p£ sulfur. 'I1hey poanee upon those. whom they wish to eaptl1l'el and, carry tbem oi'f:illitQ the fLhtas a vultUre carries off a hare,

The "ted SI;lCt:s.,'" who lean howard the: I:ite p£ Voodoo, =Qe;ar. such diuetse name-$ as OQQ1iGfts $011$ ~~ls ()HaMess Pigs,),$~ Pi' 8J..s~ngp~ Col:1to'iI$ GTis., ( Gtay P~gs,), and Vrn'}3ain-Ding (.Bloodl, l?~f Excrem.ent). Their 'emblell1 'ls th.e d~strlPyJn.g s'I;VGrdl b'f Sf. Micijael, vihiiib C~i8SpO~& ,!oq astrolegy ti.;f'"tlili ii\Y:o~d Of 0iiOIlln. thee Zodiac". ,01'. the !bow' of S'itgit.taTlI1S,; Cro.llped into s"e€'~s, dev(lt~d to ri4tal 'dest,x,uctiOD, 'they m,ak~ use o[ the:swordl 'and ilia lib~ i:fl. aCcomplishing their pmpo'Ses. T:rarPlilon holds that tiley, once. dres:£ed in whrte. Tod!ay~ however" they pliere:r to \vea.r.pl0od-red. Th~y.aJsowe,ar a curiouS' silvet ring omamfiilte.a with. a tower.

Members .of these. sects have becomll' tit~l ,de.JitJ'QyeIS through, a fal~econceFt ~£n:J¢ifiXi6ri .. They b¢lmeve tha.t ~6gba" tile Voodoo Jesus!; died 1,1pM t.b~ m-ore see {the cent,er-pdcst"\>1!' It-h~,) .m ord~r to serve as, an ed1b1~ human sa~rifi:~~ ... ~ :cphco!lWf wmell they -are en,eo.ul',roged to' !lola I:leduse o.f thEil... e:xpressiofil ,emptBye;cf i'n 'We vePJ chnrches that 0I'pos~ '€he~;''Trn;s is: tlly Bo~r ... This· is: m,}, Blllod," 1lrr; VOQdDq tradlt:iolfL,~~~c!,ISc.'stlie ":re.d -seee" of mnvm,g put Jesus, to as a human s:[itcrifi:~.

Ritu,als a'fld Ceremonies 0/ Voodoo

MANY of tRe C{oldclul an:d 'eiciling ntuals aod (:ereri:)_GI~e$ o:f Vood00 are hasioaRy deii~nedl In ·b!ill.p lead the' houn'sih.s h~ th.i'l, ngqt III a. mUI,iJe"nt we will 'go htt6 Sj::nlll;- o:um'p,hlor:· to 00 .et've ~ f\~w of tre$f! c~,ijmonieS in·d€ftail. But first it would be helpful to s-oan fnr outline 10nll sante' of the basic ~itl!ak:·

MeJ,'tf tl'arim.e ,Pla""ilig th~ .seu.l )~a proc~s~ whioh magtcaUy·lJalanees the ba and the ka of the newborn, that Js, cll'e tWo' parts of tile soul.

. .Lt'tlti, no.m (l1a'king the name )-taliSman and magic prot~ti(li_l:l 'gjv~ to col:lildren. 'They _COIl~ist rRJ:aki:ng' th~ na~ df an anc.e;!!tor. in orae:r to -perpetiiahi the ttlldition. Th~ child is elltmsfed to t.he prottlGti've spirit W)lOS{ifiame he has .fakt;ln.

Garde (..Ft~tiepHoi1)_ -magic' IYlnfi'"rrila t'Ign .oIthe Lttlt 1ietm·-·~he Loa: to wpich :tperson is entrusted '!met tb wbieb tht:"petSOll m.ustaev6te rittiaJ s.acr.m.f1ces a~a compen:satiQo :fot theprot€fbtion. l'be protected. one th~s'·~s€rv6.i' the loa. This c-eEemon~m:ty take p]:atceat :ahy' age.

. La.f)i~tet:e ! W~shm.gth!i) h~! -ritna] bapti$ID,. to fa,cUi.tahl by means Qf 'w\i),hrr tl;r any other tlq!JJ.Id. the. e!nh:ance o~ i'he leas "'iJ~ the head" of the- new [Ilitiafe,'i\'a.ter being tile p.:aJ;,bw:aY"Gf tbe ]oas. q~n~ZG\ PI ltp,ule;,.Zti;m:.iniUaimy""putting to bei:f" on the "hmm'slh-,



point," or ''' to.t.~':.... ( a.) fui~atory "puUillgto. 15ed~' iIlJWe di¢vQ(lav~tetel. (b) Food ts the head (manger-t~)~; (;c.~ QaD-~,prop~rly so:¢alMd (lu'itiafion by :6l"{l) i ("d) Co,mmg Jorth ·"r the hrl.ff.iJ.ted· h0\m'sm ,(Wever); (e) Baptism; (f) Putt~g Omt of the rlwaJ.~cklace.

itttfir-dah1~t~te (Refr.esbill.g 'the he'ad) -3, f1i1.rth~r'bapt1sm for relnfOIcjng't'h~ m'aitt~tete leas by ope_mng wideI for fbe:ID. the pathway 01

the ~ititc by fuei:ma, pOwer ,bf w:ater. .

H (lU$S(71nBniS (1lifti~&. 01 I"islng }~Ctmemonies of the" granting of · degt;ees~. :iiichidm,g ~tb,e s.ue.cas:sivB degre~s 'to which tb!lhOWi'sih can-zo, L:&, Place,. Hawlgu~lIi,ceI!l,·; M,aJQbo. Soun..'g~, and .otherS _may 'MtaiD..

DI1"sou-nin-'I'ecovety of the powers of o£(:eased. initj~t~.

Frise-'taining the '.'>pmrit of the- 'dead from the' cemetcxy

wh6re. thepel'$;9n has b~.e[l, bUrl.~d" ,

.BouleZ'-'%lLin"1"lW"i't Gu·(piI Zaill-,a cel'e'moIiy"'penormed -onGe: tit" tbfe~·

tim.~s •. ~cclordingtb the dregi"¢'e h.eM by '~he' il~ceasea. ~

OuettB'matt ran. iff eau tJassez.-c(J,flart---"ITtiagiG: ceremQni~s· in whic_h the SOltis ofcdece'ajed VoodooiSts are witbdraw;n-f·IO.m the ,depths of' -the wa'~1:' 'in orQet tli~t they m,ay .4''''0)':'6 me.temRSY.(Jhiba~y"

A.ll these ceremordes h:av-e :rel,ereDee fUHda..'lllffllt1lJIly to fhree vital

... <l",.,~ .. :

(i) OL(J-KOU-IN"-W~:' 'This concerns- the: Voodooist &om the ;;tge oE'i to][O ye.~s. ThiS plaJ1 is c"nn~eted witll. the s.~ w~ter {dre watetthill' mounts); ~ymboJj:z!:icl by the rirrnil "bad]" (If DaDl:!habh Wed.o. The ehtld wlw belongs to me tradition must be plaoed 'lllillel!' the p.llQt:OO'tjon (J·E ·I.;~gblt by meAn's' Of amuJie-Es, ~:aptl!lalis~, an'd. philaoteries: Le·gba: A-Gbo:Cbo o·r Legba AW,M, who protects him hem. aIl1 evil-a6i~g.

(4) OLO-SlH.5Er TlUs concerns the Vl'.Ioa00isl' from the of 10 tp _21. yats. It is dQnciemerl wi~ fbe: "mji:nlllb'n:g_ of the ci~pl W!lteil' ,in the :faml. of D:im·Wedu, the ;s~:perft .pamtoo. @n tlle iJ?(f:~;t Qf[;egb:a., 'Pie Voodpoist is theref~e remcl1.!oo fron]! his ]??slition Oil fhe H~st plan where be ha.d. -ptu6tild hom Hi starling ceremonies. likethe~ Mette n' atnn:e' and the 6rs~ t~ve T,~te. 1l0~V tobe placed undel' the pmteetion of Lego;iL Se-GbO-Lih-Sal1. w&o is supeder' fu Legba A~hQ.G.Po. This disp]aeem'ent tabs ·plaoe as.a hQW'sem.Ell1:'t (ac ;raising, 01'- lifting). "be~ - I' th' W(l;f:er "]jeorrillIs to "rise" ·in. fhi.'! form iilf Hi ...., - t bBl'!"'i:m:img·.

,eam;e . e '~' -IS, _ c '_,-; . e ,S>9lp.erl >, ~.~.,.. ,

wi th' ~'he secle of the {f()St (~) _mtd ,g( tow.a:~c;h tludistral light of the star of lIe' (Lih) , The houn~sih is ther~fo~ thought 'to ',ga to Ife: ilL 8~ch of his , soul (5&)', tlmoug,b !:he cbanne~b.f tbe _post (l~-8ah). The plan in.¢lucle~ th~ ceJ;lu,al ,e~re'm{)!Uej; :Jilrethi;l :can,.~()j' foOl.' these. ,~Femoni~ involv'i! the 'knowledge that Hows doWH from the sloar, and,. wui,dh lat~iI' the hOrnl'ian wIn h~'~:se~11 to eo,~er wpe~ hE! gbe,o;_ fl;i ]fie under the Gondiiet of 'his, inifiatoTs to take thaasson.

(3) aLG-R")'N TJ-T2: This, eoneeras the' :from the age oJ 21_yearsunti] de~t~. It-is eonc~D)ed wi,th V,ocrdo~n~ienee relative' to the p(')wers,of Ole '\"'ater whloh rises." These powess take the nann~ of M_aiuesseErzu.Iie and ~pablethe' ~niti:ate 'toleam the science tbil!!t c~l:l:S~es the water to _ rise and de~en_d infue f(}~ ,o.f fuel serpelbt of, V:oodoo---ifuat is to sax~ to summon th~ fa,as li'itu:al!ly and tQ utilize them as, . physici,ans, ,COW1S~U(;)r-s, proteo-tors. :runners, generati, i!lritiators'i Dl~, $l'lt:ef.1J;'~, and 'tr<ll1lS!¢1utators. -The Voodoo hiftia'~e is s:C'cnrd{ngly considered :!liS Qeing: '''l):1 Itlie_:W«;Iod" D,E 'tn:e: ,~~tlill'-posty and 1:het,efo~e finds himself WIder the inllu.etlce pf Leg:ba.i-Toto-an iillectionate name gi..,em, ~() the ritual past WbWl, Vo'i)doo' hliliiafes, die; they -6:rlll :them~~lv~s ah;~ady' in I'fi,.1'hi1l s.ssimllation leacbes why aU 1iiJ,~estors:_ ha'~n_s'h; hou.n g_uenioon, la"lace,,11lam'bo, ltoi:ll1'gali-:re.tum tiO' lff!" at ~err de~fn _~s Pf'w<ets and as, VOQdop loas,. smce it is in Ife whete"they .have h:e:~n to take the asson, ,or the initiatory~ades that pil'~e--the ta,ld~g of the asson. Thisthlrd p~a:p_~th~ma~ter pl@-induc1es essentililly'the "taking 9f th~' ~_Qn :j, ~t 1s the plan o~ the c~n:ilplete initiaQ;on from ehe grades of Iaplaee :m:d hou:'gue'i:Jj_c~m tQ ~- gt,adciii bf :m.mn1lo

and of ho~garll. ..

QTlI~S :ij.ight great events ate: about to ,t~fpl~e-:s:acred lites tha:t ~e:perlol'm~d onl~ Ofic:e every two years, The .most imporbll:t'gh~),Sf,godS I!_)J Vod.dop W:1U be eaBed .eut '0'£ the Hai1j~Il darkness to lII,ount ~ec bodjes ~.f fhe ,~h_os~,;an? they ~ll be ·te~vigol',ated with saerIf(ce$ an~mrst:er.~9~lS' ntuals to :stre,ngtlJen theilr powers 91 _granting the

pr,ayeIs (II theJr follow,ers. .

_ Thel gatnerin~~hwe ~ll 'I:he ~'ph~~" p-6s:ided Ovell' by B:ap:lisf}. She, has D'$ena mllm'oo;..:a:!l em,press of Voodoo-for .manyy~. Rer great

poweJ'-li are 'known far and wi.d!}: Among her guests tonight Me many

";'11[11' ha\!~tr:ii\<~ed great cHs,fimoes to i;lttend. , _ . .

As: night closes in many people rom about in the courtyard. oeatmea!lly;mrlng and, 'If'h,e hOfS;¢S ofd:i£:t'tot visi.torS are ~~d 1JJ'~ near the enU'il!!1ce gate'. Vendors pf fried food~ Ofl.ody. andwme'-and~her~ drinks caliled -tr,em,es tbeirwa,es sj?r;ea-d out on po,lta.ble trays., L1tcge fi'E!(!s:-tb_~ l'e'sti-ng piacls' of the, ~~eliit,-gp~s,-:-~l)~m_sbad0"'J' masses at the .edgesal the courtyard .. At t__he- root 'Of the tr-ees {'~dles g~01W here ~nd tb~re. Thel lQ'':'' buil~n~s ~f_ ~~~ ,Clum'pho~ :oompou~d. extend into the darkness ~o the th~t@icea dwe1lIn,~ of l\anuse'S family ana. dlQre,O~ other :memb'e.l$ of nei' V.oodo@ Snde-tyl

, The peri$yle of !h~9,l)l)l'1\>hor ~SL illuminat~d ,by, s~,l{,era1l s~~~~ ke~~ sene lamps ~5tel'lea to gether and hung like _ chande liers' on _e:lthrfj~ SIde of the'~celit~r~~ttbat holds, 1;11' the ga~lel}"s,-It1Iatched rpgf. The post haiS been fte.sblY painte_d -wjthviv~a colot~i matq~g d:ecol:'_ations Q.B the walls. These deOOI3.ti0RS SllW'llllndl a; Im;ge inscri;pHon~at ,reads S~ci~t8 La Fleur ce~ nott-s- W;~ Are the' Flower _Society. ~elow this appean the 'Cl.ilt Da-Ine ofRe:mise-Scutltl~ LMle, Maifl,'h-o VarGuil1;f!:l.

Many haun~:ga'Ds ami mam1)os a:mve willi their llOun'PruCODS and houn'.s:ihs, is the cusil:om. All 'take theii-plades<iinsid&th~ p~s;tyle

'Oil-chairS orbenehes reserved forth~, ..

n,a ~re:mony comm.ences ,a;bO'ilt e'ight.ctd9ck in the ev~illm;g Wi~h the usualopenfnp; chan~s. Three drums of the Rad& rite'-aI'eplaGed! a.lQng one sitie,andi behind th~m the homi'sihs a:re S'ta~~ on_bendles. L,egba is greeted with the seveJ,l!b:~ti.0;ual oMnt~('slmg: in hils h:OQ,QI' by which he·ls·1mplPt&l 'to IIJpen the barrier :0£ ~he spirl~s mel to- pBrm:tt the liviin,g ~ cbmmumcate with·~ Iili),st!era. 1lie,r(ist of the loas.. arefh:en greeted in hierarchic order.

Pr,eSen1ly :RilMSil: comes. mil;: of tbe oa:p holaing'·3o l~g gt wntel.

Sheadvas<;es to tbe center of the. pedsty,le, orients: the, jug • .and ,~:v.-ptoaeo.e's thE! drums. She ~te5 'them, as Wen ,a!! the ogUfl! (a _muS1~~l ~nstI1m1l;l!lil\ that is: a ldri~ ,of' be~), by-spririkling wa~er du::ee tb):!(!IS .10 hOlnt to'£. each. Alter the M te (genuHectmg and kissing the. ground). she- mri-t8to the !<fu~t~~post and salutes it by sp:ri.6kUng ·Wa-ie;r tliri'e times as oofo:re aad ldssiug it- tbretL_times.

All the hGl1ri·~jfu. _robed ~ wJlite ~ndstlUiding in clqs-e tonna'ti{la.. salute the fc:mr 6-ardil,lal PQmts tpgetlie:r with :Ita-mise, Tli~y turn ,ar,ound in _~(le. beolwag tllflir knees ~ In -quiet revesenee. in a:eool' with the. sa.c[e8: 'VoQdop greeting.



Tht:Asmo drum:

Voodoo drums.


The1blad;:boJt]e 011 the' Gentr:d Post cOHtlijru;liquid (Used by priests[y .powefsDf tb~:upirits.

Houn,'Si.l~ 1)IGwmg the lal'iU}i to call th~ "vindl which, '«'JU ta1ke the ship t~ Aux.' Il~t§ ta rtJj9.gfc i!acatiOI1 O'ut ~t ~~).

ThMi'hjl? (jE Ag,oueh en 'mute to Aux I1t1u •. ,accomp~l:l~ei:t by the conii:ll'll drums;!;!Ild It riw{ll :Bag,


'[he S8:ci'e,_u wbite :sheep :hefJdecl for the ship.

nitu~l hens and pigooD),; befQrll' b~fig s.a<irift~ into the sea.


The: b'~:r of rJ~ar oifedn,gs, i.n t.he main Qf tiil~ ship,

The "She6fl. jusf before being sa'C);'i·Sj;ed.


Voodpo dt1.1PlS hefore til ". d,:eparture fer 1Je. (In .tfi~ ~acl:gr.(')tm.d.llhe. authQll; taking, notres. )

IDfUslbed .made t# b~an:8-1iei,;l leaves re~tesenting ]fe,. wh,ere, d!rums aresymbolicamly <Bent leo renew their: m:~gm P}lrWflI'S.


Theil l!ia.mise. ,tur.nillg to the_ Boup'galll NOl'vilusfiom. wh.em she lo:o.g,ago "'took the'asson.~ bauds bim II:mc wate:[ jug-wi~b titiilal *stUl'es, ano, ne;ln tUDm s:alut(!&;the mam,qe. The jug, iisp~sed. frOID hand fO band among all the ~msItiNg hOlla"gans and maafbes. The hooo'sih5 eorne !o,rtI:i ill- l~aiIs. 1m f!d up a'CooI'd.i.Dg to th~ir degree of lillj.tia:tiOn" tum RFOWlOat;ld kls.s the ground befon')' tn,a druJUS and the ;cente:r,·pos~:. Nex:~. whil~ the huun':gans .:and .Ilii1mnr'bos etehEU:i_g_.e ritual gr~li11gs to the· ~CCQmiH~Jiri:m@t of J.'attlmg·,a,MQ.ns, the hmnit.stl)s curt$iey, in p~rs nr>lit before Hamise, then before-each ranking memlltir of the - 6ompany. Tht\:)" :the.n fu~n 1n_ 3, ,r.'i(de upon gne atllJther lellning their .he~~ '1:0- gediet. 'f.b.e ~eeUn'gs .;iiJEetac;eo¢iugto the.bietatchic d~!Jjr..e~·()f the m,embel' ofthe Societx addt.essed. Tlle-mJ!!m'b~ ·~s,<saluted three :tim~s by ,ea:cli-pah' of biOU~'sihs liefor,e her and .km$s the ground. She takes them by the .hand, assists them to theiu £ee~. and hielp~Utem. to' rn!lk~ three gi"1t~ul turns. Therer'i~tyle b.e~.9m~s . aw;hlrl e,! -whitedLescSrs,..,.-w:b.i te ,Qeing €i'li r'ig:Ue1iWt'hlS evetl,Eng.

As S1)6<'1 ';a'S ,the eharrts hi}I'lO:riB,g the loa, $QI)_(g;ixe '.b~d, tlle~oor of ~he'illner cham be~ ,of'the omnphQIi is. Hung wid.e O;peIl ~or the ,S01f"tie of the Rags .. ,

Papa Sobb Ian nomfpr{ 11; mand61 Jr~piea:Wi~

D ",' "~l" 'I, ,

.rap6,ell1,1 ",1 a, etQnl?

'Papa $,QllO Jan boumIor;

][ m'ande', chapeau Wa'm Ian,. o tlfap'e~u-9a, elQl1~:

Papa Solio'Wh0 is in the Oum·p.fuOI; he· ask'Sr for the flags"

r:hat flag, ~lau~"

Papa_.SQ~O who is in the Dnm"phQr; he asks f~r tl?:e flags, ,o,f fhat.lqa., 6h that filag;. ~lau~.

Immed[:ate1y the houn"sibs arra'1lg'~ -them]Selves h]' bi.Vo rows. ~ Wfqvig,e op, dQ:ot qGme.·t'wIQ wOlri'en.i:n tOil!?; white aresses,.bal'!eroo't, $,0Ji pe~dng. a spIDendid flag 0fembroider,ed velvet ..v:ith .d'eSi,gns wark-ed in ~ilet~es, La :plac:e, '1\ tong' antique ~ahre in h.ishlU,ld, le,ad)s Ui~ way. They, came Qutbackw,a-r(IJsj turning: in circles" La plaoe :is/a, }!o! ~an, ~ll~ I'~e~er .a~d ~eiY; lith~ .~I1~ 'heA2-va;liGJl$ t,ome ~lmost .dau~-lQte all: QI tlkntlJID mlU'G.h e:u,stomanlY'£ouned 0[1 'sueR oceas~<ms. The movemsntssare smooth and M'Sy. 'Wit,hOllt jerkS! beginning frem the: sh~U1dfilts and: eonth:l'uling d9"v:n, to the kne:es which bend in (;aillim&e. Mbtdfllil of hfs duty) la place- leads the two 'fI;a:g.'Pearers {;I.r.ow~·,the' cel'l.t,er~Bo,~;t; t1\E'n slovlly!!it first,but with inru-e:asi!lg sp:eed; bls sllure.' poi:nteaitild the .fla~ unrurled and w,9iv,in,g. he pr(:lm~e& to salute the drums.


H.emoW It'rtti.mS tel Mhe @ent&.post and swutes U""to $e lour [ac~s;"

. fie k\_ssf:s ~he 'P_os.t (m;ee liltnes, th~ l~acl~ :~e .'tV(Q ~g-bea:d.l~~he~'sibs over to the mam bo wbe, a,s:son. ~nd hell m hand, face~ ~a place>w~ pomt~ his sake to-wants fhB ~JrO.und. and til", tw:? £~Ij-~arets sm:r;u;{ing:.oD eitli~ ~id~ .'0£ .hit:r). Nearly th.e"el"fi(~ length' ,()E 'th~perlstrle, s.eparatesthem. They kI'le~J before' ~h~ ma'm.·w, tlUee tiij1tiS' [U a ~1Jl,*' cnrtsey •. wilh a slight p.en.d;ivgp£ the 1me~s.·l.UD:'d the'ir ~~ps_ t1uust ~~c~wards; to the ratdingj and tinklihg: oT th~ :it:;;S('lD ·QlIa the bell which IS sha]¢n at c'i;l,cll salute, In .a qllladh11e-tike Ilgure. the group· forms -and refo~s ,1'fHn' t~s,.in sucli away th.l,t the 'rnam:'bo rec ives flre situtat10u at the four r:arain.w 'points, Fimtlly., 113: pl~ceai:l:v,a~c\l'S ~ne til the,'bQ ~n~ wi~h op_e ].mee Gin 'I:h;e $r~u1Jifl be ofEitl1'S 'her the sword hilt to kiss, whtW he In tum 'J4sse;s. the g:n'Ot\nH. With one hand she llBilis_ts hWrn to reet and guil:lss him in ma:kiu~ the three'ritual turns" The flrsr flag-liii.'rre:,; ~e~ come'S fonvafa; and With -full ~d. fP1ido~s lIIo,ve~enls 'pascses her blue ~:nd red.sllk eI'llbrQide'r;e:d fla:g over .Ra~e~i;; he@:d. Three -times'she advances" and re~it.e·~ then aClvatl'Ciug Ouh',,"I knees fbree long paeesj sh~ presents the !lag. te' ·be kissed' it th~ ~op of the stafE~ while s)ae herseU 'kisse'l) tlte grotmd. She is helped to her feet as'··la, place was, whereur1J,on the, second fll;lg~be'aret c~nres l~m:d._

Thel same eeremonial takes place be,oor.c ~;'i.~h. houn' ga,n a.n~_ W!l:Ql''bo proo.~nt:. At;i all -'tile :hollwsihs a'l'e mvited to ~~e fornald, kire·eI; and kiss' the sabre. and the flags.

After th,e singillg.flf s;~ve~al ehants, three hmm'-gans come .@utof the inner .charolie:r ~f th QUl.nlr"ph6l -lld..YIiIl}dO;g backw,lllrds ~p, 110ldmg' their -assnns. all three 111'e -of the same height-:t,;ill and !!I.endel'-and

th~y ,rn,Qve wj~]ii slow .steps,,, 'thei1 ·rat, ,itlceSsat\rly·. pile!;)€--

them holds a ligh.tecLcamate. The:)' e the :mpressiori of attnmting

md drai\¥il'lg towar~s 'tbemseI eli sonl!~thin& wlti6h cannet as yet tie clfl,arly, seen,. something {hers 'in fb:e ~rIm:e:~ of- the, inner IiImn'p~b()l" Which req\1jJres the c0lnhhloo. po.wer 01' all +hrse baun',~aBs. to bring it jOJth, Naw the ~@hjiaT!G' I;lnteli:S t;He· pe.ti~le, his white tlothes s-cal'qely vis;ib!e ander all th~ long shiillgs< of muJticQlored Iilal1.i1liJ neclilaoes. that Ke-wei~abciut his nedk, sQtin:eo~D.ssed (';lv,er the breast, .59me R\,U;Ig frqm the shoulder, otb'erS' over the ann:::!!! heavy, meving mass -f ;ooldspaik1i:rrtl; eoltn's. His ef:esme dosed: 'his:,·oark. round face 6:A1]:ressionle~s ~d held Jitig'b. JI~, stili;g~, ~oxicatell b,y fhe "IT!y~teJ:~; hel;tlnJ,$" reels, rei~s,l1In:psobwl."Wal'ds 9W,1 one fbot. Th~.a~son oolb :him, insisbmt; the Qllants ~e louder, b[~in-g into' a regUlar fa"n:t~e. SOOn M :mov~

ctoser tc:(t\te c:ent~-pustj the he;a'll:Y ;neelda.cess\v,:ingin'S "vitl1:hiS mO).lelo .menjs and dil1kin§·a:gainst (1M .another; He cellldes with the tOthel's~ $fumbles; seeming ahfJ"(:)stlJOlb:§e hIS p~.anct. ·~a petfmnls gyratioI\ls

impo.:isibia:to perform in his. 'Dol'mm state. .

The three haun'g,aIl!S lead die conean~~ to the center o£tti~ lleruly:le where he:falls hi'ia:viJy on 1m konees,lRilinm.e :a~·ta Nqt"l:'illUS, Mgig. to t:c~i,evelllmiofbis eolcrful load >of necklaces; 'When &e,·neclaaces. :,tre'110 IQugel' On his shoulders.. he.Ie,g,ainfM~()nsc,iQusn~ss and" .still diZ.zy,.ld~ses

th.e gTOl1.i:(d and. get.s nil his feet, ,

La p',i:Itee ·al~a. the Bag~"bearers mel'll befare !he nl:am~ whQ hands e.a.till hQull:sili ;a nec'klacf]I ana:';t agou4sSQ1l.. a w:hlte elotll' band' that is 'passBd over one shoulder and knotted at tbeop'Posit'e hip, The sansa.nil T1ie<;k~~!Il!'§ ar<; w:or;n c'ro~Wi''is~ £l'~mt 8!:l.(1 Q.i\¢k. E:.~

I.'l~ • is different fio1» aU tnt! otiJcts,,_ as Us colors must match those

,identified with its owner',sptlrsonalloas,.

.On~' 'aftei: the otbel'U-le homisms kne~l ~d1l1ecei'V~ .heir rituaJi aa0mment~" ki.s~ t'he ground at Qlemm'Ws {'fiet,. Ii!h~ arise, Ones ~gflin ·tbe:aU t'all in;toli"~nk near tqe .ceiiter-pqst While tHe < ch3.I\ts arid there:peal'ed shoot-s Qf #.A:bF'bor' resound,

A caooance bdn3~ th~ m.arn'bo'." white plate:. c,9ohlini:n.g. (101!n0Cge;l~, Cfm top of w:'hich 1'"ep~es an' ;egg; The qpmmeal win 'be wed!. in tracing . tbe veves. In the other hand' bebolds a liiifbted ~anm~ Md iii pot Of ·Watc:!rwith wbicb R~miSe drl'lws ,1\ oiI:'Cl""' ,around the c:c) ana makes a q;ijl of wiJ,fm; .diEeeflx to t!hwclal)l'01 t:~e< iQum~p:hor

h!Zlly G.E holies. .

lIaving orjen!ted the p,late ap:q, the '(fandile that she holds with both hands,; R-a!flESe p'FOJlOllnQeS the l:itualinvocanon.,r-rusm:g her ainu in 'a ges'I:!im(J 0'£ gl"~at rev,er!ence', ~9 'f(le:e{i~ ,tQ tbe "task ,af tracing the v'f~)\ie,,\VnUe ap.propf.ia.te chants are" made by the chorns:

o v,evif, Voudoun ve:. ~pn Die 01

o "ina .Ki:mnn tie. Ve;F& rounn 'Ue~ n~blx;uaJt W~o Kbium M:e!

A second Ymva'lou .s001lg: 1?D:ertly £qnows tltE: mst: o JIlitoI1 ver, l)a~bhala1l W-6do,

Q I'Din1ton ver, Ai.~Da Wede,

Lada yej 0 mitpn ver,L~Cb. yeo

The de"Si~ of me veve is vlilsycdmple'll: 'and .un;:l\ld~s fh~ 'sy:mbo,ls of m,any 'n}r:~ter'es .se~en airdes-; on each ,DE wm.'eh a zjn,,'l'}:f pqt, .wiU soon be placed. It occupies nearly··aU ,the fr~e Space aroUnd

the ct!J;l.Il~r-post When the veve is £"ompt~t~d .. seven tiny rood chairs

am $ctm front of ~b:e'c~c1es indi.cated. for ffii;l z.jinsi; ."',

A chan;t callin;g ~he h:um.ih·ci!W:Q;) is ,gi""t:nl by the lioup-guelu~on.

Then the houn'Sins pfQr;eed 'to the dj~v6~ Ql' in!~atio"ll.<;haPl~r •• wherc- all the necessatya.ccouttements fM: the bOttM-klQ c~Te'IDGnYi:; 'rhioh we

are witbe$sjng. hw-ve: boo,~ I?{~Pm:ed. '.~ . th-e . floor. of the' ~te.~i&~ S~[~~': onton a hryer of leaves. is a. s~trarw ma.t_{:ovt:r~d With .I'!.. whi,te .e~oth, . the Plat Ue bUJildles. of pil.1~ wood" leaves oj mombm.£rauQ and _lal,o.' mrun, white china pl,a;.t~s ~<)Ile_ .for each, .~in ': kni~~S, SJ)qoifi.$i _ for~,sl' !nd spo!ll'lssly d,e-an glasses and napkins; llli:eWlse 3 IlleaSlllrre of :wh~a;t tlou,;, a 4igeQ(JU£) :tm ealaha& tlis.hl (nIl of CfJ~eal. bottles of ~l~'!le oil" .liqueul', rum, cauls of com gX'\llris 'ana, il'o~ted pi;;anuts~ ... .g_r~~D~ oQ~,e'hopp~JLra'jiV food lmlUeo the ma~e-d10f), .• a ~oui~~t!Utl~g the actas,-llago~ fsm,a.ll ~;;nmea.l b~ns wb:iim}vere be£orc .the ~remQn¥)" and a plate of acassan (Q, thk'k· beveta~e ~f. oornme3il ,and $;ymp). As .m'-~Dy Ic})iclCens' as th~I:e 'Me zips .li~' l11p!D .fhe· mat USMa.mIy the:se <are young birds. A pile of' laJw;::ewl'ought-lton !splkeS'U$e~ to:lJlak~ tripodS f(j tlie elay ~in$l»ld, tb~ iron .. Na~?, ,zm cO~l!le~es th~·li!t. ~ an car.lJeteetemony,ll11 the:z~n.s hB!~ heel) Signed! 'V;Jtn t~~ ~1'Os.s, ;me mam~ol as_son and.ben in ba'Ircil, had !?J:oJ1iouoced the li'&!l.:ti.o.ns to the 'pdn6ip~ myst&r~s ;0£ Her oum:p}:II\lI. ~gfre hi1d~.lso,.~ c~'n:!i~Iated the zins by dm.wiing the "eves of these mystereJs .on tbea S!It1.:e.~ m cluUk; nOl ,onutting the mHp9al1~ ~IT\lPQs~te''Veve CDr a]l_',the :my~tel1e~. O~l~ thel Nago 'V,i!ves ·are dl'a,W,)l 101'1 the ziti. Tb:~ 'potteIl'Y- Z1nS, are designated Joy tt.1i!1iving ('Zirrs. t.'iva-Tits ) .. or . for the .dead (,zin& ~tJrts) , Thfs evening fWp' zi~lIs ate rese~~. fbr Mie d!e~a. Around th~ v~vesand on fhe .inn:e[ sides of the"zins nnmerous small eoos:ses, ,are; 'marked.

'\Vb® the. Jiolln':Sih~. re,ach the 'Q,ie~'& tQ:"ey 1rn~eel 'in' pairS' before a houo'gan ora.confian.ce,w:n,l)od~)lt5 aDd ~iyes them ~eir loa~, ~ey 1d,S"~ tht gr()~d .M!d Ji'~g{r. ~I9..d'\uilly ,the e{)Itege' fonB!S~ Its -mtlrancelnte, the. peJiiSl:Yie ' 1\1 Jjldle:t fGm'latl;o,!l;, L~ cplaoo," Sa:bI~ IIlhRIlO, opens tlrl') waY' bfmaktng ~hr,ee dtua~ tur;ns on thethreshhold. All th~· ho~~Slhs, mak\!-,\ simuarb1rl{S' Aslo.w whee~g of wlti~, .dress:e.s bri~h,f'" ens the.di.mness ef the. peristyle. Tne &t@s nIw£ud, Wa:1/,il 1j:ud ~volve 'Ilbo),lttli.e mamm!l W~Q ,approaches maje.dicany~ass01l ana be]] in hand. Tlre three. bO\,Ul~g<ans follow ~h'er a:t ~ sh@:rt distance bo'ldin:g _ the li:glit~d. e~ndJle ~d the . Eot' p£ water. Th~ drUIDS g? v:ild with t~~il~ beating a:n:a ij6~m~n~1 ,th~., b~ lll'ltO. s~~g, ~hile th~ .. r.att~ assons ,are. hea'Jid above "BYery'thmg else. Faclng tne boun Sik!:, tHe,


O.onfiance pt¢o~eiil:$ baekiww:d:Swirl!h a ,cl1ioken in 'eaeb hand,"'f~fI1lt them with, sw,et:pjn§ movements 6£ ms"at'll'lS. He dances with snake-Uke contortions leading -out the hpun'sihs,in .single £il~~ each of them hearfng: ~L partic:uJ~[ article o( the r;ihJj;l_par~phemaJbl.. SOme 'cam'bW1l~~ of pin.ewol!ld sUch apI'on~£asbion in their wbtte skirts. Othe'Es bear i=Il'1'MJik ,rif :tllomBt'n b!l:anches. S,on'le l,OIdi pitcihrer-il:b~ped, amp'hon!"li~ bottle$. S,tlIl ollieJ;'s ~e loaded with enormous from sJ>ikes. OJ: CafIJ' COf.t!S' OIl 'theiE headi, bra9ing~heIn g.;~eefully with upli!tfl:d arms, Large Qalle baskre'ts are. ,heape;d w:itu ,all the ,Qthef matepals that ~ be needed £o[ thtN!erell'l:Goy. 'Eaeb ein .is entrusted ta aboull'sih canso who carrj~s iEt 'I!(~Utgr¢il/~' care,

-Chaot follQWS '£mmt In-the 0001 night. wmJe thedirnms heat ann resound in uaisoa, The El'lm'bo. sln:rounded ~v 1h~ lags ~d eSClQrteq by 190 pl~ce, a:pproaches the foot 6£ tHe center-post. "The C'OnfiaIlce swings the flaFPing; chickens, up a.nd down, He EakeS S:tW~al ,rtep~, alw,OIy-S :ba_ckV.,a'td~" whiile, the !me. 'OoM howl'sAPs -pretends- ~.Il . a:d''lalll(;,e. Three' 'times, .in sccerdarice with tpt old Cuinm (Mriean) rite, the ~Ite'g~ :m:uSt pre!Jmd tq ~rut~ each tjme reh:aciJ,lg ~ts steps, aJways £acm:g the m~m'1io. At lengtli thei ,all slowly mov;e into the'pens'tyle singmg, They make-a trn;;n a'oo!tlt the, center-po.lit in a spe~wl kind. of ~nd.ul}ti~g ,d_~!Dce, two steps to the tJ.gJit, twos;tep;s't,o the_ ~lt.

'the: _houn'gMl'!i()0n~ standing :~.t ~be root of tlIe eelllteI-'pos,t, seeras illS~~f,)-cl, sendjllig ope chant after the 'oJlh~~. MottQ,£ tbe H:fl1lf{sih~. ~ore or less "mounted:" by theti: my5teIJes, come £0rthwith tli.eir eyes almosa closed, l'e6~ng, ;turning about tbe veves; yet careful :not tiCl,_ ,st,ep un ,them ;001~ spo:t~ them.

the ·lj)m(li-al'l~s. who aee go in,§; b:),"bum the .Z-ioBS'" take their places ,on the' smalL low c}jaim,_ Thi·l!pnn"liihs· .whQ brought in 'fllla rltu~ mllteIiams; one MteJifue otQer, sl~wJy kneel Ibdare th~ mam'bo, orient their loads,; ,alil~ place them gn. the gronD_d. Alallgs~de (lach IO~ ih:e phiC'~ ~ti the,v,iiiye. de$ig,ngJ,~d hr.·a, Gjrcie a ~ is pl~cea:toge~her 'with i.ts ,p,oper iitual maber.hds. The Ilundles .0:£ pinewood @(l ·momTbim iei!-'\lles ,aJie

he~p~d -,at the bllS!!!' of tIre sOlile, . .

The pra},ers-Q;re abou:J' ioobegi.r!. The seven hClun-'gans and maUl'bmo, ,each of wnom,wiU '!ihortly qein charg~ of b1;ln;li;ng_a _zin, ~,e-Se;lt¢a on :~aro~l chairs .he1d'i.Rg t~e[r as,sOIJl~, The (lallOil'lg has sJW'pp{ld •. and all arolllnd them the hOI1f:l'sihs m.ake, a eirele, siublg_ on their ;heel~ :Q~ upon milt\Srk~~elmg ot squatting, f~r:m1ng a ~ii!J;ss_--of whire,dt-e~s.e~ t:l:Hi.~ press elese upon the ritual cleslgmi tra.ef;d on ~h~ barew-aond. BQ,wirlg


h~r head ami' covetmg he:r eY'~~ Wifh one nand, Ramise t~e F:r~y0.r:i!l amii;!. de.ep silence,

First come Roman Catholk: prayl'tl's. then h,ymmiintoned :in 'a nasal "o~ee, ~d finally tbe Voodoo pt:ayer l(!oIllitJ,e'JI,MS. Tbe Sitind,'jUJ. are reeled oft' OIle after [he other, iuterrupted only by'the Ifbl'lU 9IY "Lis~ ad~le :Zo, ret Zo, et 'Z'or" cmnmencrugj Ieud and growIng gnliduruly

w~keT, ending with ' .-

H~ya Grand FereEt6IIle,l, l;jU~1 dljio e"

H~ fa Ol!'<'\lld P-e~ eter,n:c:l, siD.1l ,~jii~ dcecr akQue.

He'_ya Gr:;l.rni P~re ,eJe;me:l, :n:~ min bo~ Die'u ho S;lnP 1t1lUl. H.e' ',ya, M atas~i'Ul1 Chlilllill:, sinn d1riti' 13.,

m Y_!l Leg1;la- Attiban, shm dji9 e. .

All the m ames: of the GUiDil1 .! .African.) mystercs are Iooited one .lttteJr ~e- alhet in 6~ed 'rder. and al~ays at rhythmic intervals the refrain:

Ap& Lii;ss~ag.P 01'l211g;tns.oie: ~i5sa dole ZO, Lissa doli(, Zo., et Zo:,A!t Zo, 'et Zo , ••

to wml]h In!3 h:o~'~*hs .ril,~omd_:

e Zo, e Zo,. e ZOI.

When 'Ofa'my5t~e particularly hQno~edin the!" ()um'phol" is mentwned.. aJ1 ~b~ h~~~lI1"#h~ are obliged to kiss; the gt,oun~!. At leIl,g~ tHe prltlite '~tli noin (Afri.~.aB pli'a);~r}, p.roper b&gi;m; LOI~ psalm]iKe chants ·tlt'e intoned by the ~am'bo. Lea:dl1Jy the: 1:u;iun'guenicCl:t;lj, the bo~n'Sibs give -tbe'res(li:111ISeS in. ringtng,-tones: that conlltallt with. the s~b'alied voi¢e Qf Ramis~. OCC~iODa.UY the rarttl~ Qf.6 assen Is heard along ithechml'ting. The 'Pr,iliyers continue -a. long time.. TneQ

oomas the Qh.a,Iilt~ - -'

:M~flt~ ,yal'\(alou y~nvll; mQ,ln yeJl/f,l~. 0 co'rani ,.~.

Tbe pllaym:s finished, Ramise,ami a'll the ethers rise, Taking a jug Df wat~1' she devop.f1y "lriJ,is&; a~d o:tients jt to the fQ,m cOO'di:n~ points, prononllRcingthe rit~a:l invo~:tton. AlIi l:behotui'sihs: tum lIS one to the ~toiut: sa1uti:i9. anal kel"lpi')'lIg thei!(Hlaees"re~~t the' ge.stUEe o£g,~lutation by sli;;r 'hJ~nrung theft kn~~s, bll e tb"aerd'inaiily sQlelm;i iiU.g;r!ity lendS' the-- s~el1e a profflundly re'li,giolD!s .S;; pificanee. The 'hOijin'~gyemoolli .gjves, the FI'esq,ioedchantl,

<0 Miguel OJ ~{~yofil'e,MigTI.el.9"e"ba MayQ-&I;,

() !4ay:of'l'~, L~gn'a AVbol}i 0 Mayofre. LQ;co ,AtisoO.

,0 Mayane" ~r-ande, Ai~jD ~Iek~t~t f) Migru,e:}Q, 0 MaiyoErll

The chan. fiiiljs'hed~ the 'bO-lNn ~.s1h.s begin; their (lanet.'!, ~gain around the ce;n:t,et-PQSt under t1:i.e lea.[I[ershiip of the hi -:Place and the flq"g_.

b,e,aliers. SO'mef.imesnr~ dirfiPUOIl ,uf the' d'$.I!ce j:~ chang;ed~ '[1 ,<:erlain J;,bro;' of fu!f.))s:!U',i); ''given'' to the !!'i,ght,a :few'. to m'e left. Th'e hot..IJ1i'~u;s jlhd :l'iDm1J05.~'4l'e ~~.~t~,~l in f~~lr plt\c~;;t ~~Ph' ~ht~d HY':a k;ne.eling h(lJ.i,:ii'~ihl cauZO .. ·,NDare barefaot· in accordance wIth the Guinill :ritual. Boob: b,oJ;l!"l"gan Eom.~ it little wall}l.', wine ~yrup a few 'gf,~bls~ dl' ~Q~i' pe?pI1!.'$" .~Il,d .!ii's cit a biS<:~it i~ ~Jgl~s~- fhit ~ :;pl~ed .f:\ett to)'asJ;lJ1rill';:llnmle, At fhis instaTlt the chaM ri'figs "('liull:

. All ~,JPlanrt8.i 'ept~al:'l ~! L\1gb,apJarute i l()(~;t'eai1 e . , .

Each hO'Ql(galltakes;.one. of the' thre., e. spikes \Y.··.il1g at his si(le~, er:lents 'itl a~d halflul1iers ~t into tbe g~0:Uiild with l'" rogK. The: Weespike:s, ale sef In. s1;lcli~: W&y ;~'iS''tQ form 'a· ~rIp()"d£bl' tn~' ,iioJl" ca'l]ed fhe ~etls'"zln or pote~,,:x;f!::l$, The houn"(ga:n t\en receives ~hemb:y cd:enEil1J:1il, 1I!.nd 'fiOllling tlw~el;froe!i in ~h~¢eli~ei' il)H1ii~ hipod a .bit- of ffie llIi,xture; -t~0,ntmne~(n, :t1):e ~las$, The ¢!iilllille is ~ight~d and likewise pl~cea eX'lctl:r in trn." .MFlt~I"" The!;~ l¥eF!ar1l.tio~ !ir:e'slJ: m:aA~ simumta~eo'll~ly' By the s,e1'en ii,olii:u':gaJlis ,and. man'i'bJj;l ii'!! :l1roOllt of t'hezihs, wtii.ohare. then plaGed upon their supports. The 100moiantsTflust set: them 011 ib~ s'pilJ&es\,sing onfy' tbeil'p:mi6'1fuet: 'fh'&1ijf~wQ,gp, stick:s ~t~.·tak~D up, in

B<lnfdle'li of 'BeVen;. oiient","d;, a,ndL 19_!llited fl"Pm. the candle !lame'. .

The' hcrun'Sjhs Mi1Ii~l1ethel ia.Mee dIose he}ifnd one~:n:llther" ef~~Di wtt'll t'h¢,u 'h.@i1d:s Il:l~oed up.on th~ ~h(lUiiii'el:'s. of tlier persori~n :fuiooit, shigingand sw:a:ring~a:nd' aocentuating tpe, rhythm in ,a kimEl, of 4ftlcan~li~~ qut&TsfE;~ in~,rd!.l; ~mrl Sprl,(;jal, ~QDgsf~ L¢glJa fC?llQW ijmIil:ediateEy, iJ\ li!lt1ted pinewood sdckis handed .to each :houn'sill !l.'lc s~:passes.

Th¢;n.:'aglc tb:un,d 'CQntiiulis:. Th.~ aa:ooiIl'g~s.QpJPi: £ql'fu,~ ]JuntinQ.l(S' cmwlII above, the, dancers whe cireiec,f;aster ariel faster. Tlhe smell of the R~ p:ltclil ~dil1g tt:f)n1 the. liuhlil1g stip}t,s runglIJ8 wtth '€bat ~'4 the; r/tJ;la) he&5)OCI;:rtennitt,erut BaShes of light :fx;om thes~- deeens of improvised tpt~E!;5 gtve. the j?er:is:,f.le· 11: bi~a&t.i"l JUl1l!}nin:9.·tii0·tt. EY!'l,!l~. r:eeth!~ai!;d

ne'ClI1a.~"8"S;. R~llli int'he doo:kj~~~, .

Thenoliln'sihs now i1'en:rrn lbe ·pmewood.sti.cb fo .the officiants 'Who,; o1;ient ~a ,slIp Hw-em' upd:er- the zins. A little 'wIirtet is Feu-r,eQ :int@ eSJ.;h.· tn.e.n some olLv;e, oil, syrup., alId" wine, allld, if ~~"zm& are :z;ins .. v,tpa'Rf.S' (zms £o'l'th~ 1ivm~), a ~e'W grains. of s;aWt I.)re!!~de~CI. The'.gp~:njcon begl"nS:~;:t ·\new c~t;

He a Kp]Ha a d~!li y~ P!1l1?a Le,gba yan.1o.uem, G.fatl (I~~ZO ••• ~~h bo~~an takes ~B:e Y0l:jqg: chidk1en .~t hi~ slilio;~ Qti~nts amd

9(QSS~ l.t; ~~eS it a few e:a~ nf !!Jor)1r t~ :peok ,at, ,and-. fben I!:il,]j if. Some td fl;;;_e; mamtbos br~.a'ktn-e ~gs $d. f€~t ~ ,the b_i'!i'~ ,atl(\ fel:oce p:jlenth.e bel",k '·to 0i5t11i11l ;;j; IlltHe blood with wl#h to &nc,\k!jhe f~~th:¢is pl:ucked from fhe (lEOP 100 the "'fm.IT faces" of fhe zin, llowever, many Iw: . clajm tlla:t~ithi~: ~t i~ Dp! 'es~~~tial, t.0 the rttnal. J0he hltijs. are '.', fn.1!I.ilQ(litlan('l'eow,itiuli:e .'\frll?.a:n r:ite,~y 'tw!sfiIi;g th~ !l,_~!::k. ~BD" 'l#r.e) .• ~:hat ill t~ say, thE neck is WT:lfl,!.g and. the' he~{l "tom .loR by a qUiok ~seJjf'~he 1:(l7!uo .. l'niii eo,rue's, cif.tfle 9piok'ens are ·th~'~ridc4 to the assisting nm.DIn'sih C!l.DZO. In. ,1"1 mome .. t they ~f}drawnt 'p~lloke;",!j ¢lea.»e'd Sin:g,,,,~, ~!1t ill nalf. W:ash¢d ~!th ~D!I;l;i"o,t'an'ge~~w1cl handed b$.ck to. fh~ hQ~:g;l}:ns anqrha-m:bOs. They ~ethe:~"PajSe'p ~vfd~ thEl~ zms~ cut,ifiiro sev'tlral pieces, an,a plit in the :dus tt3 cook, M-eanwhile:: t,h:e' fefitl'h¢t"i~e nee frlJiftle o,unfJ:b~tllafre:-feP1iQle s;naH PP.~qp;{)f1iJ~f flowers or,iSha,ving: brush~.'l.,·alild·then am'plaeed tQ nne side,TheiEe wiU lafe),'b~ lISe!;! :<fQX ·,g:tetstogt.h~ :z:iqs.

The. h~ninisihs' cOliltinue oall'thl"lr wnlle to ~d.a~Qtl: m;i';itmd the, vlliyes.

Arllundant} aro!J;ll'!d th!Ol1,'gp. Some, erunk \iI(jththe loas,.'a1:e staggeriIl,!?;' i~ttul 't@u~#ng, bu~: sw~p.t' talbng'DY ·ute m1Elv~m.ent!lf We d,(ill~eltli~y. connnue w.itho~]t Ioisir;a th.eir .plaQ!3s. :ltt is!}),(QeptIoulIl, bP'weva-~ to. ~~ anrOhe::.,cC~l;!le~eby F~~s~!l~ed d~u;iDg t)JJs 'par~ of' ·the,.~etfl~~on.y:. The. mums bea:t m:a:dmy wl~n ]nte;).':lllitt.en~ cli:nlsing 01 fh"e Qgllll. h;e:a:rd. 'tn. llie bac"kgfOl1nd~

W'hern :the c}\ic~en ha~ 'be~i:u:loo)(e~, !}ael:I offh~ hQullIJw-~smix~~ (Iii ana ted wine'ilii <!I;.wliiteplate: He Hi.len ea,lls seve tail ~.Quri)ih C~QS

tiPlhi~ side.;, .Q~~ aJ:,;i 1;:~~eJ[lak~s tb~diif! ~.beithands fi:lte ~be- ~-,

Me, and t~~e;a (' from tM btihoin col ffie. zip.. !I~,~

tituesthlil:' p.iietOO is, p1i.aee:rl UpOl1i tITle mombi:n leaves; heI'Ot,e being leFt ilieIf~ Wh6i:1 the 13.$t pi:e.c."i: M~ QI!l'etl. wi'thdr;aW!l,$l,lDe m,au:tiG is 'placed in the zin, stined. w,ell. and QOoked IDn ffthe :saD;le·w.a~ '@~h~ cmGl;e;q.

11'1 fue case af th~Nag{J zin.,.fhe:,lii~t pm ~hb,.e;.c-er(irtt~nyis exactly the ~e.:as f~t the, (it~el' m.s ;ex(Jepf tnat no c:hi:eken is niJl!uhle:d. In- 8teld, li.t:He b,all~ of eo,m.meal) callea apr~ N'fg!,,, )r:e .pre:p~dld . .in ~.~v;aticw 'Ther are cooked In (b~'M\1;gQ' d?. Tlilm. they i~e ~emove~ wU};l th~'it §'a),11f! ~W'eOOQlly a-s.J;lie of ch:i.~k1~n •. aTId. p1~C'ea III Hi ,ooo,s "haVf cakibasb: )pr, .Q£l i~' ·wnite

.Wh~ tlle.eqmmea] mllsh In the zln!Fna.s, breoome faiT:ly. thick,. the ·h~'ga'.Qca;lIse}iCh htmn'sih !.\m_m&Q~ ,the, .da~: ()neth)\" Oll~>th:e¥ kiiI.eelat his :s<ide. Each dipsta·Haritl ilnto tHe·'m~tl;lr:e bbtliI ~~nd wjn~'.

7i ,

and then with;~a1'l' \arm he~~. by-the h~un'gan li&~(a l~llg wOQcl~"n;spo()n; ~CP@P:s, up a bIt of the 1;P~h1ilg hot cernmeal. She 9l'ients this, presses it In t~e palm of he, hand to f,orm a. ha:l.l, and placeS it upon the wombJn Ie,av~s". ~h:e t.~eH. kis~es the gOO\Di'r\d, riseS', ~d mOVIBsaside for the next hOl,11;l ;iill. T.hlS fituaJ i:S (;ruled !ttQutwt. When no more cornmeal.riC'IQ.'lf~, the J:]il1, hot as it is, lsrem:O)/eitl ~o-m its bip'd,d with the soles fJftb~ b~e f¢el; held ag.ullst its liiue$. T~]e Nag.o zin ts :rem()ved in the' SamILHl&DDeI. Although no _special pl'ecauUons w,e' taken there,is never 9iny eVid~gGe of .{'he sl;n ohhe fee.t ming butned,

During the 'entire length of this prokmgf.ld cer.emol1,.- fhe hotln~Sih!> never ee!l.:s:e ,to ""tlllll ~nn.mcl the .tim'" (l;outlr les :1;iruJ, S meti'rtles ~n o~('} <»r~(ft10i;l1 7o~ltimes: i~l th~M~l,eJ;'. ~ead by I~ plaee and[ tbe Bag bearer'S: The' sm~ll'I!p~ con.ti~ues mlmter~upted. e:ac::h SO~1g 'pertaining to the nt\lam an~ c.orr~spondl)l;; ~o :iI; Pilrhc,!lIar aU.tiQm:I:

M)lt~ buuM; .go zin .POli Tnt 'f!;Oi,ng to. boil a big zinefor

Le~ Almlqa. Loa -Amriba.

M:a p,r'al BOule gpZiQt. I gb,&U be boUing, a. bigL lii:Q,-

go ziIl .~a. go zin Dan Balllab ·,this !big zin, Dan B·aUah 'Ouedclo'S

Qljl.c!!ldo. big dn.

. ~t~i:m€B,~e zins ,and theIr attendants seem to be ;nciosfid b.y a v:~t~~El wh~te lllOVII1~ w!llL th:e:e. at:e s6o-~a:rw ~otU1l ~ihsthM they move, Jam-p<!-c:ked aga,.~nst Qn.eanotneI:, 'keepmg timewHhthelr feet when. movement is impeded. and bounding wildly forward a.,~, the ~apJ.1icejeads them on. Tneirbru-oe feet .strike the ground wttb .a dull; irhftbmkl" absessive bel'lt.,

T~e: Zills' ,ate l'~~YIilI"l ,~1l'Ill their t'ripods, .s:cnped dean of the ·)u·s;ti. ves~Ig~ al eOQl ";¥lfu a wO.6de.n S'p.QOD. :ina slT.I.e{lr,ed v.ritJil ollveoH by means of the small 'fe@th6J lll~ushes. This done, they .(I!t~ replaced. arg:tin 'http. the ,hare feet" on the three ~1-f.pport~Qg ,s.p.ike~. A littfe mere oil is agam pou:r¢ In eaeh of them. and mQre 'pine weed is placed. un.det\. nea:;th. ~Q rn:a:k~ a b.@tJi:l'~. Eye-~Ii):e must'U(lW waH:-mtU ~'ble 2ins catch.

fire· ~r:om the oil wiae~eio. . .

The ~antingredouble:s its intensity .. A kind of excitement incteasID!$ 0): tne minute seizes th~ cro:wd. 'fhe. h~m:tg;;ms. ~nd nU.l.m;HQs get up' and mev6'~side as th~ heat becomes int'en~e around the .smoot fires. 'Fhe go~Jlld ill· "hrn~:e4 cleall. ,a:~o:l.ln~ ~ach f&"e, The W'pod htilrn,s brigbtly beneath the ;tins wMc.ti s:tanG ji;m't·m tlle miiiLst Q£ the ora.nge :il3;mes UGKm~ them onnll '5ides. HQun'garu llod' mam.lxIsaU


shake theliLilSS0:Q:S ov~r the pins wblle ufte~g tne.nbJ,aJ wor'd$. The imxmtatio-as eontiaue. Ate lengttrn a. :Ilifl bursts :flames; "A bobe] A "bbbQl"·crle.s 1Il¥ ~tbusi'Astitl crowd. An Ilhe' houo'sibs M en :thlili'

knees .and ·~the grotllla, siQ_grn,g; -

Go riD moin ap' ,Yl'ood di fl1U. Ai;bobo!

My zin :is: ootching ike. Ai-l?oho! .

(:)nflJ twl). tlueezms mgnit!e. Other Jamps- are e)!.tinguished. ,and the -llrime!> alone li.g'ht the peristyle •. Wi1dly ,~ril:l E'lmtasti¢~y. Tim he'a.t .is su!IIl1lcating!' 'buHh~ bOilll'!g~S ant!! mam·!Joscon.Ull'Ue th~r WiO.rk w.ith·put'u.»tleirng t~, ""4 bpb~!:" The. a:~G_e ,i::.ire1es !:i!lt~r and lasrei:. lead by la ~la;e. and !he 'lag bea.lel'S, whse:lwg, iatnhlg, !,ev.olvin,g. ~A hobo'''' Loas ·mQunt·~.eveli~l of toe' women, They stumble a~clIstagger~. but lmep right ODi dancing, A'ste(ls D'id: 'Qfthe, Cl'Pwd" l'attling rues ~iS@n and' ben~, and spe:akmg _ words to preveet the pos.sessions: fl!om P~co~g cnmpl:te: Seve:t,~l boun'slhs: kis~ the ~:owd, lS~t upwffitJl ,and !iitill completely dazed take thJ'1iT 'p1aC'f!s agalI;ll in. the danae.

R!rnll$e, .aided by sever~ CJ,'}irfffinoo:s>ma::k~ he, 'way to tim inner 6ull1"'phQ~. She, comes out cail"<r;ying a '~dressed_lJP" iovi in each arm . Slowl:,.: sh,e·1b!'l>n.q.s"dowll and p~s.~s tb;e.t:D 'Ellie· ·_t~i' ·the .. dtli,er thro'\g~. rh~ fuUnes, then the Otl:II:~l go,v~> PQt~d8-tihru."l1OC~dil1ce.s, ~n,t1 ~paqtlets. An the potterY' zins ate J10W On fiie, and. tbe boun's~s remov.l\l the pine sticks from under memo The">, bUi:n from their own fuel. littJ.epets black'eDed and crowned with :llamI'lS. $cati.ereo on the ground;. bi.ts of hofchar:oQljIl g}dw; .rre;d. The N:~~ zi~ ~a:s- ript be~J1. s~mp.~ olean l.ile the _others, and isr the un]y one tha~: has IlJ)t l~Ugh;l' me. The hoan1g.a.t'i in Icharge oUt C01;)i:ms. and sha:kc·s.hls·a'llson aDd. hen over' it. His somber r,ace S]()Ws iJ:lUle light' of die burning 'oo'i1s, and a lOQk 'ef intense cOl;l:oen~a:ijon is read In his set feah.ttes· as he utters the J:nvoeanOD in a "low VQiDe·· N!,)w :tU~ Nagn zita Drltrsts iillb :flame:. The "boW'llS1hs kiss fhe·7e~h •. rise, an.dimmediately ~\le'l!'he chant In Nago mythrii. The. ~beat ~a:dly.

T9lisba Legba m'di ye, a hi m~s:saJi. ;~ toto;; Sa1)j~ N1i¥ga ye!

Salu~ Nago. N'e~I.II~ N~g;:oj Royol', :ABo TOltisba, silue N3gQ, ye.1

Ramise, q:uickly p,as!\e$ t:Jje' gQvis aita ffiil. q~h:er '0 b;j'e,pt\s ,tkrough .thlii Ra,m~s6f t:l:ie Na$(l ~in~ 'then: ta'kes~bott~e of rum and PQursa fail' aml1u:nl tif itinl& the Zin. I:mm~dia:bil]y a hug~ Same lirJl(ps '\IF lic::kWg atmOt tie r.09foo~~ .ill 'a dJl.zZlinj light R~i:s;~,'spray" the ram from metmollt'h. to'thc fa.ur crn1[li:na~ 'pointS. The p.osressi61iS noW. commen~'el 10 gJ;:eat [Jult"l1ets"~ Ne, aU !tme. bOllmlsihs are ")nQi:ri:tteil" T!he ex~: da~iJJe<l 'by di~: HlFazihg: :6ir~!i '@Ji . hardly disful,grUlS:h the, loas 'ffi0l1ifig ab0\lt :in all rureeiiops' . .some Me. dan~l}g' a £te:n2ii~d N agQP;~ythm.! 'fbr db;) ~ ~e ii!!5;v~r. sl{ill; i:rl:fu:~r~ l'l3U on die :gtuW;tll.l.;lnd. ;aie h.c§lped up bloM or ;l'IngtlJ~~ of'thc hOlm,:gans Drilllam:bQs. lta..ntastic,shaoo:ws: pl$.o/ u'Q(it))'tJw."v:a.!ls;Of th~"lnl,d9.s,ut~ .s~:ne qf '(fie h~un:'~:ihs in qUick l'ti;Cc~ss\o;n 3ii:st the ¥ev6.SiGth¢IS: crowd 'a.~Otmd Ramire, now possessed hy the 10a QgDU E:a;(!lag~i. The' 'rest are still d~u~j:ng, St\ri;lqmiIfg ,pu.t '~e Nag9 SO,Th~ leoltd 0.1 by, lh~ ,homLg1j~Il:i&Qn~"ho' ~:ta\ :m.~~:r th~, mummers:

~h", t1J.:t,lki ~~,

J ean-Faul N ago:) Y~:rel

~~."!' :?l. :~C!lh., ?g. 0'," ~ c;halode, J;;1~llikt 0,.;0 N'ago Y,ii:i

Ogou As'haCl:eI' '

"\Vn,C'I) ffiUig!;! g~ta ~iUil~ 'quleb'ei itnd~l5e' ~b~ ,haNe :talieni rh,eilr leal,l,e", the mambo sjgm~l t10 pass ,!:he:'lelt hand aud! tb.e left root· 'tM?it l~gh" fuEl; ma:sf ,flames 'Of thll' zifiS~ nis~ witual ~i:s kpoW'U M ,t!lie. .D~Q'U~iil.

'When Q{] 'tbe zimhav'e bmm:Yel b'ilt"th~Y' ar~'remO,'iled, "as ,'oofor~'f wiitll t1re .ba(-:e fe~ Th'e;m !:he. fl)ik~~ a·r~ 'lilu}led up,. Mid (1,11 the ~tuid aee~1»li:es are <6l]i;gently'gaflered my flu;:,}u)W'l!'siJis, fie VlarioUll foods ar~ Se.Far:a.fe~, ,!Ufd~ t'h0.S~;t~lt beiQrig' teO tb~~ zf4§mwrtts (iins ·:for: the I1vm~J, <SM~b ~as. Ui~ chj(:k~J!I$. ,M,Gl the ba~ls, of c.Ql'n.:mel'!!,l (the actQ,t ~1Jgo) .a~f,l anrang; tbe, ~tllbefl'sG:ftJje' $tIciety.The food. cOQ~ed in ii:lte~j'li~ mQrb (zing, £'O.r'ij is set' a.stde lIll'6. coni .. AU ~.h.e ceremoni~l debris)--t'fioJiflbih lea,-,€,s,: cold enilieFs" ~ac:~d pi:mewood,$~ll,W~[S"" and le:{tovets :ill: ~e)Jet~-tte. ~QnE:ot~., 'lrn~ p~~ whese the.'Zin mort stnod ls eaF'efullycl-ea:ned, beM'l~eIilUSI ill whe[e" ~e .~al~ is . t~ ~. dVg. ~li·~',z.l'l}$ . ..,hl~ar"e·@~e_c!I 111 .!:be T:emtso~t' ,I)Ji< Legfja,. thQ.t 'IS: to :i:Ji}'1 ~t the e _' :a(e.' gat~ while th(! l'l'~go<' rln is retl][m~ to thi! Otl,tn'ph61 holy' of ndl.i:es.

In ,the 6Ie,3T~dplaoli ~ v'itrys.i1i\I,p!e v.eve ii1 b'ifaed witru ground ,oom-


Jl]ei'\l. It t~keS tlle £bm era, eit:,Cle'-c~~'1J1?l!i¢ribimg, if ,clO:llS,l,. man '~rnes

f'ottn ·caFr):'inga, pi'nse~a 1 pnint~cl imll ha£-~Iri.Cll he 'uses: ~ .dig,

it h~~¢"W4twn' ~ 1l!te~:of ' :d ~ircle>io alb~md me S~9,~~, 1)£ w~O:h

fb'e' ,(!Jilt 1:s:p11ea ev~plr. ' oleJilf.!j)JHicientJy deep" ;fpe ~gm .. of

the cress is, maille ·o¥er i.twi~h :fIlJil!1t,a:nd Waite]" is sprmklecl in:tio' U Itj)g~~h',etw*th,grilit$ of,~o:m.]?l'i:amf{~)\ !liquelli;.,andl d~rifl. T;be fc.oElta be bm.i<ld.'·js !lOW brought" ,oa:refu!llywrapped im a white napkin used ill the ~~Qe (!If ,~-'~~ii 'fIii~{, 'The:paek(,!t o"fuo~ is ~h!m pl~~Ijl,d u.pon ~onIbin [e;:j:ves, in the boilpin QI t1te ,hOle.

The' tim molts .arehl'{)'kell w:ithm~e ·Qf 'the '~fJikes, al1ld thepioces, ~pg~.l' ,_¥itHthose .0':£ thti ~d:'J,ss. ~l)a the ~la:~" are thrown int.o die h~e. Wina!UYlth~"wooden.spoon amlau' the". :B.OOI' sweepm,gs ;are. .atsoeGll~ reQ~ed"li~ dti:!1l:pedl in, The hom:i'~ihs JrnI'!~lln'oil.fl:ir~I#) and alllID,g~U1er ,push_b~\ thE! aid: aila fill up ,t1t~ l101~, \V:hl?ll'f~\~~ik!·i!i,imi~heu.·tliey lise ,SIlO BOmlsti eirole atc'und th-e hDle~',e,mh ..hoiilll'sih'!Pmeing.nel' hands pH. fhe.~oul~~s "Ofth~ houn'~ilh in frii)nihlf her. Wifhth.e·lett foPt With which they lbegi~-'a swaying mov.em.ent -£~a,tdsaf!.d ba:Ckw:a:rBs;. th~ .gfamp~lie·~puJld ,Slll,gQth. \giving .01;1'1;' ii"t m~~am;!l! tim,e;(;I. s,QRg.'With a s1!ecial-t#ytmm

Dill 1iete:- Dla Via M k'~Ji~~'ke .dJiaf Diu'~le: dial ~ede~Ni:b(S,1 .Dh M ke.le.x:e mill

Ba:roa Samed:H Dia .. k' "~.':ke keiitial

Th€s:~ v;ilJ4, H~mme1i'tig'_)dJJ:.s~~$1~~- SQ;lmds 'a~j'j~palQr the, Bea;fin:g;Qf bare :fe~t, upon the :gFOIlI1<l. In a. moment the Oued&·~-the; 'Ina:; oiE\tpf: :Ct:;i:n~t~il'y~~,gin>~ F@s$eSS ,W.e·_h:oJ;u(sills;,:,A11 (if,t~<,aitehelie'; Gued~ Niboc, 'l'3,uea'·N.O{I\/a.v:~u. G'u~{)~ HolJ1lSoq" 'C1Jlcde 'Fi6UJlt'0n~, WiHl@ut ht#aldng ~~. r~ . the Gu&:1es loin in healit~ the'·;g~0i;ll'l.d' wi~h the Qthers, ,Allin tli~ da.noe b~cQ~e' "D101J't:mt~a~ ~Tn_e Gpedf&s p'a:c~ tl:(emsl\i.lves :w two,lhl:e£ facing each (It.ner.,and., still holrnng each other iby ·th~ s:hould~r's, lSe;a~t the ~.Les ,0:£ th.~ ~ft feel up'On t!le. g_m],lJ1a1 to a<!~ ·ce'nhlate. the '''D1a. ,keke dial~ Bie,".i'di:M," rJn,g o.uf m time to, r~~

the liilIl)m{!~in~ or iille ~~t. . .

WIlen Hie gJ'Q!)lid J5 .d.uty s.moGf.h¢(;l~Ram'i~~ fr,a~9 y~~ over ~he c6V,~ec\ horewith ~l)aumll co'rn~~a(,a.nd in the :ent~l'. ci:'~t1bis desi~ pla:~e!i a lighfia icl\ndle ,13lQ'D.gsl'd~ a :,£!la:t~' ealU:e,ti ~e' ~dQl:a.tllln:. Vmo14s people rome' ,.forth ,and pl~e snlaU ~Q~S upon it' tiP be, U!i@.d

rot: chatil)!' 'the: £ptlo~l~; ~:al· . .' ,.. ..

One bX one'tlje Ou:e(]e'S tWk~ ih¢ir ]elIVl;l. The 'C(fre111,@i'ly 'is J!fl:a:dy


ended. T~~ ne<ik1ace~ o~ the houD'sihs are takea from the knoolmg Wiom~n 'WIth the s~~er.ltna.,ls lena.ployoo 'at their distribution, exce~t that. the person. ~Slgn~ thfl duty of the inlier oum J?hor d®s s~ UI annn6b~ive. manner, Ned, theRa~s must also be r·eturned to the' ol1m'php'I. "tile lHalll.'ba ~ ,~:a.i;n g,ivllu fhe m;itua~ s:alutati'on l!t the JotJr(:,i'li'diual poillt$', ·whereuJ?cinshe cll&nts, the !!0l1J5:

o Coli ~}'e; goti y~

oua Po-dra P¥!iu:~ golly;e

o Colimin gan ye' I)U~ go)j· .yei

oua 0 Po-dtapa_IlU. _

o Po-dtapeaul Po drapeau,

ban moin 1anmrun_ l'0uJ'm'level o GoB :yc eua, gUll y,6.

eua 0 Pa-dr-apeall,

. 'I'hi$ livEily so~g a!i(m~r:alliefl La p'~9.¢~ 9,114 ~hi';l ~Q, .:<1'5 they ctrcl:e the 'ee.J1tllr~post,~g1 whirlmgaoou:t., dancing~ spinning am~d man¥1 ~~)' ~~s~ f]~t tn the ~~t, ffheQ ~o rll~ lef' B~~ unfmrl aad 'flap m ili!,! Wlud:a:s 'the hOUllElhs hQ,una w their dance, and th~ bright spaIkle .of the pamette5~lashes with the. tp;dcl;. ~le_~ of the po~ted sabne. At las,t la pla'~signaJs that the daffce is o:veJi. The doors o_f the jnQIfI'_OuOO"phpr are OpelleA,!l!na he d.:n:t-s ahead, sabre forward, HIe .:llags£onowi~~ his ~ead-.a mere f~t. 'l'lir!6t1 tinies nelJ)ust ap. pro~,eh t¥. door£tU before finally tnP:)lng¥ound and enterm,g the O~phOl: backwards .. The doersare im_media,tely '¢fused . Qn the pro-, ct).s~ion .

. It_ is neaJ!ly dawn:,. but undet' the peristyle the dance OO'lltinUes.. (OF ·dl the. :m)'~tei:eS~l1~~t b~;greetea Jle' fhe ligiltsfuUi I!:!:e e~;~g~~d.

. In_~ t:h;e: oum~l1rs m the 1'I@on of P.Q~t-a)!.-P:tinc.e and th.&

Sac Plain, it is. Qustomaty ~o celebrate such a Er@ule.,;!dn~ emlltl oe:l'emOll1 as ~e have wim.Csse.;Q eft more' or less mfr:equ(!llt interY.a1s {oJ;' th~ pmpose of "'w:rrmip;g 1l~~' the rnysteres serv1cdiu the OUiJ1~phol!'-in: other words to give'tliepn rne_reased power to be u~1ize~fol'the benefit 'of th(;jse in' whase n,ame toe ~ are bilr:netl. This ·reremgn1: ~a~ be celebratedevery yeac,allr the OC(}:i5LOn of a Oeuer-ru Swkle; othiBr1Nise evety three.jivel 0): S·e:~e·n.y~ars.lii oth~r part:s ,of l;IQ.iti, f\'iII ~~p'J.e; m

the nodhand the JlIorthwes~'i' ii:: Is !Zomple.telr mlknO'Wn.. .

The: ritual roa:yvaq' &~nn:me. SOc:le9'ito·aflJfl·th~!; inmatlmS "f tl"etail 0i m. accorda~ with tllll' lo~ se"~d in the Qllli1;Vhor. The zlm 'are


swill claY' or east ~n coQJring pots' (the latMr SmaUer than the former) .. Thefr true, secret name Is IltICl'flilJn, and .each rite has it's own ~.ilrrti<lrilar zin: the- Radazin is €If patteI}', as are also the Cantlo arid the 100 zi'ns' (on. the "~ml" of lta.da). The Ni\g@'ZliXi, however, as ,'3180, tRe· Pethl)o, is of east b:Oll;,. is somewhat sm<iller ,thall the Rada ty~, Mel uS1:).ahly l't~,thIJle small, b;~~h_ le:gs.

Rtnnse has. bem;J~ a..~m'bo ,for nl,!liDY ye~ts. ae:r Qum~phm, a.-rath~r im~J;tant one, is located iII! . tlUe'C Plain, At the begiilJ.Ding of the .General Service wbidl she t'tHebrafe\'l:_,evtu.7 two. years, me is aceustomed iQhQ1d the boule..zit18 caill6. in honor of aU the-leas of hel' ~·ph.or. FloI' this oocasion .she iDvites :s:eV'{tl:al! oth~r Sooi ties \vho come sometimes hom great distances to be with -her \vhen she fulfllls her ob~gation:s,.

&!;crilidng- AEull F,or- The ,

TliIescny.lce .Q.bO)lt fl;ll be Id!:l!i~fhed_ (ook p)aGe ill a lugeouniphor located in Harte's Oul-dc-Sac Flain, 'Numerous slllallJ one or: twa room t1mtc.b,&glhuts-dwelli)lgs O'f the 'N1dt c4il~ OJ :P\~ni.Jj~s of the Voodoo;' .... are scattered about the vast area' S\lITOlUtdln.g -the ounfphor. Hete, H.laflY anctellt tre~; chi Dy mahogany antl mango, furnish eases 1)£ coomeSs, a pl~ll.S\lnt refuge ffo~ ihe b1:ID' he_at Of the harsh S~p,tember sun, Most· of the trees are repeseies o~ V;aodoo 'leas. Round abo!il±,.:£i.elds ~ !mg~ C.!l.J,'HI +tod in lI:hi'l breeze·. Tlje' ail: b br~cing-tllls is the open f:ilmJllmy.

-ne ~eat p,@lif;;;l!yle i.!l ]qcfited in :tb.E! midOOe- Qf the pTd f,ii,aiI1g the Hada inner o1.llll'phoJ!;: The 'F~~hr0 and Ccmg.o holy of hillieS ar~a.llttl~ farther Jili!lffinve;cl.and ~ t~ ana side, and iIi· front .of them sl:ands anoWIl'r peri!lble~ S((jmewh~l .smal1er t]wn the fu:.:st~ btl~ Il'liquaUyomait'e msJde. Here tIle serviee for 5.imhi' is about to be-celebrateel .. DieuGifiW .. hOlU1~g,q(n a:n(l chief ",r the S[fc!et)", is eng:agetL~Ili last-ti'i.blute -preparaHel1ls, surrounded b)f a bevy or bonn'sihs, all of t::he~ barefoot a!fi-d me!lsedin white aII'd wea!r:ing large £onlal'ds. tied ar;OLwd their heads Mosl1)l they are am:k-ikhm~d can[ltrr W011OOn, s:tllldy and str-ong, with

~l'PP.~ ~'J:)s, 4ana laughing exes. _

lias dirt Qg.or·of 'th~ ··e~o/le hlis been 'care:fu:!Ur sWept amd ~p,tin; klecl. Die,"~H(ir app:roa£h-esl ·th~ eenter-_pQS.f:. (linents,; a jug ~f w.ater.1 pouis a few d!;:6p~ tM;l)a 1'i:n1~ in front of the p(')st,anrl. i'ne·n trae~S: a

S-ar putea să vă placă și