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i - pffecretes of Albertus Magnus, of sre: mee thebertues ofhecves,ttones, and certayne beattes, Coa bobe of the fame aticthoz, of the maruaylous thinges of the twoaldesand of certaine effectes, canted of cets tapne beaftes, 16953, CTothe renders ee GS ibit ig manttenty bnotuen that thie boobe of Alberrus Magnus, , is in the Ftalpon, S>panye Frenche and Duche tounges,tt was thought, ttt bers tran tiated tntothe Engity tounge, it woulde be receaued boith Ipbe Good wopll and frendethpp,as tt is in thofe parts. Wberfoze wile thou this bobe,to mitigate, ano alacteate, f tp beaup ard tecublefome mpnde, 4 tineig good, fometime eupll sag the &8 thous halt benwont to 0,toith the boke commenty called the booke of For 2 belene me, whatfoeuer {3 paomp(ed in etter of them both, thtz,03 that, ts aloncipto that ende, CThe litte bobe of the certatne herbes, BRiftotell che Paince of phitofa ers , fapeth in nany places, that Lety (etence ts of eathe kinde of good Keeeny (HINGES I5UE nots tige, the operation fomes (rience is chaunged to a good, ogto fn eupll ende, to bobiche tt wozketh, DF the whiche fapinge, two thinges beconcluded:the one,and the firtt ig, that the (ctence of magike fs not euil, foe bp the knowledge of tt,euplt map be efchued, and good falomed, The fecond thinge ig alfo concluded, fog Almmueheas the eiscte és penpted fo3 the ende,and alfo the ende of ference ts Dilpzatted,ohan itis net osdeined Bath te Of the veriues ; * of herbess fo good, 02 to bertue, Ft folotwety / eee then, that euerp fetence,o2 cate f Prowinia Perwpnte, ccoyal ts fometime good, fometpme euptt; Mepeta’’ = Calamint opens Therfore, becaute the tcfence of Maz Lingua canis Hondes tounge, gike,igas a good bnowiedge (agit qulanus ere 48 peefuppofed) and ié fometobat es i 7 upll tn beboboinge of cautesandnas . Vilcus querci SHilleltoe. turallthiages, as J baue conttyes’ Centaurea gintouse, red, and pera in ftuncente mus + eibena re, thors: pea,and F my (elfe, Miberte. 7 bawe Found theéruty in manp tyne * Melyfophyloe spatage ges.and FZ Suippote the truth to be in fome part of the boke of Chitander, and of the boke of Alchorar, Hyatt therefore, J tuplt declare of tertayne hearbes.pecondlye, of cers tapne Bones, And thprdelve, of cers tayne beattes, 2 the vertnes ofthems, . Darpgolve, 7 Hertel, pide tatpl Celendpue, Elitropia Vitica Virgapaftoris Celidonia Serpentina, Snakes grate CTye fit herbets cated with the men of Chaidea, Elis with the Ques kes Matuchiol, twity the ‘Latpneg, _Bliropium with Engliga me tpgolde, wiofe taterpeetation Elios, that ig, the Sonne, a pos; that 13, alteration, 7 3 tothe _ THe Pthis herke 1s Mavuclonsifoatr it be eathered, the . =e ath fonne i= Of the vertues., 4 Donne bepage in the ligne: Leo, taf Buguétansd be byzapped tn the leafe |: ofa Waurell,os bape tree,and a wole Utes tothe be added thereto, no man: | halbe ablete haue a wozde to (pea agapnit the beaver thereof, buttoer= | Des of peace, And tLanpe thpuge be | Golen, tthe bearer of the thinges bee : fore named, lape them bnder- bia heade, in thenpabte, be Shall (ee the thefe, and all hig conditions, and + inozcouer, yf the fozefatde herbe be * put in any churche,tohere toemen be, lobiche hatte broken GPatrimony on thet parte,taey thal neuce be able to G00 fo2tiy of the Ehurche,eccept ttbe * putacsaye, 2d tins lad poynt hath ‘ben proucd,and 18 berp true, CTs leconde hevde-ts called oF the men of Chaldea Roybra, of the gree kes Olieribus, of tie Latones; of Feencyemen Vreica, of Gugipithe wei of hetbess Menanettell, He that holdeth this herbe tn his hande, with an herbe galled SP plfopte,o2 parowe, 02 notes Blede,ts Cure ‘comalt feace,and fans talpe, of bifton. And tf tt be put bith the tupce of hontelpke, aad the beas vers hande be anoynted with ttand “Pretidue be put intwater, je entee in the water where fpilhes be, they intl gather together te bis handes, and alfo ad pifcellum, And iE bys hand be Draven fopth,they willeape Agapie to their one places, Lovers thep toere before, § EThe thprde herbe ts named of the Chaldcig Lorumboror,of the grekes Allamor, of the Latpnes virga pas ftoris,of Euglpiye_menne, Wyle tafpll, Tabe this herbe, and tempze tt mnith the iupee of “SOandzane , and gpue itio arspteie, of to. ano> ther Seatte , and tt tall be geeate i aan. wey Ofthe vertues faith a ponge one inthe obone bindes and Hal bsinge foxth the birth in the Ouone Binde,of the Lohich ponge one, vEthe gome tothe be taken, and. des ped th meat,oz Dainke,eucry one that Ghall deinke therof,thall begin anone battayle, aud tohan thou would, put (catoay,geue to bimthe iupce of Tas leriair, and peace thalbe auone ae Monge them,as befoge, os CT he fourth herbe,ts named Aqui Taris, of Cyaldeis : bycante tt (pzins Oth in the time mwbich tye Cotes buplde their neftes Ft ts named of Grekes Vatis,of Latines deltdonie: »; aniiof Englydy men Celendpne, :: . This herbe {pryugeth t.thetpmetis the tobtehe-the: {cuatlowes, and alto the Egles maserh their nekes, Beas ny man (hall baue this herbe, mith the barte of amelle, he thalloners come al bis cnenties and al matters th -ofherbes, da faite yall put avoape all debate, ‘And if Pbefoze namedhecve,be put Spon the beade ofa fycke man, ibe Dhulde dye,he thal (pnge anone with dn loude voice, if not,he tyall wepe, CThe fpite herbe is named of the 1 Chalaets, nerifi, off quebes, Vorax, . Of latynes Prouétalis, 92 Prouinfa, of Englithe men pertopnke, tohan it * § (8 beaten tuto pouder with toogmes ' -oftheearth wrapped abeute it, and toith an-herbe called femperuina ti Englpthe houllpse, it induceth tove « betwene inan and wife,tE it-be olen tither meats, Bud if it Galbe putts » the mouthe of the beatte , callea the ) Bug, he thal beeabe anone in the + mpddes, And this was peoued of late tpme, Fa the fapdeconfection be put inthe . Te,ttthalbe turned anone, bute blue Soloure, ye : The we ¥ Of the vereues Che lite herbe ts named of $ ‘the latpnes Nepera,of Sugiyo mew, Calampnt, other Lotte penyroyatl Gabe this herve and mice tt with Gone founde in the nette of the byte ° called a laptoyng, 02 blacke plouer, au rubbe the bealp of aup beat and tt Ghatbe woith by2th, and ital Hane’ aponge one very blacke tn the obone - bpude, Andiktt be put to ther notes thprlles, thei cali fall to the grounde Autone ag deade,buta little {pace ate ter thet halbe healed, Hlfo pfp fore: fapd confection be putin a befell of bees, the bees topl neuer fiee atvay but thep thal gather together there, ‘Mud tf the bees be Dzotwned and Ipke t a€ thep were Dead, ti thei be put tn > afozefapde confection, thet thai recoz amet ther lpte after a little bp Plpace o one houre,fo2 tig propoz- : tyoned ~ ofherbes; chal , etonen fo the quatitte Lotte, ‘Bub fop Deis Bieith, of the greekes Retus, of & fure pzofe,tf dzowned fipes be put to warmne althes, they topll revauce thet Ipte after a little rpace, ETbe fenenth herve, is named of $ chaldeis Algeil,of p greteg Orum, of /Latpng Lingua Canis, of Enge lih men, hondes tounge, put thors this herbe, with the bart of a pounge frogge and her matric, and put thé tobere thou tpit, and after a littelt tyine, all the Dogges of the tuhole totone thaibe gathered together:and thou Chait haue the afore tiamen herbe onder thpformett toc,al $ dogs ges thal bepe {fence Chal trot haue polwer to burke, And € thon Chale putthe afozctita cyinge, in the nerke of any Dogge,(op He may not touche it with his mouthe, he Gatve taened always roddeabouttike a turnpag So yZle, Giredl 2 Fall nto fixe rains A Of the vertues 48 Deade,and this hath bene proued | tM our tyme, CTpe ctahe herve is named of the chaldeis Manfefa,of Sgreekes Ven tofin,of the latyneg rufquianus,ofert glith men henbane, Take thou this berbe, and mpre it cum realgalis, and hermodatilis, and put them in the meat ofa manne Dogge,< he toil Dpeanone. Bnd tthoudhare put the tupce of tt omit the afore fain thinges ta (yluce euppe,tt haibe broken be ty fimall. And thou thait mize the Afoze (aid thinge, with the bloune of # poundge hare,and kepe tin 5 fepne ota hare,all the pares wilbe gathes bed ther, outtl if beremoned, : CTyeriynthye yeeve, ts namen ofp thaldets. Ango,of § greekeg Amala; sr tgelatpaes Lilium, of Gagiyye men A tply. FE thou wit gather thw herbe,the (inne being tn the figne of the of herbes, ofthe lyon,and wilt mpre i with the tuyce of the Laurell, 02 bape tree, and afterboarde thou dhalte put that tupce dude the Dunge of cattell,a certapn tyre, itthalbe turned nto uoynes , of thetobich, poutder be mabde,and be putabout the necke of anpiman, o2inhis clothes, be that neuer fleape, noz thal not be able to fleape,ontitt tt be put away, Bndit thou Walt put the afoze (aid thyage bnder the Dunge of cattell, and kore anopnte anp man bith the tooznes byebinge thereof, he Galbe bzoughe none vnito a fener, Andi the afoze faide thinge be put in anp deffell, tobere thee is cotoes inpth, e be coue ted th the faprne of any cotse of ene Colour,all ) bye thallote ther mplke, The tenihe herbe teeallen otchate deis Luperax,off greckes afifena, ofthe latyues Vulcus quercief Cage lie Ofthe vertues aa of herbes; tise rien, mptel toe. con it grétie | foeatue;for if it be iopned: mith the efh in trees, being holed-theough..” bloud of a female lapwopng,oz black This herbe,th a cevtapn other herbe tobiche is named Marcegon, that is % fylphion 62 itig rogitten eth allockes And iff afozetain thins Ses, beitrg put together,be putin the : miouth of anpe man, tibe thinke of Bnp thinge,i€ on. This herbe gathered gvene,and taften sith the iupce of § cipaette tees of one pere put in grucll, maketh the ®. gruel \ & ee _ See rc CftheVertires maketh the bearer to be centie and Gtatious,and to bahquithe hisaneee favies, Ana if the afore fatd herbebe bonnden toan ores neche, he toil foe lowe the whether foener thon wilte goo, hid CThe.rb, herbe is named ofp hale Deis glerifa,of the gvekes 1faphinus, Of thelatynes Rofa,of Engl mé,a tofe. Aud itis an herbe,whote floure (S betp toel bowen, Take the avait OLcozne of tt, and the come of mye (erde feedz,and the fote ofa wetells batige op there tha tree, & tt til not Seare fruite after. Andié the afore fayd thinge be put abouta nette fpr Ges wil gather together there. Xd if Magaris,thaibe Deabe and be puta Paterelapdcommittion haifea Bape, it hal revoner thelpie,altyough tt be hot forty Loith-pet gotten, .- 2 = Bad Gruelt toAppere Fill of omnes and i pfherbed Aun iftheafore (aid powotace,be prt shalantpe,and after be bkyndled, al mlepe Chal appere blacke as the deupl, Mud it: the. afozefapve powder, be pred tutth ople of the olpue tree, + bith qupcke bapmone, and § houte Anoputed vith it,the fonne thenrag, Stfpallappere allinflamen, | GTherbi. herve tt called of thechak rh ullin,of the gteekes Penta Phyllon,of the latpnes Serpenting, $CUGU (rakes grade, Chis herds Wtoeil prougi knolwen tbs, Thig ‘Derbe putin: the geounde, uit the leate of the thee Ieated gratte, engens Dzeth reade and grene ferpentes, of sobich 4£ pomaloce be made,and putin Abuenpuge iampe.there thal appere Aboundaunce of ferpentes, And if it be put duder the heade of any man, Seom thente fegth,he hal not dcame oF bin {eite, : ge Bah ps pe 6 Of the vertdes ° EThe nance of wormihige nil Here ‘plopenamed thinges;that the eMecte \_ofmape be Good in theic plantep! 46,in their houreg,and? - Bayes, Tapere be, dif, berbes, that ‘haue A Great perties y SE Alerariner rhe vie ea bad thefe Sertues of the infinenees the planets. 3nd therfore, enery thent taketh there bertue from bighte iatucall powers, © o/h » CThe firk, ts the herve of the pte: tet Saurus, whishe tg called Affor: dillus, Sfoniily,the tice of tf es good Agapntt the pepne of the repnes, and Tegges:let them that Cuter pape of the blander,cate it,the tote of bee tage a iptle beyled. And pf men por felled with euyl 2S, 02 Madde tien beare it, tha cicane napkpane, thep after he maine, ~of herbes; .. they be Deliuered from their bifeate, Andit {uffereth not a deupllin the boule, Aud pF chplozen that bicede ‘ thet tecth, beave tt about them, thep Gpall beeede them without payne, Anditis good, thata manne beate . Moith ima voote of ttin thenighte, * forhe dail not feare, nozbe hurte of other, : ‘The leconde, is the herbe of the onne,whiche 18.called Poligonia, Ot.corai grola, This yerbe taketh a i 1) the name of the Souncsfoz ttengen ‘dieth greatly, and (o this heebe wors beth manpe wapes, Oryer ath cals © Ued this bebe, Alchone, whiche ig, the houte of the Sonne. Chis herbe healeth the pations, and geenf of the harte,-and the Stomacke. He that toucheth this vane beetue of His fpgne, of planette. Yfanpe man - ie Bij, Bpittbe : Of'the vertites rinbe the iugce of it, if inateth Hin fo'D6 often, the acte of genevatint Aud any man beate the roore of tt,” It healeth the griefe of the epee, ‘and be beare tt witty him before he haut ‘any gtiefe,there thal coine to Him no grete of bis eves. Tt helpeth alto thé fhat be béred with the phaenety, tf pe, beate it both thepin, in thet ze ara At helpeth alto thet that ave niteas fed with an impottume taf tunges, ‘and maketh them to haue g good Dzeatl and tt atmileth alfo to § fipre of melancholyous blouve, a The third, ts} herve of the mone, tubiche is called chynoftares, The tupee of it purgeth the pepnes of the Memakeand bret plates, the vertue. of tt, Declarety that itis the herbe of the moone, Tye Floure of this-herbe pute , ofherbes, | purgeth great {plenes, and healeth Ahé,bycaule this herbe tncveafetiy and Decrealeth as the moonz. Jtis good agaynt the ipckenes of the epes,and maketh a harp light.and (tig good Agapntte the bionde of the epes.ZE thon put the roote of it bzapcd vpon thpepe,ttvoil make thy eve meruae fous clere, by caute the light of rhe ‘eyes Propinquatum myftion, 8 of the fubftance of the moone.Ft ts ale Logocd to them that haue an cuptt Comabe,oz wiiche can not difgert ther meat by Deinbyuge the tuyce of ‘it, mozeonet (1s Good to than thet Aue the fopne pockes, The fouwth herbe,ts sailed Arnos gloffa, plantapne, Cie tact of this thepapne of the heade, by _ figne. of the Ranune, 1 luopeta fo bethe heute of the Pine eet lars Of the vertues Mars,tobjtshe is the heave of Fiat hoorlde, Ft tx good alto agaynnt ettyy cuftomes of tans fones,and : Aud fpithy byies, bpraute his houteig, the figne Scorpio,berautea partofit : holdeth Sparma,that 15, fene,tabhicy cometh agapntt the tones toherofat Ipupnge thinges be ingendzed, and fourmed.ailio the tupce of tt to thein that be {pcke of the peeploug flpre,twitt erconation oz taptpng of . the bowels, continual tourmenteg, * €fome blonde pltuyng forthe. and tt purgeth them that orynke it, front the (ychenedes of theflpre of bloune, O2 Cmozandes, and of the Ddifeale of the ftomake, ne (The fpe,is the erbe ofS planete Mercurius,wohiche ig named, Pentas, phillon,in Guglpth, cinguefople:o D.icued herbe, of others Pentadactiz Jus,of others fepe declinans,, of cers tapne suf herbes. ~ tapne calipedalo, The vote of hid wate, beayed and made ins plager, galeth moundes @ hardenes.dpozes ‘ner, it puttet away quyckelp the fupnepockes, tf Piupce of it be Dzone ken with water, Ft healeth alfo the paflions 02 gricfes of the belt, ifthe topce.ofit be Dzunken, Ft putteth ac (8 good “wap alfo the tothe ache, And the tupce of it be holden th the mouth, it bealethal the: guefes of the mouth, Bnd if anp mau beate it with ym, goueth warke and helpe. MPoreouer tanp man twyll ate anp thinge ofa Jeinge 02 papnice, tt gpueth aboudace of cloquence,if he pane it with him, and he thal optapne it that ye thai dee fice, Ft i3 alfo god to haue the wpre of it, fo2 the grtefe of the ftone,and (petines wobiche letteth a man that ye can not ppite, oe : : che Fg Of the vetees : of herbes. > CThe bt. is the heede of the planet, ‘ sywetophe, itis profttablete therm Jupiter, aud tt is named Acharop, oe Certap iufquianus, Henbane, T Coote of tt,put bpon botches, bral them,ann bepetly theplace fromeag ‘inflartation of bloude, F€anp mag Galbeare it before the grete comy ode him, be talneuer have a bot: che, ' ‘The root of it alfo és pzofitable Agapntt the goute tn the fete »whas, itis bzaped,and put bpon the place® tyat (uffereth the payne o2 griefe, Audit warketh by pertue of thot Cignes tobich haue Fete, and loke bp: on the fete. Bnd the iupee of it be Pronken with hony,oz with wpne and houp oddden togither,it is pees fitable agayntt the griefeg of the Ips Uet, ANd all bis.paTions , bycaute Iopicer boldeth the Ipuer; x Lise: ‘that wonlde: Doo often the acte of generation, and tothem that dete fo beloued of wornen,tt is good that they beave it mith them, foz it mas Beth the beavers pleataunt, and dele ‘etable, . : CThe vii, isthe herve of the planet -Venus, and ig called pifterion, of fome Hieroborane,id eft, Herbo coa ‘Tumbaria et verbena, beruen, ‘CThe roote of this herbe put bpow the necbe, healeth the fnopne pockes, Apottumes behpude fhe cares,and batches of the neck,and fuch as can Mot kepethzir water. Ft healeth alfo cuttes , and fivel- ‘Apnge of the tact, oz foundament, ‘procedpnge ofan tnfiamation, wohis che growetl tr the fousdamente, andthe Crmuraudes, Fr the tpee : pt Of the varnses - ofStones®. of tt be dronken with: bony; « foatet;\ Sex curius; by the {pace of a bohele fodden, te Difolueth thofe things my“ youre,and'tn gatherong.umabe mene sheareth the lunges op tightes.2n5 tion of the pailion o7 gtiefe, and the ft maketha good becath,for it fauety nameof the thinge, toz the tohicye « AnD bepeth tyelunges and the Ipgip thou Docfte gather it, and the teite . tes. Ft is aifo of great Gronght in be herbe notwithtanding, lap theherbe betyall paltymes,that is,the acte- of dpon hoheate,; ozbarlepe, and diet ‘Stucration,Afany man put itm hig afterwarde to thpnebde, i Houle 02 vpneparde,o2 in the groiive, : 7 be thall haue abundantly revenues, - CHere begonneth the feconde boty G2 perelp profptes mogeouce the tote, of the beetues of certapit Gonea, Of tt ts'good to ali them whiehe oat caute F Hane (poker nove bes plante oyne pares 02 trees, : Bie of bettues of certayn bere Wud tnfantes bearpnge it,yaibe ber bes, notvin this poetent chapter, Sp apte tolearne,zioupnge lerupng, twit (peake of cer! apne Hones, ther and thet thalbe glade andtopous.¥t effectesand inacuclous operationg, allo profitable, being put in pur: Magnes,the tobe tories: Saltons,and tt purteth abacke Dep. Ophihalmus — Onyx, Jes. pet this ts to be marked, $ thee Feripendamus Sylonites berbes be gathered fro P.rrti.dap of . Topazion Mmedoria the mone vntyll the rer Dap, begpns: Memphitis,lapis iuxta memphim vee ‘Apng p gathering of thé from $ ipgne - bemin egypto, mereutiug, Aas Ne J[>—>______ Ofthe vertsns of Stones. * “Abafton: Agathes Efmundus Berillus ‘gorallys Hiorropia jealeedonius Bagates — iftmos ghryfolirus - Nichomai Radgianus ,. sVnces Smaragdus... Gallafia otithes * Sauaus, ..., Adamas Diag T-FE Hou wilt Enowe twhither- thy Alegoria i seestyate, 02 n18,. : Amariftus PMCTake the tone rolpiche tg callen Celonites . j Magnes, in englptye, the lobe-ftone, criftaliys.. , - @tig of fande blue coloure, is Spittrites, ‘2 Founde te the fea of Gude, fometime veclidoniug..... ¢ fu partes of imanie, inp pzouinee Bena: +4 bobich is callen Eat Fraunces Lape Tabrices this fone bnder the heade ofa wite, Geratides +> 4 pn ifthe be chatt, the will embsace Quitim . >» Bee hulbaude, tf the be not chafte, he Luperiug,-...". -« will fall anone forth of the bedde, Lazu MPozeoucr, tf this tone be puf;beaps Iris +, edsand (cattered pon coles, in foure Galerite ( Comners of: the honfe, they that be Echites fleapinge, tyall five the houte, and : s° 32 Piyaciachus < "-deaue alt,’ | Bophynus,, | 4° FE thouwitbe mane inuifible, oot (Take the tone vbiche ig called opachalmius, ani wzappe tt in the leafe of the Waurell, og sap tree, {AOD W648 called. Lapis cbrelmicus, ve bobole Of the vereués y of fo tohote folour is not ramen, fo? it ig Feripendamus, wohiche is of yelotye of many colozes, and itso ta cotoure,tobiche ifit be hanged: vpon bertuie, that it bipndeth the faghtes of the necke-of any man, it healeth Aree chem that Qande about.Conftanting, tae, aud allo (this fone be gree sarping this tn bra band;wag may, ped Craytly,it burneth the bande a2 imnftbie bp it, none,and therfeze it mus betouchen CFE thou toflte prouoke togote:) ieghtly, and gentity, feave,tercible fantatpes, matte CFE thou wpit kpadle the mpnde of be § Debate, 5 anye “pis pte ag and mabe abe $ Gone whichie called onyzs, toptte tharpe, whith of black colour, ano) bay (Take the Rone wbiche és" catlen tp bette wobithe ts full of tohpte pap’ Sylonites, and it growety in the bo- Hes. And it commeth fram Fndeoy foie ofa {haple of Fnde,callen Cor £6 Arabp, and it vehangen bppoa cufes,and there (8 of diners bindes the necke,o2 fynaer, it Qyareth ppat: Of tt, of tubite, vedde, and purple coe hone fozawe o2 benyneme ima may, lollU.Dther faye, that itis grene,ana and alti aos alfo Debate; ante rippin a pela of petite and this bath ben proucd f. Allo olde Whilctophers faye, ithe ate b ben p? iP moe tat fate. st qeueth bnnlege of certain CF thon wit burne anpe ma tnges tocome, Blithe put wudey andes twithout fe, ped Free estoectaly tn pte mone, ETabe the Gone, whiche ig cattea, HC bAatha vevtue onelp foz an houre, : Feds Syzve | Of the vertues ‘Therefore bepng in thecamoone; if hath this dertue wn theft, o2 tenth houre.wut there is mouinge of the ogder,becaute, tohan it is onder the funge,tfour thought be ofany butt: hes whether tt ought to be,o2 no, tf it OUgHE to be, itis fied tedfattipe to the harte,fothat it mapnot be plucs bedawape, ifnot, the barte leapeth a backe from it. Alo Philofophers : baue fay, that i healetlh Priticog, thou wpit plucke of the tkynne and weake men, : of thpne,oz an other mannes CFC thou wit that feethyng tater f -: ede, come furth ancne, after thou CTabe the Gone tobhiche ig catten batt put tn thy bande, Medora, of the region Media, ity the Take the fone wbhishe is catten tobiche the people dtvellinge, are cal Topazion fro tye ple Topatis.o2 bez led Medi, And there be tho Bpndes fauic tt heweth a fimilituae of Sou, | of it, blacke and Grene,Z tis fapde of Andthere be two kyndeg of it: One | olde bpiofophers , and alfoc of ts btteripe ipke geide, and this ig Pbylofophers , bepnge tn this time, The other bons tthe blacke be beoken, and veforuen Elation, of be Cutt, in of toneg ‘toloure than golde is, and this ig moze profitable, Ft bath ben proued Gs oure tyme, that. ttt be putin fez thynge water, tt maketh it fo tunne ‘ouer; but if thou put thy bande in at, the water is Damen oute anone,ana one of oure beethaen: apn this at pac thle, Ft is good alfo agaynit_ Em thoicam & {timaticam 02 iunatibe — ton ozguicfe, Ofthewertues™ | tn hote toater;iEanty man toate -big “ef Ronis? Yardes tn thattoater, the topnne of) cake the ftone-wabicye is cane bis baudes (halbe plucked of anang, Abéiton, and it. 8 of the coloure'oe ‘Pdiolophers: (ape allo, that ese: Srbw RAND therets Fouria. beep much Sood again€ the goute, and bipndes! of it tn Arabia, FE that tone be bine Bes ofthe epemse tt. Nountheth pure! delen oftatlamed,' sttape'nenct be and boeake eyes...» soa F DUE oltt,og quenched, becaute teWarh EFithou wit tjata man!- the hatuce of the firteféthers of the ~_- Papne, nog. betonrmented, i-::-|, alamandge, by rater 6? heyptipe CTabe the Gone whicke ix called! fatnette,twbiche ourtthe y che fyze Memphitis, of the citte tobich te caleg Kyndlen in ét, Prete bed Memphis, ttis a Gone of tuche CFE thou wyite overcome thy-enes bertue,es Yaron,and Hermes faye: a mpes, - Witbe eoken, andimized with bone CTake-the Gone wiitche ig talleny terand geuen to him fo bnnke, tobi Adamas,in engiptye fpeache,a wigs shedhouide be burned, 02 (ueranpe Monde;and itis of Gynynge colour, Sourmentes, that Drinke induceth fo! atid betp-barde, info Auuiche that ie Eteatonablenede to feie,that be that) tat tiot be beoken, but bp the blonde Cuffeveth, feeleth neyther Papne, nog pot a tote ana it Stolveth in Aeabia, sourmentynge, : < FOL Cypes And iit be boaden te CFityouwilt mave a fire contints| the tette fide, ttis geod againg ene: ally onable to be quétyed 02 putout, | Mites. madnes,topide beaftes, genes Take | moute veates, and eruett men, ana \ Cu, agate £ Of the vertues of ftones? Agayattechpopnge and bratolynges! AnDitigtobiteas the Cheitall, an And. agapntte'benpmne, and wwualt itis d2atven out of the cockes gptar, on of fantafies , and fome cath: tt; opmawe, after that he bathben get: Diamas, seg MBMo2e than foure pearcs,any tig CH thou topitetcherve all pertiies,| ofthe geeatnes ofa beanie, Ft mas And all teretble thynges, and Beth the beatpe pleafaunte, and ttep- Yane a ttronge parte, fe, and ‘putte onder the tounge, if Take the tone twbiche is-called, quencheth thyrtte. Aud this iat hath Agathes, and tig blacke, and hath) ben proucd in oure tyine,and | pers tobyte baynes, There is another of cepued it quychely, zy the fame bynd,Ipbe to tubpte colour; And the thyzd groweth ma certatne CFHEthou wyite ouercorne beattes, vile,baupnge dlacke vaynes,and that: “and Interpeete.oz expounde at Maketh to oucrcome perplies, and Dreames and prophe= Opue Arength to thebarte, and ma: tye of thynges betha man myahtye, pleataunte,pe. tocome, lectable,and helpety agapntt aduets CTake the fone, thiche ig catten fities, } emundus, 92 Afmadus, ttig. of op- EGE thou Delite to optayne anyt! wees coloures., é putteth oute att thpnge from any man, | Popfon , and maketh a manne to Take the fone whiche is caltet! ouetcome bis aduerlaries , ana Alecioria,and itis a fone of a a Seucthe Prophetyenge., and the inters Of che vertues interpzetation of alt Dzeames; and maketha man te budertande Darke Queftions,barde te be Lnderande; £2 ATlopted, sep yd CFE thon wylte bane good vuders fandpnge of thynges that maye be felte,and that thou mayenot be ~ mabdedonben, Take the Bone wbhiche w caller: Amarittus,and tt ig: of purple colons and the belt is founde tn Gude, and ttisgood agapntt Deunkennes, and Seueth.good nderitanding in thine Ges that may beDndDeriande. CFE thou wylte: ouercome thy ence spes.and flee Debate, (Take the Kone whtzhe 18 called: Berilius,ttis of pale colour,andmap of ftones, theenempe mebe. Wt cautety-a mas tecbe buell mannered, as Bavon faye ethitt geucth. alfoo goad gndertane dpnge, . + CFthou soplte Coreinage, oz a. Contectuce of thpnges to = : foine, (Take the. ttone obtehe is cation Celonites,tt ig of pucple,and dinerte other colours,ani itts founde in the Heade of ihe (naple-Yfanp man wilt beace this tone under hig tunge, he Gall foretunge, and prophecy of tytn Hes tocome; ut notbotthitandpag, bath no vevtue, but Spuynge, Pris ma cum fuerit accenfa, ec crefcens monoytes in ultima defcendence, (9 Meanetiy Aaron, ta the voke of yore tues of berbes,and ones, CAithon wptte paciie tomy and go ouce fiudde; Take the Mone wyicye is ‘calien — coxallus a , RAD thalte Depue: aMALE WP cnempes, and tt oe : thy Of the vertues Corallus, Cozall, and fome be redne) And fome wobite, and ét bath ben page ued 6 tt Gemmeth anon bloude,ana ; butteth away the folithencs of him that beaveth it,and gpuety wyftome, | And thig hath ben proved ofcertapn al one i And tis good a: empeBes, and pert Tiuddeg, : cae $ CFithouwittkendte Fyre, (Take the Critall tone, and put UCnygh onder the civble of the fonne, that ts to fay,agapntt the tonne, and purit nygh any thinge that map be burned 5 and Zncontpnentipe, the beat of fonne thynpnge, oil ferie B fpze, And tit be Deonke with bony, Wencrefety mitke, CFE thou twyit that the fonne aps pere of bloudpecolour, Take the tone whichets f callea eliropia, Ft ts grene Ipse tothe precioug | of tones; precious fone called the Emeraude, Wud itis (pepnbled w bloudy deop- pes. The necromancers callit Gems ma Babylonica,the pzecious {tone of Sabplon,by } propze name,rwut if it be anopnted botth the tupre of anherz be of the fame name, and be put ine befell full of water, t¢ maketh the fonne to feme ofblouddp colour, as ‘€theeclpple were fene, The caule of this ig,fo2 tt maketh ali tye goatee tobuble bp, bnto a little cloude, whiz the mabing the apre thicke, letteth Sonne tobe fene,butag tt tere vedi Athieke cobour,a iittie after, pcloude oethe abvapy, by doppinge Downe the Deboe, AS tt here by Deoppes of rayne. This alla bogne aboute, maz ketha man of good fame, hole, and of Longe Ipfe, Gls fayd of old philofophers,thata matt jee . Of the vertues Han anopnted withan yerbe of haime,as:tot baue {aioe Delersereee leth with pectue : found eftetimes m Cypzes ¢ Fude, CFE thou wiite mae fethpnge voas ter tobe colde,whiche tandeth bpon the fire, (Take the ftone, wobishe is callen epittreses, tobiche, put in beater aa ant the eye of the Sonne,putteth f oath fperye beames of the. S>onne, nd ittsfaide of olde, and new phys pete be put in feethpnge et, the bubipnge bp,o2 feet py fone ceafe, Da tee pil ware cold,and itis a , es Fee tone, Senvnae, CSE thou poiite etcheme tution * and fantattes, and ouercome 7 all caules,oz matters, CTake the Kone Lwhtehe ts called ealcedomiusaad it te pale,bzotune of colour 3 4nd elitropia, ig | i I | I and a ipfle after, it | i a] (52 relout, and fometohat Darke, ff thi¢ ‘be perced and banged abeut pecke, twith § Hone tobtch tg called Sinerip, ttis goed agapntt al fantatticall din fion8,and it maketh to overcome all taufes,o2 matters in (upte, @ kepety thp body againk thy aduertaries, If thou wyit be acceptable, and pleafaunte, : Take the fone wbhiche ts caller. celidonius, and of it theve is Come blacke, and fome fometwbat edie, and it ts Beaver out of the bealpe of fualtewes. $f that whiche is tomes tobat redde, be alpnnen Cloth,oz in a calucs fsinne,and bogne bnder pleftarine Hole, itis good as gayn matnefie,aud olde licknetes and Difeafes,and the fleaping,os fez getiul ficknes,¢ contra epidimiam, tobich (9,0 frabbe that cunueth thoz toughe the bole babe, tC Of the vertues of ftones;. * unr faith,that this tone mabeth.a man eloquent, acceptable, and pleaz i faunt. The blacke Monets good as’ gerne wplde bealtes,and tw2athe, € | apngeth the bulpnes begonne toan ende,and €it be wrapped in the leg tes of Celydon,itfs fatd that it mas Keth the fight dull, And thei thulae | be Draven out in the moneth of Aue | Suft,and ttoo Gones are founte of fentpmes in one (ucatlone, CFlthon wilt be victorous agayng | thy aduerfaries, Take the tone sbhiche is calles Bagates,anbit ig of Diuerfe colours; ‘The auncient phdofophers tay,that | ithathe ben peoued in the patnce ale CtDes,whtehe how Longe he Dd beare bad alwayes bictogy, and itis I a ffone of diverle colours, ipke the feprne ofabyd, at i CFE thou wilt bnowe befoze any thyngeto come, — (Take the tone whirhe is called Bena ,whiche ig like a beattes tothe, Andput it buder thy tounge, Andas Saron and the olde phtlofophers fayth,hotw longe thou tilt holde it io alwapes coniecturpnge, thou thait prophecy thinges to come, and you halt not erve in any toife fo2 iudging * CEthou tople that thy garment be bnable to be burned, C Take the Kone wohicye ts cater hitmos,wohiche,ag ifidorus fatty, te like to (aston, And és Founde tu patte of Spayne, This tone bievs- eth Ipkea paper of belowoes, bp x fon of the wopndinetfe tn tt,(¢ ts Fos high the Wades of Werenies,th t.ples.bp $ further partes of ano beyond Garnade, aif thie Gone be fe tha garment, it ean be e topte, but it oneth Ipbe Epee.: a EN eee Of the vertues And fome men fay, that the fob ite carbunble-ftonets of thig bpnde. CFl thou wit yaue fansure, - ~ and bencur, ' f €Tabe the ttone whiche is ‘atten: Tabrices audit is tive tothe Chaps! Gal tone, The aunciét philofophera a6 Cuar, and Faron, faye: of it, thatit gyueth eloquence, fauoure,F and honour, and tis fapde moze03, Uer, that tt beateth every dropty, CFithouwiltdapue away tantatiegh and folpthenes, : Take the Gone whiche ts catten! Chryfolivus.and tt is of the fame bet: tue hath Arcemicus,ag Haron and}: Car (ay,in thebebe of the natures} ef herbes, and Roneg: this tone nt tn golde,and bozne, Depueth alway folithenes, and erpelleth fantafies, Zt is e€prmen to gyue wifdome,| Gad {C1 Good agaynt feare, | 3h}, 1 k of Stones, Fthots toil tudge the opiniong - and thoughtes of others, CTake the tone wwhiche is catlen Geratides,and it ig of blacke colour, let one holde it in his mouthe, it maz beth him that beaveth tt merp and in fanoure,¢ tocll eftemed toith al men, CFE} wytt have bictozp & amatie, Take the Hone tohiche ts called Niz chomai, and it (8 the fame that te called alabafter, and it ig of akpnde ofsnarble, and itis wobite,and thp- hpnge, And oputmens av made of t€ tothe burienge of the deade, : CFEthou pit that aman feapinge tell tothe that he bathe done, CTabe the fone wbtche ig called Quirim,thig one ts Fouude in the helt of § lapwpnie 02 blacke plouer, CFE thou wold optayne any thinge ofanpinan, CTabe the Kone wobhiche is called Radianus Sa Of the vertues : ‘of Stones, Radianus,and it 13 biacke,doynpnge i thzoughwbiche, whan the heabe of F a cockets geucn to Crotes, 92 ppl. Metis, to cate, tt tg foundea Longe tpmeafter,tn the heade of the cocke, And the fame one ts allo called Tonatides, i unite, peim.the Cone whtche! D Luperius,and tt bopl rane the fone, Chis fone is foad: aad all beattes ranue to tt, | eve Defender. Ft letteth, that) nepthce Dogges, nez hunters, maye: hurte thein, CFE theum f fe burneanp mannest bout fpze, | h © ,, y a sant | bobich we called before principe apii, wobiche; p b Aittle bodpes of golde, ani ite ture tobiche is fpze,and itig ag frre. Je any man Grapne barde this (tone; tt butneth foone his bande, like ag it - boate burned with & materiall fyz0, tobiche 6 a meruatlous thinge, CFE thou toile cure Inefancoly, 02 a fever quactaine,in any man, CTabe the tone twhiche fs calles Lapis lazuli, gets he colon of the heaucn,and thee i th tf, and proved, that if cu Ip,and the feuetquartays CIE thou wolde make aup mang bitte Garpe and quycke sand aug: mente his ryches,and atta prophecy thynges to vome, Cake f Hove vshiche is caticd Smac sagdus, tn ingipthe fpeache,an Eme- taude,and itis verp ciere, Shpnynge theough,and playn,but te that ig pee lotve ig better, : Di, Fe Of the vertues CFtls taken ont of the nettes of Geppes 02 gryfons,tt Doth both cone fozte and (atic, and bepng bowe,tt | maketh aman to pndeciande tell, and gpuethto hua gesd memozy, auginenteth the tiches of bim that beareth it,and fanp man tall poine tt bnder bis tunge, be hal prophecp anone. CTE thou totit make a rayne betee toappeare, Take the tone whiche ts called iris,and tt ig white Ipbe the Criftal, four (quare cz batiypnge boznes. JE this (tone be pute tn the beame of the tournynge backe it maketh & rayne bowe (sone toappere in the tealle, : CFE thou wilt make atone tohiche may neuer be made hote, Take the Kone wiciye 13 callen Gallafia,tt hath the figure of baple, | and} ofStones And the colour and hardnedte ofthe Dpamonde.FE thts fone beput ina bevy great fyze,tt wuilneuce be hote, And the caute ig, f02 tt bath the holes fo Hrait together,that te heate nap hot enter tn the bodp of the fene, alle {o Aaron and euax fap,that this toe bozne,mitigatet),oath,techerp and other hote paffions, CHE thou wyite knowwe whither thy wwite lieth with any other maried smano2 tio, € Take the Gone called Galeritis, tobiche is the fame that is called cas tabres,and itts founde tn Lybiaand Britannia,the mot woble pie of the wozide, twiyertn is conteyned both countreis, England and (cothade. Jt Is of Double colour, blarke and of the colour of (afron,¢ tits founde grap Coloured,turnpuge to palenete, Ft healeth the azopetey,and tt ca the Of the vertues bealpes that baue alatke, And Ais cenna faith, that tf this ftone be bee Ben,and watthen, 02 be gpuen tog oman to be toatthen, ifthe be not a birgyn,the toil pple foone,tf the be & bitgin,the voit not ppffe, CFE thou wit ouetcome thy enes intes, CTake the ee iwmbiche is cailen ‘Onites , from the Zazagon: bead,and ifthe tone be mabe Eo from bymalpue, itis Good agaynt all popfons,and he that beaveth tt itt bis lette arme,thatt ouercome al bis enemies, FE thou wilt ingender tone bez tiene any tio, C Take the tone whieh ig catten Echites,and itis called of fome Az quileus,bycaute the egles put thele in thet neftes, Ft 1g of purple colour, and the Deean fi k ofStones aud it ts founde npgh the bankes of 30 fometpiine tia Pers oth o- ne tit te ehishe Coundeth tr Ut, tohan iis named, Je is fapd of auiciente philefophers , that this ftone hanged Bp, in the Leite Goul- Der gettety Lone betwzn the hulband and his wupfe, Bt ts profitable to hoomen great woth childe, it letteth bnipmely byathe, tt mitigatety the perplt of mabkpuga feard, andit fapd to be good to them that bath the fallpage (peanes. Andasihe me of Chaluca fay, tf poplon be ia typ tncate ,lf the afozefatd fone be put in, itlettetl that that meat, maybe fwoallotved Downe Aud Fit be takers out, the meat is feone foallcwen Dokone and F DD (ee that this tally ass wag examined fenfibly of ove of cute} brethzen, Of the vertues CTF thou wilt mave a man ture, CTCabe the fone whiche is caller Tepriftites, Ft 1s founde in the fea, ttis hpnpnge and ruddy, Andit is fap tn the bobe of Alchorarh,thattt tt be boone befoze the harte, tt mas Beth a man (ure, and refrapnethand mitigateth all (editions, and difcoz Des, Ftis fayde alto, that it mitiga teth the flpes. with Longe byuder leg: Ge8,tohich bourneth cozne,with tous chinge of it,and deuoureth the retis Detwe,foules,cloudes,hatle,and (uch 88 haue potwer of the fruttes of the earthe. Bnd it hathe bene proved of philofophers of late tyme, and of tertapne of our becth2en, that it be- ing putagayntt the beame of Pfonne putteth furth frerp beames, Ato if this ftone be put in feethtng tater, the fecthing wii foone ceate, and the boater otlbe colde a little after, 30 r i ) L of Stones ' f thou twylt that traungers «3 vnathe Cure and tafe, (Take the one wbtehe ig calten Hyacinchus,in Cnglythe a Facinct, {tts of many colonzes, The grene ik bett,and it bath redde bepnes, and Gulde be fet in fpluer, auditis fata tn cettapn lectures,that theris two byndes of tt, of the water, and of the faphyre. Che Facinete of the water, is pelotor, white. The Faciuet of the faphpze,tsverp thpupnge peletne,bas uinge no watrpeenete, and thts is better, andit ts Lozttpn of this, th F lectures of philofophers, that it be- pug bozne on the fouger,oz necke, ma beth Craungers (ure,and acceptable, fo ther gheltes , And tt pronodseth Mleape, for tie coldencile of it and the Jacincte of faphpzc hath peopaee Iihis, ae Te Of the vertues CF thou wit be taucdfrom diuecte} chaunces and pettilent byttes, ‘Take the fone tohtehe ts calten) Orithes,of wobiche there be. ti.bpne Deg,one blacke, an other grene, and the thivhe,of the wobiche, on parte ig Tough,aud the other playne,and the coiour of it ts ithe the colour of plate of p2on, but the grene hath white {pottes . Chis Rone bose, peeters uueth from Dinerfe chaunces, and pes tilles of Death, CTi thou wylte make peace, Take the done, whiche ts caller a Saphire, whiche commeth from the €afte,pnto ZF nde, andte that ts Of pelowe colotre, is bette, wobhiche iS not berpe bitahte , tt makethe peace and concorde, ft maketh the F monde pure, and Deuste tomarde Cod,tt firengetheneth the mynde tn) Soon’ of Stones : good thinges, and maketh aman fo cole From tnvearde heate, CFE thou wyit cure a byzgyn, (Take the tone whiche 18 called Saunus,from the ple Sauna, Ft doth mabe firirie,os confoltdate the mpnd of the bearce of tt, And bepng bound totye bande of a booman,trauapting With ehpiue, ie lecteth the byzth, and kepeth it tn her bealpe. Therefore, tt ts forbpdden th fuche a bulpnes,that | this tone touche a woman, | CThou halt fynde manp other ike thinges,in theboke of Mines of as ton,and Cua. CThe mancr of bovnge thete thynz Ges,contitteth tn this, that the beaz ter foz a good effecte,be cleane from all pollution , og Defplynge of the bodye, . Explictt, Of the vertues . YF Sidozus femeth to fap, that Lica nia hath in the heade, a Gone of mooft noble vertue,and 1s of Lobpte! tolout,whtclh bzaped, geucn to them| that haus the ttranguiton,to Dainke, itloufeth perfectlpe the bepne, and} fhortlp healety, te putteth obape the! feure quavtapne.Aifo tt tabeth alway] ALobpte (pot o2 perie tn the epe, Alfa] tawoman both childe, beare tt on her,the thail not lofe her byath, Alto the flethe of them fodden, and eaten, tg goodte them that haue an erulce: tatton,o2 fooze in the iunges, witha tonfumption of all the bodpe, and {pittinge of blonde, Allo the poulder of the beattes, with the rpnde, 02 barke of trees, toith fone grernes of pepper, is profitas bie againt the Cmeredes, and gro- toynge out of flethe aboute the but: tocbes.Lybeinile they bepnge rate, brapen? of Bealtes se toith rpndes, o2 barkes of trees, bgeake tppe tmpottumes, CThe thirde boke of Albertus Maz gnhus,of the bertues of cevtapn beattes, Mratmuch ag it hath ben (poker F in the booke befoze, of certayne effectes, cated bp the bertue of cer= taine (tones,and of cheiv marnclous pertue,o2 operation ; nowe toe toylt {peake th this Chapter, of cevtapne effectes, caufed of certapne beattes, Aquila An Egle caffo Bubo 2 Mheicke ote Hircus A gote burke camelus Acamell Lepus an Harg ) experiolus Of the vertues Leo Ripon Foca A purpays Anguilla Aneele Mutftela AWerell cploner| Vpupa F laphwing, 02 biack| pellicanus BpPclipeane, Cornus 2% Crome Miluus Z Lpte,o2 glepde, Turtur 2 turtell Talpa AMolle covvfell Merula & blacke mache, 0 CAguila,the Cagle, is a byzde bno- boen pnough:of men of Chaldea,ttia called Vorax,and of the grebes, Rim bicus,Haron,end Cuare faye, thatit bath a marucious nature c2 vertue, Forté the beaine of tt,be turued into poulder,and be mized titi the tupce of the hentlocke, they that cate of tt, thall take them felucs by the yeare, andthep hall not leave the a a of Beaftes AS Longe ag thep dear, that thep hane veceaued. The caule of this effect is, fog that baapne te vere colde, in fo muche that it engendzcth a fantattiz call vettue,fyutituge the pokocrs by fmoke, (Caffo,is a beatte known keel pa hough, itis calied Rapa,of the Chale deis,and of the Grebes Orgalo, Jaron ayth of this. We the tecte oftt be bozne of any man, he hall neuer be bered,but he thall Delite alwapes to go forthe, Alfa he that beaveth the fete of tt, Chall alwayes oucrcome, and Halbe feared of his enneries, And he fapde, that his rpghte eye, zapped tn a Woolues Tkpune, maz ketha man pleataunte, acceptatie, and gentic And if meate be made of the atezefayde thinges, 02 powider GyLEN toany man in neat, the gence fhalbe Of the vertues Qalbe greatly loued of bpm that ce: Seauctiy it, This alt boas pzoued in| ourtyme, : CBubo, a MHricke_oule, ts a byrde toll prough bnowen,tobiche ts cab led magis of the Chaldcts,an2 Hylo pusof the greckes, Cher be meruia. Loug bertues of (his foule,fo2 if the harte,and right fote of it,be put op: oa man (icapinge,he thal fap anon to the what focuer thou thalt afke of him. and this bath ben proued a late tyme of our bzethren. And pe anp man put this puder his arme hole, no Dogge wil barke at him, but Kepe filence, 41nd tf thefe thinges afoges fatd,topned to gether, toith a wpnge of it,be hanged bp toa tree, bpades totl gather to gether to that tree, @Hircus, the gote bucke,ts a beak OWN, te 1S called ofp chi,of $ grebeg Maffai 3 of tones: ‘FJEthe bloude of of it be fake Warne with vinager,and the Jupce of fenpt and fodzen together with a glatfe, 1 maketh the glate foftas Dotoe,and it nap be cafteagayntt a walle and net be baoken, And if the afogfapd confec tion be put ina betel, and the fatce of any man be anopnted with imer- wailous and hogrible thynges tal appeice,and it that feme to him that be mutt dye, And if the aforetain thinge be putin the fy2e,and ther be therany man that bath the falipng (pcbuies, by putting? to tye lode fone hefatleth anon to the grounde ag Dead, and if the toater of celes be gy- hen fo hint to dgpnbe,he Halve curen anon, Ccamelvs, the Camel, is a beatt Bowen bocll prough. Ze ts called of the Chalacts Ciboi,of the greckes Iphim, FE the blonde of tbe put in &, te Of the vertues offtones — PH lhpn of f beatt called Scellio,g theti] And (Fit be boundé to big Lette avitie {et on any mans head which ts ipkearhe mapgo tohether he will, and be ipfarde,haupnge on hts backe {pote Rasen fate both out perp, ana tes Ipke ftertcs,tt hail (ome that he] it be gypuen toa Dogge to cate, with ta Giant,and that bis head is th heal the heart of a tuefell, fro thens. forth ue, And this ts fai tn the bobe off he Gal not crpe outaithough he Mule Alchorath,ofMpercurp.And tf a lane) debe Billed, terne aneyntcd math the bloude of it] Cexperiolus,ts a beatt well pnough be Ipghtenned, itiat feme that ali] bnotoen,tEthe cloucof it be burned men Fandingeabout auc Camelles {and confoltdated, and be gyuen it heades,fo that ther be no outvoarde| meat toanp hozte,ie weil not cate fog itght of an other candell, the fpace of thae Dapes. And ifthe az €Lepus,the have, tsa beat well p-|forefapd thinge be put with a litte noughe Knowen, of the Chalders it/hirpentpine tt haibe clere,and ferda {8 called Vererel!#,and of the gree-] {pit albe made as a cloude, and es Onollofa.the verine of tt is the-|bloude, and ithe caftena litte tn, teedtobe meruatlons,foz Cuar and] water, an horvible thunder galbe ‘sit fatd that the fete of tt topned|made, fone 02 with the head of a] Leo, a lyon, is a beatte tell pno- owwfell moucth aman to Gath bowen , of tye Chalocis cate ines,fo that he feare not death, [ltd Balamus,ot the greckes Beruch, an Et gt were Of the vertues $ Chpn ofp beat called Stellioye thetif And i it be boundé to his lefte avinie fetonany mans heab which ts ipbeap he mapgo whether he will, and he Ipfarde,haupnge on his backe Cpote| tes ipke fterres,tt (bail fome that he (Sa gtant,and that biz head is th heal Ue. And this ts (aid tn the bobke of Alchorath, of p.And tfa lane terneaneynted is nthe bloude oft, be ipghtenned, tal tome that all; men Fandinge about haue Camelles heades,fo that ther be no outvoarde Light of an other candell, @Lepus,the hare, 3a beatt well p: noughe Knowen, of the Chaloeis tt 18 called Vererelld,and of the gree: &es Onollofathe berine of ttis the. teed tobe mernatlous for Cuar and Zaren fatd that the fete of tt topned ia ftone o2 wth the head of a blacke owiell moucth a man to Gat: Dineg,fo that be feare net Death, an HL returne fate botth out perpl. and tit be gpuen toa Dogge ta eate,wwith the heart of a tuefell, fro theng fost he thal not crpe outalthougy be thul- debe billed, Cexperiolus,tg a beatt well pnough bnowwen,tithe cloue of it be burned and confolidated, and be gpucn in meat toany hoxtesbe ott not eate fog the (pace of thas bapes. And ifthe ae fozefapd thinge be put teith a littel turpentpine tt Chaibe cleve,and fecda. Ipit halve maide as a cloude, and bloude, and tite cattena litte ta. water, an boriisle tyunder Galbe made, CLeo, a lyon, is @ beatte well pnoe Ugh Bnowwen , of the Chaldeis cal- led Balamus,ofthe queckes Beruch, Ett gt Of the vertues ‘Ff thonges of tether be made of the feynne othtmanda ma girded totth| thein,be Gai not feare is enemies, And any mau wil cate of the Heche] of bymand mil Bapnbe of bts water foz thee Bayes.te thal be cured from the fever quarteyne.and tanp parte Or HES eyes be put budera mang atin hole and bezne,all beattes thal] fi y bowing Downe ther heade tue Bealpes, rpays.ts a Fpohye toell p- Buowen ,of the chalaeis tt 1 called Daulaubur,of the grectans le: bor, thts fytheis of Diuerle nature, Af the tunge of tt be fabé,and be put woth a little of the harte of it tn toa tor fora {uerty frthes wilgather ther TAN it how topit brave it thp arme ole, no man Qalbe Hane bictozy ag the,thou Haug a ocutle & picatant tudge, Auguilla, aber of ftoness : CAuguilla,an ecte,itis a Fpthe take: tently bnovoen, The wertues of tt ate Euarand Aaron faye ,fo2 tf i dye fo2 fauite of inater, the harte vemanpag bolv,anditeonge bincger fo taken, and ft be mized to the Bloude af tye foule calied in Ix tone culcur,tobtehe Come callin Eng Iethea geppe.and fome aranyn, and be put Sider Sunge in any place,ther (hai ait hols mianp fo ener thet be,res touct tyce ipfe, as thet had befoge , Aad BE the mere of this cele be Dawen cut,and be put in the afoge- fayd confection the fpace of one wens eth the toogme thaibe channged in fo Abetp blacke cele, of tubiche tf any mnai Haleate,be hal aye, @ Muftela,the wocfell is a beat fat tently bowen, ifthe arte of fh beat be eaten pet quakpnge, tt ace Betha ma to uote thpnges to come E.itt, and on Of the vertues torte, and ifany dogge eate of ¢ barte voit the eyes and tunge of tt be Gyal fone inte his voice, Cyvpupa the laptopnibe o2 blacke pl ett a bp2d (udtccentip bnowen, ‘Che Chaldes tt ts called Boridic £2,0f the greebes ifn, the epes of i bozne, mabe aman grofle 02 Great} Gud te the eves of tt be bone befon| A mans breaftall bis encintes Ghalby Pactiped. And te thou thalt hane the bead of it in thy purte,thou cand not be dDeceaued, of anp merchaunt. This hath ben proved this Dap of our bye: thren, Cellicianus,thye pellicame,iga bin fufficiently bnomnen, itis called of the Chaldes Voleri,and of the greekes Iphalari, The vertue of tf ig merutai: Lous, FE ker ponge hyrdeg be billed andthepr hatte not bzoken, andit a patte of her bloud be taken and be buCwarme tn the mouth of b ponge bppdes anise encarta of ftones: irdes, they wil receaue fooneagaty . I treat ee at itbe hanged vp te ' the necke ofanye by2de,tt Oat fipe ab wapes butyl tt fal acad, And p right fote of it pnder an hotte thinge,atter thee monethes thalbe engendred quycke and Hel moue ét (cite of the humoureand heate tohiche the birne hath. 2nd werines tu the boke of al- chorath, and Piinius, Doth witnene this, (-Conaus, allen of fome a tauen, and vf ott) this foule ‘S acrowe, the Dertie of meruatlous, as oe and Jaron eeherte. If her egage fobden,and be putagapn tn tye nefte therauen goctl foone to the rexde fea ma certayne pleoher Alcoricus 02 Alodrius,ts buried, and Geth a toneboier mith He to her eqges, and the care Mt . eas thet ware before. Friv a seks matue.ous Ofthe vertues Meruatious thingeto five op fons Denegges, FEthts fone be puting tpnge and the leate of tye laureliteee put dnderit,and a man being boune Den tr chapned, 02 a Doze thutte, be touched ther with, ge that is boune Den Hal Coons be lowie3,and S door Ghalbe opened, and this ttone be putina mana mouthe, it gpucth to pm bnderkadinge ofal bwdes, The fone is of Fude,bycaute tis founde tn Jnde,after certapn wpte men,and fometpme tn the reve fea, Ft is of Dis Uerfe colours,and it maketha man to fozgeteal teathe,as webhaue fat Aboue tn the fame fone @Milaus,a byte 02 gletde is a birde fuifictently wnowen, of the Chaloeia itis called Byficus, of the Greekes Melos, JF the heau of tbe taben,and borne befo2e a mans breath ttgineth to bin louie and fauoure,of all meu; aud of ftones, and oorten, Jfitbe hanged to the heeke of an henue,(he ttl nener ceate to runne,vntyl it be put away, And ifa cockescombe be anopnted with the bloude of if,he wil not cvowe fro theng Toxthe, Ther ts a cevtaye tone founde in the buees of this bpade, iE ithe loved craftelpe, toyiche if ét be put in the meat of too enemies, tyep fhaloc made frendes,and there hale be made Serpe Good pease wmonge them, CT urtur,a tuetell is a byzde wel ps hough kuowen, itis calicd Mulon, ofthe Chalets, of the Grebes Pilax ‘Af the hart of thts foule, ve bogne in aboolucs fkytne, he that beareth tt, thal neuet haue an appetite to come mptté Lechery,fromthentefogth, ‘At the hacte of t¢ be burned, and be putaboue the eeges of anye foule, there can neuce pouge bygdes be ene : gene Of the yertues : of ftoncs, Sendzed of them from’ thentefortly. that decoction, maketh ablacke hogte And tf the fete of thistoule be hans | goyute, Gedto a tree,it hall not beare fruite CMerula,a blacke macke o2 otofell, from thenfe forth, And tf an hearpe 8a foule woell pnougyd bowen, and place,and an hozfe be anointed wit the bertue sfitis nieruavions, fog the bloude of tt,and with voater wher ithe ethers of tye vighte wpnge of M1 a molle was (onden, the blacke itbe hanged bp tn the mpbddes of au heaves will fail of, houte, tity an redde cafe, tabtche CTalpa,a molie,t9 a beatke well p: {was nener occupicd, no man albs hough bowen. The vertue of this able to {lepe tn that houle, vutpll it beatt ts meruatlous, as ttig cehear- be put atoape, Audit the arte of tt fed of saylofophers. FE the fote of be put bnder the yeade of a man (le itbe sapped in the leate ofa Lan: pynge, and he be inquired, he topll telltree, and be put tn the mouth of faye all that he hath Doone, with an an horle, he wyll flee fo2 feare, And bye bopee, : {itt be put in the nette of anpe foule, C_The manev of dopnge all thele zy theve Hail neuce come forth yonge betoze(apde thinges, that the effecte «pw byzdes of thefe egges. And iE thon maye be good and profitable, is that ”*” iuilte Depue awaye molles, putte if it be Doone buder a fauourable pla- ‘i a potte , and quycke b2pmttone het,as Jupiter and Venus,and this Kyadled, all the other molles alt ig tu thet Dayes and houres. Jf any Gomme together there, And the tater, man therfore, will Do thete thtuges of | ' truiebp,wwttye r of ftones; Of the vertues | althes ofa geeate frogge.boeneat foithout Doubt he att fonde truth; and very great effecte, 2 Dertue, in the before fapde thinges, ag Shane proued, and fene oftentpmes toges ther.tutth our baethzen in oure tyme, Therefore let bin contiper bere,wht che Hall Epnde plentic of the befose; fayde thinges , that be pofletieth a Logdethip, and bertues, Forti tzep be Done tn thetr a Good effete ina maltctoute fygue,bfy ber= tue and effecte, houide be letten fox bis contrarye, and fo Sood and true thynges doulde be Dufpt(ed, We tee bety many tobe Decetued,tn ture and ttue thonges, whiche iF they badde bowen, ans kepte the qualtttes of frgnes 02 times, they thouloe hane obtepned thet weil ang effecte, tn the afozefapde thynges, Clog femeth to faye, that the “Alhes reatlp InAs Gyedle,vetrapneth gi 4 ee omeane of a Domans nat rgation. : can nt a boobation, vf i oe an i fo an Hennes uecke, (here a foatty no blonde of her, 2 of an theatie, : cate wit be tempered wvith ree and the head o2 an other place be a noputed ith it, Yoare votl Ho mog egher, cat an man beave a Dogges parte on his lefte (pde,all the Dogges 7 holde ther peace and not barke im il bynde the right PSfany man wil bynde the ¢ Ca rrantwalte on bis tygbt he neither men noz Dogges may Hu bym, he Chere are ended foine fecrete, Albertus Magntis of mee natures, bertues, and effectes of certayne herbes, tones and beates, and here foz Loweth ti what houre suerp planet bath pts Dominton, CAnd that alithinges whicke hat ben apd vefoze, and alto thathe ay aftcrmay be applied moze eafelp to the effects of thew Defire,which bane hot cunnynge of the ferres, Fpatte thou Galt note,that an houre is take twotnapes, that tg.cquall, and bongs : tongs cons fider he tyme tn thetbich the fonne Gaudeth brpon ws balfe Sebcre,ank thep call tt the Dap,oz the beg eae of ftones, botue of the Daye, and by the rontta- tpe the nyght, Chep Diuivde that tine tobiche thep call the Day,in.rt,cqual. pattes, wbiche be the houres of the , fame Daye, and nohat focucr is fayde of the daye, thon mute bnderftande contrap wople of the upght. and that thou maid pndeeftande moze clerelp, let bs put the cafe, that the fonne coz meth out from his halée (phere, at Diit.of tive Dpall,voc haue bnto the go page Doune of the fonne.rbii,joures. of the Dpall, whiche hoe mape multy= pipe there bele, minutes of enerp houve,of the Dpali,and we hal hatte npne hundzeth,and three (cooze minutes, whiche toe maye Denpde by ritag ther be.rit.youres of the Daye, applying to enerp hourbis postion, tue ane dere mints an hour. Ther- fore euerp hour of a dape hall haue Ince min,wwhicy cakcontepne tour and Of the vertues “aiid one thieae of an houre of the di: HLLAnd inal that tyne the dominion of the planct ofthat houre thalbe cae « fidered, as the table bencth maiten thal thee. Cucrp houre of hig opght Qalnot haue but ri ininutes,whiche thou halt puderfande like wtle of others, accosdinge to the tifinge of the fonne vpon the ground, byeaute that houre whiche ts tn the mypbdeg bettwene nyght and day, wobtehe is falied the Daunynge of the Dape ts Hot called the Day,but the Dap tz pro- prelp Duderfhande, whan the fonne may be fene, : Therfore thou twillinge to confiaer the Domtnton of cucey planete, fo2 tn euery houre,cucrp planet hath hig do Minton, thou shalt confider the gous tes them (cifes after tye way aboue boriten,and fo thon may come to the enide of thy purpofe, Ziv sye begyn= npnge of Beaftes, hynge of the dape is confidered from one ofthe clocke of the Day, gopng before after noone, Soletthe fondap be Diutded in to foo equal partes, adn itis of ri uores,Dinide itin to two, then the halfe Day thaibe rvitf, and the fpatt houre folowinge thalbe the begynnynge of monday, CMhertoze, thou Catt conttder that Hondaye yath his (pgue vader the Sonne, Monday hath his ligne ouver the ‘MDone, Cuetbap bath bis figne- onder mars: twednptday hath his figne bnder Meveurins, : eburtoay hath bis ligne buder, Ju. piter, Friday hath bis ligne onder Wenns saturday hath pia Cigne onder Sa Citistobe noted that eueyp true rath noted that ew t C3 tis tobe , fae Of the vertues sete mutt be Done onder his planete, Bnd ét to better itt. be Done i the Propze day of that planete,and in bid obone propre youre, as foran exam pie bnder (aturnns lyfe, bupldinge, doce trpnemutation, Dnder iupiter, honour, thinge dettred, viches, apparsl, Onder mars, warre,peifon,materines np enemp, bunee the fonne,bope, lucre,foztune, peyre, bnder Venus, frende, og Eelowothip, woap,loucr,! Graunger, onder Mercury loffe dette,feare, Dunder the moone, palaite, dreame, merehaundife,thette, COF the houres of the dapes aud nyghtes, nd featt of the houres of fonday, i This firft houre the fonne, in the fecande ‘of Beaftes; fecoiibe venus, tn the chirde SBercus tind,tn the fourth the moone, inthe fyfte Spaturnus, th the bitabicer,tts the, bi..mars,in the butt, the. fonne, it therte bentig,in ther. Mpercurius, tir abe mooie, tn the, rit. Satur eout tn the fied houre of (he nyght iapiter, in the feconde mars, in the thirde the fonne,n the fourth benns, tn the fifte Mcreuring, in, the. mmonne,tn the. bit, Saturnus, tn the bitt.Z upiter, in the te there the fonne tn the rtarcuus,tn the,pit,. QDercurius, Gu the fiet boure of tondap the Moone, in the feccude Satirnns, te the thirde Jupiter, ts the fourth Mars,tn tie fpfte the forne, tn the, dLGenus,ie the.bil, Deveuting, in the. ditt. the moone, ta the. ip. Soatue nus, in nS uptter,ia the, pi mars, in the,vil,the fonne, wut of the vertues CBut inthe fick houre of Monday? 6 night Genus, in the (econde der curiug,wn the thirde the moone,in the fourth Saturnus,tn the fifte Fupts ter,in the, bt. QPare, mi the, bu. the Sonue,tn the, bi. Uenus, tr the, t.OPcreuriug,in the.r.the moone,in ther. Saturnus,tn the.rt.J wpitec, Cn the fir houre cf Cueldape, Mars,tn the feconde the Sonne, in the thrad Cienus, in the fourth pee curtus, tu the fifte the SPone,in the DL Saturnus inthe. va. Jupiter, th the. ou. aPars,in the,ir.the Sunne, in thet, Goerius, tn the,rt Qercuris us tathe.cttthe one, € But of Tueisayes nyghte, inthe fy2te houre Spaturaus, tn the fecba Jupiter, tn the thpade OPare, tthe tourth the Sonne, in the fpfte, Wes nug,th the vi.Ddercurius,in the. bi, the done, in the vit, Saturnug, to the | of Beaftes,,in ther. abate, tn the ri,the Sonne, in tyerti.vienus, CH the wednecfoaye, in his. fpatte youre Mercurivs, in the (evonde the Pont, inthe thirde Saturnugs, tr the fourth, Fupiter.tu the. b, Ware, inthe.bithe Sonne, inthe, Wee ug, in the biiL,dpercurins,ta ther, the Mone, tn ther. Spatucnus,in the f.Juptter,in the ci,Pars. CButon Wednetdaye at npghte, tn the firt hourethe Sonne, in the fez conde Wenug, tn the. tit, Wercurius, inthe fourth, de mosne, tu the iptte SHaturnsg,to theo. Juprter, rn the bi, arg, in the biy.the mone,in the ie.tienus, th the, 2. Mevcutius; tr therLp Mone in thectiSpatuenus COn Thurtaaye tn the firtte youre Fupiter,tn the feconbe Wars, mn the Hi,the Connie, ite thet the HAWereuring,tn thew. the Aoone, we tit, i] Of the marueiles tthe bit. caturnus;in the. bit Supt: tet,in,in the.r,f fonne, th,tn the. rit. Dercuri- . : us, : Sut on thureap night in the firk houre themoone in the feconde Sa- turnus,tn the.tit., Juptter,tn pfourth Barz, ta the fit the Coune, inthe, DI Tents, tn the.vit. APereuriug, tt the.btit.tye moone, tn their. Soatue: HUS,inp.r.7 upiter, tn there. Marg, | Ga thert.the foune, oe On friday at one of the clecke we: ONS ALP ercurttsat.tis moone, BLL Saturnusyat.p.Z uptter,, thats at.dtt the Genus, ALUEDAPercurius;atr.the moone, at, Fupiters ESut on trivaresnypaht at-one of the clocke Pars, at.te. the fonneat, ti. Genus, at ttt, Berenrins;at. o the moone at, bi, Sat nn, ah Ww} | of Beaftes,; Bupiter, at, viii, Sars, at. ir, the Conne,at.r.tienus.atciazercurins, at.cii.the moone, 7 Contatunay at one of the clorke fathrnns atti, Jupiter, at. iLapars, ‘atdiit.the fonne, ato, Genus, ato, -QPercuring,at. vt. Luna, at bite tuenus atic. Zupiter.aty pars, at, ri.the Conne,at cit wenus. _ Suton Haturdayes nightat one ‘of the clocke GBercuwiug, at, ti the ‘moone, ati Datuenus, at Atitinpe ter,at.v. Pars. the, Hit Venus, at.vilt. Wercuring af ir, themoone,at¢. Gatuenugat rt Fue piter,atriicpars, : CAnd note chat tupiter and Venus be Goon, SHatnrnus and Spars evil, but the fone and the moore ina meane,and Mercurivs is Good pith Good and cuyll toith euget, oi e Of the marueifes CHere begynneth the booke of the metuaples of the wozlne, fet fogty bp Alber:us Magnus, Fister tt tore bnowen of Pdilofophers , that all indes of thinges,moue i nd inclpne tothensfelfe 7 becaulcan actiuc and tas Monable pertue is in them, wobiche they guyde,and moueatwelto them felues, as to others, as fire moueth tofite,an water to water, CAifo Avicenna fapa,whena thing Handeth longe in faite, tt ts falte,and tf anye thinge fande tna Gyabinge place,itis made tinking, And ifany thynge fandeth witha boide mane tS made it Gand boitha fear. full man, tt ts mane fearefull. 3d if a beatte companicty with men, itis mabe tractable, and familyar . no genes of the vvorlde Generally,itis bevefpen of them bp teafons, and dpuerte evpertences, that enerpe nature smoneth fo his bpnde,and their pevefienge ts kno- dwens in the fielte qualities, andipkes topfe in the feconde, and the fame thaunceth in the thyzde. And thereig aothynge in all bilpolitions, sobtche moneth to te felfe, accogdynge to his ‘whole powcr. And this was f rote, and the feccnde beaynnynge of the twoghes of fecretes; and tourne thou hot atvap the epes of thy mpnie, Cater that this wag grater in the mntndes of the philofopherg and thet founde the dé(pofition of naturail thinges.f og they buetve furely, that Greate colde is grafted in (ome, tr fome great boldenes,in fome greate topath,tu Cone greate feave, in Come batraynes (3 engendzed , tn fome feruentues of toue is engendzed , in Ofthe maruailes in forte ig Come other bertue tngens Dzed,epther after the whole. kpnde, &8 boldenes [and bicto2ry 1s natural toalpon,oz fecundum indiuiduum, AS boldencs isina harlote , not by mang kpnde,but per indiuidud there tame of this great merueples and fe tretes able tobe wrought. And they that bnderttode not that maruatlout nes,and howe that mpaht be, apd dif pyle and cate atoape all thinges, in tobiche the laboure and tuite of phic ofophers boas,voyole intent and lac our boas there omone pape tn there pofterttye that they myght by there tozitinge, make thinges,calicd Falte, tn greate eftimattor, ECFtis not fecrete and hide to-the people,that cuerpe Ipbe helpeth and firengtheth hts Ipbe,and loucth,mos | uetiand embzaceth tt, Aud philicte | ong have nove fapde, and wevitped that | of the vvorlde that , for there patte,and bane fapde that the leuer Helpetl fo the ipuer, and cuerp member belpeth his Ipke, And the tourners of one mettal tuto. another another called Alchimites bnowp by santett truth,yow like mature fecect Ipentereth,and reioycesh of his Ipke, Bndeucep (ctencehath nowwe berift ed that inhis like, And note thou thig Diligentipe , for geeate metuailous tworkes Galbe fene bpon this. : C Pow tt is verifped aud putin alt mens mpndes, that eucepe natural Bynde,and that eucepe partyeular o2 General natuce,hath natural amitye aud enemitpe fo fome other.And eve tpebpnde hath fone hozriblecncmp, | and Destropenge thinge to befearcy, Ipkewpfe Come tymge refopting,erce Dinalye, mabinge glad,audagretnge bp nature.8s the thepe duthe feare the wollte , and ft bnoboety not : onelye Of the maruailes onelp him aipue, but alfa dead, not onelp by (ight, but alfo bp tatte, and the have feareth the dogge, and the imoute the catte, and all toure foted beattes feare the Liow,and al flpeng bredes fipe the Egle, and al beattes feare man,and this ts graffed to eue- tp one by nature, and fome have this Secundum totam fpeciem, and Atal tpmes, but Come onelp Secuns dum indigiduum, and ata cettapne tpime, And tt tg the certifienge of al Philofophers, that. thet whiche hate other te ther infe, bate ther partes &ndall together after thet dpe. Fora fepune ofa dhepe ts confumed of the fapnne of the wolte. And a tpmbzcil, tabour, 02 drumflade, made of.the fbynne ofa wolfe cauteth wobich ts madeofa (hopes fepune, notte be hearde,and fois it in all others.aind note thou this fog a great las 7 ni of the vuorkle CAndit is manifette toal men, that aman ts the ende of naturali tyne Ges,and that all naturall thinges are by bun, and be onercometh alt thine G28. And natural thinges have naz tural obentence graffed in them to man,and thatman ig full ofall mers nation(nes,fo that tn bpm are alled< Ditions, that is, mpftemperaunce ta heate and colde, temperate in cues tye thinge thatit ill, and in bpm be the berfues of all thpnge, and all fecveteartes tworketh in mang bobp itfelfe,and enery meruagons thinge comethe fozthe of him, but a man hath not al there things at one tyme, but in Dinette fpmes and in Diuerfis indiuiduis, and in him is founde the effecte ofall things. Chou thait note how muche ceafou may (ee and come prchende,and foto muche thou map protic bp the expertence,and fo bndce Mande that voli) ts agayne mars, Of the maruailes CThere ig no man but othe knot that cuery thinge 1s ful of marue= ioug operaticons.and thou bnowette hot whichis of greatet operation, tyl thou batt proucd tt , Buteuerye man Defpiieth the thing bobercof he knoweth nothing, and that bath Don No pleafure to him. Andeuccry thing bath of pate and colde,that ts proper to hiin,and fp2e ts not moze meruais lous than water,but they are Dinerte andafteran other maner and. peps pee is not mote meruailous than ben banc, but after an other fatcton, and he that belcueth that meruailoufnes of thinges cometh fré hote and colo, can not but fare that ther ts a thinge tobe meruatted tn every thing, feing that enery thinge hath of beate and colde that 13 connentent to tt. 2nd be that beleueth that merucloufnes of thinges bein terves,coftobiche all thinges of the vuorlde thinges take there meruatlougs and Hidde properties, maye bolwe that euerp thinge hath his proper fpguee celeftial agreinge to them,of tuhyche Allo cometh meruationfnes tn Wore bynge. soz every thyng Lohpche, bes gpnneth,begpnnethonder a determé nat atcendent ¢ celetial influence,e getteth a proper effecte, og bertne of fuffering, 02 boozing a meruatlous thinge. And he that beleucth that the Ineruatloufned of thinges cometh bé Amptye,sud encmitpe,as byeng and felipnge cannot be denped Co for to tomese thus butueclallp euery thig ts ful of meruatloug thinges , after cuery toaye of ferchinge the natures ofthem. And after that the philofo phers bicus this,thep begdte proue and faye tobat is in hinges, € plato fait in Libro tegiméti that he that tS not a experte te Logibe, of Of the maruailes fogike, of tobich the bnderftandinge ren redye, iyfteD bp, npmble oz light and (pedy: and-he that 8 cun: hpnge tn naturall (tence, tn nobiche Bre Declared metuatlous thinges, both hote and colde, and tn wobiche the properties of encry thinge th tt felfe be Ghewed. And which ts not cun hinge tn the (cence of aftrology.and tn the ftahtes and figures of Gerees, ofivhtcly ener one of them-whtche be high, bath a bertuc and pzopertic, tan not budertaude nog berifp all thinges wobtehe philofophers haue toriten, nozcan certify ail thinges hoiyiche Chall appere to mans fences, and he Hal go with yeupnede of mpnd,fo2 in thofe thinges tsmerues Loumies of al thtnges vobteh are fene, CX pure atroiogten belencth, that all meruatloutnes of thurges and that the root of experience,and of alt ihinges of the vuorlde thitges ‘wobiche be apparant tohad they be put to gether,toare from ace lettial figure ,whiche euery thinge Getteth in the hour of his bplling og Generation, And he hath verified it, ireverpe thinge that he hath proved he fpndeth that the concourte of thin Ges,ts accozdpnge to the courte of the ferves,And victogpe, Jove and heupnes,dependeth therof, and ig tudged by it, And therefore he coms inaunded all thinges: to be done te certapne Dayes;in cettapne houres, tncevtapne contictions, and fepera= ttons,in certapne alections,and ther Wwitte conlde not -attapne to all the bnotuledge of philofephers, GM greate parte of phtlofophers, aad-phplicions bath belened that al fimecuelousnes of ex periéce e mar- weples,came fta natural thiges,woha they be bzought tolight by yore ana By Gt, colag Of the maruailes tolde Bape and, morte, and they thee toed thefefoure qualityes , and put them tobethe rotes of ell meres loug thinges,and the mixtion of the fs required to eucry meruatious thi Ge, they verifped that tn there woge Bes ,Andiwhan they founde manye experiences cf phtlofophers , they mypgbt not berifpe thofe thinges “bp hote and colde but rather by his con trary. Gt cyauncetiy the to meruatle continualipe,and to be fozp ato. Deny that often tpmes, although they fe tt, LTijerefore Plaro fapde foza good eauie,that be wobyche tg not very con hypnge ts logibe,and twpte tn the ber: tues of natural thinges, ubenopte the alacctes of } derres,coatnot fe jicay fes of meruatlous thiges novknoue no2 pattycipate of the treafure fophers, mB F Buobve that enerprhing bath of the vurorlde : bath that tobpch is bis otone of And colde, of wahich it maketh me ther thinge effectual bp atetent, Dp. tectlpand inditectly,and it hath all his bertues of the ferres.ann the fp gure of bis genevation,wohich tt twogs beth in mogtalitye conftruetion, and Agreinge with other, And not wit fandyng every thing hath hig oe hatural bertues, by tobiche euetpe thinge is a beapenynge of a meruag lous effecte. Thevetoze feinge that Suery nature mouth to his ywne Ipke,tt maye be tmagined of the mee datlouties of effectes,to toogke cue: tythinge that thou toylt, and thoy Halt verifpe tt to al thinges tobpehe thou Gait heave, both of phitike,and all other natural (ences, aftera bpe uer(e nape of thy thought and toptte And F Gal thewe the manpfetilye, that b maptt belpe shp telfe « peeparé . the Ofthe maruailes theto receane thote thingesbohicHe F wil tell to the gathered androtlers fen of philofophers and Dinerfe'aticl entanthors ,Cherfor have thouthis thinge in thy mynde, that an bote thinge,as muche 93 itis bytt felfe, ‘belpetty in colde palttons, and ts an) etperience in them, and agreeth not tofote thinges, but bp accidente , of tndicectlp,thatwobiche ts by accident, fritip Deceane thee inthe fire quale: ties, for oftentpmesa bote things, healeth hot (pekeneties, that ts,bp ac civent o2 indirectly, ‘ CTherfore tf thou wilt hance erper, rience, Fyett tt becometh the to brow, of thinges , whither theibe Hote oy pelde, and note all that. 2nd after thou knowefte that, note tobat the difpotition and natural pzo} tied of tf whether sit boldenes Scarfulnete,o2poncttp cr barrapnety ofthe vuorldes foz-twhat nature cuerp thinge bath, he ig ithe to fuche in thele thiuges in twhiche ye ta alfoctate. As the Lion (8a beat pufcareful,and bh furalt boldenetle,chetftp ti 2 headeand harte. And thertog ye that tabetly tir pis Felommip the cpe og havte ofa Wtot,o2 the fepune whiche és betinene His thoo cies goeth bolde 8nd not fearefuland baingeth fearee fulnes to all beattes,aud generally ther (3. ina Lyon bertue to gyue bot Denes and magnanimitie, Lpke wife thabarlotte boldenes ig extermt: hate.And therfoze phtlofophers fay, any man put on a comon harlottes {mocke,o2 Love ti the glalle o2 bare {with htin,tn wbhiche the beboldeth her felfe, he goeth bolae and tne HH] feave full, Likelwilether iggecat bole beneflcina coke, info moche thet philofophers fap, that the Wion ts attonyed, Of the maruailes Afonyed tohan be feeth hy ahd therfore they faye, pEany man beare Any thingeof his, he geeth boldelpe And generally euery beatte tobpebe hath boldencde exterminate by nas ture o2 bp chaunce,Siexeo conftrue retur huiufmodi,tt gpucth to tt bolde Nes. Lykewple pt it be a barrapne beat, by nature ozby fome aectdent folowed to it,that it moucth fome to barraines. And therfee philofophers baue writen, that the mule, fox af: muche as he ts viterip barvayne of bis ptopertye, and whotceuer tt be, maketh men and toomen barrapne, iohar (ome parte of him ts fociate to women. Aud Ipkelopfe Doth be that toas bomne afore the natural tyme, And a geided m3, bpcaute barrapnes ts grated fal thefe,e thepare Iphe to Ama ithis, which Doth afforiate to biin (elfe thete tamard thiges,zpkee dyple thep vobycy tol moue loug;loke tohat of the vuorldes that beat loucth mott greatiye, ahd (pecially tn that youre tr tobictp tt is moft tired bp in Loue,bycaute there te than greater itrengigt ttt, mz uinge tolone, they takea parte of that beatte,tn bobpeh carnalappetite ts ftronger,as ave the harte, the to- nes,and the mother o2 mattice, C And byraule the fooatlovoe louetlh Qreatly,a3 philofophers lapth,there * foze they chole her sreatlp to five bp louc.€f Lykewple p Dour & pfparovs ace holden to be of this Kn, fpeciat Ipwobhanthep are Deipted tr loue, oz carnal appetite,fo2 tha they prouske € bring wi lLoucwoithout ceiiience, CLpbetople whan they wpt yt mau tobe ababdlar,oz of i 2 ache,thep put nysh to hpma of ADogRES tung o2 Harte,outboge they top! makea mai eloquent of dcitins ble,thetaffociate to hia nightingale: Fo (peak? oninerfaly, wyat focuer | Of the maruailes Seetue og naturall pzopertie,theiter Ul anp naturalthing after an ercefte! thet thoughteto mabeltbe to moue O2theline anp thing Difpofento that fainesfog thet bnowe Curely, that it Myght more helpe than hurte, tn fo hiuche ag tthath grafted init, of thee hature.And al bertue moueth to fue the as itis accosding to p powwerofit Bud Co mult thou ndertande tt to bein meruailoug thinges of tohich thouthalt heare.And this is fatd to tatroduce thy mpnde, aucther libri tegimenti, faith her be certapn thinges maniz : the fences,tn wobtche we knot + And certayne be manps reafé,tn wbtche we pereepne fenfum nec fenfationem, ye ftrit kynde of thinges: cleue no man,but erperiz ence, ind reafon ts to be prow Y 4 ofthe yuorlde | by experience, andecperiertee not to be Denped. And tn the feronDkynd of thinges Eelyng te not tobe Loken fo2, bycaufe it mapnot be feit,herfore tevtapne thinges mutt be belened by onelp expertence,wwithout reafon, fox thetbehwoefromimnen, | Certayneare tobe beleued by ones {p reafon, bycaute thei lacke: fenfes, for althoughe wwe Bnolwe nota manis felt reafon woherefoze the ng experience Sorh manifert tt fo, that no ie it, And like xg this I meruatloug,tobiche oneipers perience doth cectifp,fotjuida man {uppofe ti other thinges.. And he fuide not Denye anp imeruailoug thpng although be hath 10 teafon, butheought to pzoue bp experience, for the cafe of mernatious thir Kes ave hidde,and of fodtuerie a ¢ Of the marua les fes gotng befoze,that mans onder? Dinge after plato, maye not apzeben= be them. Cherfoze the lode fone dra_ toeth pron te tt,and acertapne other fone drawethglate.So meruatious thinges are declared of phitofophers tobe tn thinges bp erpertence,vohtche fo Man ought to Denpe, And thatis Not proued after the fathton of phts lofophers, whiche founde that, for the pytlofophcrstaith, thatthe palme 18 a tree audit hath the mate and the female,therfoze than the female ts Hygh the male thou feet that the fe- imate, botoe Downe to the male, and theleafe beaunches of ttare made fofte,and bowe Downe tothe male, CTherioze whan they fee that, they | bpade copes fro the male to the fe: male,Reddit ergo erecta, Super fee | ipfam quafiadepea fic Mafculo pet \ cOtinuationé fumis Vireuté mafculi, not of the vuorlde Rot withtanding many of the aus Gente aucthours, hath themed mera uatloufe thinges, recepued nowy of the common people, aud taken for a teuthe. Thertoze F that theine to the Certapne thinges,that thou mait Ges. blithe thy Inpude vpon them,and to Knowe tt foza cectapne teuthe woht- che reafon can not ftablity by feting, bycante the foslapde helpe in them, Aud therfore itis ,that the foune of meffiag fapde in the boke of the beaz ftes.Ffa woman great toith chitae,’ put on the apparell of a man, anda ian put tt on after, befoae he wathe iif he haue the Feuer quartapne, thot] Departe from bin, : CAnd tt ts fapde in the bowe of beac ftes, that the lpbarde fleeth the pape Upe membzes ofa man,andinan 92 ther place ttis fait fi Carneum pfan olde man be buried ita Done og cule het houte,oz be put whee aoues og culuge, oe OF the maruailes tuluersinhabyte 02 rette,there thep are multipited, buttl tt be ful of them And tn the boke De cyriaca ofga= lene itis fapde that the ferpent wht cye ts called regulus in Laren,a cobs Atrice in enalith,ts fome what Lohite ‘ppos whofe heade there be thee eas tes,and whan anpe man fecth them ye Dicthfone, And dohananpe mar ‘Szanye other lpuing thinge heareth His whittelpnge,be dpeth, Aud eucep bealte that eateth of tt beinge Deade, Dieth alfo. and ariftotel fayde,Lobere there is fommer bi, ADonethes and Ipkewopfe topnter, there 8a fond tn the vobtehe advers are founde,tohole property is,that they neuer fe thein {clueg but thepdye,but whan thep be Dead, they hurt not. And ariftorle put craftiy tn mynd of Bierander,that he chuldetabe a greate glade , and wwalke of the vuorld ‘walke toith it tovoarde thent,e bobats thep apd beholde them (eluca it the glatte,thep dped, This fapng Of Arif avy. toteltyas not beleved of fome men for Auicennafapde agapntte Arifto tel, pfanipe trian Dpd fee tt, he Dyed, twherfoge there ig no truthe th hts fpeache, And thep fapde,planye man oulde take of the mylke of a toos man, gpuinge foube to her otone. Dou ‘aghter of tino pere olde, and let it be put ina glaten bellel,oz hanged ‘bp ‘tra Doue ozculuce houte babere thep Goe tr andfogth,doues worl abpde & ‘be multiplped there, pntyl they be tt munerable, And they fapd,rohats the mouthe ofa deate man i¢put bpow ‘him vohiche complayneth of his bea Aye. his bealpe ig healed. a3 CAvd Plec Adee fayd, whi any hig ig taken out of f naupl ofan infant, ’ | whiche niggie Of che Maruaifes ‘twhiche cometh forthe, if it be cufaud be put pnder the fone, ot a rpgne of (yluer oz golde, than the pattion o Gteife of the colike conieth not in any totfe to ym that beareth it, Bnd Galen taith, whan the leafeg of Sorell be caten,thep toute the bea ly. And wohan the fede of tis Dzone Ben, itlewleth the bealp, And it ig fatbe,that the rcote of Sorell bane ged dpon him that hath the fopne Pockes,tthelpeth hymn, Ind phiiofophers tay, whan tho tout thata beat retucne to his loads GPNG, ANopnt his forehead wth fepe Aguilla and it wil returns, CAandAaritotel laid w tye bobe of the beates,9f any man put bores ght war bpon the hoznes of acomew Salfe,{tsuil goo with bym bohcrioee uct he-toil without labour, And if ae UP Man Ancynte p bogie oF bp with are of the vuorld; 5 fare and oile,o2 pitche,the payne. of thew fete goeth amay,.. .. C Aud tEany thalt anopnte the tune Ges of oxen vith any talotve, thep nepther tatte nog eate meate,but thep Gal Bye fo2 Hungre,crcept te be wys ped atoay mntth falte and beneget, Cand it any man anopnte the nee ther partes of a cocke with opte, be neither will, tog mape treade an benne, : : CAndif thou, detive that.a-cocke frowwe not,anopnte his head and fore heade with ople. ra (Ft is (atd tn the bobe-of Archige ‘nis quando camilla , ofthe hare-1s hanged bpon him that fuffereth the foltbe,tt paoficerh hyms- -, 7 Cand Antorelfayd the emeraudes Goeth away from him, vobiche-fitteth bpon the (kynue ofa lporty 3) Bnd tthe dunge ofan yare-be bee Of the Maruailes Ken bnto poulder and tatte abgone bpon a place of emoresoz pilmereg, ‘than the pifmeres leaue' there place, ‘EPbilofophers fapde,pF the heade of agote be hanged bpon him bohich fuffereth finpne pockes,be is healea by it.F£ thou wilt that & booman be not biciate noz Defire men, take the p2iue member of a toolf, and the bea £es wohiche Do grome on the chebes ozeve bright of him,and the heares bobichede bnder his berde,and burn ttalLand gene tt to hein a dapncke toben the knoweth not,and the thal Defpre no otherman, Andthey fayd, pobana woman Detpzeth not her bul bande; then let er bulbande take Uttle of the tatowe of 2 bucke gote, met ene little and. great, and let Ht atiopnte bis puupye member tuith it,and Do the acte of generation She halloue byt aud.hal not do. i al ofthe vuorld_ Atte of generation. atterwarde’ topty anye; Be oat And they fapd that tohewthe trapt {8 popfoned,it cateth. the berbe tals Jed ozgannyp;and is healedand ther- foge they note. that the herbe tale Jed o2gannp,bath ipen buder poplon Alfo itis apd when the wetelis pop foned of a (erpent tteateth ceweand thep Buotve bp this ,that reve ik con tracye to the bemyne of ferpentes, Cand a monte put onder the pice bynge of feozprons, delpueretha ns bpraute the is contrarye and feareth not by, : CAnd philotophers have invented, that pfanpe noomtd tS bartayne, wha there ts putto her a thinge that maz Beth a woman barapne the kuomnan (8 not bavapne but fruretulanid con= tarp topte, Bl, Ana Of the maruailes, Bndit ie fapde that when, a (ponge ts catte tn Lopne mixed topth boater and after dratven fexthe and frap- ned and tozpnged,the water cometh forthxof it,and tie inpne. remapneth, pf it be not mired , nothinge cometh forthe, € Taberencis fayd,yf a ttone be ban ged bon a {ponge,on the mecke ofa chide notjyche cougheth with a bebe iment ozgreate cough, his coughe ts imitigated and rettraned. 2nd vohan ftig put on the beade ofan ale, 02 in to his fundement,{carabeus,that i, aflye with a blacke (helle,that beeas Deth tn cotwe thardes and 1s blacke, ealied a bytel,cuttetl bym and be tueneth ontylit be Deawwen from him CF tis lapde alto,that pf ange one bebounden tothe taplie of an atte, he top] not bape 02 rote, a _ ofthe yuorld, CI the heares of au atte be taken, tohpeheare nyghe his priupe meme bye and be gpuen toany man, beckon fn with any bynde of wpueina Ryn the he begyninetly anon to fart Like= topfe pfany man taketh the cages of pplmeres and beeaketh them,andcaz Heth them tate water,and geue then ‘0 any mai a 2 beyitke > Heceatrth not anon to farte, they Do ipkeny; iupth topne, a eae Cand tt ts fapne,yl thou wilt inake arpugesiarondeota feehe mpete tree,and put tt on thy ryt fpnger, itmitigateth, oz ectinetetly the anpos flume buder thearme Holes, Gu the doke of Aritorel i ig (apa that the toote of thpte henbane, boban tt is bor tpuge the col: bert. Aud wo ofthe maruniles, i toll bople 02 (ect, inightely toith- out fpre, : ss ETFt & (aid alfo in the bobe of her- ize whan lecbe fede ts taften bpor dincacr, the eigrencs of Covorenetle of it goeth auvay, 3 CBelbinus fapde,whan thou take the white of an egac,and alume aud Anopntelt a clothe boith tt,and wath: eft it of motth water of the (ea s being Drpe,ttletteth the fyze to burne, An other (aide, whan vende Av fenicum, and alume ace taben, and broken , and confected , 02 made with the iuyce of the berbe called houfipbe,aud the galle ofa bull, and & man anopnteth bis handes withit, and after taketh hote iron,tt burncth not them, Lisctopte ifther be taken Rx magne, and alume amend, and ronge bineacr,and great maloiwes : % - of the vuoride 62 holy hocke, if thou brape theits “ell together ant anopnte thy bane Des ther borth, fyze hurtech not ther Chan thou vette that thet vohtehe ‘betn a palatce,feme without heaves, take (mert bapinftone, natty odie; and Puttt ina lampe and mabe light ith itand put ttt the mpades of men, and thew halt fee a mevusilougs thinge, CAndBelbinus fatd agayne, he that hal put an herbe called purictan pp- on his bedde,Gal not fee deeame,nog pifton btterty, CAnd Brittetell faith, that Wares Awhat thet (nell the mows ofa tame pe put ovvf,the bzinge forth thete byee the, before tf be perlite, and ipke tuple this chaunceth to certagne too- met wotth his, CAritoreli fain, that if anp man cauteth by bis wptte a Came! to dow . the Of the marueiles atte of generation toith bis obone mother,pf he percepue té before , he - topl purfue the man ontyl be bylle hy, and pf be caute by his witte an hozfe to leape his otone mother and he buotoe tt before , be toll bel bym felfe and hpi that provobed hrm to that, CAnd philofophers taith, pf thou Diowne flyes tn the water, the feme Deade,and pf they be buried in althes they rpfe bp acayne. And wohan thou Drowieh Acmboz,tt dyeth and let tieaer be Dropped Bewne ipke Detwe spon it,itis quyckened , And whan thou bnepett the fire called a bptel ae ionge rofes,tt dpcth, pe thou burpe it in Dunge tt quyckereth, GLaind philotophers fade that oobt the feiyers of egies be put with the ferhers of ether foules,they burne € moztyfpe theim,fo2 as he oucrcemeth ~ | Of the wuorlde’ Anhig Ipfeatl byzdes and Hath-tate ouer thein;(o the fethers of egies are Beadelptoaifethers, =’ CAnd philofophers tay, vi i teynne ota Hhepe be putin any place pith > fepane of Adib, Ft gnavsetyand con {umeth it. andhe that putter cnt Clothe of the wolle ofa (hepe tbyehe Hatheaten Adib, teyynge ceateth Hot from yin, ontpt he put it of, And pf thouparkumne ar houte es Place with thelunges 02 ipghtes of An ale,thouciengelt it four every ferpent and fcoapion And of this phé lofophers knowe that it is good az Bapatt popfon, CTabariences taithe pf the tung of the lapwwpng 02 blacke plover be han Ged bpor a walle obliuionem reddit eum memorem et alienationes, (And it ts fapde in the bobke of Clee opatra FFs womnd have no Delectati on with Ofthe marueiles Soith her butbande, take-the. mars tober of a koolfe, of bie-lefte fote, and beareit, and the wtll-lone uo man but hynt. wn tt is fatd whan the lefe bippeczhaunche of a mate oftetche, iB taken and bopled, or {ethed mth ople, awd affer the: begyunpnge. oR Gtounde of heares. are. ancputes with tt,theigrewwe neucragapne,-~:: CArchicas,faidif the hare of 9 fere pent be taben wlan he inctly,and be baaged opona man: bemg (pclic..of the fever quartayne,it plucketh wt bt- ferlpatway, and the adders (hynne tohan tts trait pounded bpon. the ankle of a woman, tt bapfteth the byathe,butafter the byath, tt mut be temoued away anone. CT he tethe of ail ferpentes, whan thou pluckeft them iurthe by the toofes,as longeas the: ferpent lp- uetistE thet be hanged bpona ~ tcke ofthe vvorlde ofthe fever quartayn,thel tabe atwayy the fener quartayne from-bym, and é€ the ferpent be hanged Lpon a tothe abpnge, (t pofitetl, and tia terpent neete bith a woman with childe, he batugeth furtie her childe befoze tt be pertecte, And i i meete with her loben (he trauailety of childe, tthatte eth herbyztie, 7 Bvt : CAnd thet lay, hers totit take the tye-tothe of the bealt called: Crocodi Ins firlatpne,tn wightye a: Crocodile oltnf.the oppermoze palate of tye left fide of bis month.and hange tt onaman bepng ficke-ot the feuers, it healetl bpin,ana tye. feucrs wil not returne agapn to bpm. And thet have faid, that the ipon tg. afrayde of a tobptecocke , And agayne that he feaveth theipze. and he that 6 anopa teD witl the talowe ofthe tepnes of the Ofthe maruatles the falotoe of the repnes of the Lyon fearety not to goo amonge beattes, Aud all beaftes are afrayed of thelp- on.And hep anopnteth bis bodp sh hares dunge,twwolfes be aftapd offim et fiteritur arfenicum citrind, and ‘be mpred with mplse tfa fipe fall vp of ttit Diet not ee C Ft thou wilt tabe the right fote of A fuapll, and barge tt bpon the right fote ofa Difeated man bith thegoute, tt profiteth it:iphevopfe if thou bange bp the lefte fete of a (nail to thptefte fote difeated with the goute : Aid fo the bande of itis pzofitable to the hand and the fynger to the fynger, Aud ifa fyse be bendled befoge a mF that ig boften of grene tooobe.of fpggc trees, bis tones votil make a tropfe 02 boun{pnge, CAnditis (aidin the boke of hers imes,vohan both the ctep of p bere be & of the worlde boriden in ipnen cloth, ppon Siniftris adiutorium tyep put aboap the feuer quattapne Alnd ttt fayde tthe twol- fe fee a man and the man fee not bam the namts attonyped and feareth,and ts hoogfe, And therfore if any man beareth the epe of a wolfe, it beipethy to victory, to boldenes, banquyth: trige and feave of bis adnerfary, C¥nd tt ts aid, cyng be made of the tobite hotofes of an affe, and be P bath the fallpnge fickenes putterh tton, futeeth not $ fallpng tpchenes Aud they fapd, tohan thou tople that fipes come not nygh thy houte, thd put Condicim et oppium, in babi telpme, and after make thp houte hobtie wh it, thi flpes Hal is no wile enter, CMOhan thou wplte that thy wife og twenche thete to the all that che hath Doue, take the harte ofa Douce and Ofthe maruailes heade of a frogac,and dep then both And beape them dnto poutder, and Tape them bpon the bzeatt of her fe- Pinge,and the Hall there to the all that dye hath Done,but sohan the al twake,wipe tt atvape from ber beat, that tt be not ipfted bp, . Cand they faye,pfanye man put a Dtamonde bnbder the heade of a wo- man fleapinge,he manyfetteth , pf the be an aduoutrer,fo2 pfit be fo,the leapeth backe oute of the bed afrapd, and pf not the embzaccty her hulbad topth greate Love, CAnd they faye, that an ale Cepnne todan tt ts hanged vpon chylogen, tt letteth them to be aftapde, @Archicas fapth,yf the ware of the leite care of a Dogge be taken,andbe hanged bpon men fycke. tn the Fee ucts that come by courfe 02 frt- ts, of the vuorlde feg , itis berpe profptable,and (pez cyallpe to the feuer-quartapne, And philofophers faye, that fome - Bynde o2 fpngtlare:, tohyche never had (ychencile,is peofptable to cucry fickenes,and be that had neuce papn belpeth aud healeth aman from tt, ‘And tohan the boule is perfumed topth the lefte houfe of amute,fipes temapne not in tt, And p¢ the harte,epe,oz brapne of alaptopnge o2biack plouer , be bane ged Spon a mans necke, tt ts profpts ble agayntte forgetiuines, and- are peth mans ouderfiandpree, CIfa woman maye vot conceyue, fakean bartes Hoge turned into povlder,and letit be mired with & colues gal, icia woman keve ttabout “her,and let hee bo the acte of genes tation,aud Ge thal conccaue anon, : 4a ‘OF the maruailes CS grote and tpffe hear of a mares. tayll put bpon a Doze fuffercth not zauzalas,to enter, CThe tothe ofa fole oz colte of one yere old, put inp necke of a child maz Reth hig tethe to becede with oute pepne, CThe tothe of a mare put dpon the ‘gead ofa mat being madde, delines teth him anon from his furpe CFfa woman may ot concepue,let A mates myplée be geuen tober, not bnowinge,let her Do the acte of genes tatton tn that houre,aud he hai cons cepueanot, The houte of an Hore perfumed ina houte,dzpueth amay mpte, The fame chaunceth alfo by the boute ofa mule, That all the hote woater come fure the of a caldron Take 02 blache, that 18, erra francifca with pitehe, ratte it ~, of the vuorldé i€ in toater,c it ‘thal come forthe alt” That fpze may come fogthe of water, take the ell ofan egge, and put tn itquyche baymétone and Ipme, and hit the hole,and putit into voater itwilkendle, CHud it ts fatd, tf the herbe camphe re,be put bpon tater, itis hendled and burnech in the water i That thon may take byrtes twith thy handes,tabe any come very tell, Meped tn the deegges of topne aud in the inpee of hemlocke, nnd cate itto the bproes,cuerp bitde that fatter tx made Donken and lofeth her they fay ifanp man be asoyts ted with the mplbe ot an alle, all the fipefe of the boule wil gather to hpi, To wwpite letters 02 bylies whiche be 7 tho “Of-the maruailes hot reade but in the npght,take the Gal of a {nayle 02 mplbe of a foe, and put tt to the fy2e,oz voptly water ofa worme yupnge late, : CTE ye mynget together anany tohp tes offycnnes cgacs,a moueth after, thep are mave giaffe, and jarde ag a fone,and of this being after thig faffion ts mayde a fophitticall preci. ous ftone called Topafius, pf tt be contoyned befoze, wpth {afro og vedearthe. CL yhewple pfthe fome bobiche ix founde aboute the Gones ofa arte, 02 ho2le,o2 afte,betng wery,be mired toith topne,and that vopne be genen toany man to drpnebe,be Qalabhog topnie foz a OPoneth. : €And pfanp man thal haue, many cles ina topne velel,and thep be fut fered te dye in ttyiany man Dapnbe of tt, be Shalabhozre nayne foz a pere, and of the vuorlde find bp chaunce cuermoze, “ And it ig fapde,pEa rope be taken both wbpche a thete ts 02 hath ben banged vp with, and a Iptle chatte, bobiche a wobpalle Sopnde lpited yp in the apzc,and let them be put tn a potte, and-fet amonge other pottes, that potte thal becatie all the other pottes, Allo take thou a ipttic of the afoze fayde tope,and put it on the inftrus ment toith bobpehe the. bead te put tnthe onens,tohan he that Gulde put itin the ouen Chulde putitin, be that not beable to put tt tn, but- tf dal Teape out, : CThat ne tray leme without there heaves, C Take an adders tkynue and auri Pigmenrum,and geebe piteye of reu ponticum, ad the ware af nem bees, And the fat og greace of an alle and Boly breaks, OF thetitiaruaifés and breabe themalland pug them in #dul (ething potte ful of water, and make it te fete ata Cote free ,and after letit ware colde,and mabeata Per,and euctp man that thal fe lyght of it hal (eme headletfe, it CThat men map feme to bane the bifage 02 couutenaunce ofa degge, Take thefatte out of the care of a Dogae,anopute with tt a iytie netoe fpikput itin a netwe lampe of grene Glaffe,and putthe emp among men nd they that le the biiage ofa Dogge That men mape feme'te haue thee beadee, 7 ; Take of the heave ofa deade atte, and mabe a rope,and dere it, e take the marp of the pztneipal bone of bie Tight Houlderand mie tt with vire gins ware , and anoynte the coade, and putit vpon the thratholdes of the houie they that come into the ; houte of the vuorlde houte thal feme to hauc thze heanes, And thepthat be in Phoute wal (ane ales to them that enter in, CFithou wit that a manus heave ferme an affe heade, CTabe bp of the couering ofan atte and anopute the man on bts head, CFE thou wilt thata chicken, 02 o2 thee thinge leave in the dye, Take quycke fpluce and the pouls Ber of calamite,and put tt tn absttel of glaffe wel {potted,and put it with, Wa hote thinge. Foz feinge quycke fyluer ts hote, it moucth it (elfe and maketh it to Leape o2 Daunte, CHE thou wilt tce that other men cannot, Take of the gaile ofa male catte, and the fatte ofan heune ali twhite, and mire them together,and ancynt thp epes,and than Matt tee tt that others cet At, Of the maruailes others can not (ee, ~ CF thou wit vuberftande the voi ces uf birdes: CATociate with the two felomes in the.cebut,daye of october, and go tr toacettapne woode with Dogges ad to hunte, and carp home with the that beat whiche thou Chait fpnde firttand peepare it woith the arte of a fore,and thou thalt buderftande ae nonthe voice of birdes 02 beaftes. Hndiri thousoilt thatany other Ipbe wotfe budergarde,wypile hyn, and he Gai, wuderttande CFE thou wit Lloule bondes Co in to tye woode,and loke wher the pye hath hernett mith ber birdes fd whan thou aleve ther,clpmime bp the treeand bende about the hole OF ittoberfoeuce thou wtit. fez whan {he (eeth the, the aecth fora certapne perbe,wwbiche tye mil put te the bpne Dinge, ‘ of the vuorlde, inge,andit is broker anon, ath hag hevbe Fatteth to the grounde ite othe whieh Bhat thulde haue put e tree, Aid be how i take it ae [tithe nefte of. the lapiupnge o; blacke plouce ther tsa cettapne’ tee tobiche ts of dinerte colours, beareit mth the, and thou chalte be inaifis That a man may ve altoapes agg con ee man, rake of the toogme bohiche tyyne Cth in fonter,and gpnett to ut g bim ts ata man may confelte tohat the et path poms 7 aikea water frogge quycke, and take atwap hee tunge, ana puctit az Gapnetr tothe tater, and put that tunge bpona parte of tye Karte Fait, of Of the maruailes of the Homan Ceapinge , wohpehe whan the is albed, the thal fape the truce. a CFirhoutoilt put any man in feave tu tS Cleape, Dnt onder his head the fapnue oF anape. vie Fi thou wit take a molte., putin Jus Hole aa onpoue,oz a tebe o2 ople, and the wil come foone fourthe with * out trength, Rae CS ferpent goeth not npsh gariibke, anda Dogge tatteth not anp.thinge Deeped with gaclike, altvoughhe be rye, wa PerRUMpNgE by twhiche cuctye ran hal feme to other tyat be tn the houle,i the forme of clephantes aud reate hozies, : te a a {ptee wobiche ts called, Ale chacengi,and braze tt, mire tt. with B little vatte ofa Dolpyyn phe , and mabe » ofthevuoildes Fhe thevof graynes,agbe of pone citrow, After pertume fome of them dpowa fp2e of cowes dunge, wohpche is milket. And let not a place be in the houte,from vobpeie Grobe mape come forthe,but the pate,e {ct mplke be onder the earthe with wal which be itr theloagene thal feme az thep toare greate men in the tape of hogs fesandclephantes.anditis.a derpe. meruatlousthinge, Can other perfuning,whichshan thow makett,thou feck outvardelpe Stene menand menof many capes Aud. tnitnite mevuailes, tohiche are hot difeerned fo3 there multitude, (Take cimar,that is, bermilion ana theftone lazulus and Peneroyal. of the mountapnes.anad 'beate it allcto poulder and (ytte itive it toifly the fatte ofa Dolphin,horte og clephant, make Of the maruaifes stiabie grapnes oz comes after the fat ehton of rpfe, and Dave them tia thas Dewe,perfume tr ituohan thou tilt, and trdalbe Done,that is faid, 4.4 perfumpnge to teeth our (leape what thinge tg to come ofgood and eupll, Take the bloude of att alle congeled, and the tatte Lupi cerini,amd a fete fucenfe 02 gumine called foray and allo ftorar,and alfo fiyrar, gather tt all together bp equall weightes and let them be mired, and grapucs comnes be made therof, and let houfe be perfumed with them thar thou thalt (cc him inthy fleape, that Gal thewe to theall thynges. CA manee of mabinge a matche of a candeil, o2 candell toebe, vobiche toban thou thalt kendle,thou thalt feemen in what Sape foener thou = Take "of the vutorlde Take the eves of an thriche'oute, the eres ofa tpihe bobiche ts ealied Affuces,and the eves of afpthe whi- cheis called Libinitis, and the galie of wolfes,bzeabe them with thp han= Des and mize them together,and put them ina Sellell ofglaie,than than thoutvilt wavke if, take the fatte of any beaft thou boilt,that this maybe madez in the thape of ttmelte tt, and inte it perftteipiith that medispae, And anopnte the matche of candell twcke twhatfocuer thou voilte with tt, After kendle it tn the myddes of the houfe,and the mei (all feme te the thape of that bealtwhofe fatte thow Did take ; An other matche of a candell of A candell wee, that men may appere in the ape ofangelics, 3 Take Of the maruaifes CTakethe eyes ofa Epche and the eyes of ftloe,thatts, ofa beeaber of bones,and beeake them with thp ban Des and make them foite, and put themtna vetlell of glade.bit.vayes, Bfter put. fewe opie wi. them, and: Lighten ttin a grene lampe, and ‘put tt befoze men whiche be in the houte,: thep thal ee them (elfes tn the thape. afaungelics by the lyght of thefpze, Cn other matche ozweise of a cans Dell’, mabinge men to appearewwith a. black faces, . (Take a. blacke lampe, and poure: inttovle of the elder oz aver. tree, og quycbe fyluer,and poure in: that ople. 02 quyebe fplucta parte of the blond. of theusthat be in letting bionde,and put tn that blowde oile of the elder oz alder tree (fome fatth of the burs trez) 02 quycke fpluer, 7 a : > of the vuorlde CA neruatlonstampe tn bohiche Apperetha thinge of terrible quantt- tie,haupage tn the bande a rodde and and afvapeth a man, CTaksea grene froge,and tribe of the bead of it bpott-a grene clothe, mabe it voette wuiththe ople ofburteee oz elder free and putin the webe and Lighten it in tye grene lampe, than halt thoi (ee a blacke ma fanding, betinene whole handes ther Malbe & lame anda meruatlons thinge, CAuother webewhiche woban itis endled, and water is pourcd.on it, toareth frromge,and wha the oplets putin,tf ts put cut, 4 CTabe lyme oshiche water hath not touched ach putitwoith an weight,ce Quail to it of ware and the haife of t€ of the oile of bain @ Napta Citrina gotty equal Coit of bapmutoe, @ mabe & webs oF it, eDZop Downe like Dewe bpon Of the maruailes ‘Spon the water and it thalbe bend? ici,and Dzoppe Dovwne ople bpon it and it Haibe put out. CAn other webs whyehe tohan it is Kendled,al thinges feme tohite and of ftluer, : Take alizerde and cut awwape the tayle of it,and take that mbicye come meth out,foz it is ipbe quycke finer, Bfter tabe a webe aud make it wette toith ople,and put it ina newe lamp @ bendle tt,and the houle thal feme bapaht and white oz gilted tb ftiuer, 4% meruatlous operation ofa tam pe,whyche pf anpe man Galgelae, heccalcth nottofarte ontyl he tall i leaue it, CTabe the bloude ofa (rapt, dzpe tt bp tha linnen clothe and make of ita ioeke,and Ipghten tttn a lampe, geus tt toany man thou wilte,z fape Lighten this,be thai not ccate to farte patel of the vuorld, ‘Dutél he let tt Depart,¢ tt is a meruat Lous thinge, art CA weke whiche tuban tt istpghte- ned, women ceate not fo Daunfe and be glad, and to playe as they tare ‘made foz Greate tope, Take the bioude of an hare,ethe bloude of a certapne Coule wohpehe te Called folon,and ig Ipkea turtel Doue and ofthe bloude of the turtel male, equate to the haife of it, Chan put tir ta woeke,and lighten it in the mypd= Desi of the houle,in whpche are tpn= Gers and wenches, ea meruattous thinge thalbe pacued, CAt thou wilt make that lpcemape Appere runnyngeabzode ina Mans bedvde that he miape not Meape, than cafiz in his bedde the weight of one oz baife yuce of alcakengi,e pip thal take pilos afturis therof thaibe made abdocke, which whan tt is lightened, enery of the vuorld; ithe pittely mired, @ let bineger be Poured bps it let uhatfoeuer thing b polltbecontected totth tt,catte tt tu the tae, anopnte tt boith this anopntes ment,tt hal not be burned, € Ft thou wotit make a contrary,that is,anp image 02 sther thynge, and teban if ts putin the boater,tt 1s ben= Jed, and thou Galt drawe it out, it fhatbe put outoz quenched. Ofthe Maruailes eucry ficke man fecth other by the bee bemency of the ficknetle and mminy- Qinge oz ertenuation, ECM han thou wit that thou feme alt inflamed 02 fet on fpze from thy head bute thy fete and notbe bucte, Take white great matowes 02 hos ip hocke, mire them Luh the whtte of egacs,afteranopnte thy body with it,and let tt be buttl tthe D2tcd p,and : after anopnte the with alume,andaf | @ Taaelpie not quenched, ¢ nice tertwarde catte cn itfinallbzpmfone 7 tpercitely voteh ait. te ware and the beaten bnto pouldcr,fo2 the fyicis | cle oi Sefanum, and napta, that ts, taflamed on ttand burteth not, and | debite carte ana bepmétone, @ mabe tfthou make vpon the palme of thy | ofttanunage.twhan thou walt putit hande,then thait beableto holdethe | tn teater,the iyzc thalbe kendied, fyze without hurte Gi thou wir mabe that boha thou CF thou twit that athinge be cak- | speiteh thy handes bpon alampe the enin the fire and notburne, Light of itis puc out,ind boban thou Take one parte of glewe ofthe | Coick them upos tt lebendicd,and tt anequall quantitic tort of alume,tet | cealetl not to doe that. pa it Take Of the Maruailes Take a (pice whiche ts called fpuina after baap it,and atter make it boptly tater of camphere,and anopnte thy bandes with tt,after open them in uth of the Iampe.the ipght of it halbe put out,and clofe them,and itthalbe hendlicd agapne. CF thon weit tec a thinge deotoned 03 fe Depe in the water inthe npght, and that # that notbe moze hpdde to the than in the dap, and read bobes Ina darsenpabt, ECBnopte thy face vith the bloud of the reremoufe v2 backe and tt halbe Hone that Z faye. Ff thou wilt mabe fup thing white,perfume tt sith bai Gone, CFE thou wilt kyl foone a Cerpent, tabeas muche es thet toplt of an berbe called Rotunda Ariftologia, {metwwoste,oz eke Galpngale,and baaye tt weland take a frogge ofthe woore of the vuorld, fWoode 02 felde,and beeake it tell, and mice te with ariftologta,and put votth tt forme puke,and tzpte with tt iu paper o2 in any other thinge tebtcty thou louck better,and cafe tt to fer= pentes, CFE fhou wilt veare fye i thy hand, thatit may net hurte the, CTake tine deTolucd with hote wa ter of beanes and a tittle magrencuz lesand alpttte of great maloturs og Holy hocke,and mixe tf wocl voity it, After anoynte the palme of thy band doith ttand letit be Deped, put tn tt fyze,and it Chal net burt. Cbilotopyers tay that Cuche lyme burneth notin the foe, And glee of fythe faueth fromiyze,and pupica faunt aiume and the bloud of beat called falamandra,and the fineke of an ouen o2caldgcn. Therefore whan au anoyntement ts = of ali thele i, at ‘Of the maruailes, ozof certapne of them,the fyze hues teth not, The white of an egge, and Great malowes o2 holy horke,jaue dertuc th this matter, CA webe whiche whan it ig lpghtes ued tn the houfe,thou thait fee grene thinges flyeng as (paromes,and o- ther birdes, Take a newe clothe and put in tt the biapnes of a bizde,and the fethers of ber tapie,andlappe them in,e make wel of them,and puritina newe gtenelampe,bendle it in the boule heith the ople of the olpue ,and the thinges which (aibe mn the houte, (halbe made very Grene ,and it Gal hat grene and blacke foules re. CAithcuinte mase a cadel oz tebe tobe thabed, and walke whan it ts lightened, Cake the (hynne of a wwolfe,and Capnne of the vuorlde fhtnne of a Dogge,and make of hem bothawebcand benile tt turth the opie of olpue,¢ tt Ghaibe moued fone, CM ban thou wplt ipehtéa tanterne fo2 which he hal feare greative that feethe tt, Take newe white lpnnpne clothe, and mabe of it a tucke,and put tn the Hotoletonefie of if, a (apne of a fere Pente and groife falte,and fpl it beitly opie olpuc,and gpue tt to anpe man that thou wilt,as foone as be tall bendelit,he Gal tremble and feare greatelp, CA meruailous erpevienee tobpehe maketh men to go tnto the fpze with out hutte,og to beare fp2e 02 redde hotte pou tn thee bande with oute burte, C Take the tupce of bifmatua and § bobite ofan egge,and the feede of ar . Herbe called plillium glfo pulicaris herba Of the marucifes herba and beeake pnto poulder, and imabea confection, mire the tuyee ci radphhe with the white of the egge Auopate typ body oz hande botth this Confection,and let tt be Dated, and af: hoyne i agayneafter p, p mape Coffee botdelp p fpze oithout hurte, But pF hiotit that p thinge anoynted feme toburne,fcatter bpon it quycke bapmftone twel beaten into pouider, ud ttdhaifeme to ve burned,iwht 5 tie HhalbeRendled and it that hot hurt him. Ff thou halt blow the herbecalied colophonia greke pitehe beaten bery (mal bron the flame of the candcl which a ma holdeth tn his hande,itaugmenteth mecuailoutipe the fpze.and itfted wp the flame onto tie, That thou map beaz slet lyme be Diffoiucd totth yote water of beanes, aud put tyeretoa Uitte of redde carth of mil iz ua, of the vvorlde uaafter puttoa litdeareat males: oz help bocke soit which contopned 02 NiiceD to Gerher,anopnie f palme of thy hand, e let it Depe bp. fomap thou beare any fpze bubutte, EThou mail make burnynge wae tevafter this fatthion, (Take biacke, thicke, mpghty and olde moyne, and tr one quatte of it thou halt temper a lite quyebe lyme and bepmnttene beaten into poulder bevy Cinalland lecs of good wyne and common alte, white and groile, after thou (halt putit in a Gourde toell layed andDefuper pofito alem bico,thou Halt Deftilbucnynge boas ter which thou Chul kepe ina glate Thou may mabe a grebe fre after this fafcton CTake quycke beunttone, ices of. topne,farceceliam Picolam, forren faite , opie of, fone , and conunon : ole Ofthe maruaifes ton ople mabe then Ceeth tuel!,and any thinge be put init,ttis kendled tobether tt be tree 02 pron,and te not put out but by pitfe,vineger o2 fande, CFchou wit chat eucry thing eete to be mernateled , Lobe the fuffici- tient caufes of Doinge,and alfo of futferinge,fo2 if thoutoke both, thou Qyalt not meruatcic,foz thon thalt fee that theris (ogreat aptenes th one fuffictencic of another,that tt maketh thenot to meruatle, for tohan thou feel that colde water bendieth the fpzeand putteth it not out, ifthou Ghulde beholae the Domg caute, thou toolde meruaile alwares tobat war theeficient caufe convenient to this thinge,but than thou lokett to the matter of that effecte,that is, byeaute itis ipme and bzpintton whytche are berp mHlammable, fo a berye Iptle thinge flame:h them, thou feed ied ther of the yuorlde ther is nothing to be meruailed, Clibevoile itis a meruatle that a thiige ig burned by fire,wohan one of the caufes is beholden onely sue whan the nature of the {uferer,og wocakenes of the Docr is loked on, ther is no meruaile, CFE thou wilte make a carbunble floue oz a thing hyupng ir thenpght Take very many of the little beae ftes Hynyng bp upght. and put then beaten (rai in # bottell ot glade and Clofe tt,and burp it tn bete horles Dnnge,austetttiary eb bapes, after teatic then Gait dtitpil water of thé Per aiembicum, wubecye thou halt purina betil or egal, og glatte, Ht gyvch (oyreatclerenesie,that es mb titape veade AND wngite, * Of the maruailes the gall of the forct,and of a tunter Dogge, thei bury themin dunge, and Dill water out of them CMBabe fipeng fyze afterthigmanee Sake one ponnde of baymtts, tooo Pounde of coics of teillowe 02 wopthp dipoundes of tony falte, thete thze thinges muft be bzaped very mail, na marble fone, afterwarde thou mat put (cat thy pleature tna cote of paper, flyeng o2 makige thunder, CA Cote to fipe fouide be lage, fmal andfuli of that beft poutder, but a cote to make thader hulde be ozte, groffe and halfe full, CAnende of the teeretes of nature, fet forthe bp AlbertusMagnus, in latpn newly tanflated ty to Cuglpthhe aC Amyrineed at London tr Ar Poules chucheparde by Lyle 4) iyam Serves,

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